Stephen A's Take: VP Kamala Beat Trump Twice - with her speech and the TV ratings

Published Aug 24, 2024, 8:00 PM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.

Let me get started with the Democratic National Convention that wrapped up last night. Like I told you in Chicago, Illinois, the convention was an event that was star studed from start to finish, with luminaries from all walks of life. The Democratic parties showcase their best and brightest on the night where Kamala Harris officially accepted the Democratic nomination for the President of the United States of America. She's the first woman of color to ever accept a major party nomination in this country. Okay, even though you know women of color, of course, I was getting rid of shy woman.

But Hillary Roddy Clint did do it in twenty sixteen. But I digress. She's not a woman of color. That would be Kamala.

Nevertheless, the world was watching as we finally got a chance to hear the Vice president's plan for America.

And that's where I want to start.

First things First, I thought she started off slow. I was a bit worried at first. Okay, I really really was. And I'm looking for something that I said to one of my boys last night because we were watching it and talking to one another while she was on stage.

And you know, there were.

Questions initially for the first five to ten minutes or so. I wanted her to come out swinging. I wanted us to come out. I wanted her to come out inspiring us. I wanted her to come out exuding more confidence in her ability to be a strong, capable president president.

And I felt initially she had slow rolled it a little bit.

To the point where she was pushing, pushing out her resume, and I thought that was caving to the cynics out there who were questioning her legitimatecy And she.

Didn't need to do that. You're the vice president of the United States. Swinging and dead. She got it going.

And from that point forward, when she called the former president of the United States unsiious, that's when I said, oh, oh, here we go.

Look at this sound right here, un serious, Look at this.

Fellow Americans. This election is not only the most important of our lives, it is one of the most important in the life of our nation. In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences, but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious. Consider not only the chaos and calamity when he was in office, but also the gravity of what has happened since he lost the last election.

See that's where I'm going right there. I love the fact that she brought that up because that's why he's not getting my vote. See you, no matter what I believe, in America, things are cyclical. What goes around comes around, and it might might be your turn this time, it might be your.

Turn next time.

But the reality of the situation is, this is the United States of America. We've had Nixon, We've had Ford, we had Carter, we had Reagan for a couple of terms, and George H. W.


Then we had Clinton for a couple of terms. After that, we had George W. Bush for a couple of terms. Even though one could easily argue you should have been Al Gore if it if it wasn't for the hangar Chad's in the state of Florida.

But I digress. Okay.

They he won in two thousand, came back in two thousand and four, beat John Kerry.

After that, what did we had? We had Obama.

Who beat Hillary and all the other Democrats that tried to get in their way, and not only did he then did he beat John McCain in the general election, and then after that he beat Mitt Romney, even though Mitt Romney slaughtered Barack Obama in the first debate on the economy. Last two debates, you know, Barack Obama showed up and handled his business. But that first debate against Mitt Rodney, damn and I almost called for mercy.

Were almost way to town. It was that bad.

But we had Barack Obama there, and then after that it was supposed to be Hillary, but it ended up being Trump, and then after trumpet was Boden And now here we are.

It's not a dead end, at least it hasn't been in the past.

But when you call some unserious, and he's proven himself to be unserious in terms of his verbiage and his willingness and ability to articulate policy and some of the decisions that go behind it. And we're not worried about a personal agenda contaminating the proceedings because of relationships with dictators across the globe or whatever the case may be. And you talk about a man being unserrious, but the consequences of him returning the office is serious. I thought that was a point that needed to be made. I thought it should have been made sooner rather than her giving off her biyo and her resume. But damn it, I'll take it because for the last twenty nine minutes or so to thirty minutes of that speech, Kamala Harris was fantastic.

She showed up.

What I was imploring on Wednesday's show that was grossly misrepresented in the conservative stratosphere was that she needed to show up and show people what we believe she's capable of. I'm not gonna look at this black woman and you're gonna tell me that a former prosecutor, who is a former state attorney general, who is a former senator, who is the president vice president of the United States, You're gonna come to me with her lack of qualifications while while applauding Trump's qualifications going into office. Are you smoking crack? That ain't happening. If I didn't question him, I ain't. I damn sure, I ain't questioning her at some point in time, No matter what your mind is, no matter what your psyche is, no matter what you do cerebrally and what have you, and people on the conservative side can lean to how he governed and I can respect that in their in their minds.

I also gotta pay attention.

To your ability to articulate your positions and the discipline that you exercise and put forth so you ain't scaring the living hell out of American citizens. I remember when Trump talked about former cabinet member John Bolden Bolton, and he said to them, he said, I liked having them in the rule with me, because you know, you had folks from other nations. The minute they saw them, they were petrified we were gonna bomb them, because all he wanted to do was bomb, bomb, bomb everybody, and.

They were scared we were gonna do it.

So sometimes I'd keep him in the rule with me and just tell them to be quiet, and I would sit there and do the talking because him just sitting next to me was scared of living hell out of them.

That's fine.

The problem is the former president of the United States tends to do that with the American people.

And there's too much stuff that's going on in this.

World for you not to be sensitive to the thoughts you put in the heads of the American citizen, of the constituent, what constituency, Why stuff is going on?

She didn't stay.

Because she's zeroed in on Trump, which was what she needed to do. That is the opposition. And I wish that Trump had zero din on her the way that she's zero did on him, so we can have a debate about the issues instead of looking at him saying.

To people you didn't even say hello, how are you? Or questioning her ethnicity or her intellect. That ain't working.

