Alex Trebek, Charles Barkley, Kyrie Irving, R. Kelly and more.

Published Mar 7, 2019, 3:00 PM

It's Thursday and we open with a TMZ story.  We have more of the interview between Kelly and King.  Alex Trebek the long time host of Jeopardy announces his battle with cancer.  Roc Nation scores another legal victory.  Charles Barkley has no sympathy whatsoever for Kyrie Irving.  R. Kelly talks about the parents of the women that live with him.  Sheryl Underwood is back to give her thoughts on R. Kelly and more.  Miss Carla's Reality Update can be summed up with NeNe Leakes don't give a damn!  Kim Jong-un is back to his old ways and is building something that is long range.  Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks to us about being critical about our happiness, plus more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all bat have all suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the milking buck bus things and it's cos y'all good it. Steve har listening to movie together for STU. Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn hur you, you gotta turn the turnout. Got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby at it huh. I show will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Y'all do took on me when I said, but I do like I say always. It just is a constant reminder of how good God has been, of all the things he's brought me through, all the challenges he's allowed me to overcome, all the times he's forgiving me, all the times he's allowed me to get it all wrong and turn around and get it right. And I still got a lot of challenges in front of me, still got a lot of changes I probably need to make. So my question to you is what's stopping you from having the life that you want? What's stopping you from having the life that you want. I don't really know a person that doesn't want a good life for themselves or for their families. Now, I know a lot of people who have been beaten down by the process, who because of some mistakes and some setbacks, some mishaps, a set of circumstances, sometimes just life just deals them a hand of cards and they just figure it's all defeat. I know a lot of people who have given up on achieving the life of their dreams. But I know they'd still want them if they could get to them, but they just allowed to settle for so many reasons. So who I'm talking to is you today? What's really stopping you from having the life that you want? What's really at the core of stopping you? What is that? Is it your friends or your associates. Is it the fear of what you think somebody else will think of you if you decide to change. Is it what I used to call the call of the while? Is it the fact that you keep thinking that the thing that you're doing that's providing you these momentary moments of pleasure that really ain't really good or healthy for you. You don't want to stop doing that? Because you've got just a little bit more something else you want to do. I call that the call at a while. You know, it's just out there. Them streets is calling you, Them lights is calling you. You know, them girls is calling you. Them guys that's on the wrong side keep calling you. You can't seem to make a decision by the right guy. You keep picking the wrong guy all the time. What is it that's stopping you from having the life that you really want to have? So whatever the reason you're choosing, that's the reason that's stopping you from having the life that you want to have. It's no good because at the end of the day, here's the real deal. See, God is available, and God is available for all of us, and God has a plan for all of us, and God wants to vary best for all of us. That's the truth of the matter. So now what we're gonna do to get started having that life? First of all, if it's your friends, I want you to understand something. Your friends can't save you. A lot of your friends offer no real help for you. Most of your friends don't have the answer themselves. I mean, it's just a wide range of reasons and misery love company. So usually when your friends are in a bad position, they kind of like company in that bad position. Your friends ain't going to church, You're gonna be their friend. They don't really want you to go to church. You know your friends don't pray, so why would they offer up prayer as a solution to you. You know, your friends don't really really get the fact that if you treat people better, people would treat you better. So what's that? So your friends are a lot of times the reasons, you know, the peer pressure of what and then the thought in your mind of what they're gonna think once they find out I don't do what they do anymore. Who cares what they think other than you? I mean, really, you can't let what somebody thinks if you stop you from having the best life you wanted to have. If I went by that theory right there, I wouldn't I wouldn't even be on this mic this morning. I would have never become a stand up I would had I listened to the people around me who clearly told me when I quit my job to pursue this, boy, don't you quit your job? You got a family. Boy, don't you do this? You ain't got no bid of Dad, Ain't ain't no security in that. Get yourself a job, go down here and whet your brothers go to work over here. I heard all of that. I didn't let that stop me from pursuing this. Why would you allow that to stop you from pursuing your relationship with God so you can have the best life you could possibly have. You gang bang because they've convinced you that this is the family situation and love that you don't have, and they've convinced you that this is your only way, your only source of getting over and then you drum up these ignorant reasons man for staying with it. But they sound so good when you're listening to everybody else you're surrounded by telling you why we gang banging, why we're holding this blockdown, why we slanging this thing here right here, why we're letting it go like this here. You keep listening to them when all in your heart of hearts you know this ain't right. You already know, but you allow that form of the call of the wile that wanting to be accepted by a group of people who trying to get you to accept the way so you can further They progress to even prove that you worthy to be around them, You got to commit some type of crime to even prove that you're worthy to be around them. Then when you get busted on the crime, what happens to that where your family ad Now they don't come down there to see you, because, guess what, they can't turn in their idea to death at a law enforcements center. So now your homies can't come visit you. And then you know your family back out here, they ain't taking care of your family because it's all about them. Then you learn that what is it that stopping you from having a life that you always wanted to have? What is it? Why are you a repeat offender? Why do you keep checking yourself back into that institution? Why? Man, why won't you get it together? Why won't you give God a try? Why won't you disassociate yourself? Why would you continue to be a part of a revolving door system and becoming the farm system for these institutions that ain't got nothing for you? But you keep going back in there, and then every time you go in there, and then your little homies or your gang banging, little little silly little friends try to make you think that's a badge of honor. They't no badge of honor. Man, that's one mode. What's one more scratch on that record, That's one more that's one more nail in that coffin. That's one step closer to that third strike where you ain't gonna ever get out. It's one step closer to that graveyard. You keep on. Why would you not give God a try? Why would you not go and see what your life could really be? What is it that's stopping you? What is it? Because see, I got news for you. There's nothing like waking up free. I don't care who you are. There's nothing like waking up with the joy in your heart. Now, if you ain't gonna be free, get the joy in your heart, the satisfaction of knowing that you accomplishing something with your life. Help somebody behind them bars, get in the program. Show these young cats when they come in a better way. But don't you dare sit there man and just ride it out, and man, just go and get the fullest life that you can have. What you know what it feels like to wake up and be on your way somewhere knowing that you have something to accomplish that you can change somebody, that you can stop somebody from going down the roads you went down. It's a whole lot of ways to make your life better. But why would you not go and have the best life you can have? What is it that's stopping you? What is it really? Really? So you think that Satan really has your best interests at heart? That Dela thing your mama kept telling you about praying, You wasn't listening. It was you. But you know, it ain't ever too late to get back to that. It ain't ever too late to get back to where you're from. It ain't ever too late go back home. It ain't ever too late to turn around. It ain't ever too late to get your life together. It ain't ever too late to seek God, And it ain't ever too late to pray. Don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray, because prayer changes things. Prayer change people too. I'm a witness to that. