Good morning and welcome to the ride! We start with The Temptations and Jodeci. The Chief Love Officer has his hands full with a woman that wants vengeance with her married COVID-19 partner. Can dead politicians tweet? Fool #2 has a song about Megan Thee Stallion. Kamala Harris is being attacked by 45 and The GOP. Our resident poet Junior has something for us about voting. Jerry Jones has a controversial stance in regards to kneeling during the National Anthem. Is it too soon for AMC Theaters to re-open? Today the show wraps up with facts about 45 and the road to November. Go to!
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit on the don giving them more like the milking bu bu things. And it's true good Steve listening together for stunt joy by me. You gotta turn ing the you you are. You gotta turn to turn out, turn, got to turn them out to turn to turn the water to the water. Come come on your baby now, h huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, come on, y'all dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Is God good to me? Unbelievable? Yeah, it is? And and I can only attribute it to one thing. It's just been a turnaround in my life. It's it's been me finally making a decision to see what all God has from me, but at the same time trying to be more God wants me to be instead of more what I want to be. That's the trade off. You know, you gotta do something now, you know you know you want God's blessings, you gotta be willing to do something on his behalf. Now I'm not saying I got it right, right, now, because I'm just being real with you, I don't I don't have it all together by any stretch of imagination. I'm trying to get better in several areas. I'm praying about it. I'm working on it, but you know, it's surprised and I've I've grown to accept the process. But I'm improving in a lot of areas from day to day. But I'll tell you what, man, my success all is going on with me I can only attribute to this turnaround. And the turnaround was simple. I turned around and started looking at God. That was a simple move, man. I just turned around and started looking at him, and I was going, Okay, I get it. Now, you created me. You're the creator. You have a purpose for me. I understand that. Now. Now let me just walk in that purpose and let me get to doing that purpose. Now, my purpose and your purpose and their purpose and anybody's perfect purpose could be different, and the way you go about the purpose can be different. And that's the part that I've really grown up to. I've opened up my mind to understanding that everybody's different, nobody's quite the same, and that is not my right or position to judge, but to be of a forgiving spirit, and understand and forgive those as I ask God to forgive me. See that's the key. That's the key, y'all. So when you out here and you stuck on this unforgiveness, understand in the large prayer as a segment that says, forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. There's another version says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debt us. It's two different versions, but either one it means the exact same thing. It means simply this that you are asking God to forgive yours like you forgive others. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. When I crossed the line with you, God handle me the way I handle people when they cross the line with me. You feel what I'm saying to you? See you understand that. That's the breakdown of it. Best way I can give it to you. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. Forgive me God for stepping over the line, like I forgive those that step over the line on me. That's the hard part, man, that's the part man I've really been working on I've been really trying to get that together. And so I've learned forgiveness a lot better over the past five years than I have before, and it's paid off. I can't tell you how I was paid off, because now God's mercy and grace is all over me, because I've learned to become more graceful. Now. I ain't graceful like him, I ain't merciful like him, but I've learned to become more more graceful, more merciful, because man, I can't live my life like that. I just got sick of me. Man, you're mad at me now, I'm mad at you. You hate on me, Now I'm gonna hate on you. I ain't got time for that. Man, I've got you. Look here, you got somewhere to go. Hate take up time. It's time consuming. Hating Trying to seek revenge, it's time consuming. It take up way too much of your time to seek revenge when vengeance ain't really yours. That's another one. Vengeance is mine. Say if the lord it ain't yours. So now when you go to seek it, to take it out, guess what you're doing. You're doing something now man, now you off into area that you got no business being in, and instead of steady climbing your letter like you're supposed to, you didn't take out time for vengeance to hate. I'm a hater. I'm gonna be a blogger. I'm a blog about so and so. When you're blogging about somebody, and most of these people you don't even know when you're blogging about somebody, what you're doing, what you're hating. It takes time to hate. Man. I just decided, Man, I gotta take all my time and instead of have doing time and being active, I got to be proactive. See some people get that confused being active and being pro active. Pro is positive. Pro means to move forward. You know, if you put pro in front of most words, it's a positive influence. You know, does the pros and the cons. The pros is the good side, the cons is what can go wrong the bad side. You know, if you're active, that's one thing, But if you're pro active, you're going forward in a positive direction. When you become a pro that means you the best of the best at whatever it is you chosen to be. I'm a pro so somehow, and I know English teacher, grammatical God. The word pro a lot of times when you put it in front of something, means positiveness. So now a lot of people think that if you as active, something all to happen. Well, I'm doing something, and that's what happens. Man, We just find ourselves doing a lot of busy work that really ain't bout nothing. It ain't going the way. It ain't got no direction or no purpose because we haven't tried to find out the direction of a purpose. So you wake up and you and your wheels are spinning. You a hamster on a tread meal. You're running real fast, but you're just going in the same spot. You understand that's because you're just out here being active instead of proactive. Why don't you get God in your life. Why don't you turn and face your creative and find out how to become more proactive so you can do things to move yourself forward. How you can get your life off the ground and get off the tread meal and really get it rolling in the direction that it need to be going. Man, I'm telling you God can make that change for you if he see you making the change for him. See the whole key, man, The whole kids. You got to be willing to do something. You got to give God something to black. Bless me God, and then you go sit on your couch and you ain't trying. Okay, bless me God with what? What? What? What are you working with? He can't have the people hire you if you ain't put the app in. Come on, man, the blessing comes when you make a proactive step, when you try to do something on the positive side. Look, man, I'm gonna quit messing around with all these people. I'm gonna start going home. I'm gonna leave these women loan out here. You got to say, all right, man, I ain't going over that at night. I just ain't gonna get Then God can work with you. God help me stop seeing all these women. But you steady going over there calling them setting up stuff. We can't nobody help you because once you get over there, you already know. See. You gotta get proactive. You gotta do something yourself. You make one step, he'll make two. That that's the key man. So come on, y'all, you're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. This is how I decided to open today's show. Ain't ain't really no rhyme, no reason, I just I'm gonna watch ever one of these old ass songs come to my mind. Papa was a rolling stone, just like wherever he laid his hat was his home. All who he left this was a lone shit it again. Papa was a rolling stone. Wherever he laid his hat was his home. And when he died, oh he left. This was alone. Shirley stra Happy Friday's team crazy Happy it is too, don't one it only car love for Red. You better say fight his baby, yes woo, just my imagination that damn kills Spate better known as joke Boy. I felt that never boy. I feel like we told about choked God never had at never not never kind of see never heard no but bad things about it. Mama, I'm dependent on you. Tell me the truth. Mama. Just hung ahead. Donny said, Papa was a rude and stolen. Jay Anthony Brown, give me one, Jake, he laid his hat was his home, singing all left one low said mister hard boy. Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's this ain't what do you do? But let's see. Nephew, Timmy, give me one. Oh God, no, God, watch this right, here, Julia, give me any water them smoking hits And when he died, I thought he was gonna Jean to see us for sure. That would give me one joan see one joke. Take my mom's the same hit you. You can't have you late because me yea every time turn is worse than round to Mike, I'm a adding, who are you love me? Grit? All right? Listen, you got me? Fe me here? You all right? Kay? Thank you? Je sing us out coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. You know what time it is time for the CLO. Right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time Now for ask the CLO. The Chief Love Officer Chloe, as the nephew calls it the one and only Steve Harvey. Are you ready? This one is from Veronica, an online listener. Veronica said, as I'm a twenty eight year old woman and I am seeking revenge on my coronavirus sex buddy. Okay, I met a married guy online during the quarantine and he told me he needed some good sex, and so did I. He lived close to me, so we started having sex almost daily. We made a pact that we'd only sleep with each other to be safe from coronavirus. The other day he came over and told me, oh, he gets better. The other day he came over and told me he had another coronavirus sex buddy and he wants us all to hook up. Come on, yeah, you right here. I was furious. How could he violate my trust and jeopardize my health? I'm so mad. I want revenge. Should I let his wife know what he's been what he's been up for? She could be at risk too, No, sister, Hold hold up, listen, Come on, now, you ain't playing you. You said you decided to have a coronavirus sex buddy, and he was married. Y'all live close back, so y'all having sex daily? He had it you having sex with him. Now he y'all promise not to tell nobody. Wait a minute. You asked a married dude to give you a promise that he wouldn't see nobody else when he stood at a church, said some vows and said he wasn't gonna see nobody else, and he seeing you, And now you're mad because he didn't broke a promise to you. Skip the vows. You didn't. Don't went past that back. Now you want to call his wife and tell his wife what he'd been up to. That's no sense. Thing is revenge. You're gonna pay for what you've done doubly if you do that. Okay, Look, just why don't you get you somebody that's single to do this with it? Yeah, or just tough it out like everybody else during the coronavirus. Hello, get your masks, yea masket. Set your ass down somewhere. Yeah, get you some parrel and try to find some lassol. Right right, all right. This one is from Princess in Tyler, Texas. She says, I've been dating a guy that I worked with for a year and he is the perfect man and the best lover I've ever had. This was there was a rumor floating around the office that he was messing with the merry coworker of ours. I confronted the lady and she admitted it, And she said she calls him daddy when he does all the freaky things she tells him to do. I didn't really believe a woman because my boyfriend has been on a whole spiritual journey since we started dating. I don't think he cheat on me. One of my other co workers told me, I'm naive? Am I being naive? Spiritual? Well, to shut up? He's on the spiritual journey and you don't think he cheat on you? Um? I'm sorry? What? Um? He must be on a well, I mean he must be on a lightweight spiritual journey because he doing what a lot of people doing that ain't spiritual at all. So I'm a little confused. But if if that's what you say, I would ignore. You went to the married room and and she admitted it. But first of all, why would she admit to something that ain't true? Why would she admit to that if she was married and tell you she's sleeping with a co worker? Why would she say that? Man, what's happening with y'all? Y'all just be telling it? Yeah, come on, y'all need to get off social media. What happened to the days where well, y'all need to get back when you wasn't no sale phones? All right? Uh, Chloe Clo. Steve Harvey just fisible yea, Yeah, I guess he just think because we just ain't on in all areas, millions and millions of people are listen to something. None of this could get back he just been saying it to us. He just keep saying stuff I should be saying. Yeah, come on, Tommy, you good sex? No more? What are you saying? All right? Chief Love Officer Randy and Fadville. Fadville, Georgia says, I'm a thirty seven year old bachelor and I'm an anesthesiologist. I made great money, so I have a huge home and nice cars. My problem is I weigh almost three hundred pounds. I knew it, and I'm only five ten, So I have trouble in the romance department. I have always treated my women with the utmost respect, but unless I'm buying expensive gifts or taking them to high end restaurants, it's a rap. I don't want a gold digger. Guys that aren't handsome get plenty of fine women all the time. Yeah. How will I know if a woman is feeling me or if she's just with me for an upgraded lifestyle? Well, won't you do this, dog? Why don't we start with five ten, three hundred pounds? Why don't we start Damn dog, you're anesthesiologists. There are no three hundred pounds seventy year olds. Come on, man, you got to put it together. You got to take better care of yourself. You got a great career, great car, great house, You're making money. Man, take care of yourself. Man, this weight is going to double back and create a problem for you. Man. You got to get yourself together. Brother, then you can go agut. You will be a lot more attractive to everybody. My problem is, I'm five ten, three hundred pounds you and there putting people to sleep as you sleep, but yourself to sleep. You know, I don't even know if you I don't even know how you tell if the gas is going in at night because you got to be wheezing. Yeah, yeah, you can't get too much gass. Yeah, you have to get healthy. You five ten, three hundred pounds, that'd be like a five nine three hundred pounds. That'd be like if Tommy was three hundred pounds. Okay, thank you. Coming up next, speaking of the nephew, I'm saying, you know what your hype at three hundred, that's what that would be like. Run that Frank back show, that show how couldn't Right after this you're listening to Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and then entertainment news Herman Kane tweets two weeks after his death to attack Democrats. What we'll get into it, Plus we'll tell you we did it after him. Yeah, we'll talk about it. Plus we'll tell you which which celebrity couple is expecting baby number three. We'll talk about all of these stories, guys at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is here to run that prank back what you got for us, naph You prayed for a job. Let's go. You prayed for a job. I'm hello, I'm trying to reach a Carol and please hi, Carolin. Listen. My name is Lawrence. Lawrence I actually go to the same church you do. I saw you last Sunday where you stood up in the church and I heard that you were talking about you were going through some bad times or your job supposedly got rid of the department that you're in and you were now seeking a new type of work. Am I right? I just just just work period, because you're looking for a new occupation and you I was there when you ask everybody to pray for you. Have you have you found anything yet? I haven't an I've been praying up. We prayed again today. I asked for the Churches Prize again today. And the thing's gonna work out, because you know, he said, you take one step, You're gonna take two. That's right. I'm trapping and I know what's going to happen. I know. Well, listen, I think I may be able to be of some help to you. I actually own my own company, and I'm thinking that you could be the perfect person for a position that I have available. Now, what what type of work were you doing in the past. Give me some of your job qualifications. I'm an executive secretary, administrative assistance. Anything like that was a minute. Uh. They even take the old star shorthand often do at all. You just said what you need, and I can do it. Take out your executives to come through the office, anything