Amy Schumer, Garcetti, Sheryl Underwood, Cuomo and more.

Published Apr 16, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are celebrating being alive. Steve makes a stunning revelation to us. The Chief Love Officer advises a man whose long-term girlfriend suggests dating around before marriage. Amy Schumer changes the name of her son. Mayor Garcetti of Los Angeles suggests things carrying on into 2021. Junior gives us an update on his dating situation. Sheryl Underwood overheard what Junior said and is feeling some type of way! The wife of CNN's Chris Cuomo has tested positive for coronavirus. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about fixing our focus and warns us against the dangers of worrying, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time? I don't know. Y'all all back giving them like the milling buck things in it stood, Steve to the mother, I don't join Jo. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you love, got to turn them out. Turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey Man old man, got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, Man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me, how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He owned one, he'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together that just individually. Look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. Everybody has them. Everybody's got them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination now. The procrastination is only hurting you yourself. If you got a goal or aspiration to dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God know where you're left off. Now. You may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off, you can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams, and in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on too was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man. Sometimes it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See he held on to that fum me. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, Okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line. Then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to, but then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell. I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I've been through enough where it's relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me, appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't, I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff he was pulling off on me. But in essence, I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there indeed wrong. He forgave me, he said, because man if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working and here I am today now as he threw it me. Yet Nope. If I arrived yet, nope. But guess what the journey is cool? You know. It's like I was talking to this young brother the other day about comedy and he's really good stand up. You know, this young dude is really good. He said, Man, what is this I feel every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. I just wanted off me, I said, sir, listen to me, you young dude. This thing that climbs on my back every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. It's got something to do with pressure, It's got something to do with anticipation. It's got a whole lot to do with the fear of falling. He said, what you mean by that? I said, every night I walk out on stage, it's like I'm about to go and step off a cliff. I said, it's a sickening feeling. He said, man, but you do so well. I said, that's because the parachute opens. I say, but I want you to understand something. When I first walk out there, it's just stepping off the cliff. Now, these jokes provide a parachute which slows my descent when I jump off the cliff, and I turned it into a glide. And then I take the audience this way and I swing them back over that way. We might swing out to the Colorado Rockies. We may go down to Miami with this joke. We may take it on out to LA and I just swing back and forth till I land softly. The crowd cheers. The night is over with, I said, but it's been too many nights though. When I walked off that cliff and I pulled the cord and the parachute didn't open, I said, Now I'm just free falling out there for thirty minutes. Ain't no jokes working. Ain't the parachute didn't open? I said, So see, that's what it's like for me. And then you know what I found out. If you don't walked off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life. It's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right, See, we all head into the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no core, You steady pulling, you hollering the whole way because you messed around with yourself, and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day, than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from. I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain, it's usually him you're listening. Ladies and gentlemen, everybody, let me have your undivided detention. It's only crack. We're back again, by the grace of God. Well boy, we're still here doing swell, doing some great things. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. We come to celebrate life today. We come to celebrate life today, even though it's a different norm and a different time for all of us. All it is all of us, and so it's a different time for everybody. We're here to celebrate. Listen. I know it's easy for some people to say, hey, just find something to do. Its busy, But let me tell you something. Everybody has to deal with this thing from their perspective, and it's all in perspective. Somebody got bigger house to walk around than other people's house. We all have to hang in there. We all got to pull for each other. We all got to take care of each other, and we all got to look out for one another. If you know somebody old man, just go by, make sure they're okay, you understand, make sure they got something e We just got to I think this is a time where we can we could just show that we all better. This is the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Which is better? Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve, Colin Pharrell, Good morning, Steve. What's up? Crewe Dad, Dad, Damn Junior morn morning everybody and the food nephew timing ya ya in the building right, man? Can feel good today? Sure? Um? If you put clothes on and then take them off and then put them on the next day, is that dirty? Mm hmm. Now have you left you ain't been aware? Yeah? What I did? I got it back home. Yeah, they're not dirty now after day two they're gonna be dirty. Yeah, okay, rules still in place. I was like to see amen. Amen. First of all, let me tell you something. Here's what I really have appreciated about being on lockdown since yet, since March thirteenth, I have had on no draws my bottom. Yeah, I ain't have not had on a pair of Tommy John underwear since March thirteenth. You're having pans. You just don't have an under yeah. Yeah, sweatpants stuff you do like me all out in the backyard in the morning, neighbors is like just tripping with me. I'm t shirted nothing. I can't Why I can't do that? It's my yard. I ain't going nowhere. I can't do that, Tom, Steve Harvey, No, I can't work because I'm Steve Harvey and I'm just blessed. I ain't aware. Well I can do it. But the breeze, though, girl, the breeze, see Timmy, he can do that. Who baby out in the back? Nick, walk around you know you six two and walk out there with you with no draws. It's different. All right? Hold that thought. Coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do another edition of Ask the Clo. Because the CLO, the Chief Love Officer is in the building. Steve is going to help someone with their relationships. That's coming up right after this. That baby gonna fall in net pool. You're listening to the show all right. Time now for Ask the Clo. The Chief Love Officer is in the building, Steve. This one is from Darryl in East Texas. He says, my girlfriend and I have known each other since we were seven years old. We started dating and it started over say that again. I missed it. My girlfriend and I have known each other since we were seven years old. We started dating in the tenth grade and we haven't spent a moment apart since then. We are in our mid twenties now and I want to marry her. She said