4th of July Stories and Bad Grammar - 06.27.17

Published Jun 29, 2017, 6:59 PM

4th of July Stories and Bad Grammar

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all too long looking back the back don giving them just like the million bucks things. And it's cobs, y'all to me true good to the hardy guy and listening to me to each other for stoo to handley. Why don't you join? Yeah, joining me, honey said dot turn Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn about the time you love. You got to turn out to turn water water go comy, come on your back at it? Uh huh I show well, come on and everybody, y'all listen to the voice. Come on, dig me now one and on this Steve Harvey who got a radio show? Yeo, man, I do thank God for it too. Let me just get right to it today. Let me ask you something. Have you ever had things in your life where it just seemed to be getting on a smooth plane? You ever experienced periods where you just get some good news? Uh and and and you know it's it's it's something you want to share with everybody. Uh. Sometimes man, it's just you're just rolling along and just really ain't no real major problems. That's life altering in front of you. It's just kind of cool when you have a week like that, or a couple of days like there, a few days. Have you ever noticed, though, No no matter how happy you are, no matter how glad you are about your new found happiness, about your promotion, about the place that you find yourself in, this peaceful place that you experience it, Oh my goodness, ain't it amazing when you discovered that everybody ain't happy for you? That set your back a little bit, don't it, Because you know, you go, Okay, I'm this is just I'm just going along here, I'm just doing me. I'm I'm enjoying my family, I'm enjoying my relationship. I'm enjoying my career. I'm enjoying this promotion. I'm enjoying this raise, I'm enjoying the fact that just ain't nothing really going wrong. I was just wanted to share the news, or I just wanted to to relish in the moment of thankfulness. Everybody just ain't happy for you. That's amazing, man. And let me help you understand something. Every time God elevates you, every time God pushes you forward, every time God helps you progress, every time you try to make yourself better and can actually see your self becoming better inch by inch. Anything's asins. You see yourself progressing in a way that maybe not be noticeable to other people. But you know, man, I'm doing better than I've ever done before, and I'm this way like I've never been this way before. And every time God elevates you, every time He moves you forward, every time he gives you the progress, the raise, the promotion, the awards, the recognition, the thank you's, the heart felt what you mean to me. Every time you get on a new level, that is a new devil. That is amazing. It never stops new level, new devil, which only pushes me a little bit closer to God. Now, I ain't perfect now, and I keep saying that over and over, but I'm gonna tell you what, though, you push me closer and closer to Him. It is amazing, man, how to hate to show up on every level and attack and they attack and they attack, And it's because, man, they just can't stand to see you happy. They can't stand to see what you got. It's like Bishop Jake's told me the other day, it's almost like they're jealous of the fact that you got something and they think they deserve it and not you, or they think that you've got some of something undeservedly, or they tied ahead about your good news because ain't no good news coming to them. It's so many reasons that hate us and devils come your way, but all in all, please know they come your way to slow your role, to stop your progress through a wet blanket on your party, to put out your fire. They come to make sure you ain't all that happy and skipping along about your way. They don't like your family being happy. They tied ahead about you. They didn't like the fact that you got to promo motion over them. They felt they should have had the promotion when good and well, they ain't as deserving as you. They just didn't work as you. They ain't got the time on the job, they ain't feel out all the requirements and qualifications, but they just want it because they was passing it out and they messed around and gave it to you and didn't give it to them. Here come the hater, Here come the new devil on the new level, And it happens to all of us no matter who you are. If you are aspiring to be better, if you are getting better, if you're praying about doing better, if God is progressing you, moving you forward, if your life is smoothing out, if you could see some light at the end of the tunnel. Here they come, Here, they come, here, they come, And it throws you off a bit, because it does. It does for me. It tosses me a little bit and makes me go. But then I have to catch myself. And I've learned now to catch myself very quickly, because all I do now is and I want to share this with you. Every time that devil attacks me, I say, okay, about to be a breakthrough moment. Every time the devil attacks me, it makes me aware of Oh God, and to do something else for me. Every time the devil attacks me, I realized that God had pushed me forward. Every time the devil attacks me, I realized that I'm being shown in a light that don't make everybody happy, because everybody ain't happy with your good news. Everybody's sick of hearing about you. Why they always talking about her, why they always crapping for her, why everybody thinks she cute the way she dressed at work, why everybody got to be compliment her on her hair? Hey, whoa, whoa whoa partn't it who? Because I went on and got something done with my hair and you did the best you could. It ain't work out for you. Now all of a sudden you got to hate me. Really, I don't care what it is. It comes in small increments and it comes in large doses. It's called hate. Here's what I want you to know. Please understand this about hate. It means that you are doing something. If you could not build a person's website up, if you couldn't create a person to say in the gossip room, in the break room, girl, what did you say? You don't say. Really, it's amazing, you know that it. See, people need it any kind of way. People do anything to make it look like they're the one, like they got it. They got haters come here, they come, y'all. You fight hater us with two ways. First of all, you know, buy into it. In order for a fire to burn and need oxygen, you can't breathe no life into your room. Ignore them, let them say what they're gonna say. See, don't go back and forth, see back and forth. It's just that you go back, they come forth. You go back, they come forth, that's you get back and forth. If they just come forth and you don't go back, ain't no more back and forth. It's dead. So you just can't keep talking to me. See the See you can talk to me, But to have a conversation as a whole another thing. I'm gonna teach you something that I learned from a minister firecon One time. He said this to me, because I saw him somewhere and we were talking, and I was just being besieged with some hate and I was struggling with it. He said something real to me. He said that as a saying that says, it is a common theme for the dog to bark up at the moon, But if the moon box back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. Did you hear me? It's a common thing for a dog to bark up at the moon, But if the moon barks back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. Ain't that cold? See? When God puts you up down all the little haters, the crabs and the when God get you at the top of the barrel and you're about to go over the barrel and you don't got out the barrel, your crabs and the barrel gonna hollow at who up at the top, or they're gonna try to pull you down. Once you get up at the top, it's coming for them to reach up to you, attack you. You up there by yourself. If you start talking back to them, the one you started talking to all of a sudden, that one of many, he franked us. Now, oh they but there, you gave them validation. Don't do that when they come forth. Don't you go back. That eliminates back and forth. Ignore them, keep on stepping, keep on praying. And you know what really hurts hurts a hater, it's when you just keep on going, when you just keep on progressing. Oh, they get sicker and sicker, and then eventually, guess what they got to go on somewhere else you'll see. Just don't don't breathe no oxygen into that fire. Don't go back then the cake They only going forth. Talk to God every day. Cool, you're listening. Show Can I get it? Yea? Yright she felt that one. I felt that this is Steve Harvey more to show. Baby. Yeah, it's Tuesday. You got to get in the spirit of Tuesday's getting ya Yah? All right, feel yourself this morning one more time, say it with me y. Yeah, yeah, that's that's that's all right, that's all. I know. It was weird. I know it was weak. Surely call it junior j Anthony Brown top of him on it. Oh yeah yeah that was there one more time. Yeah. Yeah, that's a lot better than what she had. Yeah, Shirley was tired. Don't even try, right, we ain't no, yeah yeah yeah yeah good yeah yeah yeah, haways everybody sounds were in l a. We don't say ye out of here? All right, Okay, we see ice Q all the time. You're older. You know what I'm saying. He's a good brother. He's a good brother doing it big. What is he doing with basketball? You guys see that the big new stock for three three three on three. These are older guys the summer, older, summer younger. Yeah, hire players got the answer. Yeah. And then there's also a lead where they're mixing it up with men and women are playing together. Um, that's one tiny ball, I mean not just that tiny from yes, let escape she bought a team out of Atlanta. Yeah, okay, really matter, Yeah, I play on that. Let's just started playing it. They started doing that, and hold up, he thinks she means. He means, I think Tommy thinks you mean tiny men. No, that's what I'm saying, because if you pass us high, you can't play high requirements. Hold hold on, he think tiny. If you pass us high, you can't play right. That's what I thought. I'm playing because the ladies playing. Okay, you know what. You know what happens on this show. Sometimes you're the joke and sometimes you are the joker. We consens it with that. Yeah, everybody gets a tun Yeah, but that looks good though. It looks like it's gonna be Yeah. I mean you mention I got said. Grandson is playing on those leads. They're mixing up the girls. Yeah, but you can just go out there and just stop. I'm just trying to have it. Then we don't need you on the I can hold you. I'm gonna hold you. I'm gonna post you up. I'm sorry, not me. Look at the time, look at the man. All right, Here comes Junior up next with Truth be Told. We'll be back with that, and it's just gonna be a great show this morning. Stick around. Steve's out, the crew is here. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, it's time for Junia to step to the mic. It's his turn. In a little segment, he calls truth be tills. Yes, thank you, Shirley. Listen, listening, family, Um, I um, I've been doing some things. This is this is the truth. I've been expanding my horizon and I want you all to support me on this because you know, I started doing poetry by a week ago. Yeah, like I need to. I'm sensing about my work. Don't do me like most most dog And the thing about my poems is they're not deep. I'm not down there with the stars and guys and pay all. My poems is just at the surface. So I wrote one and I want you all to hear. Hold on, let me get in my pocket, snap our faces. Yeah, come on, what is it, I'm getting it out in his pocket pocket. Shut up talking about I'll finishing. Does this poem? Don't do me like this call it just just bad nervous show. Come on, I'm ready, here we go. The b E T Award. The b T Award came on Sunday night, Big Lass. My girl like j J was saved. The girl was out of sight. El de Barge was there. The brother was looking swell a couple of years ago. I think he was somewhere locked up in jail. Won't know it now. Chris Brown two has been locked up, but his performance it did not suck. But Mary J. Blige still has to pay her ex. Now that's what I call bad look, new addition, new addition, new addition. And with yes, Bobby Brown, after the war they received last night, their feet never touched the ground. Tamar Braxton, Oh no, Tamar Braxton. She blew the crowd away. She's the only one Braxton sister. You can understand what she's saying. Escape Tiny Candy, Latasha and Tamika. I tried to rhyme these names, but that might take a weeker. Not a not a future future future Sierra's baby daddy. She's now with Russell Wilson and like her behind, like her bank roll is even much more. Fanny Maxwell, Old Maxwell, Old Maxwell, I'm getting deep, Old Maxwell, Old Maxwell, I'm out here, Old Maxwell. Why was you on that floor? Bruno Mars ripped it up to tell the truth, And the fact is, I bet if you cut him open, his inside are all black. Be you gotta Yeah, I don't know that that was deep. Now what was the motivation there? Well, when you wrote, when you were writing as a as a poet, as a poet, now, yeah, the poet, the inspiration was telling me that I had never tried it. Now we got to talk about the phone. This is your debut. So do you see yourself going further? Yes, there would be more pom you struggle. Can we go back to why with that nothing? I had nothing. I just wanted to know why was he on the floor? So you're just throwing that stuff? You gotta rhyme with your all poetry is a poet of his ultimate goal is to not rhyme. Yeah, the word weaker was that? Yeah? Well I had not enough for that. It was just a weaker, you know, tomkaka Fatty Yeah yeah, Fatty. Yeah. This is not your crowd. Don't worry about these. I know you on something man killers. You're not gonna kill my poet and drink. Okay not. But what do we call you? Do you have a stage name? Now? I'm not yet, you know, just just the poetry right now, because take that beret in those dark glasses off. Okay, your poetic justice. I mean, I'm not even gonna with y'all, y'all hate you. I'm not call him junior, Yeah, I'm not. I'm not going to even argue with y'all. But why did he doesn't thinking love John? Yeah? You know it's hard to break new stuff in this ground. I'm not gonna do me. Okay. I put my heart insult at that poem. Y'all just want to get trains. Did you come up with week? Did you come up and week? Nobody? Nobody did that? Nobody? But but but don't be acting like weaker was deeper? Yeah, don't be an angry poet. Dog, don't you do? You know? A happy one? I'll give you this and here you were right. It wasn't deeper. It wasn't. That's my I can't wait till next week. Thank you? All right, but thank you, thank you, thank you? Your name? Okay, yeah, we had to come up with name? Shall we from? You know? Shall we collaborate Apollo style? From the gut? Yeah? Ready to do that? Okay? What were we doing? Call? That's too far? Carl from the good Did you rub the rock? That's too far? I'm not gonna do like I let this. If I didn't do that poem, I probably could have made it with some of the people that got boozed. I do want to hear more though, you know, just stuff. Man, you can't rush. It just happens every now and then. Yeah, you can't. Line one more time about Maxwell. Let's see Maxwell? Oh Maxwell? Oh, Maxwell, I'm getting deep, y'all? Oh Maxwell, Why why was you on that flower? Nothing? Run with it? Look the man's trying not to run. Did you see Maxwell on the floor And when you said Maxwell, Oh Maxwell, I'm getting deep? Is that in the boom I'm getting I'm saying that. Yeah, that's in the poem. Oh, I thought. Do you really think you was deep? Right there? I mean as far as I could get? You know, the escape line one more time as we go out, hurry hurt the escape uh um, he would go escape with Tiny Candy, Latasha and Tomica. I try to rhyme these names, but that might take me a week. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with today's national headlines. But right now it's time for the Nephew. I love how the ignorance continues on this show. It just girl stops you'll never get tired of it, never run out, and you'll never hear that ever, ever ever. Alright, nephew, come on now what you got you missed it yesterday. Uh you are familiar with ship back child Supportmili. This right here is back tithing support it. Yes, the rears. Okay, it's play that right quick. Please Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your brother DeAndre. Uh, brother DeAndre? Yeah, this is him? Who is it? This is Deconfolished calling you from the h from Mountain Calvary. Okay, how are you doing? I'm good, I'm good. You you you you remember here, but we am seeing you quite a few months. You're doing all right? Yeah? Man, Um, I appreciate you checking on me and everything. I've been pretty good, just you know, kind of going through it and just uh, you know, me and my old lady. I know it's been like you know, when you you know, you know, you know when you're going through it. You know the church home is the best place for you to be when you're going through you know that. Now. Yeah, yeah, man, you're right, But but I've been I've been kind of checking out her church a little bit too, So I just kind of I ain't doing that. I go over there because I think it's probably been right around looking at the uh at our books here, looking at the last time you came and looked like uh seven months ago. Uh yeah, which Deacon is this again? Uh? I'm I'm Deacon Folding, Deacon Foling Simmers. Okay, yeah, yeah, you know you you don't know, you don't lonely when you see me. You know what I'm telling you because I know, I know I've seen you at the church. You know, I remember you quite well. But and but just like I said that, that's why I'm calling, you know, checking on you, because like I said, it's been like you know, I'm looking at the uh you know, the only way I can could check y'all was last time you came with uh was myself months ago. I looked at the offering statements. Wow, okay, well that's a that's really accurate. When when you was coming to the church, it looked to me like you was you was averaging around a hunter dollars in the town having off It looked like you was putting about a hundred dollars every week. You would be putting that in my about Am I about right? With that. Uh you know what if if I make a little extra something, you know, I'm always get a lord lord that. But uh you know, we'll we'll be back, like I said, in a couple of weeks. Remember no, I'm never not worried about that. But I see not what not? Just I want you to do this math with me though. Uhh Now you've been going about seven months, that's about twenty eight weeks. And you take twenty eight weeks and let's just say we put a hundred dollars per week. That's that's by hundred dollars which would would would you agree with my mouth? All right? I mean yeah, yeah, okay, So because basically what this uh this is more like trying to collect on back tithing support because see you by hundred the us that the