A$AP Rocky, LBJ, Moscow Mitch, TSA and more.

Published Jul 31, 2019, 2:00 PM

Welcome to The Baddest Radio Show In The Land.  Is a thank you text to an ex appropriate before marriage?  A$AP Rocky could face two years in a Swedish prison.  LBJ faces criticism for losing his shoe after his son's monster dunk.  Bernie Sanders shows that he is not scared at the Democratic Debate.  Moscow Mitch is in studio today to clear things up.  TSA makes an example of two employees by suspending them for racial reasons.  Mariah Carey passes the torch to Lil' Nas X for sitting on top of the Hot 100 for 17 weeks.  In J's What We Learned 

Today, the learned who not to underestimate, plus more.  

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like themking buck bus things. And it's cost me true good at Steve hard listening to movie together for Steve. Please, Bobby, I don't joy by joining me. Have you gotta uta turn be hurting them? You gotta turn to turn out, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your baby that uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey Man old man got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He on one, he'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want? Hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together that just individually. Look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. Everybody has them. Everybody's got them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination. Now, the procrastination is only hurting you yourself. If you got a goal or aspiration, a dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God know where you're left off. Now. You may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off, you can get back on track. I look, man, and this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams, and in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on too was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man. Sometimes it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See he held on to that fum me. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place. Put you back in line, then we're gonna finish the journey that took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to. But then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I haven't been through enough whereas relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that. That's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff He was pulling off on me, But in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there and did wrong. He forgave me, He said, because, man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working and here I am today now as he threw it me. Yet Nope, Have I arrived yet? Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? You know. It's like I was talking to this young brother the other day about comedy and he's really good stand up. You know, this young dude is really good. He said, Man, what is this I feel every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. I just wanted off me, I said, sir, listen to me, you young dude. This thing that climbs on my back every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. It's got something to do with pressure, It's got something to do with anticipation. It's got a whole lot to do with the fear of falling. He said, what you mean by that? I said, every night I walk out on stage, it's like I'm about to go and step off a cliff. I said, it's a sickening feeling. He said, man, but you do so well. I said, that's because the parachute opens. I say, but I want you to understand something. When I first walk out there, it's just stepping off the cliff. Now these jokes provide the parachute, which slows my descent when I jump off the cliff, and I turned it into a glide. And then I take the audience this way and I swing them back over that way. We might swing out to the Colorado Rockies. We may go down to Miami with this joke. We may take it on out to LA and I just swing back and forth till I land softly. The crowd cheers. The night is over with, I said, but it's been too many nights though. When I walked off that cliff and I pulled the cord in, the parachute didn't open. I said. Now I'm just free falling out there for thirty minutes. Ain't no jokes working. Ain't the parachute didn't open. I said, so see that's what it's like for me. And then you know what I found out. If you don't walked off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right, See, we all head to the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no core, you steady pulling, you hauling the whole way because you've messed around with yourself, and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute, since I got to jump every day than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from? I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain. It's usually him. You're listening all right, everybody. I know you have listened to other radio shows, Yes you have. Don't lie to me, don't you lie to me. But you keep coming back in the reason you come back here, right here, I'm talking about right here, because we are the baddest radio show in the entire world. This your boy, James Brown. But we could not do it. What not Kate? Not without Shirless Starberry. What is up Shirley Starband? What is up with you this morning? We're all up this morning, Shay, we are all up this morning. Good morning. We're not the baddest radio show in the world. Call up around, tell him we are. You know, I'm gonna tell him number one. Hold that finger up, that index finger number one Morning show. Yeah, good morning. Is he is back by popular demand, my main man, my writing buddy. Y'all give it up for Junior in the morning. Man. What's up Junior? Morning? Everybody morning? Everybody has everybody doing this morning? I'm great, free, I feel some free. We're all free. Years side side, I'm doing last but not King the King of Frank y'all put your hands together for time. What's up time? It's molding time. I say it's molding time. It's moaning time. What's in the hill? Left the gate over? What you're well? Hump Dan, let's get hump Day two of the the Democratic presidential debate. Yeah. It was kind entertaining, Yeah, and informative at the same time. I still need to I need for them to narrow this down. Somebody's supposed to go like way on the end. You don't need to be with him. No, mother, what we worked with it when we were younger. Why not go one potato to potato and you don't make the one potator to potata count, you go home? And we didn't argue back then with one need to be like like you know, like high school cheer leader trials, the need to be like like yeah, or like or like American idol. Yes when the people vote, yeah, people vote, or even sibler than that, just pick a number one to one hundred, somebody picking a number wheet to state I got a better one. I got a better one. I got dodgeball if that ball's face or Jay? How they used to pick you for dodgeball? You know he's the last one. You know, we're not picking stop or like you to play like if you're picking for the softball team all of that. The last one that gets picked, you're out. Let's just let's just play hard and go seek. All right, guys, we have a great show for you today. Democratic candidate debate did in Detroit last night. We talked about it just a bit. Cardie B meets with her candidate of choice, Bernie Sanders. Nephew, tell me has a prank call for us, and I have another off the chains crazy strawberry letters subject. What kind of freaky stuff is this? Just give you a look tid bit of what's kind of go down today? Coming up at thirty two after the hour. Inside Something Funny, a woman gets a thank you text from her ex right before his wedding. What's up with that? Uh, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the show. Okay, So when you hear that someone texted their X on the night before their marriage to someone else, you probably assume it was a drunken slip, or a last minute jitter or something. Right. Well, well, this one woman recently only got a text from her ex on the eve of his wedding, and it seems to be a sweet and sincere thank you for teaching him how to love everybody say oh, and he says he sent it with his fiance's blessings. Alexa Sanchez Aguilar has taken to Twitter to share the text exchange between herself and her former boyfriend, and she doesn't name him though, but it does begin. I'm getting married tomorrow. I wanted to send you this message. Thank you for being my first love. The ex goes on to thank her for helping