Africa, Wrong Thought Wrong Time, Lamar Odom, Carla Anniversary and more.

Published Aug 21, 2019, 2:00 PM

Welcome to the ride!  We is who we is and Steve Harvey said it.  Botswana's President tells Steve that he has heard of his nephew.  Jaime Foxx has been seen with a new lady.  Uncle Steve is offering a special deal for Sand and Soul.  Has anyone had the wrong thought at the wrong time.  Congratulations to our very own Carla Ferrell as she celebrates 15 years of marriage!  Steve continues the discussion of his trip through Botswana and he was invited to speak in front of 5000 university students.  Lamar Odom was kicked out of Big 3 Basketball for being out of shape.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about not worrying about God's way for you, trusting in Him and more.  

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like themking buck bus things and its coub me true good at Steve har listening to movie together for Steve barn Please, Bobby, I don't joy by joining me. You gotta turn ing the You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I shore will good morning everybody, y'all listen to the VARs. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, man on man on man. Grateful for it comes with a huge amount of responsibility. I didn't really know I was gonna have to be this responsible, you know. Um, can I share something with y'all? I started out to Finally I had gotten on track and was able to see a way to even pursue my dream. It has been a long, a long trip that I've been on, and I've gone through so many phases of it. It is rewarding along the way to accomplish your dreams. What I'm saying is this, let me, let me put it together, because I got so much running through my head right now. You know it's it's one thing to accomplish your dream, but there's joy in the process of achieving it. See, some people are so caught up in the goal, the final goal, that they find no joy, no enjoyment in the process. If you have found what it is you want to do and you strike out on that journey, please understand you are far more blessed than the average person to know what it is you really want to do, to find your work in life, your purpose, to find out what direction you want to go in is such a blessing. The average person if you sit down and talk to them, oftentimes don't have their life on track. And it'd be some people that you're looking at you think God it going on because of their appearance, their swagger, or they walk like it, they talk like it, they look like it. But if you sit down and talk to the average person, the average person man does not know what their purpose is, has not discovered what they want to do, and have no idea how to get there. If you are on the other side of that, if you understand your purpose, if you have an idea of what you want to be, and you are on your way there, you are truly blessed, and in that blessing, you must recognize it as a blessing. You must recognize the fact that you are on the right side, and that there should be a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of pride in you that you are on track to accomplish your goal. See what used to happen was sometimes I used to keep my nose so on the grindstone that I wouldn't even look up and realize. Man, hey, man, I know you're trying to get here, but Steve, hold on, man, can't you see what you've done so far? Can't you find there's some joy in the process. See, a lot of us lose the joy of the blessings God has given us because we're looking at the end. Tomot, I ain't there yet. You on your way. I'm gonna give you an example. I had a friend who told me that they wanted to be a million now, and they asked me some questions and I told him, so they started the process, and I am telling you, this dude works extremely hard. So about a year later we were talking. He had found this business, he had set his goal, and he was working towards it. Then about two years later I ran up into him again. We were talking about it and everything. It's a man, really really appreciate the advice. He said, Man, but this is all jacked up, man, because I still ain't made that million I was talking about. I said, well, hey, man, just just keep at it. It's coming. He's a man. Keep at it. Man. You know how long I've been doing this? Been two years now. And I didn't say that to him, but I said to myself, yeah, two years. He said, Man, I've been grinding so long. Man, it's just it ain't having it from me. I said, wait a minute, man, hold on, hold on. I said, about how much you're making right now a year, man, about two hundred and fifty thousand. I quit breathing. I said, well, my man, two years ago you didn't have a clue. Two years later, you're making a quarter of a million dollars. I said, man, do you understand how blessed you are? I said, man, your family was about to get put out two years ago. You don't bought a house? Yeah, man, but this ain't the house. I really won't. Oh Pardner, whoa I got that? I got that house. You really won't make Mike call five eight million. I don't know. But man, all got a house, you're making a payments, you drive it. You ain't out no more? I said, hold, man, you got to stop. I said, you got to stop. I said, man, because right now, man, you you coming across as real ungrateful to me. And so he said, man, why are you tripping like that? Man? Man, you act like don't nobody want to have nothing but you? I said, whoa man? Where are you going with this conversation? I said, Oh, I didn't come to you. I just came to you and ask you how you doing. And I'm trying to point out to you that the journey that you started on, that you are on your way, and you are in the process of accomplishing your goals. And can you not feel some joy and some pleasure in your accomplishment. Quit tripping on the fact that you ain't made a million yet. You on your way. You don't went from your He thought, this dude was making fifteen thousand dollars a year. You making quarter of a million dollars in two years. May come on, man, can't you see? Can't you see? So he said eventually a man, I kind of see what you're saying. But that ain't about nothing to me because I ran up into him a year and a half later. How you doing, man, Man, I show wish I'd appreciate it my life when I had it like that? I said, what you mean, had it like that? Man? Just fell on some hard times. Man, I'm right back why I was. And then we talked. I said, hey, man, don't worry about it. I said, Once you know how to accomplish something, I said, you just reapply the same principles and start on over again. Man, you know how hard it is to be to start over. Okay, my man, Hold up, partner, you can't do yourself like this again. First you wasn't grateful for what you had. Now you're looking at the fact that you might have to start over, and you know how hard it is to start over. Maybe God said, okay, you ain't happy with this, Okay, didn't handle it your way? You obviously ain't happy with the way I'm bringing it into your life. You want to handle it your weight, Go ahead and handle it, because he will let you have it your way. Can I tell you that he will let you do it exactly the way you want to it? Because he gives us all the power of choice. So then maybe he said, Okay, you don't appreciate the way I'm doing it. You don't like the favor I'm showing you. You think it's take it too long. I'm gonna let you do it your way. I'm not gonna turn my back on you. I'm just gonna let you do it your way. Just just say. Maybe he said that, and now he right back where it was. So what I try to get the young cat to understand was, man, appreciate your life for what it is. Because like life, Jenny's got that song that he got out off this album. Still I still believe it could have been worse. And now that it is worse, what's on your mind now, folks, If you are on that side of life where you have figured out what you want to do, you know how you're gonna get that, and you know your purpose. You're accomplishing what the majority of people never ever do. So be grateful for your process. Don't tumble yourself, don't throw yourself off to cliff It's gonna be all right. Success takes a measure of time. It is not easy. If success were easy, everybody would be successful, ladies and gentlemen, may have your undivided attention. Please. You are listening to the baddest morning show in the land. I've said that before, but obviously there's some haters out there that didn't took it the wrong way. I said, well, how you want us to feel about us? What you want us to tell us? Were about third or something? No, just the baddest morning show. You why everybody else said, you're listening to the baddest show in the world, which proves you've got good taste. That's called generic. This