church have from you, this is bad. Hold on the um wait back what this this is? You know the same as people have. But uh back child support, that's old you old back tithing support. You You you owe the church twenty eight hundred from the time that you've been gone. Man, I don't owe nobody nothing. When I come there, I give if I choose to give. Man, you got to be crazy. You no, no, if you had a child and had not paid muffly, you would you probably be in jail. That's why I don't have kids, because I don't want to kind of responsibility. But it ain't the same thing as in the church. I get freez the Lord said the So you don't. You don't feel like you old the Lord. Whatever I owe the Lord is between me and the Lord. But you ain't got no business calling my phone on my lunch break talking about some some something how you're doing and all this. But really, all you're trying to do is get my money. No, no, I'm not trying to get to get I'm trying to get the money that you owe the Lord. You're twenty eight hundred of back tizing support. Okay, and see what problem with you young boys? You don't want to do hand of your responsibilities, not either of you. I'm sorry to either of you. Behind gonna pay it or you're not gonna pain man it look good. I'm already told you, brother, I don't owe you a thing. You don't mean. I'm on my lunch break. I'm thinking you're calling me to bring me back to the Lord. You're calling me by something. Damn time are you until mine? Hey, you're not getting from me. Second of all, I really ain't been a church because pass I can't three. No way to be molding and groaning and looking at all the women and doing all this. Look, you ain't getting from me. A matter of fact, I'm gonna get you with a back lawsuit for calling and wasting my time. Uh brother Dhunre, Uh you you have really lost it here this you called me. I told you I've been going through some things. I tried to be nice. I tried to be cool with you and cordial, but now you didn't work my nerves. Bro, you don't work my nerves all the way up. So I'm finn turn up, don't talk my phone no more with this? Okay? Can I say one more thing? Oh? Brother DeAndre Man, what you got to say to me? I just want to say that this is I just want to say that this is nephew taught me for the Steve Harbing Morning Show. Brother Dean Hundre, you just got pray um uh oh man, you crazy? Oh And I didn't talked about pastor like that. I can't come back if I wanted to now, man, you know uh man, y'all wild for that one. Yeah? Oh snap, man, you went left, dude, you are man, I'm good. You know. It's just I got a lot of stress going on my girls. You know, you call me talking about some more money after the already let me some money, not the lord coming. Now, come on, man, goot me ask you something. Man. First of all, you're like working on on. First of all, going on and join church. Oh that with your girl and you can't go back with over? Okay, before I running this? Do you want to say anything? Kill pounds before I running in? Uh? Man? Pastor? Uh, you know, please forgive me. I was just it wasn't you. It was I was mad at you. Just suppose it diggon at the time. And if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, because you're a man of God, I saw it would appreciated. Man. And one is the baddest radio show in the land, man, nothing but the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Huh you cannot go back to what the fastest come back? Don't go back there? Apology ain't it's so much side out waiting on him, actually preaching, looking for him. I've been talking about it. June thirty it is going down. That's this Friday. It's a time to laugh. It's the comedy show Make Offense you don't want to miss and hosted by Yours truly, and the band leader is Fred Hammond. We got your vond Origin, we got Michael Jr. We got Tony Roberts. We have Centric be Entertainer. As the headline of tickets on sale right now at all ticket Master outlets. It's going down Dallas, Texas. That's right. It will be a night you will never forget. Time to laugh. And in the word get ready to get ready, to get ready, to get ready, to get ready, to get ready to get ready. That's gonna be fun. That's gonna be fun that year I can't wait for that's can't That's gonna be fun. Nephew at Megafest yep. All right, ms Anna is coming up with our national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Miss Anne is standing by, She's waiting in the wings with today's headlines. But first we gotta say finally, congratulations to Beyonce and jay Z. The twins are finally home. And when I stay home, I'm not just talking home like like our home because they live in a sprawling Malibu estate. Four hundred thousand dollars a month. Okay, okay, that's your w Yeah dollars a month, but I mean in another thirty days they want another phone thousand time. Yeah, yeah, a hundred thousand. They have indoor pool, outdoor pool, upstairs pool. I mean, just whatever, you know, only people who don't have money, Only people who don't have money, saying something like, I don't know, abody need that much money. People gotten money. Yeah, I SHO wouldn't want that much money. They say like that, but they got a upstair food. Lord, don't bless me with that much money. I want that funny before j You're right anyway, it's a fabulous, fabulous home. The good thing about all of this is that the twins are home. They're okay. Uh, you know, Beyonce went into labor earlier this month, and since the twins were born premature, they spent close to a week and a half. A week and a half. But now Blue Ibby's little brother and sister will be living it up in this Malibu rental. Okay, how much is your rent? Okay, what's in your that much? I'm I'm hiding at the door. I'm not answering the door. And look, as soon as they get old enough, Blue Ivy gonna pull them to the side. Y'all don't understand were bawling up. Do you know who your mom and daddy? We're real Hollywood. Those are two kids you cannot insult because they will buy you keep on. Yeah, uh huh, yeah, but that that's wonderful news. At their home, they're healthy. Going nowhere, drive houses. Put something on it. You know what I'm food. You can't put tar on it. Ten thousand, put ten on it. You'll be living in the room closet. You'll be living in the broom closet. But you know how to fly that room closet. That's like the broom closet close. I learned that much money. I'm using afraid. Look ahead, let me light you. I know we said the first I know that, you know we agreed on So you need all that, all of that, all of that per day. Take this right here. But who's the owner the owner that said, oh the rent, that's ball, here's the ball right Hello, what I mean, dude, excuse me, They're just they're just staying there. Yeah, until they can find their real home the renting here. Come on, I got it for you. The one and only she has the national news force and thanks Tommy. Good morning everybody out there with the news. Thanks and Carl of Tommy Junior, j Anthony Brown, everybody. Authorities in Minnesota have reportedly reached a three million dollar settlement with the family of Philandro Castile. That's the black motor is shot dead by an Hispanic cop would pulled him over with his girlfriend for a minor traffic violation. Because Steele worked as an elementary school cafeteria aid, he mentioned that he had a gun in the car, and the cop immediately shot and killed him. Cause still merely mentioned it because he didn't want the officer to find the gun to think he was a criminal. The gun was legally registered and Mr Castile never touched it. Young Mr Castile's death was live streamed on Facebook by his girlfriend's sparked outrage all over the country. Nevertheless, the jury recently acquitted the cop who killed him. The settlement effectively settles the civil claims that Castile's relatives could have made and also avoids a federal civil rights suit. The Castile family was thinking about dropping there have been too important the Supreme Court rulings already this week, and when the High Court decided to reinstate parts of President Trump's controversial travel ban on six mostly Muslim countries. For now, the Supreme courts allowing the travel ban to take effect for foreign nationals who lack any quote bona fide relationship with people or institution in the US, but the band remains on hold for the plaintiffs who challenge the order in the first place, and also remains blocked for anybody who has family members in the US or who plans to attend school here or work here. The faith that Senate health care bill still remains uncertain now, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has released its report number Countries, saying that the Senate measure will result in twenty two million fewer Americans being insured by twenty six By the way, the Senate bill also includes a penalty for people who allow their health insurance to lapse for more than sixty three days. And meanwhile, the Trump White House also welcoming another High Court decision, this one allowing a Missouri church to secure government funding for a preschool playground. White House spokesman show on Spicer was a seven to decision, which is a significant victory for religious liberty and an affirmation of the First Amendment right of all Americans. Now, Chief Justice John Roberts says that blocking the church and the Grand Program would be wrong. However, in the Descent, Justice Sonia Soto Majora says the Supreme Court has now profoundly changed the relationship between religious institutions and the government, in other words, of relationship between church and state. A Lutheran church in Columbia, Missouri, applied for a grant to install a soft service in his preschool playground, but the church was denied taxpayer money because the separation of church and state. In the NBA's awards presentation last night, Russell Westbrook was awarded the m v P The Bucks, Malcolm Broadman Rookie of the Year, Coach of the Year, Carla Mike D'Antoni Houston Rockets, and Bill Russell won a Lifetime Achievement Award. Today is National Sunglasses Day. You know what they say, all right? Didn't good grades? If you're just so bright? Of Wan of Wishade. Twenty minutes after the hour, EUGENEA. Butterfly. Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Coming up at about thirty four after the hour, we do our segment called call the New Guy. The new Guy, of course being Jay Anthony Brown. Six or seven days and if my calculation served me properly, asked me about relationship three times you asked me. Yeah, so called Jay with your relationship questions please people eight seven seven twenty nine Steve eight seven seven. But first, Jay, if you don't know, you need to tell somebody because it is Yes, so you Jane Baby. Good morning everyone, Good morning, good morning, Good morning to the wonderful, wonderful family. Good morning to um Shirley Carler Junior, Timmy and the one and only, the legendary j Anthony Brown. Hey, good morning. Okay, you guys are not ready. I am, Oh my god, I'm so excited. Listen. I have just got my first samples in I am getting ready to start my very own shoe line. Really listen, do you I remember jelly beans? Yes, So this is what I'm doing. This is you guys are gonna love this. And I got some samples for Jay and Tommy and Jr. Here listen, I have three different three different types of jelly beans. These are from me. And this the thigh high jelly bean man wedge. Okay, what the thigh high jelly bean man wedge? But that's just one. I have three different. I have the above the calf jelly bean man wedge, and then I have the the high top jelly bean man wedge. This is beautiful. Okay. So this is to to J and and and and and junior. This is like something you wear what um you know when you get because you guys don't have your first rumper yet, but when you get your ropper, this is what you want to wear. Is going to sweat in a plastic jelly bean in the summer. You gotta wear it at the right time. You gotta wear the right time. That's this is my summer line. My my my winter line is called Concoction. You got you gotta love it. That's beautiful. But this is what it's called Concocture and it's got fair and stuff on because if you know, it's the time. But anyway, listen, this is what I want because j I know you'll be at the j spot. You would be good above the calf jelly bean man wedge. If you did that at the J spot, that would be perfect. I'm not. I love you and everything, but I'm not wearing that. Yeah, now I already got it. I just no what side? What size? You? I have your size and you're going I want JR huh. I want you to wear these two because I know you're in time to getting ready to do um um man. What's this? What's the door man? Delaware? Delaware? I want you to wear you You should wear the thigh hat right at your thigh. All right, guys, let it out off the air, coming out about coming up? At thirty four after the hour, asked the new guy with j Anthony Brown eight seven seven nine Steve, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. We are back and you know what time it is. It's time to ask the new guy. That's not the poet, not that's not the poet. No, no, no, don't ask me letting. I don't know why they asked me three times losing. Why would they be asking me? But you have experienced expected married three times. But that's yeah, so I know better than call me up. I'll see what I can do. Nine Steve all right, let's go. We have some calls line to Let's go to Joe out of Georgia. Hey, Joean, how you doing this as the new guy? What's your problem? Hey, Mrs Da, I'm trying to propose to my girl. Don't do it. I'm trying to propose. I want to propose, man, but I don't want to have proposed at the bank to get alone. Didn't you hear what I just said? Right off the bat, before you even finished all of that, I said, don't do it. I love it too much. Man, she's been my rock, she's been How long you've been together? How long have you all been together? Almost a year when I was working at the same job as heard to like to another job, and you got a little thinking about me. You got a little money in the bank saved up, sir. No, I'm not a't gonna lie about. Don't do it. Yeah, coming there with a little side all the way and if you want, oh, all right, man, we gave you hear some advice. Just don't do it, man, don't do it. You're really not ready money wise. Money wise, you're not ready, said if you have money, yeah, you're in a long time and you being the yard. He's got no money saved up. How old are you, sir? How old are you? I am twenty five? Man him, if you're gonna do it right now with your finance is getting married in the yard and the train gonna come back, and when it comes back, catch it and leave. He's not ready and it's like an older but mainly it's finances. You're gonna fight about money in a marriage. You don't fin about money you don't have? All right, yeah, thank you? Right after social media money is right up there. Yeah, you don't have this man out of proposal. Yeah, we're hoping yet he's not ready. He don't have He don't do it. We tried to help. Really, he don't call back here a year for not saying he got why he just listen to us. I told him before he finished the question, don't do it. I just I just felt that he didn't have money. Show Jay's alter ego here man, al right, do we have another co did you Joe? I think Junior had a relationship question. He didn't want to um, you know, because you're new and every question. So that's okay, we'll just we'll ask him later. We'll go to line five and go to Rhonda out of Texas. Hey, Rhonda, how are you doing? I'm fine? How are you all right? What's your relationship question? Sweet Hunt? Well, I have a question. My question is what are you supposed to do when your man tells you after you've asked him to be home at a decent time at night, you know six six thirty that he's grown and he doesn't have a curse, he'll be there when he gets there. And he's hanging at his mom's house, brother's house. He's constantly calling, what are you doing? Blah blah blah blah, Just come home? Why are you kill? Can I just say something to you? You want to grown as man home at six thirty the streetlight? Come home, bro, man coming home before six thirty? No, he's got stuff to do. Okay, here's sir at six thirty he's sleep by stab at thirty. Oh okay, yeah, alright, speaking of that, we'll be back with the prank phone call. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, alright, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour. To be precise and specific of Strawberry letter at strawberry letter time and this subject, Jay, you'll be interested in this. The subject is from sugar daddy to sour daddy. And I'm not a sugar dad. I'm a splendid daddy. Right, I'll play that. I got a sound for that. I'm gonna play it one day. Already got murdering here, all right. So but first, nephew, Tommy's prink phone call is up? What you got? How off the press? Brand spanking new? I got one for you and you'll catch it in my noo C do you call? Won't he do it? This is you know when you go to the funeral, it's UH the three minute remarks. Yes, that's the name of it, three minute remors. Really. Yes, I'm trying to reach your brother Keith. Please, yeah, this is Keith Keith. How you doing? This? Is Lawrence over at your funeral home? Okay. We are the ones that have the UH doing the funeral for sister Dolores. And that is UH, y'all my my understanding? Right? Yeah? Okay? And yes you know the funeral is UH is coming Thursday. Yes, I'll do that Thursday. I'm giving you a call because it's been brought to my attention. Uh that you were going to be giving remarks for the funeral? Is that correct? Yes? Absolutely? Okay. I wanted to call you because we're getting ready to print the programs for the funeral and let you know that they have taken you off for the remarks. Uh, because they say that you're not going to be What do you mean taking me off? Well, what I'm saying is they say that you're you're not going to abide by the two three minute route that they have for remarks, and they wanted they've they've taken you off. And Uh, who who are they? Who? Come about? Come about? Who? Who? What's your name is? Launch? I'm Launched. I'm the actual funeral directed lords. And who who told you to take me off? One of the one of the family members I'm assuming it is who who made the adjustment? And an adjustment that ain't no adjustment, that's that's changing the whole program? Who else is on the list? I mean there's quite a few family members doing different things, uh throughout the funeral. Okay, So how did you get to my name? Is what I'm trying to figure out that they said that let listen to me, listen, listen to me. Listen to them, brother, keep listen to me. What they said it is that you weren't going to abide by the time, You weren't going to do your remarks in three minutes or less. Listen, listen, listen, listen. My anty raised me, he put me through college. And you think I'm gonna I'm gonna goes there in her funeral and be under two minutes. Well and well, listen listen to keep brother, keep listen to Normally, when we have these