$42 Million (Mic Drop) - 11.09.17

Published Nov 9, 2017, 5:48 PM

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When a teenager gets pregnant, it becomes a family affair. T LC's new series Unexpected explores the ups and downs of three pregnant teens who are all children of teen mothers themselves. Parents and grandparents must step in to help them through this huge life change. Don't miss the revealing new series Unexpected Sunday, November twelve at ten nine Central on t LC. Can't wait Watch the early premiere now on TLC go download the free app now Yeah to tothers, to Handley, I want to join, Yeah, Yeah, we love joy. Go with me, honey. Say you got a turn Yeah you're going to ya, got to turn out? Come come on? Uh huh, I sure will come on to everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that I'm telling you God been big in my life. I'm not gonna kid you. I'm telling you and here do the same thing for you. God. God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you, he lets you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing, man. So I always say to people this, if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have I man, see that. That's why I'm so adamant about it, because I've gotten myself in some circumstances and positions in my life. And boy, let me tell you something. I've had some low moments. Man, I've had some moments where I did not know what to do. I didn't know what was next. I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't have no more ideas. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes so when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it will be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I said, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued, Things could turn around, it could head in the other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mom used to say, when you get real dog for your son, prayer changes things. She said, when you seem like you lost and you can't find your way, stop and pray. She said, because prayer changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she said, stop, Suh, pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, she's saying, you start believing. She said, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me, not, I'm pretty sure. Like I say, oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you. But just from my side of it being as real as I can be, rich see hope helps man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope. And then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence, and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? Uh? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here. But really an essence, man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe see? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way. His blessings just poor. They just come, and it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, see it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money, and now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and not get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know, this is this is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody called me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity, you know, something somebody say, hey, man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody has sent me a scripture, or somebody will send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I needed the most. That's favor, that's pouring out blessings. Now I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health, that's amazing blessing. Man. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of sponsibility. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, Once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on, if you're sitting in the cell this morning, why why would you not change? I watched these shows about me and locked up all the time. Who waiting? They getting their farties and they decide, Man, I'm tired of this. I've lived most of my life behind these bars. When I get out this time, man, I'm gonna get it right. Why you gotta wait till your farty. I mean, when you're farty, it's cool, get yourself together whenever it happened. But man, do you know that you are not created to live behind bars? God didn't cut that way. But if you've gotten yourself into that position though, see, now you gotta do the best you can. But they don't need to look at it God being mad at it, we'd have made all of our decisions got us to where we at today. You have a chance to turn your life around with a relationship with God. What you're waiting on? Are you gonna just keep doing it like that? Huh? Really? Come on, man, why would you do that to yourself? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life so you can get the way He want you to be. God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. You're listening to the ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. Man, have your undivided attention. Please, this is the Steve Harvy Morning Show. I am Steve you dig This is the Morning Show though. Hey Shirley, Hey Steve, Hey Carlin, Hey Steve Junior, Morning up food Baby, that's on the show. I am the Steve Harvey part. Yeah, he is the Morning Show. Hello, No much. You take them out and it's just Steve Harvey. Some people will be real cool with that, but I'm clear with that. Yeah, yeah, but I ain't. I'm gonna tell you right now, because I show wouldn't be cool with it another would I I need y'all. I'm clear about that. I do need y'all. Man, we need you miserably without y'all. It wouldn't it wouldn't. It wouldn't get a chance. I burned this whole damn thing, and it wouldn't get a shot at it. We just got on here. He's talking about burning a man. I was just saying how much I need your little lands? Okay it so manches, you get it started, start of. People always talk about burning. You ain't gonna do already. Wow, So you feel good, Steve, I gotta tell you. I have to say this as your friend as you're Sometimes my cousins used to say friend girl as your friend girl instead a girlfriend a friend girl. Anyway, you look good. You've lost a lot of weight. You're coming down, Steve, you really really let me see. Let me say you gotta tell you that, boy, you look good. No no punches, No punches are nut. You look good. Wait, Steve, stop holding your stomach in as you say that. I'm trying to make it touch my face. You can't breathe I've done that. Yeah, but you. You can really tell the workout is working shoulders? Yes, I mean, can I tell you something? No, man, what's crazy is what's that? The weight? The actual pounds? It didn't quit moving, man, Yeah, but you're still cutting. But your muscle though muscle weight. Yeah, but you look yeah, you look like you're working out. You do not look like a sixty year old. Man. I'll tell you what hit him? Hit him? What tower knocked the hell out? Don't don't don't do that. And I ain't challenging nobody. I don't want to buy. I heard you looking for somebody hit you. There's somebody? Oh yeah, man, yeah, so I don't want to invite that. I appreciate what you're saying. You know, I would do better if I would eat right all the time. But I'm not. Yeah, no ice cream, no pizza? What, man, that can't happen. I had slice PC yesterday. Does OBE know about it? Your trainer? Now? I was on the TV show We had pizza tossing kids on the show and they and I smelled it while he was tossing pizza and I looked at my flow director trails trail is edible. He said, you have big dog all that's edible just on this half for the Oh cool. Yeah, and they got it from the commissary on the lot at NBC. All right, we gotta go. Steve coming up something funny and then truth be told. After that we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time for Junior's Truth be told. Come listen. This happens every year for Thanksgiving. Now we at the fourteen day mark. Oh yeah, fourteen days for Faithsgiving. I just want to get this out here right now because it happens everybody's family. What then it starts it too? Okay, if you're bringing something, you need to be there by twelve. I'm just tired. I'm tired of eating thingsgiving in peace. Everybody to do this, everybody family. I think this is this is the worst thing in the world. Why are you always late with the dressing? What was you doing this morning? You knew you got to bring the dress in the everybody house? Why in the hell is you ain't here? We gotta call we're checking up on the dressing. Why the dressing in dressy? Where where is the yams o? Where is the potato salad? You call? Somebody say Hello, where you at? Oh, I'll tell you. I'm on my way. Why is you on your way? Dinner started at two? We just want y'all to be on time. We don't know where you be with this stuff, but please get it to the house on time. If dinner started to be there by twelve, can you please? Why? People? A matter of fact, why is you cooking the dress in this morning? What was you doing last night? How does you cooking that? How does you couldn't be dressed this morning? Last night? Last night? All say, Yeah, I don't know what the word, but last night tell me looking at me, Yeah you know that you ain't Yeah, you ain't. Got nothing on the table? You said, has to me to bring the drink. Yeah, just a bigger bag of Yeah, get the plastic spoons and falls something, junior? What's up on you? Exactly right, That's why we stopped it a long time ago, people bringing stuff. But look, yeah, we just cook everything in our house. Yeah, one house, because you know, around one, you know, we