Stephen A's Take: NBA told TNT to kick rocks. Ben Simmons cost Joel Embiid NBA Glory. Carmello Anthony recognizes Star Power.

Published Jul 25, 2024, 8:00 PM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.

NBA told TNT to kick rocks.

The NBA announced new 11-year TV deals with incumbent ESPN and newcomers NBC and Amazon Prime Video, rejecting TNT Sports’ right to match. This could lead to a legal battle between the network and the league.

The forthcoming agreements, worth $77 billion in total, with ESPN, NBC, and Amazon are not set to begin until the 2025-26 season. This means TNT could enter this season, its final under its current contract, with the specter of suing the league it is covering.

Ben Simmons cost Joel Embiid.  Carmello Anthony recognizes Star Power.     

Let's get to news in the National Basketball Association, because the NBA has announced a new eleven year TV deal with current partner ESPN and ABC and newcomers NBC and Amazon Prime Video, turning down TNT sports rights to match, which could lead to a legal battle. According to New Resources, the new agreements with ESPN, ABC and Amazon are not set to begin until the twenty twenty five to twenty sixth season, meaning TNT could go into its final season under its current contract with the possibility of suing the league it is covering.

Warner Brothers.

Discovery's most recent proposal did not match the terms of Amazon Primes Videos offer, and therefore we have entered into a long term arrangement with Amazon.

This is according to the NBA.

We are great to turn the sports for its award winning courage of the NBA and look forward to another season of the NBA on TNT. This is what the NBA said in the conclusion of its statement. TNT dropped the ball here. I'm not talking about Barkley, I'm not talking about Shack. I'm not talking about Kenny Smith or Ernie Johnson. I'm talking about the brass at TNT. It started years ago when they alluded to how unimportant the NBA was to the brand itself and the resistance that they gave in reaching a new deal. Matter of fact, according to my sources, guess what Adam Silver, the Commissioner, talked to the hanchos at Warner Brothers Discovery before our deal was agreed upon weeks ago, basically letting them know, Hey, you need to match.

Here's where we are.

And there was a bunch of hem And and Hahn. See that's why Barkley's been going off because he knew and still knows it never had to come to this. So now we look at TNT and what are we to make of it? Let me tell you what you make of it. Number One, anybody who can get their hands on Barkley, Shaq, Kenny Smith, and Ernie Johnson should do it, even if it's ESPN, Because yes, I cover the NBA, and I think I do a pretty damn good job of covering the NBA. But those brothers are phenomenal and they're all my brothers, and I root for them every day, all day, all the time. They are a treasure and a tribute to the league itself. And there's no way on Earth. There should be a basketball season in the foreseeable future, far beyond next season without them in front of that camera. So hopefully, somehow, some way, there will be a platform available to them, whether it's ESPN, ABC, whether it's Amazon, whether it's NBC, something to keep that team intact. It is an honor and a privilege to have them available to watch. I root for them all the time. As for Turner Sports, I've always liked Turner Sports. I've always been a fan of turn of Sports. It was primarily because of them, but I'm still a fan. All I can say is that I don't know where that network goes from here. I mean, how many episodes of Law and Order can you air? I'm just trying to figure it out, along with some of your other programming. You need something live, you need something fresh. How many old movies can you air? You need something live, you need something fresh. So it's going to be really interesting to see what they do beyond next season, because there's no way they're winning this lawsuit. I can't see it. I can see a settlement happening where millions.

Of paid production fees are picked up and all of this other stuff.

I can't see them winning this and forcing and compelling the NBA to make them a part.

Of the package.

Now that this decision has been made, and no matter what pockets they have, there's nothing appeared to the deep pockets Amazon has. So let's just get that out the way and call it what it is. The last days of T n T. The n b A on T n T is arriving next season. Barkley shot, Kenny Smith, Ernie Johnson. Hopefully it's just the last days of the n B A and t n T, not the last days of that crew.

On the n B A. And is the closest one to that though.

I think it's because his because he's the most like vocal it's aura.

Yeah, like he's.

And the reason why we put it there is because of his.

I want if j T had that aura, it's over. That's not a bad take.

Mellow, congratulations, my brother, I see you elevating in the podcast.

Stratusfy congratulations on that.

Carmelo Anthony is not wrong, ladies and gentlemen, because when we look at Jason Tatum, Jason Tatum is an absolute stud and a superstar in this league, a twenty seven point per game scorer, a champion.

Now the brother's big time. He's special.

But here's what Carmelo Anthony is alluding to, even if he didn't completely articulate it, he's right, and here's where it comes from. You have certain guys that they're just about their business. Grab my lunch pail, show up to work, handle my business, do my job, go home.

And that's a lot of players.

But then you have special dudes that you can tell gravitate to being the marquee. They want to be the marquee. They want to be the people you're looking at. They want the headline. They want to steal the show. They want the attention, they want the allure, the acclaim and all that comes with it.

This is what they want.

That was d Wade, believe it or not, even though he didn't win a championship. That was Carmelo Anthony. Carmelo Anthony came to make noise. He came to rehab it. He ain't come to grab his lunch pill and go to work quietly and then go home.

He came to make noise.

Even though numbers would say that's what Tatum does, his persona doesn't say that we love seeing Jason Tatum reduced the little kid, the beautiful little son of his. We love seeing them on the podium together. We love seeing them in the pregame, on the court together, we love seeing them walking out on a postgame and you know after the game together. We love all of that beautiful imagery, great role model, all of that stuff is true. But that ain't sizzle. See sizzle is in man, that's sizzle. Sizzel was the Kyries of the world.