You can't have a United States Constitution that rules that we are three fifths of a human being, but then turn around and say that a spec of blackness in her doesn't.

Qualify her to be black. Is she black or she in ded? You don't have it both ways? Which one is it?

You about the constitution, right, but what the hell did the constitution say? We never subscribe to that as black people, I'll be damned if we did. But there were white people in America who now suddenly you want to use that against.

It ain't gonna work.

But in the end, she locked in on Trump. From about the nine or the ten minute mark, she locked in. Kamala Harris showed up and by the way, major props to Kerry Washington for mceing the night with her, and as she had those two beautiful nieces of Kamala Harris come up on that stage. I think that what they were her nieces, And she said, for those that don't know how to pronounce her name, how do you pronounce her name? And one of the nieces says comma, as in comma, and then the other child said, lie Lie Kamala, Kamala, Kamala was brilliant, brilliant.

Okay, it was a beautiful thing.

Prop says an aside to the one of the only DL Hughley going up on stage being a man of his word, saying he judged her premature.

He met up with her one day. She asked him to do his research.

He went and did that, and he wanted to apologize on the national stage in front of the world to see, acknowledging that he needed to correct the errors of his way.

That's what men do.

Major props DL Hughley for doing that. I know he's been critical of me. I don't give a damn. I still love the brother, and I still think he's greater than a lot of things, and I wish him nothing but the best.

We always gonna be good.

But back to the speech itself. Vice President didn't stop there. She got into dictators rooting for Trump.

Listen to this. I will never hesitate to take.

Whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran back to terrorists. I will not cozy up to tyrants and dictators like Kim Jong un who are rooting for Trump.

Rooting for Trump.

Because you know, they know, they know he is easy to manipulate with flattery and favors. They know Trump won't hold autocrats accountable because he wants to be an autocrat himself. And as president, I will never waiver in defense of America's security and ideals because in the enduring struggle between democracy and tyranny, I know where I stand and I know where the United States belongs.

Here you go, ladies and gentlemen, as leadership, say what you want. And it's just a speech. It's not policy. It's not that I get that part. But you're gonna give a speech, give it right, and make sure everybody knows where you stay, make sure everybody knows what you stand for. She said, this is what it is. She said, dictators are rooting for Trump and basically said because he wants to be like them. I mean damn, So what that's gonna do is make you dollar back a little bit and say, Okay, let me think about some of the things that he's done. Let me think about some of the things he wants to do. Let me think about Project twenty twenty five. Let me think about dismantling the federal government. Let me think about making it harder with women and their reproductive rights. Let me think about law enforcement and what kind of effect and impact he wants to have on that. Let me think about the possibility of him being able to operate with impunity in light of the Supreme Court Justice's rulings just weeks ago that essentially said, if you in office, there's a lot of crimes that you can't be associated with.

I mean, you get to operate with some degree of.

Impunity sitting in that office making some of those decisions. I mean, these are the kind of things that she was talking about, which brings you to the point of elevating the level of important to your mind as to whether or not you want somebody about country. Do you want somebody about country, or do you want to want somebody just about their party and themselves.

Here's what she had to say about that.

Our nation, with this election, has a precious fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past, a chance to chart a new.

Way forward, not not as members of any one party or faction, but as Americans. And let me.

Say, I know there are people of various political views watching tonight, and I want you to know I'm promised to be a president for all Americans. You can always trust me to put country above party and self.

Go ahead, girl, go ahead. That's what I'm talking about right there.

You see, That's.

Why I'm a registered independent. I don't like either damn party. I think they're all full of it. I'm not talking about individuals. I'm talking about the party, the two party, the binary system that engulfs us in our lives.

I don't trust them. You know what would make me trust them?

If I had a leader up top that was speaking about what's in the best interests of this nation, and I had parties on both sides who didn't march lockstep along party lines. If I saw a Republicans vote with Democrats, if I saw a Democrats voting with Republicans, if I saw by partisanship dismantling before I'm sorry not dismantling, but by partisanship working effectively instead of marching a lockstep among party lines ruling our political system.

If I saw it, I could trust it more. But I can't.

You realize in today's generation, you don't even have once you campaign, the work is in the campaign.

Once you're in office.

If you're a senator or a congressional figure that exists today, you don't have to do any work once you're elected.

All you have to do is vote a lawn party lines.

You don't have to read bills, you have to do anything, because all it's about is today's generation is making sure you showing loyalty to the party, showing layal to the party.

But loyalty to the party. Loyalty is supposed.

To be the America to the American citizens, white, Black, Latino, Asian, American, Native, American, Jews, Catholic Christmas.

It don't matter you, America. What are samapin Laden and tarrists attacked this nation?

You thought they distinguished when they ran those planes into the World Trade Center.

In two thousand and one.

Do you think for one second nine to eleven During nine to eleven, they crashed the planes in the building and they said, there's only Jewish folks in there, there's only black folks in there, there's only white folks in there.

No, they did it. They didn't give a damn.

They lumped us all together and all of you gotta go as many of y'all as we could take out. That's what they did. We didn't compartmentalize as Americans. We said it's us against them. That's what we heard from Kamala Harris last night. I'm proud of that woman. Today, I'm proud of I'm gonna take a break for just a second, but I got a little word. Say you're watching stephen A. Smithschel right he over the digital airways or YouTube and.

Of course listening to me on iHeartRadio. Back with even more in a minute