him grow, keeping him out of trouble, and helping him through depression. Her name is Alexa Sanchez Aguilar text me, I know w hallallalla or girl girl? Oh hell yeah, yeah, let's go. This ain't blanketed blake, Alia blanketed black Jane. Didn't got to go tell somebody else though, That's what I said. Yeah, this is crazy. Thank you for being my first love. The ex goes on to thank her for helping him grow, helping him through depression. Her text back was also filled with kind words, congratulating him on all his beautiful blessings and telling him she's proud of him and happy for him. Is it did he text his mother about mistake. What is going on here? You know what else? He hain't be black people? He would have got he would have got to see. I was gonna let you have your little punky win, but now I'm a beat it now, didn't you? So? I mean people? You know? They tweeted back on Twitter. Uh. Their responses range from admiring how emotionally mature the ex boyfriend is to wondering if he has a secret motive for the message. Alexa Aguilar explains that they didn't have a big falling out. Things just didn't work out. Uh, she fixed him for someone else, though it sounds like she says they helped each other through a tough time. So, guys, do you think it was just a sincere thank you from this guy? Um? Or you know, was he up to something? Yeah? Definitely? Are you thinking? Okay, So here's the next question. Yeah, getting married, he's bitter, so he's going to rub it into the lad's girlfriend and say, I want to say thank you tweet. So let me ask you guys, have you ever reached out to any of your exes before you got married? Jay? Start with you because you've been married multiple times? Yeah, Yeah, most on this show. What is the truth? What you like we're lying? Yeah? I mean I'm well answer the question. No, I never did reach out to anybody before. Man, what about after the divorce? Yeah, I got you? What about what about you? Junior? You ever reach out to an X after you guys broke up? Boy? Yeah, I'm broke up. Yeah. Yeah, I've reached out to him. You know what you're saying. You know it wasn't nice, but you know I reached out to him. But the answer I got I didn't like back. What's your side? What was you? You can't say? Blank? You? I said, okay, okay, you know what I want to sell. You know I why I'm coldly ummy. You ever reached out to an ASCE after you guys broke up? Yeah? Because you know what I've reached out, you know, because I'm always big gonna you know what, let's let's gonna have one more time for we just gone on and walk away from it. Make it a fish, make it a fish. You know, we don't want to leave, you know, because we could have got to do it this drought, you know, so well, one more Nat, I know I know you, you know in the weird point about the time women are really not so into break up six men, we are all the way in. Yeah, we're done. We're done, Jay, So like dad, you should we mex. Oh, here's the thing, just because the relationship don't ain't good. Don't mean the sex one't good exactly. Yeah, if it was so good, why would you cheat? Why'd you like? You know? There I go with that. Got to do with us in the bed and up and while we're doing this last one. Huh, we're gonna make sure we're in a in a position where we're not looking out of act because we don't want to fall for each other again. You know what I'm saying. Oh yeah, we're talking about it's stand up stuff. We ain't talking about stand up stuff, not talking about anything stand up, trying to laid down it. Oh yeah, uh mean, y'all y'a don't even you know, y'all don't do that. Y'all't even come. I'm bad. I don't like no, and if we do, it'll be a long time. Like I'm I'm very good friends now with my ex husband, very good friends. But when we divorce though, Oh no, ma'am, no, ma'm I want Oh no, I'm not friends with none of my ex As a matter of fact, what Junior's girl said, I guess, oh yeah, oh yeah, that right, all right, tried to come to my wedding though he told one of my friends he was gonna come to them to my wedding, but oh no, no, my husband was like, you don't want Yeah, I wouldn't have allowed that. All right, listen, go to Steve Harvey FM right now and post your comments. Coming up. Nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Show. All right, So coming up at the top of the hour, we have some entertainment news for you. Nicki Minaj and Herman got a marriage license recently. But right now, the nephew in the building would run that prank back. What you got for us, naff Asian cleaner? Oh yeah, one of my fais right, he's Asian cleaners. Yes, okay, let's go, okay, hello, it's just it's just the cleaners. Yeah, it's a cleaner. Is just the cleaners? Did you the cleaner? Okay, hey listen, I'll be bringing my clothes, y'all. Out of time. Somebody to miss up a payer of my plans. Oh did Japan? You know the fee depends so well? Yeah, depend and you'll feed your feeding for you. No, no, no, no, y'all haven't already missed up or no. What I'm trying to say right here is the day all will did the prayer is took the belt loops off the plans. But who whoo whoo, the who the whole whit the pin? Who the what? Who the who? The Washington? Your pins, y'all the people. I told y'all, I want to start in my jeans. You know, I told y'all I want to make sure my jeans stand up by their self. Okay, y'all put the start any But the problem is, y'all took the belt loops off the plans. Do you you pay already? Do you pay? Say? What do you pay? Yeah? Prays y'all the damn money y'all gave me the players. I didn't know the belt loose. Wasn't known that until I got on what what's your name? What's your name? Washington? What Washington? What? Washing? What do your fucking name? Your fucking name? I don't never leave my first name. I'm always washing. I to find the receipt to see what you are? What's wrong with your pains? Do you like your like? Name? What? Why I sent to Oh? Why you can't understand what I'm trying to say to you? What? What? Who? Who? Who? Who to help you with your clothes? What? The person to help you with the clothes? The lady that I alway being in the front is the one that helped me. That the older lady, she the one I always helped me. Let me here. Okay you did, you're the way and I'm myself. Okay, I saw the life and that you need my girl? I need What is you saying to her? No, she's not here? What I need you to speak English? This is an English situation. Okay, Okay? She she not speaking? She not speaking? Okay, So I I can't slay for her? Okay, she she not here? You want to call count tomorrow? Did we help you with the clothes? Okay? But you ain't understand me. My belt loops is of my parents. We know that we know to take it. It is not we. I had to hear. We just watched it. Alad, we don't take the did do that? Y'all? Did take the bill? Lose out? Do you wait? Okay? Okay what wait? Okay, yeah, I wait, go ahead take water an Ireland the Stuart sum How can you need the man who look nicky? You'm McKey, ain't know government? What I told you? I told you English? Then what what do you we try to help the problem. Okay, I understand you try to help the problem. This is an English problem. I need you to be speaking Hell. What's going on right here? English? So what I speaking the English to you? You? I don't understand what you say. I'd say I need you to speak English. You're not speaking? You speaking the English to you? Why you not? You not? You don't look, you don't worry. Old Look all I'm saying is just right here. Somebody got my damn bill losing it, took him out my playing and somebody going to put the back out. Okay, you don't wait. Will tell you that we fixed the pan. Okay, and you you'll bring it in and you know then I can do for you on the phone. Okay. You want to let to fix the pan, you have to bring in another day. Okay, Okay, what do you want me to do on the phone? Okay? If I don't have to pen, how I'm going to fix it. You have to bring it in tomorrow. Okay, but the father would be here tomorrow. You breathe in Okay, I I it's very busy today. I don't have time to do this on the phone. Okay. I no, okay, y'all gonna fix money? No, you don't. You you paid money? Okay? Did I always say I just fix it? Okay? You sit on the phone and you squeam and you yell, and then nothing I can do for you. Now you're here for when you're going to fix my day on prayer? Y'all. I don't have to fix anything. Okay. We need to help you, but if you don't want to work with us, you know we cannot help you. Okay. I let me tell yourself. Y'all gonna make me come out with a wolf? You come here, okay, you come