$29 Billion, Golf Tournament, All 3 Gulty, Soul Train and more.

Published Nov 30, 2021, 11:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to Dubai!. Julio VS Coolio? The Chief Love Officer got some clarification for a woman married to a drunken sleep talker. Steve saw $29 billion and lost his mind! Justice was served and all three men responsible for Ahmaud Arbery's death were found guilty. The Soul Train Awards went down for the first time in New York at The Apollo. Dubai celebrates it's Golden Jubilee. Would You Rather emanated from Dubai and also closed out the show.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not me true good Steve to mother for stunt joy. You gotta turn you got to turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your tha uh huh, I show will good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me nine one and all its Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I do, man, I thank God for it every day. You know. Um, my message this morning, man is real clear. It's something that's been on me to share, and it's it's amazing, you know, um, God can do some amazing things for you. But what happens along the way is and I don't know that I mean to say, but but the fact that God can do some amazing things for you, that comes adversity along with it. Every single time it it just goes without saying. And I uh, I was having a fairly I mean well not fairly, but a hugely successful week. I had never seen this type of hatred before I hadn't seen it. And it's it's a great trick that the devil does. You know, when when God is blessing you and giving you some some some great opportunities in your life as all of you have gone through, and it is, isn't it amazing how some negative thing crops up and that's what you have to focus on. I found out that I don't have to, but you wind up focusing on it, and your energy goes over to that to try to deal with it. Counteract. Wonder why I was happening. You gotta make phone calls? What was this about? Blah blah blah blah blah, and and and it, and it throws you off the course you are on the beginning of the week, I was so grateful, I was so amazed. I was really thanking God for opportunity for this brief moment. The enemy slides this little factor in there that causes you to and it requires your attention. You have to pay an attention because you don't know. You're going, wow, man, let me see what this could really be? How much dirt is this really that they're trying to do? And so it requires your attention but in that attention, you lose your focus on really all the blessings and the good thing that God does for you. That the enemy has an amazing trick that he does that. And it was and it was in my head. I gotta tell y'all all week long, man, and I was doing some amazing stuff. I was having such a blessed week, man, in terms of press and pr and where God was taking me. And then when I got back, I was talking with my wife, and then I was talking to a good friend of ours and they shared something that really helped me out. And they said to me, new level, new devil. You know it's it's it's something really simple, but new level new devil. Every time you go to another level, every time you go a little bit higher, every time God has a blessing in store for you, every time He moves you in position, do you understand that the enemy's job is to make you not see the blessing, make you not be grateful for it, lose your focus and focus on this that I just threw in your way, this stumbling block, this obstacle, this trickery. And man, I was, I was, I got you. I just gotta tell you man, I mean, it was so filled with hatred that I had to I really spent some time addressing it. I you know, I got publicists on the phone. I said, what's what's happening here? Y'all not watching this? Y'all not what? What was? What was this attack? You knew that you didn't know these angles? What was Steve chill? New level, new devil. If you get a promotion on your job, guess what. Somebody ain't happy that you got the promotion. So here come to hey. You don't even you don't even really know these people. You have no idea. Every time you make a decision to make your relationship with your spouse better. Man, this is it. You know what I'm gonna start doing. I'm gonna do this, man, so me and my girl can go on and have this on. Me and my man can go on and have this. Watch what happened every single time? Here comes the new level, the new devil, the trick. You don't need to do that. What you're doing that for her? She don't appreciate it. He ain't gonna appreciate it. Look over here, man, look at that right there. Ain't he nothing? You know? He missed he didn't call you, And he said, it's gonna all types of stuff. It just happens all the time. And I was sitting here talking with this friend, really good friend, very spiritual person, and they said, you know something, Steve. You know, I was talking to Jesus and said I was having this conversation with Christ. And I said, God, for real, you mean to tell me every time that something good happens to me? You mean every time I try to go to the next level, every time you put me on the next level. You mean to tell me that I got to go through this right here? Are you for real? And then my friend said, Jesus said, they did it to me, and we just fell out laughing. They did it to me. They did it to him. They did it to him for him to go to the next level. And you know, I was just I was just going over the whole story about the crucifixion and everything that had to be amazing man of all the hate he had endured, all the prosecuting he had do it. They thought, ultimately, what we'll do is we'll nail him on a cross and rusifime and that'll be the end of him, and we'll put him in this tune and we'll put this big stone up there, and that'll be the end of him. But what they did not know was all you was doing was setting the tone for the next level. Because eventually the stone got rolled away and he went and got placed with his father where he was headed to. Anyway, he ultimately knew that his ultimate goal was to get to his father. So when you when you when you thought you were doing what you were doing to him, and you put him in a tune and you put the big stone up in there, and the stone got rolled got rolled away, and he went eventually to where he was trying to get to. That story is in place for all of us to remember that when we are going through some things, could it be because we are going to a place, you know, It could be just a place in life. It could be just a different level in life. That's all it has to be. But there's going to be the adversarial challenges that come with it, and those are the moments we must expect, expect and take them head on and still not lose your focus or appreciation for what God has done for you. So in light of all of that, I'm able to say to day that I thank my heavenly father, I really do for all the blessing season bestowed upon me and all of the haters and all of the liars, and all of the backstabbers and all those people. When you get through lying, when you get through stabbing, when you get through gossiping and doing what you do, I'm still going to the next level. I'm still going. You cannot stop what God has in store for you. No one can stop that show. Welcome to the ride. This to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Now understand something. This is a special broadcast. But he is here. I'll tell you about it in a minute. Roscoe Wallace, still involved in a three trillion dollar lawsuit against the music industry, is here to proclaim ownership of another hit. Ladies and gentlemen, we're here to support our brother Roscoe Wallace show his baby. Here was a potty college jelly everybody Tommy and nothing going on, But the Rick wrote that too. Here we go. You ever come along and ride on a fantastic voyage. I'm the captain or the vessel. I want to take your own a care little round the world. All the boys and girl, huh we you want to play for you? Oh, you know who we want to be. We want to be on the crude. I'm being entertainment boy, you wrote, I wanna hell y'all wrote that. I want to thank everybody on the boil the Lakeside. Lakeside never gave you credit for that, but then they lawsuit you will. I see that three trillion? Naw, how many people you sewing? Dog everybody? How did you come with that number? Trillion? Oh? I know they'd have made it look back all the hitting that King Cole all excuse excuse trying to say you wrote Christmas song for getty. I wrote that right now. I wrote all of them song right there. Everybody old me. Everybody ain't nobody who? What? Who? So I figured three trillion, I got one. Go ahead, Blue Rose, You'll never find you would never find jam another love like this. Come on someone who cares about you like a dude, all I wrote? She had no like right off. You know when you wrote him, you ain't got to wander bout them, So that one doing go ahead? But you know Lakeside, fantastic voyage back to that one. You know Kulio remember him the round? He sampled that too. So now you got to add him. He opened Julio olden okay, okay, Kulio, old men for a name my name Kolio. He would call himself Julio. And I said, let me ask you, so black and you who you want to hear? Call you Hulio? Really, Rosco, you hear you? You you're here to Harbart. You got to change your route so Coolio would be much cooler. Coolio? Who want to be Julio? Then you're gonna make all the lafteenos man. So you're trying to tell us that you named Coolio. That's what we're gonna go with. That's what did anybody here name me? No, don't give it them hoge, We're getting it three trillion. I gotta get up out of here. Y'all see ya all to morrow when the more and more remember more more the black history and white here I wrote white so home too? All right? Well, thank you Roscoe. Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, run that prank back right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well say, might as well tell him. We gotta tell him Steve. Let him know, Steve Harvey Morning Show this week is broadcasting laugh from duke back due back, don't I know you have deep down. We'll talk about it all morning time. Now to start your morning off with, run that prank back? What you got now? A wedding and a funeral even if it yeah, dub, don't fix w wedding and a funeral. Let's go cat dog if you would. Hello is Ryan Ali, I'm trying to Ryan Ryan. How you doing. Hey, I'm good. I'm a second. This is Josh Josh over at the I want to be officials at the church where you guys are are getting married tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, how you doing? Man? They want to thank y'all for that too. Man, we'll appreciate it. Sure. Yeah, well, we definitely hope to make you remember here soon or later since you guys are getting married. You know, hey, man, you know I'm trying to get this worst schedule change up. You know what I'm saying. They got me working on Sundays now, man, So sons, I tweaked at the mood that around a little bit. I'll be there. Okay. Listen, we have a bit of a situation that's come up. We had some problems and miscommunication and it's definitely been on the outside They had your name Ryan down here with your phone number as well as you're you're soon to be wife Sonya. They had her name here, but we didn't want to call her with this. We wanted to just reach out and talk to you and see. It just makes you aware of what was going on. Okay, Well, what's what's going on? Man? There's been a mix up on on scheduling. I don't know if you know Such the Older Maid she passed away a week ago. Oh and you're not You're not a member of the church, so you wouldn't know it. But she's one of the one of the oldest members here at the church. Such the Older Maid passed away. And what's going on? Is you all's wedding is tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right, but the actual funeral is at three o'clock here at the church. Okay, Uh, shame begin, brother wood, Josh, Josh, Okay, look here, brother Josh. We already got this thing in motion. Man. We didn't stand now they have. We had two hundred invitations, man, I mean, blessed old man and and and I understand that, but but but I mean, you know, she's there's no way we could have moved it around down the figures. Problem the funeral home is bringing the casket first thing in the morning. So what I want what I wanted to make you aware of, and I didn't want you to tell your wife this, but the actual casket will be in the saintuary, but we will have it. Hold hold of man, are you serious? I look at man, y'all need to move this round. I don't know what y'all gonna do. Y'all have a fellowship all in the back or something like that. We ryan the only place we can actually put the casket. And if we didn't put it there is in the actual room that you'll you'll soon to be wife would be changing in. That's the only place. Did you actually changing the room when the dead body? But you can't? And you know what, I understood that. That's the first thing I thought of, and I thought, I said, let's still put the casket away. It goes for the funeral and we're gonna cover it up and see. Basically, you actually get in wild But I can't even believe you call on me? Would did the man look at it? And it's use my French man. Yeah, I know I need to get back in the church. I really do. But right now, Doug, this ain't going down like this. Man, we didn't already pay the money first First, first of all, first of all, you know, I don't even feel like she may had to pay, you know, to hold no wedding over a hut church where she paid times a. That's that's the first thing. You know. I ain't like that from the jump. But I wouldn't hear when women because she want her pasta to marry us. And now you got to ner to tell me that y'all will arrange something. That funeral gonna happen the same day as my wedding and my wife's got to get dressed in the room with a dead body. Well, no, we're not gonna put her in there. Bro was like, I say, I'm putting that body first thing in the morning. I'm gonna put that body in the right there in front of the fullpit, and we're gonna cover it. Now, what you're getting out of this, you get more flowers, because there's gonna be flowers from the funeral. So I'm thinking that's probably gonna be a little bit of a pert point. I just wanted you to be on. It's probably gonna be more people than you think because some of the people that's gonna be as your wed and it's really for the you know, a hold hold of man, are you serious right now? I mean, look at doctor, I didn't paid for the wedding happened at this church, man, Okay, ain't in no disrespect to the lady that has passed called blessed her family. I ain't planning to not putting no dead body having a funeral as my wedding. Man. That's crazy. Down on the church too, sir. She's a member of the church too. Hey, I don't give it. I don't being no member of the church. Man. I ben't paid for this wid and it's gonna happen tomorrow. Man, you by six and of putting new dead body at my wedding, about run run I mean no disrespect, but the woman has passed. She is not gonna get up. I mean, what is the problem. The problem is YO called me with this man the day before my wed and we didn't schedule there six months ago. I gotta spending twenty five thirty thousand dollars on this wed, okay, and you're gonna tell me that we got to share our win with a funeral, but the hitlers won't with you. Man, Do you want to have your winning at this church? I pay for them? Which you mean I'm having the wind? Okay? I tell you what lit they about the bup in the morning I wrote in the right out to the street playing. Y'all just out things in front and and and throw flowers like throwing rice. But we're gonna have a wind inside the same yere tomorrow. I promise you that I can't. I can't not assure you that it won't be. I have no other place to put the body. Okay, Well I'll bet y'all find someone to put it. If I get that to Mark, it's about it in there. There's gonna be a couple of about it in there. Name. You got two choices to move that funeral or to reimburse me back this thirty thousand dollars out of an hour to spend those only two choices. I want to hear about it. Meet me at the front door to night with a thirty thousand dollars cash yer check. Always say to have this winding up and that to morrow morning. You heard me. I ain't playing. I ain't playing at all. No jokes. That's wrong with y'all. Man, you can do something else. I understand that nothing. I don't want to move from you. Man. Now, all I'm saying is it's gonna be a winning at this church tomorrow without saying bad about it. That's all I'm saying. Push it to the band. Man, There's there's one more, a bit of an issue that I need to tell you. Also, what can be worse than a dead about it? What issue can be worse than dead? By that way, the man, the issue, sir, that is worse than the dead body is. This is nephew comment from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your best man, Jeff got me the prank phone? Call you? What what about? You know? What made the bitch man about to get the best bloop? But he can possibly get it? Man playing then God leads that day it is to get the best beat down possible. Band, I'll tell you one more question. What's the baddest radio show in the land? Ryan, the Steve Harby Morning Show. Band? All right, thank you, nephew, coming up next, asked the CLO with Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is alive in Dubai. Yes we are, and we're gonna tell you all about our trip. Plus we'll tell you about Steve Harvey celebrity. It was star studded. Your golf tournament, it was star studded. You've got to have fun the gala last night with everything. Yes, yes, we're international now The Steve Harvey Morning Show also coming up at the top of the hour. In Trending Entertainment News, this is really, really a sad story. We were shocked when we found this out the fashion industry and the world. We're all shocked by the death of Louis Vutan's artistic director, Virgil Ablow. He was only forty one years old. Our deepest condolence is going out to the Ablow family. We'll talk about it at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for Steve's favorite segment. Asked the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey, Ready for your love questions? Yes, Steve, this