funerals, people who give remarks, we have them three minutes or less. Okay, I'll tell you. I'll tell you what Mr Lord don't live. Is the list We have a Sheila, Yes, there's a ceiler that's singing name off the list. You take her off the list and put me where is she supposed to be with my turn? And her time? Is Bobby Joy to Bobby? Yes, Bobby Jr. Is given remarks. That's that's that's glories. That's Mr Lawes's son, right, Yes, that's a son, the one that they locked up. He just got out of the truth be told. He want in the confor You need to take him off the list to give me all that time because I mean, if I ain't gonna take nothing that keep let me let me let me just say this to you. I cannot take Sheila or Bobby Junior off. I can't make any alterations to this program unless they say that, actually you already you already taking you already taking people name off, you're taking my name off. But but they they orchestrated this though because they who is they? They've been having my problems. They trying to take me off my key program. Who is date? Sir, I'm not gonna get into a family matter. But until they say that you can, sir, I'm not gonna. I don't want to. I don't want to have this turn out to be bad and we want to have a great homegoing for sister Deloyer. Okay, I'm right. And if I don't get to say nothing, I guarantee you, I guarantee you it's gonna be a toothful one in there. Somebody else don't get things in the car too. I guarantee that if I don't get to say nothing, that my honteef you a Minster didn't pay for their college. I didn't put six thousand funeral. I bet you. I'll tell you that I'll tell you this, Ms Lord, I bet you whether I want the program, I'm done. I bet you, I say with I want to I'll bet you that much. You tell Bay that I didn't. I didn't put me through college. I put money on the funeral. I called around a few. You ain't putting no money on the frital. Tell them they can't be on the program. Man, keep they when they decide who who who's on it? If they changed the format, then I will call you back who who is due? That's what I'm trying to get. Get you understand who is that? Can I can? I tell you something and I don't want you to get to I rape okay, ahead, go ahead, go ahead, man. I just want to say this. Keep with them. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got freaked to have gotten freaked by your cousin Bobby Junior. You boom, I'm by Junior. I'm kicking Bobby. I know that my questions all. I ain't got time to be playing man taking me up damn program. Bobby said, y'all grew up like brothers man, and you was you was basically another son and Mr Lord's that's right. Yes, yes, I was. Man. Oh hey, let me ask you this, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. If I don't say something, man, yes, Proud, Proud is nothing. We're not proud. Tell they weaker, Tell they that it's gonna be a two for one. If I don't get the hey, listen the won't he do it? Prank c D. You can get it at Megafaest. That's the first time it's gonna hit and you can get it. I'll be in the convention center selling it. Of course. Friday night. I'm doing the show, A Time to Laugh comedy show, me said to the entertaining and a slew of others. Tickets are on seal right now Friday night, nine o'clock. You do not want to miss it the Ka Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, A Time to Laugh. Alright, cool with that. You're gonna play that Frank the beginning before I say killed. Oh my god. Alright. Uh. I don't know if you guys know about this, but a lot of people were surprised when they heard the crazy news from Bill Cosby's reps that Bill was gearing up for a town hall tour to help young people avoid sexual assault accusations. Now one of the same reps, her name is Ebony Benson. She's backing away. She's backtracking from the original story. Benson says that Bill's town hall series is about restoring the comedian's legacy, not sexual assault prevention. Okay, that's good news. She said. When we initially talked about the town hall meetings, it was about restoration of legacy and that's what he wanted, So that's what it's about. It seems Ebany is blaming the media, But one of the co hosts from CNN New Day Weekend, Christie Paul, pointed, the original story on Twitter did not mention Cosby's letter. They didn't mention his legacy. So all right, Jay, coming up, coming up next today, Strawberry Letter from Sugar Daddy to Sour Daddy. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. There's a time. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is strawberry letter. Alright, subjects from sugar Daddy to Sour Daddy. Uh or in your case, J what equal equal? Dear Stephen Shirley. I once was in love with a man twenty years older than me. I was twenty years old when we met. It was supposed to be a sugar daddy sugar baby relationship. Needless to say, the sex was awesome. Things got extremely difficult when I found out he was a family friend. We decided we would continue with our deeds and keep it a secret. We ended up catching feelings and I was head over heels for this man, and I thought he felt the same way about me. He was single at the time, and so was I. But then I found out he got married. I was devastated, but we continued messing around anyway. He and I messed around during his entire marriage. Recently, I met a man that's emotionally available to me, and now I'm in a great relationship. I am no longer in love with my sugar daddy. After dealing with him and his lies for six years, I'm ready to move on. The problem is, my sugar daddy does not want to let me go. I have asked him to leave me alone and just go be with his wife, but he constantly calls me I'm over it, and I gave him the chance to walk away freely despite how much he's hurt me. In order to get him to leave me alone? Should I tell his wife? How else will I get him to go away? Ease? Help? Okay, Now, I don't think it's your place to tell his wife. If anyone should tell him, it should be him. And we know that he's not gonna tell his wife. But you stay out of that situation. You're in a relationship now you've moved on. You do have some options here, though. You can change your phone number. That's pretty fairly easy. You can change your number and don't give it out to him ever again. So he can stop calling you, or you can and you can just stop talking to him altogether. If he does call you, don't answer his phone calls, or if you pick up the phone, don't talk to him, hang up in his face. If you have moved on, then truly move on. You finally have gotten away from this old guy and gotten into a good relationship. Now let him go. You say you are ready to move on, That's what you said in your letter, So go on with your new life with this new guy. Just stop talking to this guy, stop answering his phone calls. It's easy if it's true that you're not in love with him anymore. Uh, don't jeopardize what you have with your new man. Please, don't do that. You're all grown up now, and what you don't want to do is for your new man to, you know, start thinking something that's going on in this old relationship. All of that. So you don't want that move on. Cut this man off a clean break, go Jay, don't be fooling around with the thing like that girl something something girl, just a message on your phone. I know you see me calling you now. I don't call your mama housecause this is your house. I don't call your brother house. And I'm gonna come by your job tomorrow. Is there nothing to play with? Okay? I got I got money involved in this thing right here. I don't paid your life bill. I don't help you with your car. Note, I'm giving your kids money. This is how you're gonna do me. You're gonna do me like that, Hey and me again. Look in z. You know that they don't get ugly. If you wanted to get ugly, can get ugly. Okay. If you wanted to get ug league and get ug yeah, I knew you see me calling you. You don't act like you don't see me calling you. I don't call you by. I don't go you hound of time. I don't call your job and call your mama. Huh yeah yeah, who ain't got number? Time? I'm old, I'm old. I didn't want to do today. I'm gonna rin get my medication. I'm gonna stop by your house. Okay, I'm stopping by. I'm stopping by. Look at your wonder I'm sitting there. Look at you wind, look at you winning. Well, you're gonna do it like that? That ain't gonna do me, y'all. I don't put time. And like I was saying, I got good off. I put time. I have a time to the religion, right, and you ain't gonna do it like that. Okay, from looking, I'm about to go to bed a shakeix o'clock the thing in the morning, I'm gonna call you. You got a bit early morning? How you doing? I hate him? He's nothing time to work? One more one more jay and the want to you just is chicken? That come my nephew from sugar Daddy, This stur daddy. What you got this twenty year old girl, let's get it out there. Here's a problem. After reading the whole thing twice, you are the most selfish person I think that. No, no, no, no no, you are so selfish. This man gave you six good years, six plus good years of sugar daddy like and now you're trying to leave. How can you possibly? You don't know how sugar daddy worked, baby girl, You don't know how this go. You can't leave you Once you in, you in, You know what sugar daddy is. Do sugar daddy, take care of car, no, take care of bills, Get you some clothes, got you some food, day care rent. He'd been sugar daddy in his butt off and then you got just call. You didn't feel in love. Now you're ready to go? How this go? That it's sugar babies like you