Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. Special Fan Edition of Get@Me, Stephen A. Smith responds to fan questions from social media! Now, if you have a video question, please copy the link to your URL and submit your question:
But we're gonna start right off, get right into.
It with some of the tweets that I picked out that y'all wanted to throw at me.
So let's get this party started right now. Please, let's go.
With this at the Fox named Petty Right, Steven A. Smith, what is the next project that you're working on that the masses will.
Be able to hear about? Wow, it's interesting that you bring that up.
Certain things I can't tell you know because, as the world knows, I'm in contract negotiations and all of that stuff, and I can't reveal everything, you know. But what I can tell you is something that I'm doing on the side. First things first, I had a production company. It was called Mister Sas Productions. Well, you know something, I changed the name of it. The name of my production company right now. The name of my media company right now is Straight Shooter. The title of my best selling book for the New York Times New York Times best selling book.
That title, Straight Shooter, is.
The name of my media company now, my production company, my podcast coming. That's what I'm doing. So I want you to know that that's number one, number two under its umbrella.
I've created a drama series.
It's been picked up. Can't tell you about who. I gotta wait till that announcement comes out. But it's been picked up and it's a drama series, okay, it's a.
Drama, not a drama, ye, a drama series.
I can't tell you who, and I can't tell you with who who's been picked up by and who I'm partnering with on the project.
But I'm the creator.
It's my creation, and I got some big time partners that's working with me on it. And I'll be able to announce that in a few weeks as well. So stay tuned. It's coming and it'll be a doozy. I promise you that. I promise you that.
Let's go to the next week right now, please.
Add just posts I right, even a Smith, if you had twenty four hours to live, what would your final meals be and what would be the final fun thing slash place.
You would do? Slash visit? All right, let's leave this up.
First of all, me personally, lasagna, lasagna with my mama, my mama, biscuits by Abigail, because Abigail makes these delicious biscuits.
I'd want my lasagna as well.
Ground beef not turkey, all right, Okay, so I'd want that, all right, But I also like my big turkey wings.
But I don't like them too wet and soggy.
I like them juicy, but somewhat dry, a little crunchy at the same time. Only my mama and my sister calm and could make it perfectly, you know. But I like that the combination. That was some stuffing, you know, some stuff in some candy yems, you know. Obviously I like my broccoli or my strength beeves too, That's what I like. But gotta be the lasagna with my mama, biscuits by Abigail. That's what It's got to be, my sister Abigail, So it's got to be that, right.
That would be my meal.
What would I and what would be the final fun thing or place I would do a visit? Well, the final fun thing that I would do, honestly speaking, I'd go on a trip to Africa with my daughters. I take them to see the motherland. I take them see the homeland. That's what I would want to do, right, That's when I want to be one of my biggest experience, even though I ain't into all of that. Safarian stuff like that, I get scared that the truck gonna break down and stuff like that. I'd be stuck in the safari. I ain't trying to be somebody's meal. I ain't trying to have that, okay, but I would love to do that, right And then when it talks about that's the place that I would go and the thing that I would like to do.
So that's what comes to my mind. The other stuff I.
Can't repeat over FCC air waves. That is none of your business. Now let's go to the next one. Okay, as Steven A. Smith at Underscore Chillington, Stephen A. Smith, Hey, Stephen eight. We all know about the polarizing hot dog being a sandwich debate, but consider a different scenario when you pour milk into cereal.
Would that milk now be considered a broth, a sauce or a beverage? How the hell would I know? I really don't know where do y'all come up with some of these questions.
It ain't a beverage because I mean, you know, that's just something you drinking, you know, with with with with you know, just in and of itself, you know, the cereal.
And then no, it wouldn't be a.
Sauce either, but it could be because you know, it changed depending.
On the cereal.
When you put fruit loops in milk, it's a different flavor that comes with it compared to honey combs or the sugar pops. You see what I'm saying. So it could be a sauce. I wouldn't say the broth. I would have to go with the sauce. I would go with the sauce. I mean, I don't really know what the hell I'm talking about. I'm just trying to answer your question. But if I had to guess between a beverage of sauce and a broath, I would say the sauce. Next tweet what you got, Stephen they Smith? Or this is at RFC zero three one six, Steven They Smith?
What made you a Pittsburgh Steelers fan?
The immaculate reception Frank o' harris going up against the Oakland Raiders when Terry Bradsher threw a pass over the middle of ricocheted from a hit.
You know, he got popped or the receiver got popped, got hit.
It ricocheted off of him, bounced into the hands of Frank o'harris, before it hit the ground, picked it up and scamped it down the left sideline for a touchdown. One of the greatest plays in NFL history. Here's the reason why it mattered to me. I was only five years old, and it's the first football game I ever saw. And when I saw that first highlight, when I saw that, I fell in love with the Black and Gold ever since, and I've been a Steelers fan ever since.
That's the reason that.
Happened, all right, to go h Elijah Goodman at SI seven e nto cee Ton they Smith. Should the Lakers move ad back to the four and try to trade for a solid five. They literally beat Yolkic like that, and he has said in multiple interviews that it was his hardest struggle.
Well, the Lakers have been trying to do that.
The problem is they can't find a legitimate five that can do the things that they need to do, so they could put Anthony Davis comfortably at the four. So they're asking Anthony Davis to make that sacrifice. Now, a brother's big time. Anthony Davis one of the greatest players in the world. To issue with him is his health. But when this brother is on the basketball court playing Anthony Davis is one of the elite superstars in the game of basketball. He's good for twenty eight and twelve a night. He's that big time okay, And so in a perfect world, if the Lakers had the right kind of size and Anthony Davis didn't have to preoccupy himself with defending against five straight up and he could be a spot on the front line there to provide help defense and block shots. And I think he'd be even more formidable defensively, and we know offensively is but so much you can do with the brother because again, he is big time inside and out.
Legit six eleven, got.
Moves around the basket, great footwork, high Basketball IQ elite defensive player. Anthony Davis is a bona fide star in the game of basketball. They could help him by getting proper venting big boys like Yolkish from leaning on them and stuff like that.
I think that would do.
Big time help to him, Absolutely big time help for him.
That's it for the tweets.