Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
Let me bring this up about two at tongue of the lower the starting quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, who suffered his third concussion since twenty twenty two, didn't have one last year, but had two or three in twenty twenty two, certainly suffered one against the Buffalo Bills on Thursday night.
I saw a head coach of the Las Vegas.
Raiders, Antonio Pierce, saying he wants them to retire. I saw others saying that they think he should consider retirement, along with Tony Gonzales, former a tight end Hall of Fame tight end by the way, along with various others. And I'm gonna say what I said on first take yesterday before I get on out of here. Yeah, he should consider retirement anytime you do Thatt Woozy from getting hit stuff like that with a very ordinary hit wasn't helmet to helmet, It wasn't heads colliding. He went into the trusts of DeMar Hamlin, of all people, and we saw what happened.
Looked like Rigo Mortis was kicking in for crime out loud. It was scary.
And we've seen that from two or before against Cincinnati to a slight degree against Buffalo. We've seen it before. We saw what happened to him when he suffered a concussion and the broken nose in his last year at Alabama.
When you hear Buffalo.
Bill's players saying they were screaming for him to get down, Get down, get down, you know it's bad because they know he's susceptible to that kind of punishment.
And nobody wishes that.
Anytime it's something like that is said, that's serious, that can't be ignored. Here's the other side, though, and I said this yesterday morning our first take to l Duncan and to Moley Cameron on my day job, first take on ESPN every weekday morning from ten am to twelve New needs to stand the time. He's a man, and when you are a man, your primary job is to provide and protect when it comes to your family, and you will take every risk imaginable to ensure their well being. I know that he's guaranteed approximately ninety three million, even though he signed a four year, two hundred and twelve point four million dollar contract, and if he walked away from the game today, on top of the money that he has in the money he's got coming in to be ninety three million dollars, Well, damn it, it ain't two hundred and twelve. And if you want to secure the well being of your family, do you take risk as a man to ensure that, Yes, you do.
Nobody's saying it's right.
Nobody's saying that El Dunk and Molly caerm and the ladies themselves weren't wrong, were wrong rather when they said otherwise, And how you should be thinking about your family and how it's selfish or whatever.
But that's the difference between women and men. Women. Most women would say.
That's selfish because you should be thinking about your family and the importance of you being there with them, because ultimately their love for you should reign supreme.
But men think differently.
Men sacrifice everything to make sure they loved ones and family are okay, even if it's at their expense.
That's what men do.
And we're talking about normal men, not football players.
Football players are a different breed. Foxes are a different breed. UFC fighters man may fighters different breed.
They're putting their lives on the line every time they walk on to their field of their.
Chosen profession, and they accept it.
That's how it goes so yeah to a tongue of the law, may need to retire, just don't count on it. The minute they clear him to play, he's gonna be right back on that, in my opinion, because he does and will do what most men do, what most women would say, why would you do that?
That's how it goes. That's the real world.
Two big time fights come tonight at the Sphere and at the T Mobile Arena.
Chances are both and then knock count.
Chances are somebody gonna get hurt, really really back. Hospitalization is gonna keep. All of them know it, and they accept it. By the way, they ain't the only women that fight in boxing. In the UFC too, some women accepted as well. It's the wig, the wig.