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have your attention, please, Steve Harvey Morning Shows now on operating as an operational entity. It is divine, It is uh. In the words of my uncle, it's Rock immaculate. Who yeah, rock'mackellary. He never knew what that man. He was trying to say, it's rather immaculate, and he just say it's rock'mackully. I'm sorry. I just help people from all over, ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve Colin for rel Good morning Steve, Hey, crew you Prince of Comedy Junior morning un the King of Prinks, Nephew Tommy, I'm rocking that maculate baby, Rock immaculate. All up in here, man on man on man was going on in that world? Everything call a call a caller. I ain't saying nothing to you. What's up? Girl? You spoke to me? You did you? Did you spoke girla Carla? I didn't hear it. Yes, I heard. I remember now you saying that, Hey, crew, you know what it is. We got a problem? Is just chill out? Supposed to call it. I didn't say all of that. I just told you know what. She was so confesient, had me doubt. Dog, I went on, I remember now it's coming back to me now, okay, But it was just a minute ago. I I go on and everybody a short attention going on in our world and the every day. It's so. I went to a restaurant, man, to have a meeting at dinner. Ye man, o, man, man, what that's all they're talking? Excuse me, mist you know TMZ they post stuff outside this restaurant. It's Papa rots. I found a new way to do it though. Anyway, miss t What do you think of everything's going on in news? Because I don't watching this. I just I just got to stay off social at while. You know, I'm I'm I'm I don't know nothing, seen nothing here nothing. What do you think about r Kelly? Do you think he needs help? I said, hey, man, I haven't seen an interview. I hadn't seen an interview. I saw it, yeah, but I ain't got no information. But I don't know. SOUTH don't know, sir. I ain't seen nothing. I ain't seen a damn thing. I ain't seen it. I ain't heard nothing about it. Man, y'all get up off from me. Man. It's it's a it's not a good day for so many other people, so many other people. Yeah, tough newsday, boy, Yeah, it was Yeah that that interview with Gail was everything. Gail King wasn't explode. Can I tell you that Gail King handles her, handled herself, her composure. Oh blooded that girl, she's a champion. I mean she her champions. She remained composed professionals with Yeah, and you know when R. Kelly was getting up and he had become all emotional and everything, Gail didn't move. She didn't fland it, said Robert. Robert. Yeah, all right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, we'll talk more about R. Kelly and the Gail King interview. Everybody's talking about it, so we will too. Pull be back right after this. You're listening String show. All right. R Kelly is in Cook County jail. This happened because he failed to pay back child support and he has to pay his bond of one hundred and sixty one thousand dollars. That's in full, one hundred sixty one thousand dollars. He has to pay chiuse. He's in jail now. He's in jail, yeah, yeah, count Yeah because of not paying child yeah yeah, because of not paying child wower. Yeah. So he has to pay that in full to get out and get out, Yes, to get out he's due back in court March thirteenth. Now, yesterday we all saw our Kelly's interview with Gail King. This is where he denied the allegations of sexual abuse to review. R Kelly pleaded not guilty to ten counts of aggravated sexual abuse involving four women, three of whom were miners at the time. R Kelly got very emotional and said that he is fighting for his life and he didn't do this crime. Take a listen, Hate me if you want to love me, if you want, but just use your common sense. How stupid would it be for me took with my crazy passing what I've been through? Oh right now, I just think I need to be a monster and whole girls against a wheel, chain them up in my basement and and don't let them eat, and don't let them out unless they need some shoes down the street from the uncle. Robert, y'all quitlan U. I didn't do this stuff. This is not me, y'all. A fight for my life. Wow, yeah, out shoes. I mean. Gail kept her composure, Robert, because I would have said, sitcha, that's what she wanted to say. But she's been there her own though, I mean she really really did. R Kelly also denied that suffering childhood abuse himself. But you know, this was hard to watch very much because I was going, I don't even see what benefit doing the interview was. I don't understand that. I mean speaking out now. I think he thought, Steve that it would do some good if he because no one heard has heard his side of the story right in the court of public had already, and he talked about social media and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, but he also denied that suffering childhood abuse himself has affected his behavior, though he claims to be considering therapy. Take a listen to this. He've been very candid that you are a sexual abuse survivor yourself. How do you think that has affected you? It hasn't affected me at all. I mean it has affected me. Yeah, it affected me in this way. Anything that I've been through that or any struggles I've had in my past has affected my music. Has it affected your behavior? Absolutely? Not became a taste something. You know. I know people that oh way, he was abused exactly, that's why he's doing that. No, no, no, no no, no, no. The experts will tell you this. Most people who are abusers have been abused, but not all people that have been abused go out and abuse others. And so that's why I asked the questions. We're saying that is what they No, they didn't not right, noe. So that's why I'm not all. I'm in the not all okay. But they also didn't say when you r Kelly okay, and you're famous and your name is ringing twenty five million times that day all over the world, Okay. If people trying to get money from you, okay, and they're using your past, they're using the past allegations, the past case that he beat to link it on to that, they're using that. When you say that you need to help, do you think you need to go to therapy? Have you been to therapy? Absolutely? At this point, I'm definitely talking about that about going Oh absolutely. Yeah. You know, it seems like, you know, some could say you might seem out of touch to a lot of people. Do you mean, well, I mean your perception of the charges against you. I know it's your side and it's your story, but you have a different perception that most of the world has about you. I think you people have perception he will have the perception I have truth. Do you think you're invincible? Oh? Absolutely not. I just think I'm human. Does that help jog your memory? Yeah, it's a couple of things in here, man, And you know, I absolutely hate this man. Yeah, I hate it for the victims especially. You know, here's a couple of things. When he said, did your child abuse affect you? He said, first of all, it didn't affect me at all. Then he had to catch himself because who hold up? This is a chance now for you to you know, get some type of sympathy remorse. Then there's twenty five million hits every day of people around what it's trying to get money from him. I think everybody knows you don't have money right now, I don't I don't know who these people out there don't know you got money when you can't post one hundred thousand dollars bail, it's because you fit into the category of most people. Yeah, that was the first time I'm most recently he got you know, that's so you got to understand that. And then if you're telling me that he just went back to jails for one sixty doll for one and sixty for child's actually more than that, and they cut it in hat. Well, that's another example of not having yourself together financially at this level here right now. Everyday people I know getting well, they ain't got one hundred and sixty dollars. I know it. Ain't getting well. They're gonna sit up in jail because they don't have one hundred thousand. Then he used the term the case I beat. Yeah. See no, I got a lot of friends with criminal background. Okay, Well, I'm just saying when you say you beat the case, like Junior said, everybody know what that means. Oh yeah, that means you beat something. He got off, you got off, you got away. You know when when everybody I know that beat the case. Man, I beat that case. Man, Yeah, I don't mean that you didn't do it. No, they got away when so I was really a little surprised that you was that terminology. I don't think that was smart at all. He should have said I was innocent or I was found innocent, right something. You know, I was acquitted of all charges, I was freed, it was proven that I was not guilty. You don't say I beat it. I don't think that was smart. And then The last thing was I'm thinking about therapy right now. Okay, if nothing's wrong, you ain't did nothing, well you needn't, you don't do that's with young girl. What you're going what's the therapy that's I'm just those are the little things. And yeah, the stuff that I pulled out. Man, well, I'm sitting if you're gonna side, I don't really know if I would say it that way. Yeah, you know. And then but you know, he under the rest, maybe he says some stuff he didn't mean, and he's not. I mean, I think it's a known fact that he's not the most literate literate person. Yeah, he does have a lot of interview Yeah he doesn't. Yeah, all right, So we're gonna move on for now. Steve coming up next, we're gonna switch gears here and go to the nephew and run that prank back right after this. You're listening every morning show. Hey guys, it's your girl, Carla Farrell. Saving money with Groupon is crazy simple. Everything you need to save big is in the app easy, save more and do more with just a couple of taps. So what are you waiting for? Save Big? On Family Bowling Night, A relaxing, massage, or something you've never done before. Write in your own neighborhood. With group on, you can save up to one hundred dollars a week on what you do every day. Download the app and save group on All right, guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news, Jay Z and Rock Nation got a sixth grader's court case dismissed. The sixth grader had refused to stand for the pledge of allegiance. And this is really sad news. Steve, a Jeopardies game show host the iconic Alex Trebek. He has revealed that he is stage four pancreatic cancer. Yeah, really really sad news. Really nice. Yeah, I know you know him. Yeah, we we um. Right now, we're gonna go to the nephew Tommy. He's gonna make us laugh a little bit. We need that right about now with run that prank back? What you got for us? Now? Your wife, it's cheating on both of us. So I don't know if this is even world. It's cheating on How could she do it? Now? This is an actor right here, run that, Frank. Let's go Hello, I'm trying to reach Terrence. Please who's calling? Who's this? Hey? My name is Mark. My name is Mark. How you doing, bro? I work with um with your wife, Vernica. We're on the same sales floor together. I think I met you before, but I don't know if you remember meeting me. But um, I work at the job with Veronica. Is everything on right there? Or what's going on? No? No, no, everything is straight here at the job. Not a problem at all at the job. But I wanted to yah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she's all right, She's perfectly fine. Man. Um, I just I just you know, I actually, like I said, my name is Mark. Man. You don't remember me, Terrence, But I just wanted to talk to you, Like I say, Um, you know, I got some things on it that's been bothered me for a minute, and I you know, I just I just kind of wanted to reach out to you, and you know, just kind of have like a little a little hard to hard talk with you. Man. So maybe you know, uh, you know, we can get things in a in a better position. But I just wanted I just wanted me and you to have a conversation. Wait, man, how did you get my Veronic? Can give you my number? Or how did you get my number. That's what I'm trying to, Like, what's going on? I mean, I had, I had, I've had your number. I