that's needed, travel expenses, That's what I do. Okay. What type of hours are you used to? Working nine to five from Sometimes I'll come in at eight. I don't have a problem becoming at eight. I'm coming even earlier if you even be coming earlier. Are you opposed to working at night? No, I don't know. I'm working at night. I mean it just it just appears you know right now burgers can't be choosing I ask him and being given to me. Okay, well, what kind of if you're looking at I have a I have ah an offer for you that it would be Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. You will only be working three days a week for me. Okay, just from I was looking for separately a female out of a female days and he like four times, I have a family, Well a day right right, I understand, but listen, I think the actual amount will suffice for that. Now, I'm going to offer you seven hundred and fifty dollars per night for three nights a week. That's that's two thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars for for for those three days for one week early, seven hundred and fifty dollars a night. And are you looking two something? You're making so a week now and if you do the math on that, that adds up to about nine thousand dollars four months. Good to be true. But now I put riling was in I turned it earlier. That's we expected it. I do it and in eachurn make seven hundred fifty dollars A nine. I mean what I be doing the books, you know, because I drive an accountant too. Well, let me say this, and now, the reason why I say it's at night is because I own a nightclub, and and you would be working at the nightclub for me, and so you would put in about four or five hours every night, and and for three nights a week like I stayed at Thursday, Friday, Saturday. And and of course I'll pay you seven hundred and fifty mint of fact, I'll actually pay you your first two weeks in advance. And I know I'm sure you you know you've you've launched your balance. You need to get back on your feet and everything. Yes, yes, yes, okay, um, so so ba a riddle. You know I'll be doing it because I'm sure like I can do office work, I'm good like accounting. You tell me a clip front door, I can keep your books going right? Well, no, not necessarily. I don't need you to work the front door. Um. I'm actually gonna have you in the club working, okay. So um, I mean how are you? How's your physical condition? Are you able to get around? And you don't get tired? Quick? Do you? Now? Are you in good physical shape? Ye? Don't get tied quick at all. You need to do something like be able to bartenders or something to work to the bar to make sure the moneys here nobody's selling money from your something. No, no, no, you're not at the bar either. See because what I'm gonna do now, have you ever done anything like, you know, anything close to dance or anything like that. Have you done that in the past? I do live bat when I was younger, Uhri scratcher. I mean, and you know, go water ever wanting a while? You know, you do the dancing here and there? Okay, the problem moving around? Okay, well that's good because see what what I wanted you to do is I want you to do a little bit of dancing in the club. You have something like ballroom dancing or something that you need to teach you. I don't want to do the ballroom dance. I can't work with nobody on this stuff like that. No, I'm not asking you to do any ballroom dancing anything like that. What I need you to do, I want you to dance on the pole. On the pole sea I have a strip club. I want you to dance on the pole. Potter dancing my part, well, actually I own um the silk stocking, which is a strip club. I'm not a strilk stocking. Look that heavy me. You don't want me dub. You must watch your month. I bring my poet to mother body. You can pos room name. But don't you want to make this money? I got seven hundred fifty dollars a night for you. I don't meeve some money. Tell you right now you're in a paradox. You can take that pole and serve at the being. You have no business calling me about no birth on no pardon, I believe church. I'm trying to get you a job. Baby. They told me that you was in need of a job, so I'm just trying to need it. I'm not need rech Joe. I'm not needing no jows. I'm taking off my boy. I'm rowing some more brought wind and birth on the day pols want you. Okay, what if I bumped up to a thousand? Now, I don't take two three foot five thousand. Now I'm taking my draws out the now. I want you own that pole. You know you ain't gonna see my church in church. I need three let's say you need to be out of me talking about your guys, right here when I have to say you bad church next Sunday, don't you comment to me? I said never to me, because if I see m a bushing, I'm a comment as you and win Dale where you get your butt on the pope. And this is the com guys, weren't bred I'm a whipp you what let me say this to you? Are you listening to me? You know I don't listen to me. I'm going to hang up. You know I'm combing them almost Wait just a minute, Caroly I want to say this. This is nephew timing from the String Morning show. You just got pranked by your cousin Ravenna. I need some money. We never little pole worker ain't gonna hurt nobody. You know what I'm saying, Just a little pole work. Wasn't having that at all? Bankers can't be choosing you need a job in the poll? Let's calling all right? Something fifty in this COVID are those are the rules? That is the rules for the next dance. We're moving on. We are moving on, coming up at the top of the hour. Coming up at the top of the hour, Enterty Hayman and National News right after this. You're listening to show and today's entertainment and celebrity baby news. Congratulations going out to our good friend John Legend and its beautiful wife Chrissie Teagan. They are expecting get this baby number three? Yeah yeah, yeah, congratulations yeah kid. They look just like them too, their kids. The couple Yeah yeah, a couple reveal the news and John Legend and new music video It's called wild Where. Toward the end of the video you can see Chrissie Craidlinger tummy. Congratulations again, we love us from John Legend and Chrissy. They already have two other kids, four year old Luna, two year old Miles, uh the Sun Miles and uh yeah. We're just happy for them. They are nice people, really nice people. Congratulations and okay, get this guy's and other entertainment news. Herman Kane, we know he sadly passed away last month from coronavirus, and as we all know, Herman Kane was a huge Trump supporter. However, did you guys see that recently on mister Kane's Twitter account, it began abruptly posting anti Biden campaign messages like this one, just in case you thought Biden's candacy was going to be anything other than completely nuts. Team Trump has released a new video. Okay, Then there was another post accusing Joe Biden of having a racism problem. Needless to say, those Herman Kane twitter post scared a lot of people, including some people on this show. I hear right. They got a hold of his phone either had a Herman in the ground texting his ass off is tweek? Wow? Did ye ye take career? Did you see he posted on social media? Ain't uh? Mister Kane's daughter explained they will continue to use Herman Kane's platforms for ideas that he believed in, and the Twitter account will now be named the Kane Gang. So it's they're not going to stop. In other words, yeah, so damn what one nobody listening to you when you was here? Uh? Well, I don't care what your kids did. That's nice. You want to kill on your daddy's thing to go ahead? Ain't nobody listeners that crazy? Though nobody were alive and we're nine listening now that you did, especially everybody's repeating it. I ain't seen his kids said today that whole way pizza next week? Did you hear what Herman k would have been? Thinking. Let him show to somebody's house and see what happened. Let him show up to somebody house, see what the hell happened. All right, you need to stop this right away. Okay, stop it. Show up in nobody black house and you did. He's black, his kids are blue. Okay, Wow, I've heard it all now. Yeah. Yeah, Team Trump a team he campaign, Team Trump. Yeah. I just hope he's resting in peace. That's kind of crazy though, Uh, okay, you tweeting? I know, all right, all right, see it's time to slakes. Gentleman, miss a trip, Thank you. But did he attend Herman Kane's funeral? Think about that one. Israel and United Arab Embirhateds say they're going to be establishing full diplomatic ties and exchange. The Jewish state has