one is from Tanya in Louisville. He says, last week, my husband and I celebrated our twentieth anniversary and he had quite a bit to drink. Then he passed out at my parents house. When my dad went down to wake him and helped me get him into the car. He told my dad he loves Dawn to death and wants to spend another twenty years with her. I heard my dad asking him who Dawn is, and he never answered. I can't get my dad to admit that my husband mentioned another woman by name. I'm furious. Why is he protecting my husband like this? Well, your father maybe did not understand what he said. Repeat what he says. Should He said he loves Dawn to death and wants to spend another twenty years with her. He said I'd love another Dawn, meaning another morning. Fix it. Oh that's what that was. It was another dawn. Yeah, his most sunrises with his daughter. That's all that was. And I don't know why you're tripping because he who was Why would he say Dawn twenty years at the anniversar, you know, I want to spend another Dawn. He you just didn't hear another? Don mean another more so, he wasn't dreaming about this Dawn woman, any woman. He wasn't dreaming about like that. No. No, first of all, it's a scientific fact. Drunk people don't dream. Really, yeah, they don't. They drunk? What drunk a drunk person? Wake up? Drunk people don't dream because they don't even remember what they did when they were to Wait, that's that's a fact. I think if he was talking about down, he could have been like telling at dawn of playing another ape. He could have been talking about Ceasar too. You know, it's a lot. He could be talking about man anytime. Next question, Oh, oh, okay, Moving on Smith and Jacksonville says, I'm a twenty eight year old single man and I have a lady that I'm interested in, but she's way out of my league. I've got a regular job and regular car, but I have tons of charisma and lots of connections in the city. I want to really impress her with a night out, but I need some pointers. I have about five hundred dollars for the night and that's it. I thought about cooking for her since it would be cheaper. What can I do to let her know I'm trying my best to win her heart? Well, twenty six year old, let's let's go back to you interested in a woman that's way out your league, way way out your league, But you got a lot of connections in the city. That charisma. Now let's just stop right here. Could be talking about charisma in the city, and five hundred dollars you're going to you're going to take charisma and just save your five hundred for Charis must give for rest all if you start this mess nine, you blow this five hundred. You do know she didn't get nothing for Christmas, so you can't. You can't play big boss willing and you ain't even and all these connections you got in the city, how connected can you be with this five hundred dollars? But you know from people down in that quick trip, I'm so surprised at you because usually you can really you know, no I can help him. But but see he out his league. That's what he wade out of it. Now you got charisma, dog, you will have to use him, okay, because the five hundred will be gone. I don't know what he's gonna do. A lot of people think they got chrisma. Killing don't what you're man about. I knew it, But see will that work? I got connections around and see you got five hundred dollars. But that's a lot to him. But one day, yeah, a lot, I know, but one day. Now what you're gonna do? What's next week? Okay, so cann he split it up? Can he do two fifty or two fifty nine? You out cho lead? You gotta shoot you whole load right now? Five hundred you might get away. Maybe four fifty. He must be fun. Yeah, it got to be. Yeah. What can he do to let her know he's trying his best to win her? Hut? Well, don't he tell her that he first of all that stop saying you have connections around the city, because a woman gonna want to know. Okay, what are the connection get this light bill of what bill? Connect Who can you call? You know somebody down that prod? You know, somebody at the car note place, you know, somebody down at the bank. I had to connect seat. But then then your connections gonna show up. Yeah, you know your boy he'll plug you know, get you a little at you if you come through Waterburger by ten thirty. I got you number one, my boy, my boy manager. So all yeah, I feel for you. Dope. That's he's not gonna get her because she's so out of his league, way out. See you look, you want to marry up anyway you want to date up please littlest most women really, so you got to turn on this charisma. And I don't know if you charismatic. Well he said to just take his work for people don't see it, ain't get it. Yeah, this is true. Now that's true, right there? All right, we're gonna move on. We wish he's best smith. That sucked, all right. Janey in Montgomery says, I'm a grandmother and I had all twelve of my grandchildren at my house for Thanksgiving and my boyfriend didn't like it at all. He refused to come out of our bedroom and said he didn't want my children back over to our house. I moved in with him a year ago, and I started to feel unwelcome and I told him that he's wrong. He said, I'm wrong, and I need to stop catering to grown people. I love my big family. Who's right and who's wrong? You right? And if it's your house? But see you moved here with him. Hello, see that go your problem? And you fifty and you his boyfriend? You his girlfriend, but you fifty. I have told you girlfriend stopped right after college. Okay, all right, once you a girlfriend, you must stop after college. You fifty. He needs to be a wife. You need to be co owner something. You need your name on something. D lease rent hen here telling about now I don't want your family over here, no more so now you got to give up your family for him? How valuable is he? Because he don't value the same things. You've had a whole turkey dinner back, watching that game, dressing, all the tremmor cat and all these people right here like you were here, like your family. Man, that's horrible. How do you not come out of your room Thanksgiving? Oh? I wanted to do it? Oh? How you didn't start? All right? All right, thank you, Cello. Coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. You're listening to show some sad news. This is so sad. Virgil Ablow, the founder of luxury streetwear brand of Off White brand Off White, and artistic director of Men's where Louis Vatan, has died from cancer at the tender young age of just forty one years old. Louis Vaton released a statement um saying we're all shocked after this terrible news. Virgil was not only a genius designer of Visionary. He was also a man with a beautiful soul and great wisdom, one of the most influential designers of his generation. We all know that Virgil was very good friends with Kanye West, Kim Kardashian. More. Celebrities such as Pharrell Williams, Idris Elba, Cynthia Arrivo Drake, and many others have shared touching tributes to Ablow on Instagram, talking about their friendships with him, his impact on fashion and culture. Ablow had been privately battling cancer for several years, and our deepest deepest condolences go out to Applow's wife, Shannon, his children, and his entire family. Very sad, that's really uh. I was shocked to hear it, you know. Such Yeah I did. First of all, I didn't know it was sick at all herself. Yeah, you know, Chadwick Boseman did. Yeah. Yeah. But oh man just just a really sad story. Man, great brother. I think I met him once, but you know, we didn't have a friendship or anything. I just met him. But he was gifted man and fall a black man to reach that level in the fashion industries, Like it's crazy. It's crazy because he was at the top. He wasn't trying to fit in work in none. He was creating different stuff. Man. I wore a lot of his stuff. Yeah, I got. I got some pants he designed. I got a lot of them. I got a lot, That's what I bought. The most stuff that he's designed that I ever bought total from Louis Vaton because I never had Louis Viton bags and nothing like that anyway. But I bought more clothes because of him, and a lot of stuff I wear. Man. The painted pants I just bought. A matter of fact, I bought him when I was here in Dubai. I ordered them from from Dubai. A lot of times. They don't have your size over him too. Yeah, you were at thirteen. You need to They look at you when you're telling them you I she was at thirteen. One of them, they one of them just start laughing at me. Okay, so what are you for you? No one mixed but Virgil Man Rest in peace. Man. Yeah, Yeah, he will definitely be missed in the fashion world for sure. Wow. I'm so sad. Yeah, shocking, just forty one. Wow, I'm amazed. How you keep it to yourself? Well, I think I think too some people, you know, like we were saying, Chadwick Bozeman and the battle of cancer. Sometimes you know, it's emotional. I think cancer is emotional disease too. So I guess whatever he had to do to try to get to the healing. Yeah, yeah, that privacy. Our condolence is like we said earlier going out to his family. Oh, yad is just it's unbelievable, is what it is. It really is. Um, all right, Steve, we are in Dubai. We are in Dubai. It's beautiful. Thank you for bringing us here. By the way. You know, I've been telling y'all about it, man, So now we're gonna be here for the week experiencing stuff. So it's gonna be nice. Man. We'll we'll share with you all some of the stuff. They tomorrow they'll be out at the X boat, Yeah, posting pictures on AIG and star. Yeah. And so you know, we'll be able to share some things with you. I'd love to tell you what time it is, but we don't know, um what day. It is, a little real radio and something feels long. It's dark. I'm starting sun like alcohol all right, mister alcoholic, please it's time for today's headlines. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss ann trip O, thank you very much. Everybody help We have good time, guys, because the rest of the country in the world, I don't know. Thanks to the new COVID variant omicron. Everybody's like, oh my goodness. The Biden administration slapped a band yesterday on all travelers from South Africa and seven other African nations. However, since they're also confirmed cases of omicron in Europe, like in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy, and now in Canada, President Biden says that while spreading mcrown variant, that variant is a cause for concern, he says it's not a cause for panics or later. We're going to see cases of this new variant here in the United States. We'll have to face this new threat just as we faced those that come before it. And the President says he doesn't think lockdown measures are needed in this country yet, but he urges everyone to take the shot and to wear a mask, okay, indoors especially. Testimony begins in Chicago today in the trial of actor Jesse Smallett, who police Chief Eddie Johnson says his accused of lying to the authorities a couple of years back when he reported being attacked for being black and for being gay. Empire actor Jesse Smillett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career. Why would anyone, especially an African American man, use the symbolism of a noose to make false accusations. Oh, he says, he's telling the truth. There's also two other witnesses. That's all white man, That's all exactly what I say that I saw. If convicted, Jesse smaalllet could get as much as three years behind bars. Most legal sprooks field he may get off with as little as probation. Jury selection begins today in Brooklyn Center, Minneapolis, and a trial a veteran white female cop who shot and killed a twenty year old black man named Dante Wright last April, whom she'd pulled over for a routine traffic stop. Turned out the young man had an outstanding warren. The twenty six year veteran a veteran she accidentally, she says, pulled out her gun instead of her taser and killed him. Her name is Kim Potter. She's accused of first and second degree manslaughter for acting with culpable negligence. Sad news Former Florida Congresswoman Carrie Meek has died at the age of ninety five. And sad news from the World of Golf Thanga Wool Thanga Wool Well. Decades before Tiger Wool who became the first black golfer to win the Masters Day was Lee Elder, who was the first black man to compete at Augusta Nashville in nineteen seventy five. Lee Elder died on Sunday at age eighty seven. Lee Elder was a four time PGA Tour winner. Mister Lee Elder now of back to the Steve Harvey Morning. Ye you're listening to so Steve, we are here in Dubai. Um we said it earlier. Thank you. We can't thank you enough because this trip is unbelievable. I mean, it's everything you said and more. Yeah, yeah, and y'all, y'all gonna see some incredible stuff before you leave. We had the golf tournament is a huge success. I flew a lot of celebrities over. Yeah for it. Thanks to the Dubai Tourism Board, who helped out in a great way. And then I told him I wanted to bring the radio show over here, and they responded, and so we'll be broadcasting exposes. And so the golf tournament was a huge success. Some of the people I had a con. I had Chris Tucker, I had believed Yoba, Anthony Anderson, shawt oh Man golf with Amarga shot me and Tommy played with Margaret shot. This dude right here, it's seventy two years old. He looks the same. I want to look like that man the ages. He looks the same. I mean, and he made you guys win second place, but they don't made us. Yeah he did that. Yeah, he pretty much won it for us. You know, his best ball, they used my ball maybe stepping dying. Yeah, because y'all seemed a little shock last night we were at the Gala awards. I was shocked. I was electrical. We took cycle. I was even most stunned at the first place one because acn one and this is the acon's first game of golf. Yeah, that's what he said. And I don't mean to see it, but that's cheap. That's just cheap. That's what Anthony Anderson said. He was pounding. Anthony Anson couldn't believe he was just from the stage, just Hollyod. He don't know over and this ain't the place for loud custom I can tell you that right now. You know, first listen to me. I cust on the golf call. He'monta knocked me down, Yo, man, yo yo. Because the head of tourism was Follows, who was a woman. Yeah, we made her and out of respect. You're not supposed to use profanita in front of a woman, right and you know nothing, but you're just not supposed to do it. So make sure did you notice last night at the gala? I did your boy didn't cuss one time? One time. I felt like your head was about to explode. Jim laughs. I was working for I could have had them because I got some magictives right here. Oh what's the ground from Insecure? She was here last Oh Yvonne. Yes, when we come back, I'm I'm gonna trying. We got I deduced the ladies to woman that's friends with Marjorie from Russia. I saw that. Just tell them that we screamed. Don't tell them what it was. I screamed. Yeah, I cried, I will tell you when we come back with that s. And I bought them over here. They they would they were, they were. There was a black woman and in this Russian moment, and I bought them over to the table to introduced them. Were friends with Marjorie. And I will tell you what happened when we come back. Ladies, pay close attention. When we come back, you'll find out that we were actually dealing with two hood people on the show three Monica Carling s and we're losing back after this. You're listening, Steve fin it's your story about Dubai. So we're at the gala last night, yes, and I was telling them a story about this woman who's at the gala as friends with Marjorie. And these two women and uh, it's a black woman and a Russian woman. I can't I can't say their names. Beautiful women. But they were walking by and I said hold on, and I jumped up and I grabbed them and they came over to the table and uh, I said, this is the woman right here and she's r shit introduced him, Yes you did, and then I said show him your hand. She held her ring this woman had a ring on one hand that seriously and they just started screaming. I said, I know there enough in the ambassament and they started screaming, and then carl And started crying. I said, what are y'all doing? And then her friend said, look at her other hand and she pulled up another rock. So you all, you all will never meet this one. But let me splay something ring around. Let me tell you something. The one the pass shaped diamond, yes, was fifty nine million dollars. How is that finger? So? I can't tell you details, but I know the story because I was with them in Santo Pay one year. Yeah, when it all came out, I was sitting next to the jeweler and sold it to him. And then her other hand had a ring on it that was almost forty It's a lot of money in this world, yes, But you know what I learned last night again, just this whole trip. Life is too short. You gotta live. And I appreciate you, Steve, exposing us. I know it was cool having y'all there too, because it gave me a ground spot. You know, somebody I really really knew, that really really knew me, and not this world that I discovered you know what I mean. For me, it's alarming too, because I get to meet people who are doing very well aspirational and things like that. But I don't hate on nobody. I see its things are possible. But I have realized, brother quickly, Yes, that I was at a table, and I realized very very quickly that I was the poorest person at the table. And I knew, I said, because I was sitting next to a dude. Man, it was a funny story. Man. I don't know if I should tell that story. Oh when you question it like that usually yeah, yeah, I problem shouldn't tell because because you just like I saw a man write a check the other day and hand it to the dude and said, and that's it. Take it. I'm not paying anymore twenty nine billion dollars. I'm not doing anymore. So I'm not doing that's it. So that's what he settled. Yeah, yeah, so if you wrote something for twenty nine now listen to me. Got a lot more twenty nine billions, Like he didn't like, actually write the check. I would do it for a lot. Whatever it is. I don't even know what he's doing, but I could save you a bunch of billions. I'll do it. I don't even know what he did, but I was willing to negotiate and save you billions. Would have went right there in the living