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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all back a s looking back to back dog giving the ball just like amazing buck bus things And it's cub me true good at harsting to me together for stub quick. Honey, why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, Lovey joining me? Honey said you gotta turn love go Yeah you go do y'all you gotta turn you to turn about turn Lovey got the turn out to turn want of yall? Come come on hill good moneing everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on? Did me now one? It only Steve Harley got a radio show? How good is God? Man? Sometimes I just oh no, I just trip on it. Sometimes I think of all of all the mistakes I've made, man, all the bad decisions I came up with. Boy, I didn't came up with a truckload of them, y'all for real. And it's Grace and mercy man just keeps allowing me to exist and allows you to exist. To see, if you're listening, if you can hear me, then you know you've been allowed to exist also, And you know you you've been through Grace and mercy are allowed to still be here in spite of you know, um a lot of decisions we may cause us to be in the predicaments. Win. I think we all are dult enough to realize that. I would hope so anyway, Uh, you know, it's amazing when you meet people who when every time something wrong with them is always somebody else's fault. They did this to me, or they did that to me, or somebody said this and this caused this, and I don't know why, I can't get nobody I can trust, and I don't know what. Uh. You know, if you peel back the banana, oftentimes really you can always find a role that you had in every situation. Now, I'm not saying that there are not things that are perchance that come upon you, because that's some evil people out there and just do stuff to you. Ain't done nothing. I ain't talking about that. I'm talking about if you really peel back to banana, we've made decisions. Oftentimes they get us in the predicament. You know, if you're in a bad relationship, you know, remember somewhere in the beginning you you pick that person, So you know, you do have to remember that part of it, your role in it. Why, Why Lord, you keep sending these people my way? Excuse me, God didn't send nobody your way. Try to remember you picked them. Just try to remember that part and so in owning up to your end of the deal. Here's what helped me the most in my life with my mistakes, my errors, my flaws, my failures. This is what helped me the most. It's the fact that God is forgiving. And God is a god of second, third, fourth, fifth, six chances. I mean, he'll give you chance after chance. If God was God just gave you one chance, we'd all be sunk. If he just gave you two times to get it wrong, we'd all be sunk, all of us. But He is a forgiving god on so many levels, a thousand times, one thousand times of thousands. If it's necessary, he'll forgive you. You know. Now, there's also some consequences with our actions that should cause us to straighten up and not have to be forgiven for the same thing ten thousand times now. I mean, come on, you know, if you got hard to get set down for a major major felony, a major major crime, and you gotta sit down for a do some time, that time is supposed to give you a moment of pause where when you get out you don't do that one again. You know, you know, something like that. So I'm not talking about the extreme, but I'm just talking about, you know, the mistakes and errors that we make in life. I think his grace and mercy, the way that He forgives us allows us to get back up here is the thing that has really really helped me. If you don't let your mistakes bog you down, if you don't let your sins, your mistakes, your errors, your slip ups, your mess ups, if you don't let it break you down, if you don't let it define you, and if you don't let it stop you. That's the greatest gift, one of the greatest gifts you can get from God. That is not allowing all of your mistakes to stop you from forward progress, to bog you down, to make you lay down. All Well, I guess that if I did that, I guess I must not be no good. Listen, we didn't all done that some form of that. See sin and seeing in God's eyes, that's the cool thing, you know, So you know where at least I ain't there, So I ain't that type of person. Hey they did this, heyy man seeing and seeing the guy. You know, we all we all fall short somewhere around along the line. But you can't let it bog you down to the point where it stops you or it defined you. Because the reason that the mistakes can't define you is because we are all a work in progress and that we all have made mistakes, but we all learned from the mistakes, and the mistakes and the failures are often very valuable gained experiences along the way, and that's what they for. You know, Look, when you're a little baby and you start learning how to walk, when you first let go of that coffee table, you ain't gonna make it all the way over that You're gonna fall, sit down, and then you're just gonna crawl on over there. Well, and then after a while you know somebody to get on another end, and they call you, and you take a couple of steps and you almost get there, and your fall and then you crawl the rest of the way. Well, if the fact that you let go of the coffee table as a baby and you fail, if you if that's what defined you, we'd all be crawling today. But that didn't define you. That was a valuable learned gained experience alone the way to taught you this. And life is full of those falls. Now they become a lot more severe, and the older you get, they become a lot more They come with a lot more consequences the older you get. But it's the fall is the same. It's still the fault. You fail, you fail, and the thing of it is that that allows you to get back up as God is forgiving and if you don't, if you take accept the forgiveness, you can move on. What a lot of people do and what to think when I'm trying to get to the day is when you make a mistake and and you ask God for forgiveness and he forgives you. You don't have to allow other people to bog you down with that mistake. Every time they see you, they bring it up. They want to hold you accountable to your flaws and your mistakes. No, no, no, no no no no no no no. You have got to let it go. If God has forgiven you, but some people won't, then you're maybe you'll just move away from them. People see, because it's people if if you if you let people define you by a mistake you made. That's their way of not allowing you to move on, not allowing you to say you've grown from that, or not allowing you to say, hey, well that changed me. That's the thing in my life that taught me the lesson I needed to learn. Oh, I got people trying to beat me up about my past all the time. I refuse to allow that to happen. Because if God has forgiven me for my mistake, for my sins, for my flaws, and then who are they, who are they to keep They're gonna they're gonna keep writing about it. No, no, no, no, man, you can go ahead and write about it, but they ain't got nothing to do with me. Congratulations, great story. And you got to understand that the same way. And then see the second part of it is the reason that I'm able to move on is when somebody strikes me, somebody do dirt on me, I've learned to forgive them a lot faster now so so so I can be forgiven. You know, there's a line in the Lord's Prayer that says, uh forgive us our trust passes, as we forgive those who trust passed against us. Or some some people say forgive us our debts as we forgive our debt us. That's I've had it both ways. But my my favorite is forgive us. Our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. So that means when I go to God, I am asking God to forgive my trust passes. Now you what you ask and God to do, it's forgive you when you trespass, when you cross the line, when you go outside the morality clause, when when you don't, when you commit us it, when you do something wrong to somebody, when you hurt somebody's feeling, you're asking God to forgive you. But then the prayer is to forgive us. Our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. So when somebody come to you and say, hey, man, I'm sorry, I did you wrong, I mean, man, we got to let out. We gotta take our knee off their neck. So I've learned to forgive people a lot quicker man, And that might help you down in your quest to get up and move on, to let somebody else get up and move on. Every time you see him, You ain't got to hate on him every time you see him. It ain't got to bring no rise up in your spirit. Hey man, I forgive you. Let it go down't mean we got to be friends and hang out, but I forgive you. I don't I don't have reaction to you no more that might help to all right, I'm just throwing it out there. You're show. Let me have your attention needed, undivided, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, animals, animal trainers, circus acts, people who've been fined, heavy eats, heavy breathers, yeah, drinkers, yeah, yeah, come on, smokers, Oh the gospel. I don't know what their music is in the background, but though, let me go on and get with it. We're want to welcome y'all to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This Yeah, thank you all for joining us. Hey, look, we want you all to have a great day, so it's our job to get it started the right way. Yeah, what else can we say? Let me introduce everybody, quiet storm, ladies and gentlemen. Kicking it off off one day vacation, yeah, right back up in here. Why because she knew Carlin wasn't gonna be here today and we wasn't gonna be able to handle the news, So she came back, Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for the one and only. And Tommy bribed me too. Don't forget about that. I'll get to that in a minute. Ladies and gentlemen, high boys moaning everybody. Yeah, I don't know why we got this damn music, but I'm not going on with it though. Yeah, the only man that talks in soprano. Ladies and gentleman Junior moaning everybody. Yeah, I'm going to skip it around a little bit. This newest member of the team championship team being traded more than anybody on this show. Ye, how many times was he rumored to have been let go? Finally, Ladies and gentlemen, Jay Anthony bro good morning, everybody. What is going on? What is happening? Everybody? The last end of the question? Watch out there now, what's going on? What's going on? What's going on? I tell you what's school's going on? And last, but not least, the whole reason. Shirley's here. Yeah, she asked Shirley. He said, Shirley please. Firsty called me. He made two mistakes. He said, I want to run something by you. I said, uh uh chance, you can't say run to me? No more, just too soon. Then he turned around the double right back and called Sherley. Shirley said, Shirley, we need you to run on up in here clearly said are you supposed to be saying you Tom? Yes, the top of the morning. He is in the buildings. He came in coming up next. Something funny. Injuries that hurt. We'll talk about it right after. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Listen selling historic happened last night. Let's get to it. Okay, come on, come on, baby, whoa Steve? What you know what? Man? Doug Jones is the first Democratic Senator in the state of Alabama in a little over twenty years. And you know it. The reason is, I think one of the reasons that this election drew so much attention was because of the climate that we live in today with all the accusations, people down and everything like this. One of the more troubling allegations is you know kids, I mean, you know, look, just to go off base a little bit. Inmates, prisoners. There's a code of honor amongst these criminals, even have a code of code of ethics. One of them is snitching, you know. Uh. The other one is if you come in here and you violated a woman, or you violated your you rape a woman and you come to prison for rape. Are you coming here for messing with some kids? My man, they're tight because now they're going this could have been my sister, my mama, or this could have been one of my kids or my little niece, and now here you come. Okay, now all right, now, I'm just I'm just saying that. Now, let's look at the climate today here. You have men who are losing positions, job titles, everything for violating women in the in the harassment area. And violating a woman doesn't have to be physical, no, I mean anything that makes her feel uncomfortable in the workplace, got it. You know that they got too many training courses out of here now almost every job. So okay, that well, okay, we got it. This is just a personal take on me. Once you start messing with children. You know, I'm not talking. Now, listen to what I'm saying, because I don't want this misunderstood in any way. You know, you're saying something to a woman to make her uncomfortable. That's not that's not a good thing, brother, That's just not a good thing. You call yourself hitting on a woman, but you got her feeling uncomfortable. That's not a good thing. I got that. That's the part I'm talking about of harassment, the verbal mental abuse that you put on a person. Once you go into the kid area, you you weigh you weigh, weigh out there now, you way wagh out there now, man, And you're talking about trying to get a child to do something at your level of understanding, based on their level of understanding. And that's sickening to me. So with that in mind, I just couldn't even understand how is this guy still even allowed to run? Horrible candidate. He just wasn't a good candidate all the way around. I mean, the comments he made about slavery the last time America was really great. I know there was slavery, but at least we had values and our country had direction. I went, really, what really? And then you know, man, here's the deal. I mean, he said horrible things about homosexual and he did it all under the under the guides of being a Christian. He had this black minister come on TV one time speaking on his behalf because what the Bible says, Okay, listen, to me, I got what the Bible says. My mom was a Sunday school teacher. We all went to church, all our grandmama Mama tried to raise this right. But we lived in an imperfect world. Ain't nobody doing everything in that Bible? Nobody? And what about Judge not hello know about that? So for you to pick the one part out that you want to say that I don't do, and anybody to do that is worse than me. It's something wrong with you because you can't do that to people. Now, he takes this part in the Bible that he wants to throw up at everybody about gaze and homosexuality and whatever. But if you could sit it at a scene, you also had to consider yours, which is equal in God's eyes if you want to go there. So what I've learned to do is in this world, I allow everybody to be who they are, and I accept whatever shortcomings they have because they show got the except man exactly, we all fall short. I mean, boy, listen, listen to So Now this guy was just a bad He was not a good candidate. I mean, I don't know as much as they tried to dress him up and make it look good and all that. The President rallied, you know, to his support and all of that. He just was a horrible candidate for this race. He just wasn't. And in the end Doug Jones went out and and Roy Moore still hasn't conceded. He brought and he brought God up last night. God has not done yet. We're not done. You see the numbers. I think God went to bid count the numbers. God knew what the numbers was, right. Who was there? Two black people that be always it's high, you know, man? But I was really, really I think Alabama sent the right message they especially African American you know, I mean, I mean, it's so many things to talk about today. We're gonna take phone calls, yes, eight seven seven, twenty nine, Steve, We're gonna take your car. Bar Barkley was a lady last night. Eight seven seven, Yeah, what do you say? With confidence? He almost felt like he was giving out his own damn. I was number yeah, eight seven or seven change? Looking around. You know, man, it's so so many things to talk about, so many people to congratulate in Alabama. We'll talking about the African American voters, female talk about the female voter turnout. We'll just talk about Alabama in general. And I think that was a great message that they said in the first Democratic senator over twenty years to be there. All right, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. Coming up at the time of the hour, Miss Anna is going to be here with today's national news and headlines. And I want to just say, all these voices you here talking about Steve hard Morning Show, ain't none of them to actual forces. We do them voices out. I didn't need a bakery here. We're going to the phone. Day seven, seven twenty nine. Steve wanted your comments about the election of what you feel a man. Let's go to line one and talk to Lorenzo out of North Carolina. We have music in our ears. Want that today. It gets on your nerves like not today, it's on my nerves on one day music yesterday. That would be a lot of days, but today especially all right, Lorenzo, Line one out of North Carolina's Steve Lorenzo, Line one, Lorenzo, Hey, what's your comment on election? Right? So proud, so proud of Alabella um so jos even though I'm in North Carolina. Right, but they did. Yeah, yeah, that's good. Crying y'all. He's happy. I mean, it isn't It is important because this is not a general election. This is a great day for Alabama. Yeah, and you and this is what we've been talking about. We can't just vote in the general election. We have That is what president on bomb screen. And I think we all see now that it can change things. Your vote changes and it can change the direction it is now in the Senate, one Republican seats and forty nine Democratic seat. Now do you understand what that can truly mean? Because listen, if one Republican here he ain't had full Republicans support on nothing, oh nothing. It can change the direction of the country and policy. Let's go to the next one. All right, let's go to line. Is it three? Alicia out of Montgomery, Alabama? Alicia? Alicia? Line three? Okay, good Alicia? What's your comment on the election? Man? If you don't cut that damn music off, where I can thank this morning now? I ain't need to move for it. I'm sixty. This music got on my damn the microphone. I'm so sorry. Go ahead, what's your comment? A happy day in the whole state of Alabama. We're just so glad, we do so sick of this stuff going on in Washington. We can side about those seats. We need those seasons, We need those seats to represent us. Are we glad we got on up and went to the post. Well yeah, yeah, that is such a great that's a great feeling in Alabama. What was your determining factor? I mean, was it Charles Barkley? Was it the candidate himself, Doug Jones? But well, yeah, Charles Barkley came out and and but I mean he said a lot to to to boost them. But what do you think it was? Alicia? The candidates themselves? I mean, you know, a representative of more and more. He had been in office three times, and you know, well he was trying to get for the third time. And you know that the headloads and all the nasty stuff in the news about him. You know, we just ain't got time to be sitting folks down to Washington, Uh with those typos are allegations or you know what they do? You know, you're seeing what people doing around