we should not get married right away, and she suggested we separate for a while to date other people before we decide on marriage. Someone is in her head and making her think there may be something better out there for her. I don't want to lose her. What should I do? Well, you're right, brother, but something is going on. It might not be nobody in her head. She could be in her own head. She hasn't experienced much a life, and a lot of times, you know, with Instagram and being able to see all these highlights of other people's lives, sometimes it's best to go out there to make sure that you can experience life as you know it and explain something to your young brother. If you lose her, it wasn't meant to be. See what you think is meant to be. If the two of you don't think it's meant to be, it ain't gonna be. And I was waiting on you to say you want to hold off and go explore, but she wants to explore. Hey, man, listen to me. If if she gets married and does not scratch that itch. You're going to have a problem, So let her go. And I know it's hard, man, I know it's hard to let her go. And you've been with her since you seven, but that don't count. Dog, take all that we were together at seven sixteen. Yeah, you know, y'all start dating in high school, y'all in your twenties, and you've never been apart. But she needs a chance to grow and develop, and you have to allow her that. If you love her, let her grow and develop. It doesn't mean that you know she'll fall in love with somebody. But okay, in the letter, did he say she wants to start dating other people? Yeah, she said, den Bro, let me explain something. You need to get ready to go start dating other people too. Yeah, And it's time for both of you to go experience that. Because if a woman says that she wants to start dating other people, Bro, that ain't a cage though that you can close. When he started, und don't that that that that burg gonna fly out that cage. Bro, y'all going to split up for a little while, it's meant to be you get back together. That's right, all right, Steve. This is from the Laurel in la Um. My husband and I are newly weds, and I thought by being stuck at home together, we'd have lots of fun bonding time. It's just the opposite. My husband thinks I'm his chef and plans his meals and tells me what he wants for dinner each day. He's never been a small man, and he's steadily gaining weight while being here at the house. He is always snacking and drinking soda. He sleeps still new and binge watches TV. I know he's stressed and dealing with a lot, but I am losing interest in him. Is there a way I can tell him to get it together without hurting his feelings? No, you got to hurt Come on, he gotta get his ass around there. No, you gotta get the move. No you can't. There's no way around this. You didn't wrote in a letter. You're already at your breaking point. You have to tell him he was big when you met it. He's sitting there, he's getting bigger. You wanted to have a full relationship. You're not the chelf, you know. Y'all need to switch you up. Wrong play. Y'all got to introduce something exciting right now because this quarantine is helping a lot of marriages. But this quarantine is ending some marriages too, Yes, it is because there's some people understanding some stuff. See. See, when you can go to work and get away from a person, you allowed to miss him, you know, you get to go off and have other conversations with other adults, not nothing sexual, just interacting with other people, and then come back home and you could discuss your day. Girl, what you do. I see you look good when you take that out the way, you have to genuinely like the person you're in this quarantine with. You have to seriously genuinely like this person. True, because this quarantine, man, this thing right here, man bringing a whole lot of truths out. You gonna know the truth in here and what you thought you found out now that you don't have. So you have to address him. And while you're in this quarantine is a good time to address him. Yeah, Nigel in Detroit Steve, Yeah, that's gonna be a tough one right there. Nigel in Detroit says, I'm twenty eight years old and I moved to Detroit recently for a great job, and I met my soulmate. We've been dating for nine months and I've totally fallen for her. But there's one problem. She won't go to church with me. She told me she was inappropriately touched by preacher when she was a teenager, so she gave up going to church altogether. Nigel says, my dad is a preacher and I love going to church to keep my focus. Can our relationship survive if she's not willing to ever step foot in a church again? No, no, no, no, your marriage can survive church. You love, she wants nothing to do with it. And this is not Steve talking. Now there's a scripture. Surely might know it, but when you marry, you shouldn't marry somebody that's equally yo, meaning y'all kind of like the same things. Basically. Now, if you love church and she was inappropriately touched by a past one time and she want nothing to do with it, now, it doesn't mean that the relationship is over with, but you have to get her to see another side. Maybe if you got her to just come to your church, just say hey, look, I really want you to come. Just give it a tribe. My dad is great. You know you might you might enjoy it. Let's just go, let's sit in the back, you know, and just see if you enjoy the service. And you could try that, I wouldn't give up. Owner. Sometimes, you know, there's complications and getting what you want out of life. So sometimes, young man, you got to you got to work for it. I mean, she may turn out to be a great person to go to church with it. She may really turn out to be your soul mate. But you can't break up because she won't go to church. You got to keep trying. Mine father never went to church ever. Him and my mama was married for sixty four years and then finally she started getting him to go to church. Wow, Okay, coming up right after this, we'll have your wife don't go to church. That's different though, Yeah. Different. If you tell me, I'm gonna run that break back. Right after this. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news Amy Schumer changes her baby's name. Wait till you hear why plus and tell me something good good news. A man in New Jersey blessed four fast food workers with ten thousand dollars each. Wait till you this is a great story. I saw this four thousand, ten thousand dollars each. Four people, ten thousand dollars. Oh, four people, yeah, ten thousand, No, no, no, ten thousand, four fast food workers with ten grand each. And Miss Anna's standing by with more of today's COVID nineteen national news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. Hey, Neff, what you got for us? All the parents out there across America? This is for you. You are not a good teacher. You're not You're not a good teacher. Let's go cad. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Nikki. How you doing, Nikki? I am, I'm mister Daniels. I'm calling from the E Learning Department. Hey, all right? Your daughter is is Jasmine? Correct? Sixth grader? Yes? All right? And you've been um, you guys have been corresponding back and forth with miss her teacher. Yes all right, So here's my I'm calling. Uh. Miss has brought some things to my attention. Uh, Nikki, if you don't mind, who's who's actually helping Jasmine with her schoolwork every day? What a task? All right? So I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but let me let you know what's going on. No, that's not anything wrong with her computer at all. I've spoken with miss several times about Jasmine and we've just bawled it down to whoever's helping her with her work is just not doing a good job. You should not be the person that's helping her with her schoolwork. Okay, hold on that what you mean I shouldn't be helping her. That's my child, I understand my child. I'm saying, whoever is teaching her is not doing a good job as a teacher, you know, And this could affect Jasmine to the point where from the looks of what I've seen and what's been turned in, I truly don't see Jasmine going to the seventh grade. I mean, this is this is Is there anybody else there that can help Jasmine with her work? No? She got she got me what's wrong for her work? Got to say, because I just taught to her and she could have told me this, what's what? What what's the subject? What's