room flow. I'd have went right now. Don't say that. Tell me you can't say that when when you see something like this, here's the first time everything little control, you know what, though, I have to say this, I'm very proud of myself. I made it. She come, tell my she wanted to get off. I did you know? You know how I am about flying. I have such a fear of it, but I do believe in facing your fears, and I did it. Was it was rough, but we called a pilot for y'allness. But on the way back, chirl, I'm telling you what you have to take. Yeah, and you tell me because you took that melo melotonin. But you took one melotonin. Excuse me? She said you heard of Well you'd have been sleep in just some messages. Face your fears, because I would have been upset had I missed all of this. I missed this is so beautiful and wonderful, that melanoman. I'll be saying stuff like that in front of people they'd be just wink, just linking. All right, all right, uh, we'll be telling you about our experience in Dubai all morning long. Coming up next, it is a nephew with run that prank back from Dubai. Right after this you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he loves her, but he won't leave me. We'll get into that. We'll get into that. What is the problem? You be quiet, We'll get into that in just a bit. Right now. The nephew is here. You hear him with today's prank phone call? What you got for his naph What is one on in a lot of houses doing? Thanksgive it right here? Oh really this went on. This happened because you know everybody bringing him this pot, that pot, the pot look you know how to go. And it happened in my house and I'm tired of this. This was my last one. But this right here is the pot. Look, bad pot luck. That's the title. Bad Potluck. Okay, okay, I know y'all as brains and stuff. Y'all house just trifling. M okay, I'm not gonna say nothing, but I shouldn't want to say something. I know my wife. Listen, but your cousin can't brain over ting no more and put some damn blueberries in. She can't do that. No, I'm just gonna gonna see it. She can't do it no more. Okay, you can't bring no greens and then have some kind of meat into that ain't turkey and we don't know what that is. You can't do that normal to us summer Saulsi, get the greens. What you're doing? You cannot experiment on big holidays? All right, this is bad potlock. Let's go cat though. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to fly helper. Excuse me, I'm trying to reach a heatherer. How about you? Okay, listen, Uh I got your number from from Lois. Look that's my mama. I'm my reach. I'm Lowi's oldest son. Now wait wait excuse me, Lois? Who's Lowis? Look? Okays? Yes, yes, yes, hi? How are you? I'm good? You you you you? You was at a Mama Thans house on on New Year's Day? Yes, yes, was then? Okay when I got when I got there, you was gone. But what I'm what I'm calling about it is you don't want made the black eyed peas? Right? I did you enjoy them? No? I enjoy the mother. That's why I'm calling. Let me say this here. Let me say this. No, no, no, come at work. You can't talk to me like this. Don't do that. Don't do that. Hey, whatever you gotta say, but please don't curse at me. Don't. Okay, no, no, he go to deal your my beans. Got my checked up and I didn't have to go down to the doctor, get my stomach pump. I ain't got no damn insurance nothingness. You know this, this, this didn't have me messed up for the last week number for the loans to tell you exactly you know how things okay. First of all, okay, I told you ask I'm at work, I'm around all these white people. I can't talk to you the way I want to talk to you. But let me just tell you this. Don't call me with the dumb. First of all, it was a whole bunch of food there. How do you know? How can you single out my damn beans that made you sit with all that got food there? You're not gonna blame me. Get out of here. Mama. Mama bean says you are the one to make the place you don't give us. Your mama being said, it was all this food there, and you're gonna single out my beans. Nobody else complained, you know what the day's date is, okay, and not one other person called me about them beans, and by the as a matter of fact, other people were complimenting me. So for you to call me with the dumb all late and wrong, you're gonna blame me high because you need a doctor's appointment. You should have got Obamacare when it was available to you. And how you want to call me with no no, no, no, no no, So you could tell somebody you're trying to blame somebody else's food. Joe beings lot stomach up and that's where and that's where the falls down to. And at the end of the day, your friends can mist know the hell I ain't what doctor bill you said you want having shurance, So how does the hell is you? I had to play out my pocket to get my stomach pumps? Okay, well taking care of if you paid out your pocket, that means the bill is pain so you can get and you're gonna reimburse me well, no, I'm not going to reimburse you with you okay and fast, I got more beans for you since you got a problem with them, I got a whole bowl for you. Okay, how about because you're foolished, so if it made you, that's good for you. Hey, look look, I'm gonna tell you this here right now. Uh. The bill was four hundred and seventy two dollars. I need four hundred. Send me four hundred and send me two dollars for your boys things. No, no, no, no, you're not getting the money from me. And I need to go because I got work to do. I don't know what you got to do. Spend it all this time on the phone talk about something with all that food. So the rice didn't do it, the meat didn't do it. They had some other gravy. Gravy always people up that didn't do it. You want to sing about my beans? Otta here, don't be calling me with this dumb you know what? Now? Company who gave me your number? Because I don't even know you. I do know your mom, a little mama. Mama didn't gave me your mumber. I called mama Dan passing out numbers. Well, I don't want to call Mamma Dean, And I'm gonna see if anybody else got sick, which I know they didn't because your ass is fullish. So I'm gonna call her see if anybody got sick. How about we do it that way. And I also I'm gonna call your mother. Okay, I'm gonna call Miss Lois and see why her dad son is calling me on the phone, because this is something broke. I'm sick inside of this phone call and nothing was wrong with my beans. If anything something wrong with you, and so take a access this, clear your ass out and keep it the moving if you're gonna get off my doctor. Okay, okay, okay, they say they say Tommy had some problem with the bage thou. First of all, I don't even know no God, Tommy, I barely know your mom. I just know her by face. I don't even know her know her. So Tommy, Hugh, I'm calling Mamma Deane. Hint, got no bodiness getting my mother number to nobody. This is what you what you want me to tell Tommy. I've just told you I don't know anybody named Tommy, so you can tell him whatever you want to tell him. And if you try to gain other people who want to jump on your side, it's not going to happen because nobody complained about the thing. Give me her, give me another names because Tommy wasn't there. I know just about everybody that was there. What nobody named Tommy there? Okay, okay, so you're gonna say, nephew, nephew Tommy wasn't there. What nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Martin shoe and have you? Are you crazy? Your cover? I need to play phone call you crazy? I'm at work. Couple walking by me looking at me cause I'm about to get up Tommy, are you crazy? Good? Oh man, you got me, You got me one to taste your black eyed peas. But good nobody can play. I'm sitting here like I know you get these people. Fret you aren't gonna get no money. Tell me this, tell me this is the baddest, the baddest radio show in the land. Oh but you know it, but you know it's Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh my god, this is great. Keep cooking your bean. But you are all right? Thank you? Having New Year? All right? New Year? And I probably pop up in Mammatan house. Here. You are welcome to car We're gonna stop all this this bad pod luck. We're gonna stop it. We're gonna stop bringing these podlucks. Thanksgiving turk huddy police. I think food police, Well we need food police. You know what happened in my house, but you know it's been doing keyto low carbs and Thanksgiving. I just decided, you know what, I'm enjoying my day, so I let Golden at all at three sweet potato pies. I said, okay, okay, when I get through, I'm a chill them. Give me big hunk a sweet potato pie. Do you know they ate all three of them sweet potato pomes before you got dog. I went over there and Marger said, you didn't get no pie. I said, no, I was waiting because I was after the game. Was da ate all three of them sweet potato pies. The kids, the kids, the grandparents, they friends. I walked in the kitchen, I looked at everybody. I'm different. I get mad and my wife at that point, hey, I'll meet some food some side take hire me. I'm sorry first, very nice me. Some fools. Yeah, okay, if you don't man, you have me a plate set us side. I'm not gonna eat these large, gigantic plates where everybody are eating. I'm not gonna do that. What if she put your plate aside and somebody eating and we want somebody now un cane to my house? Still it all right? Well, thank you nephew for that. Good luck in your marriage. All right, we're coming up Strawberry letter. Subject he loves her, but he won't leave me. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steven Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and you never know it could be yours. You never know, you never know, so buckle up and hold on tight. We got it full you here at ease. Strawberry Letter, Thank you nephew. Subject he loves her but he won't leave me. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am thirty four years old and my husband is forty eight We've only been married six years, and I found out that he's had a relationship with another woman for the past three years. Not only is he with this woman more than he's with me, they have a two year old son together. When I married him, he didn't have any children and I have two. He adopted my children because their father passed away. I still can't bring myself to tell our children that they have a little brother, because I'm embarrassed and feel like I've failed as a wife and a mother. My husband's mistress came to me and told me that she was pregnant by my husban, and my life has been in shambles since then. The three of us sat down and had an adult conversation about how we'd handle things. The baby is innocent, and the baby is innocent in this, so yes, I love this little boy and I have a cordial relationship with this woman. I also drink a lot of Martinis when I need to let off steam. The problem I'm having is with my husband. He won't go be with her, and I can tell that's truly where his heart is. He is still trying to caress me and make love to me like everything is cool, but every time he leaves the house, I feel like he's going to her to do the same thing. I have seen his credit card statements where he's purchased things for her and his son. He thinks I'm cool with everything, so he has nothing to hide. I told him that he might as well invite her over for Thanksgiving dinner, and now he thinks I'm losing my mind. I think it's time for him to man up, tell our children about their sibling, leave our house, and get his life back on track with his new family. How do I get through to him that it's not okay when I've mistakenly made him feel that it is. How do I move on? Wow, this is a hard one to move on, to move on from? I mean, your husband having a baby with another woman, all that. You know, that's a very apropos appropriate question. Whatever you want to say, how do you move on? Well, first, you know, you have the adult conversation, so he thinks that you and the woman and him are all cool because you invite her. But just tell him the truth. Let him know that none of this is working for you. Let him know all of that okay, talk to him, tell him the truth. You're telling us but you're not really telling him. You're just saying, invite her over and do things like that. That's not cool. You gotta tell him what you really really feel. Okay, one way to move on is forgiveness. I know you're not there yet. I can already see it in the letter. You said you drink a lot of martinis to get through this. So you know, like I said, you gotta talk to him. You gotta let him tell him he's got to go. It's not his decision anymore. He made the decision to have the baby with the other woman. He needs to get out. He does. He's adopted your children, all of that. You guys have to work all of this out. He's made a mess of everything everything, So just tell him and then put him out and work everything else out after he's out. All right, Steve, this is a little water over the damn advice that I'm about to give you. But there's also a way that you can create a new damn and let it water flow. So I have it for you. See, I've got the whole thing. You've been married to this man and for six years, and he's forty eight and you're thirty four, and you found out he's been having aim. They shifted this woman for three years and now they got this two year old baby. And when you marry him, he didn't have no kids, and you got two kids, and he adopted your kids because your kids father passed when he adopted. Got all that, and you can't bring yourself tell your children they got a little brother because I'm in bad feel like I failed as a wife and a mother. Well you you've done neither of those. You haven't failed as a wife or mother. Why are you taking this own as blamed for yourself. You didn't fail as a wife or mother. You did all your wifely duties and you've done all your motherly duties. What that's not an excuse for a man to go have another whole family. So I'm gonna help you out to minute him my husband mistress. Here we go. My husband mistress came to me and told me she was pregnant by my husband, and my life been in shambles since then. Well right here, See my life ain't gonna be the only one in shambles. See when you're coming here with some bad news for me, I think we need to share some more, Bady, And I think the sharing should have went down immediately. You know, I look just if I look as a man. I want you to understand I'm talking to this woman as a woman. When this mistress came to you and told you she was pregnant by your husband, you being another woman, could have handled it different because it ain't you got two kids. Ain't you been pregnant before? So tasko, I'm thinking he should have got physical there, that's just me. I don't see how I didn't, but I'm just saying I'm thinking it should have got physical. But once again, like I told you, this is a water over the damn conversation. But I'm goin to show you how to build a new damn so you can get the water coming over. The three of us sat down and had an adult conversation about how we'd handled thing. See right there here part in the concerts. First of all three of us are not sitting down because what I'm about to do, we all gonna need to be standing because there's need gonna be some furniture moving going on up and then we're gonna be some foot shuffling and some hand swinging. So I don't know how you do that sitting down let's y'all in wheelchair. Oh but y'all y'all ain't wheelchair. We need everybody on the feet. So when I come back, I'm explaining it to you how this little sit down with a win? All right, all I got to say, be ready? All right, Thank you, Steve. We'll have two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject he loves her but he won't leave me. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject he loves her, but he won't leave me for the ye old man? Where's this? Thirty? Marriage is thirty for ye old woman. They've been married six years. He's been having a relationship for three years. He had to mess around and had a little boy by this other woman, and he never had any kids, and now he got this little boy. But he adopted her his wife's two kids because they father passed away. And then you know, you're embarrassed to tell your kids because you feel like you fail as a mother and a wife. And I must tell you you haven't done either. Please don't make this your problem alone. We got to make this everybody problem. Then you said my husband mistress came to me and told me she was pregnant by my husband, and my life being shambles every since. Well it's time to get some more lives in shambles, because what you ain't gonna do is come over here and tossed mine upside down without yours getting tossed right smooth back upside down. You want to stand, you feel me? The three of us sat down and had an adult conversation. No, we didn't. The three of us was in that moving furniture around. The three of us was in there. We were doing everything, but having a conversation. We were holly, no, no, no, no, we're gonna be Holland's as an adult, cussing as an adult, sidestepping, swanging as an adult. But we're not talking about how we should handle things. You're gonna find out how we're handling it as soon as you come through the door. Now, the baby is innocent in this soul. Yes, I love the little boy. Let's stop that. That's for women. Women can say that I'm not loving it a little lad. No, I'm a man. We don't we don't do that. We're men, wenna love No, no, not man, come up in here pregnant talking about this head were fling all love it. No, we're not. No, the little boy got a problem with me. Get over there with your daddy, your baby. Find to find out something about life. That's what you're what y'all ask for to do. I just told you everybody life to get tossed upside down. Let's mind and we that's your life, my life, and the baby life too. Bring him over here if you want you. We ain't got no similar. Well, animal, we ain't got a guy. We gotta passify. We ain't got nothing. We gotta blake baby blanket. We ain't got nothing to set your ass up. Watch his game with me and deal with Stop all that crime. Now I have it, and I loved it. Boy, and I have a cordial relationship with this woman. Why what conversation did you have? I also drink a lot of martinis when I need to let off Steve. The problem I'm