Good morning it's Thursday. Show opens and Tommy asks Steve about counting money. Anyone here caught in voyeuristic behavior or seen someone else. Let's see! The young legends of comedy are in studio. 85 South Show!!!! Jordyn Woods is promoting Ray J's headphones. Sheryl Underwood is here to speak and give her opinion on reparations. Miss Carla talks about renovation tips and more in Reality Update. Ever work while on vacation and then check in way too much. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks about meditation and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all bat all suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like theming buck bus things and its cubs, y'all true. Good it. Steve har listening to movie together for stun Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta turning them. You gotta turn to turn turn, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby at it? Huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all do I thank God for it every day? Every day. I try to remember that too, you know. I try to remember to be grateful. You know. I think gratitude is, you know, one of the things that helps keep me grounded. You can go as far as you want in life. If you don't mind who gets the credit. Well that applies to God too, don't it. I mean, you know, really, if you don't mind who gets the credit. You know, I'm surrounded by very competent people. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who work hard on their jobs, on their career, who are dedicated. Um, you know, employees and and and also just dedicated to their families and you know, you know, dedicated to their own set of aspirations. I don't expect anybody to work for me, you know, forever, I always look at my job opportunities as stepping stones because I want everyone around me really to aspire to be more. I mean, that's that's really the way I am. I'm not any other way. I'm not trying to hold you to this position. Uh you know, tell you there's no room for growth, uh any of that. But even though I'm surrounded by these people, I'm grateful that God placed them in my path, in my life. But in my mind, in my spirit, in everything in me, the credit still belongs to God. I'm sorry, the credit still belongs to God. See if you were just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself, just for a moment. I know that's hard, but just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself and realize that maybe you are who you are because God is who he is. Maybe that's the case. Have you ever considered that, you know, that's that's the strongest possibility I can give to you. You know, how do you think you're the one that made it through? How you think you the one after all of the ignorant decisions we have made? And oh, my goodness, let's all be honest. Ain't we made some Ain't we made some crazy decisions I'm talking about, man, I have made decisions so adverse to my destiny and career, in my promises. I've made some decisions man, to knowingly you hear me knowingly do something wrong, And in spite of all that, I'm still here standing. Okay, come on now, really, but man, what about his grace and his mercy? What about his favor? How many times, man, you didn't rely on that, even when you ain't know you was relying on it? How many times man, God hadn't shown you mercy? You ain't even deserve it? You know, you do? You know how many things I've done wrong? I just ain't get caught at it? You know. Let me see how simple I can be. Here? You speed, you jaywal, you make you turns. I'm just doing traffic violation. Now, let's get off traffic for a second. Let's get on human violations. You talk about people when you're not supposed to. You indulge yourself in gossip, even when you don't really have all the facts. You pass judgment, You lust for people that don't belong to you. You say things to people that you're not supposed to say. So look all of us, we all, we all guilty. Now See I'm pretty sure if you I'm not saying you do all of that, but I'm saying I'm pretty sure I hit you somewhere in there, just somewhere in there. You to lie before you know you lied recently. I mean, come on, And I'm just saying so with all that in mind, See, I'm just looking at the little things that we do that we don't get busted for. Not to mention the chips you stole when you was a kid and nobody caught you. Well, that elevated, didn't it. And some of y'all just didn't stop stealing. The next thing you know, you was in a car. Now you're sitting somewhere you don't want to be sitting because of a decision you made. But through his grace and mercy, couldn't it have been worse? Though? Without his grace and mercy, could not it have been worse? I know, two dudes, it got caught in the garage one time, trying to break in somebody's house, and the person in the house they broke into just happened to have a gun and held them into garage, caught them and hailed them to the garage to the police car. That's Grace and Mercy right there, because they had all full right to shoot these two people, but they didn't. The Grayson Mercy. See, all of us have benefited from his grace and mercy. All of us have done a wrong, committed a sin, broken the law, and somehow, through his grace and mercy, got by doing drugs, buying drugs, slanging drugs, doing something, got by, jumped on somebody for no reason and got by. You know. So see how you figure with all that that can go on in your life. And then hold on, let me throw a couple more at you. You can't wake yourself up in the morning, mister big shot. You don't have the ability to control the breaths that you take. Really, mister big shot, really, let's get real basic with it now. You can't wake yourself up in the morning. That's favor, that's grace, that's mercy, that's him allowing you to wake up, just hoping we get it right. You know, God spared me through all the dirt I was doing, just hoping one day? Man, can you just straighten up a little bit? When I finally straightened up, and I'm gonna just say it straightened up a little bit. See, I ain't straightened up all the way. Say I ain't gonna sit here and tell you that I just straightened up a little bit. He started blessing me. So the more blessings I gotta started going, Man, maybe I'll try straighten up a little bit more. So I straightened up a little bit more. Now I still got a long way to go, but I'm straighter than I was now. When people judging me and as they will, and they do because that ain't right, but they do, and I ain't walking just the way they walk. Then here comes to criticism. I get it all the time. Stop wanting credit all the time, and give out some credit where credit is due instead of get having somebody patting you on your back all the time. Why don't you tell God, tell people it was really was God? Man, But you don't really know how you made it that really, man, you have no explanation for your success or you have no explanation why you still existing today. Why don't you tell somebody was God today? Don't be ashamed. It's the truth, ain't it. I mean, really, man, Let's give God some credit. Hell, give God the credit and the glory and honor, and like that plaque said, you can go as far as you want in life if you don't mind who gets the credit. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Undivided attention is all that's required here, nothing more. It's not necessary to have good sense. It's not necessary to have common sense. Degrees are not needed, um anything of any value. You just don't need it, just just need your listening. Because this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We need you to be open minded and receptive to the foolishness that's about to go down. Ladies and gentlemen, this is thus Steve Harvey Morning Show, Make no mistake about it. Ain't no other one batter than this hill. Let's get the stake. Start Shirley Strong, Hey, Good morning, Steve, kicking on over the caller for real. Good morning, Steve, Hey, Chris bringing on end to the impressionable care Junior space morning Uncle, I'm here and the King of Foolishness ladies and Jim Nephew Tommy. I love it. I love it, but no, that's how you started. I love it. Let's go kick this morning off. Yeah. Everything good? Yeah? How about with you? How are you selling? I feel pretty good, man, feel pretty good? Um yeah, I'm just like really really fine. You know, No, I was just trying to think of how to describe. I don't know. Let me ask you something, man. How often you count your money? Though? Like once a week once they're two weeks, you go look at it and look at your zero? Did you hear? I don't ever do that. You don't never go look at it like when you first okay Greg, when you first got it and you go look at it. When is it that it'll be where you can go see it viewing at least on line? You know, you go pull up your bank account. I thought you meant like look at the actual money. Yeah, just put it up to say okay, now I look at my bank accounts. You know. Well, do you ever call down and say I want one out this bank right now and then say I'm just playing? Well, if you do, if you threaten me, I've