that gives sugar babies a bad man. You understand me. You are the worst sugar baby possible because you don't understand the respect level that you're supposed to have. All right, And the most important thing that you never do. You don't tell this man white nothing. You know this is between you and him. You wasn't telling her nothing when it was going well? Were you because it was all fun and a son, wasn't it. Huh. It's people like you that really bothered me. You've bothered me, you know why, because you'll take it. You take it from a respectable sugar dad, a respectable one, okay, who has been in the game for quite some time. And it's people like you that can mess up a happy home feelings because I've been there, and I know the love and the understanding that a making had with sugar baby, and I know it. You don't know how hard it's love two people. You don't know what it is my wife. You have broken the sugar daddy coat. You broke the sugar daddy coat. You don't never hear that, nobody. We're gonna come back and bart to you of this crazy letter. If you have a crazy relationship, send us your letter at Steve Harvey dot com. We will be back at twenty three afterward Part two Crazy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, We're back to the Strawberry Letter from sugar Daddy to sour Daddy, and listen. If you have any relationship issues, please please please email us at Steve Harvey dot com and com and submit your letters. Okay, we're here for you. We want to give you advice, we want to help you. This letter from sugar Daddy to sour Daddy is from a woman that was in love with a man who was twenty years older than her. She was twenty years old when they met, he was forty. Obviously, she wanted a sugar daddy sugar baby relationship. That's where they were supposed to have. She says the sex was awesome. It got extremely difficult when she found out he was a family friend, but they decided to continue anyway, and um lo and behold, she caught feelings for him. She was just really into this guy. She was sprung. Uh he thought, um, you thought that he felt the same way. But then she later found out that he got married on her. She was devastated, but they continued messing around. Uh, they messed around his entire marriage. Recently, she met a man that's emotionally available to her and she's filling him a whole lot. They're in a relationship now, but old guy, old dude won't let her go. He won't let her go. He keeps calling her. Yeah, he won't. He won't stop, and she is asking Should she tell his wife because she wants him to stop. She's way over him. All right, so um, junior, time for you, young guy. Let's step up to the play. I don't think we are dressing this with the most uh. This this possible solution. And I'm not gonna help in that department either, but I will say this. I'm just gonna you know, is nothing more dangerous than a sugar daddy, undefeated boy, got some having. He's not gonna get time journey, no no hot no diabetes, no heart fair, no heart disease. His blood levels is right. Is in trouble? This brother fit and he's right around all day, use a cell phone. He knowledgeable, savvy in some trouble. I mean he's social media is talking herd as well, not a phone call. But every time she posts, he posts, right, she is in some trouble. She can't be on the ground looking good girl called me. Should she tell his wife what she needs to do if she really wants to get out of and I'm sorry that way that is operate. If you won't out the contract, you gotta put somebody else in your place. I suggest you find your best looking girlfriend. Alright, alright, alright, tell them you expected. Oh, that'll run them off. That's a good one. That's another option. Yeah, that's besides your number and all of that and all her Yeah she can say I'm pregnant. Yeah, it's taking care of everything. Yes, she can't run the Sigar daddy away. All right, Jay, give me, give me a couple more messages. I have a list of all the things that have been voting you. Okay, serials about hoping beans, I'm all light bulb about underway. I don't vote sheets. I didn't pay the cable bill. I didn't pay the light bill. These are the things I hadn't done it for you. Now you're gonna treat me. I'm sorry by yesterday. You know how my medication did me all do mean things I said? So please send my applog. I wrote your song. I love you so much. Will you please come back to love it? I love you so much. Come on my binding. I love you so much. I want you back in my life. I love you so much. Please don't tell my wife. I damn If you have relationship issues, hit us out. Steve Harvey love so much. We gotta go. Jack email us her Instagram your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at my girl Shirley now switching gears talking about I love you so much can Do. That's Mary J soon begged saw her performance on the b ET Awards Sunday night. Okay, As you know, Mary is not held back from sharing the details of their messy divorce. It was reported that ken Do cheated her out of some money and if that's not bad enough, and and so mad about this, he had an affair with her protegee Okay, yes, yes, yes, that's why I'm Mary so mad. So while the crowd walked out rocked out to Mary's performance, ken Do took to Instagram to call Mary out. On his private account, he posted one message with a picture of Mary and wrote, I love you to death, Mary J. Blige. I can't even begin to understand why you were going on about this the way you have been. I never wanted to discuss our life airing laundry. Okay, you know me better than that. You and I really need to talk and stop all this negative nonsense. I love you and always will regardless of your actions. In another post, can Do called his excess intro forced and claimed that it was time for him to tell the truth. Okay, you know what we need to come up with a big color people who need to go somewhere and sit down. My mother told me that for the most of my life. But now can do anybody can do yea and a shout out to my girl one more time. Linda Stokes lso Design. She made Mary's outfit for the biggest looks so good. She looks so good. Oh my god, you're right, but can't do it. You don't tell Mary what to tell us? Yeah, well with her when she's going through you don't just you. It's almost better than what's the phone one? One? Almost my life? Yeah, quite, because my life. I slap everybody in here about my my life. And what did Jamie Fox say when he came on after she got that break goodbody? Yea, that break good body. Mary looked good. Yeah, we love Mary, We're with you, We love you, We love you, Mary j Blige till till I know I coming up. We're gonna we're gonna talk about bad Grammar. Did you hear big Leslie Jones? She's mad at the Ritz Carlton. We'll talk about all that all right. We're back. Steve's out and the crew is in before we before we have a bad grammar segment coming up, doesn't Yeah, it gets on my nerves a little bit. It's the way we be talking. I cants under my skin a little bit. But that's okay. We're gonna try to fix it, okay with our bad grammar segment summing up. But but check this out, guys. You know, big Les just came off of Yeah, she really did a great job hosting the BT Awards on Sunday night. Now, this is according to TMZ. No you know if TMZA it used to be sixty minutes now and it used to be the Jet magazine. It was in the Jet magazine, that's right. But anyway, um, yeah, according to TMZ, big Les does not want black people to stay at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Okay, she is upset about the service she got at l A's Ritz Carlton because that's where they put her up, you know, while she was here. Uh, and she fired back at the hotel of course, as I mentioned, she um, you know, hosted the BT Awards, so that's where she was. She implored she's got like almost seven hundred thousand followers on Instagram and stuff, and she's asking them not to stay there, claiming this is an all caps they don't like black people. This is according to big lads. Okay, now, we don't know exactly what happened. She didn't put that in there. We don't know exactly what happened. It's unclear. But um, the Rits responded, Uh, they said, we're sorry to hear this. We pride ourselves on providing excellent service to all. Please d m us hit us in the d M and we'll look into this right away. So that's good news. Don't go, you won't bump into the nobody people happened. She didn't go into details. Yeah, she didn't say looking it up to People magazine Like Shirley said, t MZ, everybody's reporting the same thing. She did not give details about the incident. So I don't know he didn't. But I like the fact that they came back. We're sorry to hear we pride ourselves and providing excellent service to all, please d MS. I love that. And why why she's over there dealing with the rich Carlton because somebody please help me with tweeties and because dandy to fix their attitude as well. My third dollars is the same third of dollars he spent. Yeah for the room, your doors outside, Yeah yeah, but the respect though at the window is where I don't get what happened you you got details for us? Like that's all I want to say right now, y'all. I hope they hit me and the d MS we get paper because what going down in the year. I wouldn't then told him that the stars on my ceiling ain't working, and I won't star. I think got attitude, actually have one, no room, stupid thirty dollars yea. So now, Charlotte, what's going on with the bad grammar? Al Right? The way we talk, these are just words that people mess up. Okay. I've been on the