having is with my husband. He won't go be with her, and I can tell that's truly where his heart is. He's still trying to carrest me and make love to me. Like everything cool, But every time he leaves the house, I feel like he's going to do the same thing over her. I've seen his credit card statements where he's purchased things for her and his son. He thinks I'm cool with everything, so he has nothing to hide. I told him he might as well invite over for Thanksgiving, and now he thinks I'm losing my mind. See, because he trying to keep that line and division drawing from yours. So y'all don't ever come together so he can keep these two separate lives gone. And that's where you're wrong. You should call un invite ho over the thanksgi. Yeah, she should call the woman and invite. Since y'all y'all over there and had a cord conversation, Now let's have everybody over the house to Thanksgiving. Yeah, when they get over there, don't cook a damn. I knew it well, ain't got nothing ready, don't have my robe on, and some shouts. Listening to the WBC Heavyweight, tighten a little world. I'm whipping everybody ass in here for Thanksgiving. Now listen to me. I'm gonna give your chance to put the baby in the swain. Why are we doing our things. Put the baby in the swain, but we're not gonna crank it up. I don't need him to go to sleep. I need him see what's finn? Have him to a mom and a damn. He needs to learn some things to right. I think it's time for him to man up and tell our children about their sibling, leave our house, and get his life back on track with his new family. How do I get through to him that it's not okay when I mistakenly made him feel that it is. This is where you can build that bridge up with water over the bridge. No, no, no, you got to let him know at Thanksgiving that this ain't okay, that that sit down we had shouldn't have been a sit down. It should have been a throwdown. And on Thanksgiving had a throwdown that this is after Thanksgiving. So we got Christmas coming perfect, perfect good. If you wreck a holiday is memory, it'll be years. Girl. You remember that time she invited us over Christmas? Wasn't no tree showing all the snow out of her yard? She had a leaf blow and blew all the snow out of y'all ain't know what was happening, girl, whatever, there were no lights went on, and you know, breaking light. She hand on Santa Claus hold that gold Man was about five of her girlfriends and that all of them were just had on swimmer, chalk and brawl, putting vastline on their face and taking that year in the girl they was in here. Who girls, he ain't know what to dude, And the baby was in there just crimed. Somebody snapped the baby to baby shutter. Look. I just said, oh man, we're going on up in here. Oh that was a crazy Christmas. Who girl, it was a crazy ass Christmas up in the hill. Then she had to never to have done it half the way on this Christmas, this Christma, And I said, man, ain't never seen nobody fight to this stupid foster coming some Today's Strawberry Letter. I'm sorry, that's good stupid, right, Steve Harvey I film on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast to please. It's on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. More trending headlines right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show in trending news. Well, finally justice was served in the guilty verdict of the three men who killed twenty five year old unarmed jogger Ahmad Arbury. Greg McMichael, his son Travis, and neighbor William Roddy Bryan were all found guilty and will remain in jail until sentencing up next charges for the former Georgia prosecutor Jackie Johnson. Now, Jackie Johnson used her position to protect the killers. She was all the way wrong for that, but at least they were found guilty. I mean, people were worried after Kyle Rittenhouse, after that verdict. Finally yeah, finally justice. Yeah. And she tried to cover this up. Yeah she did, she really did. They almost got away with him almost almost. Yes she was, Yes, she was. And it was you know, man, the prosecutors were so racist when tired of these black preas. We don't need no more black preachers coming down here. Wait a minute, so it would have been on care if they were watching. Yeah, I mean, man, they did so they were so blatantly racist. But I was looking at the face of Roddy what was the third ran He got not guilty in that first one and had that look of hope. Yeah, and then they started snatching it away and he looked broken. Now the reason only one of them testified that the boy that shot him, because he was the best that the prosecutor could present, I mean the defense could present because he kept saying the right things they taught him. They couldn't get the other two to say the right thing, so they didn't check this because they were not coachable. Because the old ignorant as hell betters what you mean, won't mean to say that? Yeah, And they couldn't get him. So they had the one hope that they had understand the son that they could convince to keep trying to repeat. I felt endangered. I didn't know, I stand. I just wanted to talk to him. No, you didn't know. We call the video guns blazing. Now you don't take a gun to go talk to nobody a rifle? Yeah, and all y'all. And and then when he shot Aubrey, and I watched his father pull his gun out, like, oh, okay, the shooting, No, y'all already killed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but it was it was a great moment of justice. None you've been about to be in in a sale with your daddy for right, right, right, and the prosecution, the not the prosecutor, the defense attorney, the woman who said about Amad's long dirty toe nails. That was so horrible, That was so horrible, and her closing statements, Yeah, closing arguments and that, Yeah, what disrespectful caused Amad Aubrey's mother to walk out. She walked out of the court rooms. Believe that what are you talking about? Her son is dead and those three men killed them and they need to go to prison for the rest of their lives. So why are you bringing this up? I just stopped order for me. Yeah, all right, they're waiting sentencing coming up at the top of the hour. We are in Dubai and we'll tell you about it right after this you're listening to so Steve, we cannot thank you enough for Dubai. It is beautiful over here. We're here always. Yeah. Got a couple of things, uh for y'all to see and experience. Uh, it's a wonderful place to come for everybody. Oh you should look into some packages they have with tourism and come over here and see it. My favorite places actually Abu Dhabi because it's not quieter. But Dubai is amazing. People, Oh my god, are so They're so nice and lights and respectful and they close so white? What are they watching that? I mean, it's the purest white I ever. You mean you want to know what's in that? It's really weird. But just when you walk down, there's no homelessness. Yeah, and you write trash, there's no trash. You won't find nothing on the ground. Right. The unemployment rate is unbelievable. Everybody has a job here that wants to work. Oh wow, Wow, there's no like unemployment. There's no work, no, no, no, we have work for you. And like a lot of people come here for work at a lot of people that don't are not here. They house them and they take buses to pick them up to bring them to work. Wow, it''s hard to believe what it's own fifty years. That's that's that was Who does this in fifty years? If you look at this place, anniversary is this week. The UAE is fifty years old this week. And it was this was a Dubai was a pearl diving center for people dole for pearls and it was like trading docs and stuff like that. But just fifty years ago it was just villages and saying wow. But their leadership here is different than if they have vision, and of course they don't have to run it by anybody, so he ain't got to pass it through the Center and the Congress and the NBCEE. What the governors want to do? No, no, no, no no. They make a decision over here, and it happens, but they make decisions based on the people what's best for their people. You know, people talking about what that's we can vote in American that's great, and voting is great and where the supposed to do that in America as well, it's absolutely but people talk about what you know, nowhere else is like that. I don't I wouldn't wanna live what somebody just didn't excuse me. It's working over here. Yeah, you know, y'all in England ain't saying nothing about this queen that just get to be queen. You know, y'all got a parliament and all that, but they just born into it. Yeah. The difference over here is the royal families over here in the UAE. The healthcare system over here is in everybody goods healthcare. You have you seen anybody on the street begging anybody? Have you seen anybody that look that looked just I don't try, no, no, not at all. That's not what they go. We we they love people over here. If you want to work, we have work. It's an architect's dream over here. The buildings that are beautiful, amazing, And can't we just say the game, the Lambo game. But I want to go to the junk yard. I know they got to be some life lambo after the lambo