A Millenial "Back in the Day" - 06.20.17

Published Jun 21, 2017, 1:49 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bags all so long, looking back to back down, giving them just like theming buck bus things. And it's tough y'all to me, true good to tea the horsy Yeah, listening to me to each other for stooley, Why don't you join? Yeah? Well joining me? Honey, sat turn Yeah, you're going to do you go. You gotta turn to turn out at the time you love. You got to turn out to turn turn water wan go comy, come on your back at uh huh, I saw, well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah man, got one. Hey. You know, um, I thought I think of my life in terms of blessings. You know. I take mostly a positive approach and a positive spin to my life. I hardly ever dweil on. Uh you know the what's well. I can't say that I don't think about the what's wrong in it because I have to, because I have to address problems as they arise. But I try not to let them consume me. I let the consumption part be about the blessings. The positive things that has occurred in my life, the good things that God has done for me, the power that He's displayed in my life, the protection he's given me over the years, to being tucked under his wings. I focus on the things that He promises me. I think of all all the goodness that I perceived to come my way, and I think that has a lot to do with me learning more and more about the law of attraction in terms of you know, what you think and what you put out in the space, and what you pray about is what you receive, you know, And so I've become better and better at that. It's not to say that I'm I'm not human and I don't have moments where I think a little bit too long about what's going wrong and what enemy is is about to attack and what they're gonna do and saying and all of this his That's not to consay that I'm not concerned about it. But I try to duel mostly on the positive. And one of the things that I learned, you can have an incredible life, all of you, all of us. We can have incredible lives if we just let God drive See the problem that I had years ago was. I was the dryiver of my life, and I was taking myself in the directions that I thought would be best for me. And I aimed at things that I thought I could accomplish, and I set goals that I saw myself being able to attain. I was driving when I gave up and I let God drive. I then opened up my mind and my spirit to what God had for me, for what God could see for me, for what God could do in my life, well, for what God wanted for me. Now he wanted for me and he wanted of me. See, that's the connection that you got to try to make. Well, not try, that's the connection that you gotta make to really get it. Now, Listen to me. What I don't want you to do is do like me. Don't be afraid of the what for of the what he wants you to do part see, because that ain't gonna be nearly demanding and and as offsetting as you think it's gonna be. See, I thought that if I did God's will, that if I let God tell me what to do, that it would cause me to not to be able to do a certain some things I wanted to do well, which is true. But the stuff I wanted to do was all detrimental to my well being and my future and my and my growth and development as a man. I was stopping my own growth as a man, because see, I was doing what I thought I should do as a man. But when you give it over to God, to God has a much better plan for you than you can ever have for yourself. And God knows a better way, far better than the one you know. I want you to believe that, Man, you gotta understand that part of it. And and that's the part that I finally got through my head to let God do it his way and to show me a better way, and to teach me a better way and exposed to me a better way. And when I opened up my mind to what God was talking about, I began to see things totally differently. And things started coming to me totally differently. If you've been a friend of mine or a fan of mine over the years, I mean, you've had to see it, the change. You've had to see the difference, I mean, and I and I acknowledge that every chance I get, because I promised God I would, and I hope that I'm not falling short in that category. But then again, if I told it all day long, would he done for me? I still wouldn't have enough time to really explain thoroughly what he's done for me, because it's such a continuous growth in me. But now that's not to say that I'm finished or I'm done or I'm complete, because I'm still short. And that's the cold thing about it. Man. See, no matter how good you get at it, you ain't gonna ever be the best you can be. You just not, because you're gonna fall short. You can't be him. You can strive for perfection. I hear people saying it all the time. I applaud you for saying you want to be perfect, but you ain't and you can't and you're not and you aren't and you won't and you will not. And so you quit saying it. You quit saying it to me, quit saying it to other people. I'm seeking a life of perfection, but it's something that you cannot have because he said you can't do it. But that's what he'd as for, he'd have for the moments when you stumble and you fall, and you go stumble and fall. So you gotta get that part right, man, to stumbling falling part is coming. But see, you get God in your life and it helps you so that you don't stumble, fall, wallow roll over, laid their languish. That's what God is for. So when you stumbling fall, you get back up because you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get it wrong. You're going to come under attack, You're going to be lied about. You are going to be falsely accused. That's going to happen to you. The moment you make a decision to do better, the moment you try to be more, the moment you try to get it right. The devil got to send his attackers man, and he controls certain people. He just got people as on his side. Seven. You know him too. You you've all met one or two of men your life. They're just busy with the business of nothingness. They're just busy about the about the destruction of others. You said, I know him, you know him. They're coming. But here's what you gotta hold fast too. They can't take away nothing from you that God gave you. They didn't make you. See people who claim to have made you, if they're so in to make you business, why don't they make theirselves or if they ain't with you no more, and they're so busy in them. I made you business, why don't they make somebody else? Since since you want to get credit from making somebody make yourself, if you're responsible for someone else's success, then you should easily be able to take claim and be responsible for your own success. See, be careful of that. And don't and and don't don't change your course because somebody is attacking you with that. You keep doing what you're doing. I just hope, man, that I'm giving it to God the way I said I would give it to him, that I would unload every chance I got that I was supposed to without being you know, or here he come again? You know. I try not to be that, but man, I don't know what else to be for the first twelve minutes of my show. What else you want me to say? I got four hours. I can't give God twelve twelve minutes, man, I mean for real, Steve, come on, man, I mean, let's look at this right here. It's like, for example, it's like detox in your body, which is one of the most healthy things you can do for your body is to detox your system and clean out the pipes and the liver and the blood and get it all together, give your kidneys a break and all like this. Okay, right, okay, But to detox it properly it takes twenty one days, right. And I hear a lot of people telling my twenty one days I ain't got. But see, hold up, man, if the twenty one day easy out of three hundred sixty days a year, you ain't got twenty one to straighten yourself out. You ain't got twenty one days to give yourself a better shot at health. I mean that that's crazy to me, once you wrap your mind around it. See, And so like, if you're giving honor to God just twelve minutes out the day, dog, he gave you twenty four hours of luxury and life and breath and hope and promise that you ain't got twelve minutes to give him out the day. That don't make no sense. What an exchange, What a wonderful life God has given me in exchange for so small of effort that I put forth. Don't let the effort you gotta put forth to God seems so dawning that you don't attempt to do it because man, it seems like a lot. It ain't nothing to compared to what he'd be given us for real. So if you want a real life, you want a real shot at what you can be, what you can have, what you can own, what you can become who you really are, go to God. Let him fix you, man, that's all. Yeah, Yeah, yeah, Steve Harvid Morning Show. Holding it down is the one and only. Let me introduce myself, your sir, the one and be only, Yes, sir, they make no more. I am the lads nephew of all nephews in that's new to the feud. I am the nephew, the one and owned Thomas Miles, a nephew timing. Yeah, h Town, Houston, Texas. Little y'all, West Montgomery by the car wash right over there. I'm sorry, nobody know you will not hold my introduction. I'm holding it down. Was out on vacation and I'm holding it down. And I got some people holding it down with me. Beautiful ladies in the building. How about it? Call of Ferrell, Hey, good morning, nephew from h Town. Well I can shout out to Htown two. I was raised to zero city. What up up? Yeah? Hey, Shirley. What's up, j Athony Brown? He just up the big h town, the big age, and what's up town? You ain't never last field? Yeah, you got a claimate not going to be a Houston tea. Let's see if somebody claimed may sit sure. Let's good morning everyone. That's it, you know from Marcus Saxon. All