Stephen A's Take: Stephen A is not happy the media is attacking Shannon Sharpe.

Published Sep 15, 2024, 10:00 AM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. 

I have to take a moment to talk about my colleague, my contemporary, my teammate, mister Shannon Shop.

Now we all know that Shannon Sharp has been all.

Over the media over the last few days. We also know it's been for the wrong reasons. We know it was because what people are calling a sex tape was out there. Now, there was no video, but it was on Instagram Live and you heard noises. And Shannon Sharp came out on a nightcap with his teammate Chad o Cho Senko the other night and confess to the world that you know, he was getting it in, he was getting his groove on, he was having sex in the morning and had no idea that he was on Instagram Live. And as a result of that, we heard the audio of Shannon.

Shop and whoever he was with.

Doing what consenting adults normally do in situations like that, which was engaging in sexual activity. Now, because of this, we've.

Seen a lot of headlines come the way.

Now I have joked that, thank the good Lord, you know she wasn't complaining about his performance, because then we would he really would have cud it.

We really would have been all over.

I'm just telling you, as the fellas that are his boys who know him, especially the folks of us at ESPN.

Oh, we'd have had a field day with that.

If she would have sat up there and you know what I mean, and if you had heard some stuff and then you know it's it's ten oh five and that ten o six is over.

It's been a problem. It had been a problem.

It'd been a problem if she'd have sat up there and called him out and everybody would have heard it had been a problem. It had been a problem. Make no mistake about it, and we would have rolled him till the cows come home. He'd have never lifted down. That wasn't the problem that he had. He acknowledged that he made a mistake, that it certainly wasn't something that was intentional, and to me.

We left it at that.

The bosses and I suppoke because I'm the executive producer of First Take, where he is a frequent guest on.

Every Monday and Tuesday.

It's what his contract calls for him to appear when his contract calls from their peer.

Bosses spoke to me. There was no video.

So because there was no video and it was accidental that it was on Instagram, live, you do away with it, Okay, but now it's taken on a serious note. It's taken on on a serious level because you see, I've been noticing something and this is why I felt the need to revisit this conversation in a very very serious manner, because what you're trying to do is you're trying to mess up the man's career.


Now we know from Shannon Sharp himself that some advertisers and sponsors have turned away from him.

He's got to deal with that.

We also know he had some big time interview that he was scheduled to have.

And that interview was canceled.

That person backed out he thought was gonna get him just as many views, arguably as Kat Williams got him.

And we know what a monster that was.

That was the greatest you know, from a numbers perspective, that was the greatest get in YouTube history. Okay, over seventy eighty million view you know views and stuff like that.

We know this, Okay.

We know that his subscriber base built exponentially because of that. We know that the money he's raked in built exponentially because of that. We get all of that, right, ladies, and gentlemen. I'm proud of him. I'm proud of the fact that he's been able to build Club Shayshay and Nightcap and have some level of success. I hope to have that level of success sometime down the line. It's a marathon, it ain't a sprint. I had the pleasure of running into Joe Rogan last night right here in Vegas.

I got news to you, ladies and gentlemen.

Nobody's the monster that he is with you know, over fifteen twenty million subscribers for Crying Out Loud, but he's been doing it for decades. He's a pioneer, and he's the godfather of POTDCT casting.

As far as I'm.

Concerned, major love and respect to him, I'm not rooting against him, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna root against Shannon Sharp.

Why the hell are y'all why what did he do? Exactly?

Well, you got people out there literally trying to cause all type of trouble, trying to stir a cup, to get this man to lose everything that he's built.

Everybody want to get into the.

Technical mumbo jumbo of you know what he did it intentionally. I'm here to tell you maybe somebody did do it intentionally, I can assure you wasn't him. You know that Shannon Sharp doesn't even email. I'm gonna see it again. Do you know that he doesn't even email. He's got his team that does that stuff, man on social media and beyond. I know this because I know his agents. I know this because I know a social media team. I know this because I know members of us in a circle. And it ain't a matter of just being a lack of knowledge. Shannon Sharp is one of those dudes that's petrified about every damn thing he after, all that he's been through in his career, in his life, his whole objective is not to put himself in any kind of precarious position that can mess with his bottom line. That's how he lives, That's the code he lives by. This who he is, Ladies and gentlemen, that much I can vouch for. Okay, let me give you an example. Shannon's Sharp could be I'm telling you what I know. I'm giving you facts. Shannon's Sharp could be somebody that's waiting for an elevator and that elevator opens up, and it could be a couple of females up in there.

He will wait for the next elevator.

Because he panics about what somebody could say, or what somebody could accuse him of, or what somebody could think. It's extra, it's extra. He's that paranoid about stuff. He ain't trying to put himself in any kind of precarious position whatsoever. Still talking to his sister, Still talking to his big brother, sterling shop, worried about what they think. It every turn, every time you talk to me, bringing up his grandma and what she taught him.

He's a decent brother.

My issue is is that I'm not here acting like I was there, and I can provide proof and evidence as to what he did or didn't do. I'm simply asking the question. A brother can't get the benefit of the doubt. You gotta show on ESPN that you're a part of two days a week minimum. That's Walt Disney. You really think he thought that was gonna be a good look. You got advertisers and sponsors, You think they thought that was gonna be a good look. You really really think that this person would be out there and oh, let me get these numbers, and that's all anybody cares about.

But you don't want to. You know, you're told you have totally no regard for what advertises and sponsors.

People who are paying your bill and are patting your wallets are going to think you really think that somebody is gonna be that stupid? I can tell you right now he making him a pretty penny at ESPN. I think we all can surmise he's making a pretty penny on YouTube without this incident.

What did he have to be concerned about?