show for a long time. I'm just sick of it. Yeah, Okay, this segment is whatever, this segment words that black people mess up. Okay, okay, give us one. Give us on the first one is levin le. I know what that means? Seven eight nine ten eleven. That's right, that's correct. Correct word J is e leven seven eleven. It's sevenybody going out to the seven eleven? Alright, alright, whatever, okay, Well, we can't come to an agreement on that one. Okay. The next word is not even a word. F I N n A oh that that that that's a word. Case you didn't know. I'm fenn to go to my board house, to run by my number two house and hang out either way, something I'm finding. I'm finn to fix me something to eat. Yeah, I'm tenna watch some verb. It's actually one. Yeah, it's not a word. Guy, alright, And when you get real sexy, I know you ain't talk it's about it. You know you ain't okay, all right, okay, but let's just move on you. Number number four is the phrase I'm going to get some of my nerves come talking about? All right? Yeah, yeah, I don't know what you upset? That's that's legitimate. What do you mean? How is come talking about what it was when you get into the arm. You know, he comes talking about henna? Do you got that works? And everybody understand, what are you talking about? What to do with you? Guys? What am I going to do? All right? Let's okay, I'm trying here. Uh, here's another one. No, no, you know what you're talking about? You know what we're doing it? I don't even know why we're doing. That's correct. Phrase is even know who you alright, alright, okay, okay, okay, here's just some things that you know we should know. Okay. Conversate not a word. That's a word, not a word with the correct phrases. Converse, Yeah, alright, here's here's another verse. Irregardless, Yeah, that's perfect. Not a word. Minute you get to an argument, you always hear it, regardless how they feel about me, Harvey, the word is regardless, regardless, regardless. All right, ain't about nothing? Oh no, just bit, ain't black nuts? Correct phrases. It wasn't about anything. Let's say that has no feet. All right, we gotta go, we gotta go to a song. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh check this out, guys. Now, this is according to Triple A. You know, the big holiday is coming up. Oh yeah, this is like the biggest of the summer. Forty four point two million Americans planned to travel this weekend for the fourth of July holiday. That translates to the most traveled Independent day ever, with one million more travelers than last year. Wow, that's a lot of where people drive. The airports will be equally as crowded, with three point forty four million Americans flying to their Independent Day destinations, and that's up to four point that's up four point six percent from last year, while three point twenty seven million travelers will choose other ways of escaping, including cruises. A lot of people take trains. And don't forget the busses. Buses are still out there, They're still running out there, but they will make and so. But that contributes to the That all adds up to the forty four point two million dollars two million Americans that will be traveling this weekend. We know, Junior, you and Carla are going to New Orleans this weekend, right, Yes, yes, we are part of that traveling group they're talking about. And you're going there for what here? Essence Festival. I don't know if you know about this short is this weekend? Died Ross John Legend, India. I read myself Friday night, super don't call away, You're gonna be it. I will be there all weekend as well, June thirty through July second Essence Festival. Yes, I will be a part of and I'm hosting the Essence Eats experience. Now this is the stage inside the convention center where you know we're gonna have some of the celebrity chefs. We're gonna indulge in some amazing food. Baby, they picked the right person to Yeah yeah eating, Yes, it is yummy, yummy, whatever you do, you don't like that at all? Ever, let me tell everybody please go to my Instagram page. Surely at my Instagram pages at lips Bar, Carla and I have all the details on how you can register for Essence Eats this weekend June through July second Essence Festival. We will be in the building. Child shrimping grinds. You'll know it's Carling should be leaving the convention with to go plates foil all time. They're gonna sounds so much boil to speak for a little. Did you get new outfits for the holid Yeah, we got new short clay, We got a new outfit. I mean new short sets are all made with the phrase pedal pushes. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Like my grandmother dressed me up like a sailor one time. I'm glad they are no picture the one with the hat, with the hat with the little hat and not a built a rope ye oh god, you should have been bragging that. Yeah, and look at that baby and don't look something was that because they did the same thing to me. Was it something about sailor's back then? I don't know, man, that not a good look for the Oh yeah, they love that. Yeah, such a clean slip on y Yeah, my mom about me the ocean Pacific o ok shorts they were card rock. Yeah, you'll be sweating on outside and you fat and I was fat so and when you walk in cutter and make that sound like you slammed down, it was my I was a chevy little boy, sound grown man, a fat take chevy. Was gonna be a lot of holiday you know what happened this weekend? What a lot of family reunions is gonna be going. Oh my god, that's the big family reunion. We and you're right, which means you're hitting phrase. I don't like these What that would have picked? Jack? I just went through that, surely you know we just finished. Okay, So this was my family reunionr my mom's family reunion. In two weeks after as fast, We're going back to New Orleans from my husband's family, wild opposite from my family. It was one time I went to a family, didn't know anyone anyone. We thought we were at the wrong family reunion. Seriously, but these people invited us bea and they promised that at the dinner later that night they would explain everything how we all were connected. But you know, none of that happened. I don't know people. I still don't know that. You said you a little boy my cheeks. So let me forth for July cook out my lad side. We had my one of my uncle's property. He got a big piece of land. But when we go out there, we normally in his house and in and out. And that's whether he got to three bathrooms and he got a porter party put outside and it hit the fame. Yeah, everybody felt disrespective because they were like, I'm not going in no porter part. What you ain't going in my house either? Locked the dos to the worst family you ever went to. And this is no line. This is chick. I was dating back in high school. And so when when I went to ye, I went to the house right and it was like all these people over there, She's like, this is my family. Don't want to admit everything. Well, two weeks later she said, won't you come on over and come to the family union. How about I get over that. It's the same damn twelve people, same exact twelve people. Is not an extra person in you. It's like, why are you just why do you just say y'all having this another gid together? Because it's not fair of to hear you the exact same that's your mom, that's your mom, the same who everybody was. Yeah, but you don't know what when they're good, they're good, they're good? Is good? Yeah? All of that, you're playing the okay family reunion, all of that. Okay, we're coming right back after this. We're gonna play a jam and we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, this is the craziest story ever, guys. California Father Dad right here in California. Jay has a lot of questions for the County Corner after his son turned up alive a live after eleven days. This is eleven days after he and his family believe they buried him. They had buried his son in an elaborate funeral. So you think you plan a funeral for your son and eleven days later he turns up alive yeah. Last month, authorities discovered a homeless man's body in the bushes behind a Verizon store. Based on his fingerprint, they identified him as fifty seven year old Frank M. Kerrigan, who was mentally ill and had been living on the street. They contacted his father, Frank Jay Karrigan, and informed him. The elder Karagan said that since the fingerprints matched, he had no reason to believe the man wasn't his son, so the family made funeral arrangements. What else were you gonna do? Then, nearly two weeks after burying him. Two weeks after burying him, now, Harrigan received a phone call from a friend who said his son was alive, and then put his son on the phone. His son said, Hi, Dad, many no right, funderal money back though. You know these are black people, you know that? Yeah? Yeah, uh dad, Once we claimed you'd be dead, you had to be dead, you got to go. Yeah. I had just had baried eleven days ago, all right. At the funeral, Karagan's father actually looked and looked at him in the casket, caressed what he believed to be his son's hair. Okay again, these are not black. Yeah, I'm stating the obvious here though, he still didn't realize the mistake. The family spent Guess how much they spent on the funeral. That's what I'm talking about. Grand on the funeral for a stranger. That's all right, he went on. It's called back to the house after you'd have been put in the ground. Dad, I did click. You can't do it's calling Jack. Where was he? Certainly he was on the phone, Yeah, but where was there? Loving