An ex-girlfriend at The Royal Wedding. Shirley Strawberry shows why she is the baddest. Top 5 NBA Players. Closing Remarks and more.

Published May 22, 2018, 2:45 PM

The Duke of Sussex invites his ex-girlfriend to the wedding. Shirley Strawberry wins a Gracie Award, which proves why she is the baddest and I mean the baddest co-host in the land! Who is the GOAT and who are the Top 5 NBA players of all time according to the crew. Steve and J. Anthony Brown have a debate on who was poe. Find out which one could only afford one shoe. The Closing Remarks points out the importance of putting up a good fight and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on looking back to back down, giving the mother just like the rosen Buck bus things and it's cubs, y'all. Me good to Steve Horn guy listening to move to other for Stobarten, Honey, why don't you join? Yeah? Well by joining me, honey said, do go to turn Yeah, you run out. You gotta turn't to turn turnby, got to turn out to turn the y comey, come on your back at it. I shore will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. I said, come on now, dig me the one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, Now, I'm gonna be really honest with you this morning. I really don't know what to say. I really don't um. I was sitting here and I was thinking what do I say today. I do know that I want to be encouraging, uplifting and inspirational in some way to affect somebody today. Oftentimes, these conversations that I have in the mornings, they're designed with me because I I needed myself, y'all, to be honest with you. I mean, you know who who makes the comedian laugh, I used to say all the time. And even though what what we talk about in the morning is not a laughing matter, it kind of like is it's who I am today. You know, I need motivation in my life sometimes myself. I think when I get in moments like this, I often resort back to the same thing over and over and over. And when I find myself in in certain predicaments, I can always fall back on the same thing over and over. So while I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to say to you, the one thing that I did do this morning that I find to be very consistent in me is that I find myself grateful. I'm ever grateful for the things that God has done for me. I may not always know what to say, but I know how to say thank you, I do. I know how to remember and reflect back on where I come from. I know how to realize where all my blessings come from. I'm very very conscious of my journey that I've been on, the the one that was from then until now, that journey right there is it's been. It's been. It's been. Uh it's been difficult, man, it really really has. I ain't gonna lie to you, um me, becoming successful was very difficult. But as hard as this is to say, I really really mean this. I wouldn't change nothing about the trip I've been on, no one because I can't change anything about it. So I never lived my life and regret. But the main thing is was I discovered along the way now not doing the process when you're going through rough moments that you can't hardly see the good in it at the time. It's just rough for you and it seems unexplainable, and oftentimes I thought it was unfair. But as I am now, I needed every single thing that happened to me, that happened to me to happen to me. I hope that makes sense to you. I needed everything to happen in the exact order and the exact way that it happened in order for me to be the person that I've become. And that right there man, that right there alone, it's just very comforting to me. Misrup Jakes told me one time, he said, the closer you get to God, the more friendly you all become, the more He will reveal to you, uh, the how it comes and the what fays of a lot of things that's happened to you, because a lot of times what troubles us is we just can't understand why we lost that love one back then. We just can't understand why we didn't get what we wanted back then. We just don't understand how come our plan didn't work out and we had to fail so miserably back then. We don't understand the answers to these things. Well, the closer I've gotten to God, the more those explanations have become crystal clear to me. And see, the one thing that I came to the realization everybody is that the things that was happening to me, they wasn't really all bad. They really wasn't that ain't they didn't taste good when it was happening. I didn't enjoy what I was going through. But as I look back on them and reflect now, it wasn't all bad. Some of those things were so necessary for me to get their information because say, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hardheaded and stubborn. I said, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hardheaded and stubborn. I kind of like to think that I know something about some things. Every now and then, and the things I am convinced about. I don't really really care for people trying to talk me offline. So I can be stubborn and hardheaded. Sometimes God knows that about me. So I think to get some of the messages crystal clear through the me that I needed to learn. That was this process I had to go through. That process was my journey, It was my trip, It was my WOA, my pain. Say, everybody got them different, It don't matter what it is. Everybody got a WOA, everybody got a pain, everybody got a trial, everybody got some tripulation, everybody got some challenge. I don't care who you are. Dos quick looking at me thinking that I got it going on, so tough man. But if it's Steve, yeah, it's easy for you to say that, but you ain't here. You don't know. Wow, Ben, if you would stop hanging yourself up on your past, worrying about your woes and your troubles and the situation you're in, and start praying and start asking God to get you through it. See, a lot of times you messed it. You you messed a message up yourself, because when you're going through some stuff, you ask God to remove it and take it away. That ain't the lesson. You got to learn your lessons. Sometimes it's gotta it's gotta be how to be strong, how to see it through, how to bear under it, how to carry that weight long distances for long periods of time. That's how you get strong. The lesson is is to make you stronger. But to make you stronger, you got to carry the weight. You can't get stronger you don't go to gym or you gonna do something at your house to lift your own body weight. See a lot a lot of people can't even do push ups down. They can't get down, and in the course of the day, give you a hundred push ups because they ain't. They ain't. They ain't never try to daybody. They get to twenty and shake it so bad they stop. That's too much for me. Well, let me tell you something. So I learned to quit praying to take stuff away. My prayer became to give me the strength to handle it. People oftentimes ask me, how do you do all that you do in the course of the day. I don't really know. I just know I can because I know God don't put more on you than you can back. So when you ask me how you do all of what you do in the course of the day, I got God. All things are possible through Him. That strengthens me. He strengthens me. See all them times I was working and living in a con struggling and people booing, and people telling me I wasn't gonna mount to nothing, and standing on that stage for hours and hours and just going through it and going through it and living my life all in misery and misery. Is so now now, when God got what he got from me, I can stand here and do it all. Yeah, I'm up early this morning. Yes, So what what do sleep get you? Man? Sleep don't nothing come to a purpose that loves sleep, But poverty set upon you like a thief in the night. Man. So now I ain't got no time for sleep. I want to get up and live, live my life and love my life. Man. Come on, man, God is good. He'll get you through whatever it is you're going through. So when you're tripping and you don't know what to say, reflect and be grateful for all you reflect on, think about God's goodness and watch what he do for you. That's the cold part. Okay, you're listening ladies and gentlemen, I have your undergoded. That means not split attention. Don't want you pay attention to nothing but this hill. This that's about to pop off. It's gonna be at a level today that I really can't I don't know, So let us just begin. We're gonna start with the bullshe element of the show to get it out of the way. Good morning, Shirley Strawberry, Oh that's me. Good morning to Steve Harvey. Your head, you didn't know, it's not it's you. Well okay, okay, Well listen to the following names and see who that might have fly applied to. Calling for real. Good morning crew, what's up? Junior? Morning up? Jake? What's that? Then that Steve? Now, which one of the names you thought was bullis you? That's my case? Thank you for coming down. Well, Good morning, Happy Tuesday, everybody. Good morning to Memorial white white pants, white white, white let white drow. Oh yeah that's right. The rules used to be people don't no white before Memorial Day or after later that. Yeah, that's no. And so what y'all doing this weekend? Uh? Barbecuing? I mean eating barbecue? You should? You should? Something I did watch Worst Cooks of America. Whatever that's show. I didn't even know they had a show like that. This