just I just I just had never reached out to you before. But like I say, though, man, this this, this has been bothered me for a minute and I wanted to get it off my chest so you and I can try to, I guess, fix this whole issue. But I just want us to see if we can fix it. You know, well fix the issue. What's the issue? I don't understand. I'm not following you. I don't understand what like, what is the issue? So but now you know, like I said, I went on to talk to me, what's going on? Okay, your wife, man is cheating on both of us, and we gotta figure out how we gotta do something about this. Man, all right? I mean, did you say she's eating on the both of us? What is cheating? She is cheating on the both of us. Bro, It sounds like you said cheating. I don't know what you Veronica. Listen to me, Terce, Veronica is cheating on both of us. You say, Vera is cheating on me and me? You know, and we gotta we gotta figure out what we're gonna do. Man, But as a husband, I gotta you gotta, I'm gonna need you to step up and get this thing in order. What you're talking about, you say, Veronica is cheating on me with you. No, no, she cheating on both of us with somebody else. I know. I been noticing her going out with this, you know, going to lunch with this other cat. So I'm like, I got pissed off about it. So I said, you know what, I can't take you no more. I'm calling Terence. You're saying to me that my wife has been cheating around a job with somebody else. She cheating on both of us. Dude, I don't get what you mean if my wife has cheated on what I mean you're calling me to tell me that she's cheating on me. I appreciate that, but I don't get what you're saying. You know, both of us said. I don't get that part. I don't understand what you mean. Me and Veronica had been you know, kind of cool. You know, last eight months to a year, we've been, you know, pretty tight here at the job. You know what I'm saying, So listen what you mean y'all been cool. That's what I don't understand, Like, what do you mean y'all being cool? Because that's my wife. Tell me what you're talking about? Okay. All I'm saying is and me and me and her been real cool. We've been real tight. You know. Sometimes we take lunch and then you know, don't come back. That's our thing though. But you know now you know I'm no. You know, she she didn't want out. You know, she didn't want to lunch a couple of time with his brother named Alan, And I'm like, okay, no, no, it ain't gonna go down like this here. You know what I'm saying. Are you my wife? Man? Hey, that's that's not why I called you. I called you my wife. That's what I want to know. I'm telling you about this dude named Alan. I need you to step up as the husband and fix this. But you're telling me that my wife is cheating on both of us, didn't you know, cheating on both of us? If she's she's cheating on the met you're telling me that you with my wife too, that you've been messing around with my wife. That's not that's not the part I'm trying to talk about. I'm trying to talk about this dude named Alan. Man, That's what I'm trying to get out to Alan. We're gonna get to Alan. You saying that my wife, Man, it's come crazy. Yo. You know what, Man, I'm about to put my foot right up your because play those games with her. She with me, We messing around, we're doing this and doing that. It don't work like that. Understand what I'm saying. Do I hear what you're saying. But your beef ain't with me. The beef is with Alan. No, she messing over. She messing over both of us with Alan. Doalk? I'm about to call her because right here, I'm telling Okay, hold on, bro, I just want you to deal with Alan. Are you about to stop right now? I'm at I'm at the job. Yeah, but I'm about to come up my foot doingand me. No, I hear you, man, Alan is the one that then blew this thing out of proportion. Dog. She messing over me and you with this here. There ain't no me and you. I don't shit. You see what I'm saying. Yeah, I hear you. You don't hear me. I don't ship. There's no shitting that goes on over here? Okay, I do, I do. I'm just saying, you know, what are you saying? Right mee me? Right now? I'm about to come up with where you at? Right now? Where are you at? I'm at the job where what Ronnie? I call Ronnie? I'm at the job where Ronnie has I caller Ronnie. I called Ronica Ronnie. I mean that's my little nickname too. All right, but well hold on, hold on, hold on Ronnie, Ronnie Ronnie right here, she's right where she right here, right here? You want hun Okay, cool man here cool? But can I tell you what she's saying? I don't want to hear what she said? I'm right now, okay, But can I tell you what she's telling me to tell you? She ain't telling you to tell me a damn thing, because the only thing that you is Okay, okay, but but but but Ronnie wants me to tell you this man. Just listen to me, Terrence. She wants me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got pranked by your wife, Veronica. You know what, I don't play this ball yond up up, ball yond up. I'm gonna give your old school woman you are No, I'm not all right. I'm in the calm and I was on my way over there about to go to jail messing around with y'all. Hey, let me ask you this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You already known show there we Gotham. We're not gonna let let her get away with this, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. In today's entertainment news, guys, Alex Trebec you know him, a long time game show host of Jeopardy. He has announced that he has staged four pancreatic cancer. Yeah, very sad news, but he appeared to be in great spirit, says. He revealed his diagnosis to his fans in a video message take a listen. Just like fifty thousand other people in the United States each year, this week, I was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. Now, normally the prognosis for this is not very encouraging, but I'm going to fight this and I'm going to keep working and with the love and support of my family and friends, and with the help of your prayers. Also, I plan to beat the low survival rates statistics for this disease. Truth told. I have to because under the terms of my contract, I have to host Jeopardy for three more years. So help me keep the faith and we'll win. We'll get it done. Thank you. Good spirit amazing right there. Yeah, yeah, that's good spirit. That's positive. Yeah, that helps the emotional fight though, yeah, fight, you have to do physics. That's right. State of mind here. You know him, Yeah, I know it. I know him. He's he's really I've only met him. I've met him twice. I think, really, really nice cattle man, really encouraging. I like what you're doing, Steve. Keep it up. You're great at it. Thank you. So, I mean he's a legend, you know, Oh, yes, he is. He's a legend that he's the longest running game shows ever. Well, I don't know nobody's done it long that Alex Trevet all better ye Jeopardy debut nineteen I think. Okay. Well, in other entertainment news, we definitely will be praying for Alex Trebek for Sure. Also another entertainment news guys, Jay Z's Rock Nation label. Uh. They scored another legal victory by getting a case against a sixth grader who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance thrown out of court. Jabari tub from Lakeland, Florida, was arrested last month after he sat through the Pledge of Allegiance, stating his belief that the flag was racist and the national anthem was offensive to black people. The classes substitute teacher contacted the school's resource officer, who arrested Jabari, citing that he was being disruptive and that he threatened the sub with physical violence. Jabari exercised his First Amendment rights, and Team Rock Nation tweeted we stand with Jabari and his mother to stop the over policing and criminalization of black students. The case has been dismissed. Team Rock has also taken on other high profile social justice cases recently, most notably twenty one Savage's immigration case. Wow wow wow. Yeah, you were just at a Rock Nation party rising. Yeah yeah, and you didn't do the Pledge of allegiance, right, I mean, I mean we did the Pledge of Allegiance every day at school. All right. Actor Christoph's Saint John was late to rest on Monday. While his family and friends gathered to say goodbye, one face that was visibly absent was his Beyonce. Apparently his fiance lives in Russia and she couldn't get a visa to come for the memorial service. Yeah, yeah, that's really yeah. Yeah. She posted on the grand that my heart is broken. I'm going through this with a huge pain in my heart and realize that I don't have the opportunity to say goodbye to him and put flowers on his grave. It's not right, it's not fair. We all know that Christoph was found dead from what appeared to be alcohol poisoning, and yet sometimes you know, the system, man, it just it just Saint Fair fails us. Yeah, well okay, yeah he does. That's true. All right, Steve, it's time today's headlines, Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann Tripp, thanks, thanks very much, everybody. This is Enter with the News. Secretary of Homeland Security Christian Nielsen. She testified before the House Homeland Security Committee yesterday and she supported President Trump's declaration of that national emergency along the southern border is not a manufactured crisis. This is truly an emergency. Ole'nielsen says, it's a true humanitarian crisis actually that the system is enabling. She says, according to Customs and Border Patrols, more than seventy six thousand migrant families and to the US illegally last month. Now, authorities say most illegals used to be Mexican men. However, they say most of the undocumented our Central American families. Others say that yeah, it's a large number, but overall it's really not that large. By the way, after months of pressure from pro immigration activists, the nation's largest lending institution says it's going to be divesting its financial interests in the private prison industry. Activists have been urging officials at JP morgan Chase to remove to remove their financial support from companies who facilities have been used to hold illegal immigrant families. No other major US banks have followed FOOD yet, however, that may change. In a statement, JP morgan Chase says investing in the private prisons industry has become too risky. There are reports that North Korea's rebuilding its nuclear arsenal that work going on to supposedly shuttered rocket launch site. President Trump's reacting, I would be very very disappointed in Chairman Kim, and I don't think I will be. But we'll see what happens. We'll take a look. It'll ultimately get solved. Trump's second summit with Kim john on, you know, a few weeks