done that before. If you threaten oh yeah, if you talk to me crazy, Yo. Yeah, I thought you're into song. I won't get too How many brinks trucks? Is that? I take all that? I ain't never really had to do it, it said once. I ain't had that much, but I had enough down there to be effective. So bank talk to me crazy one time. Yeah, and I just said, all right, no problem, just let me have my money. You gotta have talk to a manager. Let me talk to him. So I'll be down in ma all two thirty. You need it all in cash. It's six people in my house that evening trying to get this together. Who said something to him? We're gonna straighten this out right? Come on? Who the hills? The former employee here? Who made this mistake? I said it correctly, the former employee here? Because you're done, all right? Listen, Yeah, coming up at thirty two after the hour. Have you guys ever walked in on someone having sex? Or has someone ever walked in on you having sex? And how embarra? Is that all right? Well we'll talk about it at thirty two after Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kelly Rip from Ryan and Kelly. I recently talked about the time her daughter Lola walked in on her and her husband Mark Consuelo having sex. Consuelos, according to Kelly, Lola closed the door and yelled, you just ruined my birthday. Um it was her eighteenth birthday, and she said, you just ruined my birthday and you ruined my life. And I used to see in color, she said, but now I see in gray. So she was all messed up, right, Oh yeah, yeah, yes, yeah. So the question, uh is to the guys, uh, have you guys ever walked in on someone else? Why? Has got to be just hit a gay? You guys are comedians, that's why. Hello, just that question. It's a question. Sure, it's just a question. Y'all can answer too. Is it because you don't want to answer it? Okay? My answer is you scared to tell of what? You don't walked in and see my answers. No, that's no fun there. You guys are comedians, all right. Uh So to the guys again, have you ever walked in on anyone having sex? Or has anyone ever walked in on you? Steve? What happened? I walked in I was about eleven eleven. I walked in on my aunt uncle. I knew it. Yeah. I was over the house and walked in on my aunt uncle. And at the time I didn't know what they was doing because it was so much fat in the bed. I didn't know what they was doing. My big ass aunt was sitting up in there with her big ass husband, and I just thought they were in there. Just I thought it was an attack. I really didn't know what it was at the time, certainly did not know it was sex. Did they see you that was love? Yeah, they know you were in there. Yeah. My uncle, yo, go get your ass out of here. Took him a long time. He was in the middle of something, so he studied and swallowed his head. Made me get out, and I didn't realize what was happening. Then we went back and looked through the keyhole when the head keyhole lord, stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah, I walked in on my mom and daddy. I was eight, a boy, eight years old, and I bust out cryings, I told by that you said you would never hurt her at eight, At eight, I wise, young man, little boy. I couldn't believe. Then. My mom was gonna try to come in and talk to me, what's wrong? She said, what's wrong? I said, I was in there. He was hurting you. He said, no, that was making Look it didn't look like Look, I ain't see no hugs at eight. I adn't see no hugs because they said hugging was loving. There was no husband. You're trying to get my dad got nere coming out. Let's go play basketball. Not after that. None of you hurt my mom. You don't play together no more, sir. All right, let's get to it all right now. You you know what, have you ever walked in on someone making love? Have you ever been caught by someone making love? Yes? Yes, I have walked in on my roommate in college. Didn't know that was happening. Yeah. Wow. We ain't gonna go no further than that. I think that's happened everybody. But the girl was somebody I liked, though, you know, yeah, that was a little twisted. All right. My son, my younger son, Jordan, has walked in on us twice, twice twice. I can't like to do twice. I said the same damn thing. I didn't know her and I could dive the way we dove when that boy walked in there, we we became airborne. He never saw nothing because we was airborne. Neither time did he did he see one the first time did he see something? The first never saw nothing. But we dove. Now we didn't. We didn't hurt something when we landed, but we don't. We got off around each Well that's what Kelly Rippa and her husband said that they were uh asking the door to why didn't she knock? And she was like, why didn't you lock the door? Well, you know, knocking is the rule at our house. Yeah, if the door shut, you gotta knock this so you don't just walk in because I'll tell you right now, you walk in on me, you're gonna need therapy. Yeah, you're gonna need something clinical help. Yeah, yeah, you're gonna have to do Yeah. Yeah. You gotta talk too. You gonna have to talk to somebody. You had to go lay down to the legal pad and lay on the couch and explain it. And the person you talking to be going, oh my god, what. Yeah, that's what my daddy did. So give me the description. Get His foot was on top of the headboard. His other foot was on the night stand in the damn water. All right, Carla, I haven't I haven't had that experience, but Carla, you have something to share. Dear, I surely ain't got no gore. Go ahead, I tell you this. Tasha walked in when it was over, so she busting and she said, Mommy, why are you on that side of the bed? I thought you usually? And Daddy, why are you? He was like, girl, get out here? So getting myself together, I'm trying to breathe. That might be worse caller because because after the fact, I can't move, so that might be what it was. Yeah, and trying to set a fan on on your way here. Yes, yes, yeah, yeah, it was traumatized. Yeah, it's well now that we've covered everybody that has happened too, it didn't happen to me. Sorry, stories, I have no story for you. Now, who are you? I'm no stories. I'm sorry, my life is boring. I've no stories, shar no never, no, no. Yeah. You gotta locked that door. I locked that door. You ever been rolled up on, like in the car back in the day. What do you mean like you was doing something in the car and then somebody rolled up on you. That ain't never happened. Oh yeah, you mean the police, not the police. No, you know, just anybody, anybody. I mean, so I've heard yeah, you know, all right, listen up Steve Harvey Nation Poster Comments and Steve Harvey f M. And coming up next it is a nephew and run that frank back right after this. You're listening, hey, listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News DC Young Fly Uh, Carlos Miller and Chico Bean from the eighty five South Show will be our very special guests. Love them Yes Plus and Entertainment News Ray j and Jordan Woods are working together and R. Kelly is caught up on his child support. But first the nephew is here with run that prank back? What you got new? Naked yoga? Kid yoga, naked yoga. Let's go knat, Let's run Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Uh. Is it Gordon? Right, It's Gordon. How you doing, mister Gordon? Listen, my name is Let me let me turn down the TVD you call them about the apartment. Yes, yes, I was trying to see about maybe coming over to take a look at it or seeing if it's still available. Man, I got a newspaper, but I didn't know if this still available or one no no still from rent. Um let me be straight with you. Um uh you know no petch and uh no no smoking of any kind? No no, I understand. Okay, if you're understanding the list of here's like eight on the fifty dollars a month, right, fifty you got a parking spot, um, your private bathroom with a shower and a fifty I'm gonna need first last month and uh really, um well, what's your name? My name is Darnell. Don't know? Okay? First? Um so yeah, um, first last month and uh so security number. I can do a background check. Okay, okay, Now let me ask you this. You guys got like a back backyard area I teach classes in the mornings that I want to know if you have that that that's pretty much what we'll kind of locked me in if you gotta. If you guys got a backyard that I can use, We got a backyard? What do you teach? I teach yoga. I tak yoga in the mornings from from six to eight. Hopefully I won't be a problem. You're making make money doing yoga, yes, sir, I definitely do. I make enough, definitely to cover the red that's for sure. Dad shouldn't be a problem. I know, I know a little bit about yoga. That's that. I mean, really, if it's y'all, you know you're not making no noise as yoga, that's that's not a problem. A good deal. Well I'll quit. Can I actually get moved in, man? I'm trying to get suthing. I just moved in from the from the East coast. I jumped on my yoga pretty quick and it got a quite a bit of clientele built up, and you know, I'm just just ready to get started, get moved in man, something that I can actually call home, you know. Uh