Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve Harvey is introducing himself and is feeling grateful. The Chief Love Officer makes it clear to a mother what she needs to do with her grown sons. Amanda Gorman has been booked for the pre-game festivities of Super Bowl LV. Steve talks about polygraph testing and drops some facts about lying. China has come up with a special swab that can be used as a way to detect COVID-19. Sheryl Underwood mentions being sick and tired of 45's impeachment and she also reminds us that Junior is still her man. We have two parts today in Reality Update and we get to hear from the host of Ready To Love. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about a specific portion of the country.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like the milling bus things and it's not me through good Steve to mother sty don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn be hurting you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Ain't God been good to me? But then again, ain't he been good to you too? Though? I mean, really, man, think of all the blessings God has given you, you know what. That's some good news today, though, y'all, in the face of all the world being the way it is, the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems like that's all that's on the news sometimes, you know, we got we got news of parents not really standing up being parents. We got news stories of children turning on their parents. You got, you got everything, the economy, you got places you thought you should be beautiful, places to go. Now they got travel alerts it's just it's all over. It's it's all over. But the good news is that's something that you can have in this relationship with God that gives you a way to deal with it all. And I'm not saying that it'll protect you from every single thing out that is happening, because some things are going to happen to you. You're going to be in an accident from time to time. You're going to make a mistake and fall down from time to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you for you if you understood that you had some insurance in all of this that no matter what happened to you, you know you will cover it. You know, look, insurance companies as good as they are, you know, like our friends and Stay Farm or any other insurance company you know, they do, they do some amazing things. Insurance is a really really good thing to happen in the event that something happens to you. You know, you may not want to pay the premium, but guess what in the event that something happens to you, that insurance is absolutely critical. Well, but guess what they cover certain things. You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance, you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance. There is nothing that you can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know, if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie, if you if you fall down and you can't seem to get it together, and you make a crazy decision about how you're gonna go about securing an income, that there are there are no policies you can buy for that. You can't buy a policy if you stop being the man you're supposed to be, and and and and give up on your children. You can't buy a policy if something happens as a mother and all of a sudden you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there is some insurance coverage out there for you. And that relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you form with him, that that a alliance that you that that partnership, that that prayer that you put in all the time, there is an insurance policy that you have taken out when you form a relationship with your heavenly father, when you form a friendship, when you form a bond that protects you, that protects you when these things happen in the event that they happen. Now here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head off some stuff from happening. It really really can. Prayer can prevent some things from happening. You know, I'll give you an example in my life. Okay, here we go, because see is the best way for me to do it, because see, what I don't like to do is talk to people without letting them know. Hey, look I'm in this hole with you. I feel where yet? Okay, here we go. I was making some decisions a few years ago because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing something that was happening in my life. You know, I thought that since I wasn't happy, or for whatever the reason I thought I wasn't happy, if I, as wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else from my unhappiness, that's that's really If if I make a bad decision because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, hold a partner. Two wrongs don't make it right, and I make a decision to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when I do something wrong. See, then that I already know, as an intelligent thinking man, as most of you are, that when you do something wrong, that you know there is a consequence for that. I teach that to my son's When you do something wrong, there as a consequence. So as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so what I was doing was I was making some decisions that was causing some consequences in my life, that was delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not to go the way it could go, so forth and so on. Well, what I started doing was I took out this insurance policy called Prayer, and I started putting it in my mix on a daily basis. And then I started putting it in my mix, you know, two three times a day. And then I found myself using it all the time. And then I really started putting it in when I didn't need any help, when I wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance in. I started making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down. And Prayer is like a premium, you just pay into it. Then when situations started coming up, now it that prayer that I had put in, that in those premiums I had paid it started preventing me from making the decisions I was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to suffer the consequences. Thus my businesses didn't have to be delayed in this progress because I had put some payments on some premiums, taken out an insurance policy. With my life my real life. I'm talking about your life where you make your day to day decisions in I'm not talking about see life. Insurance is only good if you die. God has a policy that's avasable, that's available for you. Why are you living? See? In order for an insurance policy to pay, something bad got to happen. Now. There may be some others out there I don't know nothing about, but all the ones I got my car insurance, they only come into play if I have an accident. I have an accident insurance policy where if something happens to me, I got accident, I got, I got my voice is covered in case something happened to that. I got that, But but I got to not be able to talk to cash that one. You understand everything I got homeowners insurance. Don't nothing show up on my homeowners insurance unless it's a flood or fire of fall. Something bad got to happen and for my insurance to even make sense when you take out the policy with you, with your heavenly father, when you pay the premiums of prayer, and that's all it costs. Man, It ain't you. Ain't gotta have no money for this policy. I put into the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living. Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash in on this policy. I use this policy for good things. I give you an example. I use this policy to ask God to watch over my family when I travel. Make the decisions to pay your premiums in prayer. Talk to your heavenly father, get you some insurance in your life. And when you have little things like that, keep on stepping. Man. God loves you. Man, Man, I show hope you talk to God today because guess what he showed would like to hear from you. That's for shells. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have it. I need your undivided attention. Please. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, best best morning show on planet Earth. I would say, I will, I will, I would say yeah, I thank so. Now, without further ado, please let's welcome him. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, louder day, make our applause louder please, thank you. That's about me this time, baby says, Hey, I always introduce everybody else. Today I'm introducing myself, Steve Harvey, Phil Hello, boy boy, you better be that who about me? Thank you, thank you, Yo, You're too kind. You're too kind. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me give you the reason that I am where I am today. This is because of the following people. Sheirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve. You deserve that applause, Yes you do. Yeah, hey, stopped your applause for them. Day too much, too much, that's too much, too much today with today was about me. I'm having a me day, that's all. Just want to Colin for Rell. Good morning, sir, Thank you very much that damn junior boy boy morning you better do you man, Lady Jimmy kingall prank if you Timmy, y'all, you ain't in the building on the Steve I mean, if he I am, he's salt and pepper spin apparently. Yeah no, I just That's all That's all I wanted, was just that moment right there. I'm back, y'all. You're gonna show us so love. Man. Yeah, good god, we're good. Yeah, we're doing We're pretty good. You know on my day. Now I go back to Atlanta probably sometimes get on back to what it's crazy. Man, I work wherever I go. That's what's crazy. I don't get like, you know, to be off. Yeah, but that's a blessing. Some people are Hey, can I tell you how how big of a blessing this is? Yes, man, I'm grateful. Man, So I'm grateful to be working. Man. We all like to work, that's it. We all like what we do. Yeah, that is so healthful. Yes, because I can tell you right now. I've had jobs in my life that I hate it. There was no job I hated more than when I worked at Lincoln Electric. Lincoln Electrics. What happened at Lincoln Oh no, no, no no, no, oh no no no. That was cool. I wasn't good at it, but I could do that. But Lincoln Electric I hated it because it was a piecemeal system. You got paid based on how many pieces you produced today, and to break even you had to produce sixty eight boxes of coils on your shift? What not? Sixty eight two hundred boxes of coils on your ship. I ain't em on me, okay, all right? Not eight day coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll do. Ask the CLO. The Chief Love Officer is in the building the cloe right after this. You're listening morning show all right time now for I asked the CLO Are you ready, sir? Here we go born ready, Shirley. This one is from Deborah in New Jersey. Deborah says, I have three grown sons that live with me, and I have no peace. My oldest is twenty nine and he has women in and out of the house, and he gets upset when I reprimand him. My youngest is twenty two and he can't keep a good job. My middle son has a baby on the way, and he expects me to give money to the child's mother. I want them to move out, but I don't think they'll survive without me. It's my fault for raising Sorry men, but what can I do at this point? Oh? You got this. Here's the thing that you're absolutely wrong about. They will survive without you, yes, Steve. See. The problem is you've provided them with this huge net as parents. We have to remove the net. Twenty nine year old men shouldn't be staying at home with their mama. Dudes that's making babies shouldn't stay at home with their mama. And dudes that ain't hold jobs, can't hold can't stay at home with their mama. And how the hell he expecting you to get a girl money for a baby he made? You need to put all the regular ass out. Yeah, they can get place together. Your baby and the twenty nine year old need to get a place, and they all need to move in together. That's all to this. There ain't nothing else to this. Yeah, this ain't home. Twenty nine year old man bringing women in the house. Man, I'm getting mad when when his mother says something, it's her house, right. What you are to do is my daddy made it clear whose house this was. When he bring women over. You should go over there and get in the bed with him. Okay, I wasn't working. You were gonna say that, Cello, that's what I would give him. I would give him three months. You got y'all, three of y'all got three months. Get y'all a job, get y'all butt at, move in together. You've got three months. Let the clock start, all right, Moving on Manny and Irving, Texas, says, I'm a fifty one year old married man and I work as a security guard in an office building. There's a younger woman in the building that flirts with me daily, and I play along with her. She knows I sit at my desk and monitor the security cameras, and the day she works later than everyone else, she likes to raise up her skirt and flash her breasts at the camera. I have told her that she is being recorded, but she doesn't care. I feel like I should tell my supervisor about this crazy lady, just in case. What do you think? Good question? Hey dog? Okay, you know I don't do that. When people get lots of gold, why they don't want them. But Tommy, obviously there's something wrong. Hire. First of all, this ain't his type. Number two. He really needs his job. He thinks he getting set up. Yeah, and so you know, bro, when a bro write a letter like this, yeah, that ain't his type at all, because you know good hair. Well, ain't nobody missing. This gift just handed to me from heaven above. Not this. No, this would be a gift from God if it was her type. It was his type. She's not his type. He afraid she's being set up, and you know you should just tell her. Excuse me, ma'am, but I'm if you continue this behavior, I'm gonna have to report you and give her a chance to straighten up. Let your supervisor know that you're gonna that you're gonna say that to her, because that could turn into something else. Yeah, you're right, Lisa and Japan Alabama says um, I've been dating a great man for close to nine years, and I refuse to marry her until he gets his ex wife out of his system. His ex wife is forty seven and he has not worked in ten years and has not worked in ten years, so she expects my man to take care of her and their two grown children. My boyfriend won a large insurance settlement, and he feels she's entitled to some of the money because she's helped him when he was injured. They've been divorced for eight years, so I don't agree. I told him to cut her off or I'm leaving him. Am I wrong about this? Well? No, not really. I don't understand. I guess it's caused it a large insurance settlement that he's been your boyfriend for nine years and ain't worked. Guess I'm assuming well that you must be at some of this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have to be you yourself, have to be getting some of this large settlement to be with this man for nine years and he ain't worked, because that would mean you would have to be helped him in some kind of way. So obviously this large settlement. Now, him giving her the money is the reason you won't marry him. But he ain't gonna stop giving her the money. So let me remind you of this. Maybe he don't have to stop giving her money because marrying you is not of importance because he can keep giving her money and keep getting the benefits of a wife from you. Have you thought about that? Well, okay, so you know that's all to that right there. That's them, that's one and one is two. Yeah, his ex wife is the one that hasn't worked in ten years. It don't sound like he worked because he coming up on the largest settlement and he's been hurt where he couldn't work and might not. It just doesn't say that in the letter, just says that his wife ex wife doesn't work. Either way, this ain't working and you've been with him for nine years. You've been with a man nine years and you don't want to marry him because he's hooked on his ex wife. That's your problem. It ain't the insurance settlement, that's right, That's right. Yeah, yeah, And I promise you I ain't sending it no money over there without something in return. Oh oh all right, then, well look at the time, Thank you Cello. Coming up next, it is the nephew with run that Prank Back. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with National News Michael Strahan. This is sad news. He's been tested positive for COVID nineteen. