Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
Now let's talk about Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers. There's an unauthorized biography on a Jet's quarterback out next week. It's called Out of the Darkness, The Mystery of Aaron Rodgers. The book, written by one of the nation's great columnists, the one and only Ian O'Connor, is based on interviews with two hundred and fifty people, including Rogers himself, and delves into aspects other than football of the quarterback's life, including the long estrangement from his family and his introduction to using iowaka I think that's how it's pronounced aowuaska. Rogers says he regrets not being truthful when he told reporters in twenty twenty one he was quote unquote immunized against the COVID nineteen vaccine and then tested positive for COVID three months later and had to be sidelined for ten days. As for the book, though, here's what the Jet's quarterback had to say about the manuscript on the Boomer and Geo show on.
W fa N this Ian O'Connor book. Was this an authorizer? Not authorized biography?
By you? I as a rhetorical question, okay, is it not I guess. I don't know.
It's hard to tell.
I can't I honestly, I swear to you. I was looking up this. I couldn't figure it out because there were quotes in there, so it looked like you gave your blessing. But then on the other hand, it looked like there was stuff in there that you didn't want to be in there. So I was confused. I'm like, you know, what'screwed? I'm just going to ask him as opposed to look up then, And he.
Did a lot of research. It has nothing to do with me, but he did a lot of research on his own. He's done other books with other famous people in sports. I think he reached out to five hundred people and talked to maybe half those people at the end before although he'd already written I believe a first draft. We had a conversation that sat down. It was more just kind of him asking a few things, a lot of the stuff that was in there. I mean, he is twenty plus years old, and I commend him for the time he spent on it. But it's not a book that I, you know, asked him to write for me. He wrote it on his own.
No, I have to confess. I have mixed emotions about this, and I'm bringing the subject up number one because it's Aaron Rodgers. Number two. That's somebody that i'd love to interview. He usually appears on Pat McAfee's show for ESPN. That's his guy. But I'd love to interview Aaron Rodgers one of these days because you know, I'm the one that corded for He's a bad man, because he is the brother special. I thought before Patrick Mahomes arrived, and one in the fashion that he's won over the last few years, that as a talent, Aaron Rodgers was the greatest quarterback I've ever seen in my life. That includes Dan Marino, Dan Fouts, Terry Bradshaw, Rogers, Starbuck, fran Tarkin, ten. You know, the list goes on and on. The Warren Moons throughout the Royal d Randall cutting Hams throughout the world, the Donovan mcnabbs throughout the world, the Tom Brady's Peyton Mannings of the world. Everybody as a talent, meaning your ability to throw, not just standing still stationary, but throwing on the run, your ability to run with the football, etc. The accuracy, the precision, the excellence. I thought until Patrick Mahomes arrived, there was no debate that Aaron Rodgers was the greatest quarterback I've ever seen in my life. He is that gifted, he is that special, And the only thing that I've ever had an issue with him with I've always been a huge fan. The only thing I've ever had an issue with with Aaron Rodgers was him saying he was immunized during COVID nineteen as opposed to just being honest and up front and being like, yo, man, I don't believe in the vaccine like Kyrie Irving was. Kyrie Evan was on and Aaron Rodgers wasn't. That's the only critique that I've ever criticism that I've ever really given him, outside only scoring ten points in a playoff game at lambeau Field playing for the Green Bay package against San Francisco forty nine as a couple of years ago. When I see this particular story, I'm torn. Ian O'Connor one of the nicest human beings you'll ever meet, by the way, class personified one of the greatest writers I have ever seen. Ian O'Connor is a spectacular talent as a writer, spectacular He just is and if you want somebody to write something on you, you wanted to be in O'Connor. When you think about the top five people, the great Mike Willbonds of the world, the people I remember Bill Lyon formulated the Philadelphia and Choir got recid. So this dude was phenomenal. One of the just poetry emotion. I mean, there are certain writers that are just absolutely positively spectacular, and I just gave you three of them. Inacon is one of those people. He's special, he's decent, he's a good person, he's a consummate professional, he's thorough, he's all of that. So go write, go get the book, just because of him, just because of him. My issue is is that I'm one of those people. I've never ever had a desire to write a biography that was unauthorized. Like, everybody knows how tight I am with Alan Iverson. Everybody knows that I covered him for years, and I know things about him that most people don't know, just like I know things about Kobe Bryant that most people wouldn't know. God rest his soul, just like I know things about Shack and others they know better. I would never ever write anything in terms of a book that's unauthorized. Me talking about what you're making news for or your performance on the field or something like that is entirely different than me getting all into your personal business. I got to be authorized to do something like that. So I'm not down with that. That's just me. I'm not knocking in on kind of anybody else, But that's just me. I'm not down with that. And Aaron Rodgers, to his credit, didn't excoriate a disrespect in a kind of in any way. He just simply say, did his homework, you know, talk about his grandfather, talk about his family member, all this other stuff. Interviewed about half of the five hundred people he reached out to. Amon Rodgers was aware of this. Aaron Rodgers doesn't seem to have much of a problem with it, fair enough. That's just not me. If it ain't authorized, writing about somebody's personal life without having their authorization, that's just me. The other side to it, I don't know much about Aaron Rodger's family because I don't know it on purpose. I don't want to know. That's his business. I remember years ago I got pissed off because his brother was on the Bachelor or the Bachelor. I think either the Bachelor the Bachelorette. I don't remember, but all I remembered was his brother talking about him negatively, And I'm like, what nerves? Who the hell was thinking about you? So you gonna use it as often because if you ain't Aaron Rodgers brothers probably wouldn't have been on the damn show. And then to come on the show and to be talking about your brother like that, that's pretty jacked up. Everybody different. Let me tell your little son about Steven A. Smith here. I got four older sister, I got fifteen nieces and nephews. I got two daughters, and contrary to what some may think, I have pretty much nothing to hide. I don't give a shit anybody, and I mean anybody that talks about my personal business in an unauthorized fashion is cut the hell off. I don't give a shit who you are? You a girlfriend? Ex or present? You out? You one of my sisters, got nothing to say? One of my nieces and nephew they know better, now, will it? Confess a little bit different when it comes to your daughters. It's your daughters. But even that's pushing it. I don't play that. I don't play that at all, because you know what, Steven ain't not gonna do. I'm not gonna talk about other people personal business like that in a public forum. I'm not doing that. You know, you rapp into somebody privately and a few words come out or whatever. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a book, talk about interviews, you talking about people personal stuff? Nah doing that. See, we live in a world where the code has evaporated. Why you think I got so pissed when Steven Jackson, for all the smoke, associated me with that word snitch, because of the whole Russell Westbrook nonsense during the playoffs when I had to call a league office because that's some stuff I don't do to nobody, nobody, I don't play that, and to me people who are comfortable doing that, it's just an uncomfortable feeling. I'm not talking about Ian O'Connor here, because obviously he went to Aaron Rodgers, you know, Aaron Rodgers, and asked me. He said, I didn't ask him to do it, but it's like like he forbid him to do it, and Ian O'Connor kept doing it. So let's be fair to Ian O'Connor here. But I'm just using this and as an opportunity to talk about a general principle that I think has been vastly ignored. You know, even in the workplace. This stuff that happens in the workplace right here on the StepN Nate Smith show, right, or they'll first take NBA countdown. All that other stuff ain't nothing to hard. It just ain't none of your damn business. In the second, I'm working with someone for someone or somebody rolling in my inner circle, and they go out there running their damn mouth Personna and Andradra. It's not an accident. Why you don't hear much inside and FO about me, cause people know you try that shit with me. Ain't going well.