is called original. We is who we is, Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Harvey Morning Show, Good morning, Shirley. We are who we are, Steve. I'm with you on that one, Baby, good morning. Not for oursel real, that's what I heard. Well, with my girl, we are who we are. But with my boss, we is who we eat is hell? Oh we finished straightened out Junior Morning. We is who the hell? That's what I thought. Now, ladies and gentlemen and the food wiels how he said, weeds looked at it out the glass eye or the natural eye or the blind eye. Badest radio station in the lane. That's where we is. Well, here we go again, broadcasting live this morning from Botswana. Everybody yesterday understanding and we're broadcasting live from Botswana today and it's just some great things going on over here. Um. I've had some discussions. We've got some surprises for you this year. Want everybody to gear up. We're gonna bring you some new segments on the show. We're gonna bring you some new adventures, and you're all gonna be part of it. Steve Harvey Morning Show is growing by leaps and bounds. Thank you so much, Thank you so much. We love you. Are you on the stage right now? I think you are myself? Yeah, everybody knows, so I just thought i'd do it. Oh man, had they asked about Tommy yet? I know you know what they did? They did? They did Tommy. They asked about Tommy today. What they say? A matter of fact, the president of Boswanna asked about you about that boy? The President of bud Wanna asked about you today? What say day? That's what we want to know. What you think what he's say? He said? Is it true, your excellency, it's what true? He said? Is that such a fool? He said? What do you mean? He said, is that such a fool like? He said, I have heard that you have a nephew. Come on here, that is slow and I said, yes, no, excellent, No, your excellency, all right, look hold that thought. Steve from Stephen, Botswana coming up at thirty two after the hour, right after this you're listening to all right, Steve. When we went out for break, you were telling us that's that the president of Botswana where you are right now, over in the continent of Africa. The president, your excellency, the President of Botswana, asked about your nephew Tommy what. So we had it going back and forth, and I helped him out because he said he had heard about my nephew and asked if he had heard it. Was he slow? And I said, I'm not slow. I know you fixed that part, didn't you. He asked me, was you slow? And I said what do you mean? He said, because I saw the video of him Rason Junior, And I said, yeah, yes, he slow night. Yeah, he knew you too, Julian. He was fast the time I got to get over there and talk to so tim me your video to win viral and at least he asked about you. Look at the other. That's it, Tommy, because listen to me. See you wanted to be famous, so you have to remember what I had to learn, the lesson. When you ask God for something, you got to be careful because he might give it to you. I asked God to increase my global brand and persona. What did he do? He had me say the wrong name at the Miss Universe Paget and my name was four billion times in forty eight hours. Not what I asked you, falling off, but clearly that's what he gave. So now you want people talking about you and your videos is gone via abank Man. Yeah, and I take it. And that was one hell of a Dan Vegas, wasn't it, Man Vegas Paget. No, that was one day. Well, but I've never seen black people get together so fast. It was only eight of us. I need to do that more of unified that night there because we had to get out of that with our lives. Something really take me off. Even the lady that ruined it, messed it up. She gonna cut her eyes at me when I was man, everybody, the blame game has begun. Yeah, they was on top of your ball. Wow remember that? Yeah? But next day we're ald famous. Yeah, but look at you now, Yeah, that's remarks. It's gonna be something that somebody sent me. So remind me got you because what you ask God for it comes in in a different way, but it comes though, and it's something somebody sent me. I'm gonna share with y'all in the closing remarks down. Okay, man, it's it's so beautiful over Just ask you how's the weather. Tell us about it? Yeah, well it's winter over here. Okay, the opposite seasons, right, yeah, yeah, it was all here. But I mean it ain't bad. You know, night to get a little cool, but it's not. I figured it figures about like you know, fifties, low sixties. Morning it's still a little nippy, but then it warms up. You know, it ain't winter like. It ain't Chicago winter bird. In case you don't know, In case you do not know, it's snows in Africa. That are ski resorts in Africa. Okay, I have a picture of giraffe walking in snow. Beautiful. It's so different, you know, for what we're taught, the propaganda about the motherland and where we're all from, it's such propaganda y'all. I'm telling you, it's not that you see the neighborhood, you see all of the things. Okay, look, this is what I want to ask you. Do you feel like I've heard a lot of people say this when they've gone to Africa. I've never been. Do you feel like home, like it's your home, like you're at home that we did that I know you do. You cannot be an African and come here and not feel at peace or warmth and the exhilaration of being home. If you're Jamaican, your African, if you if if you from Saint Thomas, the Caribbean, your African. If you're from the Bahamas, you African. You're from Brooklyn, you African. I'm telling you. And when you come here, it's it's it's the feeling that you have to experience. Every African American, every African person of this sent hey, Saint Thomas, the Caribbeans, all of that. You have to come here because this is where you're from and it is one of the most beautiful feeling and it is nothing like we've been taught. What's it like now? Does it have some problems? But can I ask you a question? Don't America have some problems at soul, but it's not at the level that they tell you it is. Everybody's not hungry, everybody's not at war, and everybody don't have flies on. That's that's that's a false picture. The economy is booming in a lot of these nations over here. Uh. Education in Botswana, man, do you know that these children get free educations? Everybody over here is educated that wants to be Wow. Free education, It's amazing. It's a beautiful thing. It's amazing it. And you say, they know you over there as well, right, they know you're Steve Harvey. Well, I put some videos up. I'm gonna put some videos. Yeah you know, I'm gonna show you some stuff they know. Okay, all right, thank I'm Michael Jackson. All right, Well, coming up next, the nephew is here who he seems to think he's known over there in Africa as well. He's gonna be he's gonna be back. You are a King of Franks, and you're gonna be back with run that Frank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment News. It seems Katie Holmes was the one who ended the relationship with Jamie Fox and the billboard actress gets a Roland Tyler Perry's show. Remember the young woman who put her billboard up and asked for a job, Well, she has a role in Tyler Perry's show. But first, the nephew is here with today's run that prank back. Yes, you are a king, that king of pranks. What you got now? Weed in the church band? What are you saying? We in the church band. Let's run that thing cat dog Weed in the church band. Won't you come? Invitation? Hello, I'm trying to reach Dann brother Brother Dan Dan. Hello, Hello, cousin, see you that I'm trying to read brother Dare Brother Dan? Oh? Okay, Yeah, there's brother Scott from the church from Belt to Baptist. Hello, brother, Yeah, I call you. I'm trying to get a little information about the church band. What's what's your schedule? Uh? Will you drive the church man? What's what's your schedule? I love Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. Okay, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, now Sunday. What is that schedule? Oh, Sunday. I usually start about eight o'clock in the morning. Probably a little earlier, depending on some of the elderly people that I had to go pick up and bring to the church. Make sure they get there okay, and get situated and make sure they're on time for the service and whatnot. Okay, and then you take them back home after service is over. Yes, I try to get all of them back home, unless they got family members or something that come up there and meet them up there and want to take them to Jenna or sun afterwards. But I usually get about it back home, okay. Okay. Now, this class Sunday, which is part of the reason why I'm calling me, They saying that some of the church members that was on the band this Sunday, they are complaining, saying that that the church band was spending like weed when they got on there. Excuse me, they say the church van was spending like weed when they got on there. And you are the person that was driving. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not not the van that that I'm driving. So I don't no, I don't. I ain't smoke weed, and no van, do you smoke weed? No? I don't smoke weed. I mean not Carly, I mean I have before, but I don't smoke weed now, and I wouldn't smoke weed before picking. Some people love to go to. Now where you carry from? Who told you this? Well? All I knew is what what? What's coming down? The pipeline is? They saying that a couple of the numbers came complaining this just happened last week about this pipeline. I want to know who the pipeline is because just last week they came and me talking about that I was using the van to go places that I wanted to go to on my personal time. Now I don't do that. I don't do stuff like that. Now I have had a pass, I don't had a history, but I don't do stuff like that, and I wouldn't smoking No church fan, So are you seriously talking? What? What? What? What? What? We're trying to We're trying to get to the bottom of it and see what's going on with you. Sulderly person said, do you know which one? Don't they loved me? Every Sunday Thedn't people tell me they loved me. They say I'm one of the most respectful young gentlemen they've ever met in their life. And so I really find it hard to believe that you you you getting these type of complaints about me what I'm saying, like, oh, we I don't know what that means or nothing like that. Look, brothers, now, I don't know you too well, and I know you don't know leave. But I've been driving this van as as a point to try to change my life and where I come from. So this was was something that I wanted to volunteer even though I'm getting paid to give my time to do this for the church. And now this is like the second instance where y'all and came at me on some stuff about like I'm trying to do something with this van. Now, why would I disrespect the church van by smoking weed in it and then letting the weeds stay in There's so other people the smelling. Okay, so let me tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna go out here to the church. Then to say we're gonna go out here today and open it up. Now, if we see any seeds or anything around the driver's seat, then that then then we're gonna We're gonna definitely, uh have point gonna open the van up. Man, I was raising that church. Man, My mamma go to that church. My grandma. See you go to that church, see the reason we even all left that church. And you think I'm gonna mess up they ain't by driving around in the band full of elderly people smoking and do what I doing like weed? Brother, Dad, I don't know how to su band smell like weed. Man, Now I don't. I don't got the answers to these questions. I'm just trying to tell you that it wasn't me. Did you ask some weed in your pocket? Admitted it with your smelling? I ain't had no weed on me. Stop trying to say like I had weed on me and you ain't gonna get me nothing that I ain't had no and we ain't had no weed on me. Okay, Now, you ain't gonna mess up my name or my family's name in this church and disrespect us like this. Now, we've been helping this church for years, and I'm trying to tell you that I ain't riding around and no fans smoking no weed with no elderly people. Did you ask any of the elderly people if they had any weed on them? U? No, we didn't. No, No, I didn't think about no elderly people having no weed so you just assume it's me. What one of them? Guy got coma or something? What? What? What? You know? What? You know? Who? I think? What? Did you know? Who? I think the weed belonged to? Oh? Oh, I think I think the weed belonged and nephew Tim from the Steve Harvey Show. What man, damn, you just got a PreK. Oh my god, you just got a PreK to put in his name. His name is brother uh brother Lawrence, Lawrence ros Lawrence, m Larry Larry. But it ain't Lawn. Tell Larry, Tell Larry here in trouble with me? Van, Man, I got one more thing. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the saddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man Steve Hard Morning Man going on risk Man, going on the chill out the rest of the day. I tried, Man, I know I ain't gonna smoke no weed. I hope all of the kings heard the King of Franks right there weed in the church. Van alright, anybody saying, man, Man, amen, one more time again? All right, we're gonna put a stamp on this thing and a button on it. We the fool will be in town back by Poplar the Man, Washington, DC, Maryland area. But fs the blues and jazz supper club, that's right, too pride and too sad. There would be blues, there would be jazz that would be sucked on. Nephew, Wait a minute, you're that will be comedy. Oh I heard that we was gonna do blues, and then I know that there's a shot at jads, yes, and then I know we're gonna have supper your suck But come on, what is the Labor Day weekend? Tommy, Labor Day weekend? Yes, ma'am h. And right after supper or during supper, he'll come to comic right there in the midst of that right now, See what I'm saying. That's like the certain of the night. It's like the one time, that's like the dessert of the evening. Okay, all right, nephew, we can't wait for your set. We can't wait for your set, all three of them, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening in today's entertainment news. Sometimes it pays to advertise, you know, actress Rachel Bailey. That name may not be a household name right now. But remember when she put up a billboard earlier this year, she was trying to get Tyler Perry's attention. Well, when the billboard, you know, remember that, when the billboard at went viral, Tyler went on social media and chastise Roquell, saying this was no way to land a job. Fortunately, he was already familiar with her work on such shows as The Night Of He advised her to just come an audition. Well that's what Roquell did. She went and auditioned, and guess what, she landed a job. Yes, she did. Yes. Sources tell TMZ that Roquell was cast two weeks ago and Tyler's new BT show Sisters. She'll reportedly appear in the season one an alley of of the season, and up possibly in season two. The billboard stunt also landed her about twenty auditions, which resulted in two other roles. So congratulations and really good for her. Way to go, right, way to do with the bill boards and Timmy for to be back to back on one, back to back bill boards. Get this, we're trying to hire and he's already familiar with your work. He was already familiar with Roquel's work. So well, if you and Timmy gonna do a bill board, y'all gonna be auditioning for the same show. Why do you say that I can't be two different two different? We can be on the same show together. Okay, why don't y'all just start a little mean of a lamb career? You ain't even ain't too you already back at Yeah, man, you don't like all that breaking in slow? Just hit him over the head right away, remind them. But you know, Tommy laughed at it, but it's stung Junior. Yeah, I couldn't believe he just got that. I've been getting it all my life. I'm used to it. I be a good shoulder, little man. Won't you won't you eat it? And then we know were good? We ain't got we ain't gotta have tier. You can eat this. We can knock this out. Yea quiet he was thinking about it, nephew. I know I would do it, but I would do it as a spoof, you know. And I don't really think we should get this idea out because somebody listening gonna take it. A little of Atlanta, A little men of Atlanta. Detective All right, communing, y'all walking to people going any they kind of tongue. All right, we're moving on. In entertainment news, Jamie Fox was out and about with a young singer the other day, but according to sources, it was Katie Holmes who dumped him. Source tell People tells People magazine that Katie and Jamie's breakup came over a month ago. The two had been together off and on for six years, and Katie said she was she was just tired of the long distance in their relationship. So because they never really publicly came out and said they were never anyway never, I mean, they were spotted a couple of times out together. But Matt gay Love, yes recently yeah, well yeah, all right yet when yeah, so people move on, they break up and they move on unfortunately. But yeah, all right, she dated on hold on Tom he was married to. He was married. She's the mother of his daughter, Sury. Yeah. I'm thinking she probably wanted to get married after six years. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, Steve, let's get caught up on today's headline, shall we, Ladies and gentlemen, Without a doubt, here's miss Anne Tripp with the news. Thanks Stephen, welcome back. This is Antwerp for the news everybody. President Trump is accusing Jews who vote for Democrats of being ignorant or disloyal. We don't know what he's saying. Disloyal to their to the country of Israel, or disloyal to their religion or what. That's what Trump said though, when he asked if he was asked if the United States should reconsider its policies towards Israel after the Jewish State refused to permit two Muslim American congresswomen, both Democrats, who enter the country, he said that again, Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal and ill informed. Authorities in El Pasto, Texas have now put the alleged racist shooter there on suicide watched twenty one year old Patrick Crusius, accused of killing twenty to Hispanics in a walmart early this month. Up till now, he's been separated from the other prisoners, most of whom are Latino. Mexico's president wants this guy extra died down there for trial, but US authorities are holding him. He faces the death penalty here and they're holding on to him so far. This week, a New York City police officer was fired for causing the death of a middle aged black man by using a band chuckhold that man, Eric Garner, Man his death while being arrested by several cops were selling a loose cigarette outside of a convenience store. A new California law mandates that cops there can only use force when saving a human life and they got to be prepared to prove that. And now cops in Phoenix, Arizona, must now make a report whenever they point a gun at somebody. Phoenix police pledged to make changes following a record year of police shootings. The Phoenix department was involved in forty four police shootings in twenty eighteen, more than any other city in the nation. According to The Miami Times, the Feds have arrested a Washington State man named Eric Lynn, who they say is not shy about his admiration of both Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump. Asari say Lin sent a bunch of death threats to a Latina in Miami, repeatedly vowing to kill every Hispanic that he could find in Miami. Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross has resigned, and word is that it was a deemed that Ross did not act fast enough on allegations of sexual and ratio and gender discrimination in his department. Two members of the right wing group called the Proud Boys have been convicted for brawling with people from the anti racist group Antifa in Manhattan last year. The Proud Boys has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. John Kingsman and Maxwell Hair found guilty of attempted gang assault, and both men face up to fifteen years in the joint Finally, today is National Walking and Holding your Hands Day. I want a whole Now back to Steve Harvey's morning show. You're listening to Stow all right, Steve, let's talk about the Big Sand and Soul Festival and Cancne at Mexico. Baby, I tell he ten through the fourteen. That's Columbus State weekend. So first of all, let me just give it to you this way, everybody, right now, if you can go to Steve Harvey saying insoul dot com. We got footage on that. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Steve Harvey saying insoul dot com. We have made the adjustment. We heard what everybody was saying. Y'all understand nothing we could do about the thing that was happening in dr even though we found out some facts. We moved festival to a location. My crew went down there, my daughter Morgan went down there. It's my wife's birthday, so it had to be something big. So here's what we're gonna do. It causes my wife's birthday and we're celebrating. I'm doing something special. I'm gonna run a sale. I'm gonna give you five hundred dollars off for all new bookings. All you gotta do is go to Steve Harvey sand andsoul dot com. I'm gonna give you five hundred dollars off of all new room bookings to sand and Seoul. All you gotta do is put in the cold birthday. Listen to me. This sale ends on August twenty fifth. You have the rest of the week until August twenty fifth. I am giving everybody that registers, I'm taking off five hundred dollars for any new room bookings. All you gotta do is go to Steve Harvey, Saying and Soul put in the cold birthday because it's Marjorie's birthday, So put in birthday. The sale ends at day on August twenty filth five hundred dollars. I can't do no better than that. Listen, I'm gonna say it for the last time. I'm giving everybody five hundred dollars off for any new room booking to sand and Soul this year, five hundred dollars off. All you gotta do is go to Steve Harvey sandonsoul dot com. All you gotta do is put in the cold birth today. And all you gotta do is register, put in the cold birthday and listen to me. This sale ends August twenty five. You have until then to get this super discount. We flipped the script. We moved the country, we moved the venue. It's better, It's gonna be bigger, it's gonna be special. The show must go on. We took you to a place we thought that would be really, really spectacling. We got seventeen events. Wants to get us all inclusive. It's all you can eat, all the food and drinks. We got performances by Anthony Hamilton, Jenua, Wine, Kid Capri, Dougie Fresh, The Ignorant on Ask Jay, It's in the building one in the comedy show. We got Tony Roberts at the comedy show. We got George truly killed at the comedy show. Listen, it's going to be an amazing event. We're coming down and have a good time. Everybody. Go to Steve Harvey saying, thesoul dot com to book to date Margie's birthday. We're gonna be balding, Steve Harvey said, asol dot com, go line todate it've been birthday Margerie. All right, coming up at thirty four after the hour, have you ever thought about the wrong thing at the wrong moment. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the stew so Steve, here's a question from Steve Harvey. F M. All right. It says, have you ever thought the wrong thing at the wrong moment? Now? This email is from d He says, Hey, guys, a comedy booker who I deal with has a new secretary. The new secretary doesn't love me as much as the old secretary. Subsequently, I get less booked less often. The new secretary's brother just died, and I thought, sure would be nice if the old secretary would come back for a few weeks and I will get some bookings. Now I feel bad. Steve Tommy, When was the last time you thought the wrong thing at the wrong moment. When is the last time you ever thought something wrong at the wrong moment? Too many times? I'm trying to clean it up, but go ahead, Yeah, okay, Well let me ask you all this hill you ever been in church praying yes at offering and then she walked by doing an offering pray walked by yes, even after she had dropped her money in you still locked yea all the way wrong and you lose your place in the prayer? Man, who are in heaven? Wow, hind in the world in your name? Right here? Man, boy, look at all that kingdom? Yeah, look at hill Man. Your wheel beat dug all over this earth, all up and down? Yeah, you know you ever done? It was just as good up. It was my relative lay in the casket, and she was in there for to save for the family. I forgot who the hell was laying up there at the funeral at your telling, the almost says a firstday. Once Charon had walked up down, I forgot who the hell we was here. Fuck Lord, that dress was tight, graves him. I need to give a damn who it was. But she was there, my lord, all right, I'd never seen somebody fall super fine woman fall and dress blow way up over. I just sat there and thought about the wrong thing. Yeah, at the wrong time. Timing is everything you thought about? Really get the wrong thing at the wrong time. What have you ever been praying and ask God to give somebody's stroke right there so you go and kiss him? Yeah, I know, really stroke, I've asked him to actually shut down somebody whole left side. You want to hear, you want to mount about Hey, hey, this is true. I left a basketball game after high school one time and the guy robbed me coming out of business corner. And that was the first time I asked large. I asked God to strike somebody. Dad. Yeah, wrong, and I had nine dollars. Nine dollars, So glad you're a change I thought that would be a good time to ask the Lord to do something for me, just as of course he did that and he ran off with the nine again. I'm so glad you're a changed man. So glad? Oh he is he better be from that? Have you ever thought the wrong thing at the wrong turn question? Yeah? You know, yeah, yeah, okay, I didn't been, I didn't been naked and ran out into the living room and didn't known about it was in there, and ask could they just be blind right now? Just be to not