is just a quick side bar. LaToya Jackson was on there. You guys talk about me not cooking. She didn't even know how to squeeze a lemon. They told her to squeeze lemon on a fish. She said, how do you? How do you do that? Okay, so I rest my case. I can cook because I know how to squeezing. Limit doesn't qualify you as a cook. She just don't know how to squeeze a lemon. She still can't cook. Neither can you. Neither can you? But you don't want to cook. You have no intentions for what she can't. It's called it's called to eat eat. Yeah. All these restaurants here, why man, j I noticed? Don't mean none to you. But I'm so glad my wife can cook. Oh yeah, it feels good, don't And it feels good for her that her man can grill. Yeah, so that's what's happening for you Memorial Day weekend. But she could do I don't know, man, I really need to get away. Yeah, everything to Vegas. Let's go, let's go somewhere. What you want to go take us somewhere. Take us. Let's go right there. All these hard leagus gonna take me. Oh my god, tell the millennials what that means. Hard legus is is another word for dude. And when they would talk to you about asking you something that made it even more like these hard nags just asked me to take them somewhere. We just want to be together. Hey, listen, when we come back. Aaron Wise, the golfer who won over the weekend, he put his mother out. We'll talk about that right after this. We'll be back to thirty two after you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Alright, guys, So Aaron Wise, the golfer, he asked his mother for some space, and uh, you know, of course he won over the weekend, one point thirty nine million dollars for his first p G eight tour win and so congratulations. So his mom was living with him and something, yeah, yeah, but at yeah, she got to go, well, you know, kick your mama. He's South African. It's not that you're kicking mama, it's just out of respect. I got this million dollars, mama. You don't need to see what your baby, because I'm going to do something. You don't need to see the mama. Yeah, they're gonna be coming up in it, and they I don't need to hear your boy. Why did why so many of them coming? Because I got one point something? Well they don't you just settle down, get you one of them. You're not gonna I'm trying to figure out what the war I'm gonna be with this million mama audition. Yeah, you're hell in your room? Ever find out whose it was? Last night? Somebody kept asking somebody who's in what was the looking for something? Who was looking in your room? That's why his mom? And who was these two button nick and women by the pool? Who they're waiting Steve, you're saying it's for protection. Yeah, that's all it is. It ain't being mean, it's just you know, look, mama, things for the change around him because of this million, because two hundred thousand of this is dedicated to like just a few weekends. And he sald on me to be here. You know, I'm gonna get you fifty, So we move, We go fifty, Mama, get your nice little place somewhere. Set it up, your mama. But you can't even live on this street. What's gonna happen? I don't even want to Mama, you can't fast. I got valet outside. You didn't got to go, Paul, I don't. I don't need you saying this. You see the red vest, you see the rad vest pool right in here. Mama set some couns outside the house. I don't know where to pull right up, I'm bringing him in. Wow, well, congratulations he did win. Yeah, put his mouth. Steve said it was all about protection, respecting. He said, I kind of made her leave her room. That's what he said. You know the place and have some spade, you know, do whatever it is they do, because the stuff you're gonna be hearing in these halls, Like what Steve, just same mother. So it's not a cocomber. This is what tiger Wood do. This don weight got hot. He was bawling on the show. What is that about? It's like a zoo that's thirty minutes right there. Can't callow. I want to move out of this show, Mama, Mama, Mama got to be out of there. Steve Jamee from the country like me. No farm work? Oh yes, I did. I didn't do farm work. Tat vines turn watermelon vines, flop pigs. My grandmother had you just named two things you gotta being over, Steve. If you ever hold you hold the row? Yes, and um for farming. Yeah, I've done that. You hold up. That's all we talked about. A share cropp a fight. What is this? Right? Yeah? Yeah? This is bad, little poet side our house. Yeah I didn't, I didn't even. I didn't even have running water till I cat to Cleveland. Let you get your water? Oh, so he beat you. You had to go outside to the well. You had a pump. We had a pump from the kitchen. Y'all had water. That's a little pole. That's a little pole you had. Now let me play. So you old and black and from the country and ain't got water. You ain't poe, you stupid. It's the third thing. You're gonna do a dig the way the water right there? Right? No? Did you just United States? You gotta go far again? Water down the stupid right. Ain't nobody over here dying from thirst? Okay, let me hungry in this country, But we ain't die from bats. Chicken feet, come on, chicken feet. But I'll tell you what what's worse than chicken hog lights? Chicken beaks, the beak beaks, hog lights? Yeah, I've never heard of that. Okay, you know what chidlings is, right right? Yea? This is the byproduct of Chileans. This is like everything else inside the hog that ain't chitlings spleen bladder appendix laying around. Yeah, you chop it up in cubes. Chopping up in cubes, cops, chuffed a little fat up, put it in a pot, and you make a dark, rude gravy on it. And it's a lot of seasons and it is delicious too. You get some money. Was going to say, would you eat that you want? Is that like? Is that like hoghead cheese? That's hog head cheese? South South? That's good? D about that? What is airport? What? Wait? Snow cream? Kay? Alright? Coming up next, it's run that prank tack with the nephew. Yeah, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. I think we're gonna do more Battle of the Poor. I don't think you guys are finished. He won this one round, this round whatever, Okay, I got some categories for y'all. All right, it is your turn, nephew, Time to do the prank. What you got for it now? Wedding in Jamaica, Queen Again, Wedding in Jamaica, Queen. That's right, one more time. Twitting in Jamaica, Queen. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Ivan place he's not in at the moment. This is Janice. Can I help you? My name is Mark. I'm calling from travel agency. Oh hey, how are you doing. I'm good, I'm good. Um. I actually have some information for him. He just finished paying his last payment. As far as you all turning, you guys are getting you guys are getting married, going on a honeymoon. Is that right? Right? Right? Next month? Congratulations? Yes, thank you. Okay, well, listen, I got your information for you, and I wanted to make sure the million addressed was correct so I could uh know you guys flight tickets out, as well as a few poems and things like that to you guys would be pretty much well taken care of. Okay, this sounds good. Okay? Are you pretty pretty excited about this? Oh? I'm excited, very excited. I can't tell you okay, good, good, good, Well I'll tell you what in April I tell you, Jamaica Queen's is gonna be a great place, and uh, the snow will have burned off by then and it'll be pretty much, uh, the summer coming around. You know, snow Jamaica Queen. No, we're going to Chios in Jamaica, you know the islands the wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's no snow. Okay, hang on, hang on, hang on. Um. I've been working with with Ivan on this for quite some time. I actually have you guys book to go to Jamaica Queens. Now, there has to be some sort of mistake because oh, we're going to Okay, but that's not what I am and I have. I have Jamaica Queens. I have New York. Okay, Well, I'm telling you you're wrong. I don't know if you pulled up the wrong person. No, right, I'm sorry, Ivan and Jannath and you guys are going out the second weekend in April. Is that correct? That's correct, We're going to Taria. No, why are you scheduled for Jamaica Queens. There's a problem then, because I'm not getting married there. Um, love New York, but I'm not getting married there. So what do we need to do. I mean, I don't know what to do at this point right now. I need you to figure that out because I'm getting married next month. And I understand that, understand that. But I've worked diligently with your fiance, so to speak, and I got you guys scheduled for Jamaica Queens. I have the hotels, women, and I'm I know it was not Ivan. I know it was not him. I love New York, but that's not where I'm getting married. I understanding understand what you're saying. Now, I'm letting you know because you're you're raising your voice at me. I'm letting you know that I haven't had scheduled this and you guys are scheduled to make a Queens. Okay, you don't let me know where I'm getting married. We've written you checks. So I need you to correct the problem, and I will continue to raise my boys into know you are somebody at your damn wherever you are, corrects the problem. Okay, you're not gonna yell at me. I'm gonna try. I'm avations and now you're yelling at me. No, I'm not yelling. I'm trying to keep my