Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
I wanted to share the statement a statement from my buddy Charles Barkley his reaction to the likelihood TNT will lose the NBA after this upcoming NBA season. The NBA's TV deals with ESPN and ABC, NBC and Amazon likely mean the end of the iconic Inside the NBA show. And this is how Charles Barkley is feeling about that quote. Clearly, the NBA has wanted to break up with us from the beginning. I'm not sure TNT ever had a chance, Barkley said. TNT matched the money, but the league knows Amazon and these tech companies are the only ones willing to pay for the rights when they double in the future. The NBA didn't want to piss them off. It's a sad day when owners and commissioners choose money over the fans.
It just sucks.
I just want to thank everyone who has been at Turner for the last twenty four years.
Barkley said, they.
Are the best people in the most talented, and they deserve better. I also want to thank the NBA and its fans, the best fans in sports. We're gonna give you everything we have next season.
End quote.
Charles Barkley and the inside the NBA team. Those are my brothers, those are my friends. I love them dearly and I wish them nothing but the best. But to quote Charles Barkley, he wasn't really concerned about himself, Shad Kenny Ernie. It's the people that work behind the scenes, wondering what their lives are going to be like once the NBA is no longer a part of the T and T family, people that he's worked with for twenty four years that he's come to know and love deally.
They've had children, they've.
Gotten married, and all of these different kinds of things have transpired, and his sins lativity is towards them, which is incredibly admirable.
And if you know anything.
About Charles Barkley, he's got a heart of gold. He's got one of the biggest hearts you could ever imagine. What a beautiful, beautiful brother he is. But that don't make him correct. And in this instance, based on that quote that he put out, that statement that he put out, it's not telling the whole story. The fact of the matter is you can't sit up there and say that the NBA didn't want this from the beginning.
I told y'all a few days ago.
My sources told me that Adam Silver and the NBA talked to the leadership at T and T in Warner Brothers Discovery led by missus Aslov and they knew what the situation was and what they needed to do in order to keep their NBA rights.
And there was a lot of hemin and harn going on.
I can't get too specific because I don't know all the details and I don't want to be responsible here, but it wasn't some situation where they got back doored. It was clearly obvious what was transpiring. We saw Amazon get into the NFL game. We know they want to get into the NBA game. They want to build this sports cachet. Their market cap numbers at about three trillion, when Warner Brothers Discovery, along with Disney, along with Fox is at about four hundred billion.
This is business, and so you know that, and you saw the handwriting on the wall.
But you had an opportunity to match, and evidently it wasn't a priority.
How do we notice because Charles Barkley called out the hanchos at TNT.
He talked about their unwillingness to prioritize accordingly, he spoke adamantly against TNT leadership.
If not TNT.
Leadership, Warner Brothers Discovery, Charles Barkley did that. He was the one that told the world folks were dropping the ball. He was the one that told the world folks weren't on their game when it came to doing everything they could to keep the rights over at TNT. That was Charles Barkley who said that now it's the NBA's fault. The NBA is a business. The players are about their business. They're about getting paid. Coaches are about getting paid. Steve Kerr getting seventeen million a year, Popovi is getting seventeen million a year. Eric spos is over fifteen million a year. Tyloo's over fourteen.
Million a year.
Monty Williams is over thirteen million a year for he got to let go by the Detroit Pistons. I mean, when we're talking about here, there's money everywhere, and people who are participating in contributing to the coffers of the sport are gonna look to get paid. Of course, the owner's gonna be first in line. They're the ones cutting the checks. And billionaires lived by different codes We get all of that, but so do the leagues. You think the NFL are giving people bargains. They're looking to profit as much as they possibly can with all the money that they're making. I remember years ago with Colin Kaepernick and and everybody, the owners were complaining, oh my god, what's gonna happen. You know what, he is a distraction to the sport. He's gotta go. It was the same year each owner pocketed two hundred and forty six million dollars a pays just to put in their pocket from the TV rights deal, and they were worried about Colin Kaepernick cost the number dollar.
This is who they are. Fair enough, but the league is a cash cap.
If you're the NFL and now here we are talking about the NBA, you think they just want to sit aldi Bay and watch the NFL.
Make all the money.
