Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
Let's get to some politics, please, where the North Carolina gubernatorial race has suddenly come in a focus. That's because multiple staff is from Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson's campaign, Who's Republican, by the way, stepped down following a CNN investigative report last week. The story detailed inflammatory comments he reportedly made more than a decade ago on a porn website message board. The reported comments were salacious, as Robinson, who is black, called himself a quote black nazi end quote, a quote perv end quote, and even condoned slavery. Robinson was interviewed by CNN and the noted he wrote the comments that were on a porn website's message board. As for his ties to Donald Trump, Democrats launched the tac ads, highlighting Robinson's relationship to the Republican presidential nominee. Meanwhile, Trump himself dodged questions about Robinson, saying his campaign is focused on winning the state. Robinson it was not, I repeat not invited to a Trump rally in Wilmington, North Carolina this weekend. A couple of things. Number One, if Robinson said that, he didn't say that. I appreciate that, but he didn't say he didn't say that. He said he didn't put the quotes on the website, He was not responsible for that. I recall nothing where he's adamantly denying unequivocally that he condoned slavery, that he called himself a black Nazi. Those two things, I'm not gonna get into the purv part. Those two things are incriminating enough as a black man. As a black man, what would you possibly have why would you possibly have the desire to associate your associate yourself with being a Nazi. We know what Nazis were right or what they are are right. We know that anti Semitism is the number one thing that props up when you think about someone being a Nazi. Are you associating or disassociating yourself with that? I don't know what he said. I did not see the interview as it pertains to him condoning slavery. That's one of the things that I believe any black person who favorably associates themselves that is the epitome of being a freaking sellout. So let's get that out the way, matter of fact, to be fair and even handed here, it's one of the things that I held against Kamala Harris the fact that when Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis literally alluded towards there being positive elements or benefits to slavery, I'm like, and then challenging her to the debate, I'm like, that's something you jump at just that subject, the loan. You want to debate a black person about that name, the time and place, and we should show up if you are a politician, and a well known politician who was going to be a presidential candidate was literally trying to make that case. As for Mark Robinson himself, they said that Staffords, you know, resigned in mass essentially want nothing to do with him, and they shouldn't. And if you're the Republican Party, whether it's Donald Trump as the presidential nominee, as a Republican presidential nominee, or it's anybody in the Republican Party, see this is an opportunity for you as Republicans to disassociate yourself from this nonsense. If you truly are sincere and authentic with how you feel, why would you want to have any kind of association with a person like that Trump not inviting him to is rally and women in North Carolina. Trump distancing himself in every way imaginable would be the right thing to do. Democrats pouncing on it because he's a Republican nominee for a gubernatorial seat is very political, politically expedient. They should go after him. They should if that is truly what he said. And if they lying on them, that would be wrong and cruel. If they're fabricating, if they're making it up, that would be wrong and cruel to associate such incendiary rhetoric to anybody, any human being.
But if he's guilty of that shit, yeah, get him, tear him down, damn right. And if you are Republican, white, black, Latino and everything in between, you should condemn it as well. He ain't saying the man should be killed, just saying a man shouldn't be in high office. That's what you're saying.
And by the way, the presidency isn't the only higher office in the land a gougernatorial seat, particularly in the state like North Carolina. It's very very significant, and you shouldn't get it it' spewing nonsense like that. I'll just leave it at that for now, but you never know when I'll have more to say. You never know. That's it for this edition to the stephen A. Smith Show, signing off, but I'll be back in a couple of days. I got a lot of stuff on my mind for this week, and I'm coming until later, Peace of love, everybody. I'm out.