Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. Special Fan Edition of Get@Me, Stephen A. Smith responds to video questions from fans! Now, if you have a video question, please copy the link to your URL and submit your question:
I'm going to take your videos because I want to see who I'm talking to, who's got the audacity to come at me. So let's take a look.
Hey, how you doing, mister stephen A.
Just is Andre the Beast Craton coming to you from Indianapolis and the IMB Studio first allowed me to say that I think you're one of the greatest at what you do by giving uh, should we say, your perspective on the sports and basically what's going on in the world. My question to you is this, what makes you different? What says you apart from all the others that are in your field, and what is lacking with the individuals in your profession that have the power to have the behind them and definitely our influencers, but aren't willing to take the stand the way you're You're the way that that are not willing to take the stands that you have taken in the last couple of years. Once again, my name is Andre the Beast Creton.
Thank you, Andrea the Beast Creighton. I really really appreciate that question, Thank you so much and addressing me with the seriousness that it deserves. Because first things first, I'm not gonna tell you what sets me apart, because that would be me critiquing others in my profession, and I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna leave that to the people like yourself and others to do that. I know I work hard, I know I work diligently. I know that I'm mission minded, that there's a higher purpose to anything that I'm saying that comes out of my mouth. I'm not just doing a job. I live this, So that's number one. Number two. Again, it's not just a job. And I think what's important to understand is that everybody's got their own flavor. It's not for me to say that I'm the best. When I say things like that. What I mean is I'm number one, meaning ratings and Revenue says I'm number one. That's all I mean by that. But best is subjective, so I leave that to other people to decide. But I will tell you that having a reporter's background, caring about facts, caring about being fair minded, I think goes a long way. And then I think the thing that helps me do my job on a high level is that not only do I care about being fair, I think it's important to highlight and illuminate for people out there what obstacles you may encounter. See, we got people to day doing podcasts and shows, and they want to talk about doing what you want to do in freedom and being independent and doing what the hell you want to do when you want to do how you want to do it. But they got their handout for somebody else's money, and they're trying to give you the impression that they don't have to capitulate to anything on anybody, that they don't have to answer to anything on anyone. Ever, that's simply not true. We got people all over YouTube, for example, acting like they're totally independent, that their sole proprietors or whatever. But how you're getting your money from YouTube? Who runs YouTube? It ain't them? Somewhere along the way. You could sit up there and you could cuss, you could use language, you could do anything, and all of a suddenly YouTube will flag you, and the content that you put out there or you planned on putting out there, doesn't get out there to the masters because they censored you. Everybody wants to walk around acting like this complete autonomy and that there are people out there who answer to no one. Who are these people? You got one boss, the answers to another boss, the answer to another boss, the answer to another boss, that answers the shareholders and stockholders and voters and constituents and all of this other stuff. No is the void of being answerable to someone else. I understand that. So a lot of times when I'm highlighting stuff, I'm saying, Okay, this is your decision, but understand what comes with it. Understands the obstacles that lie in wait, the mind feels, and the pitfalls that lie in wait. Know what you're facing, what you're embracing. I think that helps me. Whether that sets me apart from everybody else or whatever, that's yourll decision to make. But I appreciate the love, and I thank you for it. Let's get to the next video. Please, Yo, what's up, Stephen Ay?
This Mike from Atlanta, Georgia, just still stuck on that Trump assassination to Tip. Hey, with all those cameras out there, man, nobody has a reverse angle on that shot.
That's all we get is this?
Oh that lady in the white shirt back there had a camera out What you think, Stephen A, shouldn't we be able to find the reverse angle shot of that what'd you think.