down on Pennsylvany. We got we understood what you see. Uh. Okay, good point, though, that's a very good point. You know, Trump is drinking coax now like because he do twelve a day. So, uh, you know, it's it's nice to hear from people in Alabama because, uh, they were just really concerned about the image of the state, you know, how they look. You know, that was one of the points that Barkley was making. You know, what message are we sending to the world about ourselves? You know? And I mean really, if you look at it technically, just technically, you just can't even that doesn't make any sense. Just because you want to have control over seat, you're gonna back an accused child molester. Wait, minut, hold it, man, And here's the other thing with me, and I've said it, I'm gonna say it in a calm way today. Thank you Jesus. If adult concert in the state of Alabama is sixteen, we need to revisit this because at the end of the day, I don't care what you're trying to pull off and make sound Okay, a sixteen year old girl is a child. She may be able to bad children, but you can do that at thirteen. So what the hell that got to do with it? You are still talking about a child a teenager, if a man thirty years old, it's at the high school or the mall. The praying on these young girl because see, the disadvantage that this girl has is that this predator, this man has sixteen years experience and game on her. Now, all she got to do is make a small error in judgment, and the way she thinks of men, love and her life can forever be changed, just cause some old ass man over here want to get his jolly's off that right? Well? Did did? Did you what I just said? Yes, sir, listen, because there's a lot of things he's upset the day. Come in and talking good listen, good listening, pay attention music, and we might have to st it's a happy day, that is right here. All right, Let's let's go to line four and talk to We heard from Alicia. That's now. Let's here from Alicia out of North Carolina. Alicia, Alicia, go here, where's your comment on the election in Alabama last night? Um? I'm a thirty one year old female, so I'm still kind of young, um, and watching the election, I think it was a great representation of how if African Americans disbands together, we have the power to change anything, and basically what this election, because basically the acting Amaicines are responsible for putting um joanes in the sense absolutely so, Um, I think it's just a great like I said, I think just a great representation of just us banding together, being united. Um, just just displaying a good united parts. And I think it was just amazing how the results turned out. And uh, it gives it gives me hope as a young woman. Hope. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a great comment. That really was. And we have to keep doing it, you know, we can't stop here. And it's not just the Alabama election. All elections are important and you can see that. And your voice does matter, and your voice, your vote definitely counts. I mean, it would just proved itself. It was even even until this thing turned into Selma you. I was watching it. You turned into Selma man. And they came out and voted, and it was an amazing thing. They came out and voted at a higher percentage for this than they did in the Obama That right there, and lets you know, if you get out to these polls, you can change things. And that's one of the reasons Doug Jones in his speech and his victory speech, he said, thank you Africa. He was thinking, everybody, thank you, my Latino friends, everybody. Yeah, we want to talk to the horse. He rode in on. Let's talk to the time. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne, it's gonna be here with more election results and our national news, and we'll be here, of course, right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are in this historic day after the historic election in Alabama, and before we get to yeah, Alabama, before we get to Alabama, before we get to miss Anne and our national news. Yeah, let's go to the phone, and Steve, let's go to line Let's go to line six and talk to Mike. Out of where Alabama, Alabama? All right, Mike, you there, what's your comment? Good comment on the election, sir. Well, you know, I'm a transplant from Michigan, and I didn't think I would ever see the political site in the Alabama turn the way it did yesterday. I live in rural Dallas County, outside of Selma and outside of Salma. Of the number of young people that we're voting yesterday, the millennials were out in droves voting Yester, I couldn't believe. I don't like all that hate and division. Yeah, and uh, not only that, the affluent suburbs where young professionals were both black and white, voted heavily in favorite Doug Jones as well. Yeah. Well, uh that's interesting from your state important because you're out there being able to look at the lines and the polls and the actual makeup. Uh, it's a united effort. Look, you know, we want to give African Americans a lot of credit and and you should. But a lot of other people, uh wanted this to happen this way too. And what I'm very conscious of, see because you have to watch this other party sometimes because they're very slick. If you keep saying African American voters made this happen to African American voters. But they have a funny way of spending everything. So now Doug Jones ain't our candidate, he becomes their candidate. And now Doug Jones ain't looking out for the good and the welfare the great state of Alabama. You watch how they spend stuff, man, because if you notice in this election, a lot of Republican senators and people in the House well against Roy Moore in the first But when the White House came out with the spin we should let the voters of Alabama decide. See, that got them off the hook just in case. Now, No, if you was in the uproar before, you should have stayed in the uproar. But you took the White House spin that we're gonna let the voters of Alabama decide. That way, they can wash their hands of it, and they can coolly slide this man into this seat and act like, well, that's what the great state of Alabama wanted. Well, it was where it wasn't And now a lot of them are saying, that's great. We didn't want to send that message. That's not what the Senate is about. Blah blah blah blah blah. It's amazing, man, it really is. In the first Democrat in years. That's huge. So and it was in all out effort. The African American voter turnout was huge and Obama definitely huge in this and and was that was important for a lot of people to see. It definitely was. We're gonna be taking your phone calls all morning long from what's that number, Steve one more time seven yes, what he said, what he said with eight seven seven nine, Steve, so call us. We'll be taking your phone calls all morning, and we especially want to hear from the great state of Alma, Alabama. We definitely do uh time. Now, Steve, please introduce her. She is here with great news. She's here without further due our very own miss and trip. Thanks guys, Good morning everybody. Yes, this is a trip with the news, and yes there is a lot to talk about and let's get right to it. Alabama, Alabama, Alabama. That's the word in everybody's mouth this morning. After all the allegations and the denials and the claims and the campaigning, Alabama voters decided to send a Democrat, Doug Jones, to the US Senate, the first Democratic center out of alabam In twenty five years now, nine women accused Roy more if sexual misconduct and assault when they were in their teens he was in his thirties, but he denied the allegations. Roy Moore recently said that the country was great when we had slavery because families were united. I don't know what families he's talking about there, but whatever. And on the other hand, though Doug Jones is the man who prosecuted the klansman who planted the bomb at the sixteenth Street Baptist Church to kill four little black girls, and black folks came out for him yesterday, voting for him in the same percentages that they came out for President Obama. Roy Moore believe it or not, not conceding when the vote is this close that it's not over, and we still got to go by the rules about this recount provision, and the Secretary of State has explained it to us, and we're expecting that the press will go up there and talk to them to find out what the situation is. But we also know that God is always in control, and that's what we've got to do, White old dog and let this process play out. Yeah, he's gonna wait on God and see what happens. But he lost so far by twenty thousand votes, so it's not that close. More than one had members of the Congress calling for a House Oversight Committee investigation to President Trump over his alleged sexual misconduct. Members of the Democratic Women's Working Group criticizing the president for what they say has been his history of inappropriate behavior towards women. The group's vice chair, as Michigan's Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence Lean Congress are facing a critical point in history. Many are calling in a watershed moment. For too long, accountability has not been the priority, and bad behavior has gone unchecked. For too long, we have accepted copouts like locker room talk, and now that time is over. The group's announcement comes on the heels of Santa Christian Jillibrand's demand that Trump resigned to get back at her. The President tweeted that Gillibrand had come to his office quote begging for campaign contributions, and that she would do again quote anything to get the money, will send a Gilibrand calls the president's tweet a sexist smear, and so does Nancy Pelosi and many other Democrats. Finally, today is the