here and you talk to us okay, and at the police here, at the police here, and Dex you take it with him. Okay. Where's somebody gonna put my dail bill loose back on my prayers to That's all I'm saying, right Okay? You you you donna ye at me? Okay, Well you don't yet at me? Okay, you want to you want to him, he tak care you. Okay, Mom, you're talking. You're gonna take care of me. The find that he got here, you talk to him and you met, you mest with him. Didn't he think here, I don't do with you? Okay? No? Better you better had him down, belo. That was he better have No, he don't have to do nothing, okay, because we're not we're not. We're not mest up your pad. We try to help you. You got the problem. You talk to him and he he you wanna kick Okay, you're gonna do work. He's gonna kick you. He's gonna kick my. Tell what you're just saying? Oh? How how lou? Did you just say? Yo? Dad? It was gonna kick my Yeah, he gonn to care you and you were gonna go to police. Okay, you go to jail. Okay, okay, look, I got something else I need to say to y'all. You listening, I see you? I say, did you list what the what? What's the problem? Hey? Do you have a man that worked for you? And your cleaner's name John? You want to talk to John? No, my name is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning show. You just got prank phone called by John that works in your cleaners? What John? John got you to call me? What did you? What did John call me? Is this Sue? What? What? What is your name? Sue? Yeah? You always get mad at John for listening to the radio in the morning round I call you under under radio John got me to plank phone call you. I work at the radio show that does that's not funny gradual and I Radio Garden Lucy. All right, then, Sue, I gotta ask you what what is the best radio showing the land? Oh? That Steed Steed Hardy Show. Yeah you see Tony? Why I let him? How y'all like my Asian cleaners? I love that much. That's one of my favors. Right there? Now you play too more stupid? All right? My brothers are loaded up. They are already in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the members of what cap out the Side Fraternity Incorporated, Lecture Fat, Devastate Depth FA the Max way Back. I'm sorry to the brothers. Sorry, and the brothers a fine new pie. If you feel like a brother, then you say like a brother, say to the window. That's all I can do right there? Yeah, Yeah, that's that's why that's one Wenna start right there. Friday, y'all is going down up set in the city of Philadelphia, w das summer suare hosted by yours truly. We're having a party, y'all. It's a party. It's not a comedy show. It's a party. The Grand Ballroom, thirty eight oh one, First District Plaza, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Noopnope, see you there, all right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, ASAP Rocky, his criminal trial that's going down in Sweden, has started and it's expected to last about three days, so by the end of this week, ASAP Rocky could learn his fate. If convicted, he faces up to two years in a Swedish prison and a fine based on a percentage of his income. Wow. Now prosecutors have accused Rocky and two buddies of his beating up a man who pestered them. The lawyers say the trio worked deliberately together in agreement as they kicked and smashed the guy with a bottle a video shows Asap violently throwing the man to the ground. The alleged victim took the in and told the court that during the attack he felt Rocky and his accomplices were going to kill him. He says he's had nightmare since the incident, and the injuries to his hands left him unable to work. President Trump tweeted, I watched the tapes of Asap Rocky and he was being followed and harassed by troublemakers. Treat Americans fairly, say what the President the first black person I've seen him take up. Yeah. He tweeted that to the Swedish Prime minister because the prime minister didn't want the President to interfere. Yeah, to get involved, Yeah, to get involved. So he's that message is to him about you know what happened, and you know it's probably you know, everybody think it's political to what he shout, Yeah, it's political, and it's most definitely racial race. But you know, Asap Rocky is like, whatever can get me out of here, I'm sure, Yeah, promise, hooty, some peculiar will get me out of here. I didn't want to get out of here. R Wow. That well, we gotta to be careful overseas and not period because we can hardly do yeah, because yeah, they have their own laws and over there they have their own law. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Oh. I've been loved with abroad, but that's a whole DIFFERENTI Okay. In other entertainment news, Nicki Minaj is about to marry her fiance Kenneth's Zoo Petty on Monday, the coupitle visit. The visited the Beverly Hills Courthouse. They stood in line at the window for marriage licenses and ceremony appointment. Only Kenneth paid for the license, which will expire in ninety days. That's three months. Uh and babies maybe on the way too. Nikki tweeted two weeks ago, quote, we already chose the names. Nicki's been told Kenneth Zoo Petty is bad for her. You know of people think this is a bad match because he spent time in prison and all of that. Um, he can't change. Yeah, but according to The Daily Mail in TMZ, he's a registered sex offender for attempted rape and an ex con. He spent seven years behind bars for shooting a man multiple times. Nikki has repeatedly defended their romance. Kenneth is obsessed with her since their high school sweetheart days. She's known him since high school. He still called Nikki by her birth name Akastrats. What I see it here? I spoke way too soon. I know. The whole record record for wad for people can't change. Yeah, this ignorant show, all right. He tattooed Onika on his neck. On New Year's Day, Nikki posted to Instagram a video taken in the hot tub. If Kenneth suck her toes, who screens? Yeah, toes? All right, all right, let's switch gears here. Okay, Jay, let's let's bring Miss Anne in. Please. She's gonna talk about the latest on yesterday's Walmart shooting in the Mississippi Memphis area. Yeah. Plus, uh, she'll have information on last night's Democratic debate in Detroit, of course. All right, everybody, it is time for the news with miss and trip very very much. Yeah, okay, this is a trip for the news, and let's start with the debates. Okay. Last night was round one of the second batch of debates between Democratic presidential hopefuls and healthcare and immigration, where some of the topics brought up candidate's Elizabeth Warren, Beto O'Rourke, and Amy Kolbischer, for instance, tackle the issue racism as continued legacy. We need to call out white supremacy for what it is, domestic terrorism. The president is advancing environmental racism, economic racism, criminal justice racism, healthcare racism. The very foundation of this country, the wealth that we have built, the way we became the greatest country on the face of the planet, was literally on the backs of those who were kidnapped and brought here by force. The legacy of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow in suppression is alive and well in every aspect of the economy and in the country. I will sign into law in new Voting Rights Act. But I will also sign into law Sheila Jackson Lee's Reparations Bill so that we could have the national conversation we have waited too long in this country to have. Thank you, Thank you, Yes, blacks did build this country. Asked for how to win the general election. There were various points of view on that. I remember when people said Barack Obama couldn't get elected, shout. I remember when people said Donald Trump couldn't get elected. There is a lot at stake and people are scared. I think Democrats win when we run on real solutions, not impossible promises. To win this election defeat Donald tru which by the way, in my view, is not going to be easy. We need to have a campaign of energy and excitement and vision. I think when we have a guy in the White House that has now told over ten thousand lives, that we better be very straightforward with the American people. Tonight's face officers to include Santa's Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Christen Gillibrand, plus New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Joe Biden. President Trump, by the way, he said he was going to watch last night's debate, but he's already said that in the end, he's sure that it'll be former Vice President Joe Biden that he will be facing in the fall. Meanwhile, a group of Virginia lawmakers and state officials boycott of the President's speech in Jamestown yesterday. Instead, they held their own commemoration of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans. According to CNN, the woman that Donald Trump has picked to bes Folkshan for the US Treasury Department get This was responsible for constantly spreading bogus conspiracy theories about former President Obama. The network says that Monica Crowley and who was appointed by Trump last week as a Sister and Treasury Secretary for Public Affairs, is a former syndicated radio host and columnists and Fox News contributor who Trump recently wanted for senior directors State Check Communications. Finally, today's National Coffee Milkshake Day. So if you like coffee in any form, this is your day. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening to. All Right, we have some trending sports viral video news. People are upset Junior with Lebron James and he's been criticized for a celebration of one of his son's games. Please explain, Junior, what's going on. Yeah, so Levron is in his video and he's on the sideline of one of his sons, Bronnie's Bronnie's game, Lebron j Lebron Junior and he's cheering the mom but Bronnie went up and finished an ali oopto and Lebron went crazy and any father shooting, you know, So they're trying to say that he was trying to steal his son's spotlight, which I don't see a problem with that. If my son could dunk, what But why I think he just getting across because it's Lebron James. He's already a superstar. Yeah, and then he's at his son's game. He already has a dominating president if you walk in the room anyway. And now his son is out there playing his game. And his son can ball too. It's not like his son's scrub his son. His son can really ball. Yeah, this is top of the line talent. He playing again, but his son really I don't know. Because Lebron went on the court and lost his shoot but tried to get out the way because they was coming back. He was celebrating, but he was, yes, yes, that's just a proud papa. That's all that proud moment. I don't see nothing wrong with that. Sometime this is not about you, Lebron. Not so no wait, y'all turning so first, y'all was saying he was celebrating. To now y'all saying he went too far. Yeah, man, I think he was just yeah, you just gotta learn the tish shoes up. How much he was cough that they come on. Could you get your ass off if tushing them team win first place? You already know she well, you know they already won the summit in championship. You don't see me? Yeah, see my video moment. All right, guys, it's coming up at thirty four. So if you guys think Lebron went too far, please go to Steve Harvey FM and leave a comment. Okay, did he go too far? Or I think we think you go too far? Okay, coming up next to thirty four. After the hour Democratic candidates National Debate and Detroit and Cardie B talked to Bernie Sanders about the future of America. Oh cool, okay, we'll be right back after this. You're listening to show. Okay. So last night was the first Democratic or the first of two nights of Democratic national presidential debate. Last night it was Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders tried to do a little something something. You know. Yeah, he's not now that he's not because I'm old. I'm old, yes, white, because I'm old. Elizabeth Warren tried to get her stuff in. You know, she has a plan for everything. Elizabeth Warren does yes betteral' rourke was there and speaking of Bernie Sanders. According to Steve Harvey FM, Cardie B linked up with her candidate of Troice and it happens to be Bernie Sanders. They wanted to talk about the issues. She wanted to talk about the issues we Bernie, So take a listen to Bernie on the campaign trail talk about Cardie B, which Artie B does not only is she an enormously popular entertainer, what she is doing is speaking to young people about the important issues that are all on their minds. And I applaud that very much. All right, all right. Cardie posted a picture of her meeting with Bernie Sanders at the ten Nail Bar in Detroit, where she asked him a bunch of questions submitted by fans through social media. Cardie says, stay tuned to see how he will fight for economic, racial, and social justice for all. And tonight the debate will continue in Detroit at Fox Theater. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris again, Corey Booker, Andrew Yang, Julian Castro, Tulsey Gabbert, Kirsten Gillibrand or Gillibrand, I forget which one, Jay Nsley, Michael Bennett, Bill de Blasio, all of them will be on stage debate eating and we'll see what they have to say and how they're going to move the country forward US tonight. Yeah. Yeah. And Joe Biden, she's gonna shut it down tonight. Yeah. And Joe Biden has something to prove tonight because he was a bit overshadowed on the last one. Be so polite. Yeah, he said he was not gonna be so polite tonight. Yeah. And you know, Corey Booker is gonna have to get something in there. And Julian Caster, Bill de Plazio, Mayor of New York. I'll be won cor quit Holland though he's a loud man. But when you start off halling, you got nowhere else to go. You know, you said the loudest man on this shop down top down already. Yeah, but I like what's his name, Budda Judge. Budda Judge said last night he told them they, oh, y'all, oh, you know what, there is no snappy comeback when they call you old trustman. I think somebody, somebody, somebody used to say this, I can't remember who it was, but they said, keep living, you're gonna get old one day, keep living yea in the morning, don't get there sure enough? And beat on Roy keeps trying to get last night, trying to get that um momentum back. It seems like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So he talks about taxes, raising taxes and better care for all and then yeah, yeah, he went to a grocery store and they gave him a basket. They even knows him. But you know what, the guys, it's still early in the game. It's still early in the game. I mean it's you know, we still got the primaries to get through U to early next year when they kick off and what March or something, So we have a long way to go. So we did there got Snowball's chance and they just need to get home. Is it too late for me to run? Can you still getting get your coins together? You get in? I'm sure, But I look forward to tonight's debate though. It should be a pretty heated one with everyone on that stage again having something to prove, and more than that, just you know, what are you going to talk to the American people about? You know, you gotta have that together, because we really take our vote seriously. The ones who who vote and I hope that means everybody for this upcoming election in November next year. So you know, give us something, give us something. We're listening. We're lost. What Senator Warren said last night, every Democrat on this stage will be a better president than you with the broom in his hand would present. But you know what, there's some people on the other side who think the exact opposite. All right, coming up next, nephew in the building with today's praying phone call coming up right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject what kind of freaky stuff is this? I mean, you're just speaking out language. We just don't know what it's about. I know I'm speaking our language, so we'll see what you're talking about. Wow, Okay, right now the nephews here with today's praying phone call. What you got for his neph What has been going on all summer? It's been hot and oh yeah, and most parts of the country has been very hot. And it happens when the kids come in from outside. Okay, today's title is MUSTI so you always must somebody's kid yo too much. It's musty, and you don't want to hear that. You don't want to hear that, but to be sick, you need to say that it's musty. Okay, it happened my son come in and coming in from the outside. He's just smelling like, oh, I know, ye, but you must your son is musty. A lot of people don't want to hear it, but I got to tell it. Running cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the Banessa Place's my name is Robert, I mean one of the owners. You know, my wife Michelle, we owned the Yes, I help you. Okay, we've been uh, I think we've had your son, Malik, probably close to a year now. I'm all right, yes you have is everything? Okay? So everything's fine, Everything is fine. I don't think we have a problem that we can't clear up. Um. I have a