eat. Yeah, yeah, we eat because you're gonna eat light down, watch the football game, get up, eat again. Yeah yeah, but you know surely see I don't eat like that. No mo though, I stopped that eating until I go to sleep. I stopped him for a while, even on Thanksgiving. You have one day that you can do that. No, no, Shirley, I eat bad several times a week. Yeah, you're not gonna stop living. I couldn't little bit thanks getting played up though I stopped. Yeah, I get a little saucing, just su Yeah. I used to load it and just man not no saucing, not that day. But I don't. I don't have it when you're walking by and it's a pile of food on it. Yeah. Yeah, my plate at least be level. And there's some separation, a little separation between items. I used to have to put so much on that scooped food over. What are your items, Steve? Where do you have turkey dressing? Must have the turkey dressing? Hu uh uh? The ghibling gravy. Yeah, the whole crambad some green items. I try not to, but a little bit of manick. Come on, now, you gotta have that. You know what? That ain't fair because that's on the bus because they ain't leave that morning on the bus with it in about two o'clock. I'm sorry, sorry, you just sitting it with your lap just because you ain't leading you're supposed to. We got that, you're on the metro, y go ahead, what else you get? No? No, no, no, that was it. That's all I wanted to say. I just you ain't gonna greens on your plate. He didn't say if they got potato salt, but we really potato salad people. No more. No, I don't really see. But then yeah, IM still got to come on. Now's got to be there and do not man, I can do marshmallows on who started something? There's a lot of people do that started potato cassero. I hate it, brown sugar, cinnamon, and get him nut mag and nutmeg. I thought only white people put marshmallows on the You call somebody the house and you can see that marshmalls in the in them. You don't even touch Nope, you don't know, man, Nope, I don't even look at them. No, you don't even touch me because I get mad if you get mad. Yeah, oh, Tosh likes it. Okay, all right, Now this was Parson because he was in the army. Like you know what. He says that too. He said he ate dirt, so whatever. Like Tasha opened up packets of food. Ain't no what yeah what they call him the rash rash He said, he ate Dirk was a little girl, I was in arm Yeah whatever. So part two of this something funny. I don't know if you heard about this story, but Lebron James could be feeling the heat right now. This Instagram model, her name is and she's a hunter as well. Her name is Heidi V. Hoback. Yeah, she's a model and a hunter. She shared her exchanges with Lebron on this public platform. Okay, she said, um, well it goes like this. Athletes post on girls d m s. But this Hoback woman posted on Snapchat, uh per screenshots in which Lebron James asked her. Lebron James asked her, he said, teach me how to hunt, and I'll teach you how to play ball. Deal l O L. So she posted that questions on Snapchat. So the question is if a married person messaged you on Twitter or Instagram, which expose them? Because she exposed him. Well, I mean he said how to hunt, Yeah, I'll teach I'll teach you how to play ball. Calmless, better fix it. Yeah, I'm listen. You gotta go down, calmless, These are two professionals. What do holdback look like? Let me see what she looks like. Just put holdback in here. That was her name is It's on Instagram, Snapchat her name. Yeah. Alright, up next, nephew, Tommy's run that prank after I find holdback. We're run near prank, trying to fix it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Mrs Anne will be here with our national news. But first it's the nephew with run that prank back? Are we through time I hold back? Then? Yes, we are. We have moved on you. Hear my tone, I mean I do want to hunt though. I mean, I'm just saying you ain't gonna make it though. It's almost that. You have fourteen days. Your uncle gave you fourteen more days in this marriage. You better get it together, Get it together, son, Okay, okay, all right, here to prank, just run it back. I'm scared to see it because w w CR wife correction w C s your pranks titles w wife just running You're scared to stay wife after hold back? Hello, I am trying to reach George Police. My name is Marcus with w C s uh calling and see if we can actually try to lend you our services. Understand that you're having a few problems and want to see if maybe WCS can bring UM a better life to you and you can have a uh an exciting life better than the one you have. Now. Who is it? We are with Wife Correctional Services, sir, w CS. What it is is we take your wife's for a couple of weeks and we reprogram them so that it's of course you have to sign a waiver contract, but we take your wife and we reprogrammed them so that they will act in a fashion of what you want them to act. Okay, okay, whatever ce sir. What it is that we've gotten some we've gotten some reports that you've been having some problems with with your particular wife. And we're here in St. Louis, sir, And don't worry, We're totally confidential. This is not anything that's gonna get out UM and and your your names are never submitted. First of all, here's here's something we can do. I can ask you questions because we've been notified that this is probably a service that you would probably want. Now UM has your wife ever snapped on you in public and snapped on me? I mean what I mean she my wife ain't crazy, so I don't just snap on me. She might, you know, try to check me, uh say something. You know what I'm saying. She's just gonna snap on me. So your wife you so your wife has tried to check you. It's what you're saying. May not check me per se, I mean she might. She might not like some mom doing it, might say something about it. So basically your wife is not in her place where she needs to be old. I mean what you mean plan? I mean she might say something, you know. I mean I might be doing something or you know, it might be with my boys and might get out of control a little bit. She might just say something at the time, but she don't just try to all out check nobody. You know what I'm saying. Okay, Okay, I'll tell you what. Let me ask you this one. Have you ever just had some plans with your guys We're gonna go out, and had to change your plans because, um, your wife. Well, I mean, if like I'm just come hanging out and I ain't let her know or something, she might you know, be like, well, baby already had plans, you know, can you stay home with the boys or something. But I mean, I mean nothing on the regular. You know, I usually do what I want to do. It seems like denial. Okay, here's another one, sir, Well no, just listen. Hear me out. Now. Let me ask you this um has your wife. Let's say, back when Michael Jordan was playing basketball, did you ever miss a playoff game on television because your wife wanted to watch something else. I mean, we got two TVs in my house, man, I wish No. I don't even get down. I mean I might have to watch the little TVA, but I mean I usually watch it on the big Sure. Yeah, but but you doing you've been pushed to watching the smaller television. No, I wouldn't push to do nothing. Man. What I'm trying to tell you is, I mean we compromise. We do in my house. I mean, she might get the big TV to watch her stories or something, and I just had to go watch the the TV. Let's TV do go out of here wanting to see. Cool with that? I'm cool with that. So you're that you're actually the one that's programmed and ain't nothing wrong with my wife. Ain't nothing wrong with with in my family? You know, honestand let me the reason why I'm asking you these particular questions is because someone has actually let me know the problems that are at hand in your household. Let me ask you. I got one question for you. Here's what I want to ask you. Has your wife ever cussed you out at a family cookout? Man? Hold on, man, you know what you're getting a little personal? Man? Is this even legal? Man? I'm here, I'm here. I I've never heard this is something new. Is definitely saying something new. I mean, what, don't make me be your guinea pig. Don't don't start. I'll calling me trying to get you know, refers the clientele or whatever it is you're trying to do. Man, don't call me with this nonsense. Partner, And I completely understand that WCS, Sir, is here to benefit you, benefit to men getting look at my personal business one and what's going on in mind as old? Okay, Well, last thing I want to ask you, and this is the last question I have for you. Make straight up? Okay, have you do you do? Do you buy your own clothes or does she buy the clues? You know what man, this man you whatever company this is, dog, don't call house no more? And whever put you up to this, whoever give you my number? Talking about my wife? Checked me, got me under control, got me on lock man. You tell him too, don't call me no more? What are you are? You? Are you in denying? Now? Don't call house no more. I'm gonna tell you what, George Foreman or whatever it's Marcus, Marcus, whoever you are, George Foreman, Marcus, Hey, I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm gonna find no one. Yea, I'm located. Dog, I'm coming down there and I'm gonna brush you as you're in my personal So you're ready, you're ready to retaliate on me, but notiate. But you don't want to retaliate on the problems you have with your wife. Retaliation? Man, what I'm saying, you're calling my house, I'm minding my ume and you worried about who you're watching? What TV in my house? And