And I'm watching these reports, and I'm watching people who will remain nameless talking smack about him, attacking him at every turn. Ah, he did it. Oh you know what he should be let go? Oh you know, come on, y'all. All I'm trying to say is that damn the brother don't deserve the benefit.

Of the doubt.

Now it's turned into a more serious situation. A serious situation is unavoidable because everybody's talking to them. Folks are fixated on who he was with. Folks have fixated on hearing from this person. Meanwhile, when monitoring what advertisers and sponsors might potentially jump ship at some point in time, I'm just wondering about the people in the industry. Innocentteil proven guilty. Benefit of the doubt, deferring something to sheer stupidity or obliviousness as opposed to something that's salacious as intentionality. At some point in time, y'all got to ask yourself why these people taking these positions.

Crabs in a basket mentality.

Sure, one brother succeeded, that must mean the rest of us can't. Shannon Sharp ain't stopping me. Shannon Sharp ain't stopping a whole bunch of people out there doing big things. He ain't stopping it. His success isn't derailing somebody else's success. Last time I checked, how many podcasters are out there, seventy eighty thousand, one hundred thousand, two three hundred thousand. Damn, If one person's success it's gonna be a derailment for everybody else. Then why the hell does everybody else have a damn podcast? Why does it have to be of the mindset? Oh my goodness, let me go on the attack. And then you see, this is the thing that really pisses me off. And I'm gonna be very very cool because I got my sister Calm in here watching me. You know, see, I'm saying she's here in Vegas, and you know what I.

Mean, she's she's she's like my pulse. She understands, she gets on me and all, oh my god, my god, I don't say that.

It's like Mama descended from the heavens to get in her head to remind me of what I'm supposed to do. All of this stuff I got to deal with. But it pisses me off because I know the business. You see, let me give y'all some inside intel. There are certain people out there talking a whole bunch of stuff about Shannon Sharp strictly for click bait and numbers.

That's it.

There are others out there who are in our business who are making a living off of attacking their contemporaries in the business. That's all they do because nobody gives a damn about whatever else they have to say. Y'all know who they are. They ain't hard to figure out, they ain't hard to find. Look at what they're talking about somebody in the business, and look at their numbers, and then look at what their numbers are when they ain't talking about somebody in the business. The thing that discussed me more than anything, it's the easies. Excuse my language, it's the easiest shit to do. This is what happens in the business today. You ain't gonna go out there and cover the games. You ain't gonna go out there and do feature reports. You're not gonna sit up there and literally find yourself in a position where you're gathering and telling what have you, and you're.

Doing what you need to do. You're not gonna do that because that's work.

You don't want to get your behind up off that seat and get out there and be on your ground.

So it's easy to talk about people in the news. They're going out there and finding the.

News and they market themselves this way and y'all don't see it. I just started this podcast, got seven hundred and eighty eight thousand subscribers in counting. I'll be at eight hundred thousand in a few days. So thanks to y'all love and support. Some of these catch How many followers do they have, how many subscribers do they have? What's this social media reach? Pay attention to what they do when they ain't doing real work. They're just talking about the people who do pay attention. Folks want Shannon Shop to fall just like Shannon Sharp said.

Before he was living a very peaceful, nice.

Quiet life until he got the Cat Williams in it, and then all of a sudden, a tsunami, a skeptics and cynics came reigning down upon him. Now, if you Steve Harvey, I don't blame you, You, Kevin Hard, I don't blame you, You, Ricky Smiley, I don't blame you. You, Kim Kardashian too, Somebody, anybody that Cat Williams talked about.

I don't blame you for feeling a bit.

Salty about what he said in him being allowed to say at et cetera, et cetera. That's a debate for another day. But what's undeniable is that Shannon Shark has been and is doing a hell of a job in this particular situation. Big Tom mess up, no doubt about it. He made a mistake. He gotta own it. It's very embarrassing, which he ultimately admitted. We can't stop there.


We got to sit up there and parade around and do everything that we can to bring this brother down, claiming he was lying, claiming he did it on purpose. Some of these things are inevitable, and I get that, but some of the hatism, it's so damn obvious.

It's sick. You see, at the end of the day, you should want to get ahead because you put in real work.

You're doing the job, not talking about somebody who's doing a better job than you.

And that's how you relevant because you talk about.

Him Channing Sharp, if I have anything to say about it, ain't going no damn place.

He gonna be on ESPN.

I want him on. I wanted him on first take. I got him on first take. Just like all my brothers and sisters who was on the show. You wuldn't need me to name them. I don't want any of them to go away. I want me the cons around. I want Kimberlee Martin around. I want Monaque mcnutted, Nao goomakay El Duncan has been on the show over the last couple of Fridays. She's been sensational. I love her addition to first take. Can't forget Molly, of course, Molly Kimern. Can't forget dan O Loski and mad Dog Russo and Jeff Saturday, Ryan Clark, Marcus Spears, Chris Canty, Bart Scott wait Tau basketball season comes up with Kendrick Perkins and Jay Williams and Tim Legler and the rest of the crew.

Hell I miss JJ Reddick. Root for him to do a great job with the Lakers. You see, you don't root against people who put in the work.

And doing stuff right just because you ain't on their level. Find a way to get on their level or buy out gracefully and concede that somebody's just doing a better job than you.

I don't see people doing that. When it comes to Shannon Sharp, well damn it, they need to. You want to take him out, compete, take him out. Don't pounce on some story and try to act like you know shit.

You don't know.

People wondering where he gone? You know where he going? He going on camera to be on first day Monday and Tuesday. He flying to DC Thursday night so he could be with me at Howard University Friday morning.

That's where the hell he going? Y'all make me sick. I'm talking about the people.

Some people, very few, but yet some people screeching, making the most noise because they can't do the job no more.

They just want to talk about those who's doing it. Good luck with that. It ain't gonna work.