composure. Okay, I've been working with you. We're done. I need to talk to your superior. I'm sorry. We spent way too much money. I'm getting married next month and you're calling and telling me that I I need somebody else on the phone. Okay, I need somebody. You need tell me where you are because I'm here to come on here? Where where are you? Let's give me a moment. I'm pulling it up to see if I can get some flights out to ut Real's Okay, okay, I did not believe this last minute. Oh I told him to go. Oh my god, the flights are completely booked that weeks. Just trying to Let's just want to get a private jet for fifty or sixty dollars. Man, there's no way I can get you in or out of. Just paid you dollars. Make it happen. You need to make something happen. Okay, I'm being nice. You don't want to talk to Ida, so trust me. You need to make something happen. Get back on your little computer called somebody else in the road. You need to to be nice, but you will tell you you continue to raise your boys at me. Now you're using profanity at me. It's going to Jamaica. Queen. Listen to me. It was your job to take care of transportation for us to get from the US ut Real from Cheria to Montego Bay. How are that supposed to handle? Happened? You were supposed to handle it, and they don't handle it. Your man said, you guys were going to Jamaica queens, and that's what I took for now. Maybe he said, I said Jamaica queens. We were very clear, and I know he was very clear. I'm being very clear right now. If you just listen to me, you have one job. How you screwed that up, I do not know, but I need you to make it happen. He was not going out, but you're going to Jamaica, queen. Maybe you are his queen and he's taking you to jamaicap but that's not Listen to sel. I'm not getting married in New York, You understand me. Don't mention New York one more time in this conversation. Do not mention New York, wh York when that is the actual ticket I have you schedule for because you screwed that up and you can already correct it. Get on the computer and correct it. Figure it out. Your job is listen to me. Your job is from Ulto Reels to Montego Bay. Focus on that working out, make it off it. I'm not gonna sit and go back and forth with you, okay. I need you, first of all, to stop yelling at me. What the kind of customer service do you people think this is? I asked you earlier in this conversation to get somebody else on the phone if you cannot help me. Now, what I need you to do is figure out how you're gonna get me from Ultra Reals to Montego Bay. And I'm not getting on a boat. Don't bring up Vote, don't bring up New York. I need you to work now. Don't tell me where I'm going to spend my honeymore, how gonna spend your honeymoon in Jamaica, Queens, New York. Your fiance made a mistake. I'm not gonna pay for the mistake, okay. And I don't have a put you something like get do you hear me? Are you listening to me? I can't work it out. I've already told you there's nothing about Can you get it through your aunty out of head. Did you just call me? Look? I need you to get somebody else on this. I promise you I'm about to reach through this phone and snatch you up by your neck. Are you talking to me like this? This is the kind of service you get when you make mistakes and don't know where the hell you want to go. We didn't make a mistake, and we know exactly where we want to go, and you are not listening to me. I'll kill to my tea bass. Do you understand? Don't understand one thing? You're something I need you to understand. Are you listening to me? Yes? W This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend Cindy, who is your matron up? This is not funny. This is not funny. My hands are shaking. Oh my god. Do you don't know if I could have found you? Oh my god, I'm a kidding like that. She was so upset, Jamaica. You know what it could happen this week? People off? Who is it? Who is it? You? Tell me? Why? Who wants to know? I don't want to talk to you about something? Okay, I'm listening. I've been listening to your pranks and just got one thing to say about your break. I'm listening. Here we go. Okay, wait, wait, wait a minute. You caught him off guard. You I ain't getting jumped on. We not on. It does happen on Memorial Day weekend. Go down, but I'm thinking of you. Coming up next, we're gonna go back to Battle of the Poor. Like I said, Steve one round one. This is round two coming up between Steve and j Battle of the Poorest. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we started this a couple of minutes ago, the Battle of the Porest. It just developed. We don't know how it came and just jumped out at us. A food, yea food. Now we're going to category number two. Yeah, it's called Battle of the Poorest. Not porous, No, not part poe poe. If you're poor, you're not pope. He still got two letters. You can't afford all them old and as Oh that costs money to you. Ready, Steve, you're ready, Steve. But this is the poets about were growing up. Okay when they were yeah, when they were growing up. They're they're both you know, doing well now but they're When they were growing up in South Carolina and Virginia, they were pretty poor. So we're trying to find out. Yeah, well he's Virginia, he's Carolina, West Virginia, South Carola. I said that, Yeah, no way you can beat mcdowald County. I love me in South Carolina, Richland County. Bringing here we go, Here we go. Here's category number two clothes. Ready. Yeah, I had one shot, one pair of pants and one shoot. You didn't get both shoots? Hey do No, Mama couldn't afford it. I would. I would tie my legs behind my back and hot to school day. Oh I'm just beata. I'm gonna beat you with truthful steak. When it was time to go school, shop my athletic shoes. I got one pair of a year. They was called buttercups. They were on a table, tied together in a knot. And your mama just rummaged through until she found your size. And it was in the grocery store, in the produced second gym. Shoes in the produce ship, tied together in a knock. Get your vegetables shoes, get just some apples and some old shoes in the produces that's pretty good, producer, come on, go ahead, and Jacob. First of all, I was a chunky little boy. It was very fat. Yeah, I'm not as fat as I was. You know, I was really fat. To heat the loss all that week, Yeah yeah, anybody, I had to get them, I had to get it. So my pants. I wore pants that had the word husky jeans on the back. Husky jean. That's how you remember that. That's what I wore. And cutter our pants that when you walk they made noise. This is the honest to god truth. We would take potato sacks and turn them into T shirts. My mom would wash him about four times. Cut a leta hood like a head in it, and sleeves the burlap set and that was your T shirt. You wore them as T shirts. You had to be a tough ass child, set up a T shirt and learned. I think this round with the tie, we had draws to match. It's time to get caught up, Steve. With today's national news. Please introduce ladies and gentlemen. She's here, ms A and trip. Okay, thank you everybody. This is answered with the news. This is so hard to follow. The crazy Secretary State Mike Pompeo is setting out a set of demands for Iran to comply with in order to avoid being hit with the quote strongest sanctions in history in the wake of the Trump administration's pulling out the Iran Nuclear or Deal. Pompeo is demanding that Iran and its uranium enrichment program, that it stopped supporting proxy militias, that pulls out of Syria. And that's not all. You know, that list is pretty long, but if you take a look at it, these are twelve very basic requirements. The length of the list is simplest scope of the malign behavior of Iran. We didn't create the list, and Pompeo insists that our European allies share these same concerns. In other ways, he feels there on board with that. Gina Haspell has now become the first woman to head the CIA. Hospell's road to confirmation was rather rocky because of her past roles in the CIA's detention and interrogation of suspects techniques that included a water boarding. In a significant blow to advocates of workers rights, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled yesterday to allow businesses to prohibit employees from banning together to challenge violations of federal labor laws. The High courts conservatives voted to give companies to go ahead to require their workers to sign arbitration agreements where they basically weigh their own rights to bring any class action claims down the line, especially where concerns hours and wages. The courts for liberal judges essentially called that ruling egregiously wrong. According to The New York Times, a jealous white man in South Carolina tried to hire a hitman to murder his black neighbors so he could take the black man's property, and the report says the suspect, twenty five year old Brandon Corey Lacroix, wanted to the murder to look like a clan lynching, complete with a burning cross. Lacroix unwittingly hired an undercover FBI agent instead, and faces up to ten years in prison if convicted. Netflix says it's reached a deal with our former President and first Lady. Ex President Obama and his wife Michelle have reportedly signed on to produce content for the popular streaming service. Netflix says the popular former first couple will produce