ladies are from there. Good hey, how are you doing? Great news? I have some wonderful news to share. Go ahead and introduced, Go ahead and introduced Junior. I'm so excited your pregnancy hasn't been on the news everyone ever because everyone would everyone, everyone would know Junior bars of Nephew mort to share. So Jay, go ahead, Anthony, so we can get to find out what the baby gender eels? What up Columbia South Carolina representing in the building? Baby? You gotta know you you didn't tech represent what that you the sell and sells a tailor and class babys with no pockets with no sell and sells, shout out, shut out. So sure I was okay, So okay, Nephew was down at the Nephew Nesta. I was down at the mentioning camp all weekend. Okay, So I thought I'd do something special for him, so I could. I could? What cooked? Yes, yes, I cooked? But what is he now? Yeah, you're exactly I'm calling. He's on his way back, so it's okay. What did you cook? I cooked tuna? Oh yeah I could. I couldn't tuna up with crackers and boil and I boiled the eggs of course. But anyway, so he's gonna I'm just so excited. I'm so excited. All right, listen, coming up, Truth be Told and we'll talk about summer vacations. I'm so excited. You're listening, all right, listen, Uh coming up, it's Truth be Told with Junior. These are always funny. Yeah, yeah, Sureley morning. What's that? Oh not much? You know what, Carling? I tell exactly him. Ye, baby is coming up man, Friday night, Jill Twitter Night, mainstay. I'll tell people be out here tripping and then plus I'm going to be the man on the street at ess all weekend long. Really love it. Man. Yeah, you see me tonight we will have all kinds. I'm gonna show you how to do. This is what I'm gonna do. Yes, essence is the players trapped players be well down there don't take your side piece to Essence. Okay, what apout? Hey, let me tell you something about Essence. Okay, you take your main girl to Essence everywhere. Baby, I know that ain't cath No, he not out and be aware flying The tendants will just show up. Don't ask me how I know. I just know. But what is that? The random shout out to the flight attendance was man that don't date flight attendants. They'll show up. They can get there in the heartbeat. They can. Okay, I didn't know it was so you sound like this from experience. Now I've heard. I've spoke with some people. Yeah, well I'll be there with my husband. Let me hey, sometimes he had to stay home. Go ahead, he was so crazy. All right, I'll be an Essence Eats experience. Now, this is going on in the convention center all three days, kicking things off June thirty through July two. I'll be on the stage hosting with all of the celebrity chefs who they picked the right woman for the job. I'm like, what do you go like? Eating Shirley in New Worlds girl? All the delicious food. So now we're less than one month away. So if you want to go to Essence Eats, you have to reserve your spot and register. Go to my Instagram page at lips by Carla. I have all the details there. I or thank you. You're so welcome. Listen to everybody. Um, there's no more football right now, fellas, when he got no basketball? Hall? Oh the Father's Day. We're here, I'll watched some golf right and I'm sitting up your feet on while am I watching golf? And there's no tyger Woods. And I'm just putting a plea out here for real. We have got to get Tiger Woods. Something white. I don't care if it's a white woman, a white tea, a little white lie. I don't know. I don't care if we get him an albino. He just needs something white. Did y'all see the video? I just saw the video. Yeah, the the field sobriety tests, worst feel sobriety tests ever done with no alcohol. I've never seen nobody fall off the white line that long. Then he missed his nose. But he was set up, y'all. I'm telling you he was set up because any time and the officer asked you to say your A, B c's without singing what what what? What school did you go to? When you can't say your A, B C. That's not an adult living who can't say what I'm saying. If he didn't tell me, what do I do? When they get the elemental elemental element you know said elemental pe When I'm saying it, that dude, he was set up. It's not fair, And I'm just say this is the truth. I'm sighting for you title. We're gonna get you down on this golf course because there's nobody black and golf without you. We have got to get him back and take all the white women from him, and you check, you can't do it. They cannot take that many white women from a black man and expect him to do well, really well. Look what he was doing with the white women, really good outstanding. You know what green jacket black you mean green jacket she got with nobody paying off right now, without nobody. I'm just telling you just we've got to get him back out there. Yeah, he just need he definitely needs some help. White that's only needs black friends. Yeah, that ain't help. We don't play golf that with black You you've seen the South there on the golf course. Just riding around the car for show for style. Yeah we look good, real good. Take purposes for the feel sad, but I look good to point point y'all. How many fifties we didn't hop on the golf course? You got white people? And did you get no shoes from the gator to Anthony? Oh my god, you've got gold parents with bockets none? Okay, so that's you know what's on your mind? What we didn't get him? Some white noise? You need some white What are you guys doing this summer? I mean, I know we have to work, but when you're on vacant. My best summer vacation was done time my grandmother took us to Chicago, Illinois on the bus. There's so much on the bus on the bus from from Colonia, South Carolina. We cut the bus was about two days. About two days. All our food was in the shoe box because there was no coolers or nothing like that. And we would dress my cousin and there were no this was a long time ago shoo shoebox and shox with with wax paper on landing wax paper, and we were dressing very cute sailor outfits. I wish I had those pictures. We went to see my cousin Francis, who I did not know was okay, so like twenty years ago, two days right, did you like the train was a bus? That's my car, that's my car. That's that's my car all the way? Yeah, what year was this? Five? I'm never sharing again. It's time for running that prank back and we'll be back. You're listening to morning show, all right, Uh listen, miss Anne is back. So coming up at the top of the hour, miss and will be here with our headlines and our national news. Welcome back, miss Anne, and we're gonna talk about what actor a friend of yours. I think Jay you know him. We all know him though face I love? Yeah. What's about Tubucks death? Wait? Did you hear this? Yeah? Wait till you hear this. We'll talk about that coming up at the top of the hour. But right now, nephew, it is on you running that prank back. We got a Raymond in the closet running that prank bag. That's classics. Come on, Hello, hello, hey, who can you hear me? Who's there? This Raymond? Pep? I can't hear you? This is Raymonds Peak up. I can't hear you. Who is this? Raymond? Raymond? Raymond for Ronde is my sister round the brother? Yes, what's up? What's up? Man? What's up? Somebody them broke in the house. They in the house right now. I'm in the hold on, hold on, hold on, man, damn I batter. Can't hear what you're saying. Somebody that what somebody them broken house? But why they are you're whispering because they're in the house right now. I'm wait a minute, wait a minute. You're saying somebody there broken the half and they steal in there. Somebody that I'm broke in the house. I'm getting the house now, hold on, wait an, you're saying, somebody that broke it to you, damn hawks and they steal in there. Yes, what you're doing? See nothing there? Why you ain't called the police. I'm in the closet. I'm in the closet and I'm trying to get somebody to hold on, hold on. Well, I don't know what to do. And then you're saying, somebody in house in your damn house, white not Okaya. Where do you live at? Where you live at? I'm out thirty six straight because I'm a thirty two in a hand. You know what? Hold on after the call it long? Wait wait, wait, wait wait man, you know what what? Wait a minute? Don't God please, you've seen you to the hould somebody else. You know you're from the kid you and you're talking about. You don't want them arrest it. We've got some illegal stuff. Don't call nobody. No, wait a minute, wait, wait Na, you're saying hold on, you're saying, don't call the damn long. You have to go to the house. Don't call week they got it. That's an in the howld doing? Man? What you got? Man? You know what is bad? Do you know what? You'll see your up in there? That's probably while they're in the house. Now you have set you up in the house, got you in there there, that's I guarantee you that what you what you got in there? And you know what, Man, let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you the best thing to do, even doing the people in your house right now, you need the chillers. Let me call man, you need to let me call the dayn Low. I'm gonna tell you right now you can't get that. I'm gonna put you know what, man, I'm gonna tell you, don't call you will say that now. I'm gonna tell you. Now, I get called a loan, I get calling, hold on, I get my wife the call right now, don't call on the police. Don't call because it's too much of my wife. Don man, but I'm gonna tell you something, honest, I can't do it. Thank you. Don't for to go down there. No, I'm gonna tell you something. I could just food to the pip Kelly. Don't even call the damn low you know what, man looking good calls, be honest with you. I'm going I ain't gonna go down there. I'm gonna tell you right there now, you know what. The first thing I'm gonna tell you that now, I ain't gonna take my down there first of us. They may be tapping my damn lying and I ain't got to do with this. You're gonna get listen, man, I could call it. No, I want one. Maybe look go ahead and call her because you know what, You're gonna get your chill down now and they don't know who you are. Man, you know what, And I ain't going to stay on this one you so they can find that, you know what, it's like, call it lot. I ain't getting that. I ain't, man, you must get that. A fool ain't gonna get in that one. So I'm gonna tell you what you can do. Dot. I call it low after they had my wife right now, you know what. You may not like it now, but you appreciate me later, because you know when you get your monk heads. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, just west, but I think the sign. I think, man, you know what this is? Some crazy got you to set your up say nothing. I'm for the time to shoot up for one damn low, damn fool. You better keep your monk heads in that closet. I'm gonna tell you right now, you're a damn fool. You walk outcause I'm gonna tell you not. They show gonna kill your stupid But you know what, I ain't gonna lie to you. Man. The only thing I can tell you, Damn I'm called a law You're gonna go down, and I'm gonna tell you not. I ain't going down with I don't know why you really even call me unless you want to help, because I'm gonna tell you right now, I ain't to jump in the eyes myself nor my damn family. I need to I want the thing I can do. I can help you out in one way. I'm called a law Now. My wife's gotta say up on what you want me to do? Will you? You must be a damn boo. I'm not. I ain't going down, but I ain't going you know what? Man? Look look I can't get in there, and my wife did not to count the police. I'm gonna tell you right now, they're gonna calm you. Can you can you hear me? You can hear your damn mouse? Shut up? Shut Can you shut your damn mouth right now? Can you hear me? Shut out? I don't know when then that's why you shoot the shout. Don't peek out that damn dope. Did I say something? Man? You need to shift your damn mold. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey. I want to show you know what. You just got pranked by many. You just got y'all some dirty I do dare weare, man, dog? You just got branked by your boy winn Man. I'm sweating like hey up in this damnhuged withdrawals. Oh man, he set up here. I want to play with man. Look at here, boy, I'm sweating like here, Why are you sweating? It was for the docors. I damn su don't want you to come down to the house. That's the show. I know you weren't coming to that. I heard it in your voice. I say, Okay, you know what. He ain't coming to get me. Man, I'm gonna be here right now. Man, I might need to take off for word board. Hey. Let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. K't be nobody, but the Steve Harvey is on it, Nephew Tommy. It's crazy, classic classic. I don't care how many times you hear that one. Well, stupid continues. It will be in Dallas, Texas on June thirtieth, Friday Night, A Time to Laugh Magafest Baby. Get your tickets there on sale right now, hosted by yours truly that would be me, nephew Tommy, and then of course your headliner will be Cedric the entertainer that yes, and you can say Satday however you want to say it. It's going down June thirtieth, tickets on sale right now, and July twenty Wilmington, Delaware, it is Southern Friday Comedy. That's me, that's Junior, that's our boys from back home. We are in Delaware putting it down July. I think I missed one. It is Charleston, South Carolina, July fifty. That's it. Is it Charles in South Carolina? Alright? Alright, nephew doing your summer thing. You all, yeah, you all hear what Dr Dre did. He has agreed to donate ten million dollars. You know, he's got so much money, he's in the billions now. Anyway, he's agreed to donate. Yeah with a B, he's agreed to donate ten million dollars to the Compton High School. Yes, to Compton High in order to help build a performing arts complex. The l A time says. The Compton Unified School District confirmed Drey's massive contribution to the school's arts program last week. Uh Dre said, my goal is to provide kids with a kind of tools and learning they deserve. I love that. I love that. I love that. Alright, everybody? All right, Miss Anna is here with today's national news coming up. We'll be back after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, miss Anne is standing by with our national news. She is back. And did you guys hear we talked about this earlier. I mentioned it about phase On Love. If you don't know what love is here very well, big Worm and Friday, I know you guys know him. He was in the Parently with Robert Townsend and then he's on Our Real Husband's Hollywood with Kevin Hurt. All right, and that's yeah, that's right, that's right. Well anyway, so that's who pase On Love. Okay, Well, anyway, phase On has said that Snoop Snoop Dogg could have saved Tupac's life because of his gang ties. Here it is take a listen to this. Phase On always felt part die. It was because the stop could have stopped the whole thing. I mean because, like I said, Suit was a cripsy crips Dorsey game set up a whole changing events don't get banned to get either. So you want a real pop story. That's why pop story's pop will be alive today. If he had a state allies with Stop Crosston. Everybody has a theory, everybody has something had not come to l aid, he would still be alive. Definitely, yeah, alright, well Vegas, right, I mean, yeah, but the whole trip to West Coast. Yeah, well, the movie's out all eyes on me and um, you know, Tupac was recently inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. So a lot of people are talking. You know. That strikes up that conversation again. So people are talking about it. The movie stars Demitrius ship Jr. It is in theaters now. I saw the movie. Yeah, I did. He did a great job, that young man. He really really did. I was impressed. Yeah. Response to this, I haven't seen or heard anything that that Snoop says. The last thing I heard about Snoop was that he and Martha Stewart were coming back to your show. That's it for real. I will tell you this though, Yeah, I will tell you this. In the movie, when Snoop's character came on screen, the crowd went wild. Every yeah, I will say that about Yeah. Yeah, anyway, all right, nephew, let's go. Well you know what I didn't. I didn't. I didn't get that though. I never thought said that. I was like, you don't understand why he said? Yeah that that they asked him. Somebody asked him something and that I guess that's one. You asked him a question, you're going to get an answer, whether not whatever. I don't know. No. Never, never he's gonna say something. I say that about my child, he will answer a question, give out grown main And that's what I like. It's wrong with you in violence. I just saw a great video where he gave out a groan a mall or something at the airpoint where his car was being you got trying to overcharge him or something like that, and said some words that he shouldn't have said to a that's what young man running the older man. Yeah, you see that lighter man to a heavier man. When does the time go when you older guys? Let stuff go? I don't get I don't want to get. Let's face, let it go. It's just two words, all right, Come on, Tom, just the one and only the talented with national news. How beautiful, missing trip. Thank you, good morning, everybody, good morning, good morning, good morning, welcome back, welcome back, thank you, thank you, thank you so much. Back, And here we go with the news which is always out there, isn't it all right? Starting in Seattle, everyone, they're said to be more questions and answers in Seattle in the wake of yet another police killing of a black person. This time was a black woman who was several months pregnant. Authorities claim that when they went to thirty year old Charline Allows apartment because the report of a burglary, Charlene Allows, the person who called the police in the first place, ended up shot dead by them. Cops claimed that when they arrived at the apartment, they were confronted by a woman holding a knife. Her family says the victim was pregnant, clearly upset, and was holding scissors, and they say she didn't charge a police or anything. That neither her children who were in the apartment, nor the police involved in her killings were hurt, So they're still trying to figure out, why did you shoot her dead. The American college student released by North Korea after spending seventeen months of attention in that country has died. The parents of Auto Warmiest sad story, student at the University of Virginia. He was in a coma, unable to see, speak or understand. They say that quote tortuous treatment of their son at the hands of North Korea is the reason he's dead. And Donald Trump agreed. He spent a year and a half in North Korea. A lot of bad things happened, but at least we got them home to be with his parents, where they were so happy to see him. Even though he was in very tough condition. Arm Here had been sent to fifteen years hard labor for just stealing a propaganda poster. He was least to his family. Only last week he died in his hometown of Cincinnati. Senate Republicans have only two weeks to meet the deadline they set up for themselves to vote and pass the new healthcare bill. However, Democrats and even some Republicans are criticizing what's going on because they say the GOP leadership is putting the whole thing together in secret, and legislators don't even know what's in it. Okay. Voting starts this morning in Georgia for the special election to fill the congressional seat left behind by Tom Price, who was now President Trump's Health and