my wife checking me in public? I want man, Hey, dog, look, I'm telling you. Don't you want to watch the big television? Big TV? Man? I'm comfortable with the TV. I got you know what I'm saying, it's in my room. I came across the bed, watch whatever I want, you whatever I want. Don't you want to be able to go out with the boys when you went to with my partners? Doll? Not It's like you need to get partners. You call it what you wanna do to me and your wife has already done to you. I see you got you, damn. I'm gonna block what's your phone on? Man, give me something, tell me where to find you. Why are you in denial? Denial? I'm gonna tell you what you need to get your wife checked in the wife Correctional Services so that you can live a better life. Whoever, man need to get a life? Man? Can I get the life? Man? Stop calling me doll? For real? I understand that. Can I say one more thing that you say? You can say? Man? Straight up? Listen to me, sir? Yeah, what what this is? Nephew? Time me from the Steve Harvard the Morning Show. You just got franked by your board justin Hey, okay, y'all got me. What is the baddest radio show in the land with Harvey doing in the morning on the Steve Harvey Morning, Your partner, am I stupid enough for America. I want to know, for us, not for show. Yeah, it's not a question. I'm gonna be stupid to night. Y'all. Fair Bill, North Carolina. The nephew is in town. Be ready for the ignorance I'm about to bring the town. I promise you, I'm gonna give it to yall. It's been a long time since I gave it to I'm gonna give it if if they let you perform, well, you know, and it takes time. You know, they're so excited to see me. You know, Johnny has been catching up with applause. He's so excited to see you do. What to do? The stage play that I'm doing, Uncle Steve, Mama's boy, that's it. Mama's no, no, no, no, no no no, have an attitude. Okay, I'm just feeling myself, you know, I feeling myself because when you come on stage, what happened? Sure, people clap. Mama's born to night. Ticketmaster all ticket Master outlets. That's tonight and Fayetteville, North Carolina. You can catch us tomorrow night Jacksonville, Flawda Dubo Sunday. I mean in Miami, baby, all right, we'll tell me. We will look forward to seeing you there. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We told you guys not to sleep. They woke on local elections and it worked. Boks went to the polls. Uh. In what summer calling political payback against Donald Trump, Democrats won the governorships of Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday night. Yes yes, yes, yes. In Virginia, Ralph Northern uh one over Republican candidate Ed Gillespie, who the President is distancing himself from. He said that he didn't you know, he said he didn't align himself with Trump. So that's why he lost. Uh. Ed Gillespie lost that race anyway, he scored well. Talking about Ralph Northam now, he scored well in the Northern Virginia area of the suburbs, where many are anti Trump. He also did better than many other Democrats in more rural regions where Trump dominated Hillary Clinton a year ago. Uh. In New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy won the race to replace guests who Chris Christie as governor out of there? Yeah, but what was Chris Christie running his term? Is? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, but he'd been governor for so long Republicans. Yeah, well he had to get out all that bridge gat and all that. Yes, that's probably gonna find out he got something to do with Russia. So so he's some whish christie somewhere just packing on wait to get ready to go to prison. What for stories? Uh, it's so, were just just eating And did you say what did you see what the President said to North Korea? Steve, I don't know if you saw this or not, but he told them, quote, don't try us. You know he's over there and over there in his twelve day Asian tour. Okay, y see, this is cool for him to say because he has not been to war. M let's kill the war talk. I got the sanctions, let's do what we gotta do. I understand that, but let's kill this talk about war. See, because you're not gonna go just like you got the five deferments not to go to Vietnam, you're not going to go. None of your kids are gonna go war, and good for nobody. Man. And I just don't like this bold talk. Don't you're talking already to a food Yeah yeah, this dude in North Korea? Man, Well you know what, Steve, he's smart enough now since he's over there in that area, not to call him rocket man and all of that. He backed down from all that kind of tough talk. Get yours blowed up over He just said, don't try us uh sending a stern warning to North Korea. UM. He also said that the North should not underestimate the US. He argued that the US and allies will not be intimidated or blackmailed by the threat of nuclear weapons. Now what did they fire back? Kim Kim jong un said something like, we stopped listening. We're no longer listening. Yeah, we're no longer We're no longer listening. So there you go with that one. Yeah, but at least he the president, has tempered some of that, all that tough talk, you know. Yeah, yeah, well he's over there, Yeah out, Jim John nothing to play with the dog anybody when they had that crazy I wouldn't talk, But everybody in over there got that same happy You better let me and he thank Kim John Rodman goes over there. He don't get as good, all right, Steve, please bring her in our ladies and gentlemen, our voice of reason, understanding and all the facts, our very own miss and trip. Thank you everybody. Good morning everybody. It's got a news AND's a lot of news to give out this week, especially because it's been in a election week. Let's start with the president. The President is in China and he's talking trade, but he's changing his tune a little bit. He wants accused China of raping that's the word he used, raping the United States financially, but now he admires them. Who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens. I give China great credit. He goes to Vietnam tomorrow. He also wants to course enlist the help of the Chinese in trying to keep North Korea in check. Three U c l A basketball players out on bail today but under house arrest nevertheless, after being accused of shoplifting in China. The younger brother of Los Angeles lak A star point guard Alonzo Ball lo Angelo Ball. He's one of the three. The other freshman Cody Riley and Jalen Hill. They're rested on Tuesday. The three accused of stealing expensive sunglasses from a Louis Hutton store near their hotel. Lo Angelo's father, of course, is LaVar Ball, who had only this to say, can tell what's going on. He says, he thinks it's not as bad as it sounds, so he will see the man called the underwear Obama for trying to blow up a plane headed for Detroit on Christmas Day two thousand nine, is suing the U s government over his treatment in prison. Nigerian Umar for abdulm what Talab is assuing both the US Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Prisons a legend, cruel and unusual punishment. The explosives that Muta Blab tried to ignite in his underwear didn't and he was sentenced to four life sentences plus fifty years and sent to a super maximum prison in Colorado. Utala rather, I'm pronouncing it properly. For a change his Muslim he claims that he was placed in solitary and accuses the guards of encouraging others to insult his religion by defying his prayer rug and and and defiling his prayer rug and Koran with a sticky liquid. He adds that when he went on a hunger strike in protest, he was force fed non Muslim food. Other election results by the way, this week a number of first Virginia electors, first openly transgender candidate to the House of Delegates, journalist Dana Roman, unseen to the Republican incumbent uh some other pioneers to latinas and one Asian American woman who won seats in the House of Delegates. New Jersey is seek candidate Robbie Bala became the first member of the Sikh religion to become mayor of Hoboken. Bala won despite anonymous flo Eyes circulated calling him a terrorist. In Charlotte, North Carolina, elected its first black female mayor. Her name is vy Lyles. Finally, that's right. The seventies TV cop shows What Is Coming Back? Shama Moore plays Hando Harrelson. The first episode airs on CDs tonight. That's so what I was love the music, Eugene the Butterfly. Twenty minutes after the hour, stay tuned to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, please introduced the Butterfly and let's have some enthusiasm today. Please, Eugene, what's the best you can do? Really, don't it, don't marrit no more. This segment is the worst segment on don't say that. You're not gonna sit let me hear you don't do that. Don't do that because I'm gonna your question. What segment is yours better than the pranks? Please? You can get out of here, will Bush. You don't true beat stop that you're in your segment no way said ahead the strap a lie? Oh baby, what you're giggling for? Reality update? Baby baby, baby crunch. Don't even start with me right now. Yeah, it's a lot of people want me to do more on this show. You just got you guys, just don't let me open up and explain myself. That's the problem anyway. So I want to say this. I'm getting ready to go to Miami, Florida. He was so quiet about Listen, I'm getting ready to Miami, he said. I said, y'all won't let me open up and expand. Yeah, he said, people want him to do more on the show, right what you don't do nothing more segments? He once more times people want me to do do nothing with the time he got, let