films and series for the Netflix, potentially including both the scripted and unscripted formats aimed at discovering and highlighting the stories of people who are making a difference in their communities. That sounds really nice. Okay, Starbucks back in the news again and again it's not good. This time. A Latino man says when he received the core fee he ordered in the suburban l A Starbucks the other day that instead of his name, the racial slur beaner was typed on the cup's label. And that comes about two weeks before Starbucks officials promised to give all their employees racial sensitivity training, which is in the wake of an incident involving you all know a white store manager in Philly who called the police on two black men who were sitting for a business and waiting for a business partner and who had ordered anything. Yet today is Donald Duck. Yes it is, because it's gonna rain a little bit. Well you backamore Entertainment, Today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the out of Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Carlo is here with a special announcement. Carla Okay, guys, listen to this. The Alliance for Women in Media Foundation announced the winners of the forty three annual Gracie Awards, to take place today at the Four Seasons Beverly wils Your Hotel in Los Angeles. This event will recognize such esteemed honorees as Ashley Judd, Billie Gene King, Hold a copy, It's a Ray, Julia, Louise dry Fist, Katie Curriic Pam Oliver Reese, Witherspoon and drumroll please and our buri a Shirley Strong. Thank you, Carla, but I don't know what you were coming up. Best case, Yeah, yeah, thank you. She's gonna go in and get it for best one, best radio co host. So this is, along with some of the most talented women in television, radio, and digital media, the Gracy Awards, and it arrives at an important time to celebrate the storytellers of women who are changing the narrative and pushing boundaries in the quest toward diversity and equality. Shirley straw Berry for you, Thank you, guys, thank you, thank you. Thanks. Yes, I'll be there coming, Tommy's coming, Yeah, thank you, Okay, it's coming. Monica is going to be there of course. How you feel, girl, Thank you? I mean I feel really good. It's it's humbling, you know, I feel great. Thank you. No, I'm excited to Reese Witherspoon. It's the Ray really, but is the baddest co host in good thing? You're not because I say it. Say what you're just saying is the best. That's see you guys always included. Understand, we understand what he's saying. And thank you, Steve. Thank you. You're you're gonna west something with a right now all on your dress? No, no, it is black tie though I got a black tie if now I run my own cars, get a black time. Yeah, that's you don't get at you is all the same late, all of them too big, missing around looking like a new So congratulate our girl, Sirley Strawberry, go to all social Thank you guys. All right, here's the question. When you get your speech, thank me for making you people do that to me. But yeah, oh yeah, alright guys, coming up, could you invite your ex to your wedding? Prince Harry did? We'll talk about it at thirty four after the hour. Yes, they're great friends. Yeah, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All Right, did you guys see for the royal wedding over the weekend? Did you guys see Prince Harry's ex girlfriend, Chelsea Davy. Chelsea Davy was at the royal wedding. Yeah, she and the princes. Yeah, they dated for what seven years? They're still really good friends. He invited her. I mean they're still good friends. Yes, and speaking of ex is mega, so you know what friends. But hold up, hold up, Steve Harvey, what are you saying right now? They're so white? Why do you say you know this is so what? And all you black people listening to this radio, if you don't get no idea, mess your big day out? It's crazy for sitting out there. She had a crazy look on her face. Yes, oh up, look look this woman was about to be a princess, a duchess. Yeah, but she worries was gonna be over. She couldn't take all the scrutiny. You know that the royal family is under you know, they're under such a microscope being a royal. But the black side of Magan didn't come out though. No. Yeah, she's cool and he gets her. Yeah, she's definitely yeah, I think it is has But you guys heard about Gloria Govan. She says in her ex Matt Barnes will absolutely not be invited to her wedding to want to. He just looked the groom. Don't want to see Matta Gloria. Matt Barnes did congratulate them when they got engaged in April, saying he's happy for them because his kids have grown to love Derek Fisher. But Govan says a relationship between the form Lakers teammates it's still not great and Matt's presidents would really be awkward. Let me tell you what. You shouldn't be that and it's nothing wrong with that. No, he ain't coming right, No, damn come to the wind the wedding. He can't come to nothing. Got if you if you still have a friendship with that person, you wouldn't invite them? Who like you don't have a friendship? Mend Hey, are we gonna be free? But you share? What if you share children or and stuff like that? You what if you killed co parents? Suppose we killed who? You know? What if you co parent 't do that? That's for Steve, I'm the parent. Okay, let's go to bitter man, invite your ex to your there's no first of all, there's gonna be no wedding. We're not there's been nothing to be invited. Okay, okay, no, no, you see my wife, she would not have nothing like it wouldn't happen at all or no, none of my single But but if I was to none of my exes could show up. They were well right now, sugar Slim has no intention. That's the new name. It's a lot of people got to see this body what Shirley, guess what mine tried to come to my ex try to come to my wedding. And my husband was like, you don't want this New Orleans. But yeah, send me a picture of somebody, send me a picture of the good only got invited to the role with Chelsea David. Yeah, she's tall, blonde girl that I think at the wedding. You know how long a black wind would be on hold if she showed up? Yeah? And then and then you know, they asked if anyone is here that has any objection to the wedding, you know, speak now or forever whole. Nothing happened nothing obviously nothing happened yet, but they did it. They did it early though, in the ceremony. Right, that's so white. Yeah, I think you're right. I think you're right, Stu. Yeah, next white people's stuff. You tell me? Has a frank phone called coming up right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it is today Strawberry letter. The subject to my husband and his groupies. All right, but right now it's in nephew with today's prank phone call? What you got now? You know you're sitting it going through my archive. You know, I got three three pranks. I'm trying to figure out which one I want to drop on you all to day. Well, I don't know what the name of it. But when you were praying for the man and asking about that kidney, let's do that. Can I have your kids? That's my dad and faith? Can I have your kidney running? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach a brother conn. This is how you doing brother? This is Deacon Patterson called him from the church. How you doing today, Deacon Patterson? Yeah, you're doing fun and you see I'm doing good, doing good. You know the church is behind you on what you're going through. When we were praying for you. Man, we know all about the you know you're going in the surgeon on Friday to get your get your prankers removed. So I wanted to give you a call, man, have a word of praying and let you know that we all pulling for you, and we know that that the man upstairs are gonna pull you through the successful where God bless and keep you, uh that, deacon, God blessing keep you because I tell you I'm going through something here. Me and my wife, we've been talking about it and we've been praying on it and it She was a wonderful thing to know that your church is with you and y'all thinking about me and prayer. I I've really had to take this, this to the Lord. This is a serious thing with me and I ain't never had an operation before in my life, and I know I needed. My wife made it clear, the doctor made it clear. I believe I'm ready to go forward, Deacon, and we're don't give the victory to who the Yes, he's the victory. He let let me. Let me have a word of prayer with your brother con if you don't mind just about your head from me, Father God, we have right now. We have right now that you touch brother Connelly as he goes in on Friday, please put your hands on him. We asked Father that you hold on to the doctor that's getting ready to go and literally to put the series thory on it. Yes, we asked that you make sure that the doctor it's got a strong eye on that morning walk with him. We asked that that that he got a steady hand when he got the scalpel in his hand. We asked that your hold own to him please as he goes into a surgeon, because we know it comes side the moaning h the victory gonna belong the brother Connley and the Lord. Thank you Lord. We know all of this, but we we we asked that you take that pincers and you remove it out successfully closing back up like it will never been into it in before. Walk with Niki. That's what we're asking. We