the problem? Well, it's all yes, it is, yes it is. What's the problem. What's what's the problem? Give me the assignments because I'm I've been working with her, So what's the problem. Everything is coming back. I think the last paper I looked at she got a four forty five on it. I looked at some math work, it was a sixty two. I mean, if you are the person that's teaching her over there, you're just not good at that. Admitted. Now you hold on and you can get missing on the phone too, because I don't, y'all, don't got my baby work. And then she got a problems. You can come to tease the child. She can open up the schools and get them back. There's no opening the schools at this point. Right now, there's no opening of the schools. So she got a problem. If she got a problem, then she could come teach my child. That's what she's supposed to be doing anyway. Okay, But the problem is right now, you're the person that's at home teaching. You're the person that's at home teaching the girl, and it's not helping. So I don't want Jasmine to not make it to the seventh grade. But at this point that's what it's looking like. Well, look, if I got the teacher, then she's gonna learn it how I learned it. Okay, we're just math, isn't do math. They got these kids doing. No, she's gonna learn Howler five times five twenty five. She's gonna learn her time tax. Okay, but we can't learn. Man, you're undoing what we've taught already. You can't take them back. Y'all need to teach it to y'all need to teach it a better way. I send my child to school for this, Okay, I'm not getting paid. I gotta cook, I gotta clean on me here with these kids. I'm mean, I'm a mother, throw all these kids and my husband. I don't have time for all of this. So if if the teacher, well, let me say this, miss Nick. Let me let me say this, miss Nick, I don't have time for a parent not realizing that they're not a good teacher. I don't have time for that. Whoever, who are you, whoever you are, E learning department, whatever, you need to come eat learn my child because I'm not doing it right. Then y'all need to come get over here and do this mother work. O. Man, if you got to the seventh grade, if I got to come up does when it when the school open back old term, you will see me. We'll go this. We got Okay, we're going on. You are not a good homeschool teacher. That's the baby. My child is going through the seventh grade. Oh che, No, who's your print? Who is the prince? No? No, won't be talking to somebody else. My child is. What's the seventh grade? She gonna get this? She getting this works if y'all, y'all gonna get this work too. I'm not accepting forty five and sixty two's on papers, ma'am, and gonna let you your daughter advance to the seventh grade. That's you're right. I'll check it over, but John need to do to check and if she's no, no, no, no once once again? You checking it over is the problem. You're the problem, sir, sir, if she got a problem. Once you got the piece first, what's you gotta go first? Let to check the work. What's the difference? Let you tease to check the work? Not coming you no more? And you hold on, what's your name again? You're talking to me? My name is mister Day. Okay, I'm learning. Okay, I don't give a damn phone when like I care, I don't care. I'm the first answers me, and you get off this phone. I'm calling her so right immediately, so she could tell me all this stuff you got to tell me. She don't gotta hide behind you. She can call me directly. So thank you listing days letting me know. Oh it's about to go down. I don't even dare. I don't care no more. Just cool. If y'all got an issue, when the way I'm teaching, take your kids back, come teaching the front yard. I open up my dough. You could talk tea my time. From my side. You got a problem with it, but that's it. From right now. I'm all she got. I don't what she got. I'm a teacher. She gonna learn it the way I'm teaching her. If y'all got a problem, y'all got a problem. But she going to the seventh grade, or best believe my baby going to the seventh grade. Okay, maybe maybe I just maybe I need to talk to Brian, your husband. Maybe I need to talk to Brian. I'm like, what you were talking to me. You were telling me you don't need to talk to him. You were talking to me. I speak for both of us, so not taught to me. Yeah, okay, well I just I spoke with Brian a couple of days ago. So can you say nothing to me so as Brian? Okay, okay, but but you know what what Brian said about this, because he tell me nothing. What Brian told me to call you. He told me to prank phone call you. This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Nikki, you just got pranked by your husband Brian. These kids been driving me up the wall understanding this up? These kids driving me? What good man? Look coronavirus gonna have to see me after it? Is this too much? I decided drinking? Oh Lord, getting your kids? Tell me one more thing, baby, it's twenty twenty. Tell me what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Is the Steve Harvey Morning. Oh tell me you're crazy? Okay, I know, coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to morning show and today's entertainment news. Amy Schumer and her husband Chris Fisher have changed their son's middle name. All right, listen closely, guys. Their son's name was JENITL. Fisher. Okay, But then Amy said she and her husband realized that they had accidentally named their son genital accident. That's what they say. Okay, they didn't think this from the beginning. Well, I mean, you don't think about gene a Tell Fisher, Gene Jake, not any tee Gena Tell Gene Gene is one name and then a Tale. Huh a Tale is his second name. Yeah, middle name, but it sounds like Gentitan. Yeah it sounds I knew that. Yeah. Anyway, they changed into Gene David Fisher, which was supposed to be the first place. Yea, Gene David Fisher. So there you go. Yeah, yeah, Genita, somebody get Gentital off me. Or you could have named you gene ne Us. What's his last name, Gene Fisher, gene Nius Fisher, Genius Fisher. I like that, yeah, Us Janius. I could and this story right here like really really interesting, but I really don't care. It's kind of funny, kind of funny. Yeah, all right, time for tell me something good news, uh, Jane. His name is Jay Manzini. Manzini. He stood at a Checkers drive through window in New Jersey. He was asking the cashier how much money he makes an hour and how many people were currently working that shift. He then asked the man to tell everyone working to come to the window so he could give them something. Moments later, the man j Menzine, he pulled out a four pulled out four ten thousand bands. You know how they have the ten thousand dollars in those rappers. He pulled out four of them. He handed it to each worker. I mean they were they were just shook. It was a beautiful thing to see that. They were like, oh my god, are you serious? Ten thousand dollars? He was like yeah, yeah, I mean he thanked They thanked him, and it was just a great thing, you know, especially today. He just said he decided to help a few people that worked in checkers. Um, it's the one of the New Jersey. Yeah. Now, I'm gonna tell you something because I used to work at a burger king. But if I'd have been in that check in the position I was in back then, and somebody came in their hand to meet the ten thousand, I'd have stripped down after uniform and walked straight out that damn dough. Now let me ask you this. When you get home, do you let everybody know you got the team? Dog? I'll be so quiet, because I already know my family in the big my ass had to death. I might have eight hundred. Now, no, Joe, I'll be dog dog. I take a little checkout fit, all lead, a little stuff. Then well I had no shirt on, none of that. Won't with the hat on the top. Go sit down in my college, a little poly after pans, drive them all rad my bike home something, because that's what I was doing back then, eighteen and i'd drove to my house. I'd to quit. But just in case, just in case he robbed a bank and they can't even collecting money, I'm gone. Yeah, but unity mother saying ten thousand dollars when I was eighteen years old. Oh my god, Now that's nineteenth situation. Yeah, all right, Steve. Time now for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you, good morning everybody out there. Well, the numbers are in. The FEDS say that sales in the retail area fell a whopping