Amazon, Church Complaints, Idris Elba, NBA Talk and more.

Published Apr 29, 2019, 2:00 PM

It's a great Monday today y'all!  Steve finally shops on!  A marine who is cancer free, credits Uncle Steve's Morning Inspirations for helping him push through.  Church Complaints today involves a seeing eye goat and more.  The Avengers Endgame sets new records and the prosecutor in the Jussie Smollett case has been subpoenaed.  Idris Elba got married and the ladies on our show Shirley and Carla are extremely hurt.  Jay-Z performs at Webster Hall.  Frankie Beverly approves of Beyonce's version of his song Before I Let Go.  Uncle Steve tells you a little something about Game of Thrones.  Nephew Tommy shows love to his son Jordan.  We have a heated NBA discussion with Junior's playoff update.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about expecting the things you pray for and more.  

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all bat have all suit looking back to back down, giving the move like the moking buck bus things and its cou good it. Steve har listening to movie together for ste Please Mommy, I don't joy by joining me. You gotta turn you gotta turn to turnout, turn, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby at it. Ah huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. This is something that I've really been focusing on for the past couple of months, to be honest with you, and I want to share it with you today because I want to encourage you. Because there's something that's available to you that I've rarely spoke on before, and it's something that I've been really really discovering for the past couple of months. And I can't even tell you the difference is made in my life. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace. You know, when I was a little you see hear my mother singer song all the time. All I need is a little more grace, a little more grace. All I want is a little more grace, a little more grace. And I you know, I sang it with her, you know, of course, you know, walking around the house and stuff, and we had devotion service. I would sing it with the church people. But I repay it no attention. I really really didn't. Now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know. Grace is this thing that that God provides for us, and grace it's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know, I work hard, and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now. I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set, and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God will give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think how he can think? How how can you possibly do what he can do? How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of Earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations, What in your mind? What in any man's mind. We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now, his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pour all the money I have and dump it into grace, because after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for His love for you and for you attempting for you attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, every last one of us, would be doomed, because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. No, I'm not talking to you like I know everything, because I'm telling you I just got hip to this a couple of months ago. I just really started focusing on this a couple of months ago, and I'm bringing it to you because I know to help you if you just benefit from His grace, which you already have. But if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get to job. How you end up where you are, all the education you thought you went and got and had, how you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this, Man, If I could have planned my life the way it is, don't you know how to have done it when I was living in that car, if I knew how to do it. No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booz's goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know? You hear songs like my soul, looked back and wonder how I got over. That's grace. That's all I can call it. Now. Like I said, you can go to church or somewherever you want to, and ministers that the wind at school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace? Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace, would it not certain out? Check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought, Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try, why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip. Mind, I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you now you do that every year, you know, the embras at the new year. I'm eat better at the new year. I'm gonna I'm gonna gonna get in here in the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, you're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now right now today. What you're waiting on. All you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that? We delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting Now, if you're gonna get healthy, why don't you start now? Now you're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming. But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today you could. You could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace? What He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming. That you know, you keep calling them blessings and I got that a lot of it, and us all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that wants sull Next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls are animals and all insects. This is about to go down. If your aunt, I need your attension, Foul needs your undivided attention. Zoo detainees needs your attention. I ain't hear everybody that back in Hill need to be listening to this Hill Morning show. Now information is popping. Good morning, Shirley, Good morning Steve that I'll cover everybody tied to some people time. I ain't hear your shoulders morning when I asked everybody to listen, calling for real, good morning, what's up? I ain't heard from Junior Morning up? What up? Are Jays understanding of a name to call me? Yeah? Well, but I gotten he was on the radio names yea. Let me tell you Jake, and I caught myself. I said, we can't do our normal greeting because we all know the video. So Hi, Jay, what out mister Hardy? Normal greeting? What our food? Big dog? And dog? What to do? Baby? It's munt many. I want to thank Amazon because I ordered the National Geographic Visual Atlas of the World book Take Coffee Table Book from my house because I saw one at this place and I thought it was the most incredible map booklet of the world that I had sought, and so I ordered it and it came and it's the first time I've ever ordered anything off Amazon. Amazon, and I'm excited because they would tell them talking to me at the job, you know, on one of the commercial breaks, had to talk show and they said, so, Steve, how do you love Amazon? I'm a Prime member or somebody. And I said, I don't know what you're talking about. They said Amazon Prime when you order or I said order what? They said anything? I said, I've never ordered anything off Amazon? And boy, what did I say that? I said that, and them people looked at me like, what you never? Because I've never ordered anything off Amazon before. I just get it and the two books the same day. Bro, I didn't know that I could have ordered a data bought it to the house like three hours, four hours later. Yeah, I said, who is these people? These people order something last evening and got it this morning. When I opened my door, I was so excited. Love Amazon. That's why Jeff Beza, this is a billion the richest man in the world is killing them all. Oh yeah, you've never seen your Amazon drap. They drop off and be gone. Yeah, they ring the doorbell. Run. They don't have time. They gotta get to the next delivery. All right, all right, Steve, coming up at thirty two after the hour, listen to this your morning inspiration as we all know, has touched many many people. While we have an email this morning from a listener titled my morning Man saved my life. Get ready for this, Steve. We'll read it right after this you're listening to show. Okay, Steve, your morning inspiration has touched so many people. We received this email. It's titled my morning Man saved My life. Check this out, Steve. Good morning. I'm so grateful to be writing this to you. I woke up one morning in a month after my father passed, two weeks after my wife and children left me, and three weeks after I was told stayed out. Okay, good morning, I'm so grateful to be writing this to you. I woke up one morning and a month after my father passed, two weeks after my children and wife left me, and three weeks after I was told that I have cancer in my left lung. This is the hardest thing to speak of. Well, at five thirty six thirty am that Wednesday morning, I wanted to end my life. I turned on the radio to hear B Thompson, but I got Steve Harvey speaking of God. You