asked your Lord. At the same time that they're removing this pincreous Lord, we asked that your reach around his backside and we asked that you to his kidney, Lord, touch his kidney and make it hold. Make it a hundred and we want you to make that kidneys like it's been that best kidneys Deacon, that's deacon deacon whoop, pat decent pass, Yes you say you down, sir. They're just nothing wrong with the hitting the deacon. I'm doing. I'm doing fine. The Lord is Lord has been needed. Well, he's gonna work on my pantries. That's what the doctors operating thought tat me forward and that's what they're playing to remove. So my kidding is fine. They did what they called when they're in my eyes and everything else is fining. He ain't working on nothing but my pancris, right right right, Well, well, let me let me say I'm glad you brought that up with this this one we want I call you huh. Of course I did call to pray for you, that you know, because I want to make so that that that that you make it through this successfully. But what another the reason why I'm getting around it is here is uh, what I want to ask you? And I know we we you know, we've never met face to faith. I've seen you a couple of times, like I said, the church, but you've been out most time. Uh were you with your sickness and whatnot? But now what what I was gonna ask you was Yeah, And I know this is I hate to come at you in the final hour and you're getting ready to go out certain and all that. But if you don't mind it, if you could see it in your heart to to to see need to do something for somebody else. Um, that's that's the large where you always supposed to help those who right. And I'm glad you think like that. It's not when they go in on Friday morning and and remove that pincers out. Do do you think that that that that they could go in and and get one of your kidneys? Because I need one? Hold hold on, just mid beacon up what you say? But what you said, see see see what else? I've been going through myself with a little ailment, and I'm wondering if if if I need a kidden and I'm wondering if you can give me one of yours when they go in and get your panker. They're already to have you open. Did you say you wanted them to take one of my kidneys? Yeah, and give it to me because I need one. You need a kidney? Yeah? What what what I mean? You are already gonna be lading there open. Wait a minute, Mr, you need a kidney? I need with my packers. You will call me with that. Man, this ain't now you're a deacon like I said, dick In Patterson my name. But see what I'm asking you? What you me? Man? Brother connin? What harm is it? If you already open and laying on the tea. Oh you ain't hear the damn thing I saying? Have you? I said, I'll be man, You're crazy as hell. Now what I'm gonna have to do. I'm gonna need to call the pastor because he's going on here. You say you knew you man of damn new. Mr. A matter of fact, you too damn new to know who you're talking to? What what? What? What I'm saying is you have took to look like you said you said they did the m R. I don't give up what I said they did. Man, I got two kidneys. You got to one of yours? Bad? That's your problem. Mr. Let me tell you something. I'm trying to get well and you're calling with this. You say you're a new deacon, You damn show ills and you won't be at that church long. I tell you that, because if I ever get good to your We got some risking to do. What is it gonna hurt for you to give me one of them kiddenings? That both them? If both them kidneys is good, it ain't gonna hit him. Think you ain't getting my kidden man, ain't gonna what's wrong with you? Say? Man, all I'm saying is if you're gonna be open laying on the table, what is it gonna hurt now you're gonna kill im? Wote me laying on the damn table? What kind of a till you in charge of? Mr? Let me tell you something. Obviously, I need to meet you before I get to the hospital, and nob I can damn bad getting to yours, and I can tell you that we get out, you're gonna feel a damn thing about that. I'll be damned if you're gonna call and talk to me out of one of my damn kiddings. Man, I'm trying to live just like you, trying to let the Lord take care of me, because what you're talking about ain't got a damn thing to do with Jesus. You can kiss my and get off my phone. That's what you can do. Can I say one more thing to you? What is you listening to me? Man out to listen to you and you ain't talking about nothing that's got nothing to do. What's going on with me? Mr you're running the game. If I could get to y'all put leading you. What can I just say one more thing and then I'm gonna let you go? Is you're listening for what? Bless this nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning to show you just thank by your daughter. Oh Lord, haven that girl. Lord have mucy, Lord, have much Jesus and you are right, brother Colin Man. Man, you have made me use language that I swear I don't know, but I heard my name's name using that. I didn't stopped a long time ago talking that away. Please forgive me. Lord whoa y'all. I'm gonna have to Lord him mercy. My heart is pal painting hill. Lord, have mercy, Jesus. This ain't me, This ain't me and you I'll tell you what I enjoyed Steve Hardy and Netfew told me. Brother coming. I gotta ask you one more thing, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. It's gotta be it's gotta be y'all. It's gotta be y'all here. I don't want youmember the name of nothing more. That's your lord him must. I ain't gonna forget it now that's going too far. You'll never go to fund up front. Had made me put that on a CD and burn it where it just kept playing back to best wanted. We all have our faces. Yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute, kid, what Steve now y'all sent me to picture this lady that was Prince Harry's ex that was at the wedding. She looks straight this hill. I don't know why she came. I wouldn't know. That's where the god. I don't know why she came. And she wore all black it was I think that's the Navy, but I think it was black on this dayn picture. Look at her face, don't She shouldn't have came. I wouldn't me neither, because they and Megan. Megan is fun, she's beauty, Yeah, she is. Well. Listen coming up at the top of the hour Strawberry letter subject my husband and his groupies. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, right now, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationship on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, right Steve, Yep, Shirley, Come on now, No, I'm so enthusiastic about begging people. Stay to No, really, just do with you whatever. Alright, We're ready, buggle up and hold on tight. Here it is Strowberry letter. All right, subject my husband and his groupies. Here, Stephen Shirley. I've been married twenty two years and we have three children. My husband and I have a great marriage, and he still takes me out on dates weekly. My husband and I are prominent business owners in our community, so whenever we go out in public, I have a problem with women approaching my husband. My husband hugs the women, chats with them, and as even welcome one woman to join us at our dinner table recently, and yes, these women ignore my presence. I am too successful to be checking women in public, but I will not allow them to keep disrespecting me and my marriage. I repeatedly speak to my husband about this matter. He always says it's harmless, and that he isn't doing anything to encourage these women to act like to act this way toward him. I know how women think, and yes, my husband is fine and paid and he's always in a tailored suit. I don't want uh to nag my husband, but I do want to resolve this issue. Do you think that I am being overly sensitive? Steve? Since you are a very high profile star, I need your advice. She said it, she called it. So how should I handle this? Uh? No, I definitely don't think you're being overly sensitive. I definitely don't think that you have every reason and every right to feel the way you feel. I mean, no one wants to be disrespected or feel ignored, you know, they don't know one deserves that. But your husband, I think is the one that should fix this problem. I mean, all this hugging and you know, uh, chopping it up with these women in front of you, and welcoming, welcoming them over to the table and all that that kind of stuff needs to stop. I think he's a little overly friendly, um because it makes you feel some kind of way. I mean he can shake their hands, you know, or something like that, or you know, just respectfully say I'm with my wife, this is me time, right now, this is our time, right now, we're on a date. He can keep it professional with them and and very respectful. He says it's harmless, but it's not harmless to you. And that's what he needs to understand. Uh, he needs to understand it's about you and how you feel, because you should be his priority number one in his life, not these women. Um so I would have to say, you know, you need to defer to your husband. I'd have one more converse station with him, letting him know how you really feel, and hopefully, hopefully that will shut it down. Steve, since you're a high profile star, very high profile star, you've been through this, I'm sure of course. Of course. Well let's let me take it a step and show you something. First of