National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. Hate ugly Christmas sweaters. I don't know about you, but Eugene the Butterfly is going to be back with a beautiful Christmas sweater for twenty minutes after the hour, stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, what what a great day? This morning. Yeah, it is after the down. You know, Steve, nerves are doing it. Do you get on your kid's nerves? Steve, not at all, no reason for this. I mean, do you make it on your nerves? Get a certain age, everything gets on your nerves. You just get edgy, you do. You don't mean any harm. You're just like quite loud. Look quite loud. Shut up, shut up. Town Rose and Alia just kept coming in my off, you know, the third time. So you know, like you know, you know, like Carly's a vegan. Morgan's a vegan. You know, so dude know their kids don't eat candy, and kids don't have nothing good. So in my office, I got candy. Yeah, and so you know granddad, Yeah, I'm in there because you know, they're my grandkids something. And then they come in that Papa office. I got treatful. So they stay in my office. They just comes in there all the time. So Carlin Morgan just mortified one time in there. We're biggas, what are they eating? Well, i's slim Jim gave the baby and slim jin Yeah, why not, it's your house, you know. That's that's a meat introductory product. You should have a slip. How the hell you don't like slim, you can snap him. I gave a little be Jason beef turkey. He stuck that in his mouth. His eyes lit up, he was so happy. And then I gave him a peppermint patty. What a statement, pepper patty. And then Carli come talking to me about dad. We don't eat that that. Let me ask you this question, Steve, how much grandfather if you had to put a time limit on it, how much grandfather you got inside of you? About thirty about thirty minutes solid Paul, Paul world champ man. Let me tell you what I did. And Maudrey throws, uh Marjorie throws h Halloween party for the kids. And at the Halloween party, that was this huge t P about fifteen feet high, a t P, a real TP, Indian TP. So the next day the people come over to take the TP down. Okay, Noah and rolls out that mouth wide over. Can you not take the TP down in front of the key. I'm gonna tell you the rest of the story in front of it. All right. We'll take more of your phone calls too. When you come back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You my dog to bell? Alright, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh, the day after that historic election in Alabama where Democrat Doug Doug Jones one first time for a Democrat in years, twenty five years. So we're going to the phones all morning. We want to hear from you everyone. I'd like to hear him the horse he rode in. Let's go to line too and talk to Stacy out of Virginia. Stacy, Stacy, Hey, Steve, are you hey? Donmin Google? Where's your comment on the election? Well? My question is this to everyone, did you guys expect anything less of Donald Trump? Um? This is a very same man that was accused of touching female private part and not having any type of rewards. So did you not think that he wouldn't back this man that is basically accused of being a pedophile? Um? Second question, Um, this is a very same man. Now, We've always had racism, but it's never been kicked up like this before. Um. I mean it's and overdraw right now. And I honestly do believe that it's because of Trump and the way that he feels about minorities and African Americans and things like that. So did you not think that he wouldn't support a man that felt the exact same way. First, well, yeah, well he didn't. At first he voted Luther Strange, but he came out and said did his tweets this morning were deplorable. But let me tell let me say this to answer the question. I don't think he cares. No, I don't think that President Trump cares what a person did or does. I think he only cares. He's so self centered, centered, self engaged, that it doesn't matter. He wants his way. Listen to me, this man is in office as a seventy year old, very very very well the man, now he's not a billionaire, but he's a very very very wealthy man. Your billionaire. You can look it up. You ain't got the wonder about that. But because he ain't got no tax forms turned in, can't nobody Well you don't now, but he You don't have to be a building there to be very very very very very wealthy. And and and he has been this way for a long time. He's just he just has a platform. Now you're just hearing about it. The sad thing out is there a lot of those in this country. They are country clubs. They're in places they make policy. That's why country clubs are the where they are, oftentimes a lot of times with restrictions for women and minorities and Jews and religious groups and all of this and religion everything. It's so much of that. I just think that President Trump does not care, yeah, that this guy was a potential pedophile or predator or anything else, because he needs fifty two seats in the Senate and that's all that mattered, so I can push my agenda across. The worst thing he could have done was become president because it changed his way of life, in his way of living and meaning he's used to getting everything he wants to to any This is one of the worst things that happened to him. But he didn't think it was like that. He thought he could just do this. He thought he was gonna bring his mode of ethics and business to without the pushback. So you don't get the same pushback from Trump talk right exactly because amerthan contest. You don't get the pushback nothing. Man. And this was, and I'll tell you you was a dead giveaway sign when his wife and I don't talk about nobody's wives because you can't. You can't say nothing about mine. So I'm not knocking his wife in a negative way. But you knew something was amiss when she didn't want to move into the White House. Oh. I thought you were gonna say, but, but, but but look at this though. If you saw how they lived and where they lived living in the I'm telling you how pretty nice, sash And for the regular person, you can't imagine that. But trust and believed. It was a rough fall. Yeah, it was. We're gonna be taking your phone calls all morning long. Eight seven twenty nine. Steve. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry Letter. But first, we've been asking for your phone calls all morning. We want to talk about this election that went down in Alabama last night. Let's go to phones. What's that eight seven seven nine, Yes, they got it, you got it. That was with confidence. I like it. All right, let's go. Let's go to line three and talk to Brandon out of the great state of Alabama. Brandon Good morning. Go ahead, man, what's your comment about to let the morning? Um here Monty Alabama. Look, we don't have one professional team in Alabama, but we want a super Bowl. Last night, he won the super Bowl last night. Listen, um, Donald Trump. I kind of feel like he was the best thing that ever happened to us because he woke us up. You know, Donald Trump woke us up there. You know, I Duck Jones. I never knew that Duck Jones was a guy that prosecuted the claim them. But I learned that. I learned that, and I don't see how how in the world there's no way that we would not show up for him, for a guy like that, you know, there's no way. Um. I want I want to I want to go back with credit and thank my mom and my dad because when when they went to vote, they took me with them, you know when I was when I was young, and it's important. I don't have any kids myself, but you know, you look around when you go on voting. I've always voted in all the big general elections. Um, you know, and you see you see our counterparts with their children with them, and then watching that, and you know it, what's what's important to your parents ends up being important to you know, um my, uh, you know, and and and your your voice matters, and this one really really showed it, you know. And and again we've always been taught or you've just seen that Alabama's always been a read estate. So why why would I show up to vote? You know? But listen, our dear, dear, dear and forever President Obama told us that it's the local elections don't matter. And I listened to this and I made right. I made a vout of myself. I just made a vout of myself a little, you know, like I said, you vote for president, you vote for a governor. But I didn't vote in the smallest and I'm never gonna miss one of those elections ever, ever again in my life. That's great, spate, that's important to you. Okay, let's go to line four and talk to Empt out of Texas Empt Steve the O k k D A oh Man, Yeah, super soul seventy three k k d A. Willis Johnson in the morning, you stop me by. We miss you so much. It was like when Lebron left O how who yeah, man, you had us doing. But we love you dying. You know, I wanted you to know that. And I want to say, President, thank you for introducing me to h Burning MC because I didn't know him to the King of Company. But I want to say, Steve, you have to change doing a beautiful job. But let me you say this and get off of him. Steve, what the Black Coach did last night was beautiful because I couldn't see myself voting at all because of the fact Number one, this man and him when he'd been a kid, he was all right till you start dealing with kids, And I'm like you, I got six daughters and three sons. When he started dealing with kids, that just kind of threw me away. But on the other hand, what what are we gonna get out of it? Steve? Are you with me? No? Everybody get a licked. And I got any friends that got their money from you know, for what happened to them. I know some agents got their money. But for some reason, all