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here with run that prank back. What you got for us, neff Diva Lounge, Diva Lounge, Let's go catch up? Yeah, Lonette, I'm trying to um, you don't want to own the Diva Lounge? Right? Yeah? All right, okay, my aunt trying to um, my ain't peelish. Was trying to get an appointment, Say you already rejected her or something like that. On getting an appointment for this pass said that she wanted to get get in and get get her hair dead. I'm sorry, sorry, no one rejected her. Right now, I'm not accepting any new clients. Hold on, so what do you mean you're not accepting no clients. That's the part I'm not trying to understand, because my ain't philis. You know, she didn't call up there like two times. From what she's telling me about she can't get in there, uh de allounge, that she can't get in there and get her hair done, because every time she called, they saying that they you know, ain't wan't nobody take her give her an appointment? Sir, I am the only salast at the dev Allounge, and right now I am not accepted to a new clients. I am so fard for your aunt, but there are other ones in the area. But right now I am not accepting any new clients. No hold on, hold on, wait wait, man, my ain'ty one that she want to come there? That question. I'm just saying this here. Ain't trying to get her. We've done because she can excuse me, you just cursed me out for nor apparent reason. I just because basically, what I'm trying to say, is I don't understand how it is you can't get my any hair done? She trying to get her we've done so she can be right for church. So I don't understand the problem. But the problem is you're attacking me. You're gonna call me talking about your damn all right, what's a damned impartnan, But you're cursing me out. You don't ben you're an importnant with me talking to me like then now okay, so what excuse me? Let me talk because you just cursed me out. Now he's gonna hear what I have to say. But I'm not accepting any new clients at this time. Now she could have called, but right now I'm not. I'm just not accepting any clients. I apologize because there's nothing else I can do. I work because you know what, I already know the deal because I didn't already asked round town. You you got all the everybody over there, got all these big time cards, beamers and rained rovers, so them to people them only the people you do. You can't do. So my an, you can't listen. Let me tell you one damn thing. I don't excriminate. I don't give a damn what you dry dut down four piss off all I care. I'm gonta white now stud. My damn sage is book and I cannot take any more you prud There are a thousand dare towards in Montgomery that you can go to. Let me let me, let me, let me say, let me say this to you. Uh what's your name again? Law? And that? Let me tell you this right here, bringin. I'm gonna bring up there. I'm bringing you you. You're gonna shut up while I'm talking. Hey, look, I'm gonna bring my anti up there talking. I'm sorry, n No, but you ain't gonna just reject my anie. She's trying to get her a different Okay, hold on. Professionalism is about to go out the door with your Now, I have this fright to be professional with your that you just called me. But you you insist on cursing me out, and I haven't done anything to you. I have sense, said Sorr. I cannot take on any new clients, but you insist I'm cursing me out. I assist, I assist on somebody doing my any hair. Somebody dare I not the damn salon you won't get it done here. I'm oh, no, you're gonna you're gonna do it, because I'm gonna bring my anie up there on side and do it. I'm gonna do it. How you gonna make me what you're gonna You're gonna do what you're gonna do with somebody gonna put somebody's gonna put this. I'm telling you now, I can go from debo to one hundred real quick. I'm trying to be professional with yours, but right now that's one out the door, because right now you did so disrespectful to let me say this again, said, I'm coming up there, somebody putting my anty weaves and hug we've. Sorry. I don't do we've. I only do short hair. That's what I specialize in. That's my strength. So you definitely have to find another salt. I don't know we killing it? Who the god I have? Saloon? Don't do nor weed? Who do this? I don't do no damn you don't make no damn send. We're kind of damn hairstyle. You just a short hair style that don't make no damn sense. Well that's what the specialized me. As a matter of fact, I'm damn good at it for around. If you you research me, you're already done your damn research on a round. Google me, that's what you do. Google me. I'm have bed session. Don't tell you what I tell Let me say this. Look Ford, don't come for me now because I'm ready for you. You know what, I'm not even gonna be sending here going back and forth with you. I'm gonna say this is saying that I'm coming up there and somebody gonna do my ain'ty weed? But bottom line, how're gonna be done for church on Sunday? Oh? Do you think you talking shoe? You listen to me, I'm so time of your pocket. If you don't went about asking everybody about me you're talking to know that I don't do nothing but short hair. I don't know. We fat not as to do your damn your eyes hair? You light your eyes could go to hell? That's what you can do. Because I don't gonna about you. I prosed to be professional with you. Which is stupid? Is your isn't it hell? And then your can't be no well she got to be credit to SLF to be what's stupid? So don't call me no more because I don't. I don't preciect you calling my damn sound phone. I don't know who I clearly he'll get you my damn knock because this is a damn farther the number I hadn't even given. No damn by then he signed damn carding my damn fire to lif. I listen. That's because in my heart to love, I don't have show Lord me watch you long. Let me you know what. Let me just tell you this here. Tommy one gave me your damn number, told me that if I talk to you, you would do my eighty hair. Cool Tommy, Tommy One, I don't know, Yes you do, Yes, you do? You know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Marty Show. You know him, don't you? Oh gosh, Nephew Timmy from the Steed of Harvey Show. That be me, Miss lonetto o, Lord Jesus you are so Let me tell you something. Dammy and Paul told me Lonetta is real cool, but she's twenty five percent ghetto. But I'll tell you this. Why you're Tommy, you from mister, This is because you told to me. I don't know. Listen, I'm from this hood. So I am. I'm gonna have my my partners to come up the start with my brother a right, you know all of us would be I'm sorry, but Mark, this has been a crazy experience for me. But I love you and I love the show. You know what, I'm coming to Montgomery. I'm gonna stop by this. Steve Allowne, you got over there. We all go. Howdest gown up in Montgomery by you gotta do this? Prob me? What is the baddest radio show in the list? See Harvey Warning Show, Thinking of You coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment and National news. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show in today's Entertainment News. Amanda Gorman, the young poet who wild Americans with her the Hill Week Climb poem at Joe Biden's inauguration last week, has been added to the Super Bowl to the pregame festivities. She's twenty two years old. She's a Poet Laureate. She will recite an original poem paying tribute to three honorary game captains who are being recognized by the NFL for their heroic work during the pandemic and congratulations again Amanda Gorman has also signed with This is Great News I AMG Modeling Agency. Yeah. They love her. Yeah, Yeah, she's so beautiful. I'm gonna just put it out there. She just kicking your age. Man. Man. She did a poem at the inauguration. You've been doing poetry on this show for four years. She ain't got an inauguration. Na, she had the Super Bowl and got a modeling contract with I AMG at this crazy. That's cause she pretty old. Junior, You ain't. You don't qualify for that. Just stick the poem. Yeah, so you're an ugly poet. Yeah, I guess the poet time that I got out. You are an ugly pranker. We are, No, No, the hell I'm not. Ain't nobody agreeing with you on that. No, I'm not no ugly pranks. I'm the prettiest prancer. You know why. I don't know, but one we learned on the show that Morgan Freeman will start pranking. I just want to throw that out there. Let's throw it back. Okay, I want to throw that out there. He ain't cute either. Cut all right, We're moving on because you guys and other entertainment news. Michael Strahan has tested positive for COVID nineteen. Um. You know, he works on Good Morning America. Also an NFL Hall of Famer. He's currently quarantining. Strahan also appeared remotely on the NFL Sunday Morning Sunday during the NFL Championship. Strahan said he is not experiencing severe symptoms, so hopefully, you know, with the quarantine, it'll be over soon for him. Yeah, hope. So yeah, let's go straight. Yeah yeah. And finally, some sad news out of Hollywood. Legendary actress Chloris Leachman has passed away from natural causes. Her children said she had the best life anyone could ask for. We all loved her as phyllis on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Oh my god, Chloris Leachman was ninety four years old. And she will be missed. Funny, yeah, she won so much. She was really funny. Yeah yeah, yeah, true legend. She'll be missed. M m. Well you blessed to still be here. Absolutely, yeah, yeah, thank you lord. All right, just noticed now once Shirley say you will be missed, your ass is gone. It's time now for today's headline. Steven will be missed. You got to start listening real careful to the name in front of that stake. You will be missed. I made one mistake. No no, no, no, no, you've done it. Several two, not several, at least two. You didn't. Got rid of several people, several. It's time for a headline. Oh yeah, ladies and gentlemen, the healthy miss and trill. Okay, now, oh, bless all of you guys, and bless me. This is a trip with the news. Well, it may be a full week after all the pomp and circumstances of the inauguration, but believe it or not, some Americans and you know which ones, still don't believe that Joe Biden won fair and square and the final tally wasn't even closed. So now, because of the Capitol Hill riot, the Department of Homeland Security has issued a bulletin citing a quote heightened threat environment across the nation. That's from the Homeland Insecurity and it's warning of the quote potential for lingering violence by people motivated by anti government sentiments and grievances fueled by quote false narratives. It's a nice way of saying lies. The wording of the bulletin seems to suggest that violence motivated by political ideology and aimed at overturning an American election is comparable to terrorism. Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy a return to the Senate yesterday after checking into a DC hospital for observation Tuesday evening. Ladies eighty years old. But the Democrat says that he felt some muscle spasms and that was all it was. He went just to check it out. Senator Leahi is presiding over President Trump's impeachment trial, and by the way, with that looks like, of course they will not be the Republicans to impeach the ex president. But now some of them, the folks over there, thinking maybe we should just censure the ex president. A newly elected remember the Congress, already facing calls for her resignation because of her online posts. According to CNN, Republican Marjorie Taylor Green's Facebook page is full a while and a cuckoo and debunk conspiracy theories going back years. That includes her like of a comment two years ago that said this a bullet to the head would be quicker to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. That's what she had on a Facebook page and Green's also espousing QAnon theories, which still say that some Democrats are Satanic cannibals taking advantage of little kids in the back of pizza Parlos. President Biden's focus yesterday was on the environment, climate change, in jobs, and signing the executive order to Supercharger administration ambitious plan to confront the existential threat of climate change that includes helping revitalizing economies of coal, oil and gas, and power plant communities. We have to start creating new good paying jobs, capping those abandoned wells, reclaiming minds, turning old brown field sites in the new hubs of economic growth, creating new good paying jobs. And finally, legendary hall run slugger Henry Hank Aaron was funeralized yesterday in Atlanti's Friendship Baptist Church, Although there weren't a lot of people allowed in because of the pandemic. The speaker spoke about his graceful yet steely dignity, about how in nineteen seventy four, racist whites threatened his life before he approached baby Babe Ruce's home run and after he broke it, and among those paying tribute, Foreign President Bill Clinton, Baseball Commissioner Bud Selik and Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young. The last time and probably the only time I heard him complain was you know, all of my friends and brothers in the on Negro leagues, he said, we're gone except him. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show? All right, guys, there's a new study out and researchers have identified a strong sign of lying is mimicking the body language of the person they're lying too, a liar and a copycat. The title of a new study now published in the Royal Society's Open Science Journal could lay lead to applica applications of theory and criminal justice. Wow, so Steve, Tommy and Junior, what's your physical tell when you're lying? I do a lot of blame? Can you not? Yeah? Can you not? Look? Why will we sitting here right there? Why would we do that? We know? I ain't got no tail. I lied to your dead in your face. I ain't no tail. You can't ever bust me on the original lot. You you can go days and do some fat checking and come up with your truth. But the moment I'm telling the lot O very very inventive girl. What what tale right now, sir, it colors your shirt? What it is? It's it's leopard Steve, excuse me? Yeah, have you ever seen when have you ever seen a black leopard j Jaguar? Wipe your camera off? You're just gonna go with the lie right down. I gotta keep it going. But have you ever been ask yall something? Have y'all not immediately and let me ask y'all something y'all problem y'all never took a polygraph before? Never you took one of you took a phone. Yeah, it tag. I didn't become a comedian until I was twenty seven. I didn't get famous at this until I was thirty eight. Polyg Have I ever took a polygraph? Federal charges? Here talking? Please you, I'm gone, I've been cleared it. I'm fine. There's been way more than seven years. I can't get on none of this here, probably pass everywhere, line my ass off, the hotel line right to his a. You need to go on first forty eight or something. Let's see if they can. The only thing got me was that video surveillance. I'm standing that right there with you, dude. Yeah, when the truth will do, that's how you get good at it, Sherley, and call it what you have to lie when you don't have to lie. That that gives you the expertise hat it. Let's see, y'all wait till it's time to lie. No work on that. I got a horrible liar. I'm a horrible I really am, I really am. I'm the worst. All right, listen, uh coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour China. Oh gosh, China is using anal swabs now to test for COVID. We'll talk about this. I cried anal squab at the house. Oh good, you're listening to show all right, this story. Some people may be a little sensitive, so I want to throw that disclaimer out there before we get into this story. All right, Well, in trending COVID nineteen news, China has begun using anal swabs to test those two yeah yeah, to test those who are considered to be high risk of contracting COVID nineteen now. According to Chinese doctors, the anal swabs method can increase the detection rate of infected people, as traces of the virus linger longer in the anus than in the respirator tract. Most of them came around longer in the anus. I'm just going with the story. Most stuff I have from personal experience, it has nothing to do with COVID, But most stuff hangs around in the anus longer in your mouth. I mean, that's just well, I'm just that's in the news story. I'm just saying, just look at what you're doing. When you eat an ice cream, it's in your mouth for a little while. When you eat in collets, it's in your mouth for a little while. But when it comes out, you ain't. It's to take a while. You take a minute. It got to come out sometime, and lock up, get caught up and get jammed. You know, I'm to float in You know this, it's hard, man, But I don't. Yeah, you never know, and then you gotta you know, I don't know why these Chinese and came up with it just ain't a swab? What is we looking for? COVID? That hard? He was sick in his nose. You're sick in your nose? Why we got to know if you got sick in your anus, Yes, it's in now. If it's in my nose, it's gonna be in my Ain't it be in now? Are you asking me to being over and show you mind. Yes, I have Kobe checking, I'm with checking out, I have it, I'm with I'm with it. I'm side of my nose bleeding. I really hang my ass out the window. I'm sorry, I'd rather do it. I'm sorry, Just gone and go forward seeing you obviously you obviously are you at the age where you had to get your prostate check in? Yes? Yes, people, Now why would you want a qute tip? That swab that's that qute tip is a lot smaller than a doctor's finger. And I'm tired of my nose lea, So I'm sorry, I'm hanging my ass out the window. So you rather have your ass bleed? That your nose bleed. I didn't say that. Well, that is what's gonna downs up here, because it ain't. It is not a regular cute tip. It's got to bristles on the end. So I'm gonna tell you right now. They might go up in there either, but when they pull it out, they're gonna rake it. Yes, you know I didn't get it wrong in your nose and they go around and they make them five circles for five s. But if you had a choice, you'd still go for the nose, is what you're saying. I'm not getting the ain't a swab? You don't know until you try to hang your ass out to wind the one time and just give it a shot. What is it gonna hurt nobody? Why would I have to try something that I know I don't want and you're not. That's what's wrong with people like you don't know how you want it till you try. That's right, don't nobody know? That's Steve Harvey rich ass hanging out the window, hanging out there and see, boy boy, no swabs is adequate for me. If you want other kind of tests, test somebody else. Put me in the quarantine and let me stay that for fourteen days. Yes, I have it, now you must have. I got some stuff back that you can't see. That's the day I can't listen. According to Chinese TV, you don't have to worry about anal swabs. They're not going to be used as widely as the other methods anyway. But yeah, and anyway, technique didn't used at all. Well, it's not convenient for them to do it that way anyway. It's not like words like when you're not what and doing nothing to my anus? I can tell you that right now, I don't even like narrow you really? Why I promise you that you're not gonna go Why you can't you can't say words and start with a debut when you're talking about my anus? Why we're moving on you? Thank the Lord? Coming up next Today's break right after this, you're seen Dave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after my strawberry letter for today, the subject is I'm ready for a family, but she's not. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Neff? Girl Scout cookies? Girl Scout cooks? Everybody loves them? Come on, what's your what's your favorite flavor? Come on, give it to me, real quick flavor? Then mints, peanuts? All right, all right, I'm cana feed what you got girls Scott cookers? Which one I eat? All up? Okay? I just want to tell you the money so you can get away from the damn dough. Come back tomorrow, girls got cookies? Come on? Hell up? Hell? So is this um? How are you doing? Then? My name is Glynn Man. I'm working. I work in building too. You work for media? Right? Yeah? What what's on? So we probably met a couple of times. Uh do you have a girl? Do you have a girlfriend? Uh? Why what's up? Did you guys you guys live together or or what? What is this your business? Like? What? What? What's what's what's the deal? What's what's what are you asking about? My girl? Well, let me ask you this here. What's what's what's going on with you and at the job? Uh? What what do you what do you mean? What's going on? Like? Like I mean you you know you know, right, I mean so what like what what's what's the deal? What? What? Who are you? Like? Who the who? The are you? Like? What? What? What the what? What is this for? Like? Why are you? Like? I don't even know you? Right? I just calmed down, bron, just climed down, Like I say, my name is saying. I work at Gila too, you know, And I know I just tell you now, I know you. I know what you doing, Okay, I know what y'all doing at the job. I already know, and a couple other people know what's going on. And I know you got a girl. I know you got a girl at home. I know that. What so so what what? What? What the what? What is this about? Like? Why why do you call my pholt trying to harass me about the book? Like who are you? Like? What? What? What is your problem? Like? Hey, man, hey, hey, hey, came now, man, I ain't finished. I ain't trying to tell you a little secret or nothing like that. I ain't trying to do that, all right, but but but I'm gonna be real with you, okay, all right, Like I said, you know, I got one of your names. I got your number from one of the co workers. Okay, I got your number. I said, I want to I want to give the car and you talk to him about something. That's how I got your number. So yeah, who gave you ten? We'll get to that later. Okay, we'll get to that later. But let me but let me say this though. I know what's going on with you and the job, all right, and I ain't gonna say nothing about it. You know, that's just our little secret or whatever. But I do have something that I want you to do. Though. What what do you want? Dude? Like? But what what do you want? You call me? Bugging me about this book? Like what do you want? What do you want? Well, here it is, man. Listen, I ain't gonna say nothing about what you got going on, all right, that ain't that ain't even I don't even care about that. But here here's what I do want you to do. I do need some help from you, all right. Listen. My little girl is selling Girl Scout cookies and I want you to buy fifty boxes of them, all right with be a cash out because she got to have them soul by tomorrow morning. Are you kidding me? Bro? You okay, so you're un some black man's book and listen to who the gave you my number? Because you want to call me asked me to box the cookies and you should just bet a man and ask me about it. Like, don't be calling my phone trying to get me that book. Like come on, man, like I ain't got no time for this. Like I'm asking you to do is buy today. I'm cookies. Man, That's it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just saying. I do want you to buxom cookie. I need you to buy fifty boxes little girl Scout cookies. Can you do that? Not? No no, no, no no no no no no, no, no, no, you ain't gonna call and try to manipulate me and de buying like you're you're talking, ain't trying to make me fe so I ain't you nothing for you disrespecting me, calling my phone, trying to act like you like, just trying to manipulate. I ain't down with that, bro, I ain't done. You don't want to buy my cookies though, So do you want me to call your your girl and see ship on my cookies? So you're gonna say the away from my bro? Man like, don't don't come near her, Okay, you don't call her, you'll come gar hern't come near me. You just get get them out of here. I'm about to start this ninety figure out who you are and come right after you, man like, because I ain't playing, bro, I ain't right. I'm gonna tell you what, man. I an't argue with you. I an't argue with you, but I get off the phone right now. I'll get off right now, and I'm gona your girl. I'm gonna call your girl and I want to buy some cook No, no, no, no, no, you ain't come. Oh nobody, you just get you get I try to God I'm gonna find out who you are. I'm gonna find out who gave you that number. I'm gonna call you up like you know, you gonna call me trying to right me. Okay, amn, hey, hey, you know what, angrean cool, we're still talking about it, all right. I'm gonna get the right like you so so so I'll get off the phone like you want me to, Adrian, I'll do that, but let me let me ask you this though. Let me ask you this though. You sure you want me to call you? Sure you want me to do that? And write the it that her name? Man? You something individuals? All right? Look how much of these cookies? How much you want a man? Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy, Yeah, Tommy told me you would buy the cookies, Tommy. Tom he man, hey, man, check it out. This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your co workers got me to pray phone call you. Oh oh my god, I'm gonna kill him, damn so so oh god, listen, so listen, Agrian. We have beat We have beat all the names, so nobody knows the things at all. Okay, you're good, bro, you're good man, and I you got me. Oh God, I'm I'm gonna go. I'm gonna take a nap man. I just used up all my Yeah, I'm done. Oh God, Like, Hey, where's you go? I am going out? You up? Man? I can't believe you got me on this little tell me this man, one more thing before you go age. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Morning shill Man with his way he got played every morning. God kill me, bro, you're gonna buodies cookies one way or the Okay, You're gonna bodies cookies? Yeah, I mean that? Or I'm gonna blackmail you? What? No, no, no, no, no, no you you're tough. You're tough. You ready get off the phone? Call get our phone? You show you want me to call? You want you call? Make it too much? Nobody want to ask me what my favorite? Girls got cookies? Which one they said? You like them all? You said that earlier. They are all so delicious, one butter and the Yeah, my favorite. It's time to order. Now order something the other day, Yes, Carl, the two things I order? I will order Girls Got Cookies? And I ain't gonna lie. I will order that Garish popcorn like it's going out of you can't. I got a shelf for that all that. I love Garrett's popcorn, but I'm not into it like you because growing up in Chicago, you could get it anytime, you know what I mean? I can't get that in time. Yeah, exactly, But I like it. I do. I still love it. Yeah, we're down in Texas. We ordered Bockle. You know it's a little different. Yeah, the Chicago different. Y'all got flavored. Chicago got flavored. Yeah. The smell of the popcorn too. Walking down that line is out out the door, isn't it? Especially one on State Street? Yes, right down from the Elm. Yes, Hey Chicago, Hey be one. What's the place? What's the place? Un with the with the trump in the bag? What's the Who's albums? Growing up? Goose Island? Coming up next? The Strawberry Letter subject I'm ready for a family, but she's not. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject. I'm ready for a family, but she's not. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm twenty seven years old and I have my degree in business management with aspirations of owning a business one day, and I'm on the right path to fulfill my goals. I've been dating a woman for a few months and she was everything I asked God for. She's a go get her with a lot of ambition and a backbone. She's not a pushover by any means, and she has a foul mouth when I make her man. We met in college and I pledged Omega Steve. After we'd been dating for a few months. After I crossed over, women came from everywhere trying to get at me, and I messed up and cheated on my girlfriend. She broke up with me and kept it moving. I begged and begged, but she was done. Five years passed and I was still crazy about her, so I called her to see how she was doing. It was a great call, and she was single, so I asked her out. She told me that I must be intentional with her because she only dates to work towards marriage. I was honest and told her that I wasn't ready to get married just yet, but I swore to her that she is my future wife. We made a mistake and she got pregnant five months later. Then she started pressuring me to get married. I was honest again and told her I wasn't financially ready for marriage, but I promised to give her the wedding of her dream soon. She said she needed some time alone, and I gave her a few days. We went to dinner a week later and she told me she had terminated her pregnancy, and then she broke up with me. I was upset that she made this decision about the baby without me, but I want her back in my life. Where did I go wrong this time? How do I get her back for good? WHOA, This is a lot, a whole lot in this letter, from beginning to end, and you guys are so young to have gone through all of this. I mean the one thing that you have going for you is that you have been honest all along the way. You told her you weren't ready for marriage, you told her you weren't financially ready for marriage. All of that, you've been honest. She, on the other hand, is a bit of a hot head and seems to jump the gun and act very impulsively. If there wasn't a baby involved, I'd probably say she's a woman who has no time for games. And I agree with you. She is not a pushover. She knows what she wants. And you said you want her. This is what you said. After what she did, you still want her. That is major, But you still want her, So I say, see if she still wants you, then talk to her, see where her head is. If you guys have matured enough, you know, and have gone through enough to make it this time, maybe you guys can get it together. If you can both get past this. She seems to have gotten past it. If you can get past it, you know, you guys got to be honest about your feelings and see if there is a future for you too. But but that was crazy. We'll see what happens, Steve. We'll see what happened yeah, when they talk, they already talked, they had dinnership. A week later, they've talked. I see a lot wrong in this letter. They need to talk some more. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm gonna get to that later on the second half. But the subject says, I'm ready for a family, but she's not. Bro. The only problem with this, bro is you. You didn't really say in the letter nowhere how much you've always wanted children and all that. I didn't hear that in the letter. So the subject of I'm ready for a family, but she's not, it's throwing me a little bit because let me let me show you what happened now, dog team, So here we go. Now you're twenty seven. You got a degree in business management with ASPI raised your owner business and on the path to fulfill your dream. See you got it all worked out. I like this about your boy. You got your degree business management. You want to own a business on the right path for feel your dream. Been dating a woman for a few months. She was everything I asked God for. See this is men for you. Here we go. We we we we God give us just what we asked for, and then hear what we do she got. She got a lot of ambition, backbones. She ain't gonna push over. She got a fire out when I'm making man. We met in college, I pledge OMAKA, which happens to be the greatest fraternity ever created, a known to mankind. Clear your phone all you want you already to know, excuse me, had it on your mind, but you realize the cast. You knew what it was. You knew what Yes, you did, you knew what it was. You were scared of me, that's what you don't No. I was gonna do his ass. This is not a fraternity conversation, but just for a minute, you know, don't clear your throat when I say omega. So anyway, uh, after he crossed, women came Dayton from everywhere trying to get at you. I messed up and cheated on my girlfriend. You know, I felt like this letter was about me and here, But then I had to remember he said he graduated with him. Anyway, you know, I just realized then that it took a turn that I didn't quite qualify for after three years of college, I had eighteen credits three years. So when I come back, I'll tell you what you did wrong. Bro, And what's what's really happened? Because there's a mistake you made in here, a very serious Okay, we'll have part two of a Sieve's response coming up for twenty three minutes after the hour of the Sun objected up. Today's letter is I'm ready for a family, but she's not. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject I'm ready for a family, but she's not. This young frat brother man twenty seven years old, got his degree and everything aspiration on the business on path, got his goals and everything. You know, been dating this woman for a few months. She was everything you ask guy for. Go get her ambition, backbone, ain't no push over all that we met in college when he pleded sci Fi. After we had been dating for a few months, and then you crossed. Women came out of everywhere. You know, I know that, you know what I'm saying, came out everywhere. You know, just you know, on us, you know, old us. You know, h know what I'm saying. Back back, I say back, Its not about you. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna be honest with you. I've never beat a woman off in my life ever. Please yeah, I was so thirsty for somebody to want me, please want me, Thank you Jesus. But all right, anyway, you messed up, you and you cheated on your girlfriend. She broke up with you, and she kept moving. You beg she was done. Now five years went by. He was still crazy about it, so he called us see how she was doing. One day, had a great car, found out she was single, so bro asked her out. She told me that I must be intentional with her because she only dates to work towards marriage. Excellent move on this young lady's part. Excellent move that set the tone. Come to me with intentions. If you want to play games, I ain't got time for list. Okay, she did just that. I was honest, told her I wasn't ready to get married just yet. See brother, now you just now you ain't ready to get married just yet. But you sware to her she was your future wife, so not dog. What you did was you led her own. You gave her a little bit of hope. You dangling carried out there that you will be my future wife, but not now. So in other words, you were honest, but you also knew what you was doing. I ain't ready now, but I don't want you to leave. Let me get my stuff together, and I understand financially how you feel about that, so I appreciate your honesty. Now here where to let her take a turn. We made a mistake and she got pregnant. What y'all grown, y'all know when you have sex, what sex produces? What you mean she got pregnant? Unprotected sex. Unprotected sex had to happen. You open yourself up for mistakes like that. Team. I know you noticed, so I ain't telling you now, but that's water over the damn. Then she started pressuring you to getting married. That's what she said she wanted, but you said you wasn't ready. But then you got the girl pregnant, so she started pressing you to getting married. I was honest again and told her you wasn't financially ready for mard, but I promised to give her to wear in her dreams. Soon. She said that she needed some time alone, and so you gave her a few days. Okay, this was a letter. Takes a turn. We went to dinner a week later. She told me she had terminated her pregnancy, and then she broke up with me. Now let's focus on this for a second, because here's what could have happened. See, her intent was to always want to be married. You told her that you promised her you her future wife. So this woman figured, if I'm pregnant, how much more do I have to do to be of Wifey's status. I'm pregnant with your child. You said, I still ain't ready for marriage, which you were being honest then, But she was also being honest with her intentions. So now terminated the pregnancy, You said, I was upset that she made the decision about the baby without me. Whold out partner. Hold up, you're making decisions without her about the time of when