me say this, I'm better than just the old y'all. Okay, so I'm better than the past us every day. You ain't better than cat. Excuse me? Wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute. First of all, let me hot calling hey sister around Hello, Hello sister? Hey? Yes, I mean yeah, what's up? You got him? Could have field a little half Maine talking to me about what did you say? All I said it was my stategment is bad at the end. Oh they all? Let me. Let me play something to you. Why you asked her lash? What you Why did she get music and stuff when she come into the round Because I'm relevant something you ain't. I'm relevant and current. You don't get a theme song because you ain't worth for damn, your little segment stinks, just like you know what what? Let me see you you won't know it. No, let me let you switch. Let me let you switch. I'm batter than Roscoe. Oh damn, funny thing. Okay, I can't hear you better rock rock rock over there. Okay, let me see this thing. Let me let me switch. You don't know nobody believe that you. Let me say this for your quick I'm batter than pimp it. I'm bad than pimpy. I'm bad than pimp Oh no, old no, we've come back on this break. I'm handling you raft that white guy. What what you're listening to? Steve Harvey Morning Show? Hey. Forbes magazine is tabulated the highest TV host the highest paid a TV hosts, the ones who have the most money. Let's go sitting high A top the list is dot to Phil Dr Phil, who took home a staggering seventy nine million dollars last year, yes one, yes, million dollars thanks to Wait a minute, hold on, ye, Dr Phil brought on seven and nine. You heard you heard me? That means yes, yes, Well, that's his salary and a percentage of the show's profits. Ellen Degenerous had an income of seventies seven million dollars. Hold on, that's her salary, shows profits seventy seven million? Y didn't that mean? Okay? Good going going? All right? You hear somebody breathe alright. Third place goes to Ryan Seacrest fifty eight million. That's from him co hosting with Kelly Rippa, producing keeping Up with a Kardashians, and you know he's got a billion other jobs. I mean, with a term of ben demmit. Okay, go ahead, white boy, god judge Judy, Judge, Judy is on that listen, of course, forty seven millions. I know you love her? Where you replaced Ellen with her? Yeah? Jut seven millions. But a woman in a row is sex. I don't know what you're talking, man, mean I have more. Get the one roll cat drumroll please, John Roll Please. We're about to stand up for his talk show and hosting family feud he raked in a combination of forty two million dollars. I'm talking about the one and only done other than save you say something white? Mother fuck? What did you say? Shy funny to million dollars? Hollo, Judy, mother, we get comes on the show? Would you say fy to me? You mother? Man? This is make no. I can't believe how you guys a million casting on this book. Man to want me, Uncle Steve, that's my right, Roderick Steve Harvard up. Can't comes like that on this show. You gotta keep people us out. I'm sorry because you ain't. We got out. Broadcast is over here. What I didn't even know because he don't act like it he does. He don't act like he got for That's what that would throw me. Oh man, Jeeves made the forms list man, hold on, wait a minute, we don't even know where to listen. Wait a minute, that's just two jobs. Oh my god, how do you okay? We don't even got a little bit shots checked? Uh, we got the fund to don't We got to the morning show the radio check rich one mote that's just made a cutstom break. But can I say this for the time, man, I realized time we ate. You gotta watch your language, both of you. You know, Yeah, for the tune, we'll beat back prank. Phone call coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. You do not want to miss that. But first it's the nephew. Have you calmed down? I can find out what you're The person asked me last week how to spare a mail him him lead, but got auto correct on the phone leading leading the way. Person ain't took a trail or street, made his all road and when it made it, this is amazing. Man, Man, I'm taking something, oh the same one thing. Brad's still sitting there because he had he still think brand said, but Steve, we really love you and we're very proud of you. Yeah, that's awesome, That really is awesome. You know, early I saw that story, I pulled him number man. What man? You know, you know he could change all our last tomorrow, but if he wanted to. But miracles do come true. Though, Look where you started, look where you are. That's amazing, you know, seriously, it's really the grace of God. You not. I ain't trying to downplay it, but I can't up play it for me because I didn't. I didn't think of how to get him. Yeah, I really didn't. He provided a lot of opportunities for me. Now, was I willing to work? You know, faithful out Works is dead? Was I willing to put it in the work? Yeah? Well I do more than most people would dare to think to do. Yeah, yeah I do. And i've ever I've had to put it together in a different way, you know, I haven't been I didn't have the path that others had. I didn't have though, And this is after tons of mistakes, you know, just trying to figure it out. Man, I've lost so much in terms of money, not knowing the business. It took me a long time to figure it out, and then I started figuring it out, and I started, you know, being a lot more prayerful than man. I looked up, you know, but I grind so hard sometimes I don't even look like you read the story. I kid you not. I didn't even know that was a story. I had no clue for releases the story, and surely kind of RecA because if people are tuning in, Yeah, it's the Forbes List. You know they do these lists of people and stuff like that. Well, well these are you know, they do all kinds of lists. This particular list is the list of the highest page TV host. We went through Ellen de Generes, Uh, Ryan c Krest, Judge, Judy, and Steve Harvey. So there you've got the top at forty two million dollars a year, and we are so yeah, we're congratulations. I mean, glad you've gotten where you're doing. So I'm gonna say one thing. You're feel to get me a TV show? Nah? Nah m? What No, we're coming up with something PBS or something. Why we can't have a sitcom together? No, yes, we gotta go to the prank guys. Here's a brank Mr Wiggins. Hello, Hello, Hi, my name is George. I'm with Green Lawn Services. We came out and cut your yard yesterday, and uh, we're trying to make sure that you liked everything thoroughly. That we cut the front, the back. We also did your hedges, put some mulch in the flybds, the weed eating in the whole nine yards, and we also left an invoice on your doorstep. Want to make sure you got that as well. Man, I'm going around. Man. Look, dude, we're all trying to cut it. Sir, Yeah, we cut it as of yesterday. You were actually on our schedule and we did everything thoroughly. Well, I'm actually just calling as a follow up. All right, Hell sir, are you Mr Malone at fifty Zimmerman? Hell no, man, I'm wigging from man. You cut the wrong house. That's n do man. Yeah, I guess you need to put in boards on there though, So so you you're not Mr Malone at fifty Zimmermann. I'll just tell you. I'm sit to three and I'll miss the wiggers. You don't cut the wrong d y'all need to go listen, listen long how to get you? You ain't cut You got the wrong No, sir, No, y'all coming over here trying to collect no money? What's hold on this second? Here? You're saying we didn't you don't cut the wrong y'all. I don't know schedule. I ain't tell you come over here and cut and you go over there and talking alone, get your money. You can't ain't So there's no way we can charge Mr. Malone if we haven't cut his yard. Now, let's let's just you need to take they're cutting with them alone, yat memoirs and him. You know you ain't cut and at this, sir, nothing want to cut the room. You're you go cut the right? Yeah, and get right here, boy, you ain't got you know you ain't getting than this. Okay, I say that now, I didn't call no out of the cold. Cut over here? You go there, I haven't cut his right and get him me. Boys, you don't get I understand that, sir. Listen, what I want to say is, uh, well, we'll go over and we'll take care of Mr. Malone's yard. I understand that we've made a mistake, but I understand. I understood. You say that you did like the services, So wouldn't it be even right for you to actually go ahead and send the invoice in along with the check since you did like the services, well ever did listening like yo retarded? Because then I'll just tell you you cut the wrong You want to cut the right yard and get you money. You ain't got none but practice here. I understand that we cut the wrong yard, sir, I understand that, but you got the services, and you like the services. I don't want to have to come out there and get the money from you. Well, com I got something on what you said you like. I wouldn't if I said the moon was green. You cut the wrong, y'ad you go get you money from the right. I ain't getting charge. You got something to come over here? You see what you get, So cut the room. You know, trying to get money money you ain't getting now you can you can go get you from the right either. Right there, though, go cut that can leave that paper over there. I'm coming over there. You want me to start some, I'm start ain't some. Come on and do and be charging me no money? Now? Yeah, I got more heath and help if you want to come get it. You got your yard cut and we deserve to get our money back. Now