Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
So now the real issue in Black America is low self esteem, different from our African Abias, different from our African Africans because of slavery.
Low self esteem.
So when you talk about slavery the way I look at it, you talk about slavery's people that came confiscated you stole you from your own land, you know, and did the most horrific things imaginable in the history of humankind. But there's something inside of you and the Testiny resolve where you knew you were victimized and as a result, it forced you to want to fight in the battle, and part of it was believing in yourself. Whereas when you think about today's generation in terms of the things that have happened to us, when you a lot of times people have leaned on other things, We've leaned on racism and other things like that. But the flip side to it is that you're talking about self inflicted wounds in terms of your behavior, depression, and that is kicked in how you're not taking care of your health and things of that nature.
Am I saying, am I characterizing it a.
Well, First of all, racism is real, it's not so crazy. But yes, we have PTSD and postraumatic stress disorder. And you now, if something happens long enough, it becomes a routine, becomes.
Part of your flow.
We drive through these neighborhoods that I just mentioned, and we don't even notice the check cashers, the payday loan lenders, the rental owned stores, the title lenders, the liquor stores, the preying on us. We don't even notice it because it's become normalized. And Andrewland has this quote, to live in a system of free enterprise and not to understand the rules of free enterprise must be the very definition of slavery.
So what did Malcolm X say.
We've been bamboozo we've been tricked, we've been hood weed, we've been fooled. So now is what we don't know that we don't know this, but now we can't succeed. We've been leustraight, and now we're angry because we know something's game, something's wrong. We don't know what it is, and so now we resent those who have success and we don't. And what I'm trying to do is unlock the door so you can actually walk through with dignity.
The change the gauge, so that's the inspiration when you talk about Operation Hope, that's the inspiration obviously one of them. When did you start When did you start it? Operation Hope?
After the Rodney King rites in nineteen ninety two. And I want to prove the colors not white or black, or red or blue, but green, and everybody can have some of that. And when you do that, you get more control of your life. You feel better about yourself, your self esteem goes up, your confidence goes up. You can take care of your family. I think one of the reasons that black men are not showing up in our households is because they don't believe they can take care of their family. And by the way, the structure in to the government now, the government structure has not been such that rewards black men coming back home.
You're actually penalized.
Well, my attitude was correct me if I'm wrong, because your brilliance obviously is undeniable. I've always been to the mindset looking at my mom is as great as she was, God rest us so being raised by five.
Women for older sisters and her. One of the things we talked about in the home was how you saw and you brought this up Nixon nineteen seventy two.
And obviously what advantages women ultimately were able to garner because of laws that were implemented and instituted. As a result, some people would sit up there and say, men, particularly the black men, were marginalized. And if you're marginalized and minimized and you come home and your woman is like, hey, you know, I'm doing what you're supposed to be doing, that leads to the fragmentation and ultimately to disintegration of the black family.
Do you believe that at all?
I don't think you told no lies. I mean it made sense to me. I think clearly if we talked about we don't have time in this podcast to go through four hundred years of history, but clearly this was set up for black men to fail. And what I'm trying to do is to say, now we have a chance to have a software upgrade in America, to flip a negative into a positive. To see young black men, even if you're a drug dealer, one thing you're not is dumb. You understand import, export, finance, marketing, wholesale, retail, customer service, security, territory logistics, etc. This is a brilliant person in the wrong soil. No different than my poor white brothers and sisters who were running Moonshine in the Appalachian Mountains. They realized you can't keep running from the police. But we're good drivers. That became NASCAR. That's a multi, multi, multi billion dollar industry. Those same families, Stephen are now have one hundred million dollar net worth and dignity and respect. I'm saying that these young people, if you're a game leader, you're a frustrated union organizer. I mean, this is brilliant that has not been properly tapped. You can turn these people into small business owners they can't get a job, or they can create a job. We got to start seeing everybody as potential.
But those Moonshines, did it quote unquote have the system rigged against them?
You don't know. Too many black fels don't believe this system. Is it rigged against us?
What do you say to that?
I say that today the system is different. Van Jones and I were talking about AI recently.
Props to Van Jones doing a great job on CNN by the way, good brother.
But so we were talking about AI artificial intelligence, and I'm co chairing the AI Ethics Council with Sam Altman, and he said, look, black people don't know a thing about AI, and white people don't know a thing about AI. We know it's important, we know it's coming. Everybody's clueless. Equally, it's the first time ever, Stephen, that we're all starting at the same place, and it's going to change everything in five to ten years.
So God has a sense of humor.
You cannot succeed in America with a majority of minorities unless we support hello, minorities coming from the bottom to the top. The color clearly is economics today, and you need all of us contributing to the economy in order to be the leader of the free world. We just talked about artificial intelligence. No matter which way you come at this, we now need each other. And we've rich reached this point in politics. To go back to your point where clearly neither one of these candidates are attractive to the majority of Americans. I will take one over the other all day and all night because of the ethics and the values at least all means well, but neither one of them are the ideal.
Right, So that's not working anymore.
Nothing, because people who've got who can really do this job. Are afraid they put their head out social media or somebody lying on them is gonna smear their name and hurt their family.
Like, look at what I'm good.
I'm just gonna sit here and chill and count count my coupons. We have got to reassert ourselves as a nation with a vision and a business plan that includes all of us and growth that allows you to go once again repairing the ladder from the bottom to the top. I want to give corporations a tax break for hiring internships from the hood and from the rural areas, black and white. I want to give them a tax break for apprenticeships. I want us to create a farm club. You got a farm club. You're the icon of sports analysis in the nation. By the way, kudos to you on what you build as a brand. But right now, a farm club only exists if you're going through try to be a baseball player, football player, basketball player.
I'm making the big sport.
It should be in anything.
There you go, So I.
Tell you before you got here, I talked about how I want folks to come on this show. I said, I'm trying to find the next me, somebody better than me. A whole bunch of folks on the come up, who want to be in sports, who want to engage in commentary, he wants to get in journalism, who wants to do a.
Lot of things that I'm doing.
I want to go out there and find somebody, because if you're just sitting here by yourself and milking it off of yourself, what are you really really accomplish it?
So I want a tax break, especially for people like you who says I want to create the Stephen A. Smith Academy for Journalism whatever it is, uplift right and elementary school, middle school, high school. I don't want you to do it just because out of the goodness of your heart. We're the most philanthropic nation in the world because of the tax code. We have a high homeownership rate because of the tax code, not just because people are well intentioned.
So I want a farm club system from the bottom to the top that rewards those at the top for helping those at the bottom. I want to see micro venture capital, fifty dollars loans investments in small businesses. Maybe those folks, as I said, the drug dealers, and they come on a business plan and redeem themselves because we're all at angels with dirty faces. We're a saint as a center that got up. Let's help people from the bottom legitimize themselves and redeem themselves, pay their debt to society, and re insert themselves into the economy.