suspended its plan to formally annexed parts of contested West Bank territory. Palstinian's not happy with the deal because Israel's existing settlements on the West Bank, which has claimed as Palestinian land, will continue to expand, so they don't think it's a great idea. Joe Biden Kamala Harris met with public health officials yesterday. Afterwards the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, called for a nationwide mask mandate. Joe Biden presented part of what he feels should be done to protect the American people from further coronavirus infection. He says it should start the top. Every single American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months at the men on The estimates by the experts are will save over forty thousand live and Biden says that every governor should mandate the wearing of mask outdoors to get the kids back to school and the business community back to full strength. The top Trump administration official reportedly deciding to cut census counting for twenty twenty by a month Okay, September thirtieth instead of October. The Commerce Department's Inspector General, though wants is an interview with both Commerce Secretary Wilbell Ross, and he also wants to meet with the bureau's directors to dealing him about this decision because the Inspector General reportedly feels that cutting short the time to gather the national headcount threatens the accuracy of the numbers used to determine how legislative representation and federal funding will be distributed for the next ten years, very very important, and the administration want to cut it short by a month. The mayor of small Virginia town, about ninety miles west of Washington, DC, is facing calls for his resignation over a Facebook post where he said the quote, Joe Biden just announced Aunt Jemima as his running mate. That's his quote. Barry Prescabs is his name. He's mayor of a place called Larray, Virginia Town a fewer than five thousand people, about four percent of them are black. He apologized for the post, but there's no word or he's signed that he's going to come resign. The US Conference of Mayors issuing report that concludes that public safety depends on mutual trust and respect between the police and the people. America's reckoning with racism has brought down statues, one state flag and one police emblem. Also, schools and other sites have been renamed. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, in all, fifty nine symbols have been removed since the police murder of George Floyd, and finally, AMC movie theaters are going back way back. The theater chain is scheduled to reopen more than one hundred of its movie houses starting August twentieth. But on August twentieth, that's AMC's one hundredth anniversary and the price of the ticket just fifteen cents would costs back in nineteen twenty because I wasn't around, but some people think it was. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Mourning Show. Steve intro. Jay here looking through the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. Please, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be or peek into some dark places. Joshua wa Anthony Broward. That's a real name, Joshua Anthony Broward. Oh he shortened it for the stage. Yeah, Jay, alright, Okay, everybody knows. I was upset that Megan the Stallion didn't get picked as vice president. That's what I was. D Oh, yeah you were. You were traumatized, so you can't have it. Well, we got a big ass in the White House nine time. So anyway, I wrote the song, and you gonna show my feelings about her not getting hit it. This is a little acapella check it out. Here we go hit it. Megan Stallion. I'm so sorry that you didn't get Peeg. Megan the Stallion. I'm so sad. I'm feeling sick, Megan the Stallion. I'm so blue. What I'm gonna do, Megan the Stallion, I'm saying, and I wrote this song for you. Dot dot data that that that that data that that data that that that that datata, Megan the Stallion. So I wrote you a little song, Megan the Stallion, only fifty eight seconds In't it ain't that long, I'm saying, Megan, that's the the first verse I wrote a verse. Yes, I put another another verse, getting this standing. I was unhappy when I wod you got shot, Mehan Thus standing so sad that I actually cried a lie meaning just standing now that is all in your past, Meghan Thus staying so happy you didn't get shot in your ass. I'm sorry, Megan, Okay, I don't I don't know what to say. I have no words, I got nothing, I got no my team. Jake, good job, Jake Man was going. The man is showing his feelings for in y'all. That's how y'all gonna Jay coming up at thirty four. I feel like I want a junior poem right now, thank you. Next hour, yeah, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, the President personally attacks Kamala Harris. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show the gops and President Trump are going in on Kamala Harris. The President called her mean, nasty, and angry. Personalities from Fox News also joined in with the President and their personal attacks on the Democratic vice presidential nominee by attacking Kamala's name and even comparing it to payday lenders. And the President is bringing up her birther issues, repeating GOP rumors that Kamala was not born in the US. Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, Okay. Meanwhile there, yeah, yeah, Oakland, all right. Her parents are immigrants, not her. Meanwhile, yesterday in Delaware, Joe Biden and Kamala discussed the pandemic, calling on governors to implement mass mandates for the next three months. Doing so would say forty thousand American lives, Biden said. He and Harris went on to say that leadership is willing to speak up by telling people what they don't necessarily want to hear, but what they need to know Biden said, be a patriot, wear a mask to fight the virus. Okay, I mean that's leadership. Just yeah, just say something, have a plan. Any one days until election day, Steve, November three is a lot before. Oh Jay, this is dude on the porch by the way. Yeah, this is a new character on the show called the dude crossed the street on the poech All steal out. So what you do is go to vote vote four one one dot org to register and get information on the early vote. If you won't find out what happening, that's information dot org dot all, O water, ain't go dot com dot all, and we want to early vote all of them dot org things is for white volt you know this. Now you got no black people, no one, remember no damn dot all. We thought all people dot com people? All right, but your president. I'll got y'all, get y'all, ass, I can vote. I know that. I know. That's right. That's it, an early vote. We want you to early vote. Oh love, you can't. Yeah, please, yes, yes, yes, yes. It's a distraction though, that's all it is. That's it. Surely it's a distraction. Calling her mean and angry and she wasn't born here. Well, any woman that has power is mean to him anyway, any woman, Pelosi, any woman, a woman, anybody. He doesn't like any women any He's just disrespectful, very much, so very much. Yeah, and respectful things. He said, nasty, you got a lot of nerves, right, But that's okay. Well we'll show you how we really feel come November third. Okay, we show out. Yeah, and the vice presidential debate between Kamala Harris and mikeber that's what I'm talking about. Hey, let me tell you something. You're gonna find out something about this woman now, because she is a great speaker. Yeah, she is a great speaker. She's gonna be intelligence, yes, oh yes, absolutely, yeah, yeah, this is gonna be the guy who gave her a job. Pince, you know what's coming for you. If she went after the guy, oh he gave her a job, she goes away hill out. She went after Joe Biden. Come on, ye, now they're toge. Now they're together on the same ticket. Ain't nobody's good at him? Right, good at him? But now they're together. They set their differences aside. He wanted somebody who would stand up to him as adults do, Yeah, as adults tend to do. And if you if you're that person on the Trump side of the field, you lose your job. Oh, don't stand up to him. Don't agree to any doctors on that stage anymore. You see no doctors. Welln't have time. Now that agrees with him, Doctor Atlas, he agrees with him. Yeah, yeah, you'll find somebody to agree with everything. What's the going rate working for him? About nine months? About that? Man, give you open your mouth. You can stay lonely if you don't. All right, coming up next, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today this Friday. The subject is, if my wife hates her, I have to hate her too. If my wife hates her, I have to hate her too. But we'll get into that. Yeah, we'll get into that. If you want to keep your wife. Man, you ain't got the hater. Damn show be not make a defensive Come all right, we'll get into the man. Okay, we'll get into the strawberry letter. But first the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Now? Can I claim your kids? Can I claim your kids? Ain't nothing wrong with that? Let's go sounds reasonable to me. Thanks, and I'd love you to sing your song again whenever you get a chance. Thank you so much. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Devin, Devin, ya, Hey Devin. How you doing? Man? My name is Curtis Man, Curtis. I was trying to reach out to you. You your your your son? Uh he plays a basketball with my nephew. Man, your son is the one that's on the on the Blazers little league basketball team, right, yeah? Everything all right? Yeah? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, everything good man. You know they got a game Saturday and everything. I've seen you a couple of times lines man at the game. I don't know if you remember me, Man, uh, light skinning brother about about six foot. Yeah. I probably met you up probably Mitch. You know, i'd be so intense with the games. But yeah, what's what's going on? Uh? Uh well, actually, man wanted to haul at you about about your son. Man. Um you you um? Are you? Are you? Are you working right now? Are you currently working? Am I am I working? Like? Yeah, I am working? Actually, I mean I mean, I mean, I mean you have a yea a steady job, is what I'm asking. I mean, yeah, yeah, what you what you get in that though? Like you know, I thought you were calling about the basketball team, like uniforms. I know, we got a game Saturday. You know sometimes they want donation for sneakers and all that. Like you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, what I was asking? So, so, I mean you you got a regular nine to five job you go to all the time. Yeah, I gotta nine five. I mean things is kind of crazy. But I was just kind of short. But you know, I still I still work. I mean, while I was going on, you need a job of something? No, no, no, I'm just checking. Man. See what I wanted to get at you about, man, is seeing are you gonna are you gonna clean your son on your income tax? Did year? Hold on? Bro? Now you said, am I gonna claim my son on my taxes this year? Right? I mean, like you know, as a dependent? So are you asking some real personal questions? Now? You know, like you're the guy that you just that you know me from the basketball team that my sons playing on Blasis you know, and now you doesn't jump from the Blazers to do I clean my son on my taxes? And do I have a steady income? I mean, like you know, yeah, I got I got a steady income, and I'm claiming my fight. What I mean what you're trying to get at bro? Well we'll see, man, what I was thinking. You know, I just want to read you seem like cool dude when I saw you at the gym. Man, what I was gonna ask you? Bro? You know? See right now, Man, when I get through with my taxes and stuff, I'm gonna have to owe about eight hundred dollars. But now see if I clean a child as my dependent, man, they're gonna get me by twenty two, twenty three hundred. You see what I'm saying And what I wanted to get at you about, man, is you know you let me clean as my son, you know, so I can gonna get this good money? Bro? Bro, Bro, I mean, what do I due? Respect? Bro? You're talking about you want to clean my son on taxes? Hold on, but I don't even know you. You're talking about you seeing me at my son's basketball game. You might be the police. Fall I know, bro, he sounds like the police. No, no, no, no, it ain't it ain't. Ain't nobody gonna come at your sideways like that. Man, I ain't ain't trying to come like what I'm trying to say. Man, Now they're trying to hit me off of this eight hundred. Well, see I can get twenty three hundred, man, I kick you down two fifty. You understand I'm saying, Man, everybody cool too, Simpty, You're crazy. Now you sound like a joke, bro, because now you're insult to me. You're telling me you want to claim mom now for somebody with you old money. I don't even know you food So I can make two fifty, Bro, I ain't trying to be on a brother. When I claim my kids, I'm getting the same exact like you getting. I'm getting twenty three hundred two. So what the dollar like taking two hundred dollars from I don't know? You know what I'm saying. Okay, but I'm the one stuck over here paying the eight hundred. Man, I'm just acting. Ask you to look out for a brother, man, you say, yeah, look out. You know my teching cut from forty hours a week to thirteen hours a week, and I still got these little sacks to me for Jordan, Michael Jordan never put us back. That's why I'm trying to hook you up with two fifty. Man. Damn, you don't even see a good thing when it's coming at you. Bro, Bro, I don't know if you're talking about brother No. Two or fifty. Bro. When I claim me two little I'm getting twenty three hundred dollars a piece. Bro, what you think I'm gonna take two fifty from you for? I don't even know you like that? So, man, you ain't got it. Yeah, you ain't got a trip. Man, Then if you was my bro, you're my people, you know, maybe we could do a little something. I can understand that. But Bro, you ain't gonna get me No. Two fifty when I'm getting the same thing they offering you point three hundred this complment money FROs. So what is I'm supposed to do? What am I opposed to do? Devin? Tell me that? I mean, Bro, what you supposed to do is go how your seed? Clean that a little every year and you will get what I get for these little that I'm seeing in clothing every day. That's what you're gonna have to do. My hours un got cut from forty to fifteen hours a week. I had to go pick me up the little side. I'm stand. You gotta change your ways. You out there trying to get me locked up for government scams. What I'm trying to do, man, is get this eight hundred off my bad dog. That's all I'm trying. That. Ain't nobody trying to get no trouble man. But you're still talking about getting you eight hundred and getting me locked up. Now you've got me. I'm out and working hard to support my kids. Man. But I ain't for the city and go through. That's what you know. More Man, I ain't for the city and go through. That's what you know is you're gonna help me with this money or not? Brian, help you with Bro. I need I see you on Saturday. Bro. I'm gonna you up, Brom Timash Brother. I need your son soldier security number right now. That's what I need. Bro. Let me tell you something, Bro. Say what you look like? Bro? You said you a light skin and you're gonna stop six foot bro when I see you, when I step in that Gymnasium. Bro, I'm on your bro. You ain't on that. You ain't on Blazing Lakers. Bro, you better bring that damn soldier security number. I think it's a game. I'm gonna come find him. Okay, Cool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. You're listening to me on my phone. Bro, I don't even talking to this fool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man, Is you listening to make shay your last statement? You want on your tombstone? Bro? This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got prank baby? Who is this nephew tim Me? Man? What's up? Devin? What's up? You got me out here? Crazy? Hey? Man? You got hey? Do you got a boy that you work with? Name? Yes? Crazy? Put me up to this man, man working all man, Keep doing what you're doing. We need good daddies in the world. Brother man, Thank you, brother. Hey, one more thing, man, I gotta ask you. You gotta tell me, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? Steve HARKing Wanning? Yeah, crazy man, I'm gonna beat Wow. You got his blood pressure? Man? Yeah? Ja. That's all. Yeah, you got you got a tap right. I'm sitting right there. How tall was? How tall was it? What I told you? You told him you were six feet? I text everybody sold just say everybody say? Did he just say he was six? Did he hate that? Order? Pranking and dreaming in his print? All right? Thank you? Now you coming up next Today's Strawberry Letter. Subject if my wife hates her, I have to hate her too. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the A. Uh. We're going to read that one right now, buck A Lappitt, Hold on tight, We got it for you. Here. It is the strong very Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject if my wife hates her, I have to hate her too. Dear Stephen Shirley, My wife had a friend that she was friends with for many years, and she stopped being her friend because a non credible person told my wife that her friend was talking about her. My wife fell out with her friend, and since then she talks bad about the friend and she gets mad if I tell her what she's saying is not true. I learned quickly to take my wife's side, and I even added a few choice words about the old friend, so my wife would think I was on her side, but I wasn't. And I'm sick of having to take sides whenever my wife gets something twisted up and starts hating on somebody. I don't want to create a conflict in our marriage or with my wife's family, because they have convinced my wife that if she hates someone, I should hate that person too. This happens a lot with my wife. She and another young lady exchanged words, and yet again my wife was wrong. As usual, I took her side because she is my wife. Now I can't associate with a young lady or her husband. I had to text the young lady's husband and tell him that I'm just trying to keep the peace in my house, and he understood. My wife and her family believe that if I go against her, even when she is wrong, then I'm not being faithful. There have been a few more instances, instances of her ignorant ways. I am thirty two and my wife is twenty nine, and I told her that she is too old to be acting like this. My wife and I have been married for two years, but she was not like this at first. I'm tired of taking her side when I know she's wrong, and I'm fed up with the daily conversation about who she doesn't like and who she stopped speaking to. I need your advice on how to fix this. Okay, listen, listen, listen. Okay, you cannot go against your wife. You can't do that. Okay, right now, you're doing the right thing. You're doing the right thing. You tried that one time and it didn't work out to you. You have to present a united front, you know with wifee. You have to do that. Otherwise you're gonna sound like you're on the other woman's side, and that's a no no in a marriage. You have to be supportive because, like you say, you're trying to keep peace in your house. Okay, peace is priceless. I think we all know that, we're all old enough to know that piece is priceless, especially in the home. That's where you go to get away. From all the drama and all the negativity and everything. You go to the solace and comfort and peace of your home. Nothing is worth losing that, not anything, okay, And this is one problem in your marriage. I think the other issue you pointed out is that your wife sounds really negative. She sounds petty. She sounds gossipy when she's just you know, around the house talking about everyone, and that's what's getting on your nerve. You don't like that. So unless you guys can fix this, your marriage is going to be in trouble. Your two year marriage. You guys have to have a conversation. You know, you can do these things in your house behind closed doors with your wife when you're not in front of other people, But when you're in front of people, you got to present yourselves as one behind closed doors, Like I said, you have to be able to communicate. You gotta let her know what you're thinking. You know. You got to do it in a nice way though, so she won't go in on you, because she will if she thinks you're against her and not supportive of her. So you know, that's when you know. I don't know what to tell you other than try it at home. When you guys are by yourself, husband and wife. Okay, not in front of other people, not in front of the family, but in front of people. Do not forever let your wife think you're going against her and supporting someone else. Steve, I agree with Shirley about this letter in terms of not disagreeing with your wife in front of other people. But the rest of it I completely disagree with because this is no way for this man to have to live. This is an uncomfortable way to live. Man, walking around your own house on eggshells if you don't agree with your spouse, so now you have to in order to get along. You got to go along. Even if it's something you completely disagree with, You got to go along with that. It's not a fun existence. Man. You might as well get ready. You ain't gonna have no damn friends who. First of all, your wife is a negative person. Negative people attract negative comments. That's why everybody come to her. So the first thing that broke her and her girlfriend up in the first place was an unreliable source came to her with some negative about her girl, some negative now without researching it, checking it out. Negative people attract negative thoughts. Negative people to whoever it is brought this to your wife. She accepted it. Not you and your girl. Lad. Now you din't had to call the dude who you cool, wouldn't go, Hey, man, I'm just trying to keep peace in my house. And he understood rule as a man who's married. Don't start no fires in your own house. And what I really hate is when another dude try to come in my space and create a fire at my house. What you over in striking matches for partner. And you know, he didn't had to learn to take his wife's side, which I understand, and sure he's right. You gotta take your wife's side or be no peace in the house. But I got news for you in front of him. It's not no peace in his house anyway, even when he go along with hub, it's no peace. You know why? Hang on, Steve, negative person? Yeah, hang on, hang on. We'll get part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, subject of today's Strawberry letter. If my wife hates her, I have to hate her too. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters subject, if my wife hates her, I have to hate her too. This dude is in a horrible position man, because he's married to a negative woman who falls out all the time with a lot of people. And if he hates a woman, if she hates a woman, he requires this she does, he said, he quickly learned to take his wife's side. And then even when the unreliable source told his wife that her best friend was talking about her, and she believed it because negative people go along with anything that's negative. They feed off of him. So you didn't add it a few quick choice words about the old friend, so your wife would thank you on her side. But he ain't. And he said he's sick of having to take sides whenever my wife gets something twisted up and stars hating on somebody. Now, he don't want to create the conflict in the marriage with the wife or the family. Now check this out. The girl's family then told her that if she hates somebody, her husband got to go along with it too. And then he said that this happens a lot with my wife. So now let's go over this. Every time there's a negative happening or a negative story The one person that's always involved in it is your wife. What all the time? Then dog gets her? All right? She and another lady exchange words, and yet again your wife was wrong. Then you took her side because she your girl. Now you can't assirotated with a lady or her husband. My wife, you know, his wife. Family believes that if he goes against her when she's wrong, then I'm not being faithful. All right, young man, let me say something to you. I was talking with Tommy Neilm off the air. You have to say something about this because this is gonna get out of hand, man, And I'm gonna tell you, bro, just ain't no way to live. It's hard for a man to walk around his house living on eggshells, to keep peace in a place that ain't peaceful. What piece are you keeping? I mean? She mad anyway, and if you ain't mad you come home from work. You don't even want to be mad. She always got it in for somebody, man, I see man at today. Man, that's crazy. Y'all be married two years. She wasn't like this at first. I'm tired of taking her side when I know she wrong, and I'm fed up with the daily conversation about who she don't like and who she to stop speaking to. That's crazy, man. I need your advice on how to fix this. The only fix is to set her down and tell her she wrong and get her to understand her ways. Now what's gonna happen. Is she gonna snap on you. Yeah, you're gonna go through this phase. If my family was right, they told me you ain't faithful because you don't take my side. Surely even said you got to take her side. But it's hard to take somebody side that's wrong all the time. Damn, I just meant in front of people, not at the house. Well, well you didn't say that. She did say in front of people. So I think the general consistency is you're gonna have