to get to what you come around here, tell to get some bluney. Now, I tell you don't cut y. I'm gonna tell you. Don't make me whoop yall behind this yard. You come, you'll come on, I will whoop you all behind in the front yard that just got cut. You ain't your ma and your pap and you come trying to get the money. I'm hello you, don't you check? I got one more thing to tell you. What you're lifting? Are you stand? You took wrong? I've got one more thing to tell you. Is you listening? Mr Wickens? Look, this is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked? Hello, what morning? Look a him? Your boy Gary just branked you? Man. Let me ask you something though, Man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? Stre Harvard Morning? Great job? Before the prag I apologize. I got carried away, okay, because you found something I didn't know nothing about. Hey, I'm in tonight making. I'll tell you what I'm making. Hoo, what's for you? It's for you? Why the hell? What for him? Ain't for me? All right? Strawberry letters coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. When a teenager gets pregnant, it becomes a family affair. Plc's new series Unexpected explores the ups and downs of three pregnant teens for all children of teen mothers themselves, parents and grandparents must step in to help them through this huge life change. Don't miss the revealing new series Unexpected Sunday, November twelve at ten nine Central on t LC. Can't wait Watch the early premiere now on TLC. Go download the free app now. Coming up next, Today's Crazy Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss it. Don't forget to join me today. Please join me today at one thirty pm Eastern Time for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Find me at My Girls Shirley or Shirley Strawberry Live on Facebook. All of that, we'll be talking about today's letter. I'll do my fresh Strawberry pick of a weekend. We'll talk about trending topics, all right, switching gears here. We could be on the animal planet. We could do something on that. We could be the two black guyed that people pick up, people do and take up. Welcome man. Yeah, I can see you making forty two million dollars with that. It's a star. I listened. This is kind of a sad story right here. I don't. I don't really because we love her so much. It's Jill Scott. News has it that she's called it quits with her husband, Mike Dobson. She put in the paperwork. Yeah, I really do. This is sad. She put in the paperwork in Tennessee after just fifteen months of marriage. We were all so happy for her. I had to see breakups like this. Uh. It was a secret wedding kind of. It was a surprise to everyone, especially to her fans, when she got married. This was back in June of last year. Uh. Now she's citing irreconcilable differences and inappropriate marital conduct. I don't know in her divorce filing. Um inappropriate merital conduct. Yeah, well you know something. Oh okay, alright, stay focused, guys, guys on animal planet. Alright. Her husband, meanwhile, tells bossip dot Com that he's ever cheated nor put his hands on his wife and was blindsided by the divorce filing. Let me say this to him. That's really sad. Don't be talking to mirror Ja Blad. He gonna steer you the wrong way. Don't be over there talking to him because he needs whatever job. You gotta keep your job and going about your Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I really do. Yeah. This is very, very sad. But what's not sad it farther to me. That's a happy moment. Man, Are you gonna get over that? Saint? Nothing you get over Why don't you get over it? Over around it? No, I don't know no about it personally with this type of money, I don't. I don't either, But you're gonna have to get over it and talk to him. Yesterday in a briefing, I'm gonna have to change how I go in there. Hey, what's up in work? My inn word in the letter let's hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter, subject sister drama. Hello all, I would like to ask her advice about my sister. I am thirty seven years old and I am going through a divorce. My husband and I separated because he hit me. That was the second time he had done that, and my father didn't raise no fool. I left him and filed a charge against him. My older sister was at the house and witnessed my husband hit me. Now, during the time before we went to court, my husband was frequently visiting my sister. Now, during the time before we went to court, my husband was frequently visiting my sister. My daughter, who was nine years old, told me she heard my sister tell her daddy that she had his back. I was a little concerned. However, I did not think my sister would come to court and lie for my husband. Well she did. The first time we went to court. She voluntarily came and testified that when I was pointing at him to go on about his business, it was possible that my finger touched his eye, which meant I gave the first initial contact. After all the evidence was presented, the judge ruled in my favor and I got my two year protective order against my husband. We had to go to court a second time, in which it was clear my sister did not want to be there. However, because of her first testimony, my husband's lawyer subpoena's her to come. My husband was found not guilty of assault. My divorce will be final in a couple of months. I have not spoken to my sister since uh this all has taken place. She is now planning a wedding of her own. She is getting married in September of this year and asked me to be in her wedding. She had my niece asked me because of our relationship at this point. It was very hard for me to go through the fact that my sister betrayed me for my husband. I think I have forgiven her, However, I don't think our relationship will ever be the same. I have prayed about this a lot. My question to you all is should I be in her wedding? Uh? My initial response was yet, because I believe in forgiveness. However, forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different. I learned that from Oprah. I have forgiven her. However, I do not wish to be a part of her life. My family says that I should put all this aside and be in her wedding. Um, However, I just don't feel this is what I want to do. I would like to mention my sister and I were close prior to to this. I think my sister had a thing for my husband and was hoping for something between those two, but that was never my husband's intention. See if every Morning Show. What should I do? I listened to you guys every morning and your advice is on point. Please advise me as to what to do about my sister and her wedding. Wow, this is deep, um, you know this family stuff. Um, you know, and it's a tough one too because I believe in forgiveness as well. But UM, this, I couldn't forget this. I'm sorry. Uh, and your feelings are still hurt a little sister, and I totally can understand that what your sister did to you was awful. I mean, she testified against you in court voluntarily. Nobody even asked her to show up, and she did to testify against you. That's hurt. You know, when your blood goes against you like that and betrays you like that, it's really hard to swallow. You know. I gotta ask, where are her loyalties? Nowhere in your letter, you know, did you say that she's come to you, try to make up, try to you know, ask for your forgiveness, or to even tell you that she was sorry. Nowhere in your letter, you know? Um U, that's the part to me that's really really hurtful. Um. You know, Um, she hasn't even come to you to try to work it out. She didn't even have the nerve enough to come to you and ask you herself to be in her wedding. She sent her niece or your niece to do it. Um. I think that's pretty cowardly. I really really do. Don't have to be in this wedding. There's nothing that says you have to be in this wedding. If you want to forgive her, I can certainly understand that. Um, you can forgive her. You don't have to forget what happened, you know. I know what your family saying. They're probably making you feel guilty, especially if you guys were close. You know, they're telling you that happened in the past. Forget it, let it go. But it's all about how you feel, you know. I'm big unforgiveness. If you don't think you can go there, you know, and not have those old feelings come up. You haven't let it go yet, you know, then maybe now is not the time. You know, I probably wouldn't go to the wedding. I just probably wouldn't go. That's not to say that my sister and I will never ever ever in life have a relationship, But right now the way you feel. I wouldn't go to the wedding. I just I just wouldn't go. Um, and that's about it. You know, to forgive her when you can forgive her, when when you're hurt, feelings are are done. You know when you're done being hurt. But right now it doesn't sound like it is. And you don't want to be a part of your her life. You've said that, so don't go. Don't put yourself off through that. All right, twelve minutes after we'll be back with Steve's response. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, just to remind her. In twenty minutes she will be in the building, sister O'Dell. But right now, come on, Steve with part two of today's Strawberry Letter. Your response, rich behind. First of all, Shelley was writing everything she said, but just let me go on and get to this. Come on, Steve. You know your sister that came to court and testified for her husband, for your gift for your husband or gives you see, my brother can't come to court and say nothing crazy about me, and so I don't think your sisters should be able to come to court and say nothing crazy. Here's a part that says she testified the first time we went to court. She volunteerly came and testified to when I was pointing at him to go on about his business, it was possible that my finger touched his what I gave the initial contact. See what I would have done that. I'd have stood up and walked over to my sister, said, oh you mean like this, I'd have stuck my finger dad offense her damn eyes, because what you ain't gonna do is testify against me. And I'm your damn brother, you're my sister. I'd have stuck my finger in that hill I right there that you mean like this? Excuse me. Now, you want to know if you are to be in the wedding. I think you should be in the wedd I think you should I say going in the wedding, but due to the whole wedding under protest, you were going there and turn the wedding out. When the man says, I think they still do this, I ain't show is there anyone hell who thinks these two should not be joined together. You ain't gotta do nothing credit do that. Just clear your thoat. Right there is there anybody here that starts it, then just gonna get in the wedding. But then you can proach, Hey, wear black dress to the wed Damn what color everybody else got on? You? Un in black? You put your black dress in on going right there. Here's another way you could protest. If you're in the wedding, and you in the wedding to protest, take your bride's maid dress and cut a hole in the butt out. Just cut the butt out in your bride's maide gown. That's your personal protests about your sisters wed. That's a kiss my blank statement. If I've ever heard a kiss my bro cut your butt out your bride's maid down, Just wear with your whole thing hanging out. Here's another one you can do. When you're coming down, have somebody put a plastic knife in your back and you just walk down the aisle and your weding gown with a plastic knife in your back. Ain't that what the hell of did do? You stabbed you in your back? You got the protest these two types of things like this. Here, here's a couple other things right here, right now. When she sent her niece, when she sent the niece to invite you to be in the wedding. What you should have did was you should have gave your niece a brown paper bag and put a dead fish in it, like the like the Godfather. Send that back to your sister and a little note in there. You'll soon be sleeping with the fishes. I've got to do gangster stuff to people when they do stuff to you. What else when she wake up in the morning half a horsehead in the beach, Let's just go with it. Blood and horsehead laying in the bed. To get back to yourself. Thank you, Steve, We have to go. Please join me at one thirty pm Eastern Time on Facebook today we'll talk more about today's strawberry letter. Right now, please Steve introduced our girl from the Talk Duds and generous. Here she boils into the girls. Chu Underwood, white Man, I don't even know where to start. Big shout out the tiffty hat us about to tape and post Saturday night right now, Maddy, that's right, she ready, she's gonna break the door down next I'll be doing that. That's Marsha war Field. That's Whooping Goldberg. All of us go over there, get the checks. Absolutely, you know how to shout out of everybody you know, damn some mold monique. Everybody, come on, let's go get the check. Oh. Big shout out to the lady that thought to use her man thumb to open his own phone to find out even cheating on him his stuff. He was sleep. She took his thumb. This was on the plane, right on the plane, on the she whooping that behind when they found out they had to land in India to put them both off the plying the plane. Hope it wasn't us, Praise the Lord. Hope it wasn't us. I told you they're gonna start cutting your out like that. Then in that Westley Night movie when they got the eyeball for Western Snipe to get into the laboratory, I wasn't in it. I wasn't in it, but I saw it. I swept, but I saw it. I a big shout out to the Democrats took diversity in the election. We got transgender and black in Minnesota. We got a Virginia doing things. Democrats is back in the governorship. Now let's get ready to sweep in the mid term elections going that's right and democal Democrat is back. Big shout out to Donna Brazil right the civil say, I was gonna go Biden Booker. You know, so which book is she gonna you? Corey Booker? Who are that? Oh? I was thinking chucking book? Yeah, turned down way. You know he is the musical he was Janet Jackson musical director. Now he's line of rich it music. Oh fix, shout out Steve Harvey. I'm gonna need to hold five million dollars since terse asked, let me hold five millions stacks, Steve. And that's pocket changed for Steve Harvey. Don't act like you got listen to me now that that's what they get when they put Steve Harvey bettings out the street, because you know, I'm Steve Harvey, right, and man, I'm in hype. Man, Oh I'm a boy. No, we all over here, and now I don't see the problem y'all got y'all be asked for, big buddy. I just let me hold twinter dollars. I'm good next day that Steve Harvey got your back. And if the tabloids keep putting my boy to tell I buy ten um. I don't you know, I know, Steve Harvey, is it true? I don't know me. True, I'm just boy because it's my dude right here. Man, I'm your hype man. Stay me and you stay. We're gonna make movies together. We're gonna do everything together. Steven suits everything. You're looking what I you so far down? We ain't eating fist. I'm if I would you, I would find another because you'll see I'm on the left hand side of Steve, the right side of that. We gotta girls, Steve Harvest Earth when the Fox? Since you're adele in the building coming up, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's reality updates? What time Real Housewives of Atlanta are back? But the back? Yeah? You well, let's talk about that. But first what you say right now? One? But for the two? What's the what's the number? We've been talking about that? Oh, I see where you're going with this. What are you talking you're talking about We're talking about what's the report? What the people name? Magazine? They have a list of the highest paid TV hosts. And we got your film, Ellen Running Seacrest, Judge, Judy and then Steve Harvey. How much forty to me? Can I just tell you something. They just tell y'all something. And I don't mean no harm to the people that work with me on my team. But everybody is your last day. Everybody on the day of team. It ain't be three. Yeah, yeah, Roderick, Uh, y'all lasses it does. That's the social media department they go, they go the booking department because y'all ain't try. Y'all ain't get me nowhere close to the team. Yeah, everybody, Julie, don't worry about it. TV show, we're gonna have to. I think. I think if we get on the sci Fire Chimp, two negroes in orbit, Yeah, it really don't matter what we do at this point. Yeah, I could produce that, he could produce two roles or or we just go to the Spanish Chimp and we don't know no Spanish. But the name show is a Negro and we didn't get hold down Negro. We don't speak no Spanish when we're talking to Spanish people, but don't understand a damn thing. I like it. I like it, and I ask you all the questions question, how are y'all gonna get on TV? How are y'all gonna get TV shows? He been a duel? Is he forted two meal for two? He doesn't have a name now name for it too. He ain't to for the seconds, but he farted to you. Changed his name right here. J Robinson was number four. Yeah, the number. That's a great number. Hall Mark Champ two negroes and make Greek and call and we sent the how how to make Greek? We're sitting there with apron zone all construction paper to flax smart stewards. No, no, no, how about this? Well the champ we need. We're two storm chasers, but I asked his way back there. Yeah, even hard. When the lightning comes, you gotta go with your scared. Ye. Yeah, were two storm chaser, but we can barely see the storm. If you look, if you look, Tommy, Tommy, if time enlightening, that's it. We haven't read stopped the truck and everything turned to the rocks. Okay, okay, hold on. So this is a brain storm and session. That's what we're doing. We got to get us a show called did you not here? Trying to make him to a person without a brain, come on, you're not here? He got for it to me. Why y'all ain't coming up with THO shows who I don't want to stand the time? Where the hell, y'all? I did this? Man got forty to me? He got to do something with this? Yeah, come up with your own huh have seven kids? If o grand But that's still a lot of money left over after that, because you already to state it, you ain't leaving them a lot. Don't you love it when people count your money? And I'm just sitting here listening to these dudes, and you got everything you don't need, mean nothing else? What would you want another? Roll Roy doing? Like the land roll Roy's a different color? How you want this garage? Let's slide over. Let's let's slide over to the food Chimp, to pieces and fry. That's me I named I show two piece, two piece of friends. Hey, how you doing? I'm this is two piece of friends? You know what? Even better on the food Chap if we just make sad, we don't do nothing. He never got to show by side these short ribs and tips. I'm with that you're the short ribs. I don't you know what. I don't care at this point. I don't I just know we need to show. That's all. We need to do that we just go to TV land and just do something the side all over over again. Yeah, I'll be read, you'd be lam I'm doing. I'm good