Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. Stephen A revisits his comments on former ESPN colleague Skip Bayless leaving FS1’s Undisputed and working at ESPN.
I want to revisit my comments from Wednesday show on Skip Baylor's party Ways with FS one and this show Undisputed. There's been a lot of speculation about a possible return to ESPN for Skip Baylor's. For ESPN's part, they've stated the following in a release to Front Off of Sports just a couple of days ago. Quote, we are set with the current first take rotation and wish Skip the best on his future endeavors. I had no idea ESPN was gonna issue that statement. That is my day job. I'm not knocking them for that. I work for them. It's not the other way around. They have the right to do what they want, but they didn't let me know they were gonna do that. They didn't ask me either, So the public has been asked me what did I feel about that? Which is the only reason why I'm addressing.
It before I address it.
Before I address it, I want to play another friend of former colleague of mine, Dan LeBatard, who had this to say on his show.
Doesn't anybody care when what I'm pointing out to you is Fox got into this business in the laziest way possible.
They just said, hey, Bayless, Hey, Cowhard, can you come over here and hot take?
And they built everything they built, and then in that time First Take contaminated everything. All of it went to garbage, debate, television, and in the doing of that, Stephen A. Smith kills the end of the guy's career who gave him the entire opportunity to work at ESPN.
That's not entirely accurate on the part of Dan LeBatard, but I forgive my buddy, to be quite honest with you, over the years, there's only two things Dan LeBatard and I go back nearly thirty years. Over the years, there's only two things that I've ever taken issue with him with, and one I really didn't know about until recently when somebody was reminding me of the things that he said about Alan Iverson years and years ago. When Alan Iverson found himself, you know, with some issues to deal with on a personal level, cause that's my little brother right there. I got love for him. And when they told me what some of the things that Dan articulated about him at that time, I didn't like that. I never heard it myself, never saw it. But I'm certainly not gonna support anybody eviscerating my man Ai. The other thing that I've taken issue with the only other thing I've ever taken issue with with Dan Levatard over the years is how he, you know, comes up with these narratives about Skip Bayless and somehow it involves me in killing his career.
First of all, I.
Hope Skip careers. Skip Bayless's career is not over. But the first thing that I would say is that if it is over, is because I think Skip will land someplace. Why can't we respect the fact that the brother's seventy three years old? I mean, why are we talking about him like he's forty three and you got thirty years in this business and you just flunked and because of that, you know that is it's a failure. Ladies and gentlemen. How many of us think that we'll have a national television show at the age of seventy three. I don't. God has blessed me immensely. I'm number one. I've been number one in the morning for twelve years. Some have said I'm the number one talent in sports media. I leave that for other people to decide. I don't get caught up in all of that. I pay attention to ratings and revenue. I leave the rest for all of y'all to deal with. But I'm fifty six. I can assure you I don't believe for one second I'm gonna be in that position when I'm seventy three years old.
So why is it that he has to be viewed as failing? That's number one?
Having said that, because we don't run from anything on this show, because this is my show, and I don't run from anything period. Usually when I don't comment about stuff, it's because I don't feel like hitting down is is not worth my damn time. I'm really bored. I'm not interested in somebody or something, or my bosses have asked me not to except on this show.
I don't have a boss. This is mine. So I say all.
Of that to say, and I'm gonna tell my producers to quiet down in there.
Let me say this to.
You, Skip Bayless. ESPN did not consult with me. Again they didn't have to, But in fairness and in the interest of transparency to the.
Viewers out there, the listeners out.
There, my contemporaries in this business, and everybody else in between, had they asked me, I would have said the same thing that ESPN said. Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith together as partners working across from each other on a debate show is over. It's been over, and this is not the first time I've said it. There's no negativity or shade being thrown on Skip Bayless. I have moved on. When I arrived on First Take, it was courtesy of Skip Bayless, and if for those out there who say, who wants to say he saved my career, I got no problems with it because even though I was back by the time he asked me to come on First Take, I was restricted to radio. I wasn't allowed on television. And if it wasn't for Skip Baylor's giving me the opportunity along with Jamie Harwitz, who knows where I'd be fair enough, But that time is a far cry from me being where I am today, where I've been for years, and also serving as the executive producer of First Take. Not to mention having my own platform here did I own and operate one hundred percent. So I'm not throwing any shade on anything on Skip Baylor's.