yeah, well you know we're looking at rent, rent it out pretty quick, um, you know, because we want to try and get it filled as soon as possible. Because if you said, we are you are you? You got a roommate, you're you're man, it would be me and my wife and uh we it's a three bedroom home. You would have the room in the back with the bathroom and uh yeah, like a fifty to do a credit check, you know, we meet, Um I can do the background check and uh no, no, no, what what what what? What? What? What? What do you necessarily need to do that for well, you gotta know who you're into, and then you want to know what the credit they got, so if they can afford the rent or not. You know, I got I got real good credit. Man, My credit is fine. I'm I'm actually eight hundreds on like oh my credit scores. Oh damn. All right, when you get it, how you feel that application? But you know, if you if you're ready to get it, I can I can do. I can do a background checking. You right, not give me a SOB security number, Okay, but let me let me go ahead and just do this. Man on that background check because you know that what I want to say about that is this, it might be something on there about like when I was on the East Coast. You know, I was actually teaching uh, naked yoga. You know what I mean, naked yoga. Uh you know you might see something on there about me being a nipple naked yoga yo. See that's what that's the kind of yoga I was teaching on the East Coast, was naked yoga, you know what I'm saying. And everybody was teaching naked yoga. Here we see it's in the backyard, it's closed in you know, in my backyard. And you what what what other glitz you got? You said, just some glitches, Michael, Well what is the glitz you got? Well you might see that I'm a nimpfo mania. But see, but see, IDA took some I took for what. I took counseling for that, though, what do you need to take some counseling over somewhere else? You ain't taking no counseling and doing no h naked yoga in my backyard. No, but man, all that's behind me. Now, that's on the east coast. Man that that's that's all behind me. Now, I didn't put that thing down. Man, I don't care if it's behind you. Funny you on the side. You're doing some neck yoga in my backyard. That ain't happening, man a matter of fact. Man, hey, man, listen, scratch got all your lychens that qualified and move in there. And now you're gonna sit here and tell me y'all can't tell about doing some net yoga in my backyard with no twenty thirty people. Then my wife being on man, you look, well your wife do man, just scratch that one off your list and just move on to the next one, because I ain't no neked yoga is going down back here with no niff for maniac. I don't know what else y'all might be doing. I don't know what. I don't know who does next yo all. It's just it's just it's just a serene moment, man, where you find yourself. That's all this really is about. Were you better find yourself somewhere else. That's what I know. You ain't doing no naked yoga in my backyard. I'm surprised you even calls somebody with that. Man, I'm gonna come over that to this address and start looking at this place because I want to set up shop right here in my backyard. I don't even know you talking about you got some lynches in your past. You're gonna have a foot in your How do you know that this isn't something that you're wife might really want to get into? My wife, I don't even missing my wife's name. Man, he don't know me, don't even know my wife. Take my uf your listen. You come out there, you're gonna have another glitch. I'm coming to know where you can stamp room, and you're gonna show it to me thinks showing you you come come out of here. I'm gonna show you something else, my fact that I am a damn ana recover nim for maniac. I'm recovered, have a covered nimple. Mini, You're about to get your blin maniac. I'm the maniac. Please believe. Darn now, I'm gonna come over that right now over here. When that come over that now, man, so we can sit just this. I ain't having that. Do not man, he come over that place. Could just matter, Like, Matt, look this. You can do whatever you want somewhere else, but this right here, this ain't the place for you. I'm gonna tell you that right now, darn now, to your wife, man, your wife, whatever fision you don't want to talk about, this ain't the place for you. Go somewherel take that to your wife. Please let me talk to your wife. Do not even slim me. Darn now, dot me talk to your wife. I'm not name that kind of dude. Remember, you're about to bring this out of me. Do not bring this over here, darnel So so as far as your wife, man, let me your wife, this right here is over for real. You're gonna come out here and catch your case. Okay, can I can I say one more thing to you? Man? Can't say darknel because this conversation is over. Man, Okay, how about that? Hey? Man? Can I say one more thing? Man? What you gotta say? Man? What this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Horby Morning to show you just got pranked by your brother. Oh, get the out of here, man, This is nephew Timmy. Who who told you to do this to me? Man? Your brother, my brother. Oh I'm gonna get this. Oh my god, Man, my heart is all beating off fast. Man, get out of here. Man to man, Oh all right, man, Man, I was gonna whoop your butt naked if you came around here. Man, you just don't know. Man, I'm so glad this Joe. You have no idea. I'm so glad there's a joke, man, And there you have it. Naked yoga anybody up for maybe? You know every Thursday we do a little naked yoga. Huh. Just some yoga pants and a T shirt. All right? If you ain't yoga, you sweating? Why wear all of them clothes anyway? You know you're gonna sweat them out? Come? Nick you Yeah, we have more naked yeah, instead of instead of sweating your clothes out. Have you ever done yoga? I don't done hot yoga. I don't know why the hell we got them clothes, don't you. Yeah, I've done it like I think we should do naked cycling. You don't. Ten seconds, I don't come in on nothing. He got to say total plank is talking after the Plank is ignit and you hired him. Just let's go to break. Coming up at the top of the hour, we have some entertainment news for you. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the eighty five South Boys gonna be here. DC youngs like Carlos Miller and Chico Coane. They're gonna kick it with us this morning. But first, in today's entertainment news, Jordan Woods and ray Ja are working together. Jordan is featured in a celebt filled video for Raycon headphones. Ray just posted the video, which also features Cardie b Offset, Melissa Ethridge, Snoop and others. They're endorsing Rayj's Raycon E fifty earbuds. Jordan Woods, Yeah, Jordan, we know ray can make a video. Now, now we do know that Michael video Jordan and Jordan Woods and ray j are a pretty interesting pairing considering their unique connections. Tommy, since you mentioned that video to the Kardashian and the Jenner families. Now this is according to TMZ, rayj and Jordan were introduced to each other after Jordan and Kylie had their falling out. Wow, okay, well at least I gave us some work. That was a good thing. Yeah, their partnering up making some money. Jing this thing, he's making money. He's gonna be directed out the wild. Im that was so long? Because video? It was a great video. You saw it? What I still got it? But you bought it? Why are you so loud? I'm so I get excited when we get talking about that one. Never mind, I'm sorry why you excited to watch another man? Help me watching him? I was watching? Huh? Okay? Hello? First of all, First of all, have you seen it? No? I haven't. Then I feel sorry for yourself. So there's a disc advantage to not seeing the video. Are you kidding me? I haven't seen anything, and I feel sorry for yourself too. Do y'all want to come over and let's watch it. Come over your house and watch. I don't want to do that. Why my kids at camp? Though? My kids gotta be am Tommy, Tommy, you have a wife. He don't care? How stupid are you? Did? You don't know? I got the video, boy, and Steve should have got a radio. Steve, that's a dumb question because he doesn't know how stupid he is. Okay, okay, I think y'all using stupid as a disrespect now. At first I used to think it was a term of endement. Now I think y'all y'all think y'all trying to do this is insulting. Now y'all going a bit too far. Steve goes, how stupid are you? He doesn't know? I'm sorry. He can't have any idea because he stopped. How do you measure that? Really? This is last time we mentioned in ray J. Yeah, thanks a lot, Tommy. Does this mean y'all don't want to see the video? Makes kid video at your house? Man? Skip the kids at the camp, Your wife, your wife, dog? He gonna I make sure she gone when we look. You can't make you nothing. She grown. You can't make her lead a house. I'm not making her lead. But if y'all come old, I just say me and uncle Stephen Junior from the house and sick offs and then I'm a poppy. Oh my god, you're not a VCR. Probably in order to run these take you still have to have a BCR, a VHS table. That money on