with that. I'm good with that, Steve. Do you like any of these ideas? No, I don't. Oh we could do that. We can go on that channel. We mess up your life coming down. We would jack your life credit gone even better one. I think we should ain't nobody doing this, but there's nobody state of the loan of them, and you document us two Negroes going to North Korea. We're going over there. Two negro going nor Korea, don't know nothing about the land, might end up in jail. I don't know what the hell were you will? Yeah, these dogs when they're taking us this show, hire don't be exiting every week, ste If you have nothing to say, none of these shows, none of them. They go to Korea, that to be the last you've seen. If they go to North Korea, they can go to South Korea. Day. Yeah, we're friend over there and that's how I try our challenge. That's a good show. So not mess up your life. We can get your little in words seeing it in in seeing it. I think we should do that man, you ain't to day Junior calling in Yeah night, Yeah, wait a minute, I think he liked that. Yeah, we're just gonna keep pitching now. We got yeah, you know what another you know what, dog, it's something that ain't been on TV yet because all the protests and everything. We need that stuff in front. We're supposed to be need from. Were just some needless You got a problem on your job. You got a problem on your job. You're like you about we come in and if the neils not to be confused with the needs. Yeah, no, we didn't. I think Steve likes some of these ideas don't work. Coming up at the top of the hour, as promised, Carla's Reality Update. We want to see right down of Atlanta are doing? We just update reacty five show. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, get ready, get ready to get ready. She is here. She has all the news. The one and only call of Ferrell Reality Update. All right, thank you, nephew, Here we go were Housewives of Atlanta, Steve Shirley, Tommy Jr. They are back, and your girl Nini Leaks is back. He's in there. Much shade in there, man. She is in there. Now. Kenya is married. You know, we talked about this last week. Kenya was on Steve's talk show not too long ago, and she talked about, you know, getting married, but she did a quickie wedding and didn't tell any of her friends or her family, not even her dad. And you know, she's really really close to her dad. So take a listen. The ladies are there, Nini, Cynthia, and Kenya. They're talking about this quickie wedding that she had. Take a listen. My husband and I met months ago when I visited one of his restaurants in New York, and I didn't have any idea this. Seven months later, I'd be walking down the aisle with the man of my dreams. I have a fairytale ending. And that's all I ever wanted. We want invited this first day now, because we eloved. I didn't invite anybody. I wanted to have my dad's there, but I knew that if he said the wrong thing, and I know my husband, it's gonna very thing. Yeah. So she was saying that's why she didn't invite her dad and you know her family, you know. Nini went on to say that she was confused why she didn't invite Cynthia. This was your this is supposed to be your friend. Why didn't you invite your friends to the wedding? Anyway, Kenya went on to she refused to tell the ladies her new husband's name and told them to call him bay or baby. What what I'm calling your baby? Yes, your man? I ain't calling your man now. Yeah, but she had a good storyline though, Hunt Carlos, you can't say you can't call him that. If I'm sitting there right, I didn't get that at all. She would not reveal his name in this particular episode. His name is Mark Daley. Anyway, the newly weds, they don't live together either. They're not living together. And I know what you're thinking, ken You just bought that new home more man manner, remember that the new house and housewarming party, and she said that it's haunted by her ex boy friend Matt. You remember Mad He kind of battized her property last season. Matt. Yeah, No, no he's not dead. No, he's not dead. The house haunted, that's what she said. That's just something that she said. Well, I guess that her man didn't want to live. Yeah, that if you're living and you're hunting the house, you're coming back, right. I don't know. It was really weird as to how she was talking about her husband, her new husband and the house and why they weren't together and saying his name y. I talked to her on my talk show. All of these women, when you talk to them alone away from the group, away from the cameras, are some really really bright women. Is a very very bright woman. I enjoy talking with her. Yes, Phaedra is it a super bright person there. She's a very intelligent girl. And and and and and and so was uh Kenny. But man, when you put him in a group, what group of women that you have ever known get together and go out to dinner and don't like each other, but they go in a week and they take trips together. Hell do that? Well? You know? Kenny also said on your talk show, Steve that she was gonna try to squash the beach. She didn't want any drama. She said that on the show on Sunday either, she doesn't want any more drama. And speaking of Candy, you talked about Candy. Candy and Todd, you know, her husband, they are growing an empire. They are really trying to do it as a power couple. Uh. They have a new restaurant, the Old Lady Gang, you know with her mom. Yeah yeah her yeah, some good cooking song. I mean, folks were lined up to get into the restaurant. Yeah. So Candy and Todd are on the right track. They are doing it. And Candy is not fake. She is not speaking to portiona right now from all of the drama, right from last year with Pedra Steve. Now, you know, Phaedra lied a lot an epic lie last season. She's no longer on the show, and can I understand, but that was pretty damaging, the lies that she told, rape allegations. It was pretty bad, and the producers asked her not to come back to the show. Uh. Cynthia celebrated her fiftieth birthday. She's looking good. She's so beautiful to me. Oh yeah, she's very pretty. And Porscha is not scared of Nini, you know Nini. Uh. Portion went to Nini and said she didn't appreciate her, basically saying that Nini went on Watch What Happens Live basically was trying to say that Porsha should have been fired for her part in what happened last season with Phedra and Nini denied saying something like that, and then Porscha was like this video evidence. So bottom line is not afraid of Nini and she's just not having it. So we will see. Like I said, it was the first episode the season is back, Charay is back that we will be watching. You know, I think it's going to be difficult, because you know the is you know what, it's gonna be hard for to maintain a cool personal life Peter and Cynthia gone, yeah, you know she's missing him though, Yeah, on this show she called him and invited him to the birthday party. Steve, it looks like she still has feelings. Well, I don't know a little bit, an why would she even invite him? Just her daughter. Her daughter encouraged her to extended invitation to Peter and she did in Peter City, could not make it, and she looks like she her feelings were her. It looks like she still cares for this man. Well, you know what, don't you think She's in that house Lake Bailey and it's so romantic and beautiful and she probably misses that part of their relationship. You know, Yeah, she's in the lane when they were good. Somebody come through that. We got what happened? Okay, and moving on quickly. That's Real Housewives of Atlanta Switching Gears season five. But we TV's reality show Tamar Vince what air tonight and you know Tamar evinced. They have been in the news. She has filed for divorce, so the show is still going on. Tamar has been doing promo tours to promote the show by herself, but the couple has officially announced that they are filing for divorce. And that is reality up, yes, that is yeah, yeah, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, so we're done with all that? No, no, no no, because it sounded like he thinking about putting quality or rated reality up there on TV. You mean, if he is done, seek sum out to all this stuff. Okay, okay, I chased me, nero. Let's let's let number four they to talk. Go ahead, Steve, what do you understand? Yeah, just have something a little bit more okay, Okay, it's okay. How about this? How about this only only history Champion, Just like when they're searching routes to find people's history we find you, We find out who your re a daddy heels you see what I'm saying. No, no, we talked about your African dadd Yeah. We take you all the way back down your line like this, this is real route right, that's where you came from. Get that way back, way back. We show you all your daddy is your great great great great great granddaddy, the only thing greater in life. Yeah you do that? Okay, how about this instead of shark tank loan shark. Know what I'm saying, we show you where you can borrow money from you Understand I'm saying loan show what you think. I don't think anything. Okay, come if you is a great huh, that's a great that's just for people that don't have it in them to say it to the people they want to say it to me. A good show, it's a great show. Have you heard the whole pitch? But you saying every day this to be great? We show you, like if you win a lot on you win like four to dollars, how to go back into your house and tell them if you man and if you don't pick up this show, if you do good, I ain't say that I want to make a distinguished distinguishment between