I think, in today's day and age, with the advent of technology and whatever, I don't think that's an unreasonable request on your part. The reverse angle that you're talking about here, maybe maybe not. But you have Secret Service folks that says he was shot. He clearly says he was shot. We sort of blood trickling down his face, We heard shots fired. An individual was clearly killed by the Secret Service and by snipers and sat to watch folks that was out there. I mean that that that's evidence. You got elected officials on Capitol Hills, swear By, you have that director of the Secret Service who was who was forced to resign. There's a lot of preponderance of evidence out there to confirm what we all believed we saw, which was him getting shot. And then when we take into account the climate that exists today, you've got people ready to inflict violence at the drop of a hat. Appears to be a drastically dissipated level of decorum of respect for our fellow man and woman. All Right, you see how kids today are acting towards adults. You and I both know that. Bro. You understand some of the things kids try to get away with today. Please, they wouldn't have even thought about it. Back in the day. They'd have got their ass kicked, and they know it. But we live in different times, and when everywhere you turn you see the advent of violence proliferating and elevating before our very eyes. Unfortunately and sadly, it's not hard to deduce that there was an attempted, legitimate, attempted assassination attempt on the former president of the United States. I believe it was. I understand those who want to be skeptical in a moment and you say, ah, looks Vagan, look this, look that. But once you collect your senses and you realize the times that we're living in, all the fallout from the incident itself, I think to intimate that it may not have been a legit shooting is immature. I'm not saying you're doing that, because all you're asking is a reverse angle. But I'm just saying it is what it is. Thank god he wasn't killed, because if he were killed, the world would be a different place today, and America would be really really different today. It would be very bad, it really really would. Next video what you got, What's up?
It's Casey with Snareville, and I got a quick question for you, Stephen, are out of everybody on the male's basketball team, who do you think is taking the last shot, shot on the line fate of the universe, who is taking the last shot to save us all appreciate it?
On what team? Team USA? The last shot? You know me, I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm gonna say it's Steph Curry or Kevin Durant, assuming he plays. I know Lebron is herculean and can make big things happen. I know Anthony Davis and Joel and Beat and all them brothers can get it done. Devin Booker, Let's not rule him out. Tyrese Halliburton is no scrub. Jason Tatum is a champion. So it's Drew Holliday, so as Derek White. But if I got to rely on a shot maker, I'm going to shoot one of the most prolific scorers in the history of basketball and the greatest shooter that God ever created. And Kevin Durant and Steph Curry, respectively, those are gonna be my choices. Next video, Please, what's going on?
Stephen Natas Marcus from Vandon Rouge just calling to ask you about my Hawks, even though I yes I am a Hawks fan and Vandon Rouge. Who do you think has more pressure on them this upcoming season? Would it be Tray Young playing with the number one overall pick or the guy that we just traded away and Dejonte Murrays right down the street in New Orleans playing.
With Zion c J.
McCollum and possibly Brandon Ingramot on the same team. Who do you think has more pressure on them?
That's the easiest question I've rescient all day. It's clearly Trey Young. First of all, ain't nobody thinking about John Tay Murray. It's not that he's a scrub, because he's not. He can ball okay, and we understand that. But the reality is when you look at the John Tay Murray and you see that he's in New Orleans, you ain't thinking about nobody Desion Williamson. The New Orleans Pelicans goes where Zion takes them, and the fact that he got hurt after having a monster game against Lebron James. The game he got hurt goes a long way because you're imagining and fantasizing if we see that Zion Williamson. Oh, look the hell out, New Orleans could be a big time threat. Ain't nobody thinking about the Atlanta Hawks. Nate mc mill should have never been fired. Respect Quinn Snyder, but I don't think he was the right man for that job. And Trey Young has proven to be a volume shooter, not nearly as effective and efficient as we all thought he could be. He has moments of the spectacular. He can drop fifty on you in a heartbeat. He can shoot long, you can get to the hole. He's cat quick, he's very, very skilled. He belongs in the NBA. But when he got to the conference finals, we thought this brother was onto something. When he got to the conference finals and only Giannis anthetogup Point of Milwaukee Bucks derailed him, we thought special times were had from this brother who elevated in the spotlight. And then over the last couple of years, what have we seen. I mean, there's an apb out for them brothers in Atlanta, so there's clearly more pressure on him. It was talk of trading him the John T. Murray can ball, but he wasn't considered Trey Young caliber. And he's in New Orleans. It's all about Zion and Atlanta's all about Trey as in, what you're gonna do?
Could you please step up your game. I believe in Trey Young. I know the brother's not a scrub, but he's got to be more efficient for the Atlanta Hawks to be more relevant. It's just that simple.