of these black leaders will not come together and get our restitution. They owed forty acres and amusing we want the money. Give us all a hundred thousand dollars a piece, and none of them polish your grandkids, my grandkids, and they drive me crazy too cause I'm sixty five. But give everybody their money, because we are helping everybody get everything, but at nothing but a whole lot of the buildings. Well, you know, uh, I understand the movement for reparations. I've never been out there on that front line for reparations because I know it's not gonna happen. But if it was forty acres or a hundred grand, I'd really take the acres or if you go down, But it ain't gonna happen, bro, we we can quit asking people to help us get that. That ain't gonna work. We are living in a time where we have an entire party whose concept is pull yourself up by your bootstraps. And I'll be damned if they're gonna start passing our checks and in a in a reparations program for us, and we can stop wasting our damn time with that one right there. I'll get on the bandwagon with you to help you do anything you wanta. You wanna bring these police departments to task for any injustices that a few bad ones do, because the police departments are good and you need them, and they've got some fine in women in office uniform. But for the few that's out there, you gotta start paying when you kill a person for no reason. I get in line with you for that. You want to get in line to keep roaring more out of office, Steve, I get in line with that right there. You want to get hill with Clinton back on the ballot, get in line for that. But what what what? What? What will not get in line for reparation. I'm just that's just my opinion. You can have your own thoughts about but they're not gonna give us a damn. But you know what, Charles Barkley Um kind of spoke to that in a way. He said, this is a wake up call for Democrats. Uh, he said, he told Mr Jones that, and he says he loves Doug Jones. They've taken the black vote and the poor vote for granted, for such a long time. It's time for them to get off their butts, he didn't say, butts and start making life better for black folks and people who are poor, because we always show up for them, you know, like times like this when they really need our votes. Here we are, and the thing we have to do is come up with an agenda of what it is we have that we can't just say do for us? What is the agenda that black people? And also also you gotta have the right leadership to that's the main thing. See, we've become so complacent and we're all over the place because that is mad Martin Luther Kings and there's somebody who has a cause and agenda. We have too many who have self self agendas, self promoted agendas. When they go to the town. We seem to get mad of anybody who seems to speak for black people, you know. But but we got to stop that. We have a problem with tearing each other down. That's that's you know. And until we get that together, you know who's gonna go and take the agenda to the forefront. Because Black Lives Matter was a great movement until I started hearing when somebody came out and said, this is our agenda. And when they started talking about their agenda, it didn't have nothing to do with Black Lives matters. It was a bunch of self pushing items out there and it lost all of its momentum. It would have been great, man. They had a list one time and I was going, what are we what? Dog? Yeah? Who put this together? You gotta be kidding me? And we have a lot of the wrong people talking for us, and we just gotta get back to what that is. Yeah, and there. I mean, there's still some basic things like healthcare, like education. But you know something, I think times have changed to the point where now you have to put certain people in office because that are no Moman Luther Kings that I see none on the horizon. Okay, So now now we got that out the way. The way to do it now is with the vote, because times have changed. Social media is here, camera phones is here. Everything has changed. So you didn't want that guy with predominantly red state for all these years got turned blue years, got turned blue. Vote. That should say something, I mean, that should really really mean something to the depths of your soul. That vote, our vote matters to Harry and then trying to Harry up and get this tax bill passed before Doug Jones gets sworn in. Yeah that you know. Yeah, this dude right here, that's done. The mind if they get one Republican to go against it, and they could because it's some Republicans, all right. Strawberry letter coming up next, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Coming up next today Strawberry letters subject he loves to do it. But before we get to the letter. Despite numerous accusations of misconduct and unwanted sexual advances made against Alabama candidate Roy Moore, Alabama voters elected him. Now they didn't know, they did not know. They did not go gotcha? Gotcha? Yeah, they did not elect him as their new senator. They elected Democrat dog Doug Jones, first time twenty five years. Roy Moore, though, has yet to concede. Let's hear from the people of Alabama. We've been taking your calls all morning. Let's go cat to line too and talk to Jerry out of Alabama. Jerry, Yes, sir, how are y'all doing this morning? We're doing good. Jerry. What's your comment about the election, Sir? I think it's kind of strace to Alabama calls. Much money that they put into slandering each other's name and stuff on the advertisement everything else, they should go back to the community, to the state of Alabama. They should helps help people that say the need for a Christmas clothes, food, anything like that. And then that's my opinion, they should have show the people what they could do for Alabama stall slandering, the names and everything else, because you know that's the big part. You gotta show, and then your your word with men more than just saying what you're gonna do. Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. That's a good comment, Jarry, appreciate you, man. Did you vote y'all? Y'all, y'all, I don't go ahead and get off here, y'all have a warm from day and Marry Christmas. Y'all unhappy Mary Christmas, Jarry, thank you, Jerry, Merry Christmas. Ye go to which I like Ashley? And yeah, let's let's I like Ashley too. Let's go to line three and talk to Ashley out of Gaston, Alabama, Alabama. Yeah, how you guys. I love you guys so much. I'll listen to you almost every morning. Okay, go here, what's your comment? Dog? Basically my comment was this, just look like we have to respect the fact that Trump is the president. I wish people will also understand and respect the fact that this man is officially our senator. I personally wanted him to win, so I'm glad he's in the seat. And basically, I just hope that since he is in the seat now, he does what he said he's gonna do, and I just pray that he does his job and he does it. Well. Yeah, and that's my comment. Thank you. You know, a lot of people, uh, you know, well, Steve, he's not my president. Okay, Trump got that. He's the president of the United States, but he's not my president. Well see, here's here's my take on it. The office of the presidency, it's bigger than the person that holds to me, that's the way I looked at it. The office of the president. It's a big than the person that holds it. Not a fact that this don't get that. That don't change what it is. The office of the presidency is bigger than the person that holds it. And the problem that a lot of people are having right now is that he won't live up to the to the office of presidents. Yeah, I mean, he's bringing it down by doing so many things that just unpresidential. Look, man, you ain't got to like everything I like, but you do have to play the game. And as much as we wanted people to respect Obama the office, we have to do the same thing. With Trump because it's a it's a two way sword. But he's bringing the office down though he really is. Well, as Americans, we're making it hard. He really is making it. I just call it the country and just start apologizes. I don't care. But yeah, even if our guy is not in office, the guy we voted for, the woman we voted for, whatever, we still have to respect as Americans. We that's what you said. I mean all my life. I didn't vote for George Bush, but he was the president, right, So I didn't dog. Yeah, I didn't vote for Richard Nixon, but he was the president. I didn't dog it, you know, I just didn't dog it. Jay didn't vote for grow for Cleveland, but I didn't dog. He wasn't alive when Grover Cleveland was two hours he said, a damn thing bringing it back. One thing you have to do a little on this show is take a hit when a hit comes your way. I've been I'm down. I'm down. All right? Did we go with the letter? Come on? Tell, hold on tight, we gotta you here. It is the str letter object object. He loves to do it. That is the subject. Let's get into it, all right. He finally Hello, Stephen Shirley. I am a forty three year old female and I've always dated older men. Well. About eight months ago, I started dating a thirty six year old man, and after seven months of dating, we decided to be intimate. Now here's the problem. I guess since he's younger than me, he wants to have sex or make love three to four times a night, seven days a week. I work nights and he works days. When I get off, I'm tired. I have tried to talk to him about this and told him that I need my rest. His response was that we should do quickie sometimes instead of full sessions. This was not what I wanted to hear. This was not it. Can you give me, please some advice on this situation. This is running the love I have for him. This is ruining the love I had