question for you. Have you've been noticing anything different about Malik? Um, like concerning hygiene at all? Hygiene? No, not that I can be called. What are you talking about? Okay? How old is Malik? He's too? Okay, Well, we soon have come across a little glitch here that we're going to try to take care of here at the at the daycare. Actually my wife didn't. I told her I would make the phone call and leave her out of it. I know you see her every day. One. Yeah, but what's glitch are you talking about? What is this glitch? I'm sorry, glitch? What is this glitch that you want to talk about? I'm confused? Okay, Well, actually what we're having is it seems like every day here lately for the last two months, Malik has been you know, very musty. You know, he hasn't been really sweaty, but just real musty. Okay, you clearly have the wrong child because I give my son a bath every night, and most Martin is before he beats to school, I give him another bath again. So yeah, I'm pretty positive you have the wrong child. No, man, your son is Malik, right, and he's two years old. You guys have been here with us right close to a year now, correct, Yes, and okay, and he's cute, a little kid with the curly hair. I know exactly which one is. So what I'm what I'm saying to you is that we are having problems. He's just he's just reaching, you know, he's real musty. Okay, you know what, my son does not reach. I don't know what child you're talking about, but you're not talking about my child. I just told you and make sure that he gets a bath every night. So that's not my child. My child is very clean. Okay, Well what hang on, Vanessa. What I'm trying to get you to understand is I'm trying to. This is why my wife didn't want to call. Okay, and I'm glad I'm actually the one that made the call. What we need to do. This is what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna try a little experiment for the next month or so. Experiment. No, no, I'm sorry, Well what do you mean experiment? What kind of experiment? Well, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some male deodorant on him for the next well just for the next month, and we'll see how it plays out. No, no, no, you're not You're not gonna put anything on my child. That's not gonna happen. Okay, Well, ma'am, I'm trying to. I'm trying to fix the problem here. I just wanted to. It doesn't have a problem. Already told you that my son is clean. You're not gonna put any argument on him, and if you do, it's going to be a problem. Do you understand me? Okay, man, I'm not trying to have an argument with you. What I want you to know is I'm not trying to have an argument either. But you're trying. You're talking about putting you. I'm my child. You you can't do that. I'm not gonna have to happen in Please don't make me have to come now to that school for you and your wife. Okay, Now listen, we're gonna have to do something about your child. Your child is musty, okay, And you're sitting here getting an attitude with me, and I'm trying to let you know your child is to nonsense. Maybe you're the one that is musty. Maybe you and your wife or musty. My child is not musty. I keep telling you that I bathed him every night, Which part of that? Don't you understand? I understand everything that you're saying. Maybe it's the soap, maybe something that is not taking effect. I'm not sure. Okay, Maybe he doesn't smell me because I don't know what child, But you're not smelling my child. You we're not using on my child. Do I need to come down there for you with the comps and suit your entire establishment. You don't want that to happen, Say away from my child? Are you crazy? You know? Matter of facts? My son man, Your son is fine. Your son is in there with the rest of the kids. They're playing. You know, today is the first day I sprayed a little bit of melody odor and under that works up? Cheryl, Can you come up for me for a couple of minutes. I I'm na right now. I'll be there within the hour. Because you must be crazy. GI mean you sprayed my son spram. I just sprayed a little bit of the older and on him, just to see if we can get your commission to do that. And I keep telling you, I said, there's nothing wrong with my child, and you took us on here chalk to go and spray my child and you weren't supposed to do that. You think I'm na right now? Okay? Well what are you coming here for the boys? You're the son of the leak is fine? Why are you coming here? You know he's curling that fine? If you're going around spray, how don't you spray? Because clearing is you're smelling and ricking and funky as hell. I didn't give you no child. I promise you, I promise you. I'm a ah y'all because you were Okay, let me say this, man, your son is musty. He's been reading for they must be you know what. I didn't even try to hear you because you're you're you're clearly crazy. How are you going around to playing people's kids? Hallo? What's my child? Did you smell the other kids? You know what? I'm about to get in my car come down there for your because you must be crazy? Hello? Hello, Hello? Why did you hang up on me? I'm trying to fix the problem. Man. Well, I told you that I'm coming down there. I'll be there in ten minutes one. But I needed to let you know one more thing that's going on here. Could you possibly let me know? Because I'm on my waist right now. Where are you? Now? Are you in your car? Where are you? I am heading to my car, not to get in my car to come down there, because you must be crazy spraining my child before you get to your car. I need, I need to tell you one more thing about your son. Okay, Please, you possibly have to tell me. I want to tell you. This is listen to me. This is Nephew Tommy, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend Sheryl got me to play FA call you. I stand here in the back lot about coming out. Never. I never exactly what I was about. I'm gonna get her. I get it because I'm nigga. I know my child and musty. I know my child is clean and he don't smell. I amna get her. I just talked to right here in a CIB because you gotta call her right now. I said, Okay, just chill out, let call her. We gotta You don't know, is Malik nice and clean? Milik is always nice and clean and smelling right. So I don't know what the hell you were talking about. I was like, got my child? He got the wrong child. You are about to get it. You don't even know. Oh man, Vanessa, you gotta tell me one more thing, baby, what's the best adds and I mean the baddest radio show in the Lake, the one and only Steve Hart. You gonna think I'm gonna come up with some deodoring for keys? I do? Can I do that? You know? Just like from naturally ingredients that all work. Ron it um. I think they have natural deal of that stuff. Not that. Do your research. I don't know. It's gonna be time is musty keys. That's what it's gonna be called. Commas, must be key TMK. Nobody's gonna buy that. I'm just saying, no, buddy, I better think I gonna buy this. In Philadelphia though, Friday night, Baby, the capitals are in time. The nephew will be there hosting It is a Summer Soire w D a s Summer Suire hosted by Yours Truly the Grand Ballroom thirty eight h one First District Clies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's going down and then Saturday Summer Breeze comedy show. That's right. I will be there Saginaw, Michigan, Huntington Event Park at the Dow Event Center. Get your tickets there on sale right now. That's a one two punch right there. We're gonna party. We're gonna party on Friday. We're gonna slain them jokes. So Sad, get on back to Sunday, get back to Atlanta and keep on shooting my TV show second season, Ready to Love Yes. Posted by Thomas Miles yeah, all right, listen, Thank you, Sexy Tommy. Coming up next Strawberry Letters. Subject what kind of freaky stuff is this? Man? Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, sex, work, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. That's for you, Jay, just like we're gonna whoops, almost tore it that time. Don't we know that sound time? Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter. Oh, subject, what kind of freaky stuff is this? Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty year old mother of an eighteen year old son, and I need your opinion. We have a computer in our den and recently I came home from work early and my son was acting weird. He had grabbed a pillow from the couch and he was clutching it trying to hide himself. It was a very awkward moment. I knew what was going on, but I asked if he was okay. He said he was fine and he was going to head out to work a little early. When he left, I noticed that the computer was on and the speakers were knocked over, the death chair was pushed way back, and a few books were out of place on the desk. My son had clearly been looking at something he shouldn't have been, and I startled him when I walked in. I reluctantly checked the computer's history and did a search of current websites he logged into. There was some real nasty stuff on that computer. Girl, My son is into kinky porn. We're talking some wild stuff like whips, chains, and blindfolds eighteen. I am not sure if he's just curious or if he's still figuring himself out, but he is way too young to be exploring this kind of stuff, and he sure as heck is not doing it under my roof. I told his father about what I saw, and I expected him to back me up, and he said to let it go and he'll talk to him. My husband jokingly said that he's disappointed our son didn't just look it up on a cell phone like normal men. Too much now, I was shocked. He is completely favoring our son. It must be a man thing, he said, I'm overreacting, and I don't think I am. If we don't stop this now, we could be raising a pervert Morning show family. What do you think is this normal man behavior? Please help me? Oh double standard? Is really edward in your house? I must tell you, ma'am a writer of this letter, if this was your daughter watching porn like this, I guarantee you your husband would not have had this little cavalier attitude, you know, like, what's the big deal? He wouldn't have done that. I'm in complete agreement with you, Mom. Too much, too soon for your eighteen year old son. It's too much for him to be into this kind of porn, or any porn for that matter, and at eighteen, and yes, especially under your roof and on your computer. And also you do need to stop this now, you and your husband, if you can get him on board, and it doesn't sound like it. He sounds like, you know, he gave your son a pat on the back and was proud of him or something for doing this. Okay, you guys need to present a united front to your son and let him know that he's walking down the wrong road here. I mean, I know that young men like you say you knew what was going on. It was an awkward moment. He was trying to hide himself, he was clutching the pillow and all that. You knew what was going on. But you guys, you know, just need to talk to him. Eighteen year old boys they do stuff like this. I've never been an eighteen year old boy, but I'm assuming most eighteen year old boys are a lot of them, you know, do things like this, discovering themselves and finding out stuff. But the porn angle, you don't want him to get into that too early, too soon, because it could maybe cause intimacy problems or some kind of problems on down the line in his relationship. So you don't want that. Talk to your husband, you know, try to reason with him, you know, to talk to your son about his behavior and maybe you know, he could put a stop to it indefinitely. Don't do it anymore in your computer where you can, you know, walk in on him and find it. Yeah, kinky stuff like this. You don't want your eighteen year old child into that. And uh, he needs to be smart enough, you know when he does crazy stuff to try not to get caught either. Come on, now, a lot of kids do this and they don't get caught. But I'm glad you caught him. So now you know, and you guys can try to fix it. Junior former eighteen year old boy? What you got because I've been caught too. That's why I have no problem with this letter. I got caught at sixteen. At least he made it to eighteen, and they didn't have it on the end of it. They had it on VCR tapes, so I did wouldn't found my grandmother's stash. Took it from her house and brought it home. It was sleeping yea over that, yeah job. My grandmother already she was six one, three thirty thought she was a sex object. I told you that. Now she had a stash. I took the tape brought it home, but I passed out from watching it because something happened to me. All I know was and then I was gone. Then my mama came in that room, and next thing I know, I know that hell this boy and up beating I got oh for porn? Oh yeah, but my dad came in there. That's my boy, that is my boy, So that's nothing wrong. With what he's doing. He's just a normal boy. All these boys are gonna go through these phases like that. I was in the wrong with him getting caught watching port. At least he was at the safety of his home. But June he was at home. Yeah, that boy taking a real deep. I don't know nothing about that. That was not my first tape. No two people, Okay, bad acting. Do you want a pizza? Who ordered pizza? What I had? But when they got busy, all I know. Some'm happy to me okay, And the tate kept running and I wish you could shut it off. But my mama saw that. Lord, she came in with that bill and tried to kill me. All Right, we're gonna have part two of his Strawberry Letters today. We're gonna get into jay'sonser and Tommy's answer subject what kind of freaky stuff is this? We'll be back at twenty three after the hour right after this you're listening to. All right, so let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject what kind of freaky stuff is this? Forty year old mom wrote in her eighteen year old son was caught at the computer looking at some kinky wild porn I'm talking handcuffs and whips and chains and blindfolds and stuff, and he was caught off guard. The mom startled him when she came home from work early one day. Um she could tell that the sun was trying to hide him under a pillow that he grabbed, and he had been looking at something he shouldn't have been looking at, and she startled him when she walked in early from work. She checked the computer's history, did a search current websites. He's into some kinky stuff, she said. She told his father about it, and she expected him to back her up, but he said for her to let it go and he'll talk to him. He jokingly said. Her husband did that. He's disappointed that their son didn't look it up on his cell phone like normal men. So clearly the mom is upset about this because the father is favoring his son and patting his son on the back for this. She says it must be a man thing. Her husband says she's overreacting. She doesn't think she is. Is this normal man's behavior. She's asking Jay, Oh my God, say to you to die and come back now. With the technology that they have today, well you could just go to your phone and he all the nastiness you want to see. It is a blessing. When I was coming up, the only way you could see some real serious nasty was encyclopedias, and you had to go through each book to find it. It was in uh you know, you had to go through each book. Or there was a guy by the name of the True Store. Herbert White would draw you for twenty five cents, would draw you the nastiest picture you never wanted to see in your life. I for the first six months, I was so thin because all my lunch money went to Herbert and White. Because you could you could describe any position, he could draw it it. I mean, it was just so real. It was just I want to thank him now for I weighed like nineteen pounds when I was in the Thank you. I hurry, we gotta get to the nephew. He would drawn the nastiest pictures you ever want to see, and it looks so real. Thank you man, Thank you. Don't shame this boy. He's just growing up, just growing up. Thank you. Jay. Come on, I can have it now, let me have it. Let me say it like this. Okay, this is to the mother the boar is starting out to advance. Okay, this type of poet is way advanced for eighteen you got you know what I'm saying. You know, my first whipping chain activity was like round thirty eight, thirty nine money whipping chain by thirty einything. Now, and you need to talk to this boy because the board need to know. He needs to be triple show that in it. Lady he comes in contact with, especially if sees a sister, he needs to make sure she wants this done. Don't you spring this on no sister at the last and spankle with a sex belt. You're gonna get your ass. Okay, black women not having that as soon as you Papa, Who the hell you cain't you hitting lebonte? I know damn well. You ain't just put a well O man. You know I got key lrd skin. You don't you know that? Okay, you don't put no wealths on me. You got to listen to meet lady. Your son's pawn gotta start out black pawn, Like Junior said, Okay, ain't but two people. They ain't doing nothing. They didn't shot it with a cell phone. It's real, cheat. Somebody didn't pass in front