Human Services Secretary. It's an area that Trump barely won in the election, so Democrats are hoping to flip it. They poured a lot of money in there, but so have Republicans. The prosecutor and the Bill caused me sexual assault trial, vowing to retry his case. They have a year to do that. Excessive heat warning still out for parts of four states, stop it, Utah, California, Nevada, and Arizona. Meanwhile, tropical storm warnings posted today along the Gulf coast of Louisiana and Alabama. Have a related birthday to two new June Bugs, Beyonce and Jay's twin d twins. They're said to be fraternal, a boy and a girl. Lady Beatole Entertainment tonight. To give birth is a miraculous experience to be able to experience bringing the child into this world. If you're lucky and fortunate enough to experience that, I would never ever take that for granted. She's such a sweetie pie. Today World Productivity Day, New Identity Day, and National I Scream Soda Day. Get it all in Navy. Now, that's just the hard Boarder show. We're listening show, all right, the butterflies coming up. But I gotta say this, also coming up is Um asked the new guy. We're gonna go to the phones. Jays been here about three days or show and somewhere along in there, and if you have any questions for him the legend many days, three or four days? Yeah, Max. Anyway, if you want to ask Jayson questions the legendary comedian that he is eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve is the number. Alright, butterfly usher it on in can introduce Yes, please put your hands together for the one in a butterfly. Wow, thank you so much, thank you, Jay Brown, good morning, good morning, Good morning, Carla Shirley Junior morning. It's just a pleasure to be at work. Alright, this is Tipsy Tuesday. So anyway is it? Well? Later on? This is this is my tipty day. This is when I get tip and I think my Shirley Temples with with a splash of te dolls. But anyway, so here's the deal. They're getting ready to do a New Days play scarface. Right, you know what role I'm going out for? What roll? What's your name? County? I'm gonna go out? Oh my god, I'm buried. That was co He had a loud tell my little friends, but I can't working. I've been working out. He's one of my mindor lines. I've been working out. I never missed out with anybody in my life. They didn't have a comment to aur you got there, I have him this where else? It's my colorless and I don't break down for nobody. Do you understand that means? I think I never like him, I never trusted him, but I know he had me sit up, and he had my friend Angel for an nd skillet. There's history. I'm here, he's not. Now do you want to go out with me? You say, you know, you do. You make a move, But why do you sound like you're out of breath? I get so excited, you know which, surely can you see me behind them bubble doors? And I get this big gun anyway, I don't say I'm gonna say this Stralia. I really like that. She know, fly good? Stay hello to the say hello to the bad guy. You know, can't wait. I can't wait. But I'm gonna make y'all so good, y'all okay, and I got killay, okay, three two one, okay, alright, you need to watch the movie against exactly you need to watch and it's okay, okay, I'm not going guy, I'm telling political repperde from Cooba. I got to watch the movie again, asked the New Guys eight seven seven nine, Steve Jay will answer all. Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time. The time is here to ask the new guy, the new Sila about six six days a little over a week or so. Yeah, right, yeah, and uh, you know, people want to talk to you. You know, they don't if they don't know you really ja. So let's let's go to the phones. If you have a question for Jake eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, here we go with line three. Let's talk to Rosemary out of your hometown, South Carolina. What up, Rosemary? How are you doing? Good? Morning day? How are you doing. I'm doing good. What part of South Carolina are you from? I am not from here originally, but I live in rock Hill. Oh I know that little country town. Oh yeah, what you need to know about from the new guy? What is it you need to know? Oh? I just have to ask you this question. What do you um? Did you watch CNBC on Sunday? Know what happened? What was it about? I didn't see it? Rabing Al Shotton was talking about I'm gonna put it in the correct form, but I'm gonna break it down to the street form. He was talking about cannabis, better known as marijuana better known as we He got to break that down for me talking about it. Yeah, what was the reverend talking about weed? For? What are you talking about? Is the diversity a lack there of? And he was talking with a good friend of mine name Wanda James was out in Denver, Colorado. She is the owner and only notice I say only black on a dispensary out there and grow. Is that the lady who quit a job on the air. Is that her? You know? So that's Charlotte Green? Yeah, I know. Yeah, Okay, you people, I should um I was. I'm the president of Minorities from Medical Marijuana out here in South Carolina. They have the main office is in Florida in the Orlando area with Rice McCarthy. Because you say who you are again, my name is Rosemary Wallace and you're the whitner. I am the president Minorities for Medical Marijuana South Carolina Chapter. I need to get your number. Okay, that's I've been trying to contact you now for that I'm the one. Well, we've we've made contact, all right, thank you for calling. Okay, thank you. Yeah, let's go to Jamiko one forecast. What's up. Hello, Jimiko is her name? Yes, Hello, good morning, hey Jamiko. How are you doing? I'm doing all right. Um. My question is what was your initial inspiration behind Murdered the Hits? I don't know. They just had me, holland when I well, when I was on the other show. What show was that on? When I was on the other show, he was looking for a segment for Friday. And then it started in l A when we just came up with this concept of taking the songs, changing the way, as we called it, murders of Heads, and the rest is history, and Steve liked it, so we do it here. That's how it came about. Anymore you here, I'm not there anymore. I'm here. But now I'm here and I'm the new guy. Been here by how many days now? I think seven? Of change and we'll have a new one for you every Friday. How about that. I'm grateful. I'm more grateful than you. I love your name, girl to Miko, I love that name. Let's go to line one, new guy and talk to Chauncey out of Texas. What up, Chasi? How you doing? Man? I'm good? How can I help you? Hey? I was the one to ask j You know it's gonna segue into the woman that was asking about the murders that it I want to play to Jay Anthony. That's Jay. I hope that you remember doing a um uh a comedy in between on the Price right when Bob Barker was there. You made up a song about me during the question and answer session and I was a man, hold on, hold on, hold on, I've had too much That coming up. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour, get ready for today's Strawberry Letters. Subject to my dad's whiling out in Mexico. But up next, nephew, take it away. All right, y'all got to buckle up for this. And because you know it's a little different, Okay, this is uh employee insurance. Employee insurance. We all need that. But but listen to its call Sharances and Joseph, how can I help you? Uh yeah, jose about you're doing? Man? I got you, um your number, Uh well, so I give me your card. Told me you have an insurance company you might be to help me. Absolutely, we'll help you. Well, you help. Okay, listen, I'm um, I'm seeking some insurance. And what all insurance that you guys have? What? What all your all cover? Oh? Well, have all of my building in sharance here at home insurance. We have life insurance, fire flood. We're pretty much, uh, we have everything. What exactly what happen insurance you we're looking for? Okay, we'll see. I need. I have my own business, my own company, you know, I like that. Okay, what I'm what I'm want? What I'm trying to do, man, is I'm trying to make sure I have insurance for the people underneath me. Okay, your employees, Yeah, exactly exactly I want to I want my employees to be insured. Okay, you know, like if something that happens to them, they can get they can get workers comp you know what I mean. I want to be able to do a common at them that way. Is that? And are you able to help me out with something like that? Yeah? I am able to help you. I just need to ask you a few questions. How many how many employees do you ask right now? I have I got six, Well, I got four that's working full time. I got to that that worked predominantly on the weekend. Okay, so I got let me think real quick, let me got I got settlement, I got ice, jasmine, I got thunder. I'm sorry, sir um, sir Timmy nannigans Uh smitty, okay, okay, um um what type of fantasy as sir um? Well, I'm I'm I'm more of a UM, I'm a I'm a PC and um I'm sorry DC. Uh personal consultant. No no, no, no, I'm I'm I'm pretty close though, pretty close. That's that's that's pretty close. I'm I'm I'm a pleasure consultant. And and what it is me? I got um, you know, I got you. I'm sorry. Did you say pleasure consulting? Right right? What what that is? Man? Is you know? I pleasurize people that want to be pleasurized, Like I have girls that may dance for you, some may come in and uh do other things for you to p private parties, that kind of thing. Are you trying to Are you trying to insure strippers or call girl? Well, I mean, I mean I'm trying to ensure. What I'm trying to ensure, I mean I give all my girl ten ninety nine and the year. I don't I don't know what. This is an insurance company, this is a reper a company. We don't ensure call girls. So I'm trying to ensure my product. I mean the way it kind of me is right now, everybody got to look out for themself, but I got to ensure what I need to ensure so in case things go bad. Man, I can bounce back on that. I understand that, sir, and I do. I mean, I'm a businessman just like you are. But we don't insure call girl. So so on on, I got your car. Man, you're trying to tell me that now you can't give me no insuance. We can't ensure or call girls are strippers. Okay, okay, okay, tell me what type of duties they perform? Well, I mean to me, what kind of doing I mean they they have on the application. I have to put down what type of duties do you? We're gonna put down uh exotic dance, you know, uh, and see since they are there for people that like uh need to have some personal attention. Man, you know, we just put something else down, like you know, counseling. You know, he's prostitudes you want to ensure prostitutes. I'm not saying that, man, I'm not stop saying that. Don't say that normal. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that's what that's what they are. Well, why don't you put out PC man? Why don't you? Why don't you put down pleasure consultant for man consultant? So we don't do that here. Um, I don't know how to help us that we don't do that here, that you can't ensure a prostitute. Then I tell you, don't say that normal. I told you this right here is a PC. It's aplay as a consultant. Now, somebody that gave me this business card and told me that you'll be able to take care of me, and now here you he is coming back saying you can't see this one is starting to be some for smitty man. Uh, sir, you don't have to refrain from using that language. Is no, no, no, no. They're telling me that you aren't able to insure me. Man. You don't want coming back with some bogus right here. Listen, we don't ensure any type of ghetto mass prostitutes called girls. Um, and that's some street junk that we don't do here. Man, listen, I was told you can insure me, and guess what you go insure me. I'm gonna go back and forth what you got. I'm gonna come down that to your office, and I want to. I want these papers filled out so I can sign them. So I don't know us. Look, man, we don't ensure no prostitute or no are those strippers? Okay, so we don't do that, and you're not gonna come down to my office with this ghetto mess. We don't do that. Who do you think you're all of that? Man? You you don't know who with. Now, don't left this corporate over the phone corporate voice fool you because I can get gangster. Hey man, I don't know who you think you look now, we don't do that here. Hey man, look let me tell you. So I'm on my way down there. Okay, do not come to this office. You come to this office. I'm coming to the office. You're gonna enshore my girls for me. Somebody that gave me your card and told me you can take care of me on the low, and that's what you're gonna do. I need my damn me instring for my girl's dog. That's all I'm trying to get you. Don't you bring you to me steps with because we don't do it and I will not. And if you bring you something, You're gonna get you. What I mean? I got one who you talking to I'm talking to you now, trying to be nice and I try to be perfectional compus. Don't you bring that's to my office? Oh? Gonna keep you? You ain't sing them? And hey man, I got one more things I need to say to you. You listen, Yes, what you got to sell to me? Don't I do not? And shot pastor to it? Okay, what do you have to tell me? I got to tell you this best is nephew Tommy on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. Oh I'm that boy came. I believe he y'all got me. I ask you this here, man, let me ask you this here. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning. God. You make me so nervous. Yes, and I'm thinking about you know, Shirley car to get insurance on y'all. You know we have insurance at the job. We're good your uncle. What I'm trying to work when it's being awfortunity? No that this kind of side words, what kind of job will I'm not gonna talk how that comes show? Every single one Megafests will be off the chain. Tickets are own sale right now at all ticket Master outlets. That is Magafests. It's called The Time to Laugh, hosted by Yours Truly, and the headliner is Cedric the Entertainer. July fifteen, Charleston, South Carolina, The Nephew is coming to town. And then July twenty two, Wilmington, Delaware. It is Southern Friday Comedy. That's me, that's Junior and all our boys from back home. You do not want to miss it. That show is straight ignant. That's something fry where you own your way outside. Feel like that for y'all forgot the other one time, which one Charleston Dame Money forgot last year? I said Trump, I said, trus you there at you and her I told you. Phoenix, Arizona can typically typically handle the heat right, but temperatures this week are expected to be hot enough to ground planes at Sky Harbor Airport. Temperatures and Phoenix could top one hundred and twenty degrees. Whoa, that's this week and they're gonna break all time records. Yes, yes, you should live there. You know why. You could take your food and put it in a pot and just take it outside and it'll cook for you. You don't have to have nothing. I'm just hey, I'm there, I'm booking the flight. Extreme heat is has prompted American airlines to warn passengers who are booked on flights scheduled to depart between three and six pm about the possibility of their flights being delayed because planes are not allowed to take off in temperatures of a hundred and twenty degrees. Yes, that is crazy, right, that's crazy. I've never heard that before. That is so crazy. Oh my god, hundred and twenty degrees to walk around naked. You really should have to write. I'm just saying, all right, we'll be back at the top of the hour with your favorite jam and with your strawberry letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, let's get ready for it. Y'all ready? Yeah, yeah, Blome, are you here, I'm ready, bulcome up, Hold on tight, we got it by you saw my dad's wilding out in Mexico. That's the subject today, exactly, nephew, David Shirley. I'm twenty five years old and my emotionally fragile dad. It's fifty six. Recently, my dad had a midlife crisis and quit his federal job and moved to Mexico. At first, he was partying and having wild sescope aids sex capades daily, and after doing this for about five months, he called to tell me that he fell in love and he's getting married. Despite his foolishness, I was happy for him until I found out that his fiance is twenty two years old, she has four kids and they communicate through an app. Then she speaks no English and he speaks no Spanish. The worst part is that she was a prostitute and that's how they met. Then he confessed, I love it. Then he confessed that he spent his entire four oh one k on her and her friends at a strip club. He plans to marry this woman, leave her four kids in Mexico, and move home to live with my grandma for a year. I called my grandma and told her everything. The wedding was scheduled for last week, but had to be phoned because he found out that his name is misspelled on his birth certificate. I praised God for intervening. My dad thinks they're in love, but I'm afraid that once this girl get what she wants, gets what she wants, she'll leave my dad. I love my dad too much to watch him be this stupid. What can I do to stop this? Please help me? I mean, thank you, Neview, thank you so much for adding some color to this craziness. All right, Um, I really don't think there's anything you can do because your your dad is certainly old enough to know better. He's just not doing better. He knows, um, even though you did say he was emotionally fragile. Uh. The sad part is there's nothing you can do. It's he's a grown man. I know he's your dad and you love him and you want to help. But he's making his own choices right now, albeit very bad, bad choices. But he's not listening to you. He's not listening to anyone. And I doubt very seriously if he's going to be able to move in with Grandma, with this woman who used to be a hooker. And all of that. Uh, he's just not making smart decisions right now. His life is in a downward spiral, although he doesn't know it yet. The best you can do right now is just to keep praying and hoping that God continues to intervene when he did when he uh, you know, has something to do, you think with the misspelling of his name on the birth certificate. But this is this is really crazy. I mean, your dad's throwing his whole life away on this woman. And he already threw his retirement away. So you gotta keep him in prayer because he's a grown man. You have to keep him in prayer. Jay, What you got? I like the math on this. The math is how old is he? He's fifty six in the ladies Home, she's twenty two six? Goes into twenty too? How many times? Many times as he can? That's what rights see is many times is Papa can't do it? Papa do? Papa? Don't? Papa don't? Yes, Papa? Do you get one time to enjoy yourself? What man? I know that definitely don't want a woman that wants a woman that can't speak English. Every man wants a woman. I don't care what ship you stipid man? What speaks no English? So she can't back because I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, makes your papa has a preting up and make sure his will is all tighten up and everything. Papa enjoy himself. Please a spect life. This is Papa's life. I'm with yourself, man idiotic decisions. Come on, guys, J next at Rod. I think I think you're missing the boat on this. I think I think there's something here that you all are not realizing, is right there in front of your face. Come on, now, let's look at this. This goes to show you you don't have to speak the same length to find love. What's love got to do with this letter? This is