said, if you find yourself at the end of your rope, let go I promise you that my God will catch you. That was five years ago. I've been blessed ever since. I'm cancer free and so much more. Thank you, I must say. I am a combat marine who lost his way till that day. I still tear up when I think about it. Thank you for helping me believe again. Marine boy. Yeah that's right. Yeah, wow, so much tragedy in his life, no idea what they go through A big dog. This guy wakes up, his father passes, his wife and kids leave it. Did he get canceled? Yeah, this all happened like relatively close. Yeah. Yeah, Yeah, that's a that's a that's a bad month though. Yeah, that's a rough one. That's a rough one. I think this is for everybody. It's something for everybody. You know, if you just do good, you never know how it's gonna play out. You don't know through your actions of kindness. You don't know that a simple act of kindness that you might perform throughout your date, how that one small act of kindness might affect somebody. Because what's a small act of kindness for you can mean the world to somebody else, right, and everybody, you know, that's something for everybody. I mean, I'm grateful to know that I've affected somebody that way, but it's really important for everybody to gain something from that. You know that your actions can have a profound effect on a person, a really really profound effect on a person, And you just don't know, man, You just don't know. You don't know. Man. You may not remember it as a famous person, but the person that you encountered and interacted with will always remember that moment. So you know, try to make it meaningful and like you say, try to be kind to a person because they'll never forget that. Now. Yeah, you know, it's it's it's I mean, you know, it's it's crazy. Man. I remember one time I was at I was at Essence and I was walking through I gonna went out in the back way and my security guard at the time, and you know, I won't mention his name, but this big dude was trying to get Timmy, this really heavy guy, really really about three hundred pounds, and I kept hearing him go stand down, soldier, stand down. And the dude kept saying, hey, man, I just need to see mister Harvey for a minute. And I just kept hearing him say stand down, saying I'd heard just about three different times walking and then we got into this big empty area behind this wall and it was like the other side of one of those convention halls at essence, you know, that was empty. And I saw this big dude just running towards us, and he was big, man. He had a white coat, and stand down, I told you, he said, Man, he right there. Man, if I could just talk to it for a minute, and I said, hold on, man, hold on, man, and then let me talk to the brother. What's the matter. So, you know, a little go between between him and him and a brother came up to me and said, mister Harvey, I was locked up man for about twelve years. I've been listening to you every morning. Man, he said, Man, you made me think about a lot of stuff. When I was looked at you said, you said, God ain't create create me to be this way, he said, Man, if you're in prison and you can get in a program to better yourself, he said, So I got into program. Man, I've been out for three years. I've been looking for you. He said. I just want you to know, man, that I started taking up cooking in prison, and when I got out and went to color the culinary school. He said, Man, I'm a head chef at the Hilton right now, I just wanted to hug you. And the big dude hugged me and he started crying. Well, you know, I'm crying now because for you, you know, you you a man, and you crying causing me, you know, I mean, he busted me up. I'm back there. And then when he got through, he turned around thrones secure to God, say little man, you need to watch yourself. He he wiped his eye. He said, little man, need to watch yourself. And he went on pot of his business man. And that really affected me, man, the rest of that day. And I still think about that story because you know, how do I know this man is sitting somewhere listening to something I may have said that might have had an effect. And I'm just grateful. I'm really, really grateful. Man. I'm not bigheaded about it at all, because I don't even know these things, right, So I'm just like, great grateful man to God. Uh uses me as a piece of pipe. Sometimes not all times, you know, sometimes the pipe be clogged up. I gotta tell y'all be real about that now. Sometimes my pipe look more like sewage pipe, neto. Yeah, well sometimes as sewage pipe. You know, just some bad stuff come through it. You just here nine and that rotor rutter Man clears it out to do with me, I appreciate. Okay, well you helped someone. There's living proof, so keep doing what you're doing. Yeah. Yeah, that's a great story. That message all right, Coming up next, guys, from inspirational to fun and ignorance. You know, it's Monday, so you know what that means. Church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment News Weekend Box Office Report, and Chicago's top prosecutor, Kim Fox has been subpoenaed to appear at a court hearing regarding her handling of the Jesse small Lett attack. We'll talk about it, yeah, right after this, but first it's time for church complaints. It most definitely. Yeah, take your time. Now, we we are hell yes, we are bound, gagged and hostestified. I didn't know he was gagged, but okay back, we are unbound by his messy Yes, we are gagged in truth now truth or the matter is, but this hell, which time for to hear? What this congregation or though I must say it is an ungrateful congregation wanting to complain about today. Go ahead, the leader of complaints, all right, I go ahead, aster I. Sister renem Malvo, her dog Speckles has died, as you know, that was her seeing eye dog. He has passed away backers has died now pass to the problem is she could not find another sing eye dog. He now has a cniye goat. But the problem is she is eating Sister Gertrude Williams had every Sunday, and Sister Gertrude has a problem with that. So that's the issue that we have going on with the se and I goat. I don't really have a response with this. Don't blame you, pass, don't kill. Why is Sister Gertrude always over the body goat with the damn head on in the first knowing that if gold eat hat right right, but that's what the goat down. He does eat hats. But I don't know why he seems to be right by the goat. I don't know why that is. Well, a lot of just so you know, I've had a lot of people coming in here, and it's paying money for the upkeep of the goat cause they ship behind such a good truth and can't see service causing them hats and they're happy with the goat. All right, the goat has a purpose, Yes it has, Yes it has ignorant listen, Joe Biden is asking he wants to come here and make a statement because he's running for president. But he is asking if we could hold a hold and sniff type of Ramoni holding sniff, because that's what he does. He wants us to do that. We're gonna stop that right now. He's not gonna be able to come to this congregation cause for Nita Hill's grandmama Gold's Hill and has said that if she ever seen him, she hoped his ass. So Joe Biden can't come Hill because Anita Hill's grandmama is a tide paying member Hill. Let's get let's just get him elected, all right, Well, you won't Biden to come here and make a speech or not. I just said he can come here, but Nita Hill grandmama go to Churchhill. Now, what part this you ain't hereat? I didn't, Okay, I'm sorry. We gonna vote for him anyway. We don't give it that who run gets Trump, that who we vote for. He can't come down here now, how called Nita Hill grandmama? All right, but let's move along. I didn't know. I didn't know. I didn't even know his grandma. I didn't know nothing. That's why you had the complete You don't know that the majority of church like that goat, but you brought that. Okay, listen, the Game of Thrones Ministry, all right, would like to have a conversation with you, because they say, as a dragon lady that live that's in the congregation, sister h Mayola Jenkins, And they don't want to participate until you get Mayola out of the congregation. That's all I'm saying. Mayola Jenkins is in the congregation. And why do Mayola had to leave congregation because the Game of Thrones and minister says she is a dragon looking lady. Dragon look she's dragging looking. Yeah, well, now that's a lot of nerve. Called sister Sister Arlean, who is the head of the Game and Throne Ministry, looked Jett like terrion the nerve. So now what you at least the dragon lady quigated gall She had that same outfit Terrion had on last Sunday at the Passer's anniversary, with a little hand pin and everything. And then the other sister looked, you're like the hound. So who is worried about? What do you want me to tell sis to? Mala? I don't care what you tell them to ugly women looking past And that's the its we allowed ugly people to come to this church. Me and you ain't that attractive? All right? No, I know you don't like admitting that you have trouble knowing that you