Another W in GA, History of Cussing, Attorney Benjamin Crump Interview, Pray for Dre. and more.

Published Jan 6, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is here to educate, stimulate and humiliate. Congratulations to Senator-elect Raphael Warnock from Georgia. Big Dog must break down a certain situation that involves America's favorite past time for curing depression and other well known ailments. The top civil rights attorney in the country stops by to discuss another bad ruling in Kenosha, WI along with how African Americans delivered for the Democratic Party. Two members of The Steve Harvey Nation called in and Uncle Steve touched on voting and vaccination. We have someone on the inside talking about the votes and the voice sounds very familiar. Steve offers a lesson on proper cussing to our boy Franklin and Nicki from Mississippi thanks all that voted. Prayers of healing are going out to Dr. Dre as he suffered a brain anuerysm yesterday. He is ok and will be home soon. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog shares with us how proud he is of the Georgia voter turnout.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million things and it's not good. Steve Hartley, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out the turnout, turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby, uh huh. I shall well, good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Varvey got a radio show. Man, Old man. Old Man symbolizes just one thing to me. Man, It's just a constant remind of exactly how good God has been to me over the years. And I'm thank him for it too, because I realize every day that I wake up that I would be nothing without him. That everything I am, that's any good in me, I owe to him. Now. Have I made some mistakes along the way? Yep, bunches, bunches and bunches. And will I continue to make mistakes along the way yep? Not as many, hopefully as I have in the past, because a lot of stuff I know better now. But you're still going to make mistakes now, you know, Hopefully I've limited the amount of intentional errors in my life. I've wiped quite a few of those out. But from time to time, because we're human, we're going to make a mistake every now and then. The trick what it is, y'all, it's not to let the devil deceive you into thinking that once you make that mistake that that's it. You can't do it. You're falling off the wagon. You can't reboard it. That's the biggest trick that he uses. He makes you think that if you keep stumbling, that you can't run the race. It kind of reminds me of a marathon runner. From time to time I watch him on TV, and you'll see some people who finish the race, you know, in a in a nice pace. You see people finish the race sprinting towards the finished line. But every now and then you'll watch a marathon and you'll see a runner and the runner is in really, really bad shape. The key is they finish the race. See, you don't get disqualified in the marathon because you stumble. You don't. They don't. They don't take your opportunity to finish the race because you keep falling. That's not the key. The key is finishing. And a lot of times what the devil does is he makes you think that because you keep stumbling, because you're swaying from side to side, that you know you out the race. Well that's not the case. And see and then this thing called life, let me help you understand something. Everybody falls, Nobody sprints to the tape in this one. Nobody just runs free and clear that as some people running faster than you, and all like this, and some people gonna get to the end before you. Let them go ahead. And when the end come, the end come. I ain't in the rush to get to the end, but in the race, though, when you're stumbling and you're falling, it's a part of it. No one gets through this race without stumbling and falling, swaying from side to side. So don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking that it's over. I try to be encouraging to people because I don't want people to get stuck on this thing, you know. And my walk is very different from a lot of people's walks. And then I know a lot of people who walking in faith the way I'm walking in faith. But my thing in the morning is just to remind those that is not a perfect walk man, that it's not something that's set up where you're gonna be skipping through life scott free without any pitfalls. You know, I keep saying it over and over and over again because, like I said, when I was in DC, my boy Hondo said this to me and it just kind of stuck with me that the road to construct, the road to successes always under construction. You have to figure and count on the setbacks and the pitfalls. But it's those people that that that that fight through will be the victors in the end. You cannot give up, man, Stop going somewhen sitting down every time something goes down. It's going to go down. It's a part of it. It's going to happen. It's going to occur that are going to be setbacks. If you go and sit down every time there's a setback, that's not how this works. It is designed that way. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. But success is just reserved for those who are willing to fight through, who refuse to settle for mediocrity, who wants something more. Now, don't get me wrong. Success is defined by each individual. So what I may consider to be successful. You may not consider that. You know what Bill Gates considers successful. I might not consider what Michael Jordan considers successful. I might not consider what you consider successful. Your boss might not consider You have to define what that is for yourself. It may not be monetary at all. You know, your level of success could be tied up in community service. It could be tied up in family. It could be tied up into church. Your level of success could be tied up into boys clubs. It could be any number of things. Whatever your level of success is, you have to determine what that is you and the best way to determine that is to get in touch with your maker, who created you, to find out what your mission and your purpose is so he can put you on track. I just had this conversation with my son and we were talking about getting on the path that God has set up for you. So many times times we find ourselves fighting through life because of so much uncertainty, because we have no idea where we're headed. It's like one of my own sayings that I have at my mentoring camp for boys is is that a boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. See if you don't have a map laid out in front of you of where you're going when you wake up every day. That pretty much explains the feeling of confusion, the laxadaisical attitude, the lack of purpose, to not understanding your mission because you don't have not gotten in touch with your creator to find out exactly what your path in life is. What are you supposed to be doing the moment you can identify that it is the moment that you get started waking up with purpose, with the sense of direction. When you kill the sense of I don't know what's next or what to do. Now, there's going to be some confusing moments no matter what happened, It's going to be some uncertainty, but at least you'll know where you're going. So if you're tied a waking up feeling loss, abandon confused, don't know what to do, don't know what you're supposed to be doing, refer back to your makeup. Because when He created you, he had a plan for you. When he created you, he had a path for you. Now we've made some decisions to get off of both of those, the mission and the path. But God can get you right back on track. Do that today, asking what you're supposed to be doing and listen. God has all the answers if you form the relationship. Okay, you're listening, Ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, voters, African Americans, latinos Asian Americans, Native Americans, White Americans. Yep. Today is a great day for democracy. Today. Some things that's going down, some things will be proven. A change is in the air. We are here, We are live witnessing history on several labels, on several levels. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We are here to educate, stimulate, human Milly eight. That's the eigger side of the show. Embarrassed, claim victory, be graceful at the same time, put it in your face. Yeah, all of this with a level of dignity and a level of assuredness, ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve Harvey. What a morning it is. Colin Pharrell, Good morning, Georgia. I don't know why Junior ain't on this damn zoom, but June, okay, let me press. Maybe it's one of my but let me go find this button over here because I need to tell Yeah, let me do that. I got it. Don't worry about it. You know this little this thing supposed to be fifteen for you, got open it. He's doing all that on the A. Yeah. Well, you know people need to know what I'm going through radio. I just set up man, and and and and and and and went with all of them. Anyway, Junior Morning, everybody, Morning Georgia. Ye, nephew, Tommy in that great getting up moment. Okay, are you on the zool? Now you ain't on the zoom. It'll be there in a minute. Take your time. I don't worry about I'm coming. Okay. I need everybody, need your all face, all hands on that. This is a great morning. Came down. Man, what a great day. I want to thank you all. I want to thank first of all the Morning show team for being uh diligent, for being purposeful, for keeping it in the forefronts of our programming, for voting, Carla, Shirley Monica behind the scenes making it happen Junior, Tommy, Jay Georgia. But I want to thank most of all the voters in the state of Georgia who have made a difference. I want to say congratulations to the Black Lives Matter movement, because this all started when young people rab that trombone up and started playing it. And if they don't think that black lives matter, now, trust me, y'all, I bet they do now. I bet they do. Now. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and the dawning of a new day. Yes, Lords, voting counts, baby, you're listening, all right. We have a lot to get to today, guys. First of all, we gotta say we've been saying it. Thank you Georgia. Thank you Georgia for showing up. Thank you so much. CNN is predicting that it's objecting that Reverend Raphael Warnock is Georgia's first black senator. Thank you, Lord Warnock beat Republican Kelly Leffler, and John Assoft has widened his lead over Dave Purdue. Votes who still being counted. Congress will get an update on the election results at one pm today, and we'll be watching the votes that are left counted and the last ones they've been counted again are in counties that are heavily populated by blacks and browns. Now our whites there, make no mistake about it. A lot of whites voted for Assoft and a lot of whites voted for Warnock. Warnock, and we do appreciate that. We appreciate the concerted effort. There is more hope for unity than it is for division. There is more hope for love than it is for hate. The only thing about hate is hate happens to be louder than love. And that's what's been prevailing force over the last four years. His hateful ass has been allowed to perpetrate his hate, bigotry and lies. The sad part about it is so many people believe the lies, know it's a lot, and just go along with it anyway. I understand. Then now some people who are just less and don't really know that these are lies. They just want to believe in the person they voted for. I understand that. But the politicians know better. And what I'm most proud of is black people have made a difference in Everybody knows it. CNN know it, Fox know it. Mitch mccomnell know it. Graham know it. The Republican Party know it. Kelly Leffler know it. David Produce know it, Warnock know it, Allsoft know it. Biden knows it. I want to send a special shout out on a special thank you. These are the people who am real. That sister from Spellman, Stacy Abrams, Queen Lord girl, what a bad girl she is. That other sister from Howard University, another tremendous sister, and that brother from Molehouse, Raphael Warna, the HBCUs. If you don't think that the HBCUs then showed up. They are here and to be accounted for. Black lives matter, our votes matter. And let me tell y'all something, man, if you don't think they're paying close attention right now, because but voter suppression, we're not having that no more. You ain't suppressing no more of our votes. I know you're gonna continue to try. I know that's been your trademark over the years. Voter suppression is real. But now you have awakened to sleep. Giant mar Luther King said, I may not get there with you, but we as a people will get to the mountain top. How ironic that a man from his church reverend is the first black senator in the state of Georgia. Home of Stone Mountain, home of the hill top of the clue. Klex Clink started, Oh man, you don't understand what's happening today. This is a great day for us. History is made on so many levels. Man, and this girl, this woman, this powerful sister, Stacy Abrams. She gets you can't say her name enough, that's right. And she's known on on a national platform. Right, everybody's saying anybody and and and and and all that racist commentary coming from the right and all that all. I'm so glad I had them adds this off TV A sicker, this radical laughed Raphael War Not God, America. It don't take that longer beat to say. Damn okay, no, no, really, listen to me. I'm telling they took it all out of contact. Listen to me. They took that all that contact. They don't even know what the man was talking about. Duty yea God, dude, America. That don't take that long to say. Plus, it's that cuss word is one word and it and it ain't God. Break it down. I'm a professional customer. I mean, I listen to me. I had to talk to a man one time after show. He said, I was really disappointed in you as a Christian. We're backstage signing off. I said what he said, you use the Lord's name in vain. That's a holder, man. What if you you ever heard me use Lawd's name. He said, you use it when you said GD, I said GD. He said god blake. I said, no, that ain't what I said. I said God. I never, I never, I never thought the word was god blake. Yeah, I've always thought it was got. That's how my daddy said to me. Got and then it ain't just damn it's damn it. Yeah, it's got, and it right after that, damn it. It's just a class now. Yeah. No, I'm trying. I'm trying to help y'all. See y'all, y'all young ass people don't know the history of customing, where it comes from. It. That's why when they bleeped out his god a bar, I went, what let's let's let's continue to celebrate. We all celebrating this. But I'm educating. Didn't didn't tell you at the top, don't tell me, I said, we are going to educate, stimulate. Then I said, humiliate. This is a part of the humiliation. I don't really care. Look, we've done our job. We don't went to the polls. I'm so proud of us. We went to the polls. Yes, we showed up. We don't. We don't shut this dope man, y'all don't. I'm telling y'all, you don't shook the world. Now. They don't know what to do. Black lives matter. The votes matter. When your vote starts taking people out of power, position, and money, they now have to take vote of suppression and start dealing with your policies and your issues, and they can no longer take our votes for granted. Thank you, Steve. Welcome on it, right, some of it all right? Run that brank back with the nephew coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump will be our special guests, um, all morning long. Of course, we're thanking the Georgia voters. Thank you so much, Georgia Reverend Raffael Warnock as Georgia's first black senator, and John ass Up has widened his lead over David Purdue. Votes are still being counted. Uh, and we'll keep you posted, of course. But right now the nephew you can hear him, is here to make us laugh. Would run that prank back? What's you guy for us? Now that's the break to tell me the quote doctor King said, we as a people get to what I may not get there with you, but we as the people's shall get to the promise, the promise, lad, not the mountain top. All right, my bad, Tommy correcting Offiah. I just I was going with mountain kind of attention. I wanted to get your heart was there? Yeah? Plus, you know if I was there with him writing the most famous speech, I probably with him went with mountaintop, and then the speech wouldn't have been as good. So you know that's why I wasn't mountaintop here. Now, that's why I wasn't in the room. Then, you know, keep your little comedy ass over there sowhere. I write speeches that last the rest of course of time. You speaking of comedy. Let's mask baby, mask cup. That's the prank. Let's go Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Vicky. Vicky, this is Malik. I'm calling from Wigs and More. I'm sorry, whatn't okay? You? You you order with us? What? What? What? What? What kind of order do you have? Yeah? I ordered Kiki Twist one B for backs, matter of fact, and they still haven't came. In. So that's why I think, can you calling me about No? I'm like I said, my name is Malik. You know I just started working in form I was in the last eight months. But the reason for calling you is that I noticed the last couple of times that you come here that you know your your mask is not on, you know, just hanging off your ear or your ten right, So I'm trying. I'm you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, you're not calling me about no mask. Baby's be coming about by my hair? Keep coming. I'm calling about to have Now when your hair come in, we will call you and let you know your hair is in. But right now you calling you no, no, no, you can't be calling me about my mask. Baby. If your mask is hanging off your ear, ars under your chin every time you come in here in this store. So I'm calling you. The doors it says it on the door have your mask on? On your mask? Ain't who hired you for that? You supposed to be at the register taking the money and saying thank you for coming. That's what you're supposed to be doing here. Because how are you getting my number? That's another fact I got your number here because we got it on file, because you you do your orders here, so I know that. Oh you got a small mouth too, I don't. I don't. I'm just saying, you know, I think it's stuff. You don't. I'm scowed me. I think it's bad. No, no, we on't. I weigh up there. Wait a minute, stop breezing my scale, Malie, we on I weigh up the baby. I hope you're just as mad as you are in person, because her mouth, don't it? No, who is that in the background? Who is that in the background. Don't worry about who's in the background, w about who's the frog? And I want my way up there because I just find out who this is calling me and worrying about my mask. My grand baby made this mask, baby, and it might be a little whipsided, but my little grand baby made this mask for her kk Okay, can she make a man fit your gut? That fit your face? Oh? Hell now? And I just got the pin. Oh you got me all the way stuff now I can I can't do what I want to do. You don't tell me, you don't call on me, and I'm trying to get the situations. N you can't win no man hanging off your face when you walk the mast. Don't you come w on now? Man? People this words when they won no no gonna change, no, no, no, no, no nothing. Who is that? Who is that? Back up? Who? Who is your mama? Who did got you disrespect him? Calling me calling I'm calling customers that they're wearing their mask the right way. That's because you don't call me because you ain't gonna have no job in the morning. Where's uh uh my mom? And them all on the man? Because I love the well they ain't hid you that. I'm the one calling making show people how they mask on one. So when you when you when you come in here from this point on, don't coming in with your man's hanging off the side of your converstrate to you, what's with the mask off? I'm coming here without the math owned and what about that? What you're not gonna be ma'am? You're not gonna be welcoming the door? Man. Bet I do, I bet I do, I bet, I bet I'm driving right now. I bet I'm talking right now. I bet I've been my call right now. I bet I'm almost I'm gonna see you. I bet you that I better, ma'am you coming here. Don't make no difference. I'm just selling you. When ellen me nothing, you're not telling me nothing, not telling me nothing to me, I'll tell you. I'll tell you what next time your grand baby make a man, tell her to make this right? No where a minute? Hold on, hold on, don't you suck grand baby. Let me tell you that's my only grand baby. And she mean word when you got me stup? God will go to pens behind. Huh, you're tired. You probably can't even have no kids. You low down, probably shot baby, ugly, big eye the frog d don't talk about my brad bay it's my head. But fact for you hear me. Whoo, lord, I don't got some baby nothing and she don't look for the house phone. Don't where about what he was? Want to ask? Who you are? You know what you're shown right? Matter of fact? Start what you're doing. Let's go say she got me stup? No, you know what you know? When you're ragging so black that needs change in his pocket? Krens killing behind this dummy. Don't you come on my matter of fact? Matter fact, I'm my most sail. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold hold on, I'm almost said, don't you leave that job. You better stay yours right there. You. I know you ugly too. I know you think you bad too. You calling me? Tell me about man and my grand baby? Oh him, that is my first grand baby. You know where car coming? Told me you was gonna act like this common common calling up. Ain't calming your cup. I got a coming, ain't call me call me. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harmy Morty and tell you cousin you had a cabbie lay coming down, not that grand baby. I'll be damn carming ran low down. She know her her old mine as a grand baby. Big hello you. You've been out to yell, trying to get to they have none. I'm ready to make the moves. Twenty twenty one. Carmen, Carmon, Carmen, that old one down. I love my cousin, you know I love their grand baby. And uncle Timmy. How you been doing? Baby? You gotta tell me this, baby. It's twenty twenty one. I want to say Happy New Year to you. Twenty twenty one. You gotta tell me this. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy New Year, guys, all right, tell a girl in the background, Tim and said hey hey. Toma said hey girl, Hey Tommy, we love you, baby uncle Tommy. Um, you were a little scared of hurt Tommy. Oh Man, stop playing by, stop breathing my style. Best one year? Okay, all right, you're the king. Keep your hair looking good, a baby girl. Ye always, Mitch McConnell. Listen, listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, We're gonna switch gears here and uh bring our good friend and attorney Ben Crump and he will be our special guests coming up at the top of the hour. You don't want to miss it. You're listening. Show all right, Happy New Year, We are here, special guests, Happy runoff. Yes, well we got a special guest. Everybody joining us now is well the trial lawyer of our times. I would have to say he's the most sought after rights attorney to date, and he's been on the front lines of some of the most notable cases of civil rights injustice, and he's joining us today. Everybody discussed another bad ruling in Kennosha, Wisconsin, whether the DA decided there would be no charges file against the cop that shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times in front of his children. Let's get to it. Please, Welcome to the show. Attorney Benjamin Crump, Good morning, everybody, Happy New Year despite the Jacob Blake ruling, because we are celebrating that African Americans have delivered for the Democratic Party. Come out of House, Senate and the White House. Yes, sir, yes, yes we did. You know, it's bad news, but it's you know, we're still making head weight here. So Attorney Crump that the Kenosha District Attorney Michael Gravely yesterday announced uh that his office wouldn't seek charges against Rustin Schefsky. I think that's his name, thirty one year old white Kenosha police officer who shot Blake in the back seven times. What how? How can they reach this conclusion, Steve. I'm so happy to get to talk to you and to Steve Harvey morning Shell about this just miscarriage of justice that we see with our own eyes. I mean, they've passed some ridiculous rulings in the past, but this may really take the cake when you consider the fact that they are trying to convince us that a young black man going away, running away trying to get away from the police with his back to the police. It's a threat to them when you just supposed a couple of days after they shot Jacob Blake Julian in the back seven times, Steve, a young white man Kyle Rittenhouse, shot three people, killing two of them, and then put an a soft weapon around his neck and walked towards the police, walked towards the National Guard, and they said that he was not a threat. So just just asternine and I know we'll break down the details Steve of Jacob