you want to marry her, when you want to allow her life to move on. Now, she'd have made a decision without you. See this is how the game go, young team. Now, I'm also gonna throw you aficient net. This mistake, y'all made. It seems to me like she made the mistakes and had the hope that after the mistake was made, that it could lead to the marriage she intentionally wanted from you. From the get goal when you said I'm still not gonna get married, she said, were ending this right here. I'm not going to walk around him and be no single mother when what I want is this man to marry me. So could it be that that mistake was then you. He was as an attentional carriage to get you to marry her. When you said no, she said, we're done. See, so you have to think about think about that with him. I was upset she made decision about the babe with me. But I want her back in my life. Where did I go wrong this time? How can I get her back for good? You ain't got one way to get this woman back. You have to go to her to propose, and you have to say, I can't lose two great things in my life. We've lost a child and now I'm gonna lose you again for the second time, and I can't see myself without it. So I love you. Let's get engaged. Let's work towards this marriage. Please. I don't ever want you to go again. That's your only shot. That was beautiful. Thank you so much. Coming up next, our girl from the Talk, Cheryl Underwood at forty six minutes after Right after this, you're listening coming up the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce our girl from the talk. Ladies and gentlemen, without further adode, put your hands together for Sheryl Underwood. Un he subscriberries. Well, I'm happy right now because a sister run all the wild graves. Yeah, yeah, what she is the she eo of wild grains, So you know, let's go over there and get some proscriptions. Her her name is Rosalind Brewer. She used to be at Sam's. She used to be in charge of Sam's. And the reason I know this because she is in my wife's circle of friends, so I already knew this before. Get the airways, That's how I know. Her name is Rosalind Brewer. And all of that. Steve Harvey's up on Current News, take it away ship fantat that is fan tass it And why you didn't introduce me to Hustle. I could go over there and get some of them maka chinos and wasn't my white mocha choccinos and all that stuff over and stop everything calling for rams. But now I know where I could give my drug, well my prescription, well my okay, never mind my COVID test and the vaccine shot over there. Hey girl, hey girl, Can I tell you what I'm tired of talking about? Though? Can I tell you what I'm tired of talking about tomminin this damn impeachment? Now listen to me, Now, listen. You don't get to be accused of the crime and then go down to Marlago and kick it like ain't nothing happening. I need somebody to put some jury on some risks like they do regular people. I'm gonna need you to have an outrageous bill like they do other people, like billion dollars bill. Am I right? Tommy? Am I right? You're right? You're right. And then I'm tired of the Republican Party, which I belonged to, but I'm considering leaving Shirletts out Barry because they sull a frog a knackle. Did you say they lost nine thousand Republicans out of Arizona? When nine thousand white people lead a Republican party, you know you messing up. You acting crazy, so nobody wants to really hear this. Make an excuse it. Now, you want unity, Now, you want people to come together. Everything you ain't come together. You was acting crazy with President Obama. Now you're trying to act crazy right now and avoid it. You have done something that is a high crime and misdemeanor. Use all the things you fourteen Amendment, all that stuff everything, put him out, make sure he could never run again. And the only thing I want to do is impeach all the women in Junior Life that think they got shot at my man. Impeachment. I want to talk about all these tricks they got. Mother may get injured segment, Cheryl, I love it. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carlin's Reality Update. Thank you, Errol, you about it. Right after this, you're listening to Stow. All right, Tommy, come on introduced. She's here. He is here, the one and only call a Ferrol with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. Let's start off with Real Housewives of Atlanta, real quick. Kenya Moore planned a road trip, a getaway for the ladies to go to Charleston, South Carolina. So before the trip, Shirley, the new housewife, drew she invited the ladies over for dinner. It was just a last get together at her house. She's moving and actually she's moving into the same neighborhood where Portia and Nini where they live. So anyway, yeah, yeah, Kenya told Drew not to tell the ladies that she was going to take a private jet to Charleston, South Carolina with the new lady who's on the show. She's a friend of Kenya's. Her name is LaToya. But ken got a party bus for the rest of the ladies. Why she flying private jet. She put them on a party bus and the air condition was broken, so they on this hot bus for four to five hours. Man. And you know how black women are about our hair. Now we sweat our yeah yeah, right, Junior, So you know, the ladies had an attitude about that. But anyway, they get there. Kenya gets there. Of course, they get there and she brings her daughter and the nanny and all these things. And I think Porsha, you know, once they found out on the bus that Kenya was flying there on a private jet, they were upset about that, of course, and then Porsha was like, well, you know, she's bringing her baby. Look about my baby. Candy has a baby. So they were kind of a little salty about Kenya with how she set everything up and so when they get there, you can just tell how Kenya had a time is assigning the rooms, and then she gave Marlow the ugliest room. Kenya kase there and Marlow she gave her the ugliest room. So so yeah, she is so petty? Is she is so petty? So also on the hot bus, Portion told the ladies that she is not ready to get back with her baby daddy Dennis and that they were just working together on co parenting. So that's real Housewives of Atlanta kind of struggling a little bit with the show this year. It's missing miss something. Yeah, I mean I ask a question, yes, yes, Steve, what's your question? Why did why did can you Moore take the private jet because she claims she wanted to get there ahead of time to set everything up, and then I guess she didn't want to ride the bus with her daughter and the you know, the baby and the nanny and all of that. So do anybody see the plane? Yeah, they showed the plane on the show. Yeah, they showed the plane in the air. They well all they showed them on the plane, and they showed them getting off the plane. I don't know if they actually showed it in the air. I don't remember that part. Okay, So so you see you can board a plane, shoot and shoot everybody getting on the plane, and then right there, all right, we're here and everybody get right. I don't know, I think they were on the plane. I can't. I gotta go back. And now you got me curious. So now I'm gonna go back and look and see. So let's move on before we ran out of time. Ready to Love the Regunion Show, Part two. You're hosted by our very own nephew, Tommy. Let me just say this, Denise is about that life. Uh she apologized to Adriana. She didn't want to, she didn't want to. Yeah, yeah, she's really great TV. Yeah yeah, yeah, that's true, Charlotte. But out of all the couples, Cofani he got back home and decided to get back with his ex. What kind of foolishness is this? Tommy? So tell us, tell us, go ahead, Tommy, break it down. We have the host I was, I was. I was really disappointing. Californni. Californni. You know, he put his heart and soul into Adriana told him, you know, had the girl, you know, Wilde open nose wild open the next thing, you know, he get back home and within two days and broke up with the girl because his ex and left a note on the dope said when was the note on the dope? When I got back home? So that note just been sitting there on the damn doughe you to get back? Come on, man, who thank you talking to I'm not no food that the note ain't flew off for nothing. You've been on the dog on the resort and the note just been sitting on the dope waiting on you wait, wait that for you. Let's come back. I got more to ask you about Ready to Love. We'll be back, Shirley tell him when all right, we're coming back in twenty minutes after the hour. Hey Rush she Hey Clincher, you're listening show all right, so listen when we love to off, Carla, you were into with reality update talking about Ready to Love and the nephew is giving you the real behind the scene. So you guys, go ahead. What's up? Yeah, Ready to Love her too? The reunion show. You