to get her off to the side and you got to say, hey, look, just ain't working, or you got to get a mediate or something. This marriage ain't gonna work. Man. Don't nobody want to come home with this negativity every day? Nobody? Hey man, let me tell you something. Man. I know I've been in that before and that that's not a fun way to live. Brother in your house, right, yeah, man, When you don't have peace in the house brother. The Bible says it is better to live on the corner of a roof of the house than the inside with the crawls. Some woman, that's a scripture. Man, Hey man, when your wife ain't happy, it's a hard house to live in. Man. No, no, no, Now you've been on the roof of your house. Man, Jesus knew, and he wouldn't even married. He knew, he knew. Man, let me tell you something. Tell me out of been on the roof of the house in the garage parked outside. I would sometimes I wouldn't even come up in the yard. I ain't even want to see my car puller. Yeah, because the house is where you go to get peace, man, to lock out the world. Surely when you go home and there is no peace and you've been out here at war all day long, Yeah, that's an ugly ass house to go into. No more. Yeah, yeah it is. Now. Hey man, I'm gonna tell you what I used to do. Sometimes I would come into town when I was married before, I just go get a hotel room and say I was coming in tomorrow. Just go sit in the hotel room. Hey, dog, watch TV. Take shyging room service. Just get myself a day to get ready for I go around the corner. Piece is priceless. It's priceless. Yeah, you done something. Will leave before I would have to leave. I would leave before I would have to leave a little bit three days early. Baby gotta gotta go. Sit up trays Mama. I had a line to said, I got a comedy show, get dropped off into amplet he pull off and I get picked up in baggage. Claim. I'm not going nowhere. I just want to be out that house. But if it's like that, those people just aren't happy, it's nothing you can do to make it well, it's not And you're right, and you can't make a person happy, and it's not your job, and if you try to make it your job, you're in for a big disappointment. Yeah, all right, Steve, thank you. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. It's that time again. Oh yeah, Junior has a new poem and we'll hear it right after this. Why you're listening, well, our resident poet laureate Junior is uh here with the new poem. This time it's about voting. Tell us about a junior. Yeah, you know, I heard from somebody from Chicago. This is actually Jesse Jackson's official, unofficial statement about voting, and I just used it just as it is here. It is. It's called voting, that's all about. That's what it's called. Don't give up, hope. It is time to vote. Biden and Colombo. They are the gold. And that is why this poem I wrote. This ain't no joke. Of course I do not smoke. This ticket is strong like a mnded oak. Of course they're trying to put us back on the boat. So let me end on this final North, get off your book. It's time to vote. The ending. I like it because it's about voting. That's it. No, uh, we gotta give it because it's about voting that point. And you know you didn't come up with the time, and you're just mad because you didn't come up with the poem. Let's let's let me let me. I'm gonna give you. I'm gonna get your phone on your jest. I don't care what you talking about like I don't that's your job. This is I do ye. You made you mad? Yeah, I'm a poet. I ain't act. You gotta get it. You got a phoe your oscar at? You got a phoe like that post to turn you off? Yeah, like that hurt by feeling like, okay, what your oscar at? Then I like both of them. So I can't get into this with right, you trying to crush like his opinion matter to me? You good, but Junior, I'm down ten. It's about voting. Let's go vote and we got the bonus. He said it like the Reverend Jesse Jackson would say it. Timing pissed off that Come on, everybody know I'm Jesse. Was your phone that Jesse? That's all the wrong do Jesse around the hill? I didn't know that was the whole time he was talking, he was going, notice, Comma, now you said something else, Jui. But we don't. We don't have time. All right, We're gonna say thank you, Junior. You are coming back because coming up at the top of the hour of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones promises grace as he reconsiders his stance on kneeling. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show, well, here's some trending news from our home station, k r NB one oh five point seven Smooth R and B in Dallas. The Dallas Cowboys have a long standing policy that players must stand during the national anthem prior to games, but recently Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said he's going to have to have an open dialogue to try and figure out a way that can please both the protesters and the staunch flag supporters and handle the situation with what grace tick a listen are very sensitive times. I have nothing to prove as far as where I'm standing with the flag and where the Cowboys stand. I have nothing to prove regarding my players and my support of our players. What I do want to show and want us all to be a part of, is a word called grace. Grace not only grace in our actions, but grace and our understanding where they're coming from. I want our players to understand the perception and where they're coming from regarding the flag and the sensitivity there and the many memories there, and I want our fans to understand and better do because of what's going on over the last few months and want them to understand where our players are coming from there, and they do not feel like that. The ones that want to basically do that neel, they do not feel like they're dishonoring the flag. I'm going to have grace. I've had grace. Many of you have written and criticized me for having too much grace and understanding regarding our players, and I probably have, and I'm gonna have grace regarding the people that are sensitive about our flag. Somewhere in between there as the weeks, as we get together with our team, as we discuss with the team. Somewhere in between there is how we're gonna happle, what what and what here is in a bad situation because he knelt with the players and now he don't want him the needle anymore. I'm gonna get And that's because they're believing the old narrative that the president. You know, that's not what it's about. That's why I see what he's trying to do. Yeah, he's trying to appease both sides everywhere, because that's somewhere in the middle. As an older man, he's getting pressure because a lot of people have allowed Trump to switch the narrative to make it about it's disrespectful of our flag, because now they're simply saying, you're not standing for our national anthem, is disrespecting the flag, it ignores the right to protest. They are just saying you're disrespecting our flag. So Jerry's getting nat and I'm pretty sure somebody that's coming from, possibly some sponsors too. I've talked to a lot of NFL players at NFL honors over the past years, and I've talked to a lot of the Cowboys everybody. To the man, you don't hear no players talking about Jerry Jones because to the man, he is a player's owner. Oh now, I'm telling you, man, I've talked to a lot of Dallas Cowboys, a lot of them, and they all say this, good dude, Steve. He stands up and he fights for his players. He's in a position though, where he's an owner and he's listening to the other owners, and he has to listen to these sponsors that's all over that big giant billboard of his. So he's trying to find somewhere in the middle, and that's where he's stuck. But I'm just saying what a lot of Dallas Cowboy players have told me, Jerry Jones. That's why you don't hit no players talking about it, they say, Steve, he go to wall for his players, man. And so I don't know, man, I can't see what he's trying to do, trying to be on both sides and get an understanding, like he said, somewhere in the middle. And here we're gonna meet. So what happens if he has a player that nils, if he got a few players at nil, he gonna I mean, he's probably I mean, I mean, I mean he said his players had to stand. Well, now he's reconsidering that we can bring this back. Guys coming up, have more music, and we'll talk about this a little more twenty minutes after the hour right after this you're listening show. So before the break, guys, we were talking about Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and his stance on kneeling. Plus, Jerry Jones also said