love. Let me say, I don't condone prostitute. Okay, but at least the girl is working. Okay, Okay, I do not condone, but if she trying to pull awaight, Shirley, you're trying to bring some money in, okay, show money through the house. You bring some money, c C, I bring some money, t C. Yes, some money, yes, Okay. There comes a time when you know a strip club is necessary. And I understand the man blue his hole for on one K. But Shirley, isn't he allowed to do that? You don't you say see? You don't speak no English over here? Say see, I'm a black woman. You know we have something to talk. Want to see Shirleys thank you. I'm I love the fact that they don't speak the same language, but they speak the same body language. And that's what's about to get married. This body language is leave, this is this is But this has to be the dumbest answer ever from you. There would be days he was just look at her. No me, porter is started. I keep keep the little kick it in here. I don't care if they start to avoid me. I don't care what they do. You care about anything else being with you? Felice, snobby Lee, Christmas. You got to say all that one friends, Chase Chase. Alright, listen, we have part two of this. We want to hear from Junior as well, and we'll wrap up the letter when we come back. If you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, here we go with part two of today's Strawberry Letters. Don't forget if you have relationship issues, we do want to hear from you. We want to give you our advice you can ask us. Just submit your letters to Steve Harvey dot com Steve Harvey dot com. Okay, now, this letter, the subject is my dad is wilding out in Mexico, written by a twenty five year old woman about her fifty six years in love with the old former prostitute with four kids that he wants to marry and bring back to to live with his mother for a year. This is a complicated, crazy story. Uh, he's in love. He's been down there whiling out, having these sex capades with these women, and he spent his four ok this dad four oh one k This dad did all of this. The daughter is worried about him. She says he's emotionally fragile. He's only fifty six years old too. Uh. The dad thinks that he's in love with this twenty two year old woman, he said, But the daughter says once. She's afraid that once the woman gets what she wants, she'll leave her dad. And she loves her dad too much, and she she hates to watch him be the stupid So what can she do to stop this? Is her her question in the letter. Yeah, so, so, so what are you saying, Junior? Leave your daddy alone, and I'm in fact, I'm motivated to go to Mexico. I just book my flight this week. I'm to go down here and see what's happening. This is perfect, This is perfect. He speaks no Spanish, she speaks no English, and yeah, you know, yeah, they communicate through apps. Yeah. You know how many men who have women who speak English and ain't getting a damn thing understand what I asked and stand don't get senior junior. Here you go, Senior junior b p. Yeah, I don't go with uh conando, Yeah, burritos and tacos on me best him? Yeah coming anything? No, Hi, pinteresinters bull riding is good too. Yeah he doesn't understand anything. Yeah. No, like your sit is like hero, slap my behind too. I'm doing myself maybe con No, I ain't got no felonies or nothing. This relationship is, this relationship is working fine. Taking off clothes that senior the junior senior Junior mia sua kia at capets the mark on Uh, how you say it's uh yeah, I ru up the case on myself. That has the market in Trinidad. But for surely wait, she said, how do you say so she had an English moment. Yeah, no, high liberal book. I know, how leroy my little candle ting. I'll go blueing off, We'll get your three friends and come on in. That's all out. When he set up exactly what she said, we need a translator, so we have a little saprisso's uh so air a year or maybe? Um yeah, no No. What she said was can I go down to the bank and get my phone one k and spending all over her? Yes, I can do that already, people cheech, I don't understand what we don't understand. Go we go mean yeah, we're up. Yeah, yeah, alright, listen instagram me your thoughts at my girl Shirley. Okay, this today's letter. My dad is wilding out and make let's take a right turn. Switch some gears here. Um you know the actor Rehearsala Ali who's on How Surprised Moonlight and all that. Um, well, anyway, he has Grace the cover of g q's latest issue. Can't wait to pick that up. So dad has got a problem. But now you like this, Okay, okay, it's all about rehearsal a right about that. In the article, he discussed race in America how he's learned at a young age that his blackness was something people feared. He explained how growing up he would catch people hiding their rings from him in the subway. He said, those experiences that you had from age ten, when you start getting these little messages that you are something to be yard And even though he's a celebrity, uh me Herchela said that he still deals with racial profiling, especially with the Hebrew and a Muslim name uh in case you didn't know, Merchela is Hebrew and is actually short for I can't even go there. But despite his all of his experiences, UM, he still has high hopes for this country. He says he thinks African Americans have a very convoluted relationship with patriotism. The fact is we essentially were the abused child. We still love the parents, but you can't overlook the fact that we have a very convoluted relationship with the parents. I absolutely love this country, but like so many people, have some real questions and concerns about how things have gone down over the years and where we are uh and from from a place of love. That's from a place of love, he says, because I want the country to be what it says it is on paper because everybody he runs into that. No, he's a movie star, so he still gets profile. I either his name is a Hebrew name, yeah, Merschela, he said, but on the elevator when it's just him, he's still a black name. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So pick up the latest issue of g Q. He's on the cover and read more of this article from Herchela. I know, but daddy can't have nobody. Okay, I love that. I can't go to Mexico and Mexic But it's my herschela get in my head. Somebody didn't call him Herschel speaking of herschel life. You guys been watching House of Cards. I'm only I'm doing. Yeah, I'm on the beans right now. Y'all watching that house. Well, it's kind of hard to watch because it's kind of like Francis Underwood, Donald Trump kind of yeas to be all right, listen, we'll be back with some stuff that happens to us when we were kids. We'll be back after this song. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so the majority of us are all of us have kids on this show? Junior you're you're a great You're a great nephew, You're a great uncle to your nephews. Well listen to this guy's. According to a recent survey, millennials buy a lot of stuff online, and that certainly proves to be true. And they don't step into the brick and mortar buildings anymore like we do. They buy it all online. Amazingly, more than half of their total purchases last year were made online, more than half. So they might buy most things online, but what they don't buy everything online? Sixty two percent said they planned to buy their next car in person at a dealership. Yeah, what, I can't stand the millennials careful millennial thing. We got millennials, we have, but we have millennial children. That's that. Then the ones I'm talking about you at my house, they didn't have the struggle we had. Just think you should lock them all outside, just just just they don't. They didn't. They don't do nothing we used to do. So entitled, they didn't do anything. They don't have children. They have no choice. Did you guys have to have chill? The floors have to bros, the refrigerator, the yard. They didn't have dishwashers back in the daher dishwasher, and the dog get her, get her what do you mean? Cigarettes right there? Run upstairs and get this. Yeah, came from down the street. And bring me some water, yea. Or change your channel. Change and TV channel, that's the one right there. Call me wait out here for that man. You know what I couldn't do back in the day to okay, So when I had to wash the dishes, right, so when I washed the dishes, I had to wash them, drive them and put them up. If I did not put them up, you're talking about that blanket and get pulled me. Wash the dishes, dry the dishes, put the dishes up, sleep the floor, take the trash out, re line the trash can because the plastic, mop the floor, clean out the refrigerator. Wipe down all the cabinets with your old drug. And then let me give your mind. That got me. Let me got me in trouble. My daddy came home three days straight and I had not cut that yard. And then he came home late from working, like about tent third m'clock at night. This is the fourth day now I've been coming in. I've been coming in late from track practice, so I ain't been able to really really do it. Man. That's that fourth day. My daddy had me in the yard at left m'clock at night with a flowery got next door said, hey, what's going on. Don't worry about what's going on over here? We cutting yards tonight. Any other time when Annie Lee Brown promised you behind whipping, she never forgot but you. But how about when they made you think they forgot? And to your point, Carla, earlier in the middle of the night, you're sleeping good, all of that. They come in there, turn those lights on, sash time to pay the power. But you know what we got. I didn't want my whipping to add up. I don't want you to stack it. You know I won't mind me. Don't put the with some most stuff, break my hand up. You try to negotiate the