see all this? I didn't had a six crisis. Ask the nerd that came in the room. I asked the lord, could you please please ustakes because my gown it's too much? Yeah, my gown, I suffered, not I am does she have case? She weren't here at night? If that row past, I've actually unplugged myself. All right, wow, all right, Coming up next, nephew, tell me more ignorance with today's prank phone call. That's right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today's subject. He wants to skip the best part. He wants to skip the best part. But right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got now? You know surely does a lot of people with different occupations. Yeah, this one right here is the blind Bob. The blind Bob let him catch you. Come on, Yeah, I'm trying to read. Uh that run the ba Yeah you now you run the barber shop down there? Aren't you, okay. Now, I'm trying to see if if y'all got any uh boot rounders down there where I can come in there and cut them how I've been cutting how a long time. I want to see if y'all got some room down there. They tell me it might you might have had something come available. I got two boots open right now you need a boot? Yeah, I'm trying to get in there and get the cutting. Now. You now how much you charge for bootfronts on a weekly basis two hundred dollars a week, two hundred dollars, eight hundred dollars a month that they're good? Could your two hundreds? Now? When can I get down there so you can meet me? You know when we can show me round the shop so I know what I'm open from eight to seven. That's that's two to two saddest, all right, because I want to see if I can maybe meet you there so I can get down there and you feel my way around. Come on, They're what I want to ask you? Do you mind doing for me? Do you think you could possibly put up some ramp? Well? You got steps at and uh and your phone? Could you take your mind? If you take the phone and put it in brail for me. Oh wait, wait wait man, what the hell I need to put my taking rampside and putting phones in and breal for what was going on with you? Well, I'm blind. You know I'm not gonna let that stop me. You know I'm still gonna Oh no, no, no, no, hell no man, you wait minute, you what I'm blind? But see, but I've been cutting my hair for over ten years and folks say my hair could always look good. So I just figuring I'm gonna start cutting half not oh well, yeah what you might cut the hand and it might be some good that you do, but just ain't cutting nor had in my shop, not being blad that yeah, I ain't that jack shot man. No what ain't got no problem with that, man, But you you can't can't do it that well wait, wait not to see. This is what they call it scrimination. You can't do that. You can't scriminated from people you called the got some type of handicap blowns to him. You listen, hold, let me call you something. Man. I'm not trying to be trying to put you out of being a dog doing what you need to do. But you just can't do that my shot, man, I don't can't call it discrimination, discrimination, scrimination or what not. Not not a shot. You just can't do it. But listen, not I know how to cut her. I know how to give folks aligning and stuff like now. I ain't trying to use no razor or nothing like that. But I don't know. Man, come home, dude, listen. Can't you find yourself else to get into side trying to cut out? Well, this is what I liked though, this is what I feel like, this my calling. You just can't do it in my shot. I'm sorry, I know because to see now, that's what I don't I don't care to hear something like this here. Now I've been I got the qualifications and I'm able to do it, and I want to be able to come now now. And I told you when I felt what I tell you, I said I wanted to feel my way around, Didn't I say that I don't need to feel your weight down. I need you to be able to see what you're doing. I mean, I don't care about you bein't able to cut no apt being blind. You got to be able to see to do that. This could probably do to do wonder for your shot. People to come from miles around to see somethbody like myself cutting the hair that kind of in my shot? Did you hear what I said? I heard what you said? What I don't want you to do it make me mad about this? Now you're gonna get mad about something a bit blown to me I'm offering and you can't read it that you're blind doctor. I can't help you when you run man came on with that. Now listen, I'm gonna tell you this here, and I'm gonna tell it to you strength. I'm coming down now to that barbershop. I'm gonna feel it boots out and I'm gonna start cutting now. One thing I don't want to do and have to get into no tussle with you now. I don't want that about getting no trusting with me because if you bring your up in my shot thought about you're gonna cut it it. He's gonna be some plunging move around him. But but I'm coming down there and I'm coming down that this evening. Now. One thing you know where you might keep going with my shot, you're gonna you're gonna get you what by blind man? And what you're gonna do. You ain't gonna see it coming either. You hit MENA bring you as long as I got the money to pay my boot rental. You don't give a damn. I don't want your money. You're blind, can't cut no man shot. You understand what I say to you. I'm understanding what you're saying. And if I got to call the law about you being discriminated law, you can call anybody you want to call. That's money. You're not gonna do that. You understand what I'm telling you. Now you bring you now that time I couldn't haney. I'll be waiting on you. I'm I'm coming down that this eating then I'm coming and I'm coming to up y'all because you got the nerve the discriminade gives me. I don't know how it got my coming to first? Well, who came you? Mother? No, you're not be daring. How you you fish? You them? They give me, They give me this number and say you is the one that do the hiring round the barber shop. You don't call my personal number. You called my shopper. Who call you money? No? What difference do that make? If I'm some man looking for a job. See you don't call my personal phone from me. You're gonna watch your tone with me? What you're gonna do? I ain't gonna watch them. Don't you bring in my shop? I tell you one thing you're gonna watch. You gonna watch me get on your just eve? Why are you gonna get on? You can't save me? And I'm gonna hang up on you. I got one more thing I need to say to you than This is nephew timing from the Steve Harving Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin. You know what I'm gonna who? Man? You ain't no bo Hey mister, I got to ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvd Moaning Show. He's nothing wrong with a blind man trying to cut him hat. You know what I'm saying. Good, Just let him feel his way around your head. It ain't nothing wrong with it. You play to that man had that job calling man want to man want to work? You want to work and own his own and you know, do his own. You know that that man had it with a blind man. First dreams bald you had a head full of hair back by Papa the Man August thirties and thirty first Labor Day weekend. But that's the Blues Jazz Supper Club to Friday to Saturday. Uh yeah, a lot of blues, a lot of jazz, a lot of supper and a lot of Timmy right there. Tickets on sale and almost sold out. So getting while of getting this good. Saturday Step Tember the seventh, Greenville, North Carolina at the Greenville Convention Center. The Nephew is coming to town. Oh my god, just to buy soul loud. I love them two words. I'm coming to Greenville, North Carolina. I've been to Greenville, South Carolina. North Carolina's turn. The Nephew is on the way. And don't forget I keep telling you. October, the fifth second season is back Ready to Love on the Old Network. Come out. We do not want to miss it. First show, the premier is me and my boy Will Packer side by side. Check it out. All the talent that's gonna be on on the show. You do not want to miss it. Ready to Love Season two. I am your host, I am your man. We're starting out with twenty singles and we will dwindle down to three three couple Timmy, who have found love? So Tommy, Yes, sir, so Tommy. How do y'all pick the people? When you say during them down, how y'all select them? What's the process? The selecting process, Stevens, is a whole background check. We do interviews, we see what the background. But we've had some people that have tried to hold on the show on hold on the background check, Steve. That should have gone together like that, Steve, I ain't been going next to your background the King and things. Okay, okay, King Harvey. Oh there's a background ship meeting presidents and you calling it me, Steve. Nephew. All right, nephew, thank you so much. Coming up next Strawberry Letters subject he wants to skip the best part. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M. And click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here today all right, buck it up and hold on tight. We got it. Fu you here. It is the Strawberry letter subject he wants to skip the best part here Stephen Shirley, I am a seventy year old woman with raging hormones like a thirty year old. I love making love to a man that knows what he is doing between the sheets. I met this man about a year ago from an online dating site. After five months of talking on the phone, we decided to get together. Now. I've always thought of love making as an art, and if you are not an artist, I am not looking for a painter. I know my performance is very artistic, or so I have been told. I like variety, nothing too kinky, but a little variety. I told my boyfriend that he will get quality if he gives quality. I am big on getting things started in the right way and not just jump being right to it. My boyfriend started out doing the pregame show, but now he wants to get to the main attraction right away. His stamina is wonderful, so there are no complaints there. I constantly wear sexy lingerie and he compliments me on it, but he doesn't take time to enjoy the presentation and unwrap the package. He is a good man, very loving and giving, and he is even talking about marriage. I would love to marry him, but I need to know that he is willing to romanticize me and keep it passionate and not just do a wham bam, thank you man type of deal. Stephen Shirley, how can I get him to take his time and not just jump in. Well, I'm gonna say this. I do like the fact that even at seventy years old, you're still being a boss in the bedroom. Okay, you say you have hormones of a thirty year old. I like that. I like that you know what you want and all of that. I think the problem with you who is you're You're not on the same page, You're on different pages. Any smart man knows that women love the build up. We love the romance of it all. We love the pregame show as you call it. All of that for play is essential for women. We get that part, yes we do. But every single time, though, every single time, you gotta have a big pregame show and all of that. No, ma'am, just real life just doesn't work like that. I'm sorry, and this is real life. It is not a game as you call it. Uh yeah, you know, some people just want to get to the main attraction. They really do. Uh. Sorry to disappoint you, man, but that is how it goes in life. When we get packages, I mean, think about it, you know, when we do get gifts and packages sometimes think about Christmas. Sometimes you unwrapid you know, fold up the wrapping paper and fold the bow nice and neatly. And then sometimes you're so excited you just tear into the package. You just k the paper off, you know, you just snatch the ball off. You do that. I mean, that's real life. Huh yo, this woman is seventy steve with the hormones of a thirty year old. Well, I don't know. Okay, anyway, we just tear open the packages, we do, all right. So I have to say this to you. You gotta go with the flow. Okay, you gotta go with the flow. It should not be the same every single time, it just shouldn't. You gotta go with the mood of things. Life is unpredictable at times, and so it's sex in the bedroom and all that. So, um, you gotta you know, be a little flexible here and think about that situation. Sometimes you rip it off, sometimes you go slow. All right, that's just how it is, Steve. Then, No, the letter is not about being well, you know you was in here talking about getting stuff ripped off. Let's go over this letter. A package got a seventy. We got a seventy year old woman that's living with the raging hormones of a thirty year old. Now, let's just stop right here for a seven. That's scary. Dog gone it, that's scary. And if you're asking me, you're a little late fall this year, you should have had the raging hormones of a thirty year old when you're asked, was thirty? You're seventy, Now you're seventy. Now I appreciate it because I'm playing it on being, you know, around at seventy. But I don't want to be like I was at thirty. For the purpose of this letter, the lady says, I love making love to a man that knows what he's doing between the sheets. Well, hell, he's seventy. Out of hell, he don't know what he's doing. If you ain't experienced by seventy in the bedroom, you what what what would you doing? You've had seventy years to get it right. If you ain't doing it right right now, I'm sorry, Pardner. You can push your chips up to the window now, she said. I met this man by the year ago on the old Line dating site, and after five months of talking on the phone, we decided to get together. She says. Now, I thought of love making as an art and if you're not an artist, I'm not looking for a painter. Now, let's analyze that line from this seventy year old I thought of love making as art, and if you're not an artist, I'm not looking for a paint. Ain't that cute? I love that line. Ain't that cute? I like that a lot too. That's real. What the hell du that mean? Cute ass line? That's the way to write a letter. But what the hell we're talking about love making? Anybody tell about no damn brushes and paint you seventy we're talking about old paint anyway. I'm a big fan of getting things started the right way and not just jumping right into it. My boyfriend started out doing the pregame show, but now he wants to get to the main attraction right away. When we come back, come on. Let me explain to you why he wants to get to it right away. All right, we'll have part two, the reason of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Today's subject he wants to skip the best part. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. I love TV and Hulu has the shows that I have to watch. Gray's Anatomy. This is US modern families, so many different shows and Hulu has them all and with new seasons and final seasons starting soon, I know I can keep up with all of them on Hulu. And you know what else, Hulu has a really great low price five ninety nine of month. Lou has the TV you love. Let go to Hulu dot com and start your free trial and watch everything that Hulu has. All right, Steve, let's get to it. Let's recap for the Strawberry letter for today. He wants to skip. The best part is a subject. Well, this woman is seventy, got the raging hormones of thirty year old, and she's considers making love and art. And if you're not a painter, she's not interested. She'd met this man online, which is great. She's seventy. I'm assuming he's of age, and they started seeing each other, and she says, I'm a big fan of getting things started right when you're not just jumping into it. When she said the beginning, her boyfriend started out during the pregame show, but now he wants to get to the main attraction right away. Now, she says, his stammer's stand stamina is wonderful, so there's no complaints. She say, I constantly wear sexual linger and he compliments me on it, but he doesn't take time to enjoy the presentation and unwrapped package. He's a good man, loving and we're even talking about Madge. I want to marry him, but I need to know that he's willing to romanticize me and keep it passionate and not just want to wear bam, thank you man type of deal. Stephen, Shelley, how can I get him take his time and not just jump in. You can't, You can't. He's seventy, hell is we're waiting for He know it could go down for him any day. Now, what does that mean? Seventy The clock is ticking, Shelley, That's what it means. We know, Yes, Shelley, you seventy You didn't live way longer than you got left. He don't have seventy more years. I'm telling you why he got to jump in. Anybody got time for this? No, we seventy. We gotta get to it. She say. He used to do the pregame show. Now he want to jump right into it. He's seventy. She want him to do? She said, give you a couple examples. Well, you know, I want to be a young seventy. But I'm gonna be like him though already knowing. Let's talk about a couple of things. When you go to the movies, you don't want the damn preview. You want the movie. I don't want to see no trailer. I don't give a damn what's coming next week. I might not be here next week. I want the movie. What did I pay my twenty dolls for? Damn it? Give me my movie, right, That's why the seventy year old man ain't waiting. I got another one for you, Okay. I don't like cracker Jackson. I want to pride now, I've been that way since I was a little boy. Or I buy the cracker Jack but dog gonn it. I want the prize. I don't give it double damn bout the cracker jets, all up in my teeth, cutting the roof of my mouth, wear