I'll always have.
Love for him. He'll always be a brother to me. But I'm not telling you anything that anybody hasn't heard me say before. I'm past all of that. I'm past all of that, and me connecting and reigniting things with Skip Bayless is not what I want my future to be. That was a past that I'll always celebrate and be appreciative of, but that ain't where I'm at now. I got bigger plans for myself that don't include him knowing anybody else as a partner. I got bigger plans for myself in terms of what I do, what I want to do with my life. And one of these days, folks are going to learn to listen to me in terms of what I say about me, because I don't lie to y'all. Yes, first take, I'm here. But I told y'all also wanted to produce content.
I told you.
That I wanted to do a little actor think up on General Hospital by Accident, the soap Ober General Hospital.
I'm on there, have a recurring role. Character's name is Brick Surveillance Expert for the mob. It's what I do. I told y'all wanted to have my own platform. This is the Steven A. Smith Show. I told you I wanted to produce content. I got a docu.
Series on ESPN Plus right now. I got a drama series that I've developed that.
You'll be hearing about a week's I got other content that I'm creating. You know what else I told y'all, I'm interested.
In new talent, discovering and developing, because right here on The Steven A.
Smith Show, you know what's gonna happen in the future. Not me, y'all.
The ones out there that chirp and talk and all of this other stuff about what you can do and how you feel and what your opinions are, you don't understand.
I want you to succeed. I want to find the next star. I want to find the next abundance.
Of stars, male and female, Black, White, Hispanic, and everything in between. I want to be someone who develops content that creates and builds in the years to come. I want that to be a part of my legacy if.
I can pull it off.
You got people out here fantasizing about being on the air.
You know what I fantasize about. Spike Lee, Tyler.
Perry, Antoine Fuqua, Jerry Bruckheimer, Dick Wolf. That's what I fantasize about and being somebody that's got an eye for talent.
So you all out there can one day sit.
In this chair. That's what I've been trying to do. I'd be remiss, however, and neglecting to bring this part up about Skip Bayless and not being on first take.
I wish him well.
I want him to land on his feet he ever needs my help in any other way, I'm happy to help him. But I ain't gonna front y'all. I wouldn't do that to my man, Shannon Sharp either.
That's right.
I said it. See Shannon Sharp and I used to be contemporaries with our friends, with our brothers. I wouldn't do that to him. I wouldn't even call and ask him. You can't have the kind of separation that they have, and I'm gonna be a part of of of that coming on first take. No, but it's not just Shannon. You know, there's a whole bunch of people that contribute to the success of my day job. First take on ESPN Ryan Clark, it's another brother of mine, the pivot extraordinary NFL analyst. Wouldn't do that. How about Marcus Spears swag Oul my brother? What about him? What about Kendrick Perkins. What about Lewis Riddick. See my man Lewis Ridick right there? What about my man Jeff Saturday? What about my man mad Dog Russo? What about my brother from another mother, dan Orlovsky? What about my boys like Bart Scott. Let me not forget my man Jay Williams. And what about the ladies? What about them? What about meaning comes Kimberly Martin, Monica McNutt, yes hearted.
All of y'all swore, Oh my god, she.
Checks Stevin a and oh my goodness, they don't get along.
I love that woman.
What about Andrea Carter, who is a superstar in the making in this business?
What about Chaneo goomacay. These are my peeps, These are my peeps. What about Brian Windhors?
Please understand, I got a team, and there's a lot of love that exists within that team, and me and Skip Bayless having every anybody focused on us.
Would take away from the team we built.
Of course, Molly Carom, I mean that's just a given. You know, she's the matriarch of the sheuffe crying out loud. She comes before everybody when it comes to me. I got a team. It's not about shade, it's not about disappointment, it's not about anything negative for Skip Bayless. Skip Bayless went his way and did his thing for as long as he could. I'm here where I'm at, doing my thing for as long as I can. That is the reason that that wouldn't happen, because.
What we've established.
Is a special, special bond. Those are my teammates, those are my family. And it ain't to say that he won't always be, but he made a choice to move on and have his own path. I'm doing the same. I hope y'all can respect where I'm coming from when I break that down to you, I can't be more honest and open than that. I hope you can appreciate it.