Blake, but I just wanted to have the audience just suppose that they mind for a second of black man with no gun running away from you, you consider him a threat. A white man killing people walking towards you. You don't consider him a threat at all, even though he got the thought weapon, because he's white. Because he's white. So now I have two questions two points. First of all, I just want to ask the audience and people listening, and I know they're gonna see what I see. But it's amazing how the grand juries and the das never see the same footage we see. They see the same footage, but they don't see what we see. I'm that's stunning to me. Never gonna get past that. What, brother, do you know is evading the police to go to the car to get a knife, knowing the dude he evading got a gun. Let's just start there My second point, and this is a legal question, brother Benjamin. Yes, sir, I understand there were no charges against the police, but there were also no charges levity against Blake. Is that correct? Yes, no charges left against Blake. So now okay, stay right there with it. Here's my question. If the police ain't do nothing wrong and Blake don't have no charges and he didn't done nothing wrong, why he gets shot seven times in the back? See, if you got no charges against the man, what did you shoot the man for? That's helped me with that part. Yeah, now, Steve, that is a profound question you pose. So let's let's take both of those questions in order that you ask them. Number One, when you consider the fact that the DA said he's not going to charge the police because of self defense, well you then must establish that there was a requisite intent on behalf of Jacob Blake Junior to do something that would threaten the police officer. You see nowhere in that video that he launched at the police, that he parted a knife, that the police did anything to the police other than try to move away from him. And so if you're looking at that, Steve Harvey, you didn't have to say, have the police officer established that he's an intimate fear or threat of his life? And once you think about that element that they must prove you didn't say, hol On. If the police is saying that he was in fear of his life, then why is he following the person? All you have to do is step back, set up a perimeter, and he and his fellow officers can be out of harm's way. That's why I'm so afternine this defense that they say that shooting was justified because of self defense. So that's that's number one, Steve Harvey. Number two and I call your attorney, Steve Harvey for this one because you asked the quintessential question. If Jacob isn't charged, if the police isn't charged, then why is it legal and justifiable for them to shoot Jacob in the black seven times, paralyzing him in front of his three children who were five years old, six years old, and a crump hunger hang on one second, will be right back. Hang on, we gotta go to break right quick. Hang on, you're listening, Hi, everybody. Uh yeah, we're back and our special guests been holding Attorney Benjamin Crump. We've been discussing the the fact that the Kenosha Police Department has come back and with the no charges from the District Attorney Michael Gravity, no charges will be pressed against the white Kenosha officer, Rustin Keshley, thirty one years old, who shot Jacob blaken Back thirty seven times. Um. We we've also been trying to figure out on the break how Nesto is and uh as we move forward, we are trying. Don't worry about that. We're trying to figure out however that we'll get into that later. I'm sorry about that, Crump. It's just a really personal deep thing. Anyway, we're here with Benjamin Crump, my good friend, my frat brother, a man. On a personal note. I can't tell you how proud that Freddy is of you, brother, Just just proud of you man for the work you put in continuously. We're proud of uh. Stacy Abrams HBCU spellman queen who spearheaded has has done so much work in change in the face of this election, another h HBCU Kamala Harris the vice president, first black African American, and then another HBCU stellar performers, new Senator uh Raphael Warnock from Morehouse, were just his showing out. But anyway, man, hey, we've been talking about this, but there's another case too that you've been brought into. What is this Soho case? I don't know the lady's name, they calling him Soho Karen. This case right here is what teh walk us through. What happened with the cell phone in New York. I absolutely well, and Steve, you make us proud brother. I mean, if people don't know the conversations you and our have, how you mentor and teach me about making sure that black people continue to get Jeffice not only the courtrooms but economic justice. That's what Kamala Harrison I talk about all the time. We not only can Jeff say we want our people not to get caught up in the discriminatory criminal justice system, not get fossil accused, but we also want them to be able to achieve their American dream of life to Liberton, to pursuit of happiness. You show us how to do that every day. See, so I just have to say, Benjamin Crump, let's I appreciate Listen to me. We out of time because we on the radio show. You know, you know when you live, you got to go. Can you come back and discuss so whole caring with us this week? I will because she's gonna get arrested. Steve, and I need you to break down for accusing our kids. All right, cool, we'll take that. Next time we talk to you. We love you, Crump. Until we get back, we'll explain everything what's going on. Stay strong, brother y. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen. We want to take phone calls right here, okay eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, please call us and let us know what's on your mind. And while we're looking through the phones, we gotta say once again, thank you to the State of Georgia. Thank you, George, Georgia, Thank you Georgia. Sing it, Tommy, George, don't do that. Don't think it. Call, don't encourage him. Sing it, Tommy, hit it. No, he didn't again. Listen to him again Georgia. I was calling a person John, Yeah, I don't me hear you do it? Bowie? Oh that ain't that ain't my song, but just saying the song Georgia. Nice, Georgia, Like, can you want harmonize? Oh wait, Tommy don't know what harmony? Just take time, come on, come on, here we go. Go ahead, Georgia. No, say Tommy to harmonize. Because your harmonize you have to say another key, another note on Tommy. You do know Steve Harvey aka David Ruff. All right, let's let's go to line one and talk to Doug from Augusta, Georgia, Kentucky. Dug, Yes, sir, how you doing this morning? What's up man? What's on your mind? Doug? Man, I'll tell you this is one of the better mornings I've had in Augusta after being here for twenty years. I tell you, Steve, come on. I like to say one thing. I'm fifty eight years old, right, and the very first time I've ever voted was in November of last year, and I like to say, my vote does matter. That's gonna be my new Yes, my vote does matter. It does. This is a great, glorious morning that does and see he's an example. Doug is an example of what I've been trying to tell politician to people. When Donald Trump and the Republicans pose an argument, how can Joe Biden get more Black votes than President Obama, it is simply because more black people registered due to the efforts of people like Stacy Abrams. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna let y'all forget this sister man because of her efforts in the state of Georgia. But then across it they spearheaded a lot of movement to get more people registered. That's why and this man, fifty eight years old voted for the first time. Congratulations Doug. I'm proud of you. Man. It ain't ever too late to do the right thing. It ain't it's ever too late. Appreciate your man. All right, let's go to line too and talk to Anne Marie out of New Jersey and Marie. Oh my god, I love you guys, Oh my god. By scene, I love you. Yes, your mind. I madeira shot yesterday. I didn't want to take it, but I ended up taking it because I'm working the outcare field. I work in administration. Though my sister and her daughter he's a nurse, and my mom is visiting from Jamaica. She's with my sister and she's not really getting well right now, and I wanted to go over to New York to visit her. That's for the reason why I take it. Okay, took her vaccination. Okay. You know, I'm hearing a lot of people saying different things about this vaccination. I guess as an individual choice, m but please don't let fear, and I know that's hard to say, uh, guide your decisions. Look, this is a global pandemic. Something's happened here that's never happened before. And learn the facts, be educated, and make a decision from there. Don't don't go into something superstitious ass corner and and get sick ignorantly. Yeah, just off of ignorance. That's my suggestion. That's good advice. Marie did it, did it? Yeah? She was looking at herself and her sister. Yeah, all right, thank you. Coming up next to nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, subject I don't really click with his wife. Wait till you hear this letter. We'll get into that a little bit later. Yeah, but uh, right now, the nephew is here with today's spring phone call. What you got for us? Enough? Who are you clicking? I'm gonna drop. I'm gonna drop this pot luck on y'all. Pot luck? All right, pot luck? That sounds pretty nice and it does. Yeah, pot luck, let's go. Kay. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to fly helper. Excuse me what you say? I'm trying to reach the Heather. Heather? How are you okay? Listen? I got your number from from Lois. Look that's my mom. I'm my reef. Wait wait, Lowis, who's okay? Yes? Yes, yes, hi? How are you? I'm good? You you you? You? You was at at Mama Thans house on New Year's Day? Yes, yes, okay. When I got what I got there, you was gone. But what I'm what I'm calling about, it is you don't want made the black eyed peas? Right? I did you enjoy them? No? I enjoy them. That's why I'm calling. Let me say this here, let me say this, No, no, no, come at work. You can't talk to me like this, don't do that. Don't do that. Hey, whatever you gotta say, but please don't curse that me. Don't tell no no here, go to deal your my beans. Got my checked up and I didn't have to go down to the doctor get my stomach pump. I ain't got no damn insurance none. This. You know this, this, this didn't have me messed up for the last week number for the loaness to tell you exactly, you know how up your damn peas here? Okay, first ball, Okay, I told y'all as I'm at work, I'm around all these white people. I can't talk to you the way I want to talk to you. But let me just tell you this. Don't call me with the dumb First of all, it was a whole bunch of food there. How do you know how can you single out my damn beans that made you sit with all that got food there. You're not gonna blame me, Get the out of here, mama, Mama bean said you are the one to name the place you. I don't give us your mama being said it was all this food there, and you're gonna singing out my beans. Nobody else complained. You know what the day's date is okay, and not one other person called me about them beans, and by the as a matter of fact, other people were complimenting me. So for you to call me with the dumb all late and wrong, you're gonna blame me, Hi, because you need a doctor's appointment, you should have got Obamacare when it was available to you. And how you want to call me with no, no, no, no, no no, so you could tell what somebody you're trying to blame somebody else's food, Joe beans. So I'm gonna up and that's where and that's where it falls down to. And at the end of the day, your friends can know the hell I ain't what doctor bills you said you want having shurance, So how does the hell did you come back? And shan had to play out my pocket to get my stomach pumped? Okay, well taking care of if you play it out your pocket, that means the bill is clean, so you can get you gonna reimburse me, Well, no, I'm not going to reimburse you with okay. In fact, I got more beans for you since you got a problem with them. I got a whole bowl for you. Okay, how about because you foolished. So if it made you, that's good for you. Hey. Look look, I'm gonna tell you this here right now. Uh, the bills four hundred and seventy two dollars. I need four four hundred and seventy two dollars for your boys things. No right, no, no, no, you're not getting no money from me. And I need to go because I got work to do. I don't know what you got to do. Spend it all this time on to come fone and talk about something beings with all that food. So the rice didn't do it, the meat didn't do it. They had some mother gravy gravy always people up that didn't do it. You want to sing about my beans? Out of here? Don't be calling me with this dumb you know what? Now, Tommy, who gave me your number? Because I don't even know you. I do know your mom, A little mama Mama bean gave me your number. I called Mama Mama being passing out numbers. Well, I don't want to call Mamma Dean. And I'm gonna see if anybody else got sick, which I know they didn't because your ass is fullish, So I'm gonna call her. See if anybody got sick, how about we do it that way. And I don't know. I'm gonna call your mother. Okay, I'm gonna call miss Lois and see why her dad son is calling me on the phone, because this is something. I'm sick inside of this phone call. And nothing was wrong with my beans. If anything something wrong with you, and so take all access this, clear your ass out and keep it the movies. If you're gonna get off my doctor. Okay, okay, okay. They say they say Tommy had some problem with the beings through Huh. First of all, I don't even know no Tommy. I barely know your mom. I just know her by face. I don't even know her know her. So Tommy, you I'm calling Mamma Deane hint, got no bodiness getting my mother number to nobody. What you what you want me to tell Tommy? Then I just told you I don't know anybody named Tommy. So you can tell him whatever you want to tell him. And if you trying to gain other people who want to jump on your side, it's not going to happen because nobody complained about the being give me give me another names because Tommy wasn't there. I know just about everybody that was there. What nobody named Tommy there? Okay, okay, so you're gonna say, nephew, nephew Tommy wasn't then? What nephew tom from Steve Harvey Martin Show. You are you crazy? Your covert me to breakfa czym at people walking by me looking at me. I'm about to get you crazy. Good. Oh man, you got me. You got me one to taste your black eyed peas good. Nobody can play. I'm sitting here like I know, you get these people fat. You aren't gonna get no money. Tell me this, tell me this is the baddest, the baddest radio show in the land. Oh but you know it, but you know it's Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh my god, this is great. Keep cooking your bean. You are all right? Thank you? Having New Year? All right, New Year? And next year I probably pop up in Mamma Dean house. Here. You are welcome to come. He's so many levels of that prank that I love, boy, starting with him at work stopping you know I'm here with the white folks, don't That's my favorite line. I'm sitting in here around all these white folks, I can't talk to you like I want to black people. Go that first, Hey, man, y'all you wanted sitting I'm sitting on all these white folks. I can't talk to you like I know what that means and that. But when she said first the blank of all, yah, yeah, t shirt they he was mine. Yeah, should have got Obamacare when it was my favorite, that was my favorite. You should have got Obamacare when it was y'all coming up. I ain't got no insurance. Ye should have got a Bamacare when Hey, if you want to catch me where I really got some sense, catch me on Friday night on Baby Ready to Love? You don't want to get said? That is nine pm, eight centsual, Ready to Love, last resort that, nephew, I got a little sense on there. I promise you I'm not gonna let you down. Come check me out on Friday night. Yes, surprisingly you do. Yeah that's a little bit. Oh, it's so good. We love it, We love it. Yeah, it's a little yeah. Yeah. You do your things in the couples and giving out relation. How to make my mama, make my mama proud. Yeah, you do a great job. My whole family loves that show. It's really good, Mama. I'm gonna sit down and and binge watch it really good. Yeah, you can fall in love. There's gonna be some people get on your nerve now. Yeah, I'm used to that though. The President Trump for years of his ass I can take somebody getting no money, so years of his athlesis, and I hope we don't have no drama today. Man, I really don't account vote Tommy. This is a meaningless gesture writing right, yes, they don't have enough people. This is to flex in front and to show that they Trump supporters dating the day with their boy Trumps going backfire on the Strawberry letter coming up next. I really didn't click with his wife. It's a subject. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. All right, one more time. We gotta say thank you Georgia, Thank you Georgia for getting out the voter. Warnock is Georgia's first black senator and Joan Astof is widening his lead over Dave. He's currently on CNN talking to voters right now. Alsoff is all right, I mean his lead is really widening. Man, it's like eight, It's like it's sixteen thousand now, Yeah, and he's got point four percent edge over Purdue. If you get to point five and above, you can't have a recount, and we still have votes in If we get to above point five, there's no recount in Georgia, so Produce can say what he want to say. And if it keep going like it's going, maybe above the point five number, and they're all have to deserve a couple of weeks off. They do, they did, do you know what we do. I'm just gonna be real with you, man, I think I can speak for the team. We're exhausted. We've been pushing hard all year long. I mean for the first time. I mean I'm used to working, but for the first time in radio. I didn't take any time off in twenty twenty because we were committed on this show to the COVID, to keeping our people informed about the COVID, face mask washing, the hands, social distancing, be careful, full, stay home. We did all of that and then the election. Yeah, we kept our voice on the radio from January all the way to November without a vacation. That's commitment. Yes, So you're damn right time out. Thank you to our audience. Everyone and listens to the Steve Harvey Morning Show every day. We appreciate you, and we're gonna switch gears here because it is time now for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, work, sex, dating, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. I love the subject. I really didn't click with his wife, Stephen Shirley. Yeah. I met a great guy on a dating website and we ended up getting really close and after a few months of dating, we got a place together. Four months later, I found out he is very happily married and he's having a baby, but not by his wife. After he came clean about everything, I jumped on him, and he did not lay a finger on me because he knew he was wrong. He stayed in the relationship with me and eventually introduced me to the girl that's having his son. I wasn't interested in being friendly to her, so he didn't force it. He was very eager for me to meet his wife, and I agreed to I'm older than he is, and I'm a bit old fashioned and like to do things the old school way, so I told him to invite his wife over to our place for dinner. I must admit that his wife is cool and really beautiful, but we didn't click right away. She spent the first night at our house and all of us slept together that night. We continued to mess around, and I was cool with sharing her husband, but things started going downhill fast. He started letting his wife use my car, and when I had extra money, he'd borrow it to do something nice for his wife. This is the craziest letter. I didn't really click with her, so I didn't appreciate him using my resources to help her. Then his wife lost her job during the lockdown, so he asked if she could stay with us for a while till she could move back to her mom's house. Now, now that she's there, it's like three's company and I'm taking care of him and his wife. I told him I didn't really care for her, and he's putting her needs over mine. I want to get out of this three way situation and have him all to myself. Do you think this can happen? Now? Please advise? Wait a minute, what okay? The facts quickly? You met him online, moved in with him after only a few months of dating. He's got a girlfriend who's pregnant. You're the girlfriend with the apartment and the money, obviously, and then he's got a wife who's obviously nuts or something. I don't know what's going on there, say that, because who does that? I mean, what wife do you know would would move in with her husband's girlfriend sleep in the same bed with them every single night. I'm I'm sure they're open marriages out there that where this happens, you know, for a freaky date night or something every now and then. But all of this, all the time, this living arrangement is crazy. And this guy, who is this guy? He's got these women acting like this, meeting each other, liking each other. I mean, is this Denzel? Is this injurious? Somebody tell me? Is this the new Black Bachelor? What it's going on? I don't know why you're doing all of this. You know you don't want to. You don't even get along with his wife. You're taking care of her too. I just say, stop letting them use you as their personal sex toy or sex slave. Whatever you are, get out of this relationship because you get nothing in return here nothing. What happens if his other girlfriend falls unhart times? Was she and the baby move in with you? Guys too? You will always have to share him. You'll never have him to yourself. He's not that kind of guy. Okay, I say, put everyone out of your house and just stop this madness. What is wrong with you? Steve? Uh your speechless? I don't I don't know where that starts crazy. This is the most frightening letter. I mean, I wasn't expecting this. It just can't. I need a bell tone to do my letter properly. I needed bill tone, and when I asked for it, I just want you to go ding. I need a bell tone, cat, or a buzzer sound and a buzzer or beat it anything. As soon as you get it, Cat, let me know this this letter, y'all, I want. First of all, I wan't apologize to the audience. Cast this too early in the year for this. Yeah, you know this is like, this is just way too early in the year, this type of letter where six you know, we've been dealing with the election and everything, and then we've been trying to get a vote. It's really just two damn much. When I come back, man, hell, I don't know after. I'll be back in twenty three minutes after the hour, Part two of your response, Part one. I don't really click with his wife. That's the subject. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's crazy, crazy strawberry letter. I didn't really click with his wife as a subject. Don't worry about this. This letter were shot. So let me just before we read this letter. I can't help nobody in this letter. I just saw for Shirley's reading. I've coached the clusion I can't help nobody in this Let him this letter right hill. As he goes on, it just goes from bad to worse to worse, sir, to worse us. This is horrible. So let us go. And this is how I see. Let everybody ready what they rolled on this letter. Asked my team to participate in this letter. Here we go. This is how I read this letter. Subject, I really don't click with his wife. Huh what? Here we go? This Steven Sherley. I met a great guy on a Dayton web site and we ended up getting really close, and after a few months of Dayton, we gotta place together. Huh what? What? Four months later I find out he's very happily married and he's having a baby, but not by his wife. Huh what? Uh? Huh? After he came clean about everything, I jumped on him, but he adn't lay a finger on me because he knew he was wrong. Huh Yeah. He stayed in the relationship with me, huh what what? And eventually introduced me to the girl that's having his son. Huh why. I wasn't interested in being friendly to her, so he didn't force it. He was very eager for me to meet his wife, and I agreed to huh what why what? I'm older than he is, and I'm a bit old fashioned and liked to do things the old school way, So I told him to invite his wife over to our place for dinner. Huh why. I must admit that his wife is cool and really beautiful. Huh what? But we didn't click right away? What? She spent the first night at our house huh what? And we all slept together at night. Huh what? What? What? What is happening? In his letter? Man, We continued to mess around and I was cool with her sharing her husband, but things started going down here fast. He started letting his wife use my car. Huh what? And when I had extra money, he barried to do something nice for his wife. What what? What? I ain't really click with her? What what? What? I ain't really click with her? So I didn't appreciate him using my resources to help hu? Hu what? What? Then? Then his wife lost her job during the lockdown? What? Huh? What? What? When she said lockdown? What does she refer? Oh? I thought they had all went to jail? What the letter crazy? I thought that all went to jail and doing lockdown, you know, lights out. I thought that, I'm sorry, that's what lost her job doing the lockdown? So he asked he so, he asked if she could stay with us for a while till she can move back to her mom's house. Huh what what? Now that she's there, it's like threes company and I'm taking care of him and his wife. Huh what? What? I told him I don't really care for her, and he putting her needs over mind? Huh what? What? What I want to get out of this three way situation and have him all to myself. What what what do you think that can happen? Please advise what this nutting? The nut is. We don't have no comment. We just wanted to read it back to you. Have a nice day of everybody and not that your life is wonderful. That's Steve. That's it Junior with Sports Talk coming up next. You're listening, all right, guys, Junior is here with Sports Talk. Junior. What you got? Yeah, the Heisman Trophy was handed out last night and it did not go to a quarterback. I know that first time. And since Desmond High was from Michigan wide receiver has won the Heisman Trophy, we haven't given a big shout out to devote smith Man. Yeah, road tied. Let's take a listen to his speech though. Tada, young kids out there, that's not the biggest, not the strongest. Just keep pushing because I'm not the biggest. I've been dout of a lot just because of my size. And really it just calms down to you put your mind to it, you can do it. No job's too big. If you put your mind to it, you can do it. And just keep believing in God and you'll get where you want to be. It is wo man, Yeah, the biggest, you got to be the fastest. I'm a big I'm a big fan of his. Now, Oh man, what else happening in sports? Oh, I'll tell you already know. Cleveland Browns is going to the playoffs. But y'all got some problems in the lock. Oh yeah, Well, your head coach Kevin Stefanski and additional members of his coaching staff and two players have tested positive for COVID nineteen and we'll be sitting out the AFC wild Card game COVID. Yeah time, Cleveland, Yeah we should we had. We lost all our WIBs the COVID protocol two weeks ago. Now we ain't got no damn coach. They we got that dumb ass young boy that was drag racing the other night in a little stupid as receiver, dumb man for out there. They dragged racing right photo playoffs where you drag racing clean that all that damn snow. You need to go coach from Steve. That's what you need to do. You know what this is happened to Cleveland? Like stuff like that, Like you have a celebration and then something else tragic happened like that. It's just always something Jo. We just can't have a Cleveland and everything. Yes, that's why they say if you can make it in Cleveland, you can make it anywhere. Because if if something fit to happen, you probably gonna happen in Cleveland, y'all will be playing Pittsburgh Sunday night. Man. I think y'all together, and you know, man, I'm just gonna say this. Man, I don't want nobody email in and all the here tweeting about what I'm about to say. I think, cause it's Cleveland down to just overlooked the COVID protocol and let the sick ass get on out there. Sick ass track wise not crazy, then I'm track We ain't worth eighteen years we've been in this play off day. Sick ass out there are about listen. Thank you, Junior. We guys to go coming up. At the top of the hour, your phone calls call us eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, you're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, Good morning to Steve. Once again, Thank you Georgia for showing up. We love you so much. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, and uh, you know, let's go to the phones. Let's talk to the people. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, Let's go to line one and talk to Franklin out of Philly. Hey, Franklin, Hey, how y'all doing, what's going on? What's on your mind? Brother? First and foremost, y'all, people know me as you call me Franklin, but people knew me as frank to Bartlin. What's up for long time? Ye? Yes, yes, I want to say happy New Year to y'all, um, and thank y'all for you know, giving a support to the people throughout the pandemic. I fell, I fell into a depression at the time, and um, having y'all as my morning routine kept me going and following y'all throughout the throughout the shutdown and everything. It helped me get through. And I want to thank y'all for that. That's good small business owner yea, yeah, making them good videos. Yeah, I know he can cut to good, good hands, hand cares about the Philadelphia community. And this is not medical or Frank de Barber. This could help your depression sometimes. Cussom cussing, man, Just try hard like I got, not too much well, you know, I such like combinations. You gotta put them together. You got to know how to put the words together, and it will help you with the depression. So next time you, oh, are you for real right now? Like like here's like doctor Steve, okay, like okay, I'm gonna give you an example, Frankly, Like whenever I started feeling down, I asked my self, Now that the cuss word at the end you feel in yourself. But it's a full letter and you put it in. And this is how I solve any time I'm having depression. Who the blank? What the and how come? Now? Okay, okay, that's new? Who? What? And how come? Now? Them three right there? Man helps with depression of frank Bob. Let's do that one more time. Hood the what the how? Come? Now? Them? Three? Right down? Dog? Thank you, Franklin, come love you boy. All right, thank you, Franklin. Let's go to line three and talk to Nikki out of Mississippi. All right, Oh lord, doctor zil what what what's her name? Nikki? I? Oh, you know we're in you never know he had you know, Gwendolin. What's on your mind? Nikki? I want to thank you all this morning. So much for courage, said everyone to get out and vote, even when it seems like we didn't have anything to vote for, even when it seems like every time we went out to vote our vote into account. I want to encourage you all for doing that, that we are some amazing people when we realize how much power we actually have. Wow, thank you very nice. The brothers said it in Detroit, the best we've gone from picking cotton to picking presidents. Yes, right, you have to understand what we've overcome and still overcoming, and for us to be where we are is absolutely attribute to our spirit as a people. And I just encourage us, man, to continue striving for greatness because we're gonna we're gonna get that. We're not there yet, but we're going to get that. We are an unstoppable for us. Our faith alone has gotten us through the unthinkable times. Listen to me, man, do you understand what really has happened to black people is really unthinkable? If you think about what all was done from start to now unthinkable? You're right, all right, Thank you for your phone calls. Yeah, we'll talk about doctor Dre and what he's going through when we come back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, prayer warriors, prayer warriors, we are talking to you. We need to send a prayer of healing out to doctor Dre. If you haven't heard by now, doctor Dre suffered a brain aneurysm yesterday. But then last night doctor Dre shared encouraging news. He posted a message and he thanked everyone for their love and support. He thanked the staff at Cedar, and he's announcing that he's doing good and he'll be home soon. So prayer works, prayer work. That is really really good to hear. That's a lesson, man. I normally don't hear good news like that. Yeah. Yeah. But then, according to tmz uh, some burglars apparently heard the story about doctor Dre being in the hospital, so they took that opportunity to go and burglarize his Pacific Palisades home around two am. Yeah, I mean it really. Security spott at them as they were casing the house. Before they could even get into the main structure, security confronted them quickly call the police. The men fled, but the cops arrived and almost immediately and Chase. It was four of them and they arrested them. So that is good good. I really