that he will let the Cowboys play in front of fans during the pandemic. Fans will purchase tickets and pods which will be clustered social distance seating, and you know, we'll see how it goes. And Steve, before we went to break, you were talking about how the players do have a lot of respect for Jerry Jones because Jerry Jones will go to battle for his players, so he's kind of stuck in. Yeah. I mean, you know, I'm not gonna say any names, but I've talked to more than a lot of Dallas Cowboy players and all of them, says, Steve, you don't ever hear nobody saying nothing about Jerry Jones as an owner, because he's a players owner. He takes care of his guys. Man the war fall, he said, there's some guys that wouldn't have NFL careers if this man didn't go and fight for him. I mean, he's helped some players, man, and they told me a lot of specific examples on that liberty to say. But Jerry Jones seems he strikes me as a really, really good dude. But he's an old guy and he has to deal with the business of being in the NFL and and his understanding of the players and what they're going through. Everybody with money knows racial injustice. Everybody got money know that, and they just acknowledge it. And no we don't want that. No more showy animal. We're working on it. That's well something if I got them to stop kneeling, Yeah, acknowledge it and work towards change. All right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to all right, So Steve, and of course Jay, you love movies. Here's something from UM for your friend on the dude on the porch down the streets. All right, Yeah, so listen to this. Months after being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, AMC Movie theaters are finally set to reopen on August twentieth, all right, and then to celebrate, AMC is offering movie tickets for fifteen cents. Steve, No, the got mold tirta? How much they got molded take down of firtas. You'll get corona on the discount. Yes, he's right. Fifteen cents. This was the initial cost of attending their first US open of AMC theaters back in nineteen twenty, and the movie company wants to celebrate that, uh and commemorate there that during their relaunch after being closed during the pandemic. What I say, huh what you mean? What I think? Yeah? What do you think? What do you think about? What you go? Damn day checking? No, just nothing. No, they're just taking your fifteen sick yeah, fishing you going it out? Who's saving the pop coat? Nobody is that? What? What? What show you going to? Might go? Depends? No, No, I gonna make it that. Ain't beat up? Say what mom? Wait a minute? Hold hold on? What's earl? Tell your man? Cut that damn TV down. You can, I'm talking. Go ahead, man, you're gonna go to the nine thirty show. I'll see if you sitting on the polk tree to come back. Tell me what it was about? Wait a minute, hold on, man, I went, hey, man, hey, take your mask. Gonna sell you can hear me. Hold on, Bobby Brock I go back root hold on. That is dude coming up. It is our last break of the day. And uh it is the last break of the day. Remember if you got a big button, then you put a sweater over it, you still got a big button. Just a warm It's just a warm. But we'll have some closing remarks from Steve Harvey coming up. In forty nine minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the weekend of the day, this Friday. Eighty one days, man, this time is flying eighty one minute days. Yeah, until election day is a great number, right, Yeah? I love one days go to vote for one one dot org something. Are you all getting a sense from people that you know that they are really angry enough, that they're really engaged enough to want to get to the polls? Yeah, I am, Steve, I am with the people. I'm not asking about you. I'm just saying in general, I am getting that. What's what's the sense you're getting from people? They're excited? Especially with Kamala Harris being picked that really, you know, took it over the top as well. People. Yeah, people are fired up about voting. They really are. You know what I don't see I still don't see the youth fired up. I don't see that. I don't see the kids and I don't know when you're what I see it from the youth. Well, then that means we have to do more to convince them this is important. If that's not the case, those are the same kids that were marching. They're going to vote, and people have an attitude that it doesn't matter what you do. Trump, we are going to vote and we want to vote you out. We're determined that you have got And he knows us. He knows everybody is against him, everybody side, but he knows he feels that you're right, Jay. And I tell you what steve the people that I hang around my friends, the frustration. You know what drives people to the polls or what what? What issue are they going to be voting on? For my friends, it's the pandemic. It's the fact that these children are not in school. This has affected a lot of people. Unemployment, the fact that they have to find childcare. I have friends who are teachers who have to send their kids to school because they have to go to school. Even if the kids are online we're doing virtual class, the teachers still have to go to work, so they got to go to the class to teach the kids online. So they have to send their kids to school. And you had no plan for these kids. Nothing is the lot of leadership. You know what? Carl is absolutely correct, and that's that suburban mom crew that he's trying to desperately appeal to now with the term with the scare tactic, which is all he knows how to do, intimidation, divisiveness, scare tactics. He's saying that I'll keep your suburbs safe. Yea, like those people that say those inner cities rioting and looting. I'm the law and order president, and I'll keep your your suburbans, your suburbs safe. Here's what mister living in a bubble doesn't know. There are tremendous number of black people that live in the suburbs, a lot, a lot. That's not that fear. See, he's creating a fear. Nothing's creeping into the suburbs. Wow, if you have crime in your city, you have crime in your city. I just think that. I think also that those young people that were involved in that big drive for gun control, that shooting that occurred down in Florida. Yes, those those children are of voting age. Now they have not forgotten. They've stayed in touch because see now remember back then it was what are you gonna do about the guns? Partners? And now it ever was a big fight. Well, all that's diminished because what took over the fight was Corona and then Corona came and allowed us to see Aubrey and Floyd die at the hands of racist and so now right that we came back, but those people are still there and still angry, and Carlin's absolutely correct, absolutely correct. These people that are sending their kids to school, and now there's one hundred thousand new cases in these schools and children are going to I see you because you said, if you don't open these schools back up, I'm not going to fund you. You said that I'm gonna take another area. I'm gonna tell you another area that he's gonna have issues with two college universities, these kids. I'm gonna tell you something about sports kid. Yeah, Hey, I'm a parent of an athlete, Tommy's parent of an athlete. These athletes who had no plan for these kids to play in high school, college, their careers. These people, these kids train a long time and you have nothing they can and does distract. Trump has managed, he has managed, He has managed to affect everybody in a negative way. Yeah, everybody, everybody that way. Yeah, And I'm not trying to be funny, Please don't take it that way. But I want to know what your rich friends think. I do. That's well, see I'm not I'm really not trying to funny. No. See, listen, man, Corona has affected everybody, the black, the white, the Asian, the Latino, the rich, the poor, the have and the have nots. Corona has been the ultimate equalizer because people with money have been dying, and so there is a concern now. Rich friends that I talked to, they can't stand Donald Trump, even the ones who voted for him. I've had a conversation we reached people going, yeah, I voted for him because I'm a conservative man. I needed certain judges in there and stuff he said. But the things he's done to this country morally, they say, I'm not sure we can recover, and I'm not going to vote for this guy again. Let's go vote for one one dot org to get all your voting information. Eighty one days left. Eighty one days for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steven Show.