Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
What holds us together. It used to be religion.
Okay, we took prey out of schools and all that kind of stuff, and that was the.
World's about culture.
Your block has a culture, your house has a culture, This studio has a culture. Culture is not the most important thing in business. It's the only thing in business. What's our culture? It used to be held together with religion. That fell away. Now I think spirituality is falling away. So now it's not about weed anymore.
It's me.
It's not about this, it's about this. It's about I'm gonna take it. Now we're moved away from relationships to transactions. That's a slippery slope on the way down. You're playing a short game. In America is a long game vision. So in my opinion, where we're looking for love and all the wrong places, they're rearranging the deck chairs and the Titanic the chip is sinking and we're picking drapes. Let's look at diversity, equity and inclusion. That's been politicized and now practically eradicated, and it's dead as a as A, as a three initial symbol. It's in my opinion, it's too risky for anybody to touch.
But here's the problem. All D, E and I is let's just say diversity.
Keep the simple. It is R and D for GDP. It's research and development for a future economy. Because in nineteen fifty America's ninety percent white, but today America's forty percent black and brown, and in ten years will be a majority of minorities. Even the racist needs a poor black person to succeed, if only because when they do. When the black person succeeds, the racist does better. Economically, all boats rise. Now I'm kidding, but I'm serious. My rich friends need my poor friends to do better, if only to stay rich. Because I told what I told you before. The economy is driven by consumers spending. Who's a new consumer is soon a majority of minorities who have not been trained of how to earn, learn, build the economy and grow wealth.
Know we're not dumb and we're not stupid.
It's what we don't know that we don't know that's killing us, but we think we know. That's why I wrote the book Financial Literacy for All, Why I do the podcast Money and Wealth. Why I go around the country and this American Aspiration Tour. Why I am going to I'm going to suggest we replace D, E and I with inclusive economics.
Inclusive economic inclusive.
Economics, which I think is non sort of controversial. It's hard to get upset with it. By the way, relates to everybody.
I would have said, I would say to you, what world.
Are you living in? Respectfully, because they'll.
Fret over the word inclusive, and I mean today's culture, I mean today's political climate is so.
Ridiculous they'll find they'll pause a syllable to complain about.
So the word inclusive alone will cause problems.
But the data will not. And here's why I love about this. I don't need for somebody to like me. It's okay if you don't like me.
I like me.
Need for you to love black people and brown people. I want you to be actually what you said, self centered and short term oriented because the data is unimpeachable. America today, today, this generation, first time ever, will be a majority of those over sixty five for the first time in history. Read white baby boomers, wealthy, trying to retire. They want to go play golf or whatever they want to do, and God bless them, they made their money. They're trying to exit. But the folks coming on the field to replace them, as I've said earlier, are not prepared to grow and lead the biggest economy on the planet.
And what are we doing to help them out?
Were shutting off the on ramp to a corporate job, from the streets to the c suites, were shutting off their ability to get an internship, their ability to join as capitalists. Were shutting off all those valves under a short term vision that doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. Anybody who looks at the data, the data is unimpeachable. And here's something else. Diversity is not a goodie two shoes issue. Diversity is absolute hardcore capitalism. The biggest economy in the traditional South where I came from, Atlanta, tenth Lar's economy in the whole country four and fifty billion dollars a year, and that's a two year old number. That's bigger than every state around it, Steven. In fact, you take three states around it, put him together, put him inside of the city of Atlanta, and you still have room. So in New York where we are, it's a country that's a that's a city. As far as an economy, California that's so the New York, California West Coast, East Coast, and the South coast in Atlanta are the three. So the three bus biggest economies, and they're diverse and inclusives. The diverse diverse companies in this country, the ones that are diverse are forty percent more profitable than ones that are not. The places that say I'm going to argue over silly stuff like I don't want these people involved. Their economies are going to die. You have less customers, less employees, less vibrancy. There's not a You're welcome signed on the front door of your city. We have to be inclusive as a business strategy. We're the only country in the world with every race of people within our borders. Who who do the people think built this country? What do they think Goldman's Sacks is hello? I mean, what do you think Sam Walton was right? A poor white farmer, you know, a businessman who built what's now called as Walmart. And you go, every big company was once a small one. And so this sort of bottom to the top strategy is America. We just have to embrace that once again. And I'll give you one last dason to Mike. Let's assume if somebody watching this rejects everything I've said up until now, they're sitting there and their wife is Caucasian, blue hair, blue eyes, and blond hair, wealthy, well educated. In nineteen seventy two, she couldn't get a get a credit card in nineteen seventy two. She could not have a bank account nineteen seventy two, not eighteen seventy two, nineteen seventy.
Eight, years after civil rights and legislation.
Was passed, and she could not get a loan without our husband co signing it. And don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself. Now, she got those rights because Nixon, a Republican president, created affirmative action for black people. Nobody really wanted black people to benefit from it. So who benefited from it, by the way, kudos white women are white women. So they rode that train through the Empowerment for women cycle. And today women, all women are twenty five percent of American.
GDP, just fifty two years later.
And if we had said no to that, if we had said that's too much progress, If we had said women need to know their place, whatever silly thing that means, if we had said that we'd be an also ran country today, we'd be a third tier economy. We would not be the superpower in the world. Women saved America fifty years ago, and we are at this inflection point again.
Women overall or white women no.
No, white women led the way accidentally because of what we just said. They were the ones who are allowed to benefit from a firm intive action. And then black women, Latino women, Asian women.
Were allowed to follow.
We're smart and follow through.
And now, of course black women are the Black women led small business creation coming out of the pandemic. In fact, the biggest group coming out of the pandemic starting businesses since two thousand and four were black businesses. We created four hundred and fifty thousand black businesses at Opera Jope since then partnership with Shopify.
On one MBB.
But the biggest group of months o's were black women. And now it's Latinos that are biggest engine of business creation. So it was all women. I'm go give credit again led by white women. But my point there is, even if you want to criticize this, it's hard to do it because it's all of us. And here we are again the day and this is my business plan for America. Peoplen go on to the just search while they're listening or watching this and type in business plan for America and look at the data. It's unimpeachable. And my most conservative friends, my most hardcore friends, read that and go, unless you're an idiot, you have to agree with it. I've debated Bill Lackman privately at the Milk and conference. I can't say what we discussed because of the rules. Okay, I can tell you that he didn't disagree with me. When it was over, there was no fight. I had receipts, he didn't.