Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
I want to get to the women of USA basketball. As Team USA held off France to win the gold medal on Sunday.
Escapboard with a sixty seven sixty six win.
The game almost went to overtime after Gabby Williams of France made the final shot that was ruled a two point in instead of a three with a toe on the line. As a result, Team USA took home it's eighth straight gold medal in Olympic women's basketball. Asia Wilson added tournament MVP to her impressive condentials, and we need to focus on that for just a quick second here, because Asia Wilson is Asia Wilson, and she can't be ignored.
Just this year, the year twenty twenty.
Four, Asia Wilson has won two s beats, She's led to WNBA in points, she signed a deal with Gatorade. She's been named an All Star for the sixth time. She was on veiled on the cover of NBA two K twenty five. They announced her own Nike signature shoe. And by the way, she's a two time champion and now she's led Team USA Women's basketball to this eighth straight Olympic gold medal.
I can't say enough.
About Asia Wilson, no doubt about that. Copper showed up, hit some big time free throws down the stretch along with the key layup to stave off that momentum as well. We can't ignore that and what she brought to the table. So we got to get props in love where it's due, understanding that, you know what, everybody did their job and that's what this comes down to. France made it very interesting, downright scary, to be quite honest with you.
That girl Garby Williams.
Can play a couple of turnovers, didn't defend against Copper. Kalia Copper when she was driving into the lane, gave up a basket to shot an airball three. That wasn't good on her part, but she hit a big time jay, you know. But she also hit a big time three pointer as well, and she showed up and made it very very interesting. And if her foot hadn't been on the line, this game would have went to overtime.
So we got to get props where crops is due.
Kelly Plumes hit some big time three point shots as well, but Ah Wilson definitely the story. Twenty one point thirteen rebounds, four blocks, one steal and led Team USA. She was everywhere on both ends of the floor doing her thing, even though she wasn't as efficient and she normally is. So we got to give props where props was due when it comes to that.
So I gotta give love to Team USA.
Can't say enough about them. I'm just of the mindset that when you look at Team USA women's basketball, just to reiterate what I said, I still think Kitlan Clark should have been on the team, and tell us a degree, Angurie, I think she should have been She should have been on the team too, but definitely Caitlyn Clark. Now, I didn't quite understand how you bench Diana to ROSSI how you can't find any time for one of the.
Greatest players ever who can shoot.
By the way, you needed some long range snipers, and Team USA had problems with it.
They just lucky.
Their defense is so damn elite, and that really really saved the day for them, because when they were down by eleven, I mean, when France came out of the block in the second half and scored like the first ten eleven points, I said, damn, they're in trouble. And then a key turnover by their point guard. You had an opportunity, you know, to you know, Team US say this is a shot. You got an opportunity to go up thirteen or fourteen, and you come down and you ultimately get your shot blocked. And then they turn around and they go and they hit a three point. That's a five point turn around. You could have been up twelve or thirteen, and instead you ended up seven. And that's when Team USA began to make their comeback, make their run.
Ultimately took the lead and held on to it.
And so it just shows you that little breaks here and there can really really do it for you. But I just want to say this, congrats to them, Props to them. It was far more thrilling than I thought it needed to be, no doubt about that, but still they got it done. I was just of the mindset that Caitlin Clark needed to be on this team. And I'm not running from it. I know I've been on vacation, so I'm gonna reiterate more. My position was before we went on vacation, when I made news because people were getting on me in social media and on national television because I was talking about the importance of mark. As I reminded y'all over a week ago, they were approximately thirteen thousand plus people that showed up at some of the Team USA's games for the women went over twenty thousand was showing up for other games. Box office matters, Box office matters. I apologize for that to a damn soul. We want to act like it doesn't matter, but it does. I get it, I understand it. I'm just saying to you, I ain't sniffing on it like that.
Now. You came home ago, you handed your business. You did your job, brov Vo.
The ladies represented us well, they always do one age straight, damn it. But when you talk about marketing the sport, I think Team USA missed an opportunity to elevate the profile of women's excellence in the sport of basketball because they ignored marketing. It's not an accident that I saw Anthony Edwards with those Adidas shoes on on, Lebron James with his gold plated shoes on. But I saw that Adidas took advantage of the marketing opportunity. Lebron took advantage of the marketing opportunity. It matters, it matters, and so to me, I liked Tyreese Halliburton and I think he's got tremendous problems. But guess what if Team USA Men's can have Tyreese Halliburton on their squad, Team USA women could have had Caitlyn Clark.
On their squad and Angel Reese.
I just want to say that as an aside, I wanted to get to Britney Grinder real quick.
It was beautiful to see.
Her, and I had no problem with her sitting on the bench for most of the game yesterday because Asia Wilson was balling, And then you can't have her and Britney grind on accurd at the same time. I get that part, But I want to say this, did you see Britney Grinder on the metal stand? Did you see her being emotional? Do you see her hand to her heart and all of that sort that. I am not in any way saying this to malign her at all. I am happy. Thank god she is out of that Russian prison. Thank God she is representing the United States. Thank god she was let back to US soil so she could play for her country and play for the Phoenix Mercury and do all the things that she did but it's just a moment for us to put things in perspective. Things are really bad.
In this country. It ain't easy.
We're not a galvanized nation. We're divided as ever before, and all of those things are true. But to use Britney grind as an example, there are places that's a hell of a lot worse than America. That girl looked incredibly happy to be representing America and to be a part of America on that gold medal stand. No matter how bad we think things get, it could always be a lot worse. She clearly seems to seem to be somebody that recognizes that maybe the rest of us should do too, Maybe the rest of us should doo