that's not my path, that's Timmy. That's well, nah, deacon, you look you like Tommy though? Whoa you put them glass on down on tip of your nose, you turn looking a little man though. All right, I'm gonna write around faster. I don't know if you've heard, but Kanye West was like the whole service here at our Jack Pott Joint of Jerusalem, my own Sunday. But he says he not gonna have it unless everybody is. When yees sneakers, that's on you path, Well let me use your sneaker twenty five now, now pay notch tesday did they buy four hundred and fifty something dollars. But they not they die. Oh they ain't no problem. He ain't got to come down here, didn't want if tell you what, if he send us the money where everybody can wear easy, we'll we'll put on some datas, some what ordas or dads is spelled back, which is easies thinking he is anyway, Now that's not a whit. All right, look, thank you, we gotta go. Coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment News. Right after this, you're listening Morning Show and Today's Entertainment News. Let's start off with the weekend box office report. Jay Avengers Endgame has rewritten the box office record books. I mean yeah, it was expected dollars one million dollar. Serious, Yes, it was expected to score the highest grossing opening with three hundred and fifty million domestic debut and one point two billion with a b global premiere. My money in that. Wow. Indeed, at the Archlight Theater. They had it planned in every west a little auditorium except one six in the morning, three o'clock in the morning. Are you serious? Yeah? No, no, no, no, no. In Houston, Yeah, they were at four thirty in the morning. There was movies. You could go see the movie at four thirty in the more thirty in the morning. What about the people in Hollywood that camped out at the Man's Chinese Theater and for three whole days and they watched the Avenger series, the entire Avenger series, three whole days. It's the big Steve, It's Hue here was crazy. What you want to hear? What the craziest part of this story? Don't tell me. I don't even he I ain't never seen no Avenger and I don't know what the hell y'all talking about. You see, you know, I know my warm up guy, Ruben. Yeah, he wore an Avenger suit and the Avenger hat and then on to the talk show and then the Saturday Friday he had On Thursday had on the Avenger suit and hat. Friday had on Spider Man. Sup. Oh yeah, it'll it'll do that grown men and women. Steve walking around in those cors ever loving man. Yes, over this movie. That's how That's how serious it is. I'm telling you people camped out for three days in the movie theater. Now you want to hear something? Really check this out. In hood who read the comic books are sometimes mad at the people who make the movies because they said they're not sticking to the story in the comic book. So you got that war Lord right? Yeah. Oh, it's serious business, you know, joke man. Yeah. Well, Marvel also had as the weekend's number two movie in an incredibly distant second Captain Marvel, who also appears in end Game, jump from fourth to second with eight point one million dollars. Yeah, I know, but it went back yeah yeah uh and moving on. In other news, Kim Fox, Chicago's top prosecutor, has been subpoena to appear at a court hearing regarding her handling of the Jesse small out attack. The state's attorney was hit with the subpoena by a retired appellate judge, Sheila O'Brien, who is seeking the appointment of a special prosecutor to look into how Kim dealt with the super controversial case. According to a report from the Chicago Sun Times, the retired judge reportedly requested Jesse and Fox produced all original documents in the case to prove that they have not been altered or destroyed. This is over. No, It's a damn shame that they got this much attention poured to the actions of prosecutors in the Jesse Smollet case when at best, at best he's charged with lying. Now, when you shoot a black man and you're a police officer, it ain't nowhere near this scrutiny of a trial when one of them get let off. Where As the uproar and and and and unrest from all these politicians, the damn mail and all these other people in the government. When when, when when a human being gets shot and killed by one of your officers, there's no uproar then with some little black dude, supposingly you think, tell a damn lie and make y'all look bad now here y'all come, man, miss me with this all right? Which period, ladies and gentleman, miss thanks Steve, Thank you very much. This is a trip of the news. Jews in San Diego, California remained in morning today as the thirty step up security around houses of worship in the way because Saturday shootings at a local synagogue where one woman was killed three others who wounded an eight year old girl, including a rabbi, a Rabbi Israel Goldstein, who says that he was lucky the gun jammed and in attendance at the synagogue. There was a Border Patrol off duty agent, mister Jonathan Morales, and he says offers a, Morales and another man tried to tackle the gunman as he left the building. That gunman has since surrendered to police. He's identified as John Ernest. He's a nineteen year old white college student, and Ernest is now under investigation for an arson attack at a California mosque last month. Or All reports that he's already admitted to doing it. By the way, Saturday shooting not only took place on the last day of Passover, but it was also six months to the day of the mass synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, which left eleven people dead. Investigation in Seattle say it's going to take months to figure out why construction crane fell from a building on Google's new campus on Saturday, crashing into cars below and killing four people. Authorities say a few companies are being looked into for the crash. That crane was not being used when it was toppled over. In fact, it was being taken apart by iron workers, two of whom died. State investigators have six months to complete their probe. Horrible news. Just hours after he was drafted by the Giants, a college football standout named Corey Ballantine was shot in the murky attack that left his roommate, former teammate, and best friend dead. Officials say the cornerback from Washburn University, which is in Kansas, had just been signed. He was out celebrating with the Duyne Simmons, a friend of his, at an off campus party. Shots suddenly rang out from where good knows and where Valentine was transported to the hospital in a private car. He will Retee will apparently recover from his injuries. His best friend, Dwayne Simmons was killed, and they're looking for the gunman. Okay, the Young and Restless. Today there's be a special episode dedicated to the late actor Christoph Saint John, who played businessman Neil Winters for twenty eight years. Stuff Saint John died of what they now say was an apparent stroke in February. Christophe Saint John won two Emmys and ten Double ACP Image Awards. And in case you haven't heard, the Avengers endgame broke box office records this weekend. Even if there's a small chance, we owe this to everyone who is not in this room to try. Three will whatever it takes, whatever it takes, whatever it takes. The three hour movie earned three hundred and fifty million dollars domestically, a jaw dropping one point two billion globally. That's billion with a beat. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show? Well, Carla, yes, surely pull my hand. Okay, listen. I want to make sure I get through what's wrong? Sure I get through this story. Oh, I know what it is? It you Elba got married up. That's bothering you. Yeah, you hold me, but you're married. Both of hold they both married the only group of women. All Right, you're gonna be all right, Carla, be strong, girl, be strong? Can I can? I can I say something to help y'all through? This is interesting, man, Okay, talking about it sherline trying to be cruel or nothing. But it's just a little something I want to bring to both of y'all's attention. What is it? Okay, No, don't don't be more upset. But but he didn't want y'all obvious that same kid. I know. Come on, ladies, it's all right. You just got mad y'all, I ain't every man on this show. He just spoke that's okay, and I was talking to Carlin anyway, Okay, girl, thank you. Anyway, he got married. I'm Friday in the rucka. You know, you know it's Beyonce was a model, she was built. She probably they've been engaged for years and a few months and it put our weddings to shame. It was super elaborate. Damn him, fire your dancers and a damn weird man. You know that girl with fire? Okay, you got five? Yes, have you fun as I'm at you when you don't even had no kildom man. She is beautiful. As for his new wife, Inries said the attraction was more than skin deep. He said, she makes me laugh and we should coming girls coming up next and Trending hip hop news from the Big Apple. Jay Z Girl, He's over right, Sabrina. Jay Z reopens Webster Hall in New York City. Will be back, yes, yes, yes, yes, you're listening all right, Steve Swan Trending hip hop News. Jay Z