know we left off we were talking about Calfani, how he broke Adriana's heart. He made up look like Boo boo the clown. I will just say that, you know, yes, Rashid was coming for her, and yes she picked Calfani over over Rashid. But then, Tommy, you talked to Rashid. You tried to get Rashid to open up and talk about how he felt about Adriana. Meanwhile, she's sitting on the couch, still whispering to Calfani, whispering the Calfani I'm pulling. I'm pulling from this other brother. Okay, this brother still likes you. Yeah, you sitting next to the man that dropped you. Let me let me try to tea this up for you so you might be able to salvage something. And then I turned and look get her, and she deep in conversation with Calfin. I'm looking at her, like, are you listening to me? No, I haven't heard anything. I was told I was done. I was done. I'm done. I was so done with her. So Adriana was a ready to love. Tommy wasn't. No, I had a ready to looved. I got babies on the way when she was ready to love. YEA. Yeah, so you got summer and all tomorrow, guys, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show all right time now for I asked the cello, are you ready, sir? Here we go born ready, Shirley. This one is from Deborah in New Jersey. Deborah says, I have three grown sons that live with me, and I have no peace. My oldest is twenty nine and he has women in and out of the house, and he gets upset when I reprimand him. My youngest is twenty two and he can't keep a good job. My middle son has a baby on the way and he expects me to give money to the child's mother. I want them to move out, but I don't think they'll survive without me. It's my fault for raising Sorry men, but what can I do at this point? Oh? You got this. Here's the thing that you're absolutely wrong about. They will survive without you. See. The problem is you've provided them with this huge net as parents. We have to remove the net. Twenty nine year old men shouldn't be staying at home with their mamma. Dudes, that's making babies shouldn't stay at home with their mama, and dudes that can't hold jobs, can't hold can't stay at home with their mamma. And how to hell he expecting you to get a girl money for a baby he made you need to put all the regular out. Yeah, maybe they can get place together. Your baby and the twenty nine year old need to get a place, and they all need to move in together. That's all to this. There ain't nothing else to this. Yeah, this ain't twenty nine year old man bringing women in the house. Man, I get mad when when his mother says something, it's her house, right. What you are to do is my daddy made it clear whose house this was when he brang women over. You should go over there and get into bed with him. Okay, I wasn't talking. You were gonna say that, Cello, that's crazy. What I would give him, I would give him three months. You got y'all, three of y'all got three months. Get y'all the job, and get y'all butt out, move in together. You got three months at the clock. Start a right moving on. Manny and Irving, Texas says, I'm a fifty one year old married man, and then I work as a security guard in an office building. There's a younger woman in the building that flirts with me daily, and I play along with her. She knows I sit at my desk and monitor the security cameras, and the day she works later than everyone else, she likes to raise up her skirt and flash her breasts at the camera. I have told her that she is being recorded, but she doesn't care. I feel like I should tell my supervisor about this crazy lady just in case. What do you think? Good question? Hey don okay? You know to do that when people get that's a goal, why they don't want them? All Right, coming up, guys, it is our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Thursday. Let's get our weekend started to day. Yeah. Yeah, we're about to close out the first month of the year. Did you see someone posted? Did you see someone posted February? They're gonna start their new year February first, because January, the month of January seemed more like twenty twenty still has over. Yeah, I saw it, and then yeah once that January is in January, and like January usually January, I'm not really bad. I'm calm this January. I'm good. I don't have to get up in them tomorrow morning watch the news. I ain't gotta watch no more to day. I'm good. Yeah, that anxiety, yeah, you know, it has. It's. It's been pretty good. I mean, it's it's it's been an interesting start. I think it's. It's it's it's been really a fresh start, I'm telling you. Man. Then people climbing over that wall and rushing the Capitol, that was a great moment, man, that was a great moment for America again to take a look at itself because we can stop saying this is not who we are. We stop that, stop that that's exactly who a portion of this country is, or else you wouldn't see it. You know, you can stop saying that the police brutality is not who we are. It is exactly who we are because we keep seeing it. The moment we stop seeing it is the moment it no longer exists. But as long as you see it, it exists. But it's okay now because it exposed a lot of stuff. The sad part of it is the Republican Party won't look at the facts. How in the world can you believe that an election was stolen and you don't have anybody to provide any evidence, any of wide scale Look, people vote every year. That's dead. That happens everybody. It's some people voted for Trump who were dead, it was some people voted for Biden who were dead. It happens, But nothing on a wide scale that would shift the groundwork. Do you know how many people would have to be involved to pull off something like that in the United States? With all the Republicans that hold office and positions in the ballots and the voting, and how many Democrats you It would have to be the most immassive cover up in the history. And with all these computers and stuff. Somebody don't tell it's impossible. But for them to continue to perpetrate the lie and know better and then go along with the lie. That's that that's been difficulty this year. But for me, this year has started off really wonderful. Uh, you know, we got rid of Trump, and we could really get rid of Trump if the Republican Party wasn't filled with cowards. I guess it kind of bothers me that they keep saying they're afraid of Trump. For what the people that voted for a Trump will not vote for them. Yeah, against Trump, against Trump. The Republican Party is in trouble because pause of Trump. He hijacked a party and turned it into the Trump Trumps them. It's it's no longer the Republican Party. It belongs to Donald Trump and I and we've said it from the beginning on this show. He is such a morally corrupt person. You just picked the wrong person to lead your party. You picked the reality starff. Yeah. Yeah, he never stopped being right, and he let because what reality does is to bloster the story. They write scripts so the story can get told to be more juicy. This guy stopped caring about the coronavirus months ago. Over four hundred thousand Americans are dead because this dude did not care at all. He couldn't control it, so all he did was distance himself from it. After that, the insurrection that occurred at the White House, him and Juliano sent some people down there. Yes, we're going into the Capitol, and I may go down there with you. Yeah, he's sick down there. This is my first time seeing white folks send white folks to do something to other white folks. That's my first time seeing it ever. I ain't never seen that before. Well, they sent them to do harm on other ones, and they did it, Tommy. They so too faced and hypocritical. Blue Lives Matter, But y'all going on there, y'all kill one of these men? Yeah, Blue Lives Matter? Y'all was pushing cops, mashing cops, threatening cops. Oh, what happened to the Blue Lives Matter? All of that stuff goes out the window before. They mad about the cause that they think is affecting them. But if the cause is affecting us, we need to go somewhere, sit down, be patient or not. Revolution. You comply? Why didn't you comply? It's a revolution we'll start. I mean the capital, they made it for me. Yeah, your posted getting maced, that's what happened when your storm a capital, your post getting made, you really post get shot. That's why would have happened to us. You were supposed to get shot, but you just got some mace on your ass. Elizabeth from Knoxville, Tennessee. It's just a little Mason. Yeah. And so now see, man, when it happens to them, they're in an uproar and now and now, Fox ain't clamoring for jail time for these people, No, man, I hope they put all the ass in prison. Last one. Yeah, where that's sat. Now lock them up, y'all have a great day. For all Steve ivery contests, no purchase necessary, avoid were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.