for him because I can't take all of the bedroom action. Should I break up with this younger man? Please help? WHOA be careful what you wish for? Because you you you're not You didn't I guess one. You didn't tell us why you and the older man broke up. But you guys were no longer together. You probably should have stayed with him. Maybe he wasn't doing it enough for you, but you should have stuck with the older guy. I mean, this is too much, clearly for you, for anyone. I don't even see how the thirty six year old can handle this. You guys are just sexually incompatible. Three to four times a night, seven days a week. Yeah, I see your lips moving, but I don't believe anything that's coming out of your mouth. I really don't this. This is a lot for any human. It's a lot for any human. I'm just sorry. Your nerves, Remember your nerves. It's just a lot for anyone, you know. I don't know how much longer you're gonna be able to keep up. You're already tired. Have you talked to him about it? If you have, he probably doesn't want to hear it. And if you're not doing it, he's probably gonna go out and get it to someplace else. You guys are simply sexually incompatible. It is too much for you. Uh And unless you, you know, want to adhere to what he's doing, unless he brings it down, that's the only way this is gonna work. I don't I don't see that. I don't see this relationship working I really don't. Yeah, you might have to break up with this younger man because you can't handle him, simple as that, Steve. Oh, well, we come back. I already know what's wrong. I'm straightening it all cracks back, all right. Steve's gonna have part two of his response to Today's Strawberry Letter when we come back. Part Well, that's right, that's right. You're to see Steven Show, all right, coming up in about twenty minutes. I'm excited about this. The girl j p Henson will be our special guest. Yes, but right now, Steve, come on, it's up to you. Well, is a forty three year old female and she always dated older men in the past, but now she didn't dip down into the pool and started dating a dune at thirty six. After seven months of dating, they decided to be intimate. Yeah, well, I guess since he's younger than me, he wants to have sex or make love three to four times a night, seven days a week. All right. I worked nights, he worked days. When I get off, I'm tired. I've tried to talk to this boy about this. I'd have told him I needing damn rest. His response ward, and we can do some quickly sometimes instead of full session. That was not what I wanted to hear. And you please give me some advice on this situation. This is ruined the love I have for him because I can't take all this being room actions. Should I break up with this younger man? Please help? Well, let's go. Let's do some numbers. Right you're dating a man to seven years younger than you. He thirty six, I'm six. I remember them days, but I will not go three four times a night, seven days a week. Ridiculous. Where does he work? That is his goals in life? Do we have anything he won't other than some tale? Right now? He's got to be your one aim in life? When you got to have a three four times week, seven days a week, and let's do it. If it three times week, got twenty one times. If it's four times a week, four times a night, that eight times. What ain't nothing left? Boy is in bad shape. Now let's go into this party right here? When I get off, I'm tired. So I talked to him about it, and I told him that I need my rest. His responsible we are we should just do quickly sometimes instead of full session. But what we're learning is that he has no friends. Of cutting back, we're gonna do it the same amount of time. We can shorten the list. These sessions can turn in the quickest, but to go in it's gonna happen. This is going to happen. Now. That ain't what I want to do here. Can you please give me some vice? This is ruined the love out have I can't take all this bid room action. Okay, well you can't take the bed room. Should I break up with this young man? Please? Hip damn to this is yes, you must break up night and listen to me. Ain't know. You don't need no one last night. You got this now here. You need one more night because that's more time. Normally you would hear people say, well that's just one more time. See one more night for this boy. He don't give us lose your job because this boy don't know. He don't have no time. Now. A couple of things is happening here. He's first of all, this is new to him. Yeah, this is like a new toy to him, and he ain't got past the newness of it. See. Plus, let me tell you something. The letter that I saw after seven months a date right there you held a man up for seven months full he's making up for lost term. This is seven seven months of waiting. Even you say three you made did boy wait seven months? Now he in that backtrack. This is called retro active. That's what this is. This is I'm now I'm getting it for what I should have got back then. So dud could be going through the makeup period in his mind. Now you can have one more conversation with him and say, listen to me, I love you. But in order for us to remain together, this is what we're gonna have to do. We're gonna have to work this out because of our shift. Different is different. I would night you are days blah blah blah blah blah. We need some time off. Now, will he go somewhere else? Probably? So got to because Jack Rabbit Johnson committing Jack Rabbit, jack Rabbit Johnson committed. Jack Rabbit Johnson's committed to doing what he do. And now you have a situation. Now I don't agree that you should date older men, but I think you're gonna have. Then you went through a seven month here, so you thought you knew it, but you didn't know how it was in the bed room. See what you gotta start doing this? You gotta start, you gotta break. You gotta bring them me in slowly. You held him off for seven months. You gotta walk in slowly. Now what's gonna be hard for you to do is you can't backtrack and start reducing the amount of sex you have because he gonna know you can't backtrack it. So now that she's up to three or four times a night, she's got to stay there. Is that what you're saying, You're gonna have to start missing night? Yeah, coming up missing some double shift. See what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to take off something. You had to come up with some excuse me. You got to get into some type of program. You can get away from it far a six weeks. If you're in a rehab programs you Yeah, you get witness detection program. That's another one. You could attempt to kill him and go on the run. That's another way to get away. Yeah, you could get yourself into a self induced coma after to put you in it. You could do some things. But if you keep going in there for nights, four times a night, you're gonna be in a car. This boy trying to pops up too much. That's eighty four times a month on the lowing eight. But on the half all old man, don't come over here with that because you don't get the same damn thing. Okay that the high you could do eighty folks or a twelve. We gotta go, we gotta get out of here. I think the real problem is he ain't that damn good. No, really, because then the four times a night you're working, you you're doing something that ain't effect You're listening, Steve, we got our special guests on the phone. We promised you this morning. She's a stella actress. She continues to outdo herself in every new role that she does. In her role, A's cooking Lord, him messing cooking on Himpie, she was the best to ever do it. H Well. The fall finale of Empire is tonight, and she's hosting Teragi's White Hot Holidays on Tomorrow night, Thursday, Decenter fourteen. In addition to all of that, she got a new movie called Proud Mary that hits the theaters in January. Please you alcome, ladies and gentlemen, The one and on it Iconic You want to go down. Ask somebody everywhere I go. I tell the truth. Baby, You're gonna go down in history as one of the girl you. You're putting it together. How you been I've been good. I've been good. It's busy, but I'm enjoying this Christmas break, that's for sure. Well, well, we're about to get on our Christmas break. We ain't on the check, but we're about to. I'm looking forward to. Hey, the Empire Fault finale is tonight at eight pm on Fox. Cookie and Lucius still scheming. Andre is in a mental hospital. What can we expect on the finalite that you can tell? Um? Well, you know, we always get our man right. You're not gonna get over and the lions and get away with it. So we have to handle some business. Somebody gonna die. I'm just gonna put it like that, man who I like it? And let me ask you this, has Cookie been one of your favorite roles? Or how do you cause if we had talked one time and you said, when you get through doing Cookie, you exhausted. Yeah, she she's a lot. Um, she's a she's very emotional. She's juggling a lot. We're dealing with a lot of the flashbacks, you know, when she was in prison, so those those moments were kind of very, you know, very painful for her. So you know, it's a lot they stretched me on that show, and I'm telling you, I was so happy for that last day on the break, I was rushing them. I was like, I'm in the car, I'm ready already. I was ready for my break to get away from her. But it's hard to get away from her because the fans that they forget that my mama named me, so they just called me Cookie. Yeah, and that's my beautiful at freaking name. My mom and my daddy looked through the book for you know, Cookie is not real. You know, that's a question I want to ask you. Do people just talk to you like you Cookie? They don't even see they're gonna cook, Like we had a conversation like the I