Stephen A's Take: Social media fight between rappers Cardi B and Offset.

Published Oct 2, 2024, 12:00 PM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.

I want to touch on the ongoing beef between Cardi B and Offset amid this second divorce.

Excuse me, I don't usually go here.

It's not my thing talking about people's private lives and all that other stuff.

But damn it, they putting that stuff on front street.

They are publicly feuding with one another, accusing each other of infidelity as they try and sort out their divorce. In fact, Carti accused her strange husband of blowing up her phone, trying to make her jealous over him moving on from her, etc. Either way, it's a public feud that I believe should still remain behind closed doors.

This is just me.

Y'all don't know anything about Offset. Don't listen much to Cardi B. I know they're both incredibly popular. Cardi B is that girl. You know, she got a strong following the whole nine. I'm not here to judge anybody. All I'm trying to say is that at some point in time, could y'all keep your business to yourself?

See ladies and gentlemens. Some point in time we got to ask ourselves this question, why the hell get married? Is it just me? I mean, if I got to sit up there and worry about.

My wife or my husband telling our business to the masses.

Why bother.

Now, I'm not gonna assume what some cynics assume. Oh, they're just doing this for publicity, because obviously people are gonna talk about it.

It's gonna increase their following. It's gonna increase their cachet. In a social media strategy, they'll get more clicks, they'll get more.

Likes, they'll get more followers, they'll monetize that, blah blah blah. I ain't thinking like that, because I'm thinking they're already successful enough. They're already big time enough individually as well as a couple. I'm not going that route. I'm simply making the damn ladies. Can you join me?

Fellas? Can you join me? Black?

White, Hispanic Asian, Native American, Jews, Catholics, Christians hate this?

Can everybody join me?

By simply saying, there are certain things that are just none of anybody's damn business. Why must you be out in public telling everybody what the hell's going on in your marriage?

Who you screwing around with is your business. Who you not screwing around with is your business? If y'all hooking up with one another. Hell, there are some marriages that have open relationships.

I got news to you that is still you'all business.

It's nobody else's.

I can't understand, for the life of me how people get so caught up in spreading theirs.

I can understand people talking.

About folks who put their business on front street. That's father, that's for the back page of the front pages, columns, and all of.

That stuff in between.

What I don't understand is how people can stand on an altar, stand.

Before God or whoever your God is, swearing to love one another, to be there for one another through Richard for poor.

In sickness and in health until death, do us.

Part and just throw it out the window.

Because you're pissed at each other, and as.

A result, the default position is.

To engage in humiliation and call one another out to offset in CARDI b I'm not judging y'all based on your Actually, ain't none of my dead business. I'm simply saying, it's none of my dear business. There's none of anybody's business.

Why tell the world on each other?

Why do that, especially when kids are involved, because one day the kids are gonna grow up and they're gonna read about what mama said, and they're gonna read about what daddy said.

About each other. I got news for you.

When it ate publicized and a kid witnesses two parents talking like that to one another with no one around, it could.

Be potentially damaging. We're all guilty of it, parents, but had.

Sometimes sometimes kids hear that, and we got to deal with the fallout for that. Imagine if it's public, how exponentially worse that is.

Can we just chill, argue, fight, do whatever you want.

I'm only saying, keep your business your business.

That's all I'm saying. I ain't saying anything else other than that.