One more day and the weekend is here. We have Ask Steve and today's questions are on a different level. 50 Cent might be acting a little petty with his attorney. Despite the closeness of Snoop Dogg's relationship with Martha Stewart, she still refuses to smoke with him. Nipsey Hussle's killer is confined to solitary and police fear him coming into contact with general population for obvious reasons. Taraji P. Henson opens up about her struggle with depression and wants to remove the stigma within the black community. Miss Carla thoroughly covers the season finale of Real Housewives of Atlanta in Reality Update. The famous actresses involved with the college admissions scandal appeared in federal court and are facing up to 20 years in prison. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about taking shortcuts and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all have all suit on looking back to back down, giving them move like the milking buck bus things and its cubs. Y'all me tu good it. Steve har listening to mo together for stum Please, Mommy, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn you gotta turn turnout. Got to turn them out, then turn the water the water got me come come on your back that I shall will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was talking with my wife and she said something her father always used to tell her. Oh, Pop Bridges used to tell her all the time, just because you can do something don't mean you should do it. You know, I can't tell you how many times I've had to learn that in my life. You know, just because you can do something does not necessarily mean you should do it. You know, I could tell people off oftentimes, but it don't mean I should do it. You know. I could go here and set the record straight a lot of times, but it don't mean I should do it. Well, I've learned a lot in that lesson folks, and because I have a relationship with my creator. What it's done is it's allowed me are to learn even more how to stay still on a lot of issues that's troubling me. It's taught me over the years. I've learned it the hard way. I do want you to understand that that sometimes it's better to be still. Sometimes it's better to just let God handle a situation. It's hard to say, man. I know it's hard to say because we think as people. But if I do this, I would feel better. If I do this, they would know it's coming from me. If I do this now, they're feel how I feel. See. But that's not always the best way though, I found in my life. See, sometimes you gotta like old people used to say, you gotta let go and let God. Sometimes you got to do that. I'm gonna tell you something, man, I learned a lot from my mother being a Sunday school teacher. But you know, at the same time, when she was when I was young, I thought she was just an old, old person just talking to me. I didn't get it. You know how you talk to you, You know how your parents used to talk to you, and you didn't get it, and they used to always say, well wait till you have your own kids, as you would get it then and show enough you got it, then, Well I'm the same way. I'm no different you know. I don't have no different life than you. You know, I have no different upbringing than you. I don't have no different different ways that I can live and you can't. You know that I gotta live by the same laws of the land that you gotta live by. I gotta obey the principles of success. If I want to be successful. I got a bam and you know, and if I want to go to heaven, I gotta do what God tell me to do as many times as I can. Now, you ain't gonna get it at all, right, but he understand that, and I just get on with the best I can. But so many times, man, we get stuck. We get stuck right there, man, worrying about you know, how it's gonna come across and and what you know, I'm you know, I'm kind of going around here because I'm trying to find a way to tell you this that that that you won't get twisted. Hit the bottom line, you gotta let go and let God, you have to allow him to do it his way. See my way, I thought myself to a certain point. But to go further, I had to let God have it. You know. I found out I wasn't all that good a driver. I found out I wouldn't all that good of all explore with a map. I found out my compa skills was oftentimes a little bit off. I found out that my map reading skills wasn't what I thought it was. So I had to let go. I had to let God. And you got to understand that God works in mysterious ways, you know, and right how often had I thought it was over for me? But what God was doing was he was teaching me a lesson. He was showing me something that I needed to know. He was allowing me to experience something. But he didn't let me go under. You know how they say God had never put more on you than you can boil. He won't let you go under. But he did not say you know, It's like the scripture that Bishop Omer taught me when I was going through that traumatic thing on the internet. Man, it was really really man trying to destroy what I had worked for and my family, and it just new life to God had presented me. And the devil is busy. The devil don't like to see you happy. So here he comes. He puts you under attack, and here comes internet and everything. And my kids are suffering. But you know, here comes God. Though, see, God don't put more on you than you can. Bad. Bishop Almah sent me a scripture. He sent me Isaiah forty three one and two. And then that scripture it says to the effect that you can walk through the water of the rivers and the water won't overcome you. But then it said, you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned, nor will kindling set upon your clothing. I learned something very valuable that day. See, God sent me through something, but he was showing me something too. Now he didn't do it. See, God didn't bring that calamity into my life, because in Isaiah fifty four seventeen it says clearly that if anyone comes against you, it will not be my doing. But he now, this is what he promised you when people come for you, though, see, and this is what I learned. That's why I have no fear of the people coming anymore. See, because I learned that. But God had to send me through a traumatic experience in order for me to learn that. See, you can't have a testimony without a test you know what I'm staying. You can't learn nothing without a lesson. See. So what he did was he allowed that internet thing come crossed into my life. But he taught me something. And Isaiah forty three one and two was and you can walk through the fire and not get burned, nor what kindling set upon your clothing. So what that said to me was, even though you're trying to do me and it's fire all around me, I won't burn. But when it's over, kindling won't set upon your clothing. What that showed me was and what it taught me was not only would I walk through the fire and not get burned, but there would be no signs that I was ever in the fire. There's no signs of it. But now hold up, though, now he go to part though that I had to learn even though you can walk through the fire, y'all, and even though you're being flames and scorching all around you, if you trust him, he ain't gonna let you burn. But now hear what he did not say. Though he did not say that it was not going to be uncomfortably hot, wickedly hot in there. He can't say that. He just said you won't burn. And when it's over, it won't be no killing on your clo it won't be no signs that you was in the fire. See what happened to me was after they tried to destroy me. Let me show you what God did from it. Not only did I not only did they not accomplish what they set out to do, but when they was through with me though, when they was through throwing the gas and throwing the fine, throwing the hate and writing it in lyning and creating all these names for themselves so it could look like more people was hating when they got through it all that. Look at me, man, Look what he did to me. Look what he did from me, because he taught me something that day. And I'm sharing it with you because God will do the same thing for you. But you how to trust him though. You got to get in there and you got to let him do it. You gotta let him handle it. So, just like Pop Bridges taught my wife, Margie, just because you can do something, don't mean y'all to do something. Yeah, you could go down there and straighten the mouth. But should you though? Yeah, you can go down there and tell them all. Yeah, you can go down stand up and make sure they know it's your voice that they're hearing, and you can get in their face and make a scene. But should you though, or should you let go and let God see? So before we run all out in the streets and somebody that that that that we forming these groups and somebody go out there and do something crazy, let's hold tight. Now I'm not saying don't go out there, but you gotta watch who you go out there with, because somebody crazy you could be. You can go down there with peace in your heart. Somebody deside I'm gonna throw a brick through here and bust a wonder. Hold up, partner, Hold up, there ain't what we're down here doing. So see, sometimes, man, you gotta let go, and you gotta let God. You gotta let God have a situation sometimes and you get it in and do the things that he tell you to do. See Bits of a Woman and taught me a lot. He had another book out and he said, you know, knowing God's Voice or something like that. I'm not sure the title, but I never really knew the definition of how do you know as God's voice talking to you? Well, he clearly made a statement. God's voice has no sin in it. See anything you're talking about. Whenever you're talking about, I'm gonna go I'm gonna show him. I'm gonna get him back. I'm gonna write a letter and I'm gonna tell him down at his job. If it's sin in it, God ain't in it. See thats you now, God's voice has no sin in it. So when you say God told me, be careful because God ain't never told you to go do nothing wrong. That ain't what he told you. And I learned that too. It's a lot, so I'm just sharing to day. I hope it helps somebody today get through a difficult time because the show has helped me. And I'm just talking to myself now because i got another one I'm looking at. I'm dealing