eight point seven percent last month, with stores closed and people told to stay home. So it's not to spread the coronavirus. Now, I've already said that the almost ten percent dropping clothing sales in March was the largest drop in retail sales that the government has reported since it began tracking store sales thirty years ago. If you show that Americans are still spending a decent amount on food and online deliveries, but that very little is being spent on clothing, furniture, and accessories things like that, also restaurants and bars are also suffered. Consumer spending is considered the main engine of the nation's economic activity in the US, and economists are predicting a similar slowdown for the month of April. This one. By the way, President Trump now claiming that the World Health Organization delayed raising the alarm over the threat of the coronavirus. However, the president's critics say he's just looking for a scapegoat to keep the American people from blaming him for the moves he made and didn't make before COVID nineteen became so rampant in our country and had to be shut down in a presidential election year. As folks for the Global Health Organization says they were very clear about the possibility of Corona going worldwide back in January that President Trump knew it. Trump says he's holding up the annual financial support that the US gives to the WHL, which is like hundreds of millions of dollars. Meanwhile, the President now says he'd like to see schools and businesses reopened on May first. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says, though he's urging good sense in some caution, until you have the vaccine, until you have the medical treatment, what do you do? How are you building the bridge? Well, it's going to be a phased reopening, right and during the phase reopening, make sure you do no harm and keep your eye on the public health issue. The nation's capital has now wrapped up more than twenty one hundred confirmed cases of the coronavirus, so DC may Or Memorial Bowser is extending the state of emergency in the district till May fifteenth. We aim to protect DC residents and save lives, and that means doing everything we can to protect our most vulnerable residents. At least five hotels in the district are being used to treat and isolate virus victims. The Florida Supreme Court has rule that the government leegedy responsible for the mass killings at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida two years ago, can be ordered to disclose the names of the expert witnesses who've interviewed him in jail. By the way, all those no new economic stimulus checks have President Trump's name on him. This is the first time that a president's name has ever appeared on a federal check. And finally, this is kick Corona. Kick Corona in the butt. Now back to Steve harvey Mourning Show. You're listening to this, President Trump and the rest of Americans are ready for sports. I know you guys, are you talking about a lot? Yeah? Well, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is an advisor to the President on how to reopen sports. Cuban says, no masks for basketball players. That's not the answer. Too much uncertainty there. Doctor Fauci had, a medical doctor on the Coronavirus Pandemic task Force, said that he is a baseball fan and he is ready to see a Washington Nationals game too, but he suggests that if athletes play, it should be no fans or spectators and test the athletes every week so they will not infect each other. However, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said large gatherings like sports events and concerts will most likely be postponed for one year, at least until twenty twenty one. He said that, no, hold on, hold on, man here you NBA. No no, no, no, no, no, no, no, man, he's he's not. He might say, you can't play in LA, but they're gonna be playing at somewhere if if they say play, if the NBA say played, they play it somewhere. Well, he sang, in Los Angeles. I mean that's he's Los Angeles. That's jumping the gun. Though. Yeah, man, he don't know. Likely most likely, No, Shirley, but just dude, he can't what are you all over their fault? He can't take no, he's saying them gathering here, Carla and Shirley. Listen to me. You can't tell three men who are sports fans it ain't fit to be No, mo, damn sports. We just did. We just told coming up at thirty more minutes after the hour, we're gonna get an update on Junior's dating life during the quarantine. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show, well, Junior, we gotta get an update on your dating life. You know, we know people, Yeah, during the quarantine. But he lives in the building. Yeah, he told us about He told us, Well, you know what, I didn't wait long enough. You know, I did what, don't say it. I put the food over there with a note like a good neighbor, junior, stop stop right there. I thought she lived over there, since you had been living now, Uh no, you didn't tell me. She just moved in last week, though I did. Okay, I had been in here though two weeks, so I had seen her and I got to say that information. Yeah, and I went there that and then show her, dude that she has all that staying on there with her. He put the fruit back on my dough with another dough, said you don't need a good neighbor. I'm here. So that was the end of that. But I got a new ideas what I've been doing though. I've been out here virtual with date. Oh how's that going? Oh? Oh, I didn't know I was this popular. Oh I'm sad I'm in d M. Really you send me a message, I send one back. You know, we video what, you know. He's like, hey, you you all right over that people right back? I ain't got you. I'm over here now now I need lines for this. This is what I need lives for now. I love it. Yeah, I'm over here, Virtue. I don't know how to date on line. How you gonna But you know what, Junior, he didn't say to that. He wasn't sad when we when we opened up the show or anything. He was cheery and up. Yes, yes, I didn't have females conversations with females. IM good. I'll be talking about you know, you know, we just been talking about cleaning. You know, you know we'll be waning. Yeah, you know, we're clean up. That's what they'ybody doing at host You ain't you gotta you gotta clean up. That's all we've been doing. But I don't talk about that. Getting to know each other, you know, they all talking about when this is, when this is up, we're going on dates. I got plenty of dates when I get out it all and then all over the country. I'm bucked till November. I'm all over the country, Like, oh yeah, Vegas, New York. I probably ain't go to New York though, But but Vegas, for Shell, probably ain't gonna go to New York. Out there, you know, I want to let her know she listening. You know I probably ain't. We're just gonna be still virtually date. You know, I got one Augustus, good old girl. Don't use your knife, man. I mean nice women too, man. I got a sugar mom in Birmingham waiting on, but she gonna cook. I got one down now your mamma, because that's what you want. Want miss Ether season five. So you know I do not care saying the sold shirt. I don't want him everything. If you don't ever know where love gonna be. That's what Steve taught me. Find your love who like you like them back. That's all I'm about. If they make my love last, they like alright, Yeah, she told me she got beans, greens, tomato, gam I'm gonna be there for that. I'm gonna be there for that. It ever came in strong knocked a lot of people down the list. You don't want to miss the little young girls. I got bean green tomato, you name. I couldn't go ahead? Whoa home medication, gonna stay full fooled with me problem, got all your man's covered. I okay, Steve, just get these prescriptions. Feel for me. Don't worry about who it. Folks. Just get them feel on. Yeah. But you know, for the most part good I came to playing. I really am. You know that's good because you see the lighters. Yeah, because I got people to talk to. Now I got people. I ain't loan it like I was. You know. Now I'm laying in the bed with my lads crossed talking on the phone. Now, you know, yah, Pardoner part good visual, But with my leg cro anytime you say I'm laying in the bed with my lads crossed, it ain't good. Vis You never crossed your legs and your feet at the ankles up, just laid back talk. That's all that. Man. You don't see nothing bout your ankles stuff. You