of it. You understand I'm saying, ain't nothing fancy about it. But you gotta you gotta know that. You gotta know the titles of the of the of the films you're looking for. Boot is all us. That's just regular, okay. Boots are a Captain Kane, Captain Kane along Captain kang Alonge. That that's regular. Okay. If you don't scream, I won't holler. These are just regular pawn movies that you can get long phones. That that's just you know what I'm say. And this is reckless stuff forest hump. Okay, don't you want ass from the past. You know what I'm saying, stuff like that. Get the lying thing that bit does dishes. Okay, you gotta get that stuff now. Mama. Here's what I really want you to do, more than anything. Get you some gloves, some gloves and some ammonia. You need to wipe this damn computer down. Okay. All the pillars on that couch need to be cleaned, the speakers and that chair, all of that stuff needs to be cleaned. But have a conversation with the boy. His pawn is moving too fast. Start your pawn slow. That's all time I want you to do. Started slow gloves and ammonia. Let's clean this computer. That's all. Like, what do you think about? What do you think about the dad though? Temmy, Well, I think daddy should be the one to say something. Close the room, talk about it. How was it? Boy? Let me watch it? Which you are, all right, yeah, don't watch this, no mode, I'm gonna show you what to watch. All right, we gotta get out of here. On that note to email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. Trending political news and we're here from Moscow, Mitch McConnell. Right after this, you're listening to Steve show. A lot of political news going on in the world. The Democratic Presidential Debates, Part two are at the Fox Theater tonight in Detroit. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Corey Booker are amongst the ones who will debate. More political news. Um, yeah, we'll be watching that one as well. And then now on the Republican side, Mitch McConnell the hashtagu Moscow Mitch mit Treeson began stringing on yesterday after a former GOP lawmaker MSNBC host Joe Scarborough called Mitch McConnell Moscow Mitch after Mitch McConnell blocked two election security measures. Well, guess what, my scoll. Mitch is in the building with us right now. To set the record straight, I'm rare out Fred Bolt Dualm in my scowment. What are you mumbling about Moscow, min, I'm just saying I don't like being called Moscow, calling out from Moscown. I've been in Moscown. I don't like being called mystolemn just a sad name of fans. Somebody called you aft your name. No, I had no problem with the president called shed By in Baltimore. I'm not upset about that. I'm having upset about it being called mystyle. And I don't want about to call me a boy that I'm not about Moscow anything. I don't have nothing to do with mystole at all. Ain't you gonna call me that? I mean because I got joll hanging up on my track and I don't mean, damn, I ain't, But I don't call me my style, my scar Yeah, yeah, well, that's don't call me that. Anybody didn't call me. You didn't call me match and didn't comment. Okay, mister McConnell, I know you guys are in two different worlds, But have you met Charles Barking would trade that? I don't understand why hey, hey, yeah, hey, hey, if that's that's that's true. I've heard a lot of much. I never met you, I never met about you, might never met you. I'm gonna be honest with you. Uh Mascar, Mitch who who? That's not my name? Call me my? Don't like it? Shit, we are no, No, we don't even know why I didn't call you Mascar. But hey, hey, hey, yeah, do you drink DCA because you feel Mascar drinking? I don't appreciate you call me my don't okay? All right, don't Hey, you got some funny looking hat? Stay well? So mit okay, So you ain't gonna so you just don't know none of that. You ain't Yeah you no part No, all right, thank you? Musco mentioned Charles Barkley, look all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, the TSA suspends two employees for a noose in the screening area. And yeah, I know. And also in national news the Court TV show, bailiff arrested for shooting and killing his wife's sad news. Right there, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the sty Morning show. The TSA wants it's employees to know that displaying a noose on the job will not be tolerated. The agency has suspended two bad iagage screeners in Miami after a noose was discovered in an area not accessible to the public. A statement says TSA does not tolerate racist or offensive behavior, and those found responsible will be held accountable for their actions. Now, why would anyone do this at the job? Why? Well, I mean anywhere on at the job. This is that's that's hard. It really is bad. Who don't see this NUS in here with this luggage? Yeah, NUSA stand out amongst some looking but I saw it too, and then they had the news. I saw it on the news, and then some stuff small animals of gorillas. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was hard. In case you were wondering, Yeah, whether it was racial or not. Okay, the gorillas pretty much seal the deal. Yeah yeah, yeah, So I mean this is a this is a case for some cameras in that area on the job. Yeah, poor, Yeah, that's true. See why we don't jump on people no more? Why we don't do it? That is always your go to response, Jommy, we quit doing it. Why we don't jump on Why people can't get their asship on site? Because I might bring up point, I might lose my job, but I bet it won't be no newses back here. Don't sleep good right man? That's hard. Yeah, it really is bad. It's really really bad. Yeah, goodness. Yeah, I'm glad they put out the statement saying they won't tolerate it though. I'm glad, okay. And other trending news. Renard Spidy, You guys may know that name. He was charged on Monday over the fatal shooting of his wife, Patricia. They were at their Houston, Texas home. Spivey who worked at the TV show. He worked as a TV show bailiff on Justice for All with Judge Christina Perez. You guys probably know who he is. Yeah. Yeah, he's a veteran deputy with the Harris County Sheriff's Office. He called police at three am on Sunday to report an accidental shooting at his home. Police say they were they were involved in a domestic disturbance. Renard was treated for a gunshot wound in the leg. He was arrested and taken to jail. Wow, I actually know the guy. I know both of them. They would just at the club, like a month ago, at the J spots, at the J spot when he would tape, you know they taped in la Um. He would come out early in tape, maybe like a Christinos. Oh my god, yes, you know him, yeah, big dude, man, yes, man, And then she would come out and join him, and they came. They would come to the club quite often. Man. And then I knew to c swife you're you're talking about. They were just there together. Yeah. He's always been a nice guy every time I seeing him. Man. Yeah, Man, he used to work security for us. Man. We was on the road, we started coming up. Wow, he used to be our security on the road. Wow. Wow, arrested him. He's in jail, no, yeah, yeah, yeah. I said it was some sort of domestic disturbance. Yeah. He got shot in the leg and she was thin. He was killed. He was sixty something. He's sixty three, and maybe she's fifty or something like that came on. Many body don't look sixty three. And he used to be on the he used to be on this cruise ship. Man, I see him on there. Yeah. I just hate this. The domestic disturbance. So much gun violence. Yeah, too much violence, curio. Yeah, everybody these days, man, the right, racism, the violence. This is just so much living in a crazy, crazy world. We are, Wow, the world violent. Well, a lot of people know him, I mean, man, no, I mean a lot of people, notice girl. Yeah in Houston. Well, we have to send our sympathy and condolences out to the Patricia Yeah family. All right, we're gonna move on here, guys, coming up, more music, more fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. You're listening, all right. Mariah Carey kept it classy. She passed the torch to Little nas X. When Old Town Road passed once week day in the race for the most time on top of the charts. Mariah tweeted, sending love and congrats to at Little nas X on breaking one of the longest running records in music history. We've been blessed to hold this record with a song that means a great deal to add boys to men and myself and has touched so many. Keep living your best life. Congratulations, yea, seventeen weeks. Yes, are you happy for him? Jay? Yes, I