with it though. I'm all good. Please know you're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Let me have your attention, please, why because he's about to go down, well all off up in here. When a boy right now hot come called, we wanted to what fault called? We bought it who knel all us? Like that? Tommy Julie, who knel who knel all us? Yes? And now the person who was offended by all of that, Shirley Strawbacks. Good morning, Steve calling Parrel, Good morning Steve. Hay crew, junior boy. What's going on? Matthew tummy got it on it bout it? I want I want to do some questions today. I don't know why I like that little segment. You love asked Steve. We have asked you everything. Okay, Steve, You've done everything. Uh. And what are some of the things you look forward to doing upon retirement because you know you're going to retire at some point. Golfing a lot, probably at least twice a week, maybe three. I want to play golf twice a week, maybe I would love that, or if not, once a week would be great. I want to go see some more of the world. Okay, that's good. The United States is very, very small in the total scheme of things. Uh. I want to live in Africa where I haven't decided yet. Yeah, I do want to go live in Africa, yea, very much. It's just some I've been thinking about lately, and so like for a period of time or forever? Little? I mean, you don't come here, but you don't like it here? Okay, you know this area. Yeah, I'm familiar, you know, but I but I've wanted to live in Africa for quite some time. But I also want to place in the Middle East. M hmm. Okay, Now, what you're gonna do over there? You come to hate come to Hay Yeah, kind of miss his uncle. I'm talking about what you're gonna do in the middle what's wrong with the Middle quest? What est? What's the East? So popular? Peace? In the Middle East? Abu Dhabi, dubuie very very peaceful place to live. Junior has a question. Still so much crime? Yeah? Man, after you get done, do you ever see yourself ever just doing something regular, like just sitting on the porch for a few hours and talking. You can't. I don't want porch. What do you mean you don't want a port? I don't want a port I've always had I got back by the pool, but not on the point you got one, Carla, I do we could do when we come? Oh well, we'll maybe do some more of these throughout the show. Steve, we gotta get out of here right now. All right, hang on to that, hang onto your question, Carla. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, we'll do more of Asked Steve Why because Steve likes it? And guess what is his show? Okay? At it like that. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour you're listening to. All right, Steve, We're back with ask Steve, one of your favorite segments. Um, all right, I think you had a question, carl Know what, A lot of times I don't get to say like inner things about myself, you know what I really think I feel. No nobody really asked me that. I'll say like that. Okay, okay, I got a quick Remember keep your answer short though, I mean, you know, with my horse you know, I mean know with my radio audience, because that's a different audience for me. Oh yeah, yeah yeah. And you can do you more questions in what was the last item you purchased? Awesome clothes? What some mo money? Oh? Our money? Suits? No suits? There ain't nothing wrong with them. I warn't passing shirts stuff like that. I got two pair of money shoes. I had them for years, still wearing. But just some summer stuff slacks, Oh okay, one shirt about three pair of pants Boston mother stuff had to get altered, but they real fly them. Oh, I like it. Getting ready for some spring. Yeah, I got one. I got one. If you could make a rule for the day that everybody had to abide by, what would that rule? Don't ask me for nothing? You talking to us to abide by the rule, Tommy, anybody, everybody don't ask me for nothing. That'd be great if if I win a day. Seriously, man, if I win a day without a series of people asking me for something, that that would that would be a great day. Man, Like, like, what what do people ask you? I mean, the only thing I could really think that they ask you for is one, of course, money, that's not a day. That's not a single day that goes by somebody. Don't ask me for somebody, not a single day. And then number two, I would think when people would want and want you to help them with something. Help at number three my time? But you like helping people. I think I'm a problem with helping some people. Yeah, yeah, you know what, man, But some people try to make you think like you have an obligation to them, and that's and that's what kind of ticks me off. A little bit, and then I don't like people trying to monopolize my own time for their own selfish games, nothing to do with me, no benefit to me. But if I give them my time, it's all a benefit to them. Then when I don't have time for them, not eight. Now I'm trifling. Okay, I got it, I got it. Yeah, all right. You mentioned earlier you want to see more of the world, you like to travel in things. So so I gotta ask you this, Would you ever ever travel to space? Would you ever get in a spaceship? And no, you wouldn't do that because a lot of that exciting. Yeah, but I go up there for what, well, to see see see what? Uh yeah, let's see it all from here a telescope. Okay, all right, so that's all going up in no space? Okay, they say his nice yeah, and be witless up there and stuff. You know, thirty million when you can get in that down here. No, ain't going to be in space for thirty millions fifty No, No, listen to me. People don't come back, y'all't to hear about Okay, there is no doubt people don't come back back all the time. Yeah, I mean we've lost quite a few of astrocacts in this program. Go up there, not for no fifth, nothing else. He don't know how long, just for however long the run is. I mean, you know however longs for a week? Yeah? Where long they stayed on him? All right, Junior? Your question, he's bad for him in this suit for a week? You gotta be kidding here, I deal with I get out this damn space ahead, Junior. All right, who would you like to sit down and have a conversation with over a cigar with if you haven't had a chance to Tiger Woods? Tiger Yeah, to be that would be like my great gift to both of us. Well, I mean, would it be about golf tips or golf tips? Yeah? From him to you? Oh no, you can't help me out. I don't play that good. Well maybe if he gave you some tips. No, I'm wanna look golf. I'm gonna talk to him about life. I'll talk to him about this father. Oh okay, okay, let me ask one go ahead, if if, if you could be reincordinated and come back, what would you come back at me? Other than yourself? Steve? I think that's a great name. No, you know I like me. I'm okay with me, the good, the bad, ugly all. I'm okay with me. You're winning. You're a pretty cool person. What you oh, I'm sorry? Okay, ready, Steve? What makes you annoyed? I can't stand everything. I can't stand in competence, you know what? Man? Like if I tell a person a man, you're doing this wrong. You a man, I'm telling you you're you're blowing it. Man, you're messing it up, and you steady do it that like IRGs me to no end. If, especially if I'm telling you for your own good and I know it could help you get to where you're trying to get to, but you continually do it Like I'm gonna tell you something, man, there's a person in around me who has no idea how to manage time and to be organized. And it's the most frustrating thing because I tell them over and over and over again, you've got to get better management of your time and you gotta get organizational skills or you're gonna blow it, man. And I tell them this all the time, all the time, and it's so frustrating to watch a really, really talented person and you know, the thing that's holding them back because you're familiar and you tell it to them out of love, you give it to them, and they set up and in your face and go yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right, I understand it. Whoy I never looked at it like that and then don't do a single thing to fix it. That annoys me. Man, Wow, wow, yeah, okay, man Jesus Christ. Okay. So Steve, you had um such good reaction when you had the beard and everything and you had that phase going on. Would you grow your beard back and were it publicly again? Oh? Yeah, yeah, I definitely do that. Okay, yeah, I might do it soon. All right, coming up, we'll have more fun. The nephew is here to run that back right after this. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news the one thing Martha Stewart won't do with snoop and fifty cents artbreak. Wow, wait till you hear this. But right now the ne few is in the building with run that prank back. What you got, nef, y'all ain't married kids not run it? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Brian. Yeah, how are you doing Brian, my name is Daniel. Wanted to give you a call today. You got a minute? Yeah, okay, listen, Um, you're you're Brian, um, Brian, right, you're married to uh to Althea. Yeah. Hello, hello, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that's me. That's my wife's Yeah. Okay, got a question for you. Hello. Have you guys been married? Going on nine years now? We've been married? Now? Who is he? My name is Daniel. Were you um, were you guys married a Greater new missionary of the Church the Sea. Yeah, yeah, yep, yep, that's the name of that church. Yeah. Great, nine year Yeah, that's right. Why what's going on? What's asking me all these questions? Fuck? Okay do you remember the minister that officiated your actual wedding ceremony? Yeah? No, uh right, yeah, okay, I got the right person. I wanted to make sure I had the right person, Brian. So I'm I'm sorry if it seemed a little weird to you. Here's here's what's going on. We've just come up with a new discovery a lot of information that Reverend none of his credentials are true. Everything is false. He's not a minister at all, he never was a minister, and every single wedding ceremony that he officiated is basically null and void. So and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you and Alphea, even though you think you've been married for nine years, you guys are not mad. Now. No, no, no, no, no, you gotta have the wrong person. Because man, that then we got we got married by nine years ago. And what I'm telling you is he he never was ordained. He's never been an ordained minister. He's not a minister at all. So when he performed this ceremony, you're a wedding ceremony. He had no right to be doing that. You guys are not are not married. You know, you guys have been living in sin for nine years. Hold on, hold hold on that. Let me tell you something. I ain't been living. A man and my wife we have been married for nine years. And that man he's a preacher. I'm telling he's a preacher. I'm preach land Sunday, Sir. As of today, he has no right to be in anybody's pulpit. He has no right to be officiating, whether it's weddings or funerals, no matter what it is, christenings for children. He's not allowed to do that, and we have officially stopped him from doing anything serving under as being a pastor or a minister. We have stopped at But what I want you to know is that you have been living in sin and you don't you get that. We want to try and get you guys married as soon as possible, so you're not living in sin. Oh no, doc, I have been living in no sin. I have been married for nine years. This womanship been taking care of me and my kids for the past Wait. Wait, wait a minute, Wait a minute. Guy. You guys have children. Yeah, yeah, we have two, two kids, two beautiful kids. Okay, then those kids are bastards, Stash. Let me tell you something. My kids ain't no bastard. What about your kids? Your kids in Bassetts? No, sir, my kids, my kids were born in wedlock. Your kids have been born out of wedlocks. I'm telling you. Batman did my service and he is a preacher. He's a man after God's own heart himself. He hasn't done everything that he could for me and my family. He is a preacher, sir. I know it's hard for you to to to swallow the truth. But I want you to know and I need you to be able to tell out feel that you guys are not married and not as of right now. No, no, okay, so hold of now. Back in the olden days, but before all these all these colleges and stuff came came about. You telling me that them men baking old days, that they weren't no preachers, that they weren't meant men after the cloth? Is that what you're saying to me? What are you? What are you? What are you? What are you getting at? Sir? What I'm trying to say is back in the older days, baking the twenties and thirties, they didn't have all these colleges and all these degrees and stuff like these new preachers got these days, that man now he was from back then, and God called them and that's what they went on too. And all them people that they married back then, they did the same thing to day. You don't need no degreed to say that that you're a preacher. You don't need no lights to say you're a preacher. Man. My wife would have been maried for nine years. My kids have been born in wedlock. We were married, we were mad for I've read my friends and family day was all there. Sure. The bottom line is that that you have been living in sin because you have not been married with your wife for the last nine years. And your kids. I hate to say it, your kids are bastards. Now I own now. I'd have told you don't say nothing else about my kids, and I ain't no custom. But don't push me. My kids ain't no bastards. You understand me. You don't getting there up, sir. I'm trying to give you the truth and try to get you in here and get you married so you will not be living in sin any more than what you are. I'm living in no sins. Look now, you don't make me whoop your ass. You understand men, and my wife we have been married for nine years. Don't shoo up here called me talking about the way. Ain't mat that that man. Ain't no pictures, you understand. I get out of my phone. But you that's my life. Those are my kids. They have been born in bad lives, you understand, sir. So I just wanted to call and give you the information so that you could probably stop living in sin. That's all I wanted to do. I ain't living in no sin. That's what I just told you. You ain't hearing me. I ain't living in no sin. Maybe you're the one that's living up of sin. Now. You ain't got nothing else said to me? That man if nine years ago they get your ass off my phone. So so I have one more thing, one more thing I'd like to say. You ain't gone nothing else to say to me. You ain't get your ass off my dam phone. Now do you understand me? I ain't got time for this for sir? Can I say one more thing? What you gotta say on me? Now? I just wanted to let you know that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harping Morning Show. Your wife. How FIA got me to prank phone call you? Oh man? Oh lord it dot yeah, uh yeah. I almost went in on you, dot you. I wouldn't let me go that. Yeah, I'm gonna kid you say, put you up to this? Athia got me to prank you? Man? Wow? Man? Oh man, hey man? You all right with me? Brother? I got to ask you something, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lands, The Steve Harper More on the show What y'alluth too much. Just ask what y'all think you know where we need a doctor aage licensing, Oh, fake pastors and stuff. Somebody got to do it. Somebody got to do it, baby, and I'm doing it on the thirteenth, Me and the Beautiful some More April thirteenth, Saturday night. Just a few tickets left, two shows seven and ten and they are almost sold out. Less than fit to tickets left. That's right, Me and the Beautiful some More seven o'clock and ten o'clock at the kess Wick Theater. Tickets are own sale right now. Oh ticket Master out lets. There we go. That's all I need right now. All right, we'll congratulations. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news four year right after this, you're listening show and entertainment news. Fifty cent is mad after one his lawyers accidentally broke a one of a kind work of art. Uh fifty cent cursed out one of his quote fat blank lawyers, yeah, for knocking over what he calls his favorite piece of art. It's an Egyptian themed sculpture featured um if it had some ornate details on it, like fifties likeness that was stylized as a sphinx. Uh Now, according to fifty, the art was handmade in a federal penitentiary. He says, how am I supposed to get another one of these? He now picture from? He said? He posted, Yeah, like a sculpture, he said. He posted they thought on that this evening had it by Fried. He posted an after picture of what the art looks like now it's been glued back together. They're in cracks and all. So he just posted it so his followers can see. Okay. In other entertainment news, when you think of likely pairs, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg probably do not come to mind. That is correct. In spite of all the cooking they do together on their you know, the first two seasons of their show, Snoop says there's one thing that Martha won't do with him. What could that be? Snoop? He says, she won't get high with me. No, Martha added, she agreed. She added, I joke about it. Yeah, I joke about it, but so far, no, no, no. While she wouldn't give her reasons, Snoop figure she's just scared. But he says, Martha gets him drunk every chance she gets. Yeah, Martha and Snoop's pot luck dinner party. They've changed the name. Season three is back. Check your local listings for that. It's all that's always a fun show. That's two people you would have never put together a million years. They get along so well, they get along so well. Yeah, it's fun. But she won't go there. They surely that thing that uh fifty time about? What was it made out of? Just like like toiletiste or something. Wow, that sculpture, I don't know, it's a it's a sculpture. It's Egyptian theme. Why would it be made out of puss? You didn't hear say it? Crack? Yeah, well that's yeah. Want that toilet paper? Get hard? Once you get hard, you already know that a big think, this ain't a shake. Let's just go. Where's they getting sculpture stuff? From? Independent? Where they get sell phone fils? Some time out there behind what? Well, then that's where the hard and toiletistue call from? What? It is way too early for that car, It is way too early for that Well did you see the sculpture yet? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, if he was mad, If you don't worry about that. Yeah, don't be all right? Yeah yeah yeah, power coming back home. That's right. They don't look much like you know how so wow but he, I mean he put it back together. It's not the same. Yeah yeah, because fat blank lawyer him out. Oh you're getting paid. You're getting paid, all right, Steve, we gotta move along in spite of your nephew. Listen, it's time for headlines, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, thanks very much everybody, and yes this is a trip with the news and good morning. Oll In Washington yesterday, let's tell you what happened there, the Republican dominated US Senate voted mostly along party lines to change the rules and make it easier and faster to confirm low level judicial and agency nominees now send a majority lead to Mitch McConnell, a Republican, of course, used a maneuver called the nuclear option to cut the amount of debate required before a final vote is taken on certain nominations from get this thirty hours to only two. McConnell claims that the change is going to prevent Democrats and other future minority parties, as he puts it, from blocking a president's nominees. However, Democrats worried that it's going to make it easier for the GOP to remake the federal court system by packing it with conservative judges from top to bottom. House Democrats mean while flexing their political muscle, requesting President Trump's tax returns. The head of the House Ways and Means Committee, Richard Neil, says he's asking for the last six years the president's personal returns, as well as returns from some of his businesses. No surprise, the president says, I'm not inclined to comply with that. Trump broke broke with recent tradition in twenty sixteen when he flat out refused to release his tax returns. Former Vice President Joe Biden is responding to the amounting allegations of inappropriate conduct from several women. Now. One of the women says that Biden's conduct felt sexual, but