NFL wide receiver Davante Adams seeking a trade from the Raiders. He also talks about the WNBA’s Las Vegas Aces on the verge of being swept by the New York Liberty, and the drop in TV rating following the playoff elimination of Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever. He also pays tribute to Emmy-nominated “Roots” and “Good Times” actor, John Amos on his passing.
Let's get to some quick hits with Davonte Adams.
You know we're gonna start off with him and his time in Las Vegas because it's coming to an end. That's because he's requested to be moved, and the Raiders have informed teams they would consider trading Adams for a package that would include a second round draft pick and an additional conversation.
Easy decision.
You don't really have a quarterback, and you have an elite receiver in the game who knows you don't really have a quarterback and knows that he's not going to really be successful in that system yardage wise, touchdowns and stuff like that.
He's up there, but he's not going anywhere.
The man played for Aaron Rodgers, played with Aaron Rodgers throwing him the football, okay, and then he had to go from that to supposedly Garoppolo and Derek Carr and all of this stuff that really Derek Carr. So, oh yeah, fine, and Derek Carr is going to these in the New Orleans. Now, you Devontae Adams, you want to try to get to the Jets because Aaron Rodgers is there. You want to try to get the Baltimore because Lamar Jackson is there. You certainly wouldn't mind, shouldn't mind going to Buffalo because Josh Allen is there. And you should considered the Dallas Cowboys because they're America's team. They're in desperate need of an additional wide receiver. Jerry Jones has a justified a sixty million dollars he gave to a Dak Prescott, which means Mike McCarthy's gonna want to fling that football, which means he needs to have somebody other than Cede Lamb to fling the football too. Brandon Cooks, I know that he's quality number two, but he's really a number three. Wont him in slot in the slot receivers position. You put Adams on the one wide out spot, you put Cede Lamb on the other.
You could do some things with you.
You're the Dallas cabal, especially since you don't have a running game. So that's something that should be considered. We'll see what happens. Right, let me get to item number two on my quick hitters list, right that's involved in the WNBA. Players with a two time defending Las Vegas Aces find themselves in an zero and two hole dases were beaten again by the New York Liberty Tuesday Night eighty four, led by Sabrina Unescu, who dropped twenty four on them. Now, the top seed of Liberty have never won a championship, but they have been to the finals five times. WNBA teams are eighteen to zerine playoff history when leading two zero and the.
Best of five series. I gotta say this, I've been saying all year long. You got to show me that you can.
Beat Asia Wilson for me to believe it. If anybody has done that, it's the Liberty. They've beaten the Aces all five times they've played them this year after losing in the NBA finals. Now they up too Ozero and on the verge of sweeping them.
Now. Can I see that happening?
No, because I think Asia Wilson, the best in the world, is going to respond to the challenge. But there is something to be said, as Becky coach Becky Hammond pointed out, when you win your back to back champions you can get distracted. The priorities that you once had you no longer have, and those distractions take away from the level of excellence you could once put forth because you didn't dit every I and course, every T, and you make yourself more vulnerable.
That clearly appears to be what's happened to the Las Vegas Aces. Or it could just be that the New.
York Liberty, or better Brianna Stewart dropping thirty four in Game one was sensational.
I'm rooted for the Liberty.
I never rooted against Becky Hammond and the Las Vegas Aces, but their number.
Might be up. I'm gonna say that.
Staying with the w NBA playoffs, let's stay here, Let's just say the ratings aren't the same with Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever now eliminated. Game one of the Aces Liberty matchup on Sunday Jewel an average of nine hundred and twenty nine thousand viewers.
It's a good number for the WNBA on the NFL Sunday.
However, that was down nearly fifty percent from last Sunday's Fever Sun contests. By the way, not only was viewership down, but attendance was as well.
Do you want me to just say I told you so?
Or are you willing to say Stephen that you did tell us?
Really? Caitlin Clark is the golden goose.
Not most, not all, but some people spent some time resenting her for it. Sheryl Suits was one of those people. Want to give Sean you want to give love to others other than her, Just say what you truly feel. Sisters, black women who are absolutely positively fantastic in helping to build a WNBA did not receive this shine the acclaimed the lord, the attention, the marketing, and everything else with it that they richly deserved.
And there are very very.
Few people, but there are some out there who resent the fact that this young white girl came out there and did her thing. Rookie of the Year, fourth in the league for MVP voting assist leader, one of the top leading scorers.
After the Olympic Games, she put on.
A show validating all the attention she was receiving.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
If folks were more receptive to it, even more moments would have arrived. I still contend Hitling Clarke should have been on Team USA. Imagine the international the global audience that would have followed her, But folks missed it because of feelings. My business.
That's all I have to say about that.
I'll leave it alone on a sour note. Our final story is a tribute to the one and only John Amos. It was announced that the legendary actor passed away of natural causes. According to his son, Amos is probably best known for playing James Evans Senior, the father of the hit series Good Times. He was also Emmy nominated for playing Couta Kente in the mini series Roots. He was eighty four years old, a phenomenal actor, a phenomenal figure, and I had the pleasure of meeting him once. With a wonderful, wonderful human being, James Evan Sor. I don't care what role he played, even when I watched him and Come into America, even when I seen him on various other movies, no role eclipsed the iconic figure that served as an inspiration to us all as James Evan Senor. No matter how poor he was or was depicted as being in that show, family was first, and every means necessary was exhausted to make sure he provided for them, showing us all what a man should be from a characters standpoint. John Amos gone at age eighty four, but never ever forgotten.
That's it for this edition.
Of the stephen A.
Smith Show. I'll catch y'all in a couple of days. Be some love,