am? Well whatever you know, a couple of weeks James hating. Yeah, reason all the murdered hits he got ain't not one murdered. Yeah, well little Nozex isn't the only one making Billboard history. The congratulation, yea. Regrudgingly, he said, all right. So Blue Ivy Carter is now the youngest female artist in history on the Billboard Hot one hundred at seven and a half years old. Blue Ivy's first appearance on the charts comes thanks to her mom, of course, Beyonce, who put her on the track called Brown Skin Girl. The song appears on Beyonce's Lion King inspired album The Lion King The Gift, which debuted at number two over all. Congratulations, Yeah, yeah, all right, more coming up, more music and more fun at thirty three after the hour, right after this, you're listening to show, all right, we have some trending sports viral video news. People are upset Junior with Lebron James and he's been criticized for a celebration of one of his son's games. Please explain, Junior, what's going on. Yeah, so Levron is in his video and he's on the sideline of one of his sons, Bronnie's Bronnie's game, Lebron j Lebron Ju and he's cheering them on. But Ronnie went up and finished an ali upto and Lebron went crazy and Andy father shooting, you know. So they're trying to say that he was trying to steal his son's spotlight, which I don't see a problem with that if my son could dunk, man, But why I think he just get across because it's Lebron James. He's already a superstar. Yeah, and then he's at his son's game. He already has a dominating president if you walk in the room anyway. And now his son is out there playing his game. And his son can ball too. He's not like his son's scrub his son. His son can really ball. Yeah, this is top of the line talent. He played again, but his son finished. Really, I don't know, because Lebron went on the court and lost his shoot, but tried to get out the way because they was coming back. He was celebrating, but he was yes, yes, that's just a proud papa, that's all. That's proud moment. I don't see nothing wrong with that. Sometimes this is not about you, Lebron, not a style pall. So no, wait, y'all turning. So first y'all was saying he was celebrating. To now y'all saying he went too far? Yeah, I think he was. Yeah, you just got to learn the tish shoes up. How much he coughed and they come off. Couldn't get your ass off touching them? Team win first place? You already know she well you know they already won the summit in championship. You see me? Yeah, see my video A moment A right, guys, coming up at thirty four, So if you guys think Lebron went too far, please go to Steve Harvey FM and leave a comment. Okay, did he go too far? Or did you we think you go too far? Okay, all right, we'll be back with our last break of the day and we'll do Jay's what have we learned? Today's segment coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. We made it over the hut people yet yeah, yeah, it's smooth sailing from here on out. Yes, it is nothing but smooth. Past hump day. That's really the main day of you start counting out. Okay, that's practically the weekend, baby, the weekend. So Jay, let's get to it. You're sexually I can't damn times I've heard that and paid good money for it. But anyway, each and every day, what we've been doing on the Steve Harby Morning Show has been going around the room finding out from the participants spit on this show. Red here what did they learn today? So today we'll do it again, starting with Shelly Strawberry, What did you learn today? All Right, Jay, you know what I learned? I learned, don't underestimate anyone just because someone used to be a former stripper, just because they're a rapper. Now they're doing big things and they influence a lot of people. I'm talking about Cardie B. She had a meeting with Bernie Sanders in Detroit at a nail salon. They talked politics. Bernie Sanders as Cardi B's candidate of choice, and she wants people to you know, educate themselves and to find out what's going on as far as politics are concerned. So you can vote. So you can vote. That is the most important thing. So hats off to Cardi B. You know, she's got a lot, a lot, a lot of followers on the Graham and all of that, and as she has a lot of influence. So listen to her. You know, people of her generation and millennials and all get out and vote. Listen to Cardie B. If you don't want to hear it from us, Cardie B is right there telling you to do the same thing. So that's what I look. Oh yeah, you can't do that around a lot of people too. Yeah, amid the season out here, man, you know what you can do that some gonna show about your front door and I love it. Evil. Yeah, Cardie, stay tuned to see how Bernie will fight for economic, racial, and social justice for all. So you go, Cartie, go ahead. What did you learn today? Well, I learned that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders was just out there killing them because I'm old. Yeah, and I don't know Amy Clobat's answer about African Americans and Raith Want Want Yeah. Yeah, So I learned that I'm gonna watch debate tonight to see Biden Harris buck Let's see, it's gonna be here we go. Yeah, Yeah, that's gonna be the one here. Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna be the one. It's gonna be the one. Yeah. It should. It should start off to my neighbor end all right, Junior, what are you learning that? I really learned something from time. Today's shocking as this may sound, but but but when we were talking about Nicki Minage and her fiance and so people can change, you know, wait till you hit a whole record first, then make a decision about whether you think they can change. Listen to me that today, I appreciate that lesson bad. Yeah, the phrase wait for it means a lot. Yeah, don't rush to judgment. Get all the traffic tickets, get all that. Yeah, Man, Tommy, what did you learn? I learned a couple of things to day I did. I learned, first of all, lebrons Ames got to learn to tie his shoes up when you go watch his son play basketball. At you if you're gonna jump out there and you know, uh, celebrate your son Duncan you know at least how you shoe tied up and not run out there and be the daddy that's got a shoe on the court and you know everybody looking at you, Craig. Second thing I've learned is we got to work on these young boys at eighteen watching you know, advanced point. We gotta start them slow out you know I would learn that straw bearing letter right there. You gotta start slow, Tommy. Yeah you can't, you know what I'm saying. You know what if you want to, you gotta start slow. Like you know when we was growing up. You know you had the J. C. Penny catalog. You see I'm saying, you're right there, that's where you started. Yeah. Yeah, you go to that little section. You work your way up, work your way up. You know, I ain't do whipped in taint till out there and that you know what I'm saying. So until you were a late bloomer, was late? What about you, Jake? What you learn is what I learned today? Uh on a on a dere and somebody talking about me and saying that I never did anything but Lukimia. I like to think, oh no, no, no, no, no, you said it, you put it out there. You see, Jay ain't did a damn thing. But this was my friend. I'm the president team tom you know what that being said, having lukemia last night was a great night. A lot of comedians came out. Man. We raised money for the cancer of research and we gave it all to the Cancer Reach Och. So I like to think each and everybody who came out last night to participated the comics came out, They did time. They didn't get paid, of course they never get paid, but anyway, this was a different circumstance and I want to thank everybody who came out last night. Thank y'all, Thank y'all. I have done something for you. Yeah, okay, I can't say that no more time. I don't know, but I didn't mean he took it to heart. Yeah, he just he had just gotten leukemia and it was like two weeks later and he acts like he was a spokesperson. I like, you can't. Yeah, it was the phrase a damn thing, but that's what got you. Jake and Na that angry fund rangers ain't talking about me. Anybody, get on out here to Japan. Everybody. You know how Tommy is oh yeah, yeah yeah. This week man, I'm gonna go see my friend brothers in Philadelphia. Man, I'm I can't love us Philly. Yes, all right, guys, we love you, We thank you so much. We'll see you tomorrow, Steve. We see you on the Graham living your best life. Okay, we're holding it down for you. Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.