That's sizzle. Sizzle is Luka Danci.

That's sizzle. That's what we're talking about, that kind of attitude. We all know that Russell Westbrook hasn't had the greatest last few years.

Has been good, it has been great.

But Russell Westbrook, when he was a superstar in this league, what are we talking about?

It was sizzle?

KD KD, Trey sizzle, Lebron Steph sizzle.

Something that extends greatness beyond the basketball court.

Or persona, something that embodies you in a way that most.

Other people can't pull off. That's what Meloe was talking about. And guess what, you don't have.

To be a basketball player to relate. It comes in all industries. Now, another NBA superstar on Team USA Joel and B recently did an interview with The New York Times, the same one where he lamented the lack of youth on USA's Olympic roster, and he was asked whether the injuries are the thing keeping him from being in the goat conversation. Listen to his response, quote, I think so. I think I'm that talented. Obviously, you need to win championships, and win championships.

You need of the guys. You can't do it by yourself.

I want to win so bad. If it doesn't happen, maybe it wasn't meant to happen. The thing that stopped me all these years is just freaking injuries. Every single playoffs, regular season, people falling on my knee or breaking my face twice. It's always freak injuries at the wrong time.

End quote.

Those injuries have certainly played a role in them b never getting out of the second round of the playoffs. He has had all star teammates and a young Ben Simmons, Jimmy Butler, James Harden, and Tyree s Maaxson. We'll see how this season goes with Paul George, but despite being an NBA MVP and two tomes scoring champion, Embiid has missed two hundred and four games in his career, the equivalent of over two entire NBA seasons. Let me say this, y'all, Embiid is absolutely right.

Injuries have gotten in a way. Because that brother is suffing spectacular.

And without injuries, I have no problem with him being in the go conversation. Let me tell you something right now, that brother with his skill set at seven to one, back to the basket, facing the basket, the ability to put the ball on the floor, to the next game, the power game, three point shooting game, the list goes on and on.

I'm looking at this number, sere, do you know that Embiid has averaged over thirty over the last three seasons, along with eleven rebounds.

By the way, not only is he shooting when he's shooting from the field forty nine to fifty four to fifty two percent from the field, fifty three percent from the field this past season. Not only is he a career fifty fifty percent shooter from the field, he's also a career thirty four percent from three point range.

You usually don't see.

That from a center in the National Basketball Association, but that's who he is. Joel Embiid is special, make no mistake about it, but his injuries are not the only reason he has it won Two things stand out in my mind. Second on the list would be Jimmy Butler. The Sixers should have never let him go. They should have never let him get away. Clearly in the aftermath of things. No disrespect to my man Tobias Harris, who I've got a lot of love for, but clearly Jimmy Butler was preferred by Embiid over Tobias Harris, and the Sixers didn't want to pay them both a few years back, so they made the decision to pay Tobias Harris more than one hundred and eighty million dollars and let Jimmy Butler walk away to South Beach, Miami. That was mistake number one, a huge mistake because not only was Jimmy Butler Jimmy Buckets and somebody that was a rough rider and somebody that would infuse a personality and his team that was made of the championship medal you need representing the city of Philadelphia, but he was also somebody that was.

Beloved by Joel Embiid.

So that was a huge mistake on the part of the Philadelphia seventy six ers.

Here is the most egregious one.

Here is the most egregious reason why Joel Ebid has yet to get to a conference finals on NBA Finals and obviously not having won a championship.

That damn Ben Simmons. I've had enough. I've had enough.

I'm sure he's a nice guy. I'm sure that you know. Ben Simmons, hell of a player.

Couldn't shoot, but could do everything else.

And they talk about mental health and mental illness and it's legit. It's a legit thing in this world. I do not want to hear that about Ben Simmons. It was not mental problems when it came time to cast the checks.

You weren't no mental problems.

When you were sitting on a bench of street clothes trying to look like Zooland of the modern day male model, but Chcardier, Shad's.

Or anything else that you were rocking.

Everybody got on black, you got on pink, everybody rocking a black.

And white Brooklyn Nets uniform. You got on sky blue or something. Clearly a pretty boy. You wanted to do everything but play, but play.

Treating playing basketball like somebody was asking you to get on the front lines of a war, but never ever, ever, failing to pick up your check.

Ben Simmons severely.

Disrupted the Philadelphia seventy six is franchise, and the same could be said for what he's done in Brooklyn. He is an absolute mess. And if I saw him, I tell it to his face because I had love for him and I defended him on countless occasion trying to give him a second chance. This dude don't want to play bad enough. He didn't want to play. I'm not questioning his injuries now at the back and every day he doesn't want He doesn't love the game.

Of basketball enough.

That is what caused Joel Ebid I believe at least a shot of the trip to the finals. Could you imagine if Ben Simmons had never faded. Could you imagine if Ben Simmons showed up for that Game seven in Atlanta, if.

He wasn't scared to shoot a layup? Could you imagine that That's what Joel Embiid had to deal with. That's the crime, shame, and thank god he doesn't have to worry about with Tyree about that with Tyreee Maxie and Paul George and Kelly Oubrey for that matter.

Thank god. Joel Embiid deserves better. He really really does.

Gold conversation and no cold conversation, A brother's big time playing and simple