discipline. Remember, did I have a tell? I think I told you guys about the time that my mom had the belt and she was whipping me and I accidentally I grabbed the belt and we were doing a tug of war with the belt and I accidentally let the belt go and my mom I would never know. It wasn't it wasn't Honestly, it wasn't, but she thought it was, Oh, you're gonna knock men get hit in the mount Did anybody get hit in the mount Did you get popped in the mountain? And she would pop me in my mouth. I said something, you never slapped me or hit me? What before? My mom said you're gonna make me knock you into next week and I said me for Thursday. I would have made you completely. Hey, man, one time I tried to defend my mama against my dad. Worst mistake I ever made got to beating of a lifetime that I was mad at her because I was in here for you. Yeah, my mom, My mom pushed in the stomach so hard I said something like it and I didn't see the right coming. Man, I didn't see it yet. Just I'm not all away. And we're having this conversation because surely you started the segment off we were talking about millennials talking off air, just to let the audience know we we're talking off air about the difference and how we raised kids today and we were raised back in the day. Millennial we need are so entitled. They're just sent titled. They think they're supposed to have it they just think, Yeah, millennials, they don't. Yeah, they don't understand hard work, how hard we had to work, just like we didn't understand little hard our parents work. The most embarrassing thing I remember going to the laundrymat to watch clothes timing. You take all the dirty clothes and you put them in that big sheet. You walk past everybody playing to go to the Oh my god. And satur Days we had to clean the entire house every Saturday. Everything. We can never just go outside and watch car too. We have some millennials have never heard what Quinn running in and out that Joe don't heard that yet. They don't understand. We had a front porch and there were wood steps. We had a swing on. I had to mop the entire mopping I hate, and we had to mop the I had to mop the the had to do it. Yeah, you had a certain amount of time. If you open that refrigerator door to get what you want and get out of it. No standing in that door, letting that cold out. Do you remember water holes? Water? Thank you. You didn't know if it was filed to turn it on, and it's a trick to it. You turn it on and let thirty seconds later, run for thirty in that cool water kicking and all right, we'll be back after this break. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Uh, we were just reminiscing back in the day. And you know how different it is now between how we were grown, we were raised and how we grew up to how the millennials were. They're entitled behind. They have it so good, they do well. You know, our audience wanted to get in on it. They wanted a piece of this. Let me get some of that. Yeah, okay, so let's go to line one. They want to talk about it too. Let's go to line one and talk to Terrell out of tampall. Good morning, Good morning to the One Morning, Wonderful Morning Show. I got two things the kids that they have never heard of. One, don't let the street lights beat you. They have never heard that strange voice on the phone, gonna get off my phone. People use the phone. Oh my god. They don't know where that voice came from. How about this one? How about this one? Who are you talking to Auntie in Chicago? Chicago? You talked somebody? Have you put in? You got two minutes and I'm waiting on somebody from the church to call me. Have you ever put in an emergency call or somebody and them? Oh my god, I did it one time, and I thought my grandmother was gonna lose her mind. How about just Tommy, y'all remember when the phone books came out and you said, on the porch and see if your name was in there. When it's storming outside, Sit still, tommy, Tommy still does that still phone? Yeah? My grandmother would hang up the phone if it started raining. You don't play the middle of conversations. You just hang up the phone. When it was rain and the sun was shining. That meant the devil was And I didn't even know he was married. I did. When did you never get mad? Thank you? Thank you, Chaurel. We appreciate that. Let's go to line too, and Hesper Hesper out of South Carolina Hasper. Yes. Oh hey, babe, I'm sorry. How are you doing? I'm all right? You old school? Are you a millennial? Um? Right? At the cusp? I just turned thirty in May, but my mother is seventy. My grandmother passed the other year at ninety four. So I was raised old school. Okay, I had a fourteen year old son last year. I put him out of my house. I put him on my front porch. I told him, you can't be respectful. If you're gonna introspect me, you can sleep outside that. I made him a cut. I put him a pull out there and gave me some Columbus covers. The neighborhood. The neighbor called the police on me. Police came out. Yes, the police came out, talked to me like I was a child, told me I was a grown a woman and I should know better. Arrest me in front of my four year old daughter. Yes, and charged me with a felony. Yes, I was on the front. He was in the yard, right, he was on the front the property. Yeah. Yes, there was no calling the police back. Come out and help. He tired to me with the felony. It cost me four thousand dollars. I ain't be anything. I had yet lost the job as a result of it. Well, no, I'm sorry, I lost the job opportunity as a result of it, and um I'm waiting now for it to be experienced because it finally got it dismissed. But how do you know that? Wouldn't you do know? That neighbor wouldn't be living next don't no, you do not listen. Unfortunately, I'm still I'm trying to get into a place where I can buy a house, I can move because I can't deal with anymore. But the police having out to my house so many times over this, and you know, he was not in any harm, in any danger. And this man is no longer an officer. Within a year, he's no longer an officer. I don't know what happened, but nobody will let me tell my side the story. Oh no, the only threat you could make back in the day was I'm gonna tell Big Mama. And you said that once. As a result, is still in my life right now, because no, there was no calling the police. But yeah, yeah, my mother put my nephew out. He said he didn't believe in God. She said, why you can't live yet? Okay. I was laughing because he was holder for a whole day. He called back that night. I think the Lord is real. Let's go to like seven and talk to Tea out of Texas. Hey, how are you doing? You doing all right? You old school with us, My old school with you. I wanted to put it back on your your talked about the water holes. It was two streaks to the water holes come on. So remember you had to get out that like you said, and let the water run, and let the hot water run first, right right right, and the foods that didn't know that they got burnt by drinking the water first. But then when the cool water came, you had to try to be one of the first ones to drink it because you only have about thirty seconds coming back. It was going back in the house to get water. You didn't go back in the house to get water. You couldn't go back in when you when outside you was out. I had one of them screen doors like we had, and they would put the last on there so you couldn't. Yeah, yeah, they could see you. But they went open the door looking hook. That cat always jump on it, definitely. That's so you had to fold the water holes to stop the water from running. Put that. Nobody had that little nozzle. You never never turn it all the way out about to sell your hand. Did y'all have the slipping slide? Did you have that with you? But it was a hefty garbage bag. I remember, Jake, I remember when I thought I thought you was baling when you had an above the ground pool and don't don't give me start if he leaves in the pooling in branches, kill yourself swimming, oh man, or just you know, turn on the turn on the water hose and just running through in your drums. Fun time, man, all right, moving back after these damns. Okay, we'll call yeah, like the calls you're listening to show. All right, we just got into the shop. We're reminiscing about, Yeah, how we grew up versus how the millennials today are being raised, and their entitlement and everything and the stuff. The torture we had to go through. Jay, quickly, you just told us to watch television. We want to punishment. You can't watch television. And someone said you're watching the television? Said no, And then she'd feel as set to see if it was hot, and that way you could tell don't get hot anymore. But back in the day, they'd heat up the room. Who needed a fireplace? Real quick? Okay, guys, my mom when I was punished, you know, when she put me on punishment, I couldn't talk on the phone. She would take all the phone owns out the house and take them to work with her, so I couldn't talk on about and she was from work with her briefcase and a whole bunch of phones. Not to answer the phone, and then they test you and they call and then if you answer, did I tell you? Yeah? All right, let's go to line too and talk to Brandon. Our audience is here for this one today. Brandon Virginia. What's going on? Man? We're good man. We're reminiscing back in the day. I listen right that My parents back in the day was with real old schools. So my mom would tell me listen for I wi you, I need to take off all your clothes. I'm not going to what I paid for. The worst whooping I ever guy was from the next door neighbor. Because my mother was sick that day, so she called the next time and miss Addie she said, could you come in and eat and beat and beat him? And she put one on us. Man, she did. She didn't play miss Addie. Back