know, I know, but you know, some days, you know what I'm doing my feelers, I don't be feeling like Cookie. I'll bee it makes the hairs on the back of my next fand up. Sometimes you know, fans don't understand that, you know, no, they don't. Hey, let's talk about this because you got so much going on. You got Taraggie's White Hot Holidays. It asks tomorrow Thursday night at nine pm on Fox. This is a variety special. It features some renditions of some holiday classics. You got Shaka Khan, Sierra Faith Evans, get Jesse Smolett. You got Leslie Oldham, Junior, Salt and Pepper and the yen a man I ain't seen the ya ain't twin said, ain't making money? I hit them babies making money moves. They in the tech business. A loot of old Cather in the tech business. Back when I was in l A. I introduced him. I was the first one to put him on the radio. Be proud of them because they in attack heavy. I mean, I hear they're making money moves. I did a commercial for your White Hot Holidays for fun, thank you. I did a commercial because we're doing I'm doing the New Year's Eve live on Fox. So you know, I want I want to know how Shaka Khan does tomorrow it come on now, she chucked it down. I'm gonna tell you who's gonna surprise you. Fergie. That girl can blow really what she song with Jesse and then she does her own solo and she blows it and then um blow meaning blows blows it out of the water. She's amazing And also Leslie Odham Jr. At Faith Evan they do it through and it's I mean, it's some beautiful singing in the show and some great funny skits. You have to come play with me one time. See you gotta be placed Santo or something. Everybody that quiet, I got some down quiet You got to complain with sometimes, didn't. It wasn't so kind of just left out there here one thousand, one, one thousand, two, one thousand, wait for it. I kept saying, Harvey Wins, Harvey Win, don't say what's on your mind? You got to complain with me sometime. But she did say it. I mean don't but but but ain't like she ain't. Fine. No, it's very different. And let's talk about this new movie, Proud Mary that's going to hit the theaters in January. You play the role of a hit woman. For how I tell us about this movie, Well, um, when you meet Mary, she's definitely a killer, but she killed one kill changed her life and the life of this young man, a little boy, and um, so she's trying to uh save his life and her life. She's trying to she had a change of heart and she wants to change her career. But you know, once you play dirty, it's hard to get out. So it's about fighting for her freedom and for this young man's freedom. This amazing story, very powerful. I really um surprised myself. I really amazed myself. And it's on a very physical I'm an action to start. Steve, Hey, girl, what the woman scoots your asked over? Welcome from Mary Well, Uh, rogie, we were so proud of you on so many levels. You like family, Just keep doing it a We're looking forward to the finale, Uh tonight of m prov. We looking for Thursday night Taragi's White Hot Holidays is going down and then in January because we're gonna be on breaking to the end man in a little bit. We got the movie prior Mary that comes out. You're listening to Steve ya hey, y'all, don't forget all right, We've got a great opportunity. Go to Steve Harvey standing soul dot com. Steve Harvey. Oh and today it's the deadline and I'll get to make the announcement on that I find out of these bombs is going on now and I will no no, no, no, oh no, no, no stop nothing. Steve Harvey Standing Soul dot com. Everybody the seven August thirty year to September three, Hard Rock Hotel, Dominican Republic to Connor Baby the dr the hard Rock Hotel. Go to Steve Harvey sand and Soul dot com and you can check it out. This has nothing to do with last year. You have to go to Steve Harvey sand and Soul dot com. Do not be confused. It is the only way to book. It is going to be outstanding. We've got activities. Oh yeah, you listen to me, y'all. Seventeen events, five days, four nights, one incredible time. Hard Rock Hotel in Casino po to Kanna, Dominican Republic, August thirty, September three week. Now here's what it did. I heard you and I listened. Well, so now I have found a package that is all inclusive. Leave your wallet at home, All your food is included, all the alcohol is included. Included. In that is twenty four hour room service in every room. There's a jacuzzi at a balcony. It's about to get sex up in here. Free WiFi calls back to the States. That's thirteen swimming pool, eleven restaurants, twenty three bars and lounges. Oh, we're gonna be over there having a good time. Everybody gets a seven hundred and fifty dollar resort credit. This can be used for massages, bas services and at the hotel gifts store there's an eighteen hold Jack Nicholas golf course right there at the property. That is for me. When you see me on it, don't ask me about no pictures or nothing. I'm just out here to play. I don't go on somewhere. Well, you can say that, but I'm focused. I'm focused on don't come. Don't come out there. What have you said? Don't come? Just casino in the Caribbean. All right? Now go to Steve Harvey saying this, so now up into Christmas. Then you scroll this up because I don't know what up into Christmas. I have a nine special. If you call the number right now. This is just for my listeners who hear my voice. You can reserve your package for nine dollars up into Christmas. Because now what I want you to be able to do is give away Christmas skills. So you can put what you want to put on. You can put a third down and half whatever you want. But if you ain't got it right now, because it's Christmas, your money a little tight Uncle Steve and took care of you ninety nine dollars. If you call the number eight hundred six eight four eight hundred six eight four eight hundred, you get everything does a hundred picks eight four eight. Now listen to me. If you call it yea, it's a ninety nine dollar special up into Christmas. You can reserve this package for ninety nine dollars up into Christmas. So now get your a little print out of a little tab, put it in a box, get put it under the tree, and say, baby, we're going to Punta Conor in the Dominican Republicnry saying. And so now let me give you an idea of what we're gonna be doing out here. That's what I want to hear. We got a welcome party Thursday night. That's a rep your city, or your colleague, or your frat, whatever you want, all your business players ball just come raising shot, dress to and play. This is the players ball. We I may change it to a seventies party or a nineties party. I don't know. It won't affect the music, but we're gonna have your dress up like it's the nineties of the seven y'all. Let me know whether y'all want to do seven and nine Sei Veil bottoms after all? Come? Oh yeah, hot pass Yeah. We're gonna have Tears of Joy comedy show with your favorite comedians, and we're about to find out who they're gonna be. We already know it's Junior. Hey, yes you want, but I find out from these two old bassards if they're going to hell with it. I just said it. And we're gonna have a showtime with dear Apolo Knights. So if you want to come on out, you can't. I showed Wood. Let him. I bet I showed Wood. Okay. Then we're gonna have like an act like a success master class, and my partner Dereene Raymond can quit tripping. You don't have to come. It was just we called it to act like a success master class. Uh, and it's just really uh yeah, And that's that's that's all inclusive to the beauty Bar. It's gonna be hosted by my wife, Marjorie. Several people have approached her about that, so we'll be talking about that. The beauty bar hosted by my girl. Uh, the Stephen Marjorie Harvey Golf Classic will be out there. Jazz and cocktails on the beach. We're gonna have cigars and Cognac's rolled on site, you know what I'm saying. And a grand finale concert that will be on Saturday night though in case you all gotta leave, someone had a big concert on you won't so you won't miss it. And what I will not do is do a concert every night and then the after party every night, because I found out y'all asked old and you can't do that much. All right, listen up more of the Steve Harpy Morning Show dot com. Y'all you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right. Listen, something happened in the state of Alabama last Obama maybe asked him to come sign back up. Huh. Something happened in Alabama last night. As I was saying that hasn't happened in twenty five years, a Democrat won the election for the Senate race down there. It was Democrat Doug Jones and whitely respected former US A. Churny. He uh narrowly defeated Republican Roy Moore in Alabama's special Senate election. That makes Jones the first Democrat to be elected to the United States Senate in Alabama in twenty five count them years. Anyway, congratulations to Doug Moore. We've been taking your phone calls all day. A lot of people from the state of Alabama have been calling in. Uh, you guys did it down there Alabama? In Alabama? That's right. You want to take some more phone calls, Steve. And that number is one again, a seven. You better know it? A roll tied appropriate right now? Can you say roll tied? Is that appropriate for something like that? He used to work for tid Let's go, Let's go the line three and talk to uh Jane out of New Orleans. Jane, Jane, Jane, Hello, Hey Jane, how you doing. No, it's Jamie. Oh Jamie. Well, I just repeated what Shirley told me. It's Jane on the board. Did you ain't even checked me about your name. I'm just sorry, James, Jamie, I mean, I'm Jamie. I'm sorry. It's Jamie. It's Jamie or Jamie Okay, yeah, Jaie, Hey Jamie, what's your comment? Dollar time? My coming is I am truly