ago. He may remember that he ended with Trump walking away from the table because he said that the North Korean dictator refused to give up all of his nuclear ambitions in exchange for a complete removal of government sanctions. So Trump said, well, I'm walking away from the table. We're not doing this, okay. R Kelly's locked up again. First, a singer songwriter broke his silence yesterday about the criminal's sexual abuse charges against him. During that interview with CBS This Morning's Gail King, he broke his silence and at one points broke, I didn't do this stuff. This is not me, y'all. I'm fighting for my life, yo, telling me this, trying to tell me. They're telling me, man, I just don't want to believe it too. You don't want to believe it. Well, now Kelly's in custody over the one hundred and sixty thousand or so dollars that he owes in child support. And you may remember that R. Kelly had some trouble coming up with the one hundred thousand dollars he needed as a down payment on that initial ball amount. A woman he just met recently paid that for him. Kelly's next court date on the matter is March thirteenth, and the rather the sheriff, the local sheriff says they're not letting Kelly out until he comes up with that child support money. He's got to come up with all of it. Finally, today is National Dentist Day. Yeah, now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Stow basketball and Boston Celtic star Kyrie Irving is going through a rough patch with the Boston Celtics, but Charles Barkley apparently does not feel sorry for the All Star. Charles did an interview on ESPN Think a listen Kyrie Irving. I don't know him that well. He seems like a good kid, But I've never seen a person so miserable to have so much success, to have the world in the palm of his hand. He's gonna make four to fifty million dollars here for the next ten fifteen years. He's already won a world championship, he's in the movies, but he's got to be one of the most miserable people I've ever seen. He wanted to go to Boston because he wanted to have his own team. And what a lot of these guys don't understand is when you're a star, and I've been a star, you get all the credit, but you get all the blame. That ain't right, That ain't fair. That's just how it is. That the truth, that's real. Talk think no, I mean, what's what is Charles Barkley saying it's truth? I mean he wanted his own team. See, I tell list all the time. When somebody is big, you play with the greatest basketball player on Earth, Lebron James. But when you don't want to be under sometimes being the number two man is good. Yeah, because sometimes when you say I'm tired of being under the shadow of someone. What you have to understand most importantly about what shadow is, shadow is also shade. So when you get out Monday, when you get out Monday, the shadow, I want you to understand that you're moving out Monday to shade now and the glad that's sunlight is directly on you now and so oh man, and it ain't what you think it is. Many Is that what he's going through now? You think, Kyrie, Well, I mean, you know, the glades on't like like like I mean, like Marcola said, when you're a star, when it's going good, you get the credit. When it's going bad, you get the credit. It ain't right. That's how it is where the game and that is the way it is now. And he's suffering through that because you know what Balton was supposed to be. They haven't been playing like that. Yeah. And the boy, the boy Haywood that broke his leg real bad, he hasn't been the same. He's mentally not there yet because he's not performing like like he used to because he can't get his head round his leg, you know, he running and jumping like I don't want to come down still. And then the rest of them, they're not playing like they did last year. They're young man, Kobe a little basketball, so Attle basketball and all little basketball. Kyrie don't love basketball, impresh, You got everything coming up at thirty four after the Hour, R Kelly claims at the parents of the women he lived with willingly handed their daughters over to him. Who do wow, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to morning show. So r Kelly is back in custody at Cook County Jail for failure to pay his back child support one hundred and sixty one thousand dollars in full to get out, and he's due back in court on March thirteenth. During his interview this much talked about interview with the Wonderful Gail King, r Kelly denied the allegations against him. He was visibly emotional throughout the interview. At one point he was raising his boys, he was standing up, and at another he was talking through tears. R Kelly claims that the parents of the women that he lives with. He lives with two women. He calls them his girlfriends. The parents willingly handed their daughters over to him and raised objections only when they stopped getting paid. Take a listen, Azreel Clary, what can you tell what is your relationship with her? Right now? I'm seeing her. You were seeing her. She's twenty one. I'm seeing her she's twenty one. Yeah, but did you start seeing her at seventeen, absolutely not. Did you have sex with her when she was seventeen? Absolutely not, absolutely not, although her parents wanted me to know. Her parents saying they have text messages that showed that you had sex with her seventeen. Claim So you're saying you did not have sex with her, not. You were with two women right now. You love them, they say they love you. What kind of love is it that keeps these these young women away from their families? Their families are saying these I'm talking right now about Joscelyn, because you know how you're gonna answer your question? What what kind of father? What kind of mother will sell their daughter to a man who did that? How come it was okay for me to see them until they wasn't getting no money from it? Why would you take your daughter? If I'm going to take my daughter and she's not eighteen years old to a forty nine year old icon whatever celebrity or R Kelly concert or whoever it is, I'm not gonna put on the stage and leave her. I'm gonna take it to the concert. Their father is more into my music and know about my music than they do. You're saying the parents handed their daughters, Azurell and Jocelyn over to you. Is that what you're saying to her? Absolutely, you're going absolutely, whoa, hey man, it's crazy right here, it's it's this is crazy. This is Shane. Yeah, I mean no, I mean like like on another level of ignorant. This is this is beyond man. You should have never done. You know, man, I think he's he doesn't understand it the damage he's doing to himself. Because if these parents said that, they have text messages that can verify improve that he was with their daughter at seventeen daughter. Yeah, that's what I mean. Yeah, the fact that you trying. What kind of father and mother fails their daughter, gives their daughter away to a forty nine year old icon or celebrity whatever it is, Like me, oh my mother, listen to me. Do you do you hear what you're saying? What kind of icon accepts these kids? Hey? Dog, come on home? You can't come up round me? Hey man, let me tell you something on Family Feud. That was a young girl on fam had the whole family. There was some la man, really really nice family. The man he had three daughters. We were joking the whole show because I got four daughters, and his daughter asked me for some vice on camera in front of everybody. I answered the question, So the game is over right, and we're doing the Hey, thank y'all for coming to family feud. We'll be I'm Steve Harvey. We'll see you next time. So we're all standing there, and she tassed me. She said, mister Harvey, can you explain to me again what you were saying? She was about twenty one twenty two. I said, hold on, let me get your father over here. And I called her daddy over there, and I say, my man, your daughter just asked me a question. We off TV. You want to stand here while I'm talking to you? He said, shows do you go ahead? And then I handled it like that because see you're not. I'm not I'm not about to set my U can't. I don't have conversations with men's twenty nineteen, you old kids. Man with me, my old ass. I'm not fit to do that. Yeah, you know, and like you remember in that Surviving or Kelly, that was some parents and a girl went up on stage. Yeah, is that who are talking about? I mean that's one of them who was the little girl outside the court that was his fan everything, but she was young. Yeah, what ain't mom and dadda what her mom? And dadda? Man, this is so crazy. See. All right, when we come back, it'll be nephew Tommy up with the prank phone call right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after my strawberry letter for today's subject? Is she delusional? Or am I a hater? All right? But right now it is a nephew here with today's prank phone call. What you got now? Dumb it Dan? We're gonna dumb it Dan. Well I think he did that. Yeah, dumb it down a bit. Let's dumb it down. All right, all right, here we go run that. That's dumb it down. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Cusha, please speaking. Who is this? All right? Kusha? It's his mister Roland Barn assistant principal here at academy or your daughter? Are us? She goes, yes, what's going on? Is everything? Okay? Everything is trying to uh well, let me be honest. It's not good. Right now. I wanted to hall and actually have a private conversation with you about Aisha. Oh God, all right, tell me what's going on. What's going on, Aisha? Well, as you know spring break is going to be coming up in March, you do not that, right, Yeah, I'm aware of that she's looking for Yeah, well, we have a bit of an issue here. I have done some research and I'm looking at all of the kids and how they're going, how well they're doing when the school works, and i Usha doesn't seem to be doing well as she should be living up to the expectations of the academy. And what we're going to have to do this spring break is I used to will not be allowed to take a spring break with the rest of the kids. We're gonna need her to come into school. And there's several kids that are not going to be able to go on spring break, and I used to happen to be one of them. There's at least forty to fifty kids that will be coming to school that entire week that spring break is the most of the kids are out on spring break. You have to be mistaken. I mean, my daughter is a straight age student. You can she is actually the only at the academy man, and I you know, I've looked at her her grades in the past. She's had some great, so wonderful grades in the past, and I don't know what's taking place this semester um that she just seems to have dropped the