know he's doing he doing nothing, creep clicking his big toes together. I'm doing good. Well, congratulations, We're happy for you as always. Carry when I get off this. After the nephew is here with today's playing phone call. That's right after this. You're listening ste Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject, This young man has me weak in the knees. M m okay, all right now, though it's the it's the nephew here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now to twenty Charlotte, Yo, walks are too long. Your walks are too long, Tommy? What are you talking about? Tommy? What? Tommy? You say it a w Right wife? He's twice? Did you hear that? Did you really? I didn't even notice what I say? Say it again? Say say the title again? Yo? Qualks? Thinking about it? He fell off? I should. You were proud of it, and I like, I like when you choke. That's really what i'd be hoping your your come on running? Hell, just man to me with your running, can't I'm trying to reach a I think the name is dom Dominique. Okay, Dominique, my name is is mister Johnny and uh I live all on Street. Are you the person that do a lot of walking in the neighborhood h here on Street? Yeah, I don't. I don't think i've met you. I mean, I know everyone I've in the neighborhood for years. Okay, yeah, you probably don't know. I don't know if we met or nothing, but I just know I asked somebody who you was that was passing by, and they tell me that your name was Dominique, And I asked, what are the neighbors that they wouldn't mind if I reached out to you? And I just wanted to tell you that I'm you know, I'm having a problem with all walking that you do. You're passing by and and every time I look up every or I see you passing by and passing by. And you know, I know some folk like to get a little exercise and stuff like that, hen but it just seemed like you're doing quite a bit, and especially when you know we're supposed to be practicing social distance or what, sir. I don't know if I I don't know, if I goubt I stepped on your grass running, I don't know what's the problem. Um. But yeah, I've been jogging for years and you know that's just my route. So, um, if is there a way you can change? Is there a way you can change your route? Why would I do that? Because, like I say, it's social distancing. You know, some of this stuff is not on the bottom of people's shoes. You know, you can you can leave that that's not listening. I'm so sorry, I'm gonna cut you off, But there's a lot of on the news right now, that's not accurate. You have nothing to worry about, especially if we haven't even matched. You don't see me. I'm just running by. I'm not seeking outside of your home or anything. When you run by? How do I know it's not coming out of you? When you run by? How do I know that? We'll then talk to your doctor about that. I'm not a doctor. But I have to exercise. And okay, but and I understand you got to excite, but can you exercise somewhere else? I pressure watched my whole sidewalking driveway only because you'll keep running past here. You got me? What's your door number? You don't need to know my address, man, you don't need to know that. Don't don't worry about what your address. I don't know what house I need to avoid. How about you just stay awful street? How about that? No, I'm not gonna do that. This call is absolutely just ridiculous. You can't ask me. You can't call me right now under all the pressure everyone's going through, asking me not to run. You can run, but just run somewhere else. Don't run a street. This is what I'm asking. I'm starting to feel really attacked. I'm not okay with this. I'm not gonna stop running. You're not gonna scare me off into into Do I need to call to put? Do I need to call the police for this? I can call the law. Are you going to call the police? What are you going to I'm running? You are not practicing social distancing, that's what they see you. When have I? When the hell have I seen? Can I practice social distancing? What are you talking about? Why don't you run out? Why don't you run into Why don't you run in the street and not on my sidewalk? How about you, dude like that you don't own the sidewalk. I want you to understand that you don't own that. You can't tell me where to run where not to run if I'm not on your problem. I pay, I pay taxes like every other person around. So do I and so do I. But I'm getting really pissed off right now, and I'm gonna let you know. I will not stop running. You will not intimidate me. And if you call me against and try to scare me off, I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to tell you what you are doing is jeopardize and other people. You are on the sidewalk, that is on your shoes, that is in your chest, and you are blowing all that got your throat. It's what you're doing. You are idiot, You missing and missing forms and you don't know what you're talking about asking for my number. Don't ever call me again or I'll call the tweets on you for harassment. I don't know who. Listen. If we can't come to an agreement, then I'm I'm anna block the sidewalk off. Nobody gonna be walking on it. Oh okay, Well, then you can just stal with the city because that's not my problem. You know, how do you try to blost the whole damn street and see how that works out for you? What? Why do you insist on giving this to other people on your shoes and blowing out your mouth and you you're so close to people houses. I'm an older man. I'm an older man. I don't need that. But I don't even know who the hell you are. I told you what I called. My name is mister Johnny for everybody call me mister. Okay, So mister, I'm just gonna tell you, I'm not gonna stop running if I see anybody, I'm gonna continue to practice social distancing, but you will not intimidate me into changing my route. I'm not doing that well. I'm gonna tell you this. If your black is on my sidewalk, I'm gonna take my pressure washer and I'm gonna pressure wash them am shoes. That I know is nasty. I know the nasty when you come up and down my sidewalk, I know the ye what you know what? This is escalated? Now I'm calling my husband. I'm calling the police. Mister, you're gonna hear from a lawyer. You're never ever going to have this conversation with me again because you are a piece of s. Do you hear me? You're a piece of I'm here, you call me, mister, And if you bring your husband around here, I'm a pressure watching too. Okay, we'll see about that, and I can intimidate us. Let me ask Let me ask you this here. Do you have a a cousin named Danielle. Danielle give you my number? You do know Danyale? Right? Yeah, what the Danielle has to do with us? Danyelle is the person that told me to give you a call and prank phone call you. This is Nephew till Me from the Steve Hobby Marty shout, Dominae, Oh my god, oh my god, I am here like because my kids are in the other room doing school work. I'm and texting my husband. You have me out here looking crazy. Oh my god, I've already started sweating. I thought I was gonna have to take this man. Of course, your cousin, your cousin Daniel, since you run, he runs two three times a day. She say this COVID nineteen is driving her crazy. Time. You gotta get us. God, she is listening. She is messed up to this. I'm gonna I'm gonna get her back, all right, but you gotta tell me, Dominique, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the line. Obviously it's the Steve Harvey Monty Show. That is man stupid. I'm not gonna come out here. All got the pressure water, just did the driveway and then and then in the sidewalf your shoe got all that. Lady, we're going you can't like that, Oh, I kind of. I'm stupid, man, I'm just really stupid. I am that I want I want to say this right now because I missed out on some things. I missed out on Montgomery, Alabama. I missed out on Oh my God, Jackson, Mississippi. I missed out on UM. I was eager to go to Ohio. I had that lined up. When this comes back and we are back on the groove, trust me, I'm still coming. The nephew we go. I promise you, I'm coming as soon as this clears out and everything is safe and you're safe and I'm safe the la you ain't. I don't play for the Lakers. I'm telling Joe. Everywhere they let men, everybody suffered, called they suffer. All right, think your nephew coming up next to Strawberry letter subject this young man has been weaken the knees. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter just like this right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is strawberry letter, thank you few subject. This young man has me weak in the knees. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a sixty three year old black woman and I've never been married and I don't have any children. I was raised to believe that sex outside of marriage was wrong, so I didn't have sex until I was thirty two years old. It was never that exciting to me, so I did not put much effort into having a great sex life. I always met and dated great guys, but they would all tell me that I had no passion or promise in the bedroom. For that same reason, I have never had an orgasm until this year. I'm at a forty two year old man and we hit it off. I didn't think i'd fall for him, so I never told him my age or my sexual history. The first time we were intimate, he didn't care how inexperienced I was. He did all of the work and I had several out of body experiences with him. I can honestly say that I have been missing out on something magical. I could not get enough of this man. But there's just one little problem. I'm ashamed of him. He's a thug and he owns a barbershop, so he is always in jeans and a hoodie or T shirt. I can usually hear his music before he pulls up in my driveway. My neighbors have seen him come and go, and I know it looks strange that he leaves late at night. I can't let any of my friends or family know about him. He says he is not seeing anyone else and that I'm special to him. I may be hypnotized by the sex, but I really enjoy talking to him too. He's got his head unstraight and he takes care of his business. Is this man out of my league and I need to leave him where I found him? Or is it okay to have a secret maintenance man? I have a lot of catching up to do. Yes, you do. First of all, why do you think you have to keep him a secret. I mean, you are sixty three years old. That means you are good and grown. So what you do is your business. I mean you don't have to explain it to anyone. You don't have any kids. I'm amazed that your life is not your own right now. And what I mean by that is you're letting all these other people what they think and say, run you because you don't want them to meet him. He's a secret to you and all of that. I mean, you want to keep him a secret. You said you're ashamed of him. Why why are you ashamed of him because the age difference? Or because you think he's a thug? You call him a thug. Why do you call him a thug because he wears jeans and a hoodie? I don't understand. Then you say near the end of the letter that he has his head unstraight. You like talking to him, he takes care of business. So which is it? Is he a thug or does he have his head unstraight and take care of business and you like talking to him? You know, what do you want for yourself? I think you just need to really sit down and make up your mind at sixty three so you can go ahead and live your life. You have to have a say in your own life. And how you know, without all these other people in your business, you've already missed out on a lot. Like you said at the end of your letter, you have a lot of catching up to do. Yes, you do a whole lot. So let's start now, Steve, Well, I know what's really going on him. Sixty three year old black woman, never been married, ain't got no kids, he was raised right Belee. The sex outside the marriage was wrong. Everybody and heard that one supposed to be a sin. It is called for anication. But we already know that. That's everybody seeing. So I ain't have sex tours thirty two. What never that exciting to me? I ain't put a lot of effort into it. I just pretty much just laid over there, you know, and then, uh, you have some great guys, but day oh, everybody, all of them told you you ain't got no passion because you were just laying there. Oh ma'am, see mean you don't have passion. You need something, noises something. You got to reach over and spank something, something, got to try something, got to talk back. I got to just holler out something. We need something. You just over there just taking breath deeper, like when is you gonna be too? You know, I mean we need something. You know, you know, you're sixty three years old. You could have just you know, call out some old nat sat anything. You know you need something, You you need something, But she's sixty three nine. You know that we need something. You just laying up there. What's the name sat near Maya? You know, you know something called after the practice, say some old ass name, and so you know it would have helped. Now for that reason, she said, I've never had a orgasm until this year. Here we go, met this funny to you old man, and we hit it off. I ain't think I fall for him, so I never told him my age on my sexual history. First time we was intimate, he didn't care high experienced I was. He did all the work, and I had several out of body experiences with him. This is what this whole damn that about. Several out of body experiences with him. Every woman listening is picked back when you said several out of body experience it because I want all We won't hold on, Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour subject took the dam This young man has been waking the knees. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to the Harpy Morning Show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's read up today's druery letter. Carlin still laughing. The sixty young man has me weak in the knees. This lady sixty three, black lady, ain't never been mad, had no kids, didn't have sex to she was thirty two. Wasn't that exciting? She didn't put a lot of effort into it. Everybody share of a day that told hooded, she just you know, laying that she just you ain't got no passional promise in the bedroom. I mean like you when they tell you ain't got no promise in the bedroom, I mean like you ain't even trying to put forth no effort. I've told you several old names. You could have been hauling out. Try something, reach round there, frank him a little bit, give him some type of cadgement, you know, bite him on his shoulder, give him something, you know, dig your nails in the center of his back. You don't call out names. And Eric Kiffer's a wrong name that wraps you know, you know, and just something to give a man some type of inkling that you that you there didn't you know, but the first time we was intimate, you met this forty to your man, and uh, first time we was intimate, you never told him your age or your sexual history. He didn't care how inexperienced out of it. He did all the work, and I had several out of body experiences. That's what this whole damn letter about. I don't know what you wrote for, but I know what this letter about is them out of body experiencing. See he did all the work. He You was delaying that, doing your usual nothing. But homeboy was in there, turning, re angling, pulling. Yeah, come on coming in hard left. I'm talking about just go low and then cut make a turn upward. He was in there, and you had several out of body experiences. But there's just one little problem. I'm ashamed of him. He's a thug and he owns a barbershop, so he always in jeans, a hoodie or a T shirt. What you can This ain't about you going nowhere. This about he come over. The neighbors have seen him come and go, and I know a little strange. He leaves late at night. He get that late. You know what this is. But see, you know what you kept doing. You're trying to talk yourself out of this too. Quit talking yourself out of every damn thing. You have had several out of body experiences, that's what this is. This ain't your soul, mate, This is just somebody who is giving you some moments before your ass Leave him now. Don't go on it, Murdle, you're sixty three years I'm just gonna labs here and Murdle listened to him. You ain't got to be proud of him. He a thug, He owned a barber shop. He pull up in a dry where your neighbors have seen you come and go. It looks strange. He leave it now. I can't let any of your friends know about him. Family. Why he said he ain't seeing anyone else and I'm special to him. That's not true. How he ain't seeing nobody else. Ain't no man forty some years old ain't seeing nor all them out of body experiences you have it? How you think he learned how to do it? That ain't at the house by yourself practicing. I can tell you that right now, when you're passing out out of body experiences, it's because you know how to bring everybody. I say, body, you didn't roll some eyes in the back of the head and open your eyes and saw they went Okay, that's the move, checkmate. Let me mark that down. That's how you get experienced. I may be hypnotized by the sex you think you ask any woman as a man giving them an out of body experience, and they asked them what they hypnotized. Girl in a damn trance, Children of the Coin, The Walking Dead, Chainsaw Massacre, Hell Thriller video Michael Jackson. Everybody came out to groundstar clapping. He got his head on street and I really enjoy talking to him. Yeah, he got his head on straight, and he take care of his business. Is this man out of my league? No? No, hein't out your league? Here in your house, here in your bed? How he out your league? And I need to leave him where I find it? Where did you find him? Yeah? You know she a boba here baber and he a third? Where was you at murder? Where you met the baba on the third? Or is it okay to have a secret maintenance man? You got one? Don't it feel okay? Gonna have yourself? So you ain't never been married, you ain't got no kids. You to talked yourself out of everything your whole life. Man, let him come through down, do what you do? Hands on that. Thank you. Steve post your comments on today's Strubberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey as the money and donation. Don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand as well. Now coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, it's our girl from the Talk, the one and Only, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve please introduced, and gentlemen, come on, come on now, put your hands together for sure. Underwood, thank you, Steve Harvey and Steve Harvey Morning Show. I was gonna talk about what a clown, uh, the President Trump is, but I ain't gonna talk about that. I was gonna talk about how you holding up people money when your name got to be on check. But I ain't gonna talk about that. I'm gonna talk about that white lady to be up there with them expensive stoves. I ain't gonna talk about That's right, That's right. I ain't gonna talk about how Donald Trump don't be messing with Foucher. We like Foucher. I'm gonna talk about none of that. Well, maybe I'm talking, okay. I ain't gonna talk about all the white people over in Michigan and all of rebelling because they talking about it. What is it? What did they say, Shirley West a dictatorship because they need to stay at home. As soon as one of they asked us catch the rona, then they're gonna be like, we should have listened, dude. I need to talk about the fact that President Obama has endorsed Joe Biden. It is only popping now. I ain't gonna talk about that. Tommy, Tommy, he did that fact did the video like he's about to drop a mixtape. I was like, yeah, it's going down, We're about to win this, Junior. Huh what you talking doing? Your damns all of what you just answering me? Oh, I know everything. I know. I got eyes early, well, I know everything. Who is this trick? Who is that? What is what? Don't have me pull my switch blade out? My? Was you north from Arkansas? We always carry a blade? What the hell? Hell? Who is it? Julian? Who is it? It better be somebody? What who? I don't hum me, don't hump me. You wouldn't huh when your little fingers was on your little keyboard. You wasn't when you was all in somebody Damn y'all dm and it and you bet not has sent her no damn pictures or to say something. Man, you didn't sent some fruit fruit something from shut you out? You send it something? Did you senter the good fruit like the peaches from the Harry and the other company He went on the Bristol farming got it? Oh? Hell no, that was too close to where I listen to me, Junior, see you play too much. You're doing stuffing for women. I'm over here on isolation, living on free those and everything, and you happened somebody being nourished when I see you after the quarantine is over. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. S No is a wrong man. Sheryl back, because Junior ain't had a chance. We'll be right back. We got more. It's happening. Junior falling out. We were falling out. Now you're listening. Welcome back to the ride as if you were gone. We had it. Sheryl Underwood doing her normal segment, and uh, an alarming thing came about. She overheard Junior on the radio saying that women be sliding into him his dms and he's sliding into women. Then and then Tommy told Sheryl that Junior bought the girl that stayed crossed the hall from her some fruit having This'm not scary ass ain't even saying no, I'm not. I'm trying not stee, I'm trying hard right what the love I have for Junior? See? I just can't believe he would do that to me. You know what I'm saying to me, I love? I thank you that sharing the scribe berries. A matter of fact, I don't even want to say scrabberry though more you want here saying just fruits. I don't want. Sorry, she get a hole of yourself. I'm sorry calling you would do a tight thing time you would do the same. You would do the same thing too. If let somebody bring some plums or some cherish, you know, the black good cherish that bad don't get CHERI he ka can't wait, tom Me, let me tell you what. I'm so hurt. You know that's you know, that's my freak name. It's Kee. Never knew. Ain't we because it's furry on the outside and juice on the inside. But you might get a pit stuck. Can't get you that? Don't make no dance it, Julian, How you would last something? Can't we? That's our thing? That is our thing? Joe, how did you do this to me? Say something, say something. Don't say I don't want to hear. I want here, I want hear. You know, you know I can't come out and do nothing to you. You breaking my heart. You can't let me, let me, let me do true hair. Somebody sleeping damn, oh yeah, somebody taking my play. Say something, Julian, say something, say something, say I don't want to hear. I don't want to hear. Shut that's right. Thing. I knew it was something going on. You were two damn loving something. Yes, it's written all over your damn You don't have to let you talk, okay, sod, okay. I was just I was just what he was, just what. I was just just talking to people. I just was just talking because I feel like you ain't got to cuss me out on the very body like. Sorry, I didn't mean to cuss you out. I forgive me because you are a man and I should treat you like the king that you are. Sweater God when I see it, I'm sorry, Lord, I didn't mean to say sweater God. I swept on Lord Junior when I said, okay, then passion, then look kind of passion you and I'd be happy in my mind when I be popping these sheets hard. What in your mind? What your say sor say sorry? Say sorry? Cut you up, get me through some tricks. That's what you apologize and you the love I have for you, the love has stays, oh my mind to love we had. I got to go back none of them so nothing past. Oh yeah he got to a joy. Yeah. I mean, I can't believe you're gonna throw me on your Joss. You ain't timing. Just don't make no use. You know he has great the web, the well the one that when you when you bited, the juice come out. How could you do this to me? Jo Welch's is I think you can have smuckers with anybody. Welcher well down. How can you do this to me? Because you can have smuckers with anybody. I got Welcher and crunch you peanut butter and I'm a butter unless you allergic to pet us. I don't know what what me? Coming up? More music, Thank you, Cheryl, and trending topics and some headlines to a twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening, well, some sad news to report Chris Cuomo from CNN. You know we all love him. He um is going through his COVID nineteen getting over it. Um. But he said that now his wife has it. Um oh man. Yeah. He had been, you know, staying in the basement, quarantining himself, still doing his show every day through everything. He said that now she has it. His wife's name is Christina. She's now positive. It just breaks my heart, he says, it's the one thing I was hoping wouldn't happen, and now it has. Well, yeah, it really is. They have kids, Oh goodness, Yeah, they have kids. Yeah. Oh man, take care of kids, both of them. Because he's still seeing, he's still battling the Yeah, he is. Yeah. I mean it takes a lot because the people who have it say their energy is low, they can't get out of bed. But he's out of bed, he's