my pride once again. That's why he can't wait. Here's another one for you. He looking at it like an HBCU game. We're here for the band, damn begun half halftime, Brandy banding them damn chill eads out. This ain't even a good football game. Yeah, hen we we can't find the kicker. We ain't kick the field goal in two years, the quarterback and throw fifteen yards? What's the still at halftime? The receiver looked like your little brother about out here for the HBCU game, mister Jared Rice, come along every nine and the Walter Peton. Everybody else looked like chill with sit up here, HBCU game. I'm out here watching the thirteenth grade. Man, where is the bad damn sonic boom dam jackson boys that brain meet him from Ratlers. Come on, I won't southern out here, oh man, HBCU game. That's why we can't wait so quick getting mad at the man right, he said me, you sent me what you're taking your time for. Your time could be next week too. Let's get to it. Stop all this holding up. Stop Wait a minute, hold up, um you tie to swam bam. Thank you man, you want to be lucky. He can steal wham. I know some seven years dude, that Ben stopped whamming and bamming years ago. She says he has. She did say, yeah, old man can last. Now, come on, that's that experience. That's the one. What to do. That's putting your mind somewhere else. Mental mental boy talk. Yeah, so you learn that, take your mind off of it, go somewhere else. So he keep putting me in work. If you think about it, you're gonna mesh yourself. You got medicine, you got all the peers on the night stand. Stop thinking about which people you got to take. It's a lot of ways to occupy your band. Make it true, man, Yeah, think about the truth. This is true, right. Yeah. You ever been at it and just started to do something to distract yourself barking like a dog. You're just practicing voice, all right. Listen, email us your Instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after marital advice and uh, someone on the show is celebrating their fifteenth wedding anniversary today. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So Steve Tommy Junior, we have to say happy anniversary to our girl, Carla Farrell and her husband Tash Farrel. They're celebrating their fifteenth wedding anniversary today. Carlo, Yes, y ca, Carlo girl, Yes years the anniversary. Thank you guys. As we've got together since two thousand and four. That's my man, that's my husband, that's my baby daddy. So what happens tonight? It might be off on Thursday. Can I ask you a question? Yes, sir, and you will be honest with me. Okay, you heard that fifteen years. Give me a real number. In fifteen years, how many times would you say you've packed your bags and said you was gonna leave? Oh? Never, none, not one time, not one time. You ain't never got your back to the dope. No, not one time. This was the right one, this man right here, Not the relationships before him. That's another subject. But my man right here. You you don't have to bring out that this is about her this is about it's not that's not just it's not just sugar to turn out. Okay, No, that's cool. It ain't that Okay, love rang anivisory when you had walked in the room with the knife. We're gonna let go, We're gonna let all let go. Tech He makes me sick. How did you guys make it to fifteen years? I mean, what's your what's your advice? What do you what do you tell that just go go out in the garage and just scream and screams crazy. You know what I think it is? It's communication and marriages work and compromise and we love each other. Man. We got this union, this family over everything. We got this this this love for each other. And that's my soul mate. That's my man right there. What else? Yes, I think because Tash has a real ignorant as sense of human Yes, yeah that's that. Yeah, I'm married, n O man, not but for real though, just just real talk. Marriages work. I mean, you know, Steve marriage, Tommy, you know Shirley. You know marriage is hard work, but you know it can be done. You see, I didn't I didn't do that. I didn't set that up for him. I didn't, dude, which is too hard. I'm out hard, too hard? All right, coming up at the top of the hour, more on Steve's fabulous trip to Africa. He's in Botswana right now. We'll talk about it when we come back right after this you're listening to all right, So Steve, you're in Botswana, you've been there for the last couple of days. Tell us about your big day. What's what are you planning today? What's happening today? As soon as I get off the air, I'm speaking, uh, in front of five thousand students at the University of Botswana today, So wow, do a keynote address? Well, I was invited by the president, President McKenzie, who invited me to speak to the university and they're going to stream it to six other locations and so it's gonna be a really huge event, you know, just as a motivational speaker to the students of Botswana at the University of Botswana. That happens today and then after that I take another tour. Uh. They've shown me some of their facilities around here. They've got an incredible television facility here in Botswana, Uh, and they have an incredible radio studio, which is where I am now. They've got six radio studios here in this facility. They've got amphitheaters, they've got a large seated or the term, they've got outdoor amphitheater. They just have everything, man, it's really They got news stations, they got recording studios. It's everything over here. And you know, we're just looking at all of the value that's here and offering some suggestions and you know, moving forward, we'll see how that works. But it's been a beautiful visit, man, the extremely kind people over here. I gotta tell you, man, if you haven't been to Botswana, let let me say this first of all. One of the reasons I was invited here was to increase, like I said the other day, was to bridge the gap between Africans and African Americans. See, the tourism over here is huge, man, Choby large, where I gave away on my Hawk Show Wants I sent a couple to Choby. I'm gonna go to see the Okavanga Delta, which is an amazing experience. And the thing of it is, though they want so desperately for African Americans to come and see their homeland because the majority of people that partake of this are Europeans. Okay, I'm just telling you. The majority of people who partake is not Americans. It's Europeans, and they desperately. Well, I mean, you know it's close, you know it's over here, it's where some of the owners you know, advertise. You know, it is what it is, and we just don't know about it. Americans, we don't know about it, and we're not talking because the first thing we do with our vacation is we want to say I ain't going that far. It's our home. We've got to elevate our thinking as a people. We have got to connect to these Africans because this is who we are. This is the year of the return the four hundred years to commemorate the first slave ship that left here four hundred years ago. And the whole purpose of that the Ghana President created this was so we never repeat this again. You have to come here to see this. Now. I'm gonna tell you when you go to the slave councils, it's gonna be emotional for you. There is no way you can go and see this and not be gravely affected. I'm talking about a pain you haven't felt in a long, long time. It's a painful place to see and you understand the real evil spirit and the atrocity that was perpetrated against us. And what makes slavery such a cruel atrocity is that it occurred for four hundred years. That's a long day to do the evilness that was done to us. Yeah, and the whole thing with the Khana president is this can never happen again. And all of us as African Americans should come home to see this. It's a game changer for you. You cannot be the same after you come here. It's impossible. All right, Steve will thank you for that. Um. Coming up, Yeah, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right. It's been a month now since Lamar Oldham was kicked out of the Big Three Basketball League for being out of shape. Now Lamar says he's giving up some vice. Oldham got put out of the Big Three. Yeah, because he was out of shape. Yeah. I didn't know that three shape for half court basket. Three man, I can't meet it. And that'd be like me going out there to play three all three damn sick. Yeah, there's three three. It's not even the whole court. I swear to God, we're all within ten feet of the basket. Ain't nobody that's fat? Well Now, Lamar says he's giving up some vices because he wants to have a healthier lifestyle. He said he's giving up candy. That's a good start, and he's giving up porn time. He says he's trying gonna give up candy and poor because you're gonna have a healthier life. That's what y'all to give up candy cause your ass is farty? How about just damn? He says, he's trying to be better port in time. Candy can't mean that much to your ass is farty. You look stupid chewing candy? When does that all that in your mouth? Like Esus and vood heat the same time? Yeah, you wiping your mouth because you got ncorsh coming down to call yo. Joe thought, all right, we got more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour, right after this, you're listening to show, all right, Steve, let's talk about the Big Sand and Soul Festival and Cancne, Mexico, baby OTELB ten through the fourteen. That's Columbus Day weekend. So first of all, let me just give it to you this way, everybody, right now, if you can go to Steve Harvey sayd andsoul dot com. We got footage on that. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Steve Harvey sayingsoul dot com. We have made the adjustment. We heard what everybody was saying. Y'all understand nothing we could do about the thing that was happening in dr even though we found out some facts. We moved to festival to a location. My crew went down there, my daughter Morgan went down there. It's my wife's birthday, so it had to be something big. So here's what we're gonna do. Because it's my wife's birthday and we're celebrating it, I'm doing something special. I'm gonna run a sale. I'm gonna give you five hundred dollars off for all new bookings. All you gotta do is go to Steve Harvey sand andsoul dot com. I'm gonna give you five hundred dollars off of all new rum bookings to sand and Soul. All you gotta do is put in the cold birthday. Listen to me. This sale ends on August twenty fifth. You have the rest of the week until August twenty fifth. I am giving everybody that registers, I'm taking off five hundred dollars for any new rum bookings. All you gotta do is go to Steve Harvey Saying and Soul. Put in the cold birthday because it's Audrey's birthday. Son, put it in birthday. The sale ends at on August twenty film, five hundred dollars. I can't do no better than that. Listen. I'm gonna say it for the last time. I'm giving everybody five hundred dollars off for any new room booking to Saying and Soul this year, five hundred dollars off. All you gotta do is go to Steve Harvey Saying Issoul dot com. All you gotta do is put it in the cold birth today. And all you gotta do is register, put in the cold birthday, and listen to me. This sale ends August twenty fifth. You have until then to get this super discount. We flipped the script, we moved the country, we moved the venue. It's better. It's gonna be bigger, it's gonna be special. The show must go on. We took you to a place we thought that would be really, really spectacling. We got seventeen events once to get us all inclusive. It's all you can eat, all the food and drinks. We got performances by Anthony Hamm, genu Wine, Kid Caprit, Dougie Frett, The Ignorant on Ask Jay. It's in the building one in the comedy show. We got Tony Roberts at the comedy show. We got George Truly killed at the comedy show. Listen, it's going to be an amazing event. We're coming down and have a good time. Everybody. Go to Steve Harvey saying thesoul dot com to book today. All right, coming up our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening show. All right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day. You want to leave us with some closing remarks you said earlier with something that someone gave you. This one my closing remarks to day is interesting because it's kind of two part. You know, I was thinking about we were talking earlier about when you ask off something, you gotta be careful because he may give it to you, but he oftentimes gives it to you in ways that's not quite what you had in mind, because the route that he oftentimes chooses is not the route we would take. But if you look at it, it's always the better way, because God's ways always serves multiple purposes because as you live your life and you affect other people's lives, sometimes he uses you to affect the outcome of someone else too, And sometimes he puts something on you that he realizes and he knows that you're strong enough to handle, so he'll let you in do it to prove a point to another person. It's just amazing how he works, man, and there's no way of trying to figure it out, So you might as well stop, because trying to understand his ways that's a feudal process because his ways is so advanced, so high, it's we can't we can't possibly think that way. And so as I was talking about how I used to one of my vision board, I was asking God to increase my global brand and persona, and then I made that huge mistake on Miss Universe and all of a sudden, my name in forty eight hours was google four billion times. I was the most google person on planet Earth for a period of time. Okay, now, guess what I asked God to increase it. I didn't want him to do it that way. But as I journey around the world this summer, I see what He did because I can't tell you how many people recall that moment. And now people are beginning to compliment me on it. Man, that was a great thing you did. I thought that was a real courageous and it showed honesty. And so many people talk to me about different things they've seen videos of mine, whether it's the jump video or book they read. And I get that all around the world. I'm in Africa, man, and I can't go nowhere, and it is a amazing what God has done for me and how God has wrapped my life up the way he has, and it was all in such unexpected ways. So I'm saying all that because I'm gonna read something to you that somebody sent to me that really struck a chord with me, and I'm gonna share it with you now. They sent it to me, and this is what it said. It said I asked for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve. I asked for prosperity and God gave me brain and braun to work. I asked for courage and God gave me danger to overcome. I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help. I asked for favors and God gave me opportunities. I received nothing I wanted. I received everything I needed. Trust in God. See, I found that to be so rich man, because it's so amazing how he works. Man, you ask for strength, He turned around and he give you difficulties that make you strong. Then you ask for wisdom. He turned around and he give you problems to solved. Then you ask for some prosperity, and God gave you a brain and some braun to put it into work. And then you go and you ask God for courage, and then He gives you danger to overcome. And then you mess around and you ask God for some love, and He turned around and he give you troubled people to help. And then you ask for favors, and then God set him give you some opportunities. Well, I received nothing I wanted and received everything I need. It. Trust in God. That's the deal, man, y'all feel me, that's the deal. That's how it works. Man. God gives you everything you need. It may not be the way you want it, but it always gives you what you need. Do you realize how strong you are because of the difficulties He didn't put in front of you. You wouldn't be as strong as you were if you didn't have to overcome the things you overcame. So man, ain't you got? So that's why you hear people say you gotta thank God for the hard time, because guess what they make you stronger. You ask God to give you love, and he give you trouble people and health. Well, guess what you got to love him to do that. And when you love him, guess what you help a troubled person. I bet they love you back. That's cold, man, the way he set this thing up bad. And I'm just glad man that I'm a sound mind and God gave me the ability to realize and finally turn around and look at what He's actually done for you. Instead of focusing on the things you don't have because if you focus on what you do have, you may realize that you have enough and quit tripping about what you don't have and use it and use the principle of gratitude to further your life. The more grateful you are, the more things God will give you. To be grateful for is to core essence of receiving more blessings is to be grateful for the ones you have. But no, no, no, no no. You know what I used to do so much, keep asking, asking, asking, without thanking him, thanking him, thanking him for all the stuff he's done for me. Then when I got smart to it and started thanking him for all the stuff he did for me, guess what he did. He gave me some most stuff to be grateful for. Yes, Lord, yes, Lord crazy. That's my closing remarked today. If you wasn't feeling that, man, I feel for you, drop the mike. Steve, Hey, man, y'all have a great weekend. It Wednesday, I know it Wednesday. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.