still trying to get in get on, just a distinguished Okay, I don't even know the word with the same. Yeah, I don't even know, but I don't want to know. He tom me voice from my voice. Okay, just go to you. Guys are either together. You got to stay with me now. But if you if you don't put it he he got forty too. He look discovered champ Instill, the Naked and afraid, Naked and Reddy. We teach people how to be naked. You understanding, Yes, don't be scared of your naked You see what I'm saying. Yeah, I like that. I like that. I like that. Your thoughts, Steve, your thoughts forty two. I don't have enough thoughts about this reality update is all I've seen your big kidd Thank you, Steve, Thank you losers. I'm not feeling to update show we ended up. Okay, this's a spin off. They're a family. Few family fight. We just have two families and they each other behind like head feels in. MCO's right there, but without the gun, without the gun, without the he might like this. Yeah, this's be a good The whole family get in the car and ride over to the other family house and just start a film. That's what's that your jerish bringing? Wow, you guys, that really it's still Assessment Street emil K Street show you everything in any city, and we go to every city. We take the inside the weed shops overever. We take it to the fruit stand, over barber shop, and the little stove, all in one episode. You get it all one episode, ladies, and tell him on Baltimore's Okay, yeah, everyone that the one in Virginia Beach real nice though, that's a real nicemail. Which one the one of Virginia. It's real nice. They keep trying, keep trying, coming up time. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Show. We told you guys not to sleep. They woke on local elections and it worked. Folks went to the polls. Uh In what summer calling political payback against Donald Trump, Democrats won the governorships of Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday night. Yes, yes, yes, yes. In Virginia Ralph Northam uh one over Republican candidate Ed Gillespie, who the President is distancing himself from. He said that he didn't you know, he said he didn't align himself with Trump, so that's why he lost. Uh. Ed Gillespie, Uh lost that race. Anyway, he scored well talking about Ralph Northam. Now, he scored well in the northern Virginia area, the suburbs where many are anti Trump. He also did better than many other Democrats in more rural regions where Trump dominated Hillary Clinton. A year ago. Uh. In New Jery, Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy won the race to replace guess who Chris Christie as governor? Out of there? Yeah? Wait, wait, let me ask, but what was Chris Christie running his term is? Yeah, yeah, but he's been governor for so long, Republicans, he had to get out all that bridge gat and all that yesling on him. That's probably gonna find out he got something to do with Russia. So so he's somewhere, Christie, somewhere just packing on weight to get ready to go to prison. What for stories, Yeah, it's just just eating. And did you say what the President said to North Korea? Steve. I don't know if you saw this or not, but he told them, quote, don't try us. You know, he's over there over there in his twelve a Asian tour Okay, yes, see, this is cool for him to say, because he has not been to war. Let's kill the war talk. I got the sanctions, let's do what we gotta do. I understand that, but let's kill this talk about war. See, because you're not gonna go just like you got the five differments not to go to Vietnam. You're not going to go. None of your kids are gonna go war. And good for nobody, man, and I just don't like this bold talk. Don't try because you're talking already to a food Yeah. Yeah, this dude in North Korea. Man, well, you know what, Steve, he's smart enough now since he's over there in that area not to call him rocketman and all of that. He backed down from all that kind of tough talks. You can get your ass blowed up over. He just said, don't try. Us uh, sending a stern warning to North Korea. UM. He also said that the North should not underest mate the US. He argued that the US and allies will not be intimidated or blackmailed by the threat of nuclear weapons. Now what did they fire back? Chim Kim jong un said something like we stopped listening. We're no longer listening. Yeah, we're no longer. We're no longer listening. So there you go with that one. Yeah, but at least he the president, has tempered some of that all that tough talk, you know. Yeah, yeah, well he's over there. Yeah, so Kim Jong nothing to play with the dogs, the dogs anybody when they had that crazy I wouldn't tell what. Everybody in over there got this same happy You better than Kim Jong. You gotta When Dennis Rodman goes over there, he don't. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Here we go, last break of the day with just one more thing. Guys, everyone knows comedian d Ray Davis, right, you know, you know I'm Steve right. Yeah, well you know he's in a relationship. Well, let me not call it a relationship. He is. He calls it a three relationship, and he talks about how it works. He he was on the reel you know that talk show The Real as a guest host. He talked about his three relationship. He has to Steve who live in girlfriends. Okay, one he's been with for five years and then another one he's been with for two years. So Lonnie love our girl. Lonnie Love. Shout out to Lonnie Love. We love you, girl, she asked. She asked de Ray which one he would marry, Which of the girls he would marry. He said, this is what he said. He said he would like for his two girlfriends to marry each other and then he would just be with them. Now that's how you wrote. God, the loudest one on the show, you're so stupid. It's Mary, Mary who don't like this set up? Right here? I don't, yes, stupid beyond okay, But I tell you what, I won't his stupid damn me? Yeah all right yeah. De Ray also revealed that his ladies, his two girlfriends, is living girlfriends that he's in this relationship with. He said, they are unbothered. They don't care about people who criticize their arrangement because it works for them and they hang together and everything. It works for them. Surely, come on, they pet yourself up together, Google, shut up. Tom looked at it. I envy here. I want to be. You might have that opport come back and be d Ray what who may? And other entertainment. I'm gonna be. That's because you don't know how I'm draw. I'm proud. Of you at you man, I'm proud of you boy. All right, So this is interesting to talking about relationships. Remember a while ago when Vivica A. Fox was in a relationship or dating I should say fifty cents. Yeah, remember back, love her, love her, a lot of drama surrounding that relationship. Well, she stopped by TV one's Sister Circle and she talked about what went on in her relationship with fifty She said, she's as she wished she knew then how to treat a man like that. She said she thought they were dating, that he wanted a partner, and what he really wanted with fifty cent, really wanted was to take care of her. See there's a difference. She said. She didn't know that, so she was working hard trying to match him. Instead of trying to trying to match him, that's what she said now. And she said, instead of letting him be the man, and see that's the relationship I want with Uncle Steve, I'm gonna let him be the man and take care of me with this fat too. What man, I'm not trying to You have nothing to offer what you ain't never seen me cut a, y'all, I cult have cold y'all, that's a show. We back me in time and show up at the most raggative house. But when we lead that nice boy, what that's a great show. Don't they have a show like that already? Okay, okay, HDTV, how about the time of JR. Turkey France show with fry Turkey. That's all. We do so much turkey, so much Mexican turkey, Asian turkey. What ye Caucasian turkeys? We do them? Just sep we got that good? Are they turkey? That saltpelp this team? But when we put that, when we put the new on you, we got that. That's k got that. That's great. Yeah, that's spicy. Still doesn't want to anything anything? See have they come up with anything? Well, now I don't. I don't get the frying turkeys absolutely ridiculous, but it basically to say this right, let me be clear about that. You think you finished to make the fat too and walk off in the sunset your s that what you think? We gotta find something because they need to think again. You better think again. Henna promise you you're gonna be rolling over the middle of the night. I'mnna be right there. Thought about any we got so we can go to work. How about this, Tommy, Okay, how about you and Junior, who have a strong design to be extremely successful? How about if you add just one more ingredient to your formula? What else do we need? We got you baby food? What else do we need? Baby? They said that was boring. One more? Were gon put some kind degrees in the fintals? What? What? What? What? What? What a the ingredient we need? You just have to heighten your work ethic. And he was gonna make us work for but you thought give it to Okay, he wants us I know what he's saying, Tommy. He wants us to pitch stronger. Come on, forty two, you have a great week here. If you join yourself, have a wonderful week here. Will you ain't gonna make it with the two bites right now? Keep trying with you. Thank you, folks. Talk to God. He loved to hear from That's what we're missing, Daddy. We need the law. Steve Harvey contest no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.