hope he's really what he's supposed to be. You ain't got to worry. Take that off your papon. All right, we'll be back, we'll talk to We're going to talk to the poll workers right after this. You're listening to the stew all right, once again, congratulations to the state of Georgia. Thank you, thank you, Thank you so much for getting out to vote and showing up and just showing out at the polls. Um, you know you voted for our democracy. Reverend Raphael Warnock has been elected as George's first black senator. Who congratulations. John Ausof widens his lead over David Purdue. John Auso already declared victory. Actually, and now the poll workers, Uh, they have to get rest like everyone else. So they're gonna start counting again at about ten this morning. And I'll bet you they're tired. Yeah, they're tired. You know. I mean, they've been going at it. They've been criticized, you know, by the president for for the November third election, but um, you know they got to do their job. Call call a pol work. Oh, Okay, all right, this is Rabbit Paul Worker Hookain. Hello, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, what do y'all want? Listen? Oh? Did you but you? You? You say your name Robert, I'm Robert the Paul Worker. What do you want? Robert? What we're trying to get out here, man, is we're trying to get these results so we you know, we've I appreciate y'all. You know we've we've certified warned. We were trying to get the results for the Asso per Due election. I am not at the work yet, Steve. I'm on the hunter in the middle of traffic. Y'all gonna have to wait until I get to work. I don't why why are y'all worrying me? But y'all did this in November, calling me and me out every other day. I want to see what the school we had, what he did with? What we got? A bunch of military votes. Ain't got in here yet. What did y'all want? But sir, sir, sir, excuse me, we just I'm just look, I just got radio show. I got my listeners that won't they want to result it? What's taking so long? I understand what your listeners. Wan't what your listeners got to wait. Now, I gotta get these kids at school. I'm trying to get to eighty five. I got to get these kids cool. Then I get to work. When I get to work, don't call me worry me about that. We got about. We got a bunch of military. Let me let me make you feel better. Three fours of the military is black, Daddy is do the man got going then? And count I still got to count Steve. But y'all not gonna weary me every day about that. Then if that boy school called me, I'm gonna have to take a break and go din now. But y'all not gonna worry me with this. But I go with there and and celebrate with walnots and I get through what But sir, sir, we're not worrying you deep des are We we taxpaying people. We pay you you would we taxpayer, We pay your salary. I understand what you do. But when we're in the middle of COVID nineteen, it's a lockard. Do you have your man school? I don't need. I don't talk to nobody with no man's well, if on the phone or in person, I'm sorry now when I get through count now, will let y'all know intil the end. Bye, well, bye, Robert, thank you for your time. Coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour, it'll be our last break of the day. In some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this you're listening to show all right, guys, here we are, last break of the day, last break of the day, before we get out of here one more time. Congratulations to the state of Georgia. Yeah, so happy about this. Thank you, thank you, Thank you for voting. Thank you Georgia. You showed up, you voted for our democracy. Now we have our senator elect, Reverend Raphael Warnock, because he's been elected as George's first black senator. Congratulations to him. Yes, close behind. He has widened his lead over David Purdue. He's also already declared victory, so he's looking real good right now. Yeah, yeah, you know. But here's my closing remark today. You know, uh, listen, man, we have been talking for a solid year now about voting. We have been imploring, pleading, enlightening, sharing knowledge, giving out websites, showing up every day without missing a beat, encouraging, pleading. We've done everything. I could not be proud of our efforts to turn out to vote. I can now not be more prouder of the vote turnout. I was proud of the people who voted in the senatorial election and the runoff election that didn't even vote in the presidential election. It kept the message clear that we were clearly kept driving the message home, and it was reaching people. What has happened today is historical. A traditionally red state turned blue, and it turned blue for several reasons. First of all, Stacy Abrams, this sister, don't don't you all, don't please, don't don't short play what this woman did. Man, this woman is a bad sister. Man, This is a bad, bad sister right here. I'm not saying she did it single handily, but she spearheaded this thing and she got and motivated a sheer number of people that not only affected Georgia, they took that blue wave and used it across the country. And so this sister, and they know that they're talking about her, but I don't think they're talking about her enough. The next part of this is the black vote. Now, listen to me. You can't just have black people voting and make a president. You have to have white votes, you have to have brown votes, you have to have yellow, red votes. You have to have a rainbow of votes to become president of the United States. I understand that, and I do applaud everybody who took the time out to vote. Well, I'm just talking to black people right now and people of color because our vote has been taken for granted for so long, and we have been the recipient of vote of suppression for so long. Over the years, they've done everything to suppress our vote, made it more difficult, remove polling stations, made the requirements different, implemented new laws, change districts. They've done everything to us, Internet, bad publicity, false what you're calling poles and everything. They've done everything to suppress the vote. It didn't work this time. It did not work, and we showed up and we determined what was going to happen. A brother said it in Detroit. We've gone from picking cotton to picking presidents. We put this president in the White House, we put the vice president in the White House. If black people had not showed up and brown people in the numbers that they showed up in this election would be totally different. We'd be dealing with Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and every other person that don't give a damn about us. But you voted, and you change things. And as I said before, let me tell you something, Black lives matter more now than ever before. They can keep saying it if they want to. And we're gonna get to these police and we're gonna deal with police brutality and we're gonna get it. We're gonna get a handle on this. It's gonna take a minute, but we're gonna get a handle on this. But if you thought that this movement that the young people created this year doing COVID, that black lives matter was not important, one of them the most important movements I've seen sister civil rights movement in the sixties. I've been alive for both of them. I'm probably more proud of the movement today because it was so many young people. Now, civil rights movement was a lot of young people too. But you teach you, but you need young people to bring about change. And you young people, the basketball players, the artists, the college students, the workers, and all the factories that pushed and voted from the post office, to the Steel meals, to wherever you're from. Man, y'all made a difference. They don't want to admit even Trump don't want to admit their black lives matter when they matter now though, I bet they matter now. When you start costing people they position their power and their money, you have their undivided attention. Congratulations, Black Lives Matter has taken a giant leap forward. And don't you think that it ain't because y'all change the world today. Georgia, Atlanta, Savannah, Columbus, Augusta. All, y'all Brunswick, thank you from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Black. I bet black lives matter now. Yeah, we need seats foe and five, thank you, thank you. We need five for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.