that chat tell us still it's a graded system, right, all right, Steve, Time for today's headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne trimp morning is believe it or not, of an American tourist in the Dominican Republic. This one took place in January, apparently connecting this one with the other desks, and this time authorities say he was a retired police officer. The report says that seventy eight year old Thomas Jerome Curan of Bedford, Ohio passed away while traveling with his wife. Again, that was back in January. President Trump's one time communications director, Hope Hicks testify before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday, but she reportedly didn't say much. Legislators say she didn't answer any questions as a matter of fact related to her time in the White House. She was accompanied for the by the end At the interview with her personal attorney and several White House lawyers, And then they cited this letter from the White House Council that states that as a former senior adviser to the Commander in Chief, that Hope Hicks enjoys absolute immunity from testifying about her work with the administration. Now, Democrats say that's ridiculous, and they have there's no legal grounding for that, and they're prepared to challenge that in court. They say that's crazy. The issue of reparations for descendants of enslaved African Americans returned to Capitol Hill yesterday in the form of hearing to decide if a Congressional committee should be in panel to explore that issue. Even so, any reparations bill is unlikely to pass the Republican dominated Senate or mister Trump's desk, some members of the Congress are calling for new checks by the way in President Trump's ability to authorize military operations as tensions with Iran continue to escalate. Trump administration. Also, while we're on announced replacement for President Obama's Clean Power Plan, which the Obama era that was his effort to reduce coal fired pollution. This new plan by the Trump administration calls for says it has no teeth, critics say when it comes to enforcing emissions reductions because its focus is on improving plant efficiency, in other words, turning out more coal stuff, rather than on limits, which could actually create more emissions. So. A survivor at the Parkland, Florida shooting says Harvard University has revoked his acceptance letter over the racist comments that he made online and in text messages a couple of years ago. Kyle Kuzuf said he's apologized and he's he's repented. He was a pro gun rights conservative. He apparently referred to quote my Jewish slaves and in one post to use the N word eleven times. But he says he's a different person, or officially the harder to say. Their admissions committee takes serious equalities and maturity and moral character and guy, way get get this attention. Game of Thrones fans, okay, Apparently, the actress who played the horrible homicidal Searcy, Lena Headley, she wasn't all that happy about the way the series ended either. I didn't like it either. I thought that she should have died like more horribly. I think she did too. Now back to the Steve Harve Rewarding Show. You're listening, all right, kat Dog, let's get a drum roll? Man, Can we get a drum roll? Real quick? These guys right here all stand up comedians. They doing big things separately in comedy, but together together they make up eighty five Sour, which is a show that's on tour and selling out all over the country. That's gonna be good. We got all three of them back in the studio again. Put your hands together, DC, y'all fly called Los Miller and Chico Ben. Yeah, y'all every know what it is. Baby, we live eighty five Soup in the building. Call y'all. Man, your energy than anything, y'all good? Oh yeah, man, you know we gotta be live when we come up here and kick it with y'all. Alright, alright, let's go down, he said, y'all got all the energy. You know. He is in the kitchen right now making the turkey. Sandall. Now you watching me, but I can't see you. Yeah, you put it? Why are you? Yeah? I know he keep hitting the button, patting it. Mustard. Hey, yeah, you know we got the eighty five So nobody at the interview, y'all just let y'all run, y'all go, But can't we let them know about the Palladium tonight. Hey nephew, it's going down at the palladium. Man, we got a few more little v IP meeting Greek tickets left. Man. Probably we probably just cuffed them. I don't know, bro, LA showing us much love. Man sell create two thousand see the man. We appreciate it, La Man. Yeah, yeah, none of the twelve dollar La comedy they selling now here. We Yeah, they wanted me to fill out of W nine for twelve fift get my check to the waitress. But they make you feel like that a little bit of money leaving. I'm being here with job. What could LA expect to name LA can expect? It's a great show for the words that you just heard just now holding ready by accident, BC, don't flyboy, y'all gotta come back every day the call of Junior. Let me tell y'all something. Eighty five South came to Houston texts. Oh yeah, I had the privilege of of of introducing them that night. And let me tell you something. When these three hit the stage, old yeah, the beginning and ending non stop. Man, you want to stupid on steroids. That's what I'm talking about, dopid. Listen here. If you tie the big corporate and you just want to let loose, this is the show where you can of that. You know, you get the car. That's it. Coming up next to thirty four after the hour More Fun with DC Young Crazy, Chico being Show and the building this morning right after this you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, DC Young Fly, Carlos Miller and Chico being the eighty five South Show. There are special guests this morning. That's what we're bringing man. We're bringing up hilarious y'all bringing up in La. I'm telling you, La, Sunday best dress you do not want to miss eighty five South is that the Palladium tonight in La. Get your tickets. They on sale right now. Eighty five South is nothing to miss. I have been there. I am a witness, and I promise you as soon as I see them again, I'm in the same city. I'm right there front room. I appreciate it. Thank you man, PC. Y'all oo Bean South five on the Steve Bobby Morning Show. Go to eighty five South show dot com. Come on for all the information. Yea everything, and we have Sleepwell for sale on the webside, A great boy for in the morning. I want to hear you said the weather in the morning with that boys, right Strawberry Carlos, you said you had a letter for me, man. I just I always listened to the Strawberry letter things. I'm a fan. Your boys is so common and so soothing. I don't care what the problem is. I just love the way you read. Right then, I just say, I don't care if it's raining, I want to hear it from her. I do tell me that is raining. They got Shirlett with blue. Half what you're doing, Shirley, listen to she was in the church, not just trying to have a girl. You don't see the nails match the head, the same exact color. The cruis match the nails. You can wear all these loud colors. This is La. You were representing the wrong game. Put that blue in your nails, don't anyway? Eighty five South dot com for all the information you needed. It's crazy playing, y'all know what time I'll sit here son Julia beating I say nothing with these shiny ass nails. I know that Julie over the beautiful. That is, he got a jail so he didn't win his nails with Crispy Kreme like Julia was sitting there with all teen and under the drive. Yeah, set, he'll fools open toe sandal. This something y'all get down in the morning. But but it's right now. It's stupid on steroids. Just to the beginning. They ain't need you want to see the red pull up five stiles still in the building, young flock, and only we asked, y'all, We asked, y'all off the have you heard about the drug bust that took place in Philadelphia? Over one billion dollars worth? What y'all just told us about? What? What? All? Right? DC? You have done a few movies, put some music together. What projects are you working on right now? Okay, I got to hook up to it's coming out with fat Boy NCC's Master Pete July twelfth, and theaters everywhere moving with Jay Farren, Kat Women the Code two Minutes of Fame. It's gonna drop like in September with Lionsgate. Me I'm in that too, forgot you that I'm I'm playing the handsome comedian. They let me myself and we were in how high to come on? Oh look ye out of yes crazy she how that works? Everything he owned? I'm getting in there. You're doing and whiling out the other show you're on, just one while not we Dicus win an NTV award. Shout out to Nick Cannon. We got like Sea some more episodes that the eighth one hip hop squares on that show in the podcast we got crazy Nephew. So nephew Carlos was handing. What projects you working on other than the ones that DC already down like that? Ain't a lot. That's a lot of projects. Okay, Uh, I'm actually working on a new set of g D books. D D books coming out for people who want to learn how to read and do manu. When they need an unreal older