they just say meant that made them feel uncomfortable, tweaking and nose and stuff like that. Biden's answered by way of a video on Twitter where he says his actions were part of his personality, but he now knows he needs to change. So it's not to be misunderstood. I've never thought of politics. It's called and acceptic. I've always thought it about connecting with people, shaking hands, hands on the shoulder, a hug, encouragement, and now it's all about taking selfish together. Social warms have begun to change, They've shifted, and the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset. And I get it. That's right, he says, I get it. I get it. President Trump says, look to him like some Democrats who are trying to knock Biden out of contention for their party's presidential nomination. A federal judge in Boston allowing about a dozen parents facing charges of bribing their kids ways into top colleges and universities to remain free on bail. The group of alleged by their kids way into college folks include actors, several doctors, some prominent business people, and the judges lying them to remain free on bail. However, the Boston judge did add a few more conditions. For instance, there will be no international vacations, and they must all get written permission from the court before traveling outside the country for any kind of work. Each one of them is charged with mail fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of twenty years in prison. One person has already come said that they're guilty in hopes of not getting hopes of getting a real reduced sentence or maybe just probation. Finally, today's National Carrot Day one chapter. Yeah, now back to the steam, Harvey morning, shaw Bank, you're listening too. Nimphy US's alleged murderer currently is being held in solitary confinement because cops are afraid he'll be killed in jail. Police refuse to let Eric Holder mingle with the general population because they believe he is a target. As it is, cops say they were in a race to arrest him before someone on the street took him out. The judge set Holders bail early Wednesday morning at over seven million dollars seven million, forty thousand dollars to be exact. So well, he won't be getting out. And you know what, man, people like this, He doesn't have any idea what he's done. Yeah, he doesn't have any idea what he's done. And I hope one day he realizes the magnitude of what he did. And I mean, and I don't know how a person comes to that realization because I've never had to do that. I mean, I've had to come to terms with my mistakes, but I've never done this to another human life. But I want him to understand somehow one day, the magnitude of what he did. Yeah, the implications of it all, the consequence and all of it, all the ramifications of it all, and most importantly the loss of it all. I want him to understand it and feel that. And I don't know that he can and will, but I want him to grow up enough to understand what he did. Because, man, if you understood from a series of people that this life you wiped off this earth man, because of what is now gone from this earth and all the contributions he was going to make and making, and you just came along and you wipe that away. Because you are who you are. And don't you know that if you were different, if you were different Eric what's his name holder? Now? And ledge he did it? See that's another thing about this country I get sick of. We don't need no trial. Look, man did it? Now? We spending money in all this head. He did it. We know he did it. You got to put it. I'm talking that overseas when they once they know it's you and you don't put it you your American lawyer can't come over here and get you true. Look you in prison, dog and then they send you a piece of paper, tell you how long you're gonna be in that. We had to try you ain't had to come. Ain't some places. Ain't no ain't no prison. They've been to handle it right there in the court. Y'all that dogging. But what he did. I want him to grow to understand what he did. And man, if young people, if young people could see this and go, wow, that was so uncool to do, I'll never do that. Yeah, absolutely, Steve, Wow, heartbreaking. It really is. All right, guys. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, Taraji p Henson opens up about mental illness. We'll be right back after this. You're listening. According to Variety magazine, Taraji p Henson is working to take away the stigma of mental illness in the black community. Not only has she started a foundation to address the issue, she's also opening up about her own struggles with depression and anxiety. Taraji says that the lack of privacy is a contributing factor. She says, it wears on me. I have to be conscious about everything, everything, every move I make, everything that comes out of my mouth, I have to go over it. That's not living, that's just being, She says. Living is being in the moment and saying whatever the freak you want to say, and that's what it is. But I can't do that to cope, TAGI says. She has a therapist. That's the only way she can get through it. She says, if I'm going to change for the better, I need honesty. And sometimes your friends and family don't have it in them to be brutally honest. Wow, that is deep right there. That is deep. That is deep. I guess that's tough for her. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I could see how people can tire of this. It is draining. It is very draining. Man. Yeah. And as a matter of fact, I was talking to the US to day. Now. I don't think I have a mental problem. I really don't. But I've been diagnosed at the well, you know, I've had some people say someone's wrong, but they weren't medical people, just speak people, and so like, uh, last night, before I got off work, I was talking to the Family Feud audience and I was telling them today was a weird day for me, and later said, how so, I said, I woke up, I got a really really troubling phone call, and you know how to order go oh, I say, but I had to come to work anyway. And my job is to entertain people and put a smile on people's face. That's my job. And regardless as to how I was feeling, what's happening, don't nobody know that. So people who stood in line, man, I have to deliver that to them a good time. And yesterday was a little a little bit tough, but it's a lot of those days like that. It's a lot of those days and you got to stand and deliver. So I can understand where Taragi is coming from, because man, there are days man when this being on and under the spotlight, it can be daunting. Man. And I do I am grateful to God that I cope with it as the way I do, and everybody don't have to say coping skill. And I just so I really wish the best for Taraga because I didn't know that. Let me ask you, how do you cope with it? Because you're you're very famous, I mean, you know, I just uh, like my wife helped me, you know, like on days when I cannot deal with it. She says, Steve, go home. Let's just go home. We ain't going out to dinner, like we should go out to dinner after shows. And I'd be quipped from the day's work. So I'm sitting at the table and it's just me and my wife and she's holding my hand and I'm looking at across the table and we just having dinner. And then he comes a fan and they say something, and I've been like, okay, excuse me, I'm just ain't. Man, let me get a picture with you, I said, not now, bro, meet me with my wife. Damn man, So I can't get a picture, I said, dog, I sell me with my wife. Steve, Steve, stop, he doesn't know that you're tired, right, he doesn't. He doesn't know. So now you got to cool out, I said, my baby, he was. I told him I was having dinner. I know, Steve, if listen to me, if today ain't your then you don't feel like this, that you stay home. Let's go home, home, but don't sit out here because these are your fans and they don't know. And I had to learn that. Yeah, and then the rest of it is, man, I have a rule all women, all elderly people, and all children. I just go and accommodate them. Dudes. Is my out now, my man, I don't feel like a day. Okay, right home, Bro, glad to meet Kyle, shake your head. Yeah, and brothers like that. No women, you can't turn women down. They might go right. I really hadn't. They went in on me, all right, black, yeah, yeah, all right. I'm next. It is a nephew with the prank phone call for today coming up right after this, you're listening, coming up at the top of the our We're right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject A piece of a man or no man at all. That's the subject. Right now. The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got now, give me my change for a hunted whoa? Whoa? Are you so aggressive when you want your change? You have to be aggressive. Give me my change for a honey. I'm talking to a stripple acid that accidentally gave you a hunter. You know what I mean. It ain't nobody men to give you no whole huney. Okay, you are cheap give me my change for that honey running. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Regina. Please speaking Hello, yeah, speaking, it's Regina. Okay, hey, you did a bachelor party for me and my boys, like about two weeks ago. Okay, Sean, you remember, Sean? Yes? Yeah, okay, Now listen when you um, you were doing a lot of lap dances at night. You remember that? Yes? So how did you get my number? How can I help you? Neither party done? I mean, what do you need? Okay, well no, no, it ain't nothing like that. I'm saying. You know you did a lot of lap dancers. Do you remember that? Yes? Okay, we'll listen. You know that night I was at the party, you did some lap dancers for me. But okay, what I wanted to tell you was that the lap dances you had did was the lap dancers was ten dollars? Am I right? Right? You will be correct? Yes, okay, ten dollars. But I accidentally I thought I gave you a ten dollar bill when I really gave you one hundred dollars. Okay, you know I need Actually what the reason why I called you was. I'm trying to I'm trying to get that you know I'm trying to get that ninety dollars back. Oh wait a minute, let me ask you something. First of all, how did you get my number? Well, the dude that um, who is dude? Who is dude that through the back? You know, the guy that looked y'all up as far as doing the bachelor Billy Billy, the ones that got yaller to come and do the bachelorette party. Okay. What I'm trying to you know, tell you is is that I got the number from him, Okay, okay, and he told me that I could call you and try to just talk to you about it. Okay, And you want me to give you See I gave I had tipped you. I was I was really feel to pay you ten dollars, but it was one hundred dollars bill. So what the reason what I'm saying to you is that I want to get the other ninety dollars back. I'm not giving you no damn ninety dollars. Excuse me, I'm not giving you your damn ninety dollars. Gold on wait a minute, hold on you on. I don't even think you understand. I wasn't trying to give you all that money at one time. I need to get the money back from you. I don't understand dollars. That's it. The other money that I was blown to be I ain't get my change back from you. I might give you no change back. Nine dollars a down kill. I'm not giving it back. Nobody be giving you no damn hundred dollars at one time. What's wrong with you? I'm not giving no damn nine dollars down. You should what what you was doing because this should gonna give me my money, do hun? I already told you I wasn't even trying to give you this money. I wouldn't try to get you. I was trying to give you ten dollars. That's what I was trying to give you. I'm not giving you that thing back. You're not getting nothing. You should be your wife and your kids. Hey, lady, listen, you don't even understand what what's going on right here? Lad Am. I you should have been asked. I wasn't trying to one of my money is trying to give you no money? This a misunderstand it. I mean dollars. But now look, I'm already staying I was giving ten would not get that belonged to me. I'm not giving you no down, man. You're calling me working me up. Come on, you're not a dollars I'm not giving it. Man. I'm gonna give you a tip, but I ain't giving you no ninety dollars tip. You did, you got no hiving you a tip, ain't lady. Look, I'm not gonna city and got I go ahead with with you all this. Look, I want to get my ninety dollars back from you. No. First of all, if you called me later on my time, I'm gonna come find you and kick up firing the ball. I'm not giving a down then and dollars back for the trip. You shouldn't be the first place, Like I said, keep that fan, hey, lady on the rail. I ain't trying to go back and forth with you. I was. I'm saying, is it's been a mistake. I wasn't trying to give you no hundred dollars all right, dollar, that was a mistake. I just want my money back, and nobody tripping with you giving my money back. I'm not giving you a death bang back. I'm not giving me bay. That's your tiblem. You need to go home. And tell your life what you did with the EXTRN dollars. So you're trying to get your what I told you, I won't want ninety dollars if you come famn me the go Simmons come from me, Come famn it is and you don't never lends that come simas for you knowing you you don't trying to get your ninety dollars. I don't want my money from you? What right I got you from you? When you compromhead I when you till my man room, No damn ninety dollars, I bet you that one. Where are you gonna play me my ninety dollars? If you know? Damn nning dos no asking them no, give you none down back just for a damn kill you? Ain't you gon? You donna give me? You're gonna give me my ninety dollars? You're gonna do that? You're coming head for then I'm really won't get change back. You might get your Why can't catch you? You say, don't call me? I got one more thing I want to tell you. You listen to me. I can't listen to your Are you listening to me? I want more thing I need to say to you. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening to me? Don't call me with that? Damn listen to you. I'm calling down. What you got to say? You can't catch I said, I got one more things to say to you. Are you say what you got to say? That is? Which is it? Nephew? Call me from the Steve Harp and marn and show you just gotta prank by your girl friend? Who listen? Hell, Hello, hello, hello from me? Because that makes you get killed. I'm gonna cut you in your baby. That be good? That that that that? That wasn't cool? What y'all saying? No, you're gonna make it rain? Ain't gonna want some change from game? Gonna get a change for a Yeah, I say, you have nothing to say on that, Steve, Now, I told you I ain't coming on these planks no more but a change, change for it. Some money he gave her? Come on? Why? Why why we even talk about strong? Because she got the hundred? Why do you not see this? Oh it's us. You already know if you go to Magic City and you want to give be nice, you know no, I don't go to Magic City. Let's stop. When I go to Magic City. I got a hundred. I don't want to give you my whole hundred. I want to give you five dollars and get my five ninety five dollars back. You are crazy. You got you You probably ain't even got your wallet off. He got ninety five ones on the ground. You can give me my change is what's stripping you? Look? No go around getting jamed. I don't know, but listen. If you are strippling you in Glenside, Pennsylvania, I will be there April to thirteen. Meet and the beautiful Somemore seven o'clock. Don't you married? You can't invite stripper to your show? No damn more. All right, we gotta get out of here. Thank you, nephew, Tommy, my goodness. Up next it is today's Strawberry Letters. Subject a piece of man or no man at all. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to morning show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M. And click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. And boys, this one interesting. Buggle up, hold on tight, We got it for all you. Here it is this show Mary letter. Thank you nephew all right. Subject a piece of man or no man at all. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a divorced fifty nine year old woman and I started dating a sixty seven year old sexy gentleman in December. Our relationship is great. We had lots of fun together and he keeps me smiling. I followed Uncle Steve's rules for dating and almost made it to ninety days. But on that eighty seventh day we decided it was time to get busy. He told me he couldn't take it any longer and he had to have me. I was more than ready, willing and able for our big night together. So there I was lying across the beds smelling good, lying across his bed, smelling good in a soft pink neglige when he walked in. He came in and sat at the foot of the bed and started getting undressed. Stephen Shirley, you are not going to believe this. This man took off his pants and then he took off one of his legs. I inched over toward the middle of the bed, as if I was in the room with a monster. Then he slid up to the top of the bed by me, and he took his top row of teeth out and slid them in the top drawer of the nightstand. He leaned over to kiss me, and I had to stop him and be totally honest with him. I told him that is no big deal that he wears dnchers, but he should have told me he had a fake leg. You don't just spring that on a woman. He told me that he understood how I felt, and he put his leg back on. I got dressed, and he walked me out to my car. Since that night, I have been trying to act normal, like everything is okay, but I am still in shock. He is the sweetest man I've ever dated, and I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I can't imagine having sex with him at all. Now. So what do you think? Is it better to have a piece of a man instead of no man at all? I need your ice. Wow. I think this is a first of this kind of letter, and you're right, this is quite shocking. Quite shocking. But I blame him for not telling you. I just do. He had a whole eighty seven days, eighty seven days to tell you, and at sixty seven, he should know that he can't keep something like that a secret. Come on, a leg and a whole set of teeth. You said on the second line that he's a sexy sixty seven year old gentleman or a sixty seven year old sexy gentleman. That's not sexy. That is not sexy, and you're getting ready to have sex. And I mean, did he forget what went through his mind to do to take off his leg and to take out his teeth? Come on, man, I mean, I just think you're dead wrong for this. He was. You needed to be prepared, You needed to be warned about this, and you guys had almost three months to get to know each other better and to talk about this. I mean, he knows he's dead wrong for this. So you asked the question, is it better to have a piece of a man instead of no man at all? I tell you, don't settle if this is not what you want. You say, he's the sweetest man of all, but you can't imagine having sex with him? At all now, So I mean, what's the relationship without, you know, a good, healthy sex life. So if you can't imagine that ever with him because of that, then I guess you know the answer to your question is no, Steve. Well, now I have a different approach. Thank you, Dear Stephen Sherlan. I'm divorced fifty nine year old woman. I'm dating a sixty seven year old real sexy man. December. Relationship was great, keep you smiling, try to follow ninety day rule. But on day eighty seven we decided he was trying. That's only three days. I ain't mad. He told me he couldn't take it any longer. I understand he had to have me. I was molding ready. The big knight came. You laying there across the bed, smelling good, pink linger name Linger Neglige. He walked in, set on the foot of the bed, started getting undressed. You still laying now, smelling good. Guy. You know what I'm saying. Then y'all try to say, Stephen Sully, you ain't gonna leave this. This man took off his pass and then he took off one of his lead's right I inched over in the middle of the bed if I was in the room with him out. Then he slid up on the top bed by me and took his top, rowing teethout, slid him in the top drawing the knightstand. He loaned over to kiss me, and I had to stop him and be told the honest. I told him, was no big deal that hewere dishes, But should have told me about the fake land. Let's stop right here, let's stop this damn let on this stop here, no, stop this damn letter. What do you mean that he should have told you he had a fake leg? What do you mean? What do you what does she mean? Who got one? And you don't know it? You ain't never seen the wind blow when he had his pants on at a point evidently not. You ain't never seen the wind blow when he got his pants on. I wonder why wanted the lead were real skinny? You ain't see that. You didn't see what his shoe was sitting there? What is that in his shoe? No, no, no, no, let's stop all this, sen What was that in his shoe when he crossed his leg? You ain't know that? It was just something just you ain't see that. Why socks fit different on this leg than the other leg. He didn't tell you he had a fake leg. Who you know got one and you don't know it. This ain't his fault. He assumed you saw it. No, he a suit I'm telling you, man. He probably said, I know she didn't seen me the way I walked. I know, I know he thought that. Now they're sitting on the edge of the bed. He getting neggd. Now he got taking leg off. They ain't bother you. He put that whole row damn teeth in the drawer. That ain't bothering you. That's a bad us ass. Let her right here. Everything. You take your damn teeth out your head and put it in the drawer and free fitting the kiss. That's the first thing we did. Damn the leg. Hang on, hang on, hold that thought. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour with part two of Steve's response to A piece of a man or no man at all? Right after this, you're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap this strawberry letter A piece of man or no man at all. Well, I'm getting to the piece of man and no man at all later on. But I got news to you Sheley, So you can't blame this dude for this. Here she man because she'd been dating this man and wanted to follow ninety day rude. Well they couldn't. They got to eighty seven. He said he had to have her. She get on the negliga. She laying across the bed, She's smelling good. He come in. He's sitting on the foot of bed. He started undressing. He take his pants off. Didn't he take a leg? All? He should have told her? How to hell? She ain't, No, Sherley, this is not her fault. She's as much to blame as he is. He should have got a fake leg whatever. Nobody ahead to tell you that? When has somebody had to tell you they got one? I don't get that. I ain't. Ain't nobody walking up to me, and I ain't knew it right off? How, Shirley, you ain't gonna blame this man. The man just living his life told her, what are the ninety days? What are the ninety days for to get to know each other? To talk about things? She didn't look at it. You know, he should have told her, you know it? What is that in his shoes? I wears? And no, no, no, what is that in his shoe? Why would he walk that? Shoot, don't be somebody answered why that shoe look brand new? And said it Why you can't tell me, Shirley, that this woman shouldn't have noticed it. You can't tell me he shouldn't have told her. Okay, Shirley, I just said that it ain't all his fault. Didn't notice him. Then this man scoops up in the bed and pulls a whole road and shut him in a drawer. Now, she says in the letter, it's no big deal that he wear dinches, But he should have told me he had to fake that. What what I mean? She got him too, But you don't just spring that on the woman. Spring. That's a bad choice. Spring. I promise you he ain't spring this. He told me, and you told him just spring now. He told me that he understood how I felt, and he put his leg back on. I got dressed, and he walked me out to the car. Hold up, now you're tripping about the leg. Anyway, Since that night, I've been trying to act normal, like everything's okay, but I'm still in shot. He is the sweetest man I've ever dated, and I'm trying to keep old man. But I can't imagine having sectoring him at all. Now, So what do you think is it better to have a piece of a man instead of no man at all? First of all, I want you to stop calling this man a piece of a man. That's the first thing I want you to do, because him having a leg has nothing to do with him being a man. You know, yeah, not having a leg ain't got nothing to do with him do with a man. Do you know how many men don't have arms or leg or something, but they every bitter man as anybody else. So that I would really like for you to stop calling him a piece of a man, because you don't know how he lost that leg. At a lot of Tommy got a hole of foundation. Wounded warriors, men and women who go over here and sacrifice, they come back. We can't call these people pieces or nothing. Yeah, that's a balance. So now, first of all, stop calling him a piece of a man, because this is all man. Everything else working fine. I'll be more shocked by the damned teeth. What you ain't take the teeth off and put them in no draw and then I put my tongue in your mouth, and all of sitting I'm trying to Now, I'm all up in the roof of your mouth and everything the same thing, tongue and gum. I'm feeling ridges and stuff. I gotta taste polydin all on my tongue and everything. Ye got polydin on your gun? Just slid them out without brushing your teeth. Go ahead, brush your damn teeth, kissing you and I'm tasting polydin. Yeah, damn gum glue. He might be cold without that leg. Ain't I'm telling you that boy, come to work because when you ain't got that other leg, I have both of them, but I've had like a child horse in one of them, and so I had to let it later, like it wasn't working. And but that put no pressure on one side. And you come in from different angles, girl, you might be missing some all right, Hello, let's let's let's let's flip this. What if she only had one leg? You can't do this exactly? Well, see, because we got different I have requests. Here are certain things I'm gonna say. It's hard to be ain't it was hard to be a woman. Do that. You ain't never got no, you ain't never got no dress on it? You meaning you would know. This is what you're saying and me, and why why have you shaved the heel down on that? She is? You know what you go fo me. I already know something going on. I still love you. Oh yeah, you're still fine, but I but I see that though. We gotta ask a couple of questions for her. And if she didn't happen. Now, why you got one of your shoes as a Christian Luberton and the other one is a rockport? I need I need to know what's happened hit that rock port? Hold it together, baby, I'm trying to figure out. I was trying to figure out why you got stocking on one leg and ain't one on the other. Okay, I need to know what's I need you to tell me what's happened? Why is this shoe open to him? And this one right here's a bowling you. I need somebody talking. I need somebody out right behind you keeping a car that you have on the high heels slide on this foot, but explained the house sho My first, this is ridiculous. Let's go, We're out. You got your food, you got your Nike on wall foot by that time, let's see you got ski Booto. I need no one, She said she can't imagine having sex with him at all. Now, well, I just want to know why when you jumped up last week you had to hear him sit back down? What look, we gotta go email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. All right, guys, email us or Instagram. It's your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. Now coming up in ten minutes. Looks like there's going to be a Part three of the Strawberry Letter yet again today. Yeah, they got more to say on this one leg loving We don't have nothing to say. Motown is coming in, okay, all right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But before we get to that, the fellows are here, the three comedians in the building to do Part three of the Strawberry Letter. The subject was a piece of a man or no man at all. A woman who's fifty nine wrote in and started dating a sixty seven year old sexy gentleman in December She tried to do like Steve's book said, and wait the entire ninety months ninety days, but she got to eighty seven days, and she said it was on. Neither of them could wait any longer. So she got all sexy with it and was lying across the bed and her pink lingerie and everything, and she said he came in, sat on the bed, proceeded to get undressed, took his pants off, took his leg off, and then took his top row of teeth off and put them in the nightstand and the top drawer. He didn't tell her anything. She was devastated. He ended up walking her to her card. She said she didn't know if she could ever have sex with him again, so what should she do? Deaf Jam right here, we were here today, special opportunity. That's right, that's right, myself and my beloved deacon, introduced herself. Deacon deaf Jam right here on your side, pass it? And who am I you are? Reverend mo town hit makele of the of the of the Wonders kind. We are discussing the results of the reading from the Book of Strawberry Down chapter twenty three. What verse was that? Two? One? All right? All of them in one, all the one. It started to begin. All ain't in the Book of Strawberry, Chapter one, where it says he proceeded to take off his slacks and then took his leg off. Slap, ain't the fast expound. That was a maze. Sixty seven years old. Come on now, sex, sad fi swab come out and we waited, just like the book said, almost ninety days eight is seventy big exactly we ain't you know in the bed. Next thing I know, I cross the bed, I got baby all on my booty, shine and in the nightlight, coming out the bathfoot come on. He sat on the edge of the bed, took kids shut off. Yeah, muscular back. But I found out why dude took the pants off, put them pants off. I was sitting there waiting, anticipating of the loving that was coming my way. And then I noticed out the corner of my eye some something card that night light I lar saw shining still rod. Then I noticed that the shoe was still attached to the rod. Here too the leg on. He to an old leg on, then try to slide him next to me in the bed. I tried to run. I was scared as him. I ain't never been with a man that had one leg before. But now let me tell you why we hit to day. Deacon, tell him why we hit to day. The subject is that seththing is. I thought he was gonna help me out, but I gave up that seving And after I left it in my notes, the subject in one legging Loving didn't take the chance. My sister, you wrote