performed at New york samed Webster Hall when it reopened this weekend. Backed by a full band. Jay Z were tucks and brought out a cameon, brought out cameroon, Jim Jones and nas nice Yes that was real, nice Na. One of the most moving moments of the night came when jay Z diverted from his setlist to perform a freestyle paying tribute to the late uh Nipsey Hustle, who was we all know shot and killed in Los Angeles last month, and Jay spoke about the importance of investing in black neighborhoods. Take a listen, Okay, just find your old hood, but the people do it, claim him and and domain and have your people moving. As a small glimpsing to what Nipsey was doing, anybody still confused as to what he was doing. The neighborhood designed that he was chat They read nine and some property tron Since you live by blacks, they depressed the asset and take the property back. It's a ruthless but the genius planning back. So now we fighting the express. Perhaps in the battle book, crabs don't belong in the battle. They never tell us that to win a batrel, we're gonna act like we can it. We gonna easy to get out the battrel who stand on each other's back. Whoever gets on top. As long as they stay attached, they can pull everybody. Y'all. I was doing your staff. I told you to stay close to one hundred million dollars with your schedule. Lay low. Tell your team to be on point in the places that they go. I never treat it killed in the place that he called home. Who that was freestyle? It was? That was Freestylet boys not that hard to do. Let me say freestyle that. I'm not gonna you need to go practice you need. I don't want my wraps out there. Take that. I hain't say that was genius. I don't care what you're saying. I mean, I don't. I didn't hear genius. I heard you heard the same thing we heard. Wait a minute, Jay, let me hear from Steve. What were you about to say, sir, mister Harvey? I mean, you know this, this is what he does. And you know that's when you see a person that's in his guilt, there's no need to you trying to do it because ain't what you do. You know that ain't what you do. It's not clearly you know he's little doing in his guilt. That's just absolute genius. I mean, you know that's what he does. You know this is trending all over social media talking about me because I know I can rap. I can put this rap right up in your lap. And if you don't like what I'm doing, all of you, I will slap. I mean if I can, if you want it. So that's your genius, that genius genius. I'm not doing no more, so I don't even ask me. He said, I can't if you want it. That was just a glimpse into the genius. That is what I do. Yeah, but they didn't even rhyme at the end. Technic I always won a group. You want to hear one more time, Jake, maybe you'll be inspired. No, no, don't do that. Don't make it feel too bad. He can't top it. He's a genius at this. He can't top what he does. Well it actually, I mean it's actually it's got to come from a place too. I mean, Jay z Neil's the life of what he talks about. You know, So Jay, what is Jake gonna talk about? Jay? Anthony? That trying to make the clothes. But I just couldn't sew it. Everybody wants something from me. Huh. Don't you know it. They're trying to find me to make some pans. But I can't get with it because every time I turn around, I ain't got no zippers in it. I try to put on pants, but I can't. They can't stop me. But every time I make a pan, ain't got no pockets. So you know what I'm saying. My name is j Anthony Brown. Put it down? Yeah, yeah, yeah, some of it? All right? The nephews up night, coming up right after you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject drunk dialing dilemma. That's right, drunk dialing dilemma. But right now the nephew is here with the prank phone call for today. What you got now? Bad bugs? Bad bugs? M see it again. Some of y'all still got him. Some of y'all still got him? Bad bugs. Hello? Hellong, time to speak to Sanie. She's not here right now. I think a message. Uh do you know when she's coming back? Nah? Is this a business calls him? Na? No, this personal. I need to talk to her immediately. NA, you need to talk to me it's this a man? Who is this? This is this is Brandon? Who? Who? Who are you? I'm earnest man? But why do you know? She nice? I got a bit of a situation here, man. Uh. And it's basically a financial situation that I'm owed some money from her, So I kind of need to talk to her about about getting this money. Is totally disrupted my whole apartment, and I need to actually see about talking to her about getting this whole problem taking care of what what's the what's the situation? I mean, I'm basically right now, I'm twenty five hundred dollars in the rears due to due to Charnise, and I, you know, I need to see if she's gonna be able to pay me for the situation or what. You know, my girl owe you money. She owes me twenty five hundred dollars, twenty five hundred dollars for what. I don't even know who you are, first of all, So what's up with the twenty five hundred dollars? Man? First of all, my name is Brandon, Okay, and I've been I know, I've been knowing Hni's probably for the last three or four months now. Okay, so here you want to know it all in a nutshell is just like this, Sharni's been coming through okay for the last three or four months, been coming over here to my spot, to my apartment, hanging out. I'm just now finding out within the last two weeks it's I had to get rid of my couch. I had to get rid of my mattresses, because mattress, because it's been women do it. Wait a minute, so you're trying to tell me she was in your bid. Yeah, she's been in my bed. Dude, she's been in your bid? Are you crazy? Man? Come on, now, you know the where twenty five hundred dollars problem is about twenty five hundred dollars you told my my girl was in your bed. Now, we're not even gonna get into that. You understand what I'm saying, But that's twenty five hundred dollars. You can forget about it. No, no, no, no, no, hold our prost of all, you're calling here, you calling here, you calling here and here, and dude, answer the phone. And you still got to the half of her. And an't gonna tell me about some twenty five hundred dollars about some mattress. Dude, I'm my my mattresses man, or a thousand bucks full of bad bucks. I had to throw that away about worry about no damn mattress. Dude, you talking about my girl. We've been together for four years. I'm about to pop the question on her, and you want to sit there talking about she'd been hanging with you or kick it with you for the last four months. It's about to be over in a minute. Now. What if you want to marriage sis? Cool? I don't care nothing about it. I don't even worry about that now. But you my falls talking about some bad mattress man. That's that's a problem. Dude. Ain't wonder if I'm no damn mattress. But I don't wonder if I ain't got no mattress right now in my house? You call it mine to dude, I do not call a mattress right now, nor do I have a couch. Do you understand that I ain't hitting about some natress challenge, Dude, I don't care nothing about that. Your name you saying it na't Brandon, I'm Brandon. Yeah here, Brandon. Okay, don't worry about it right because you're gonna find me a real flood. Don't let me find you before you find me. Though. You understand what I'm saying, don't you do? Dude? Dude, No, you can have them big bugs and that mattress or whatever answering the fall. I care. But what I'm saying is you talk about some bit bugs in event bugs over here. Okay, So what did you see the problem over here? In my place? I don't can't have about she ain't bring nothing over that, first of all. But I don't need any even a problem right now. You need them, You're gonna you've been over here, man, had nobody else over here? The one if I who you hand over there? But you're gonna call here talking about no money. You ain't getting nothing from here. Okay. First of all, dude, check this out. I don't have a problem with you, Okay. Me and you cool? You cool? Problem, we alreay got the problem. You're calling me something about super sleeper one my brother, Hey dog, duge. But once I'm gonna say it again. Me and you cool dog we cool. We're not cool. We're not cool. But I'm at I don't handle snise myself. I'm hard. I'm gonna handle you later, what you do to it? What you're talking about? You you're gonna handle me. I'm gonna handle you later. You want a mattress, right, they do? Dude, want the massiss right head and marriage Shenise. I ain't got nothing to do with that. My wife about my money back man, for the for the property of mine that she has ruined. Man, don't worry about that. I'm gonna get you a mattress. Don't worry about that. It's gonna be a casket wrapped around now so they do. Dude, why are you sitting here creating the drama with me? When me, me and you, we ain't even the problem. The problem is Shani. The problem is you picked up your phone and you call here. That's the problem you got to do because you ain't got no couch, you ain't got no mattress. Now you gotta do that. You understand what I'm saying. You know what I see. I can't talk to