ball. And what we want to do is, you know, keep these kids focused. As you know, you have to be accepted to be here at this particular school. So you know, it leaves me no no other outlet but to have her come in and we're gonna buckle down and try to get them back on track. So I wanted to personally give you a call and let you know what's going along in Iesa here at the academy, and we're we're this terrible. This is absolutely terrible. I mean we are here already in January and I'm getting a call that my daughter is not doing good. And now you're gonna tell me that she can't going to Spring great trip in March if she I mean, as far as I'm just stamin daughter straight, as straight as she's an amazing student, she does really hard work, she always afford to going to school, and I get a call today that she can't go in March, Well, I mean, you gotta be kidding me. I mean, we're I don't. Are you going somewhere in March, ma'am, I don't. I'm you're saying going somewhere on a trip, But are you? Are you scheduling going on a trip? I'm not going she's going on a trip. I'm giving her full permission to go on a trip. Okay, Well, unfortunately, I'm requestion that she's at school, So I don't know if your trip costs you a lot of money or if you can get a refund. But I'm calling you letting you know I need her there on March eleven in the classroom so we can buckle down and try to get her back on track. No, what I'm telling you, I pay for the trip, and she's going on the trip. I'm sorry. And then i'e call because it's so late in the game. I'm sorry, she's going on a trip. No, she's not going on the trip. She is actually going to be coming into school and she'll be the March eleventh, from Monday through Friday. Now, I don't know who you're talking to. That's my child, I'm telling but she's your child. But she's my student, and right now, all of my students are gonna be that are that are not doing well in their in their classes are gonna be there during spring breaks and they're gonna get their business together. Noelling me like you're reprimanding me, like I'm a child. Okay, she's gone. No, she's not going on a trip. If you're telling me what, you're trying to over rude my position, and that's what's not gonna happen. She has to be there. You might as well start looking for a refund because she's not gonna not be there, So I don't need her there Monday through Friday of spring break so we can get her back on course. Listen, I don't you think you're talking to I have the ultimate position over even you. That's my daughter. That's my daughter. I get to tell her you what I'm doing her, and she's going on that trip. You gott is out not singing my door on the trip. Sorry, not happening. I'm telling you right now, she's not going on a trip to almost she's not. I'm gonna seek when I used it tomorrow and let her know where You're not gonna tell my daughter dam thing. I'm telling her. She's not going on a spring break trip. You know why because of grades they are not up to bar. She needs to be more concerned about her ring and not going and hanging out, and I'll be gagging around. Where are you're sending her? No, it's not happening. I don want all of my students with passing grade. And I'm a one hundred six assistant firscibal and all my kids pass. What are you trying to convince yourself that you're important? Is I'm thinking me a break. He's like a baby. My daughter is going on the trip, and that's finally hear me. Okay, you know what I'll speak when I used to tomorrow. No you're not, Yes, I will. Now, here's the deal. I'll leave you this this kisha. If I used it does not show up Monday through spring break, then maybe you're gonna have to find out Issa another school. You're threatening me. Now, you're threatening me. You're threatening to kick my daughter out of school because of a spring break. If your daughter's not here doing spring break Monday through Friday, get out of here again, please, I'd like to see you try that. Give me a break, mister ship. I think this conversation is over. My next conversation will be with Asha. Guess what she's going in spring break? She's staying in the school. If you do something about it, I will have people picketing outside your your school. You're talking about nonsense. My daughter does great in school and she's going on a trip and that's it. A school break and stall Monday through Friday, start spring break. Maybe you're talking to who are you yelling at like that? Are you going mine? I swear I got about going that kick your What the fuck is wrong with you? You're you're out of control? God what he's talking to? You know what? You know? What? You know? What you told me about you? Do? You know what you told me? What didn't he tell you? She told me to play phone, called you his nephew, telling me from my daughter you shit got we hide but pleasure over here? Oh my god, are you good? You are right, baby girl? Yep, that's awesome. Oh my god, I was really gonna go over there. You off. I can't believe this. Oh my god. Okay, I gotta ask you something. I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, without a doubt, Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's how you done that? Thing? From from now, oh, you dumb it down, just like that. You understand what I'm saying. Your little girl ain't doing it right, good work, ain't looking good. She don't get to go on spring break. Dumb it down. All the other kids. I don't spring break. You don't get to go baby, because you don't know nothing. No, you don't know nothing. So dumb it down. Dumb it down. You don't miss out, you don't get to go to the Where are you going? Yeah, yeah, you want to dumb it up. March fifteenth, Friday Night. I would be a but there's the blues and jazz supper Clid. That is the blue. We're gonna be singing, playing and cooking. Yes we are all that happened, lad and gentlemen, Tommy Friday, March fifteen, two shows one of seven, one to ten, and I'll be there. It's like in these jokes the Nephew, but there's the blues and jazz. Super we these jokes. Awesome chicken with hay shirt. She provides a lot of laughter. Tom that's spread you're gonna keep laughing. Hate started with never hate. It was just a question, just what what what is you doing that I come? Please you said it watched this. You know to be so easy, push button so easily. All right, listen, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letter. Subject Is she delusional? Or am I a hater? We'll do that right after this. You're listening to show. All right, It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Buckle up, hold on tight, we gotta fall you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, subject Is she delusional? Or am I? Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm writing you for advice on how to deal with a female family member. I believe that all women should be confident, regardless of their looks or size. But my cousin is an exception to this rule. She has crossed the line of confidence and now she's downright delusional. She's over forty years old, yet she lives on social media all day, every day, constantly posting about how fine she is and how successful she is. Neither of these is true. Every man wants her and every woman is jealous of her. It is embarrassing the way she dresses and acts just to get attention and public. When people look at her crazy for being half dressed, she quickly checks them, and she has gotten into a fight for flirting with some woman's man. She wears weaves and wigs, which is fine, but they are never put on right or they're ratty and hattered. She always gives beauty and financial advice on her social media posts while she lives in an apartment, works in a coffee shop, and has to borrow money from me and other family members at times to pay her monthly bills. I have tried to talk to her about how she is acting and looking, but she always says I'm jealous of her, and she tells other family members that I am a hater. I think she needs mental health because I know deep down this is not how she wants to portray herself and she has to be covering up something. The family thinks that as long as she's happy, they're happy. So now I'm starting to think they've turned against me too, and I'm the only one that's concerned or I'm being a hater. What do you think? Can you offer me any advice on how to deal with her? Wow? Well, honestly, I don't think you're a hater. I think you're just calling it like you see it, and apparently like it is. I mean, I think she is too much based on what you said in this letter, with all the posting and the way she dresses and flirting with other women's men and getting into fights and all of that. And I'm with you. I do believe that all women should be confident and feel empowered and all of that. But there is such a thing as way way too much and over the top. And I think that's your cousin. She's I agree with you again. I think she is acting out something. I think she is covering up something. Maybe she does have low self esteem and she's doing this to overcompensate for how she really feels about herself. That that could happen. I think she does try to seek out attention, and she needs attention. I think she needs it desperately because you say she's half dressed and all that. But if you're a family member and if you really want to be a friend and help her. I think you just need to stay out of her way. Stop criticizing her, you know, just be her, ear her shoulder to cry on, be there for her when she needs you. Don't criticize her, don't do any of those things. Just be her friend, Okay, because it sounds like she really needs a friend right now because she doesn't like herself very much. Steve, it's hard to be a crazy person if you ain't crazy, Yo, damn sa. Let's just be real. If you got good sense and you had a crazy friend, let me ask yourself how long that friendship? Lads long? Because you can't put up with it, especially if you got six Is she delusional? Am? I hate? That's how the letter starts. Well, let's get to it. I need advice on how to dealing female friend. I believe that all women should be confident, regardless of their looks or size. I could not agree with you more. But my cousin is an exception to this hero. See he or she singled out her cut. My cousin is exception to this hero. She did cross the line of confidence and now she's downright delusion. Now why is she delusion? The latter states she over forty years old, but she lived on social media all day. Every day She's constantly posted. Now, listen to this show how fine she is and how successful she is nither one of these. Now this is a come to Jesus morc. If you're on Instagram steady posted about how fine you are and how successful you are, and am family member