all, you say that your husband and our prominent business owners in our community. So whenever we go out in public, I have a problem with women approaching my husband. My husband hugs and women chats with him, and it's even welcome one moment to join us at identitable recently and yes, these women ignore my presence. Okay, Now, first thing, I need no us what business do you all have in? What type of community that makes y'all that prominent? Where he in the hug and kissing baby bus? That is he a politician? Is that the business you in? Does he own? Do y'all own the only grocery store in town? Why he's so damn famous, y'all? The Jefferson? Y'all got a stranger cleaners? What is y'all I did? Because y'all making best red velvet cake? Y'all got a bakery? What business does he have that makes y'all so damn prominent that he gots to be chimmy with all the damn women. Come on, well, let me go and explain something to you. Men have much bigger egos than women. Yeah, women have stress points that they have to deal with under pressure of looking good for other women. What magazines have done to women over the years, and then what some men expected women. So women have a heart aware of it. But don't you think for one minute that men don't have egos. Because he got long, he loves the popularity, Oh, Mr Johnson, Oh Mr Wallings, what? Oh Mr Mr Miles? Because see then it gives him a sense of accomplishment. How y'all doing a hug and all the women, and the women take advantage of this, and then he's even gone so far as to invite one to your table. That is what really ticked you off. But not only do they get at the table, they ignore you and play you short. They've done it to Marjory. I can't count the times where some most women are really respectful though. Hey Marjorie, how are you doing hasty? Y'all look so beautiful. Account that's the majority of people. Every now and then you'll get some woman I don't want to I will jest you I don't want her in my picture. Well you're not getting no damn, because I don't know what you think I'm fin to do. I can't play my girl short because you're having this egotistical moment. But now your husband has to start taking you into consideration and how this must make you feel. He must at least not allow the women in the community to disrespect you as his wife. But this ego thing he wears fine Taylor's suits, you know, this ego thing, the attention. Hear what you need to do. The next woman that comes sit down at the table act like you ain't there. The next one to play you short. You gotta make an example out of her where it got to get round? You got? How fun? However, one more bags? He hugging me if you want to. No, No, go ahead hugging me if you want to. But Steve, I've never seen you do anything like I mean. I've always seen you, like be respectful to the to the person that wants to take the picture, but you would never hug them like that. I've never seen you do that. Nothing that I've never seen you do that. See no, because she first go with her and make a life with her. I got you on the picture. But if you can be respectful towards both of us, be more than happy to give you the picture. If you shade my girl in any way, and I can't, I can't do nothing for you. All Right, We're gonna have part two of this letter, Steve's response coming up the subject my husband and his groupies. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Show. Come on, Steve, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. My husband and his groupies. She's been married twenty two years. Husband's a good man. They got some business that she won't tell us what it is that makes them prominent in the community. He wear tailor suits. I've been trying to get what it is. I thought maybe he was a politician called day in the hug mama kissing baby business. Maybe they only on the only grocery stole in something. I think it's a small town. Yeah, maybe maybe they got three or four cleaners down there, pastry shop. But whenever they see him, they want to hug him, and he hugging him back. How y'all doing? What's up, ladies? How y'all doing? Oh? They fall forward to and they ignore you. Now a couple of reasons why you might get played show? All right, come on, let's go. Women. Try who they think they can get away with it with. Women, Try who they think they can get away with it with. So now, why are they trying you? Well, let's go over a couple of things that could possibly be happening here. Could it be that number one, they think because you ain't saying nothing, you ain't gonna say something. Could it be that, oh, here's the ugly one. Could it be that they have looked at you and decided, oh, that's what he liked. Well, hell, let me holiday whoa, I'm gonna let that one sank in so now here they come because they think they can because he's allowing it. And number two, you ain't checking nobody. And then number three, I don't know what outfit you have on when he go out in them Taylor suits. But you need to step up. You get your show hand on fixtive where them help us, not put on them, let them sit, say that again, done them, let him see you ain't gotta be shame. And then if all fails, you got to make an example out of one over you can drag her, drop her ass right there at the table, take her head and slam it down into the math for do you know how that gets your attention when your head hit? I have a question. I've had this this argument at my house when you when you take pictures as a celebrity, were you're supposed to put your hand at when you take the wide over her shoulder, fingers showing okay, because I have all my pictures on the show, I have had my hand around like a woman's waist. That has created a big Why you got your hand out away? And he's stupid. Before we went to break I told you, I've never seen you do anything disrespectful like this when the women come up to you. I've just never seen it. You always have someone else take the picture with you. You never like hug them anything. My hands in front and folded. Yeah, you know, you can hug me if that's what you want to do. But we're not fitting being here loving on each other. Now, this ain't fitting to be on TM. It's like it's like women who come on my show. I put my arm around it when we take the picture with the panel. But if you look at my hands behind him, my fingers is widespread open. You can see it on most camera shots. You can see my hands. But what is your hand doing the middle of the bank. I didn't know it was an issue. I just didn't. I just pictures. Now I'm learning that. Like if you take a picture with a man and his wife and she in the middle, make sure your hand is on his shoulder so he knows ain't nothing but the wife in the middle, and I put my hand around him, right, I'll never touch his mana you've done that too, No, No, it's been I've always touched the guy's shoulder. I know you don't have any mentors. Do you have somebody you can run this. I'm good, I just ran right here. Junior, Junior, June. This year is late. But the other problem is in Junior, that problem everything exactly Jor he never would have brought this up. Oh I can't shoot. How flat is your stomach? Junior. He's been to some squire, he's been to pay some square. OK. So bottom line, Steve, and this letter, well, the bottom line is he has to you have to make him aware that he's said, oh, it's nothing, but this always nothing is affecting you. It's affecting you, So it is something. And then secondly, I mean, come on, dude, you got that that much of all ego where you just can't just for a little while go hey, look, ladies with my wife. We're having a good time. I appreciate y'all. No, man, you invite some moment. You got nuts. That's what date night is for the two of y'all. Yes, yeah, you gotta say something. Yeah we're trying to dinner. Yeah, yeah, there's a way you can say it. Definitely. All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at my girls, surely and don't forget to join me this Thursday at one pm for Strawberry Letter Live on Facebook. The after show coming up in ten minutes. Comedy Roulettes. We're gonna have five new categories and the guys will spend the wheel. That's come up at forty one after the hour, coming Roulette. Uh, it's the best. Yeah, you don't want you to explain it. No, he hate if they're not with us by now. He hates every every twenty minute you do we do? Do we do? Right now? Whining? We do we do? That's how you want to believe you bigger, bigger than you are, not bigger than you is? I heard you both, all right? You are you the newest member of the thing. That's why you ain't over there no more. I don't want to be. I'm glad to build. We don't want to see what's y'all quick faking? Y'all got new listeners. Twenty damn minute coming up. Comedy Roulette dropping at forty one after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve J is here with Comedy Roulette. I know you don't want this, but we're gonna do it because we need to make it. It's gonna be real long. His comedy Roulette. It's very simple. Take five subjects, any subjects, put them on a wheel. Fund the wheel, bunning around and around and around. Which stop we do the damn the word is spinning. Oh no, I can't say it's fun you just al right? Here we go. Category number one. You all really need to stop feeding that baby. Really. Number two, I'm not going to the funeral because I