and talk about he was a piece of a man. I told the congregation, ain't no such thing as a piece of a man just because he's had an injury on some kind. They mo men, then most and I'll tell you what you missed out one leg loving. There's some good loving. If you ain't ever had it, you ever tried. Sometimes you don't know what was headed your way. I'll tell you one thing about one leging loving talk to the chances of getting the child at horse is reduced. You better understand where I'm coming from. And you ain't got to wear about the fitted sheet coming up on both ends. He ain't got but one leg. He can't tell one card, come on dash so many things. Then when he gets to driving the message home, you ain't gotta wear about getting knocks all over the top of your head. You ain't gonna get knocks but on one side because it ain't got a one leg. He can't push out from one side. Come on, this is where you get to experienced things you ain't ever experienced before. He can act like one leg is ain't get off the edge. You can get something happening to you. He can put it. If he got his left leg missing, he can put his left hip hop against the head board and come off from that. Ain't gole because ain't letting over that stopping him. Here's another one. Come if you do it the other style, you know what they call it rue. If you get in that other style rupe, you ain't got to worry about having to be on both of your knees. All you need to do it ain't one leg off the edge of the bed. You don't know what you're missing with you one leg and love it. Mann be bringing in the ways you ain't never had it before. Now passed it? Uh huh? Can't he do the hokikiyu? What is that? So? What is that you put your one leg in? You put one leg out? She can't get all? Well, what it is you put the one leg you gotta leave the another one out the other leg is that to foot in the bay. We gotta go. We'll have more on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Color Reality Update coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen. It is that time. She is here. Carlin Farrell with what reality update? All right, thank you very much, nephew. Real Housewives of Atlanta the season finale. Oh oh yeah. So Porsche and her fiance, her baby daddy, Dennis, they threw a baby gender revealed party and she was upset. Porsche was a little upset because the party didn't go as planned. She wanted a carnival like theme party and pretty much the party planners they kind of dropped a all at the beginning. They were late setting things up. Porsche was emotional. You know, when you pregnant, you cried to drop her head? I know I did, surely did you cry a lot? Yeah, girl at a whole you to thing. I cried whom pregnancy nine mus But anyway, the party planners they got things going and finally came together and her friends and family they were there to support her in Dennis and everything was fine. The gender that the baby gender reveal went off and Porsche, you know, the confetti was pink and even though Porsche had little pieces of blue in her confetti, so she was confused for a second. But anyway, it was a girl. Obviously, Porsche has already had her baby in you know, real life, but on the show she was still expecting. On the show, yeah she was still expecting. But you know she had the baby last week. Oh girl, Yeah she did pull every Everything is good And as a matter of fact, Steve Porsche and her fiance Dennists her baby daddy Digg are getting a baby spin off special called Porsche's Having a Baby and it's going to premiere on Bravo at the end of this moment, mean you know, like, yeah, she's gonna still be on Real Housewives of Atlanta. They just gave her a show. You know how they usually do, like the wedding specials with some of the different castmates. Well, for Porsche, she got a show about her pregnancy and the journey and having the baby, so you get to see more of just her and her fiance and the baby and all that stuff. Huh, give me one to show on taking while taking feel me taking all my supplements throughout the dig Steve taking bye to Mark Yeah the day yeah, following watching take all these damn herbs I'm taking. Okay, well you are the TV guys, so yeah, right, dud, because yes, yes, he has that touch. All right. Moving on, Cynthia invited the girls to her launch party. She is a new cocktail drink, Peach Bellini drink. She did a partnership with Seagrams and she had a launch party and all the girls were there, invited to support Cynthia, and a blast from the past was there, Miss Kenya Moore. Well chat Nini was living that Kenya was there. She called her a monster. The issue is that Ninie felt like Cynthia should have told her that she was going to invite Kenya to the party since Kenya and Nini didn't get along. Now, Cynthia claims she really didn't know that Kenya was actually coming to the party. But you know, Ninnie's point is if me and you were cool and you're in fighting someone that I'm not cool with, you know, because Ninie says her, and Cynthia like, sister, you give your girl the head's up to say, hey, your girl might come through. So That's what Ninie's point was. And Nini also feels that Cynthia acts different when Kenya's around versus when they're together. Oh yeah. So anyway, it was this a little drama. Kenya was still there at the party and Cynthia was on the mic and thanking everyone for coming out and supporting her. Then Kenya got on the mic and congratulate it Cynthia, and Nini was a little salt sh I think she was a little jealous about that. And then Cynthia wanted to thank Greg because Greg felt good enough to come out Cynthia. Oh yeah, so Cynthia want yeah, yeah, Junior. So Cynthia wanted to recognize Greg for coming out and supporting and she called him up to the mic, and Nini told Gregg not to go up there. No, she did not, Yeah, she told Greg don't go up there. So Greg didn't go up there. So it was kind of Cynthia was kind of left hanging after the launch party, u Nini decided to talk to Cynthia and kind of tell her how she felt, and she bought the new friend Tanya along, and then Cynthia bar candy. Now during the party, Mike was there Steve, you're familiar with Cynthia's boyfriend, Mike Hill. You're the one to introduced them and hooked them up and made this love connection. She whispered to him that she was supposed to act like she didn't know that Kenya was coming. So there's some shade. That's what went on with. Cynthia whispered to Mike, act like I don't know that Kenya was coming. That's what she whispered to him. So Pete, so Nini, you see what I'm saying. You see why Ninie felt like, what what's the shade going on? Ninie doesn't know Cynthia did that. Cynthia calls Candy when they were all supposed to hook up and say, I just want to make sure we're on the sand Paige as to why Kenya came. So then Candy says, well, I'm miked up. I'm miked up meaning her MICA's a meaning like we're taking Yeah, n come hear her. No, Nini didn't hear any of this. This is what the viewers saw, but it kind of yeah, it kind of validates Nini point, like what's going on doing? Yeah, yeah, what are you doing? So that was the season finale, so of course she got away for the reunion show. So now after this particular episode air, the the blogs were talking. People were out there talking. So Kendy and Cynthia basically said that this is why they did it the way they did that. Kenya wanted to be paid to come to the party, because Kenya is not on this show anymore. So she said she wasn't gonna come to the party unless she was gonna get paid. Candy talked Kenya into coming to the party. So in a way, Cynthia really didn't know that she was gonna come to the party. But Nini, you know, Nini A's probably trying to hear all that. So here me up. That's long story short, but hit me up and lipspart Carla and tell me you're on team Nini or team Cynthia. It was good hunt, Oh man, I love her. She's going I like, I like. I love Cynthia too, you know, she's so beautiful. Yeah, and Greg is doing good and you know, beautiful news. Yes, isn't that great news I've been praying for? Yeah? Yeah, wow, changed his mind, Steve. He decided to get chemo treatment, and Nini was on Timz the other day saying Greg is kicking cancers, but so Greg is looking good good good? Yeah, okank God huh yes, yep. So go to lipspart Carla again. You know, we'll talk about all of this socially and make sure you go to w d A s FM. I will be in Philadelphia this Saturday. I'm in Up Excellence Luncheon. I'll be there. So we'll talk about all that on the Graham at LIPSPI Carlin. We'll be back at twenty after you're listening to This Day Morning Show. Laury Laughlin and Felicity Huffman appeared in federal courtroom yesterday in Boston. The actresses are the most famous parents charged in that massive college admissions cheating scandal. Now this is according to the USA Today. The pair said little they did not enter please and were released on bail. Laurie, her husband Massimo Giannelli, and Felicity Huffman were charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services fraud. Judge Mpage Kelly reported reportedly said the maximum sentence would be Wow, this is a long time. Twenty years in prison for this. That's the maximum sentence, twenty years in prison, three years probation and a two hundred and fifty thousand dollars fine, and jail time is a yes, jail time is a real possibility, a very real possibility now. TMZ says if they make even if they make plea deals, they'll still they could still end up behind bars. Source says, you can't have people being treated differently because they have money. He said, that's how we got to this place. Are they kidding me that? Hey, I'm just that's exactly how they treat people. I have news for you. They treat people differently who have money, and they treat people differently who have different color skin. Oh yeah, that's the game. We can stop this all of a sudden. You can't treat people away because of how they are. That should have been the rule a long time ago. It's never been the rule, but now they want to. Everybody want to apply it every every everybody wants it to be when when they think they on the side of righteousness. But I'm telling you, man, you know what I think is gonna happen here? What a man? They're not gonna send him to white