days though he was the street. Yeah, I said that that he was mentally ill, he had been living on the street. The real guy was just homeless. Yeah. Yeah, they concepted his dad. The fingerprints match, so the dad had no reason to think that it was not his son. So the county made a mistake with the fingerprints. Yeah. The corse all that, my dad, because if you show up at the house and you're not did there's gonna be a feb But we're gonna pulling this one body up. Yeah, it's probably a good thing. He did call first, you know, at that come home in the front door. What he was he ain't the kitchen making a sand when you walk them sad. He called first, so it kind of at least prepared his dad for something that lacked to day you Dad, Rod play so much right and I want my twenty grand bad? What're you looking at? But when he thought it was his son at the funeral, he caressed his hair stakes can't happen. But they shouldn't happen because you know, somebody get hurt like that. I know, I don't know how we've come to and the repath, Oh my goodness. Alright, moving back, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, jay Z is gonna host an album listening party across the country. He's gonna do one across the country. I love that. That's gonna start this Thursday. And guess what you're invited. He's going. He's gonna premiere his four or forty four album in Sprint Stories and nine cities. The Stories will stay open late on June twenty nine, and all events are open to the public. I love that fourty four drops this Friday. If you're in the Washington area, the DC area, if you're in Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Chicago, Philly, Miami, or Las Vegas, this check out title. Amazing technology has changed the game changed a Yeah, so This is what you do. If you want to go, check out title X Sprint Experience, dot splash that dot com. Okay, title X Sprint Experience dot splash that dot com for location details. All right, I'm very wonderful. I love it. Yeah, one place you just play at one time and millions of people can listen to the public symbody. That's what we had to pass around. You got George from you guys. Um, um, well this happened? Uh what this week? I guess the very first NBA Awards. Oh yeah, yeah. It aired on T n T last night. To be exact, Drake hosted it. Yeah he um, you know he did stand up comedy thing, you know, stretched comedy chops a little bit. He roasted NBA stars like Lebron James. Yeah, here we go. Take a listen and take a listen. People keep asking if the dominance of the Warriors and Calves is bad for the league. I'm just glad that people aren't as critical of dominance and other professions because I never want my doctor to be like, you know, I'm gonna go ahead and mess this one up so nobody thinks that I'm too good. You know, I don't want to save every life. Gotta be humble. Draymond Green stopped kicking people in the growing and moved onto something much worse, his own podcast, It's a tough Listen. It's a tough listen. Lebron James recently went ball on social media, had an absolute oh sorry, this is a joke from two thousand seven. We're gonna keep it. We're gonna keep yall pretty good when it was all sad. When it was all said and done, Draymond was honored with Defensive Player of the Year. Russell Westbrook won the Most Valuable Player award. The Oklahoma thunder player gave a very emotional speech that culminated in him bringing his teammates on the stage to thank him. He also paid tribute to his coaches, his family, and his wife. So it sounded like a good time had by all, hosted by Drake, who did a very good job. Hamon was great. That was perfect set up. Like no, no, that joke was wrote in two thousands. Now we're gonna again that. People keep asking if the dominance of the Warriors and Calves is bad for the league. I'm just glad that people aren't as critical of dominance and other professions, because I never want my doctor to be like you know, I'm gonna go ahead and mess this one up so nobody thinks that I'm too good. You know, I don't want to save every life. Gotta be humble. Draymond Green stopp kicking people in the groin and moved onto something much worse his own podcast, It's a tough listen. It's a tough listen. Lebron James recently went balled on social media, had an absolute oh sorry, this is joke from two thousand seven. We're gonna keep it. We're gonna keep it rolling. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, you guys are in for a real treat. You know how your brothers feel about Serena Williams. Hello, come on me. And it was the best meeting I have had to set up. She's beautiful and very very sweet and she well. Serena Williams wins again, this time in a big way. She's stripped down to her pregnant birthday suit for the cover of Vanity Naked Bets for last read poems like Ambrose Naked, Yeah Yeah, and the Issue. She also details how she found out she was pregnant on the set of a lingerie shoot. Um she took six pregnancy tests, she didn't believe she was pregnant, and how she fell in love with her fiancee. She talks about all this. She also revealed that she knew she was pregnant when she decided to compete in the Australian Open back in January. And that's the tournament you remember that she dominated and one yeah, yeah with child absolutely would that really makes you feel bad? But in fact she in fact she expects to return to the tennis scene as soon as January after she has the baby. Did she say what her motivation will has for taking the naked pictures? Did she say anything about that? Well, you know, women think they're beautiful. I'm mad when they're pregnant. I'm so why are you all this time? She could have been naked the foe before. It's very tasteful though it's very looks. There were other times time and she could have been naked. She gives nothing. Well, I can't say that Jade Wilbo didn't one time she had like a little skirt one time, Yes, sir, I love to see your backhand do a backhander and just do it back. She wants more brothers to tennis than anybody I went from to people. People were watching just for her. Man. I'm proud of her and happy for her. Looking good too, boy, Yeah, she looks beautiful. She absolutely looks beautiful. Did she get through She says she's She said she plans to return to pro tennis as soon as January. That's soon. Yeah, that's gonna speak volumes to the world when she comes back off of attorney leave and starts whooping y'all behind back in twenty minutes. So she she reacted to having the baby pretty good. How did y'all react when you knew Jay, when you knew you had to do firstborn coming? How did you react? Love? Fun? Really? Oh my god? Are you serious? Jay? Kids? Now? But back then? Oh? Love God? And speaking of beauty, are girl La La Anthony? Uh? Just gorgeous? Gorgeous? Yesterday she celebrated her birthday. She was recently spotted at the strip club in New York City. But it wasn't for fun. It was not for fun as you think. She wasn't looking for Carmelow, none of that. She was there to shoot footage for her new reality show. Okay, she's producing a docuseries called gold Diggers that will follow the lives of strippers and video vixens that have become successful businesswomen. Uh huh interview Apparently yeah, apparently apparently one of the Cats members in the series works at the club French Montana, who was at there, who was there to party, ran into La La just by coincidence. He said that the Teflon queen seems to be in great spirits. That's what they call Lala Teflone queen seems to be in great spirits despite her marriage drama. So there you go. Yeah, yeah, we love La La. Yeah me a show called Sugar Daddy. Sad here is a sugar A show called Sugar Daddy said, I'm not anyone Blenda Daddy. Uh huh, all right, um, and the Obama women were out in full force on Monday, but they were in Bali. Though they were in Bali, across the world. They had on srongs everything. Yeah. The ladies along with Barack Obama are former president. He's so he's so, he's so cool, he's got so much sweat body. Yeah. They took a tour of one of the temples there during their latest stop on what seems to be just a global vak. You know, after eight years in office, you deserve it, you deserve it. Fun. Previous stops included various cities in Italy. So they're during the world Tahiti, Yes, scott Scotland. They've also into Palm Springs. I heard you Jake to Jamaica. That will happen. You know, they're they're they're gonna be uber rich now. They're getting sixty million dollars for their memoirs. So yeah, and his popularity is just sort not with Donald Trump, but it's just been sorted. It's just soared since leaving office. The family. When he was cool, when Jesus extra cool man, he was a cool he was cool. He was president. Yeah, and he was a great president and good right yeah, so yeah, and he looks good. He looks great. That all that stresses off of him off of him now and he gave it and he's not handling it and he strugg I can do it is not handling it. He ran the country and put me down behind his bir certificate. You gotta see Trumpet out to play because he doesn't attempt to button just grabs yea and throws it over again. And he quit and to grab his lady's hands. So have been rejected so many times? Oh my god, yes, she says, not when I'm holding me, Not at all? Right on Obama? Is that the wrap up music? Wow? Well, it's been a great day, another great day. Thank you, guys, We love you, We thank you for listening. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary board where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.