you. When do Shanise get home? Man, don't worry about when Shanie get home. I wish you need to worry about was when I find you. Okay, So so when when I when you're gonna have my money? Then when you find me because I need my money day. I don't have your mother, how your mattress too? Please understand you're gonna be resting real way. Okay, okay, So so let me ask you this here, Man, Ma Sni's bringing bad bugs over to my house. Leave them all in my mattress, Leave him all over my couch. Where I gotta throw my stuff away? Where I'm wrong? At man, where I'm wrong? I'm gonna ask you straight up? Did you know she had a man? Say? What? Did you know she had a man? But I mean kind of kind of sought of, but not really though he don't kind of saught the man. Even you know she got a man? Know she don't got a man? You knew she had a man? Right? And you still win? Dy? Right? They do? I ain't got nothing to do with y'all. Man, I'm dealing with these bad bugs. You understand I'm saying. Dude? Do you understand you messing up a full year relationship? You know, I'm a time I put in with this woman full years. We're about to get we's about to get married, and you calling here with this. What are y'all supposed to get married? Don't worry about were're supposed to get married. Man, you messed that all up. What I'm trying to explain to you is, dude, you calling here on some big bug, which I know she ain't got nothing to do with it, But the fact that you told me that she was over your house and your bad that's over. It's over now. You understand what I'm saying. Now we see get home. I'm gonna here with that. You understand what I'm saying. That's gonna get dune with. I'm walking up out of here. But when I leave here, please believe my next stop is to come find your First of all, how did you get the number to this apartment? That's what I want to know. Hey, dude, she gave me both numbers, the cell phone number in the house number and told me, you know, if it's an emergency, call the house. Okay, And this is an emergency. Yeah, that's an emergency. I got learn another emergency number, learning nine one one, because when I come down, come on your dog, you come out on you handle it, or you better call the cops. You understand what I'm trying to tell you. Hey, man, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad bugs? Who is Tommy. I'm just saying, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad? But who? It's Tommy, Tommy dog nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ernest, you just got brained by your girl shot niece man. Y'all, y'all, hey, well it was over. It was over. You want what? I'm telling you? What y'all think? Hi? Makes me? Hi? Do? Hi? Do? Hi? Do You're the king? What do you? What do you want? You're the King? Won't? I just want what? You know? I need people. I need y'all to tell people I'm the king. Y'all has three kings, Kings of Comedy, Kings of Prank, King of Rap. Right here three three we three Kings, Ting of Comedy, Inger Pranks, and the latest edition is the King of Rap. No, not King King, that's different. Okay, So you you are established? Now, how many albums you got? Whoa you're gonna go with that pick? If? If all right? Check it out? The Nephews coming to town. I would be there May second through the fourth Virginia Beach Comedy Club, so loud the nephew was coming down. I think this might be a good time for you to come open this this good. I just sold everything. You ain't gott doing that. I don't work in room. First, what did he pop team me? Yeah? Yeah, he said his studio artist is bitul Well it ain't paying for To me, I would be bend. He didn't even sing, but sound that To me, that was a pop town baby, all right? Thinking if you up necked Strawberry Letters subject to drunk dyling dilemma, we're getting into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show time now for the Strawberry Letter, guys, and if you need some advice on your relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please please please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter, and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. Right, Let's go buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawbary Letter, subject drunk dialing Dilemma. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a situation that has become a huge frustration in my life, and I need advice on setting healthy boundaries with a good friend, so I don't seem like a prude, which I've been called. I have a good friend who seems to be having a problem with alcohol lately. I don't care what people do in their own homes and on their own time. However, when you include me in your mess by calling me drunk and belligerent and I can't understand what you're saying, then you'll have to hear my mouth when you're sober up. I have a friend that loves to indulge in alcohol, and she always goes overboard when we're out or when she's drinking at home. I've asked her to please stop calling me when she's inebriated, and I don't think that's too much to ask. We are in our late forties and it's time out for this behavior. Consume as much alcohol as you wish, but don't call me and expect me to talk to your drunk behind when I can barely understand what you're saying. Nothing you're saying makes sense, and you get mad at me when I tell you. So the phone calls still continue, and I've told her that she needs help when she's sober. She's a great friend and person, so I want to salvage the relationship. Lately, I've been ignoring her calls when I think she may be drunk, but then I end up frustrated and worried about her. She calls other friends too, and they don't seem to mind. Do you think that I am overreacting to the situation and I am in fact a prude? Or should I just ignore or her calls all together and let the friendship die? Please help? Okay? I think you're absolutely right and how you're feeling. I think you're perfectly within your rights to feel this way about your drunk friend. There's nothing prudish about you. I mean, who wants to put up with this? This is foolishness? Who does this? I mean, I think your friend. You're right, Your friend needs help. She needs it right now today because she does not know how to control her alcohol. And she's holding you hostage as her friend by calling you and talking to you drunk and getting on your nerves and frustrating you. So, yeah, she needs help. This is a bad situation. You're right, you're in your late forties. It is time out for this behavior. You know, as a friend. Perhaps you can tell her about AA or take her to alanon, or suggest Alanon to her, or seriously stop taking her calls when she's like that. You know, if you pick up the phone and you hear her drunk, hang up, tell her you don't have time of this. You have to go on with your life. This is crazy. If you want to be a true friend, you can do some of those things I suggested. I don't think you should necessarily let the friendship go. If you think she's a great person when she's not drunk, but she clearly needs help and that's her friend, maybe you can lead her down that path. Steve Wow, the name of this is a drunk dialing dilemma, which is saying that this woman has a problem. She's got a good friend that she wants to deal with, but she don't want to be considered a prude. She seems to be having a problem with alcohol lately. Well, let me clear you up on something. Don't nobody seem to be having a problem with alcohol. They have a problem with alcohol. You don't even have to don't try to soften it. She got a problem with alcohol. Now you try to be nice. You say you don't care what people do in their own homes and on their own time. But when you include me in your mess by calling me drunk and belligerent. See, that's what I don't mind drunk people, I really don't. I'm okay with drunk people. I don't like talking to them, but if they drunk, it's beligerate. Now you are angry at heads drunk, right, See, and drunk people don't. When they beligerate, it just sounds just it. They're the same as being drunk. They just make attitude statements like you don't, I don't. I don't want to be standing on your foot. Hell you mean you don't want to be standing on my foot. Get your drunk ass off my foot, Get your foot from my mind and my foot. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, man. You see, beligerent when you drunk makes other statements. You make the people you're talking to, You make them thinking something wrong with them. Stop smiling at me. That's when you drunk in beligerent. That's the anger in beligerent. We'll get into that a little bit more. Now. You got a friend that loves indulging alcohol, and she goes aboard when we out, and when she's drinking at home, you've asked her the police stop calling you when she's inebriated. I don't see you are approved because she inebriated. She drunk. Stop using big ass words, real small ass situation. She just drunk. Now, I don't think that's too much to ask. Here's your other problem. We are in forty yes, yes, now, drunk people in their forties it's hard to talk to. And you know why because they have forty years of mess to draw on to bring up. You remember when we was kids and you didn't let me go back? Then pull your wagon. Kids don't even have wagons anymore. So when young people here, forty year old people arguing, they just is confused. What wagon is aunt Ella talking about? Wagon? She fell off the wagon? Now her wagon? Who has a wagon? You see in this very confusing. So when drunk people consume alcohol and they're older, they have a lot and so now you're faced with a lot of problems. So when we come back, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you a list of things that drunk people say that they claim is your fault, but it's really they fault. This is the problem when you're drunk and belligerent. It'd be different if you was drunk and happy. Oh I'm sorry, I am I all your foot. I keep steffering old people. See see that's different. But the belligerent person stop putting your foot under my foot. Tomorrow today, all right, listen, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up to today's Strawberry Letters subject drunk dialing dilemma. We'll get back into it when we come back right after this. You're listening. Bold and the new movie, opening on May thirty, is a musical drama about Buddy Bolden, the man who invented America's greatest art form, jazz. From his roots in early nineteen hundreds of New Orleans, Bolden's music became the inspiration to generations of great musicians, from Louis Armstrong to Aretha Franklin, Elvis Presley to the Rolling Stones, Bob Marley to Jay Z. Starring Gary Carr, Bolden is a film by Dan Pritzker, music by Wynton Marcellus. Soundtrack available on Blue Engine Records. This movie is rated ore in theaters Friday. All Right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters, subject to drunk dialing dilemma. This lady's tied to her drunk add forty seven year old friend car. She gets tired of her ass and she really wants to find a way to deal with this situation. That's all this letter. She got a drunk forty seven year old Fred and she tied of her, and she want to know how she can talk to her and get her to either stop drinking or quick calling her, or she stopped just answering the phone and let the friendship die. First of all, let me help you with something. This is not a friendship. Why do you keep calling it a friendship when she brings nothing to the table that helps you. All she do is aggravates you because she drunk. So now let's do a series of things that drunk people say that do not make sense. But because she's beligerent, it's really your fault too. Okay, Okay, you're ready, let's go out. Yes, I drank the last other kool aid? Who who left it in there? If it wasn't in now? I want for drinking? What now? Ask me anything, surely, and I'll answer it as a beligerar drunk person. Have you seen my shoes? When I came home. I took him off right at the door where Hell, yeah, I saw your shoes at the dough. That's why I put them outside. What they was at the dough? They must have worn it out. Are we watching a game of Thrones this week? Or what? Together? I don't use the bathroom like that. Anybody drunk? These are drunk people responses? Who are beligion? Anybody? Just any question? Call it junior? Yeah? Why is you mad at my brother because her brother? Oh? That makes sense. You don't know that. You don't know who your brother is? See you stupid? Hey? Are you drunk? No? It is your eyes big big, Well then I'm drunk. Sound like it. You don't jot. You were about to sound for me? Hey, would you like a cup of coffee? I think you need no damn coffee? You don't kill my heart? Thanks? I drink on this looking for ain't got no room in me for no coffee? No what ain't no room and for me for coffee? For me? Why? Why you don't love me? Oh? I do love? Did you? I do love? Did you? Don't start crying? You know? Sometimes if you had loved me back, I would have loved you too. But I stop because of that black bastard angry, angry that question, where's your where's your husband? Why don't you call him when you're drunk? Why do you keep calling me all the time? Because he is in there? We didn't get yeah he oh whoah, and he just went to sleep. Yeah, it's pretty late. I'd be in that sleep too, but he won't unlock the door. Don't you have to go to work tomorrow? I don't cant about to work. Aren't you the boss boss? Yeah? Don't you the boss of work? Anybody gonna make me no bother? I'm the boss of me. How many people do you call when you're belligerate at night? When you call everybody into my phone list? As soon as you answer, I'd be mad as hell because it took you so long. Beer. Yeah, you really aren't angry drunk. I'm not angry for sure. For sure. I like that. I'm not angry. Hey, do you get sleepy at all? Dude? Does drinking make you go to sleep or anything? I mean, after you've called all these people? Sometimes I like it when I be sleeping. I'm I'm sleeping now. But where you got my bed? No? My bed? You can't here? Have your bed? M damn you shot and can't here what's your drink of choice? Are you a brown liquor alcoholic? Yeah? I like like, I like look, I like yeah, I like mixed drink. I like refun with it. Wow. Uh what is to keep? To keep? And to keep? Oh? I don't moonshine taste not too good? Oh shin, but I had his wife for in the mind. He comes over, he he has it in his trailer. I go by there some time and we've been getting told that he has it in his trailer. He has it in his trailer. Think, moonshine come from? What is wrong with you? Your bull chair? What did you do? Your thing? Just can shine than you making it dawn after stop motionine illegal? Geez okay, pain'ty for teen no jokes around him? Oh yes you can now you just want to belif correct and then mess up the jokes, just like Seinfeld said. Thank you. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey Ff. I know I'm closing my Infa Graham account, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in ten minutes. Frankie Beverly says Beyonce's cover of Before I Let Go is one of the high points of his life. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Frankie Beverly was really happy when Beyonce did a rendition of Before I Let Go on her new live album. Frankie, who wrote the song, Yeah, and it sounds good too. Yeah, He told Billboard magazine that she has done so much. Yeah, he said, this is one of the high points in my life. Frankie went on to say he is friends with Beyonce, and a few weeks before her Netflix documentary Homecoming aired, she called him and played Frankie the song. Frankie also said I was blown away and it's a blessing. Like you say, Jay, He says, other people have done my son. But yeah, other people have done my song, says Frankie. But the way she did it is in a class of its own, and she had done something that has affected my life. Beyonce's song has become a hit, leading to the hashtag before I Let Go challenge, where fans upload videos to social media of themselves dancing to the track I love it, I'll do Yeah, that's great. Ugly dud have you seen it. Have you guys seen it? Oh? Yeah, the challenge, yeah, seeing it? Do it. You're gonna do a job. I want to do it. Yeah. And Franky Beverly is gonna be at essence essence ye, yes, Steve, we're gonna play it for you right now. Okay, cool, you make it happy if you feel right sidely? Yeah? And now will you usual? I want to make boy wow. Now the end is media challenge. That's the challenge part of it. So that's the part where everybody's doing the dance too, that's the part that's Yeah, that's that's real world. Fire out the different dances and everything, drop lesup and down and down to the bring it up after step on, step on the step on the step step on them. Get almost heard a little right, Okay, that's all well, and girl, we love you Beyonce smooches all of that. But listen, the big story. Let's get to it. The big story last night, Come on, Steve. Game of Thrones Wait wait, I ain't seen it yet. Don't do this to me spoiler. We're not gonna give you spoiler alert, but watch you should have watched it. Game and going to bait, well, you should have been watching the Game of the Thrones. Let me tell you something now, gather around the mics, all of you then, yes, yes, to be more careful today. Yeah, yeah, episode last night to all episodes. I won't smoil it. If you haven't seen it, I'll get one, but I'll tell you that. Come on your grace. That little helf of down say, what's she do? Don't you down ever? Contront that little helf off killer body? Oh death to you all. Okay, I'm watching it. I'm watching Morning Swinging. They were giving her mad love on the GRAM. They said she's the dopest m F in TV. Sound right, coming, That's that's what she said, The dopest m F. I'm reading. I've never heard m F with all of its syllables. Yeah whatever, Jay say it the coldest month ever? Can I say it now? Can I say it? Yeah? Come on time you said the cold listen on TV. That's what they say. Aria is the coldest mother. Okay, can I get one? Come hold on this? Wow? Yeah? Yeah? All that will be redacted. Right, It's like check this here. I can't believe us. She's MVP baby, I'm TV. That's all right, I'm watching that VP. Yeah, who we get off right now, I'm watching yeah, man, because