didn't like him when he was alive. Okay, that's where we don't. Number three, don't those whiskers bother? Yeah, Angel number four now because you never pay back. No, okay, Number five, stop fighting it. Just shave it all off. You shave it all off. All right. Here we go. Spin it spitting. We're spinning. We're spinning. Oh, let step, there we go. I want the funeral, that's what I won't stopped. The number one guy. And you all really need to stop feeding that babe. You know, I need really need to stop feeding that baby. Y'all really need to stop feeding that baby. Your baby got a belt on his pampers. You know, really need to stop feeding that baby. I'll tell you nothing to say. Need to stop feeding baby? When I go to the cookout and the baby play got the same amount of barbecue. Really, stop feeding this base. Let me tell you something. Man, the car seat is too small. Y'all then took the Boston off and put it in the car man, y'all need to quit feeding. Y'all need to quit feeding this baby. This baby then went out and bought a clip boy, and she taking the inventure all the baby food almost We're about three down two jars and it looks like he's gonna need to refill and but just checking it off on the clipboard. Really, need to stop feeding the baby. Baby one year old and just killed a take your legs rested, moaning off. I'll tell you you need a tough fee. Come if this baby will breast feed on any rest, it just starts read. Y'all, just stop feeding this baby. No breast is safe. Come the baby three or y'all talking about getting light buls suck? Come on, y'all, need to feed y'all baby simply because y'all baby ever been able to wear a hat? I've seen that baby with a hat on. Baby just big, look at it over that swelling as we speak. Y'all need to stop feeding this baby. I tried to put the baby shoot on the window on the it's a size twelve state. They adam, man, stop feeding this baby. When I met at the baby belch behad Yeah, Yah, already were feeding this baby. Babite breakfast from we had dinner. You're bringing this three year old baby to dinner with us. The baby wants a sixteen out rear by. Come on, come on, man, just too much. That's a lot. You need to quit feeding this baby because your baby is in the play Humpty dumpy set on the wall and your baby is the wall, not humpy the wall humpy. Y'all need to stop feeding this baby because he can't wear pampers. You gotta put a sheet on it, just big. You need to stop feeding this baby. When you hand my paycheck over to the bath because you thought it was me. You need to quit feeding this day of baby. I swear to God my whole chicken, this baby, the baby fold. The baby is four, all right, and you got to put realms on the stroller that you pushed the car man, you gonna put new realms on this thing. Y'all need to quit feeding this baby because your baby three years old and was the number one draft pick for one draft for the Sumo Wrestlers one draft drafted number one in sum resting this baby big number one draft pick. Yeah, y'all need to stop feeding this baby because this baby don't need a baby stroll because he pushed it with extra food. Yeah, I tell you, baby, stop feeding the baby when you called me off on the sad the morning can help you hang sheet, but without walking the dough. He already holding the sheet. You need to stop feeding this I could have stayed at the hop. Y'all need to quit feeding this baby. Y'all don't get rid of the twin side baby and it went bought a California can come on, man, it's too much now, I ain't come on. Steve closing on out for us. Y'all need to quit feeding this baby because he's seven. Everybody walking out of your house on Easter just depressed because they all came over for dinner and his ass had already ate the handed pine upp around his mouth. Fat. All right, how did you eat the whole? Hall ha. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, here we are, Steve, You've decided to name your top five basketball players of all time because there's been some debates. Now, I was going to ask everybody. I'm gonna ask Junior Kia, Junior Junior. Now he's junior when he was fat yeh ji fat kids Ki Yeah, Tommy, so kid, give me your top five alright, is basketball players of all time? Alright, starting that point going, wait a minute, we don't want no drama. You know, theatrics win it on that goods is he the youngest ladies and gentlemen, the starting five all time great hoopers of all time. The squads are being picked now, starting with care right now, starting that point guard. Just I have taken Jay, said Kidd. After two god, none other than Kobe Black Mama right. And then at forward, I'm gonna have to go with lebron Jack. And then if I have to have a sinner he came to dream Lost you want and power forward, I'm milling it in. I'm gonna go with Charles Barkler. Yes, like that. I start five right there. That's who is gonna be who. Let's get I don't really know. Now Jerry Anthony Brown's top five greatest basketball I don't know what position she played, but I'm putting shell Swoop in there. That's my player on my team. You know, I'm putting her on my team. I'm putting Larry Bird on my team. I'm putting Michael, I mean, Michael Jordan on my team. And I'm putting Um Magic Johnson on my team. And I'm putting uh one one. Damn. Who I'm with yl Swoop Damn is right? Yeah? Uh? Who's the one the brother um you know, the brother man Rail Miller Miller. That's my team. That was tough, ye, Nephew Tommy starting five greatest basketball players ball. Here we go out to Steve. I'm going number one right now, Magic john Magic Johnson, the one and only Michael Jordan. Right after that, who Brown, bro Lebron James h huh, and the Black Mama of course Kobe Brian last would not least my dog, the one and only Shock Nasty New York. That's my top five right there. I agree with his top five. We were doing all good. But let me say this, it is impossible to pick the top five because you have to leave off for great. I've left off several. I was in total agree with with you. Tommy Magic Johnson check, Michael Jordan's check, Lebron James check, Kobe Bryant check. That's where you stopped. But see shock should be in there. I put Shock in there. It was it was last I had to go and pick the unstoppable shocked. Uh huh the legend to names. Come on, change the rules of basketball. Who Louy formerly known as k I'll due your ball you one more sky hooking their mama draws did now? But see not that's my five, But my five really should have Larry Bird in there. Your five got to have shocking now. But ahead your five. I'm just telling you, man, Jay, thank you, thank you. Now let me tell you something. See, you will lose uh Kia because it's you, Jason Kidd, Kobe, Bryan, Lebron, James A. Keim and Charles Ball great players. You will lose. You will lose Jay because you put Sheryl Swoop on. She can't check nobody out here. They went to the w n B A. Yeah she was greatness, but she can't check nobody out. You know, it's just hard because they're always the awesome, great players, you know, but it's just five that I just enjoyed watching them play. These are five I enjoyed play, you know, watch play it from their position. Jason Kidd was such a great pass and he got everybody involved. Kobe Bryant, his dominance, his will is nothing. Chris Paul, Chris would to see. It's a lot of I don't know about. Jason Kidd was my dude. I loved his game. His game was outstanding and a chem of logic. I grew up on the King. I mean, you ain't gonna lose, No, but he came. Ain't nobody stopped your ball, not even shot because he had a hook. He had a shot you couldn't block. What's his name for sending revolution as the game. First of all, he took Duncan out of college. They stopped dunking because of Louison. That's crazy. They stopped dunking. Magic Johnson revolution revolutionized the point guard position. Never before north since then have you seen a point guard like Magic Johnson. He does not exist, not before or since. Ain't ain't no six nine magics, Lord, no, not the flow all sounds like this is a great debate. Yeah, we'll have to do some more right after this. We'll be back at twenty after. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before we left, we're in the middle of the top five players, you guys, the choices of all times great basketball debate. Now let me say this, come to not say Will Chamberlain is a travesty. Yeah, five is too hard. Oh, no matter whose list you pick, the top five, somebody else could put a five together. Be right there with you. Now it's some people that's on everybody list. See Jordan's on everybody. Listen, you don't have Michael Jordan on your list, and you couldn't get out of the conversation because you're stupid around a lot, because that's how you are. He was greatness, But Will chamb him most points and most women. You know he was scoring at both him. You believe that, believe I believe. No, I don't know. That's too many. Yeah, that's well, listen to me many. He's just one man. All you gotta do it's just get a calculator and to show you how crazy that number is. Man, that's a crazy number. I agree with you, Steve. The guys aren't convinced, but I definitely agree. I'm just saying he had to start a kidding go y'all know, John Withers been right. He got the funniest bit about your boy having that much. Said he had to be brushing his teeth, he had to be eating, driving to work, walking at how many women? Something? I'm gonna I'm gonna, I'm going to show you something that's a lot. You believed that, don't you listen? To listen to me, twenty thousand women for ten straight years. To have twenty thousand women for ten straight years, you would have had to have five women a day, every day for ten straight years. How can he play at that level? And sixty five days a year, you had to have five women a day. Do the numbers, y'all, five times three hundred sixty five. That's eighteen hundred times. That's a lot of hot. Ten years equals that's eighteen thousand. We're still short. So it's really like five point four five point four women every day, three hundred five days a year for ten years. He didn't say that was satisfied. He said he was with there's a lot of that. That's it. And and you know, son, that has had twenty thousand women. I never believe that story. That's just something he probably put up because everybody's talking about there was no reason he put up a hunted point. May put hunt point and so he was. He was wild chair. He was one of the great basketball players. And uh, I saw dudes that caball Man. I watched Connie Hawkins, I watched el Jim Baylor. I've seen some boys that Oscar Robertson seem to not say Oscar Robinson, Oscar Robinson. But then you look at this boy Westbrook Man, that boy on one. But then so and Steph Kerry. But Kevin Durant right now, Kevin Durant right now is the second best basketball player in the world. My rot He's the second best basketball player in the world. A r right now, Kevin. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Alright, Carlos here with a special announcement, Carla, okay, guys, listen to this. The Alliance for Women in Media Foundation announced the winners or the oft annual Gracie Awards, to take place today at the fourth seasons. Beverly wils Your Hotel in Los Angeles. This event will recognize such esteemed honorees as Ashley Judd, Billie Gene King hold a copy, It's a Ray, Julia, Louise dry Fist, Katie Currit, Pam Oliver Reese, Witherspoon and drum roll please, and our Verio Shirley Drop. Thank you, Carla, I don't know what you were coming up the building for best Cause. Yeah, yeah, thank you. She's gonna go in and get it for best one, best Radio co host. So this is along with some of the most talented women in television, radio, and digital media, the Gracie Awards, and it arrives at an important time to celebrate the storytellers of women who are changing the narrative and pushing boundaries in the quest toward diversity and equality. Her Shairley straw Ferry, I'm happy for you. Thank you, guys, Thank you guys, thank you, thanks. Yes, I'll be there's coming, Tommy's coming, Yeah, thank you coming. Monica is going to be there. Of course when you come complaining, we'll need we could walk in when she walked in, asked me to book it. When you'd have been closer, Shy how you feel, girl, Thank you? I mean I feel really good. It's it's humbling, you know, I feel great. Thanks. No, I'm excited to Breese Witherspoon. It's the ray really, but is the baddest co host in the land. Really good thing you're not spending because I'll say it. Say what you just said. Go ahead, you is the best in the lane. That's see you guys always included. Understand. We understand what he's saying. And you thank you. Thank you all. You're gonna you're gonna wear something with a right now all on your dress? No, no, it is black tie, though it is okay, I got a black time if now I run my own cars, get a black time. Yeah, that's you don't get that. Tire is all the same late, all of them too big mess around. He looked like a noose hang a little skinny all his jokes. We gotta go, damn, we have to go. So congratulate our girl, Sirley Strawberry, go to all STU. Thank you guys, Shelly. When you get your speech, thank me for making you. You know, I've actually had people do that to me. But yeah, yeah, we know, all right, Thank you guys. You know I appreciate that so very much. I love you guys. Shall thank you guys. I love you guys too. All right, coming up our last Break of the day at forty nine, after Steve's closing remarks, I know he has something good for us because he already told us. You're listening to the Steve Show. Last Break of the day. We've had a great morning today, Yes, yes we did. We have fun today. Steve. It's time for you now to take us home with your closing remarks. What you got for us today, Steve, Well, this is going to be shortened to the point I think. I just want to remind everybody something that your dreams can come true if you're willing to fight for him. You have to fight for your dreams. You have to fight for the life of your dreams. You have to fight to be free. You have to fight to be an entrepreneur. You have to fight to be successful. You have to fight the THEY says when you say I'm gonna leave my job. You have to fight the NY says when you say I want a better job. You have to fight some forces out there when you go, you know what, I'm gonna leave here to pursue a better position at another company, You're gonna have to fight for it. Change requires a fight. It just does. It just does. I don't know why it is, man, but there's people always in our lives somewhere who are going to fight us on decisions that we make about ourselves. I don't know why it is, but it seems to happen for everybody. All of us have to fight to get through to the other side. You have to fight through the wall of fear. You have to fight through doubt, you have to fight through confusion. You got to fight through the nay says. You got to fight through haters. You gotta fight through the fact that it didn't go your way. You have to fight through the fact that you got up and you just wasn't feeling yourself today. You gotta find a way to fight through. You gotta find something in you that makes you keep fighting even when you don't. There's a poem that stands at a point that says, if you can force your heart, your nerve, and your SiNW to serve its turn long after it has gone, when there is nothing left within you except the will to say to them, hold on, you have to fight like that. Not the funny thing about that line and that poem. I think that's uh if if and I the stand that the Stanzas says, if you can force your heart, your nerve and sanw s new is the fibers that holds all your insides together. They call that s new, those tenders or whatever it is. That that's stuff that that there's lines and chords and fibers that hold your heart and organs and all that stuff in place. If you can force your heart nervous, some new to serve your turn long after it is gone, when there's nothing left within you accept the will to say to them, hold on. That's how you got to fight. That's how you got to fight. And it's all right, but make it a good fight. Don't lay down. Don't let nobody punk you out your dreams, don't let nobody trick you out of what God has for you. Don't let the fact that you got to fight stop you from fighting. Life is a fight, man, it's a dog fight out here. They're not walking money up to your house. I'm sorry, they're not passing out you. They don't send free money to nobody's house. You got to do something to get it, and if you really want to get it, you are involved in a fight. Like it or not. That is what we are in. We are in a fight, so get with it. Stop talking out. It ain't time for that. You're in a fight. We are in a fight. Let's go. That's what it is every day. And if you think it's not, keep sitting up in here light and letting life slap you upside your head, because that's exactly what it's gonna do. You're in a fight, folks. You're in a fight for your dreams. You are in a fight for the life God has for you. You are in a fight for your future. You are in a fight for your promotion. You're in a fight for advancement. You're in a fight to do life better. You are in a fight to have more. You are in a fight to succeed. You are in a fight to overcome. You are in a fight to beat illness. You are in a fight every day of your life. What you think this is you got to fight and make it a good fight. Here's the tip to fighting. If you have God in your life, you will not lose the fight. Period. That's all I gotta tell you. If you have God in your life. You will not lose the fight if you include him in the process. Seeing all of my fights, here is my partner, here, my tag team partner. When I tag him in, everybody in the ring need declared. All the people that take me to court falsely, all the people who lie about me falsely, all the people try to bring me down for self gain. Yeah, I'm not over here by myself. I am protected by a scripture Isaiah fifty four seventeen that no weapon formed against me. Show prosper come from me if you want to, I'm just gonna tell you, I'm gonna hand you the scription. Get out the way. I've seen him do it for me too many times. But I know I'm in a fight. I just don't go to the fight alone. You can't take a knife to a gunfight. Put God in your life and you cannot lose the fight, because that's what we're in. We're in a fight. You feel me, your sir, drop the mic, Baby, that was a good one. Steve's in a fight. That was good. You gotta fight for your dreams, all right, Well, thank you, sir, y'all have a great week here. Yeah, well whatever for all. Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.