An eleven year, seventy six billion dollar deal pays players, plays, coaches, play, pays all the personnel that works under the NBA umbrella. It pays people who work for those networks airing the NBA product. That is ABC in ESPN, which is Walt Disney, it is NBC, which is also Pacock. It's Amazon, here they come. Everybody been talking about linear television is dying, right, even though I would beg the difference TV maybe, but not linear content over the digital airways. But that's a different story for another day. The fact of the matter is, in the end, everybody looking to get paid. Everybody's trying to get paid. And those people at TNT are incredibly talented, incredibly talented. And if you are Amazon, if you are ESPN, ABC, if you are NBC and what have you, look at them. There's a lot of talent to pluck from that tree. They know what they're doing over there, fair enough. But the gloom and doom and all of this other stuff. And because of money, Charles Balker, you're getting paid, my brother well.
So a shack.
So it's Ernie and Kenny not in anybody's pocket and certainly not questioning that. You deserve it. Y'all are my boys. I love you, you know that, and you deserve it. But none of us are doing this for free. Hell, I own and operate this YouTube channel. I ain't doing it for free. On our heart radio.
It ain't for free.
I work on the esben first taking an NBA countdown, it ain't for free everybody trying.
To get paid. I can't fault the leagues for doing the same.
At some point in time, we got to grow up and start and throw emotions.
To the wayside.
Everybody in their grandmama knew what this was coming down the road. If you Davids Aslov and those brothers, you gotta do everything that you can do and gratiate yourself with the NBA and Adam Silver to do everything that you can to keet the rights over at TNT. That wasn't a priority a couple of years ago. It might have been now when they tried to match and the NBA said, no, it's not a match, and we're gonna go with this Amazon deal. And now we're expecting a lawsuit battle between the two parties that will probably reach a settlement at some point. But in the end, what it comes down to is everybody knew it was coming. Everybody knew it was coming. I'm sensitive to what Charles Barkley is saying. I don't want anybody unemployed, especially from a top notch production like TNT did with inside the NBA, first class all the way, the standard, the Krim Dela Krem, no doubt my favorite moment outside of Charles Barkley having shacked choke on himself with laughter because he told about them big women in San Antonio.
Outside of that, okay.
My favorite moment was when Shack was introduced to the world as the new member of the TNTT When he was sitting there doing that commercial tweet o d and tweeted, dumb look out baby, because here I come. Oh.
I loved it.
Get Ready, get ready, here I come, get ready, Oh, get ready. Remember that Shaq was doing his thing. I loved it. I always tell him that TNT is the show special and it's can't miss television and it's gonna be that way this season. And the talent that's over there. I respect where Barkley's coming from. My brother. What I would tell you is, believe in that talent over there, because as great as they are, they gonna land on.
Their feet because they're that great.
But let's not look at the NBA and lament that they going for money when we get paid.
When we get paid.
Charles Barkley been telling people for years, you got the best job in the world. You don't even consider it a job. You stealing money. You said all of these things you lamited that the fact that you know there's police officers and firefighters and doctors and nurses and teachers and everybody else that don't get paid what you get paid. You still got paid, still took the money.
That's all I'm saying.
I can't look at a business and fault them for conducting business.
The NBA.
Is big time. It's a global iconic brand. The best players in the world representing the United States of America are in Paris right now. Oh by the way, a few of them are on teams, on Team Friends. A few of them are on Team Serbia, few of them, many of them are on Team Canada. God wont in Greece. It got somebody for Australia, Germany.
I think I get where Charles Barkley is going from.
I truly truly do. But come on, bro, you can't fault a business for doing business. Now. They're keeping them money for themselves, and they ain't spreading the wealth. They ain't hiring anybody. It ain't patronizing folks. So you can fuel the economy and make sure you putting money in.
Other people's pockets. I get that. It's thousands of employees with the NBA.
It's thousands more who benefit from the NBA product, if not millions, because events fuel the economy and stirs the cup restaurants, hotels, travel, et cetera. It's not gloom and doom. It's just another avenue to be explored, and in this case by people over at TNT who happened to be great. Not only may they land on their feet, they might get a better opportunity than the one they had a TNT, and that.
Was a pretty damn good one.
Who's to say, let's see, let's see