it's on HBO demand, right, yeah, yeah, right, anytime, And it's only three more episodes left and that is the end of game when Nil White Walker's come up. And now, let me tell Tommy at the end of the episode two right, they came from the edge of the fourth and all right, listen coming up at the top of the hour and trending news Kim Kardashian foll CBD themed baby shower. Okay, we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening. Hey, Tommy, you have some exciting news for us, right I do. I gotta give a big shout out to my son, Jordan Miles. Did he did his first try athlete. He's seven years old, did his first triathlon. Oh my, I'll listen to proud Papa. I'm a proud up in here. That is that is uh. You start off with a swim. You swim, and then you after that you ride your bike, and then after you ride your bike, you run. And let me tell you something, my boy was getting it. You hit me, Yes, I'm talking about three thousand kids on their bicycles. My boy was getting up in there. But here's the trip part. The transition part is when you when you leave the when you leave swimming, you go to a certain area which is called the transition area, and you get on your bike. Parents are not allowed in the transition area, so the kid has to uh, put his sneakers on, get his helmet on, and then get on the bike and then move on and keep rolling and start rolling on your bicycle, and then and then when you get through with the bike, you come back to the transition area and then you get ready to run another I think a half a mile. And I'm sitting there like, oh my god, I can't I'm trying to find him. Here's a trip part when he transitions from the bike to the running. Now I'm I'm trying to get his picture. But this lady tells me, hey, you need to get your butt to the finish line because you're gonna miss the Finnish line picture. I say, well, how far is that? She said, that's a half a mile from here. So now I'm running to get to the finish line. I thought she thing I wasn't following the damn story. Your man shut up to Thomas wanted the kid man, I got to the finish line. I got there about I got about forty five seconds before he got there, and I was able to record my son coming into the Finnish line. Big ups to my boy Jordan Miles first try out the line. He doing it big. Oh my god, you're a good day all right? Well, speaking of kids, Uh, Kim Kardashian went zin for her weekend baby shower. She treated her guests to meditation, a sound bath, and some CBD. Uh yeah, yeah, Well listen, Kim, who I know when I hear she's expecting her fourth child via surrogate, She told guests. So, because I'm freaking out and the baby is coming in like two weeks, I thought, what better way to celebrate than to have a little CBD. For those not in the know, CBD is a cannabis derivative that promotes feelings of calm and relaxation, makes you feel good. Guests included uh Chrissy Teague in Paris Hilton. They got to make their own CBD infused body oils and bath salt. They also went home with blue yeasy slides. Love that love slack slides Okay in the little slip bags. I like that so what'd you say, Jay, What what does it have something to do with marijuana? I think it's a derivative, right, yeah, yeah, why do we say it? It's without thee without that one get you up, one keeps you mellow. So I heard this one keeps you mew Yeah. I mean is these brownies or what are the I mean, yeah, boil, Yeah, you can taste it. Okay, you're talking about two different things. What Jay is talking about is putting, uh making marijuana brownies, solder cakes, annibals. CBD oils don't have the THHC in it which gets you high, and they can have different bland blend. You can have CBD oils for relaxation, stuff like that. Well that's what she had, which is what I said in the story that you know, I'm really really being a little impressed by Kim Kardashian, man. I mean, look when she freed that moment out of prison. She really is. I mean she's doing to as she's talking about becoming a little lawyer. She's studying for it now. Yeah, yeah, she's studying for it right now. Uh yeah, it really is. Yeah, She's she's doing a lot, she really is. She's changing her life, reinventing herself all right. In other entertainment news, last week, a judge entered a default judgment against R. Kelly after he failed to respond to sexual assault charges. Now we're hearing his excuses. Heather Williams claimed that the that R. Kelly raped her when she was sixteen years old, and years later she decided to file a civil suit. Kelly was served legal paperwork while incarcerated on a child support case earlier this month. His lawyer said that he was too overwhelmed to understand what the paperwork meant at the time he was served. The legal team also points out that Kelly has a learning disability that adversely affects his ability to read, making him functionally illiterate. Who say, yeah, but we knew that. H Okay, Who said that? Who said that about his learning disability? Yeah? His legal team, his legal team, Okay, but okay. So that's so when he was served these papers, he was incarcerated and he was overwhelmed. He was too overwhelmed. They're saying he didn't understand what it meant. He was supposed to be that. Yeah, yeah, he didn't understand. So that's what they're saying. He has a learning disability. He didn't know. That's why he didn't. He didn't get it, Okay, Yeah, I mean, I mean, huh, that don't make sense to me. But he's a genius in other ways. You know, I think he understands well. When he heard this, he was I know, a peeing moment. I know he peed on this here. I know he did. You ain't gonna get mad at me by this prison tummy I'm sorry. I know he put caller. I know he t t on himself my name. No, yeah, I don't want to tummy thick around around three Frank, Hey, king up? Did he paid? We hear? I'm sorry? Radio he made water? Hey that's a Morgan Freeman reference and driving this, jaz I resent that? All right? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening Morning show. All right, Junior's here with the NBA playoff updates. What your gut? Oh man, everybody got good? Now? It is serious now I'm on top of it. Come on, all right? You know that de would be San Antonio ninety to eighty six and Nan they will take on Portland to night. But over the weekend, Oh my god, talk about we won't get to that one. Yeah, but Philly lost to Toronto one oh eight to ninety five. Did that change your peak for this series? On? No, I still won't Philly to win, even though Kawhi is mold mold and they can handle they got Nobody, Nobody, Nobody boy. At that point, Guard Lily cold Man plays for poor Timmy. You know, hey, man, why don't you look man, and getting that Greek boy, that Greek boy, Tommy, Tommy, you're talking about this one series. We're just talking about Philly. We hadn't got his hair shaved off on both sides? What about him? Hey, Junior, go ahead, man, all right? And now this was the surprise game right here. I didn't expect the go like this, but Boston beat the Brakes off Millwall one twelve the nineties. Oh man, you know who was good in that game? The black guy would only tattoos. I can't think that I was fully expecting Milwaukee to play better but album, but I thought that, you know, Boston has come around, man, and starting to become the team everybody thought they would be at the beginning of the season at the right time. But get to that peaking right now. That's a good time, payoff time, good time staying around serious Lebrondo. Yeah, he's probably doing great up rich Yeah, be fine. He's doing about good as Houston doing right now. That's last night. Yeah, yeah we lost. Yeah we lost one hundred to one of folks to Golden State. Yeah we lost last night, But we can beat Golden State. We can't beat Golden State and the refs. We can't playing both. No, y'all can't stop it. I'm not. James Harden has got to play better in the PA. You didn't see the refs in this game, man, for real, or James Harden has to play better because it shouldn't even have been a four point games. But James Harden is not having his usual shooting percentage and shooting abilities right now and until he becomes a playoff basketball player, y'all gonna be in trouble because Chris Paul is everything he was ever written to be and James hardenhead playoff basketball player. Are you saying, dog, he's folded every year in the playoffs. He's not showed up every year in the play So the last series he played. He didn't show up the playoffs. Talk when it started counting first round ain't nothing. Yeah, we expected to go through the first round. I think the Beard is holding him back. I think John James Harden is an MVP callible player. But he's gonna have to bring that MVP callible player to the playoffs or else Houston is going home. Yeah, and Chris Paul kept him in that man, he did. But I tell you what, I'm not gonna be able to play the Rose and Golden State. I'm sticking today where I'm supposed to land that well, I'm supposed to land that I shoot, I come down. You under me. They don't call no fact. You know what, Steve, you changed though. I change caused Lebron change when he went from Cleveland, LA. I changed this ain't got nothing to do with Lebron basketball critic. We have to go. We will be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after that. Don't pick it up. We won't be back with Houston. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, Let's start off with the weekend box office report. Jay Avengers Endgame has rewritten the box office record books. I mean yeah, it was expected dollars one billion dollars. Serious, Yes, it was expected to score the highest grossing opening with three hundred and fifty million domestic debut you and one point two billion with a b global premiere. My money in that. Wow, Steve. At the Archlight Theater, they had it planned in every little auditorium except one six in the morning, three o'clock in the morning. Are you serious? Yeah? And it was no, no, no, no no. In Houston, yeah, they were at four thirty in the morning. There was movies. You could go see the movie at four thirty in the more thirty in the morning. What about the people in Hollywood that camped out at the Man's Chinese Theater and for three whole days, and they watched the Avengers series, the entire Avenger series, three whole days. It's the big Steve, It's huge. Here was crazy. What you want to hear? What the craziest part of this story? You don't tell me. I don't even he don't know. I ain't never seen no Avenger and I don't know what the hell y'all talking about. Didn't you seen? You know? I know my wom guy Ruben. Yeah, he wore an Avenger suit and the Avenger hat, and then to the talk show and then the Saturday Friday he had. On Thursday he had on the Avenger suit and hat. Friday had on Spider Man suit. Oh yeah, it'll it'll do that grown men and women. Steve walking around in those cars, that ever loving man. Yeah over this movie. That's how that's how serious it is. I'm telling you people camped out for three days in the movie theater. Now you want to hear something really big. Check this out. In Hollywood who read the comic books are sometimes mad at the people who make the movies because they said they're not sticking to the story in the comic book. So you got that war barn right. Yeah. Oh, it's a serious business, you know. Joke man. Yeah. Well, Marvel also has a Weekend number two movie in an incredibly distant second Captain Marvel, who also appears in endgame jump from fourth to second with eight point one million dollars. Yeah I know, but it went yeah yeah uh And moving on. In other news, Kim Fox, Chicago's top prosecutor, has been subpoena to appear at a court hearing regarding her handling of the Jesse small out attack. The state's attorney was hit with the subpoena by a retired Appellet judge, Sheila O'Brien, who was seeking the appointment of a special prosecutor to look into how Kim dealt with the super controversial case. According to a report from the Chicago Sun Time, the retired judge reportedly requested Jesse and Fox produced all original documents in the case to prove that they have not been altered or destroyed. This is not over. No, it's a damn shade that they got this much attention pour to the actions of prosecutors in the Jesse Smellet case. Quinn at best. At best he's charged with lying. All right, coming up next to our last break of the day, and Steve will have some closing remarks. All that's coming up at forty nine after the hour, right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, here we are last break of the day. Time for you to get us some closing remarks like you always do. Let's go, hey, uh, you know something that I've been learning. I've been uh, I do this morning meditation every morning now and I've really been kind of loyal to it, you know, for the past month, and it's really really helped me out. Um. Somebody sent this to me today. I was talking to a businessman this morning morning about a business opportunity I was looking at, and I was just going over He's a spiritual guy, and I was going over with him my dreams and aspirations and he sort of asked me what I was thinking about. When I told him, come to find out man, he was on the same page, and he sent me a scripture and he taught He said, I want you to read every morning, because I told him I had this morning this morning meditation, and I told him that I read it every morning. I have a list of things that first of all, I read a list of things that I thank God for every morning, which is a list about between forty five and fifty things that I thank him for something like that. And then I have a list of about the same number of things that I'm asking him for. And I read these two lists every single morning. After I do my meditation and read my daily verses and inspirational messages and stuff. I just try to stay focused in the world I'm in, as well as the world you in. You know, I need as much help as I can get. I don't know how you all feel about it, but I need all the I need all the inspiration, I need all the confidence, I need the assuredness that having a relationship with God provides. Man, I'm just gonna be real with you. And so he told me to read this verse every morning Psalms five and three. You know, if you get a chance to read it, you know, and it talks about talking to God and what in essence, I'm a paraphrase to Scripture. In essence, it was what you're asking God to do is to hear you when you cry out for help every day as you pray, and you're asking God in essence to hear your voice in the morning that I pray to you. And then the things that you ask God for in the morning, you let him know that you be waiting expectantly to hear from Him about all these things. And it's just a great way to start your day. But the part that really caught my attention was after I thank God for all this stuff on this list, and then I ask God for this stuff, the part that I think I was missing was each and every day I do I believe it's gonna happen, but every day I'm supposed to wait expectedly in anticipation of what I've asked for to happen. Now, it doesn't mean everything's going to happen that day, but it does mean that the process of all these things occurring is well underway. And if you behave that way, if you act that way, if you put out that way, those are the things that return to you. And that's one of the very very important things that I got from this guy when he sent me the scripture. You could read it for yourself is Psalms five and three, and it's very very helpful. And I use the New Living version of it so I can understand it better than the King's James version because I read both, and I just understand it better when I go to the New translation of it. And I just try to encourage people man to form a relationship with God, because like it's really cool and you know, something we all should do. We were all created in His image. God made every last one of us, and you know, we all children in His no matter what color, no matter what faith you belong to. And in that regard, I mean, you know, he just wants to hear from us. He really does. He just wants to know that we want to share relationship with him. And so I found the more you do that, man, the more confidence you have, the more calmness can come your way, and you stop worrying about stuff. Because a lot of times, man, if you look off into your day, as your day unfolds in front of you, you're going to see a lot of choice points along the way. You're gonna have a lot of points along the way where you have to make choices. You know, and all these possibilities, all these choices, they can be confusing at times, and in this confusion, you need to get focused back and turn all this confusion and all these worries and troubles and turn them over to him, because really, man, life gets really troublesome at times for all of us. And it's just times, man, where you can't cope with everything that's happening to you because at all the way seems like either nothing's happening at all or everything's happening at once, and both of them situations is bad. I mean, if you're sitting up there and ain't nothing happening at all, you need some help man. And then when everything happens all at once, you need some help man. So either way you look at this thing, you're gonna need some help from God. You really really are. And so the best way to do it, man's just have a constant communication with him. Just talk to it more today than the cool thing about it is you could be just like me and have a relationship with it. You don't have to be perfect, you really don't. And I got news for you. Ain't nobody perfect. No way. You can quit listening to them people talking about how they're walking on that little white line and they don't ever get off, because they do. They get off all the time. Just have relationship with God. Okay, do that. He'll help you out. Those are my clothes remarks. All right, all right, drop it. That's dropped your life. That's hard. You're just gonna have a talk with guy. Hey man, guess what y'all? What's that up? Have a great book, kid man. I am be positive. That's my blood for all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fl dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.