here. Yeah, you should go to the auto strip. Okay, okay, where they have every car dealership back to back to back. Just goes walking. You ain't got to go in. Just look in the window that got stuff in that window. You've never seen it. So what are we doing today, Steve taking us today? I don't really know yet, you know, I say, But just whatever it is, it couldn't be bowling. Yes you do. Yes, I love it, man. I really appreciate God and the life he's given me and allowed me to live in a way that I really I really didn't expect because it's exceedingly and abundantly over all I ever thought i'd asked. So I'm grateful, man, I'm glad y'all can see some of the two. I'm thankful, Yes, yes, yes, all right, all right, guys, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. All right, here we go, Carla is here with the quick music news. What you got, Carla, We'll still trending on social media, guys. The Soul Train Music Awards was this past Sunday. Shout out to a Shanty. She did her thing, Lady of Soul Awards, Maxwell did his thing. He was honored. Tisha Campbell and Tsina Arnold they were hosts and they didn't like a look cute skit because you know, this was the first time the Soul Train Awards were in New York at the Apollo Theater. Oh wow. So Tisha Campbell dressed as Steve Harvey and Tsina Arnold was Keiki Shepherd. So that was a really cute it. Up in the audience. They talked to p J. Morton. It was just yeah, it was just really really cute. Fred Hammond, he did his thing. He performed, so it was good and of course some performance by Silk Sonic. We love anders impacts on. I just want to say that trending news on the Soul Train Music Awards and shout out to Steve Harvey. Yeah, everybody, it's kind of cool that that's still going on, you know what I mean. Yeah, Soul Train was such important to our culture. That was everything. I used to come home on Sandy to watch them. Yes, watch nothing but that that. I remember the dancer, long hair, don't care. Yes, she was sex. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. All right, guys, here we go. It's time for another round of would you rather? Would you guys rather be Batman or Superman? Simple? Who would you rather be? Batman or Superman? Think about it? Batmobile, dot them City, yea robbin. I'd rather be Batman because at least I get to wear the black man. I can't be the white dude. Okay, true man don't ever get to be black the white dude. So this is about race. Ye, black Man, black Man. I gotta go with Superman, then bat still scary head. Superman is not Man. Spider Man guys was bat scale, hill bats and bats. It's just too much. So you're gonna be so last Superman. I mean, Superman did I I meant to say, Spider Mansion, his little lass in that phone, booths trying to change him closing. Somebody somebody hung him up on the top of that phone. I'll make a great Superman questions in that sea right now. I would rather stop telling. All Right, let's see, you're in the NBA Championship. Okay, you're you guys are playing. It's like, let's say, ten seconds left, you got the ball, are you going to Would you rather pass the ball to Steph Curry or Lebron James step Curry? Oh that was easy, Curry. He's a better shooter, Okay, because Steph can make it from anywhere on that float damn half court. Now you can just throw it to him and both of them really mad right now. Though, It's a lot going on, a lot of tensions, a lot of tension between the right, between you who wrong. You know, he had this issue with a little you know fight that went down, not with each other, though, No, no, no, no, no no. Then steps was in the news the other day. It's just a lot a lot going out. You're telling about the elbow. Didn't really put that elbow. He got suspension for real, He did one game though, right, okay, elbow do yeah? Yeah, yeah, I just can't imagine him doing that. All right, here's another one. Would you rather lose your vision or lose your hearing? God? Not be able to see or not be able to hear? No more music, No more music? Tough, I really lose hearing? Yeah, I just, I just I just read the hell out two lips and do a lot of mystery. I didn't cut everybody a little reason? What loud? I can't hear? What? What? What? Did? Just just tell it to your drama? Slow your lips down? Okay? All right? Would you rather win the lottery or live? Oh? We gotta go, all right now we're finish. It would come back? You're listening to show? All right? Here we are, last break of the day. Let's do more. Would you rather yeah? Okay, I make sure up. I'll make sure I pay attention this time, all right? Would you rather have what I say? Would you rather win the lottery? Okay? Or hey, I knew you were gonna or just live twice as long, live longer? Would you rather live longer or win the lottery? Have more of life? Or let me what they're talking? How much is the lottery. Just win the Okay, I'll put a price on it. Uh, one hundred million dollars jack pot. I'm a live. Look what over a hundred million? Over a hundred mil Yeah, I got to live you sixty? You trying to be that ain't gonna be a good. Look. Got that hundred million? And six years you're gonna be so wild. It's the roughest six year ever. Six Why don't he sits? So? What is he doing? Now? All right? Would you rather be able to talk with the animals, you know, talk to the animals be or would you rather speak all foreign languages? Boom? Yeah, no, none, dude, little that thing? Yeah, come on, I could just communicate with elephants and just as no lions and animals that could kill you a little time. He'd be riding cats and stuff, running the world, all right? Um? Would you rather be without internet for one week? Or without your phone? Your cell phone? Oh? Without the internet. I don't need that phone. I knew you were gonna say phone. I gotta take it everywhere I go. I don't know we're talking about. When you say everywhere everywhere? Explain every child, bath room, what the shower? When I had surgery. I put it in my gown. What get your nephew? Why you I'm under and got it in my gown. I don't need no internet phone week. I need that phone, need your phone? All right? Would you rather spend the night in a luxury hotel room or camping surrounded by just beautiful, beautiful scenery, pano what the hotel room looks like? Because you can get some dope with beautiful luxury hotel or beautiful scenery outside. Yeah, no, I'm gonna need to be inside. I'm not crazy about campus. Yeah, that's got what we more black people are camping now. I can't pitch your tent to save my life, so I don't know how to do that. I'm gonna go down tell you, yeah, I don't. I don't want to tan in tent tent. My problem, that's I don't mind the damn tent. But somebody hit growling and damn tent. Now I'm in here with some pepper sprays trying to get a bell. All right, Um, all right, I know the answer to this, but I'm gonna ask it anyway. Would you guys rather read just a wonderful, wonderful book. I know, I know I already know, I already know. Or watch a great movie. Yeah, read a wonderful book. Just read an awesome book. That movie on two hours, just a great book. You could read a book in a short period of time book, hold long, I've never really you just don't read under two weeks, even the book you wrote, the several books that you've written. Two weeks, two weeks. Yeah, you could read a book in two weeks, Steve, Now, come on every day. We don't want to read every damn day. I'm going with the movies. Read every day. And somebody had this thing at work. One time we worked at four amot of companies. Religious labels told us a way we could read the Bible and be finishing a year. Okay, yeah, what happened and started? Did you participate in awesome book? I was the third day. I was out still. Yeah, I've heard this story printed version, it's take away. He said, let that be Yes shot it. And then they started talking about some people that when I find Adam and even he knocking what I can't remember these people names. I was just in that struggling. I said, now, uh, this is Glover. She said, So you're not going to do it. No, nothing for the rest of the year. It picks up and du to Romen, I said, what is that? It's the second book in the Bible? Really, you know where Psalms that? Because what I like to read. Yeah, I like psalms and proverb. When is we getting to those several books? I thought you said we just gonna read the Bible. No, the books in the Bible. And then Tommy's famous line, nobody reads booth the Book of Ruth anymore. But it preached from the Book of Roof. Okay, oh we did this one before. See if you guys have changed your mind. Would you rather explore space like a lot of people Michael Strahan is getting ready to go up in space the next one, he'll be the next one. Or would you like to explore the ocean? No changing that you want to go in space? No, I won't go in space. I got to choose going on up. At least that's similar to an air plan. Yes, this all up on the head and water something I hear a crack, I don't fell out. At least something close to heaven, dog and a pike bust down there? All hell going? All right? Thank you guys. That was good Bye from the Baby. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.