then, everybody could beat you. It was open season on your behind. Right. Okay, we're reminiscing old school versus new school. Okay, Line five, let's go to Frank out of New York. Hello, Frank, right, what's frank, ain't nothing? Everything good? We're reminiscing, man, what you got you got? I gotta them. But one of one is um. When when me and my brother we were teenagers, right, so my mom used to go to work and every now and then we'll sneak the girls in the house, and every now she would bust us. And when she come in, she'd be like, oh, y'all got to get up out of here. Just know who still here? Yeah? This the crazy part about it. Me and my brother used to be a little barrissed, so try to like talk over hers so thinking that the girls didn't hear her, but they heard it. We'd be like, okay, mother, all right, okay, all right, but your girls, they don't hurt them. You couldn't have comedy man coming coming less. My mama was at home window. I can't come out right now, I'll be out. Remember remember asking your friends to ask your mama could you come out? That was really worse. Yeah. Uh And they would just say no, just because you made your friend ask. Yeah, yeah, oh no. Now okay, let's now they try to still try to today. Yeah, Tasha tries. Okay, let's see if we can quickly get one in line six Shamika out of Virginia as well, Shamaica. Yes, hey, baby girl, we got real real quick twenty seconds. What you got reminiscent? Okay. So I would get se with anything under the sun, anything that would quote extension cords. Yes, could just find any of that. Hold on, Hold on one second, baby, after these jams, we'll be back. You're listening to show all right, All this hour we have been. Yeah, we've been reminiscing old school versus new school because these millennials have it so good right now. They don't even know what we went through to get them here. Yes it is. And we were talking to Shamika online six Tommy, Yeah, Shamika's I think she started out with extension cord Shamiko. Oh yeah, baby, running by me one more time back in the day. Yes. So I was the type of person that got into a lot of trouble. So when it came trying to getting the punishments and the begion, she would beat me with an extension cord. Um, if there was a broom stick around, I would get that. My sick I would get that. Uh, don't let it be any objects that she can throw, because I would get that too. Um, I had to also go outside and get my own switch. I don't know if you'll remember that. Yeah, yeah, bad not coming there with another one, no brain back a little twig, because you would get beat with that and want that's done. She would go outside and get her own switch and come beat you with that too. Oh yeah, or braid three together. And they justified it with spare the rods for the child scripture. And then when they got older they didn't remember any of this stuff. Yeah. Remember up, pick up your kids and let them do whatever they want to do. Yeah, thank you, shimick up right, they spoiled the grandkids, right, tom. I love my mom, I really do. I love her. I love the pieces. But if I could press charges, I would press charges right now. They beat the mess out of me. Somebody ship pay. Somebody needs to go to jail. Somebody to go jail for this. But look how you turned out the great. Oh you knew not to get in trouble. God embarrass your now we embarrass our kids. Back then you could not embarrass it. My good job, and come down. Never let me playing out. You don't went around the corner that's the neighbor house and you over there even I know you. I don't feed you, no man. But that was back in the day. But you know what today, like my daughter when she's out playing with her friends and the kids and they go across the street and she's like, mommy, Mr John grilled steaks. It was delicious. I said, good, you ate, it's dinner time. Go over there with your friend. Now get but you know where we couldn't put our hands on the walls. Yeah everything. Yeah, you couldn't hands off the wall, hands off the Remember when TV went off? Yeah, that time that looked dot, looked dot right at the end, right before it just complete go out, it came on. It was that was another image on his TV to the But you know what, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I looked at us today, how we were raised. I just wouldn't appreciate your hard working Definitely, you know, should lock these keys outside? We really respective elders all of that. Yeah, all right, well that was our walkdown trip down memory lane, I guess, and we'll be back to yeah, close out the show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, here we are into the show already, last break of the morning. This one went by quitty pretty quickly. Huh um. Yeah, Steve's out of course today, and the crew is here. In case you didn't notice, Steve was not here. He's out today. The crews here. But we've been reminiscing for this. Yeah, he definitely needs it. We've been. Yeah, we've been reminiscing um for this last hour about you know, just how we were basic based on how the millennials we compared the two and boy boys, did you guys have a dited it when you were small? Hates the toilet paper roll and go? Yeah, we had, Yeah, we didn't have it in but I did get in that fan in the window. Don't get too close. Did you eat refrigerator ice? Yes, that I deep had. You scraped that out and put it in the glass and put some kool aid on top of that, and that was That was for the ice cream man. But we drank water right out of the faucet. Oh, yeah, distilled water and bottled water today soft drink it right. I got water right from the water from the s and the water bottle of the water bottom. Yeah, right from Michigan. That's where what about the ice tre you have the old with the hand, yeah, yeah, and the milk man came a milk man we don't have now. We had to go to the store and get Do you remember going to the store a million times? Yeah? For bread to go back? Yeah, but a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, and some sugar. You always so weird that black people wanted white bread. We grew up. It was wonder bread. Bread. When my grandmother sent me to the store, she would say, I'm spending on the floe. Now, don't let it be dry when you get back. What spiting on the floor, now, don't let it be dry when you get back. I remember this break out side. Everybody's outside playing, and then the old older the person would come to know, say who wants to make a quarter? And about sixty kids will showing. All right, let's go. We have some more phone calles. We can take a couple like us before we get out of here. Let's go to line four uh and talk to Tracy out of Georgia. Tommy, Yes, good morning, babe. How you doing. I'm good. How are you well, I'm good. We're reminiscing we're old school. Are you new school or old school? I'm old school? Talk to me what you got? My grandmother raised me and whenever I would ask her to go to the store, um, she would always see, I'm gonna spend on the ground and you better be back. The boy dry up. I've never I've never heard that. I've never heard. What about the rule before you win in and stug don't touch nothing, don't look at nothing, and don't ask. Actually, actually, Jay, back then, you could actually get left in the car. Ridden you could. You could get left in the car. You have any seatbelts and your mom's arm was the car seat? Yes? Yes? To the air bag too hard? Yes that was your air bag. Oh yeah, all right, thank you, Tracy Lyne. Three, let's go to Brandon out of North Carolina. Brandon, good morning, good morning, Come on man back in the day. What you got? Okay, he'll just be real short and bridge. But I do remember, man, was this is going to school? Um? You know always you always have to class clown man when the show off and you don't make everybody laugh. Well okay, well I just think we got this was third Grady. Um, I wasn't there. It was a special you know young leading there that I like so much where I think it made if I act stupid, you know, make people laugh at you're like me even more well though the whole it came around winds though. While I was making them laugh and they was laughing, the teacher was out of the classroom. My mother was behind the wall. She had a tough skin leave of doum. She looked at me. Okay, you finished, you finished making them laugh. I can't tell you my mother caught one of my shows in school because I wouldn't put home two shows showing home room and then I just show after lunch. Wait wait, wait, wait minute, hey man, you got you got beat in front of everybody, beat in front of everybody. You know, whatever thing she took, she took my pants down, man, and told me up right there. I mean, I had my drawers and she you know, she didn't want to totally humiliated me, but I had my drawers on why she would know that's why that's humiliating. Brother. No, that was yeah, or they would talk loud when you're on the phone. Yeah, yeah, thank you. Oh my god, I just didn't like my threats just made you act right, My Mama told me one time, no line. She it, I'll kill you because I'm tired of working, and I'll do the time she said, I'll kill you. I'm tired of working. And what I'll do she didn't murder? Murder? I turn around and make nothing, just like man, I brought you here and I'll take you out. Oh my goodness. Yeah, but wait, Jake, what were you saying? Used to do two shows? When I did a show in home room, I did a nice show then and then right after nunch I had an afternoon show and Lebron caught that second show. She wore me out. But look at you now, maybe look at you? Yeah? Oh my goodness, Wow, what a day? What a day? Come on? Do you remember you used to collect soda bottles and so you could get ye Mark? Well, yes, thank you for letting We love you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.