women to jail. You gotta be kidding me, don't think so. Maximum sentence um twenty years, three years, probation two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I'm gonna tell you right now, I would be shocked. Yeah, I got to find money. If they go to jail, I would be shocked. Now, what they did was supposed to land you in jail. Yeah. And if anybody else did it and your ass is gone, yeah, but I would be shocked. Man, I just I don't put this past the judicial system. Listen to me, man, this is a different world we live in. You know, the attention that's being paid to the Jesse Smellet case, the uproar is that they dropped the charges. Right if he did do anything. What you mad about is Jesse Smellet may have lied and was allowed to get away with lying. That's really all you could be mad about. Now they say that they think he should pay back to money they took us ten thousand dollars bill and they say should pay back to one hundred and thirty thousand in fees for all of the police working all like this over time. Man. But man, you don't think that that same uprule that they had they should have been had that up about a million other cases outside of Jesse Smoller. Absolutely, but they don't. I'll be surprised if these women go to jail. Did they deserve to go? Oh yeah, when you scammed the game like that and they send any money over wire across state lines. Federal, Yes, man, federal. This is serious. It's very serious. A maximum of twenty years in prison, that's I should want to see their face because they had to look straight crazy. Three years probation two. Surely you're going as somebody to say maximum sent to twenty the luk on Yo Dale says, oh, yeah, we'd be looking like Mit Romney's wife when they lost the election, when they came out and had to concede to President Obama's second term. Yeah like that? All right, right, crazy, yeah, all right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show and Entertainment News. Fifty cent is mad after one of his lawyers accidentally broke a one of a kind work of art. Fifty Cent cursed out one of his quote fat blank lawyers yet for knocking over what he calls his favorite piece of art. It's an Egyptian themed sculpture featured um it had some ornate details on it, like fifties likeness that was stylized as a sphinx. Now, according to fifty the art was handmade in a federal penitentiary. He says, how am I supposed to get another one of these? Picture? He said? He posted, Yeah, like a sculpture, he said. He posted by stought on that this Evening had it by fried Hey posted an after picture of what the art looks like now it's been glued back together and cracks and all. So he just posted it so his followers can see. Okay uh and other entertainment news. When you think of likely pairs, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dog probably do not come to mind. That is correct. In spite of all the cooking they do together on their the you know, the first two seasons of their show, Snoop says there's one thing that Martha won't do with him. What could that be? Snoop He says, she won't get high with me, and Martha added she agreed. She added, I joke about it. Yeah, I joke about it, but so far, no, no, no, While she wouldn't give her reasons Snoop figure. She's just scared, but he says, Martha gets him drunk every chance she gets. Yeah, Martha and Snoop's pot luck dinner party. They've changed the name. Season three is back, so check your local listings for that. It's all that's always a fun show. That's two people you would have never put together, never along so well, they get along so well. Yeah, it's fun. But she won't go there. They surely that thing that uh fifty time about what was it made out of just like like tholettiss or something. Wow, I don't know. It's a it's a sculpture. It's Egyptian theme. Why would have you made out of toilet? You didn't hear say it? Crack? Yeah, we want that toilet paper get hard. Once you get hard, you already know that big. This ain't a shame. Let's just go where's the getting sculpture stuff from indepen where they get seal phone out there behind what? Well, then that's where the hard and toiletissue call from. What It is way too early for that car, It is way too early for that what did you see the sculpture yet? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he was mad. But you don't worry about that. You yeah, gonna be all right. Yeah, power coming back home. That's right now. Don't look much like you know so well, but he, I mean, he put it back together. You getting paid, You're getting paid, all right, Thanks guys. We will be back with our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks right after this. You're listening to show all right. Here we are Steve. Last break of the day on this Thursday. It's been a good day of fun day today you guys good Yeah, yeah, great, Yeah, we learned anything today? One legged love it. Thank you, sir. I actually want to try it is good what you said though, Steve to the lady, h he's not a piece of a man. I appreciated that. Yeah, the strawberry letter, yeah earlier, Yeah, I appreciated that. He's still a man. I like that. I'm ready, all right, closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Let's go. I am in light of all they were talking about this scandal that's been going on with these celebrities and paying all of this money to get their kids into the proper schools quote unquote, the elite schools quote unquote. There just as school. I looked at all these people and I'm just listening to the amounts of money they paid. But you know something, even if you got them in that school, even if you paid the money, even if you never had a guide busted, you really tried to put your child into position that they didn't deserve to be in. And at the end of the day, I understand as a parent that we all want our children to have a better way of life than the one we have. The sad thing about being a parent is you can't give them everything because there's no value. There's no lesson in being given everything. The things that you were appreciate the most. It's the things that you work the hardest to get, the things that you would take care of the most. It's the thing that you thought you'd never have that you finally got, and now taking care of it, you give it your undivided attention. I don't like the fact that people think that they can shortcut their way to the top. I've said this one hundred times. There are no elevators to the top. You have to take the stairs. You got to raise your foot step after step after step. You got to hope you make it to the next landing. You got to hope that you don't tie out too badly before you get there. You might have to stop and you wrest room. You might have to stop and just go at a different pace, but you still have to take the stairs. And it's sad man that we have people in this world, and I know we all want our children to have a better life than the one we had. I get it. I want that from my children. But you gotta let your children go through the process because it's the process that teaches you how to handle adversity. It's the process that teaches you how to deal with setbacks. It's the process that gives you the experience needed to finish your trip. It's the process that every person has to go through. I've said this before, but all the things you're going through is God preparing you for what you ask for. You know, I find myself I've had to have tough skin over the past few months, past few years actually, and I've developed a much much tougher skin because God allowed some trials to come my way to better position me to test my faith, to see if I really would hanging at like I say I would in the midst some difficult times. You're going to get tested from time to time. But that's the challenges of life. You can't remove your children from the challenges of life. You can't get out there and sweep all the bumps, glass turnarounds, setbacks, manhole covers, missing tax in the floor, glass in the floor. You can't stop things from happening to your child just because it's your child. And if you do, you're preparing a person that's not going to be ready. You're preparing a person that will not be prepared if you keep kicking all the rocks out the way, removing all the debris, painting lines down for him, holding lights up for him. When your child does get away from you, they'll have nothing. They'll have nothing in their reserve tank that even resembles success or sticktuitiveness, or how to get over or how to stay over, or how to formulate your dreams, or how to overcome obstacles or how to deal with setbacks. You got to let your kids go through the process, as difficult as it is. Sometimes I see my children making mistakes, and I know it's a mistake. I know in my heart of hearts, and some mistake I know that this error, this decision, it's gonna lead you down a dog path. I know what it is. All I can do is once they've grown, is I gotta let them figure it out for themselves. Because they've grown now, so you gotta let them go. But you know what, though, I've allowed them to go through the process enough times that I just hope they'll make the right decision. And for the most part they do. Now, do they make mistakes, yup like everybody else's kids. Have I done some things to get them out of some jams? Yes, But haven't you done that with your kids? So I understand that you want your children to have the better life, But I also want you to understand that they ain't no elevator to the top. That you have to take the stairs. And if you keep keep keep getting the hand at the next level and hand it to the next level. When you get to the level you think you're gonna be at the top, it's all gonna crumble because your foundation wasn't solid enough. It's it's it's it's a sad thing to watch people parents helicopter paring and ride their children so neatly and in one way badly, and when they send them out into the world. They just get ate up. So no elevator to the top, you have to take the stairs. It's a process, y'all. Everything you're going through is God preparing you for what you ask for. Just remember that, okay, Just teach your path though. While the law whoa drop it brood For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.