doing it. He's working. Yeah. So family, Yeah, Chris chromo christ Yeah yeah. Yeah. Well. On another note, the stimulus checks everyone seems to be waiting for could be delayed by a few days because the Treasury Department has ordered that Donald Trump's name be printed on them. That's according to senior IRS officials. That means that seventy million Americans who receive paper checks from the IRS, will see the name President Donald Trump on Trump on the left side. This is a first. Now, all right, the president's name has never appeared on a payment from the IRS. Before we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. All right time now for asked the CLO the chief love officer is in the building, Steve. This one is from Darryl in East Texas. He says, my girlfriend and I have known each other since we were seven years old. We started dating, and we started over to say that again, I missed it. My girlfriend and I have known each other since we were seven years old. We started dating in the tenth grade and we haven't spent a moment apart since then. We are in our mid twenties now, and I want to marry her. She said we should not get married right away, and she suggested we separate for a while to date other people before we decide on marriage. Someone is in her head and making her think there may be something better out there for her. I don't want to lose her. What should I do. Well, you're right, brother, but something is going on. It might not be nobody in her head. She could be in her own head. She hasn't experienced much a life, and a lot of times, you know what is graham and being able to see all these highlights of other people's lives. Sometimes it's it's best to go out there to make sure that you can experience life as you know it. And let me explain something to your young brother. If you lose her, it wasn't meant to be. See what you think is meant to be. If the two of you don't think it's meant to be, it ain't gonna be. And I was waiting on you to say you want to hold off and go explore, but she wants to explore. Hey, man, listen to me. If if she gets married and does not scratch that itch, you're going to have a problem. So let her go. And I know it's hard, man, I know it's hard to let her go. And you've been with hers since you seven, but that don't count. Dog. Take all that we were together at seven sixteen. Yeah, you know, y'all start dating in high school, y'all in your twins, and you've never been apart. But she needs a chance to grow and develop, and you have to allow her that. If you love her, let her grow and develop. It doesn't mean that you know she'll fall in love with somebody. But okay, in the letter, did he say she wants to start dating other people? Yeah, then bro, let me explain something to you. You need to get ready to go start dating other people too. Yeah, And it's time for both of you to go experience that. Because if a woman says that she wants to start dating other people, bro, that ain't a cage though that you can close that when he started around that that but that that burg gonna fly out that cage. Bro, y'all going to split up for a little while. It's meant to be you get back together. That's right. Coming up our last break of the day, there's breakout to day yourself and uh, we're gonna have the last breakout of day. Yeah, that's much better. Thank you, Steve cover the money all right, we're gonna have some closing remarks from you as well, coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening all right here we are the last break of the day. It's been a good Thursday. Yeah, we have fun fun yeah yeah, or Junior had some kind of day. Yeah, y trauma. I think the silence today will help. Yeah. You and Cheryl smooth and broke up. Man cussed out on live radio. I mean she said the words, yeah we had to beat sure. Yeah. Yeah, but she's in love Junior, yeah, she said in home mind though that's a different level. She said Kiwi was her freak name. No kiwis you know? Yeah on it? Whoa so much today? Yeah? And y'all have a mask? It's so hard to get a mask? Yeah, yeah, got I wore one on the plane today when I when I flew in, what's wrong? Get your hands on and and yeah, and they actually are you have to wear them for safety, of course, but they're kind of hard to wear too. Man, this was so funny. What I'm at the airport right, this is the true story. And the bag handlers was talking and I was kind of close to him, right, and the dude say, m man at steak and the dude say what he said, Man, you don't smell that? And the dude say no, oh man, I got on the mask. He said, Man, this stink he's a dog. Take your mask off. He pulled his mask down. He said, I don't smell it no more. He dog. He talk. These two dudes was talking. This dude took off running. He said, that's you. Man. Dude, say holder, Man, i'd be back. I'm gonna go ahead, brush my teeth. What just just happened at the airport to day. I'm to tell y'all that earlier, this really happened. Man. The two bag hellos, the two brothers was talking. He's a man. I smell something, man, he said, you smell that. He's a man. I don't smell nothing. Man, brush a man something smell. He's gonna take your mask off. He took his mask off. He say, I don't smell it. He said, man, that's called that's you. That's below the guns and blew it into it. He says, man, I got to go ahead and brush my teeth and pray. No, really, man, I promise your true story that just happened today. I'm gonna tell y'all that I'll stand over the balls. I almo ran with them two dudes. Oh man, okay, all right, see hey, let me say this to everybody. Um, I understand that these are difficult times. I do understand it, and I understand that it's challenging. I understand the quarantine is real. I understand that it's days when it's just not fun. But man, can I tell you something, though, If you would just fix your focus, if you could just fix your focus, man, if you could just take your focus and put it on the good and the part to be grateful for the fact that if you haven't been affected, that's something to be grateful for. If you've been affected and you survived it, that's something to be grateful for. If your children are safe, that's something to be grateful for. Man. I know, man, people are complaining about the size of their apartments and everything, and y'all talking about this, but y'all got yards and all this here. Hey, it's uncomfortable for everybody. I don't care if you got a yard, I don't care if you ain't got no balcony, I don't care. It's uncomfortable because we are in a new norm, and for a period of time, this is going to be the norm. So you've got to fix your focus. You got to, y'all. It's up to you. You can fix your focus if you change your attitude about this whole thing. You would be amazed that is some good in this for you. There is an opportunity in this downtime for you to make some improvements. I got you might not be working. I got that. I got you worried about how you're gonna pay for this and how you're gonna pay for that. But let me tell you something about wary that I've learned. Almost worried myself right on in the high blood pressure. Let me tell you something I learned about worry. Wary changes absolutely nothing. And I learned the spiritual reason for my worry was I was projecting and looking off into a future of which I had no business or control over. But as I peered into the future, I saw just me there alone. I didn't see the God I served. I didn't see the God that had brought me through every other crisis I had ever been in in my life. I didn't feel to that. I didn't put that into the equation. I just saw me and my shortcomings in my inadequacies in the future, and I began to worry and fret about it, become anxious. Over the moment I stopped worrying about the future the moment I started living in the presence and talking to this God I served, and then when I did look into the future, I incorporated into the equation that he'll be there also. It chilled me right all night. I invite you to do some say I invite you to do, to say, put some faith on it. Y'all, stop worring. God gonna take care of you. He always has. Ain't that the truth? Those are my closing remarks. Well, I love to say you have a great weekend, but it's almost here, and it won't be a weekend to just be a few more days. So let's just have some good more days off. That's what I'm going with, yeomen. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.