man, they'll hit me. All right, eighty five South tonight at the Palladium live in LA. You do not want to miss DC Young Fly. Yes, all right. We want to say thank you so much to the eighty five South show. Up next, it is the Nephew in the building with Today's praying phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening Stave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my man wants to make America great again. But uh yeah, oh yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Right now though, the nephews here with today's praying phone call. What you got for his nap? Oh, sir, I'm gonna get classic up in here. What my comb and brush? M my comb and brush? Oh, this one's gonna hit you right here, running cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach listen, yeah this hey, listen. My name Sean. Uh did you uncle had passed away? Name Yeph all right here? Your uncle? Right? Yeah? That my uncle. We were at him about three and a half months ago. Right. What reason why I was calling was I'm the person that actually cut your uncle hal when he passed away. Okay, So reason why I was calling is, uh, the situation is when I cut his hair. And I know you don't know the history about me, but my daddy and my granddaddy was bob Us. We all bob Us. Okay, get you come on, bro, get down to the bubble because you tell my my uncle man and I'm trying to see what's going on forever, okay, And I'm trying to call you like this. But what I'm telling you is that my granddad and my daddy, they Dad passed down a brush and a comb to me. Okay, that is like a tenimental value, Okay, But for for the last two to three months, I ain't been able to find the comb and the brush that I used what I had cut his now okay, So okay, And what I was trying to call and tell you was it that I can't find it? And I'm almost certain what I'm trying to tell you what I'm gonna kid, what how many case tool? So? So what can I do top you find Cole brother father? That's what I'm saying. When I did miss have and edged it up at the funeral, that's the last time I remember having it, dude, three months right right, it's about three months ago. What I'm trying to say is I left the comban brush and you know what, went to funeral home and did his hawk. And I talked to the funeral home and they told me that, you know, if I'm trying to find a coma bro I gotta get permission. What code is the coma brush? What's the color of the coma black? That both im black? The comban black and you got all kind of combs that black and gold man. No, no, See what I'm saying is the comban brush is black, and I know I lost it, but I'm almost certain about where it is. Okay, So if you're saying about where it is, why you called? That's the reason why I'm calling you, because I'm almost certainly left it with him. You're listened with my then, so I called funeral home. They told me I need to call you in order to get permission to get it. Oh cause you called funeral homes get permission from me that you go get the comban brush from left the funeral. You go down there, say god, no, no, no, See, the comban brush ain't with the funeral. The comban brush is in there with your uncle. The comb and brush is in the can you about aman of stage? You got to say that again. What what I'm trying to say to you is that the combe in brush is in I'm trying to say, and just say what I'm saying it the common brush is in the casket with your uncle. Since the lad is six feet let's see see. What I'm trying to say is that the comban brush is sentimental value to me, bro, it couldn't have been too value. But if you lost it, what now? What do you want? Got value? You know my work? So I just really got caught up in my work. If you talk about tea left with my uncle that they did three months ago, Man, what color is he talking about? Bros All, I'm trying to do what you would see if if you don't mind approving for them to brain the body up so I can get the comb and brush. You know what's he about it? For comb? But see but what I'm trying to explain it this sentimental value. I'm trying to get y'all the brain the body so I can get my comb and brush out. Ever, because like I say, my dad and my granddaddy was bombed. This whole thing is sentimentally. You're talking about my dead uncle, man, and you're talking about bringing him up out of the ground for comb. Man, I just got these to start crying around here, and and I understand what y'all going through as as a family and stuff. See now I'm trying to get my comban, br and how you trying to go about doing this all? Throw it off on boy, because ain't nobody digging up nobody to bring back. No no brush, man. You look got me pissed off now, mane because you're calling to me talking stupid mane you talk, I put on my mom huncle man, that's man, that's got give me a little man. I ain't trying to start nocase you come like comban Brushman, I only row, but I understand that. But this is a sentimental value. Man in the middle of me. Man, just something that my people listen. Sentimental relie. Okay, one of my favorite uncle. Man. Okay, you talk about putting up this body. Man, I got pall boy. Hey man, man, I'm I don't want to give me because of my grand that's long. Man. You shouldn't know how you got free. Man. If we don't get out like this here, Man, I ain't been seeing an argue with you. Look, I got some tea. Hey, I just I got some I mean, were you staying? Let me say this, man, I got some people that's here with me right now. You know, some of my friends, and we got some shovels so I can actually go over and and go on and get the corner. And in the morning, ain't nobody gonna even know we ain't gonna gonna get now, but with the long boy to say what you don't get you don't dig, going to get a comb, and I got him sailing with two of you talking about going to sim test dig a hey man, I'm gonna gon on to tell you this like here, hey man, I'm trying to get my comb and brush back. I ain't trying to have no was with you, but I want my call and put them here. As you think you're talking to them, man, go warm grue, go warld green bul to warm the safe cold. They got him about. I didn't know anybody. This didn't even about your uncle. That's Lord in that. This got them Lord to be holing in me hard. Nobody holler at you man, I'm telling you in, I gotta calling bush in your uncle Khaki, and I want my press what you did want that you might well dig too? Say what then you're gonna find right over there? Brown told you you're trying you you're trying to dig A grateful man. Do you know how to d this? Baby? I've been trying to get these here. Stop crying, may o, baby, I did you with his body? I did with baby boy. I understand what you're gonna do, dude, is do it? I told you, I know want crayon is head and I want you gonna have like a couple nigga on somebody about it? Man over calling a bush. I got it. I just tried to call you like a man because I want to get the Carmen brush. And I didn't want to go without get your permission now, but I gotta go without getting your permission. We are always read. You don't know the crude would read? You just card with reading and sent them miss up to mass Just crude with me? Your bad you'll call. I want to say something else to you. You want to how you listening? You Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just not pain by your boss? Right man? Hello, you just pranked by your boss. But everybody's got a brush of the carso oh I think I needed that cry And man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? You know, like I've noticed mone oh man getting me at the word man, Well that right there with legend Timmy right there, that's legend Tommy right now. Yeah, I just got you people quick crying route you man, I just got it. I don't know you. Yeah, that's one of my favorite with me like that, classic baby, classic class. Yeah. All right, nephew, thank you so much. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letter. For today's subject, my man wants to make America great Again. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the String Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on sex, on dating, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one today right here, right now. Buck all up and hold on tide. Crawberry Letter, All right, nephew. Subject my man wants to make America great again. We're dear Steve and Shirley. I am a twenty eight year old white woman and I am dating a man who is half black, half Latino. He is thirty two years old, a great provider, has served in the military, and he is amazing in the bedroom. We've been together eight months and it was going great until one night when a news report came on about the Black Lives Matter movement. To my shock, my boyfriend said that the Black Lives Matter mess is racist and the followers are the equivalent of black Nazis that give the whole black community a bad name. I was hurt to find out that at that very moment that he is a full on Trump supporter. I don't want to sound ignorant and make assumptions, but isn't it a little unusual for him as a black man to support this administration that continually works against people of color. When I confronted him about Trump building the wall to keep out Mexicans, he said that his Hispanic family members are all in the US legally, so the rest of the Mexicans can stay on the other side of the wall. Oh yeah. He also doesn't believe in gun control and thinks the standard ground law is an awesome way for people to protect themselves. For the past month, I've been trying to get him to see how wrong the president antics are. And I know couples that have different political views and managed to live with the differences. I don't think I can. Do you think I'm overreacting? Or should I have an open mind? Or should I run now? Before he tries to drag me to the next Trump rally, please advise. Wow, this is a different kind of a Strawberry letter. And I got to tell you, no, I don't think you're overreacting. I think you're just reacting. You're responding, you're processing, you're trying to make sense of it all. You're in a relationship where you're a man, it seems, has an identity crisis going on, some sort of identity problem, not because he's a Trump supporter, but because he's black and doesn't support the Black Lives Matter movement and says that it gives a whole black community a bad name, and because he's half Latino, and he started talking about, you know, leaving the Mexicans, let them stay on the other side. I mean, I can't believe it took you eight months to find that out about him, that who he supports. It is amazing that with all of Trump's lives in his racist comments, like you said in your letter, that your man still follows him, but many people do, They still follow him. And I say to you, if you can't support your man who supports Donald Trump and his new slogan, by the way, is keep America great again. You know, I mean the election is in twenty twenty. I mean, what are you gonna do. You're gonna wait until you know, Yeah, he probably will maybe try to drag you to a Trump rally and then you know, and then it will really start the arguments. So I think, you know, politics, religion, all that stuff. You can have differences, but if you don't feel comfortable in this situation, you gotta go. Steve, You're right, this is quite a different type of strawberry letter that we normally get. I have no jokes here, so let me just be honest with you. This twenty one year old white woman and dating a man who's half black, half the Teino. He's thirty two, he's a great provider, served in the military, amazing in the bedroom. They've been together eight months and boring. Great and Denny. One night, a news report came on about Black Lives Matter movement. To my shot, my boyfriend said that Black Lives Matter mess is racist and the followers are equivalent to black Nazis that give the whole black community a bad name. So obviously your boyfriend watches Fox because that's exactly what they did to the Black Lives Matter movement. They turned it around and turned it into, well, our lives matter too. The Black Lives Matter movement was not saying that other lives don't matter. Matter. Black lives movement was merely put together to say our lives shouldn't matter just as much as everybody else's. But the spin propaganda spend that is the Republican Party, they quickly turned that into our lives matter too, We're just as important. Well, that's not what the Black Lives Matter movement was doing, but they succeeded in doing just that. They said that the Black Lives Matter is racist and the follows equivalent to black Nazis. That's it's because he's missing form and it gives a whole black community a bad name. Nor it doesn't, then you would hurt to find out that the very moment that he is a full trump on supporter. I don't want to sound ignorant, but is it a bit unusual for him as a black man to support this administration that continuously works against people of color? You being white, you get it. Why he doesn't get it, I'll tell you in a minute. But I confronted him about the Trump building the wall to keep Mexican out. He said this that his Hispanic family members are all in the US legally, so the rest of the Mexicans stay on the other side of the wall. Oh yeah, he don't believe in gun control and he thinked to stay in your ground law is an awesome way for people to protect himself. Wow. Half black and half Latino. You got that exactly right. He's half of both of them. He don't halfway get what he's talking about. He don't halfway understand, and he half of a problem we got. So we come back. I'll tell you what's really wrong with him. All right, Steve, hang on to that second half. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of the Strawberry Letter today, my man wants to make a America great again. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, So Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject my man wants to make America great again. Well, there's twenty eight year old white woman's dating this half black dude, half Latino who's thirty years old. He's an average Trump supporter. He thinks the black lives movement is racist and Nazis, and he believes that it's hurting the whole black community. He is also thinking that since he's a Latino and his Mexican relatives all got he illegally, and that all the rest of them should just stay over there. He also believes in the Second Amendment, nothing wrong with that, but he also thinks that to stay in your ground law is an awesome way for people to protect themselves. She's confused. But let me tell you something, lady, You know near confused as him when you see a guy who's black who has a problem with everything that black people do, especially movements. Now, I'll tell you what they did do. They did to spend on this Black lives matter, and they took it from us and they spun it into white lives matter too. And we could have been a little hard to make them do that, and we named the phrase black lives matter too, or black lives matter also. I think that would have diffused them a little bit. But since we didn't we say black lives matter, they turned it into everybody all lives matter, not just yours, and it took away the focus of what we were trying to identify. The problem that black people have from being stopped and pulled over by the police. That was the focus. But when you turn the focus from black lives matter to all lives matter, or see, all lives don't have the problem that black lives do. Do it a matter of fact, when you're not black your life, you can't even imagine what this is like to be the only one on the elevator, the only one in the department, the only one on your floor, the only one with your job description, the only one. So since you can't imagine that now all lives matter, it takes all the steam out of Black lives matter. Now the fact that he doesn't want any more Mexicans over here because all his family is legal. The reason this is is that he's dealing with some self hate. See, he don't like himself. He don't like the black side or the Latino side. So now his self hatred of himself is god. He's ashamed of being himself. So now the best way to stop the shame of being yourself is to try to gain acceptance from those people that you're ashamed of yourself in front of. So if I get over here and I get me a bunch of these Trump supporters to understand that I feel just like them, maybe they'll accept me and like me because I don't like myself as I am. But I got news for you, homie. You can go over there and vote for him, and you can do whatever you want to do. You're gonna for the same repercussions as the rest of us, so you might as well bring your ass back on back over hill. See go now, you got a real problem now, partner, because guess what, if you get pulled over by the police, you can have a Make America Great Again hat on if you want to. You're gonna get the same treatment we're gonna get, partner, and you can have a hat on. You're gonna have a Trump shirt on. You can be that dude that stands behind Trump at the rally last night with the ponytail that I busted and found out was in the movie from the from that Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, surely I found out who he was. He's the brother that was in that cult. I can't think of the name. No, no, no, modern more modern game been something. I don't want to say the wrong thing. I'm watching the Netflix special. He was in that organization. He's all over. He's all in the documentary. He's in the documentary. What is it? Yeah, that's him. He was a big supporter of him. He's all in the documentary. That's the dude, the dude that be standing behind Donald Trump. If you watch that documentary, he's all in it. Okay. Oh he's been arrested several times. Yeah, that's the same brother. That's the same brother. Don't like himself no more because he's been looking for himself all over the place. Yeah, Blacks for Trump, just you, brother, just you Black for Trump. That's you. He was at the rally last night for Donald Trump, and they got one more black that couldn't figure out how to hold his sign. They ain't gonna pay his ass no more. Oh the other rooms tripping the warm with the hat on the yah. Oh yeah, see