goodad in twenty five years we have a Democrat in Alabama because maybe he can get in and do somethings. Because I'm a little afraid of what's going on in that White House a little well yeah, yeah, I mean we're we're very concerned about what's going on, right But you know, once again, I think we could we We gotta get more than just Doug Jones in though. We got you guys to really make a difference, because we're still two seats short in the Senate. If you're a Democrat or an independent or liberal thinking person, and I want to say this about both sides, I I agree with both sides of the isle at times. There are some values that the Conservative Party has. I just don't want you to be hypocritical about those values, you know. And now some wonderful values and things that Democratic Party stands for. It's that the Democrats have a tendency to be more lenient when it comes to helping the downtrodden and the Republican calls. Sometimes it's more of a pull yourself up by the bootstraps, which is a wonderful thing, which is what you're gonna have to do in this country. But oftentimes you need help because if you can, if you don't have no boots, what straps not at all? Education Asian wise for poor people, medical care for poor care, and that's what we need to change those things right and definitely everything. All right, Jeney, thank you so much. Okay, sorry, we're welcome. Very good baby. I'm like, thank you, yeah, alright, uh okay, all right. We'll take more of your phone calls as the morning progresses. This is our last hour, but we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yes, yes, yes, okay, I'm not I know, I know, I know. We have so many people on the phones waiting to get to talk to you today, Steve. Let's let's go. Yeah, let's go to line too and talk to Valerie out of Birmingham. Valerie, Valerie, Good morning, Steve, good out. Valeris comment about the election last night, My comment, it's consistency. Any time or something like this happened and we pulled together as a community, we can make it happen every time, every lection. And it's going to take consistency and the commund just gonna have to get out and vote. I agree, that's very well said. It takes consistency. She's absolutely right, because when you do it, you see that you can make a difference. This proves it over. I don't matter if I voted on able one vote no, you change the it's the unity of the vote. And like you said, we have to come together and put it together an agenda to make things happens. Lett know what it is that we want and what we need in our community. True, that's true. State well stated Valerie. Thank you so very much, Thank you, thank you for a wonderful day, and congratulations to the state of Alabama. Alabama. All right, let's go to line three and talk to Christopher out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Tuscaloosa, christ Loop, Alabama, and I want to shout out to the state of Alabama. Man, we did our thing, you know, and uh, people like Richard Shelby, you know, he didn't have to step in and do what he did, but we want to shout out to him. Charles Barkley, you know, and uh all the people who got out and many things happen, you know, and today you know. I mean, we're watching change happening in the state of Alabama as I speak. You know, we are progressing as a city. We're making better choices for our kids and what have you. And then one thing I want to say, Steve Harvey, and then you know, I'm gonna let it go. Uh. I'm like from the sixtest born and I can recall what sitting in and then with my mom and father and we're watching Jesse Jackson. He was going for president, and my mother used always tell my dad, Gus, I don't know why you voting for Jesse Jackson. He's not gonna win. But today I have been blessed to see a black African American president. So when one guy called in and talked about reparations, we're gonna be hopeful and we're gonna be prayerful, and we're gonna watch the man above make things happen, you know, because he's in charge. Yeah, shout out, shout out to Randall Wolf and to the young black mayor from Birmingham, really responsible for getting a lot of African American vote out in Birmingham. So yeah, they shut up. So let me ask you question that great commentary man are you Are you saying that there's a shot at reparations, Yes, sir, I mean you know, like I shared with you back then when my mother just telling my father about you know, why are you making your one vote for Jesse Jacklin. He's gonna never be president and today we have lived to see African American president anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's cool. Um yeah, well, okay, all right, Morgan, phone calls coming up. Thanks. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are the last break of the day with just one more thing. We've been taking your phone calls all morning long. A lot of people from the state of Alabama. Coat on a lighter note Tomorrow night, Yes, Steve at the Apollo's back. We're kicking it off with a Christmas special tomorrow night at eight pm on Fox, hosted by none other things truly himself. I created the phrase show your love born and raised it on the Apollo. Theme has been stolen several thousand times by less of people. Should have trademark to copy, got a copyright something Tomorrow night on Fox at eight pm. It's a fantastic show time of deal A Paulo, he was Christmas. It was Nice Boys Too, Men Snoop Dog, Fifth Harmony and many, many more, many more. What I'm there tonight and that's gonna be hilarious, and it's gonna be it's coming on right after us. She was our special guest earlier today Taragi's white Hot Holidays, White hot Hot. Yeah. Yeah, Taraji is on the show today on your talk show, on the talk show today, Right, you have so many shows you think she's today, so many shows, so many on the family you today on a little Big Shot. No, she's not. You're confused. So I talked to to Raji yesterday because Toronda was on the show. Yes, Tornda fromm Not okay, Well, Taraji was on our radio show earlier this morning. Bath word hell okay, and you got confused. That baby got confused. It's easy to get confused. But anyway, tonight it's the Apollo Christmas Special on Fox eight o'clock PM. The special tomorrow night. See I'm confused now, I know you confused me. Tomorrow night. It's tomorrow night. Well, whatever it is, you'll be able to watch it. I mean, I mean to play. Didn't stop right, Oh, Mama's Mama's Boy, which one who who's p the creator? It was a great piece of theater. That was a big piece of rocks. She just threw that just happened. Ray, was you, Shirley Strawberry Berry? What happened? Telly? You threw a rocket? Crazy? We've worked the headlight the people down in Savannah because we got in the hotel that morning. Was out that eat. But you know what, I didn't even get to check in. Before I checked in, they set the stage up and took it down at the same time. He asked me, He said, surely this is a great play, great exposure for you. You can come out with us, introduced to play in all these different cities one city, damn, because we're going on tour all of this one city, all in advanced airlines. Yes, all of this different, going on the road for weeks, weeks or cloth? What one outfits? He had to get had to get back over the play. I'm back my cleaning. Didn't even come back from the hotel. I thought we were gonna stay in, so I had to stay an extra day in the first week theater. How is it that you weren't involved in the play at all, Steve, because we all were I knew better. I told his ass not to do no damn play on January third. You ain't nobody got no money Christmas? All the money up on Christmas in New Year's Eve, man, people got to regroup. Ain't nobody fit to do that? Matter of fact, you know who else said that? It was you and the house manager at the theater when the when the manager said, everybody for a minute, you knew, Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah. Well, she just resigned from the White House. She was an aide to President Trump and she just cleaning hound getting all the black people coming back hotly. Did she get married, Yeah she did. She got married. Oh so that's her name. Amarosa resigns from the White House. Can't take it no more. I'm gonna tell you who next. Let me explain something you because we've had a thing about this, because Ad and I told Sherley. Shirley starting to see what I'm saying. I don't think Sarah Huckabee can last much long. I keep saying, she's a tough cookie, she's hard to crack. She is visibly struggling, but with the job. I can see the cracks now. No man, she can see him. She's not. She just doesn't appear to be holding up will Yeah, she's getting more and more hostile, right because she is more and more irritated because no man and it and it takes a good person and it makes you sick. Sean Spicer, I actually liked him because I said, man, that's the dude I would love to have working from it, because he was trying to hold the party line. And then he just went, man, I can't. That's one of the most stressful like that, every day, every game, you have to spend everything and he doesn't help you with the tweets. And and then when the reporters got you and they started asking them questions, it's really really right because the question your answer doesn't relate to the tweet that he's putting out. I mean, how can you work like that? He ain't told you what he he do, He has no idea. Been a great day, Everybody, do one last favor. Go to Steve Harvest saying his soul and check out the eight opportunity, have yourself a good time and give somebody a great Christmas guilt. God loves you. Man, y'all have a great weekend. Okay, I don't care. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.