goes neither one of these things, it's true, matter of fact, not a damn thing she's saying is true. Then we have to wonder what what's wrong? Every man wants hug and every woman is jealous, some bassing how she dressed in that. She dressed like that to get attention in public. People look at her crazy for being half dressed. It ain't dressed as she half dressed. What it's what she looked like as a half dressed person. See, if you finding half dressing, that ain't a bad look. Don't nobody look at you crazy when you finding half dressed? Yeah, but when it's just fine going on in your mind. People looking at her crazy, she quickly tell what the hell you're looking at? They're looking at you? See as she knows she looked crazy because these ain't No she getn't looked at like, good man, what the hell do she have on? What you think I got on? She didn't got in the fights flirting with the movement's men. Here's all the part. She wears weaves and wigs, which is fine. Ain't nothing wrong with that, I agree, But they are never put on right. Now somebody doing her head, don't she probably doing it herself. Now when your wig ain't put on right, Let's go over what this mean. That reminds me of this woman that our church names Sister Sister Pattling. Sister Pattling used to just set her wig on her head, and sometimes the sideburns would be in the front. Now I'm sitting up in here, and the side burn in the front and the side burned in the back. How can you see? So you got acutely, Carol coming down the front, and you got a little ponytail in the back. But it's just a sideburn ponytail, so you look crazy. That's when you don't put the wig on wrong. When we come back, I'll tell you how she didn't put this wig up. This weave in that the wig, Sister Patlin put the wig on wrong. I'm gonna show you when we come back. What else this lab? All right, Steve, we'll have part two. I know of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour Today's Strawberry Letter subject? Is she delusional? Or am I a hater? Right after this you're listening to show? All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter h and get part two of your response. I don't. I could never tell in this letter if it's a man or woman. I think it's a woman that wrote it. Yeah, got a cousin this. She believes that all women should be confident, no matter your how you your size, or your looks looks. But they got a cousin. That's an exception to this week. It's time for you to lose some of your confidence and gonna sit your head down. She over farty. She posts every day on how fine she is and how successful she is, and neither one of these. It is true. Every man wander, every woman jealous. She got it put up in her. She dressed crazy. People look at her. She checked them the heir you're looking at and looking at you. She wears weaves and wigs, which is fine, but they ain't never put on right. Never. She don't ever put them on right. Like I told you, Sister Pattley used to wear her wigs sometimes with the side burn in the front and the other side learned being the back. So she had a little curl coming down in front like Michael Jackson. And then she has a little shard, little puntytail in the back. That's the other side bird, and the big crown in the top. Looked like she had a tall head. You got to have one eye cover with that. But the front was on the right side and it just looked crazy. But it set on the head kind of loose. So sometimes like if you was to her left and called and she would turn and fit right up. Yeah, call her. She would turn her head and left and be right perfectly underhead. Then she go back straight. The wig just kind of set there. It ain't moved. Now. Her weaves they are ratty and tattered. Yeah. Now, let me tell you what how you they said they ain't ever on right her wigs and weave, And let me tell you how she putting this weave. She's still using blue. So what she doing is she picked out the hash she wanted, She glued the strip herself and set it on top of the rest of her head. I love how you know about weaves and wigs. She got this black blue and she squirted a little bit on there. Then she just set it on her head. She don't the track that just look at the hall. Don't worry about the track. She don't part it and do the comb over. She sets it with the glue on it on top of her head. You can see the whole damn track. But you're on post to look at the track. You just look at the hall. Yeah, yeah, Donna, go deep, look at me, look at the back of it. She gives out beauty and financial advice. She worked at a coffee shop and she staying. She tired of her talking about she can't helped paying her bill. I've tried to talk to her about acting and looking, but she said I'm jealous of her, and she tells other family members I'm gonna hate him. I think she needs mental health because I know deep down this is not how she wants to betray herself. Oh yes see, and she has to be covering up something. Well, it ain't that the track not covering up. That's what she's not covering. And the family thinks as long as she's happy they happened. She they'd have had enough for her. So if she happy to just leave her alone over that with her nuttings? She nutting, this is nutts she can be Ye. Now I'm starting to think they've turned against me too, and I'm the only one that's concerned. Or am I being a hater? Stop being concerned? She ain't concerned, family ain't concerned. Sometimes you just gotta let people do them, let it all happen. Can you offer me an advice on how to deal with her? Just let it happen. I stay out her life, let her do hard. She thinks she fine, She ain't let her. Anybody gonna tell her she fine? Just let her go ahead on it works out? Justifying this way now she is delusion? Oh yeah, the one she's writing about, the forty year old. Yeah yeah, yeah, And you got to tell her to at least push that we've under something and turn it though, turn it. And that week you got to turn it and tape it down so we can stop shifting strap. You can't do it, just had your week just sitting on your head. You turn right or left and it don't move. Yeah, A little kind of got that sweet poly pure bred hair cut. Yeah yeah, and just let her go. We don't have no relatives in our family like that. My family talks to you and about you, to your friend, to your friend. Wait till you lead the sweetie where you're going, My sweetie, sweetie, where you're going? That dress don't fit you nowhere. You got everything the Lord gave you. Ain't no pody posts here. We're looking at everything. Were looking at it everything. And you need a spokes braul or you're a spokes braun. You don't need the red. You need some pulling in shape it to yourself. You've been running around just being slapped in your face like you running track, and you need some spanks. You're not familiar whish banks. You're too lumpy, old right there, you're too lumpy. You need some spanks. You really need a girden. What about that wig though? To listen anything about that girl? You guys to take that off in your head. It's heavy tool. You be better off letting Steve do your hair here, No damn thing about doing he he ain't got nothing. Look at him sitting over that big little ball head bath. I never liked it when it cut his hair. I thought it was stupid, then cut your down half. I don't know hind where Marjorie let him do that? What about every man wanting her and every woman being jealous to her? She buy herself every time. I don't know who wonta we bother to tell her sitting over there with her delusional ass like she find and half truck ass? Why as a cubicle sitting up in here, Oh ass, all out to cubas and tell me how she gonna wear Buy one of them tread meals where you can stand up and walk. Why you weren't fit the tet Asides off of that, you're gonna email us her Instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes from the talk, it is our girls, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce her girl from the talk. Put your hand, well, Dolin, I was I was gonna try to talk like I got some sense. You know now that they got Kim Jung uns is um rebuilding his nuclear facilities and the President say he would be disappointed. Well, you better fix your faith President Trump because he lovable. Yeah, he he already played you. But y'all don't want to talk about that. What do y'all y'all want to talk about it? From the Cohen testimony? You know, Cohen came in with the documents. I ruled my own memo. Then y'all doctor my, then y'all edit in my Then y'all everybody going to jail. But you know who's really going to jail? I call it you better saying you better listen to me. If this is happening all over the world. In our community, we try to have a symbolis of a good conversation and somebody ago but Kelly, so it's safe. Listen. I told y'all it's not gonna be nothing else that's gonna get him. But you out support what is the law in the state of Illinois if you own more than twenty thousand dollars child support? Get ready to put this jewelry on your wrists. Kenny is Yeah, man, you see walk up on Gail. Gail, Let that Connecticut come right out of said Robert Robert. Robert Robert. Now you can't you listen to me. I know both you silas and callers, both of y'all saved. But if our Kelly has stood up over you, you are on that negro to set y'all ass down. Who'll whup? Yeah back if you set your black Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry like the way, that's what he was saying. Gail took the high road. Yes, listen. If this had been red table talk, they would have flipped the table on our Kelly. Jada get all the lok waite man. Let's give it up for Jada and Will Smith for backing down them. Dad fins on that little girl on Jordan. What's her name? Jordan? Would that's right, but you know what Jordan was. She might have been retricted, but you know who she won with our Kelly. That's what I'm talking about. He's stupid see the high Yes, yes, yes? Wait. Did you hear our Kelly say he needs help for being too nice? But I shut listen to me. Ain't no, listen listen. I Kelly need to understand his time is a man of fact. He needed to get in the sale. Him and Bill Cos would be in a celle to Galla and they talk to each other and write songs and do comedy shows because that's where they find to go, that's what they find. What Carol, what do you think he did the interview in the first place, or Kelly, because he thought he was gonna finesse Gail King. They thought that they was. He was gonna at trapped in the closet. He was gonna do you know, ignitious. She was gonna go, oh, that's my cut, you know. See, yeah, that's what that's that's what he thought. He yea, he even gonna step in the nail. He gonna say, I believe I could lie. I believe that. Oh sorry, did that come out of me? I'm sorry my back, But that's what he thought. He thought he was gonna blow Gail mind. But Gail old School. Now see now, if you was at the Green Bunny, go Ahead, Strawberry, the Nimbus, the High Chapper Rapt, maybe you could blow yes, you know, if you was at Reese's, the Reds, you know, strictly business, maybe you could blow Gail mind. But you ain't blowing him on her job. That's not happy. She shut it down. But you know what, I feel bad for the parents that gotta throw rocks on the window to get their baby's attention. Their minds have been blown talking about it. I'm happy. I told you a million times. I'm happy. Well can you go anywhere? Can you go anywhere? That's see? Oh my goodness, we'll let me test. I'm just gonna tell you it's some people. I'm too. Um. What's the word for, junior? It's a disagreeable opinion. Yeah, that's one of them. Give me another word, Tommy for why I got a mouth on me? What is a steed? What? Henry? That's a good word. I like that. Commudge. Yeah, don't shut the hell up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, dude, that's a good one. See you to get the damn nerves. Yes, you're castic, you're oh, but it's that's a good one too. That's a good one too. And see not to make light of the situation, but I must because I'm a comedian. You ain't gonna have me up in nowhere, and you ain't win grocery shopping our Kelly talking about who eat eating? You eating in front of me? And I, oh no, I got to fight you now. No, it's not gonna work. Sure, I wouldn't have made hum, what do you mean when he said go down and get some shoes from your what do you mean by it? Tommy? I was asking that same question myself the others and older people that I would date, Chris Tucker, Chris Tucker relative, I try to highlight them. Oh, Bobby Brown got a relative. I was trying. Did I get off on a tangent the uncle shoes? What does he believe that I have the uncle shoes under my bed and someway? Is that what he's troubling? Obviously call us. He must know something about me and one of his relatives. I thought it was like Jeene Kelly. I didn't know it was our Kelly, gene Kelly, good Dawn Forler. What y'all think? Y'all think he gonna get out of it? No? I think he's going to prison. Who is his defense attorney? Why you let him talk like that and stay that alone and get emotional? Yeah, even while putting the makeup on, he was getting the motion. They were frantically trying to man. Let me tell you something, when you're upset and really really angry, you're not letting nobody put makeup exactly that I'm doing. The cameras, which camera is right, you aren't really talking that much. I accidentally stepped on Steve Gator one day with my hard baby shoe and Steve get out of here than so much. Ryl coming up at the top of the hour. Color in the Building with reality updates right after this. You're listening, all right, Tommy introducer, She is here, getting ready, getting ready. Buckle up the whole type. Carla Farrell with reality update. All right, thank you, nephew. All right, guys, let's talk about loving hip hop New York season finale, Joe Button decided to propose to his girlfriend and baby mama sand Santana. It was during the taping of his podcast. You know, Joe has his big podcast and sometimes he has a live audience, and the crowd went wild when Joe popped the question to his girlfriend, and of course she said yes because you know that she's been wanting him to propose. So it was very romantic. Yeah, it was really really roman. Joe Button, Dunna dunna, No, right, that was my jam h Keimbola and Candy. They squashed their beef and now they're back girls, which is good. Oh good, yes, yes, yeah, yeah, they squashed their beef on the at the end of the Costa Rica trip and Juelle's has been sentenced to prison twenty seven months. Juel's Santana, Yeah, twenty seven months for having a loaded handgun and non prescription opiate peels and his carry on bag when he went through security at the airport. Yeah. When you have it in your bag going through an airport, you could have avoided this. Yeah, yes, yeah, loaded gun, I hope it was loaded. Handgun. It was loaded, yes, and unauthorized opioid pe Yes. What he said something as to the reason he had that, You can't you can't take it through the airport. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. He tried to get away by leaving the airport and attacks. Yeah remember that. Yeah, what's your name on your bad right? He turned himself in, but the judge gave him a few days to get his things in order, and he decided to marry Kimbella, the mother of his children, and she's been wanting to get married as well, so they threw together wedding. It was very nice, so Juelle Santana Kimbella got married and Yandy was one of the bride'smaids. So congratulations to them. Of course, he does he is in prison. He had to report the prison. Remy Ma and Pap Poose they had their baby girl and it was, you know, yeah, the Golden Child. Remy Maha had a very difficult pregnancy. She's had a lot of heartbreaks and disappointments that she and her husband they are blessed with their baby girl. They called the baby the Golden Child because of all of her heartbreaks, disappointments and things issues that she's had. But the baby's name is Reminisced McKenzie. So congratulations. I yeah, all right, let's go Real Housewives of Atlanta. So now remember on Monday the closet gate. Right during my reality update, we talked about closet Gate. Ninie Leaks is defending herself when you remember when she ripped off the cameraman's shirt to prevent him for going in and taping and filming what was happening in her closet during her buy wig party where the girls, the women on the show had to come to the party without wearing wigs, extensions, or weaves. So Candy and Portia they took it upon themselves. They wanted to go check out Nini's closet because Candy said, Nini's always talking about her famous wardrobe closet. Ninie went off, she did not want the ladies in her closet. You know, we talked about that. So she was gonna watch What Happens Live and Andy Cohen asked, Ninie, did she overreact about the whole situation with the whole closet gate. Take a listen, did you overreact? No? I didn't not. How are you going to overreact in your own home? If I tell you to visit me and sit right here, you need to sit right here. You don't have the right to go through my house and open up my doors, my closets, and my pantries, none of them. You would feel disrespectful. And the one thing these girls have, they are disrespecting each other's homes when they visit them. Terray's house was disrespected, Kenya's house was disrespected. When you come to my house, you're not going to disrespect my home. Okay. So they were not in the right because you can't come in someone's house. First of all, they weren't even invited upstairs. They just came upstairs on their own. What do you want to say to the audience who eighty two percent are saying they're they're on their side. I don't give a damn who sad. I saw this episode. I love it. I love it. I don't give a damn about this poem. I love it. And Cohen to ask the viewers, you know, watch what happens lies Steve, you've been on that show, right, yeah? Yeah, so yeah, he has a pole for the viewers to weigh in, and so he obviously asked the viewers who side? What they on? Needi or Candy's importion? I just love Nini though, I love her so much right there, but damn about this pole? Just straight yep. So hit me up on my Carla will continue that conversation. You want to hear it again? All right, what about time? Let's go Ninnie? Did you overreact? Andy Cole? Did you? No? I didn't not. How are you going to overreact in your own home? If I tell you to visit me and sit right here, you need to sit right here. You don't have the right to go through my house, to open up my doors, my closets, and my pantries, none of that. You would feel disrespectful. And the one thing these girls have they are disrespecting each other's homes when they visit them. Ray's house was disrespected, Kenya's house was disrespected. When you come to my house, you're not going to disrespect my home. Okay. So they were not in the right because you can't come in someone's house. First of all, they weren't even invited upstairs. They just came upstairs on their own. What do you want to say to the audience went as saying, they're they're on their side. I don't give a damn who said there. I don't give a damn about this car facts Manaken, Yes, my house, yep. So there you go. That is Reality Update. I just thought that was hilarious with Niny. She just kept it one. Yes, she always done. That's why people love about this part about your pole. So I gotta tell everyone please follow me on social media at lips by Carl and we talk about reality Update. Y'all really get into its dog ain't saying nothing. It's trying to get Ray. Soon as you finish, Carla, Steve has just look at this face like what that's that's that wont to get in? You know, if you're in somebody house. Yeah, they rules apply. I'm would need one on this. That's true. That's true. And I'm the last person care about what you think. I get so sick of what people think. You know what you think? Man less Dan? Okay, yeah, no, I love all right, that's it, Shirley. We will be back at I call that the LTA effect. What is this? That's less than all right? We'll be back with more. Thank you, Carla of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I just can't believe the stories of personal transformation I've heard from listeners that have done Deep Herb's Full Body Club. Guys, you have to try it. You'll lose some serious weight, You'll feel better, you'll look better. I absolutely love my results when I do the cleanse. 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In Vietnam, satellites photographed construction activity at the Sohey launch Fack facility. Analysts say the move may indicate North Korean plans to demonstrate resolve in the face of US rejection of North Korea's demand at the summit to lift five U N Security Council sanctions In act, these sanctions are really severe and they really really hurt this population over people over there. But you gotta do that when you're dealing with a dictator type of person. Absolutely, But he's eating just fine if you look at him. But there are a lot of people in North Korea. The start suffer. Yeahs no or hack he get face? Yeah, but the president, our president, going to negotiate with the dictator and then when he doesn't do what he says, you shocked? What? Yeah? Exactly exactly. You know, you gotta sit with all rulers of the world. You gotta sit with him, see if maybe you can make some sense out of it. But I don't know. I mean, they've you know, you gotta try to stop this idiot who has this access to these weapon because if he gets something started, he pressed a button, you know, I mean, we got to get involved here. And who wants to send their kids off anymore? Right? You know? So I agree with him trying to talk. But if you think you're dealing with the rational person, I think you're finding out that you're not. You're not. Yeah. Um. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders declined to answer press questions, saying the White House doesn't comment on intelligence. Steve, hang in there, you keep saying, ye in there. Yeah, Well I hanging in there and wanted to be Yeah, Kelly, where you're going to snap one day? And other political news, President Trump is yet another legal headache. State insurance regulators in New York are apparently investigating him. The Department of Financial Services is looking into whether President Trump inflated the value of his assets to an insurance company. It has issued a subpoena to an insurance broker for records dating back as far as two thousand and nine. The subpoena follows Michael Cohen's testimony in Congress last week, in which he said that Trump had inflated the value of his properties. The agency does not have authority to prosecute crimes, but can turn its findings over two prosecutors, and they could do it. So there you go. He went to North Korea to distract from Michael Cohen's testimony, and he magnified it. Yeah I did. Now, Uncle b sand is on the way out of that because that security clearance button kids down dropped. I know, definitely there. Yeah, I'm gonna get this in really quickly. Guys. We didn't talk about this earlier, but Halle Berry has some new ink on her back, or so it seems. It looks like she shut it. It looks like, yeah, she got a new tattoo. It's a picture of a vine tattoo. It goes from the neighbor of her neck down to the base of her spine. She showed it off on Instagram yesterday on her Instagram up put it up to see it. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this boo you're listening to show. So. R Kelly is back in custody at Cook County Jail for failure to pay his back child support one hundred and sixty one thousand dollars in full to get out, and he's due back in court on March thirteenth. During his interview with the Wonderful Gail King, r Kelly denied the allegations against him. He was visibly emotional throughout the interview. At one point he was raising his voice, he was standing up, and at another he was talking through tears. R Kelly claims that the parents of the women that he lives with. He lives with two women. He calls them his girlfriends. The parents willingly handed their daughters over to him and raised objections only when they stopped getting paid. Take a listen, Azreel Clary, what can you tell? What is your relationship with her? Right now? I'm seeing her, you were seeing this. She's twenty one. I'm seeing her she's twenty one. Yeah, but did you start seeing her at seventeen? Absolutely? Did you have sex with her when she was seventeen? Absolutely not, although her parents wanted me to know, her parents saying they have text messages that showed that you had sex with her seventeen. Claim. So you're saying you did not have sex with her about not? You were with two women right now. You love them, they say they love you. What kind of love is it that keeps these these young women away from their families. I'm talking right now about Jocelyn because you know how you're gonna answer your question, what kind of father, what kind of mother will sell their daughter to a man who did that? How come it was okay for me to see them until they wasn't getting no money from it? Why would you take your daughter? If I'm gonna take my daughter and she's nineteen years old to a forty nine year old icon whatever celebrity or R Kelly concert or whoever it is, I'm not gonna put on the stage and leave her. I'm gonna take her to the concert. Their father is more into my music and know about my music than they do. You're saying that the parents handed their daughters, Azarell and Jocelyn over to you. Is that what you're saying to her? Absolutely, you're going absolutely, whoa, hey man, it's right, it's it's this is crazy. This is a shame. Yeah. I mean no, I mean like like on another level of ignorant. This is this is beyond man. You know, man, I think he's he doesn't understand it, the damage he's doing to himself, the fact that you trying. What kind of father and mother seals their daughter, gives their daughter away to a forty nine year old icon or celebrity whatever it is? Like me, oh man, my mom, listen to me. Do you do you hear what you're saying? What kind of icon accepts these kids? Hey? Dog, come on home, dogs, you can't come up round me. Hey man, let me tell you something on Family Feud that was a young girl on fam had a whole family. There was some la man, really really nice family. The man he had three daughters. We were joking the whole show because I got four daughters. So we all standing there and she tassed me. She said, mister Harvey, can you explain to me again what you were saying she was about twenty one twenty two. I said, hold on, let me get your father over here. And I called her daddy over there, and I say, my man, your daughter just asked me a question. We off TV. You want to stand here while I'm talking to He says, shows, do you go ahead? And then I handled it like that. Of course, I don't have conversations with men's twenty nineteen your kids. Man with me, my old ass. All right, when we come back, we'll close out the show with our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening to all right, here we are, last break of the day. All right, Steve hit us with your closing remarks. What do you have for us today? Just some more encouragement. I want to try to give you a mindset, and you could pick and choose whichever you like, but I want to try to give you a mindset to succeed with want. I want you all to start thinking about your goals, your visions, and your dreams, and I want you to think of them like their long overdue. Have you wanted something for so long that you think that it's long overdue. Have you ever dreamt of something so many times and it's yet to happen that you kind of feel like it's long overdue. I want you to take that feeling that it's long overdue, and I want you to internalize that feeling, because what I want you to do is I want you to take that feeling and I want you to use it as your motivation to pursue your dreams and goals. Because some of you are right, it's long overdue. Now. Some of you may feel that way because you're just impatient, But however you want to look at it, I want you to take that long overdue feeling and I want you to use it as your motivation to spur you to get at it. Take that long overdue feeling and start looking at your life in terms of you know what, now's the time. Now is the time. There is no better time than now. Don't worry about getting all your ducks lined up in the road, because they don't line up. Don't wait till the perfect time, because there is no such a time. You gotta remember that there's a force out there that don't want you to succeed. His job the devil's job is to throw blocks in your path, to throw temptation in your path, to test you all along the way. All God needs us to do is past these tests. You're not gonna pass all of them, but he wants your best effort. But you got to act like now's the time. You've got to develop a sense of urgency. This thing that's long overdue, this thing that's long overdue, The time for it to start happening is now. And I have to develop and you have to develop a sense of urgency to get it done. It's this sense of urgency that spurs you, It springs you into action. See the hospital is filled with rooms of care and all like this, but you got different divisions. Now. If you in I see you, intensive care unit. It's intensive care. They in there watching you all the time. They got you monitored regularly, you hooked up to machine genes. It's down there at the nursing station, you and I see you. They got the emergency room that's set up for people who are stuffed and popped off unexpectedly and you need some care right away. Now. The fact that you got to sit there and wait on your right away all this time it's still the emergency room. But you want to approach your life with a sense of urgency. You don't have to sit there and get put on hold like they do at the hospital. Feel out the paperwork. You got developed a sense of urgency because if it's long overdue and now is the time, you might as well develop a sense of urgency. Your success, your dreams have visited and visions of happening and occurring, have to be critical. They have to be critical. It's got to be critical. You have to perform in your life like you are in a state of being critical. This is critical. It's critical, y'all that you become successful. It's critical. It's tied to your happiness, your success, your well being. It's critical. This ain't something man that we can casually deal with. It has to be critical to you. You have to have it in your mind that being happy and being successful is something that you can't live without. Why not do you know how many negative things people feel is overdue that they have a sense of urgency. Junkies addicts, this is a sense of urgency for it, and it's a negative thing. I gotta get high, I gotta get my fix. Do you know that people developed sense of urgencies and and and and and and and and things being critical over so many negative things. I gotta get down there are happy out. I gotta get more likes on my page. I gotta do something that I don't really feel comfortable doing because I gotta get more likes. I gotta show some part to my body. I really don't want to show, but I'm trying to get some likes. I'm trying to get my followers up. Do you know how many people are feeling critical about that? How many people are approaching that negativity with a sense of urgency that they can't live without. Well, let me explain something to you. You should feel that way about your success, and you should feel that way about your happiness. That is critical. Man, it's overdue now, it's the time. You have to have a sense of urgency. Your happiness and success is critical to your well being. You cannot live without it. That's the mindset you have to have towards your success. If you don't, you're not gonna be successful. I'm sorry I hain't to tell you that, but you won't be successful. People feel that way. It's critical. Get critical about your happiness and about your success and get it done. Y'all. Have a great weekend, all right, Steve? You two h HI Yes Thursday. Thanks, get after Get acted her. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to show