the black dude with the ponytail. He'll never wear a head. He just happy. He just back there, just be grinted. He'd be so happy. Well, see you get pulled over, you're gonna get the same treatment. Party. They position people who they want, They want to show a mixture of America behind Donald Trump. They do it at all the reps. I understand that they put the people back there they want. But this one black dude keeps showing up and he just said he the happiest you've ever seen. Well, now you don't want any more Mexicans over here because let them all stay over there. So you keep trying to get justification from the people that you're ashamed of yourself in front of when guess what, brother, they still gonna look at you the same way. So if I was you, man, the end of your question was should I just break up walk away? I would because it's not gonna get any better. Next year is an election year now, and you've fit to deal with. You can't even get it, to see it from your perspective. He can't even see it from the perspective that is him, right, He ain't who ever see your side? All right? Listen, You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast asked on demand. Coming up at forty six after the hour from the Talk, it is our girl Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's kitchen redesign update. Yeah, yeah, it's a little twists, a little different. Yeah, what happened to reality? Update? All right? Right now from the talk it is our girl. Come on, Steve sure Underwood, thank you, Steve, listen to me. I've been listening to all this testimony and all this stuff discussion about reparation. Have y'all been listening to this stuff Mitch McConnell yesterday, Yeah, yeah, let me tell you something. Yeah, and see, let me tell you something. First of all, we've been talking about reparation for a long time, but now it's time to do something about it. Now, you know, people need to get motivated. Didn't a million people marching Hong Kong the stop of unjust law that they didn't even put it into the process. They were just thinking about doing this, and a million people watching the Hong Kong turn that law back and almost made the lady have to resign from then we could do something about reparation. We can't even get a commission now, you know that. Don't make no damn sense. United States can't even get a commission to study the possibility of reparations. Don't Don't you think that's kind of ignorant. We ain't ask for nothing yet. We just want you to study the possibility of it. And then you're trying to take it through the House that's controlled by the Democrats. But if you're trying to move it anywhere through the Senate, the dude with no knack ain't having it. Yeah mcconnor with no knacks, he ain't. He ain't having it. He having time about. We don't need reparation because we passed civil rights lessage relations, which you undercut all the damn. We don't need reparations because we elected an African American president, which you're trying to turn back and destroy all the good that he has done. So we're gonna need to do something. First, We're gonna need to change the Senate. First of all, Democrats, stop arguing with each other on petty stuff, get together on this, and then we need to change the Senate. Now people say, well, who get the money, Well, I think you need a DNA test everybody. And if I'm from where you stole, then cut me a check. Because slavery may have ended in the eighteen hundreds, but the institution that you put in place extended slavery into the nineteen hundreds and will extend it through the two thousand. So cut me a check. You cordify slavery with your segregation is law, so I'm gonna need you to cut me a check. You enforced it through economic disenfranchisement, which restricted my access to life, liberty, and to pursuit of happiness. So I'm gonna need you to cut me a check because I can't live as free as you live. I am still enslaved, So cut me a reparation check. Come on, girl, come on right now. And what she's saying, that's what I'm talking about. Coming up, coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's kitchen redesign update. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen, it is that time. She is here. It is Carlo Farrell with what reality update? I think update? It's the kitchen redesigned frigerator, brook stove. What happened? I watch reality TV this week? All right, so let me tell you, I'll what's been going on. I redesign my kitchen. So let's just act like I'm on HGTV or Bravo. How about that? Listen all right, all right, So everybody's been on my Instagram page checking out my stories and all of that. So I have some redesign tips on what to do if you're gonna read. I don't want to say remodel because my budget was I got an island, all right, so listen, listen, So decide on your budget. Here's one of my tips, and how much you want to spend and stick to it. Okay, that's the first thing you need to do. Second thing you need to do is purge, get rid of all of the clutter. My husband and I we were like going through the drawers. Why didn't we have a catch up Polynesia sauce from Chick fil A? Just stuff you just need to clean up and just get rid of clutter. We had some Natasha sippy cups. So that's another thing you need to do. This will help you cut back on spending so much money. Next tip, find good help workers that are willing to help you, communicate with you or you know you've seen their work. You've seen some of their work, so you know what they can do and plan ahead. It was tough being without a kitchen for a week and a half. Let me tell you something, so you gotta get you maybe like a little cool a girl. That's the thing. That's what I'm saying. They had to get like a little small cooler. She was thirsty all the time. We have come on now, little Chief Mica away so we can put together light meals. So you gotta budget, You gotta plan this out so you will know and you will be ready when it's time to redesign your kitchen. So my big reveal will be today, so you will see how I've gone from having you know, a dated kitchen and you'll see the big reveal today. So you gotta follow me on social media at lips by Carla and you will see the big kitchen reveal today. Any questions for me with the pantr Oh, it's so cluttered, Tommy. And we had to move everything getting there so they can work. That's where you had, no. That's why you gotta go. We gotta organize. Yeah, have you got how about them pots? How about them pots underneath? Is that organized under that? Yes? Everything is organized under that, Shirley. You'd be very proud because you know you don't use your pots brand new. They don't come out and they just they just they just look like furniture. Yeah, what is that bill looking like? Carlin? Three meals a day questions for me? You got wall paper? Oh, you got paint. I did paint. We painted the kitchen cabinet, so all of that. So I'm having fun. We did. We had a good time. So I'm very proud of my work in my project. Everybody you know set up like that till you gotta kind of budget and plays. So, Shirley, when is you redoing your damn kitchen? Why don't you give Carlor all your appli They are brand new, Carlor brand new, and I got a new island. What is the island for? You just want to have something to walk around? Yeah, you don't want to walk straight to the oven. Islands are cute, Steve, your kitchen really could be a closet. Sure you was nothing in that, but to sink that's it. Well, Mica Wave still got the plastic over the tath. No, we are Our appliances were pretty new, so we were good that. We were good with that. But it Shirley wants to donate, she can my big kitchen revealed. Follow me a little smart Carla. Oh and by the way, here's a little reality update. Nugget. Here we go, Basketball Wiser back, Evelyn, Shanni, Malaysia, all of them my back. So I'll be watching and I'll catch you up on that next week. All right, thank you, Carla. Coming up next, music and more fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with today's office topic. People, if you're at work, check this out. Listen to this never far from the office, even on vacation. That is the question. A new survey found that forty five percent of respondents said they checked in with the office multiple times a day while they're on vacation. That's that's not a vacation. Listen to this one. I know, I know, I was twenty tweet give you my word on Instagram. I will go there. We ain't even tear y'all. I would leave. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. Yeah, so forty five pers I know. Forty five percent of respondents say they checked in with the office multiple times a day during vacation. Twenty six percent said they checked in at least once a day, and none of the respondents said they never checked in with work while on vacation. Uh, what they need to tell is it a disrespect to the people you on vacation with to stay on the phone and keep calling and working. Ain't that a disrespect? That makes sense? I don't know, I don't know what the hell you just said. Just a respect if it's respectful. But I'm sure the arguments and all of that coming from you know, you're supposed to be on vacation. I mean, if you out with your spouse and you you guys are on a vacation. You got a three four day weekend, you know, is it right to be calling back and Forthork, not if you're on Vaca Vaca. All right? We got more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour with some trending news stories right after this, you're listening to show. Kelly Rippa from Ryan and Kelly I recently talked about the time her daughter Lola walked in on her and her husband Mark Consuelo having sex um Consuelos. According to Kelly, Lola closed the door and yelled, you just ruined my birthday. Um. It was her eighteenth birthday, and she said, you just ruined my birthday and you ruined my life. And I used to see in color, she said, but now I see in gray. So so she was all messed up, right? Yeah? Yes, yeah, So the question is to the guys, uh, have you guys ever walked in on someone else? Why? Has got to be just a gay because you guys are comedians, that's why. Hello, just that question. It's a question. Sure, it's just a question. Yeah, y'all can answer too. Is it because you don't want to answer it? Okay my answers. You scared to tell what you walked in and see my answers? No, that's no fun there. You guys are comedians, all right. Uh, so to the guys again, have you ever walked in on anyone having sex? Or has anyone ever walked in on you? Steve? What happened? Walked in on? I was about levin, walked in on eleven? I walked in on my aunt uncle. I knew it. Yeah, I was over the house and walked in on my aunt uncle. And at the time I didn't know what they was doing because it was so much fat in the bed. I didn't know what they was doing. My big ass aunt was sitting up in there with her big ass husband, and I just thought they were in there just I thought it wasn't an attack. I really didn't know what it was at the time, certainly did not know it was sex. Did they see you that was love? Yeah? Did they know you were in there? Yeah? My uncle, yo, go get your ass out here. Took him a long time. He was in the middle of something, so he studied and swallowed no all as him made me get out, and I didn't realize what was happening. Then we went back and looked through the keyhole back when the head keyhole lord like that junior, Oh yeah, yeah, we had. I walked in on my mom and daddy. I was eight, about eight years old, and I bust out cryings, I told by that you said you would never hurt her at eight? At eight, I wise of you, young man, A little boy. I couldn't believe. Did my mom gonna try to come in and talk to me? What's wrong? She said, what's wrong? I said, y'all was in there. He was hurting you. He said, no, that was making look said it didn't look like. I ain't see no hugs. At eight, I ain't seen no hugs because they said hugging was loving. There was no hugs at the OK. You're trying to get my dad got never come out. Let's go play basketball. Not after that. None of you hurt my mom. We gonna play together, no more, sir. All right, we'll be back with our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and at least Harvey at forty nine after the hour, that's right after this you're listening to. All Right, here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good day on this Thursday. Thanks again to the boys from eighty five South Show. They're so much fun. They're so great. Yeah, they are. Set them in the room and just let them go. Just let them got an interview. You just introduced them and hideous they got it from there. Yes, all right, we're gonna switch gears here and Steve Harvey's gonna give us some closing remarks. You know something I think I want to share something along the lines of, you know, I was telling y'all started doing this meditation every morning, and I really can tell you man, it's really really helped me a great deal because it's all giving me a level of peace that I've never really understood before, and it's just been every morning as I go in prayer, but I read these little daily motivational things, and I was reading the other day and it was teaching me this thing, this aspect of worry that I think a lot of people are experiencing, and I wanted to share it with you. It was talking about they what he what he really wants us to do is give up. You're striving to keep everything under control, which is actually an impossible task. And what's furthermore, it's actually a waste of precious energy. Because what I've been learning, right, there's God's guidance for each one of us. That God's guide that God guides, it's very unique to each one of us. That's why listening to God is so really vital to your well being because what God really wants to do, and what I've been learning is He just really wants to prepare us of the day that awaits us, and it really wants us to give us direction and point us in the right direction for today's events. And even though fear follows you around throughout the day, it kind of stalks you, you know what I mean, Because there's so many opportunities too, to not be conscious of God's presence. That you have to understand that even though all these opportunities around you, that it can't really do you no harm as long as you hold on. You remember how you hear old people say hold on to God's unchanging hand. That if you do that and you keep your eyes on him, then you get to enjoy this peace. And this peace I've found because I've stopped worrying so much about the things that I don't have control over, and one of the big things is your future. You can't control your future. Now. Look, that's not to say you're not supposed to plan and hope and have prayer about stuff, But prayer about stuff don't don't necessarily mean worried. A matter of fact, it don't mean worried. So you know, you gotta all you gotta pay attention to that. I've had to get even better at mastering time. And what I've learned about this is that all of us we really really built in twenty four hour segments. But time man is like a tyrant. Sometimes it just ticks away at us in our mind, and you gotta learn how to master it. And even though we're all bound by some form of time in our life. How we always conscious of time. You gotta be still, you gotta you gotta get out of the mad rush, y'all. You gotta focus on God. I like it in the morning because it helps me start my date. You gotta get out the mad rush. You gotta focus, you gotta get laser beam focused in the mornings. Is great for me because it helps me balance my whole date. And I just focus. I just it with him. I just talk to him about the stuff that I have concerns about. I talk to him about stuff that I'm hoping to accomplish, and then at the same time, I leave it open to wherever he's trying to take me for that day. I talk to him about things I'm trying to make decisions on. I ask him to always guide me and leave me in the right direction. And it has been helping me out tremendously. Man, It's just something I do in the morning. Look, you don't have a radio show like me, so you ain't got to tell a lot of people you're doing You don't have to tell a lot of people that you're doing it. But the reason I'm doing it is because I really do try to encourage other people and get you to have something that you can put into your day to day and maybe it can help you. And that's why I always like to use myself as an example when I'm giving these motivational moments of stuff that I'm doing that I've actually finding out through my own trial period that really does work for me, And starting my money off by meditating has really made a huge difference to me. It's given me a really, really calming amount of peace. But I'm just employing everybody to form some type of relationship with your creator. Man, it'll just help you out e mentally. It really really will, because God who made you would love to have some form of relationship with you. Now, he's a gentleman. He's not going to force itself on you. So he does want to be invited in because he gives us all the power of choice. But once you invite him in, it's a very calming effect in your life. You should try it if you have it. The cool thing about it is you don't need permission, and the even cooler thing about it is no certain way that you have to do it. You can develop a meditation that works for you. You know what I mean, I like to read to. I got a list of stuff that I make sure I think him for every day. My family, my health, my grandchildren's health, of my hopes and dreams of my kids, make me a light, show me how to be a better example. And then I got a lot of stuff in there that I won't. I got some material things, some spiritual things that I won't. I go over those lists. And once I read those list and meditate on them in and uh, you know, put up my form of prayer. At That's how I start my day. Man. And I think, man, if I wish i'd have done this long time ago, to be honest with a long long time ago, but you ain't never too late. So here I am you can too. Those are my remarks what today. That's it. I have a great weekend. Drop it all right up for all Steve Every contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening show