Interview: Ronnie2K talks Top three Player Ratings and Caitlin Clark

Published Sep 7, 2024, 10:00 AM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. 

Stephen A. interviews basketball influencer Ronnie 2K about the new NBA2K25 game ratings.

The new NBA two K twenty five game was released this week, so I had to get into it with the man who is the face of two K. He's got more than a million followers on social media. Of course, we all love him. We all listened to him, we all hear him, and we all see his ratings and his rankings and all of that other stuff. So who better to welcome to the show than the one and only Ronnie two K himself.

What's going on? Big time? How you doing? How's everything?

But what's up? Steven Am? I'm still happy to be here. And hey, steven A. I don't know if you remember this, but like, uh, you were my first celebrity game coach, and we had, like I remember, we had, we had that chemistry going. It was it was great.

We talked, we talked about it. You didn't do so bad. You didn't do so bad.

I was pretty pissed off at my team all right for a little bit.

But I digress.

I'm not gonna I'm not gonna summon bad memories and stuff like that because I want to focus on you right now. Okay, the new edition of NBA two five was released this week. I want to know because the ratings are interesting. How do you come up with these ratings?

In these rankings? How do you do it?

Yeah, so there's thirty some odd mini attributes. Some of them are obviously based on on the core performance, you know, like inside shob three throw percentage, all of that can be pretty easily translated. Then there's some stuff that's obviously off you know, off the court, like awareness IQ, things that are a little bit less changeable. That's thrown into a formula and it sits out the number and I'll tell you, Steven A, that number has made a lot of people happy unhappy. It's a it's a whole bag of emotions. Every time that we release the ratings.

Who's approached you? What player has approached you?

And was like, yo, bro, I don't appreciate what the hell you you just did having me rank that?

Look who's done that with you?

I mean it happens all the time, you know what's funny? This year it was be honest, and I was kind of surprised. I was like, you're ninety seven, You're getting married this week? What's going on? Like you're the third highest rated player and then K twenty five you should feel pretty good about that. But you know it's like you get his mind off of his wedding for a few days. If he needed that distraction. I got married too, so I know how that is. Whatever feels you're big, big man, it's it's it's it's really amazing that like that caliber player, surefire Hall of Famer is diverting his attention from his marriage to his ninety seven and bhuk by writing it's crazy.

Well, see the reason why? Because I love Jannison. I know he's a superstar and I know he's a very impactful player. The flip side to that, however, he does have trouble with his free throw shooting. He has a limited perimeter shot, and I think those two components should prevent you from being a ninety seven, which is your highest ranked school. So how can he have be tied with Luka Dancik and Nikolajokich for the highest school on your ranking when he's got those two liabilities to his game?

Ronnie two, I will say that he's probably the best defensive player of the three. Would you agree with me on that?


Yeah, So I don't think that that's a conversation. So you have three very different players at that top level and three international guys, which is amazing, you know, like how amazing is that for the NBA? But three different games, right, Like they score in different ways. Giannis is just so deadly near the rim, obviously extending the game not so much or not as much as the other guys. And you know the way that Jokic studs everything, especially on the offensive end. He's a magician with the ball. And then Luca, I mean the way that that guy scores. His playoff run was incredible. I know he was a little bit hurt and he still was the best player in the playoffs. It's really remarkable. Those three guys are definitely deserving and you could you could have a conversation about any of those three as the top guy.

Yeah yeah, but we all have an conversation, Ronni, because you talking to me, I'm not you with two k but this is Stephen there, you talking too, right he Okay, So let's bring up Luca. Let's bring up Luca. Let's bring up Luca for I'll get to that in a minute. I'll get that a minute.

I'll get some suspense here, but let me get to let me get to Luca. Love Luca lucas the superstar in his game.

I know you know the game extremely well, so pace of play and how.

That could do something for you, but that.

Can inhibit the success of those around you have to come into play. I know years ago he came in to play with James Harden. So if that's the case, how come that's not coming in to play with Luca And you got him top for the highest score at ninety seven with Jokich and Yannis.

Okay, so yoursues with Luca. I So the interesting thing about that is James Harden was ranked very, very high for a long time. He actually had a massive drop off in the rating for the first time in years, and he was pretty upset, and reporters asked him about it and he was like, I don't care, but you can see in his eyes he was upse at uh yo, kids, I'm sorry, Luca. Obviously the pace of play. Does he hold the ball a little too much? Maybe? But that yeah, maybe maybe maybe? Okay, you know he does, that's all that matters. The guy is absolutely amazing with the basketball in his hands, and yes he holds the ball too much, you're right, stephen An, But what he did for that team. You know, I think it's warranted. Those three guys are okay, well let me ask top of the top of the mountain.

Well, let me let me throw this at you.

Since you bringing up the ball in his hands and how amazing he is with the ball in his hands. Stuff, Well, he's got a teammate that's amazing with the basketball.

In his hands.

And Kyrie Irvin, man, you where you got him at the fifteenth or something?

What is this right here? I'm like, come on, man, Kyrie Irvin, ninety two is a nice break. Well, damn it. You went to the WNBA.

You gave Caitlyn Clark a ninety one for crime out loud, you getting Kyrie ever could get.

A ninety two.

I'm not let's understand that, okay, But I'm just saying, Kyrie Irvin is exceptional with the ball in his hands.

How come you don't have him higher?

I mean that that guy does everything. I think that Kyrie was kind of hurt a little bit by sample size. I mean, he this is no surprise youth the other day and like he kind of disappeared in Boston, and I think that like moving over, he's kind of had a rejuvenation but like maybe it's still a little work in progress, you know, Like I feel like that's a candidate to get to the mid nineties by the end of the season, assuming that he can have duplicated success. Stay happy, I mean, a happy Kyrie Irving is one of the best players in the NBA, undoubtedly, so that's true. I mean, I'm excited. I'm excited to see a real full season of a happy Kyrie again to try to get back to the Westerner.

All right, I got specific questions here. When did you come out with this list?

Uh? We announced it about a month and a half ago, right after Summer League.

All right, right after Summer League, right, so so so the season completed, finals completed. Then they had Summer League played before the Olympics though, right.

Before the Olympics though, right, yep, yep.

So we know we know that you got We know that we know you got Jason Tatum, you know, top eight before the Olympics.

What the hell you have him after?

I knew, Yo, Yeah, I knew you were gonna be fired up at about Jason. He's our cover guy. I can't go after our cover guy like that. He is supporting our launch. He's an incredible partner. Uh, he had a very very talked about I mean, look, what a cover guy to pick, to have somebody who talked about as much as Jason has been the summer for good and for bad. I mean, I'm excited. I think that he's gonna have a big ship on the shoulder. I've seen what you've been saying see today, but I think he's gonna respond.

Rnnie two K, I got news for you, bro, I'm not getting on Jason Tatum. I think he got screwed over by Steve Kerr. I was very upset a Steve Kerr. And I'll tell you why. I'm gonna tell you why.

I don't know. I want to know.

I'm gonna jump off of this for a second here and just talk pure basketball with you running. I really had a problem is it wasn't even that he played limited minutes.

Two issues I had with him. One was that you couldn't find a second for him in not.

One but two games and one members against Serbia, who you're beat by twenty six. The other was, how in the hell are you a championship coach and you have a reigning NBA champion.

Who's all all NBA all.

First team three years in a row, the last three years, and you tell him before the game you don't think you're gonna be able to find time for him?

See people missing that running? Am I wrong?

How you gonna say that?

Ain't that crazy?

Unbelievable? The guy just want a championship. You know, he's ready to play for his country. He could have just taken the summer off like and just rode the SI cover the two K cover and had a great summer with Duce. I mean to go all the way to Paris and have two games where he's sitting on the bench and it just it looks bad. I mean, I felt for him. He's a good friend of mine. I like that. That's rough. We kind of put the cherry on top because he's got the same ratings as Lebron him death, So like that conversation continues through our game because he's like, oh, I've got the same ratings as the over guys. Right, it's a unbeliiouble.

Hey, listen, listen. I'm a fan of Steve Kerr. I think Steve Kurr is a phenomenal coach.

I think he was the only one that shouldn't be allowed to celebrate the gold medal. I think what he did to Jason Tatum was egregious to sit up there and say that I couldn't tell him before the game.

I don't know if I can find time for you.

If I was Jason Tatum, I never want to see the man again, unless I was going to get to Steve and I'll be ready.

So we got a watch, so we got oh let me tell you that.

Oh no, but he will see him when they go up against Golden State next season.

I hope he dropped sixty on Steve Kerr.

I really really do. Let me ask you this. You got Lebron James at ninety five. Now the man is approaching forty. Doesn't he deserve a higher score than ninety five.

Yeah, I mean the sample size obviously is unmatchable twenty one seasons as the King. It's tough because at some point we have to kind of project that the game's gonna take a little hit. Look, ninety five is an amazing ready he's top eight as you as you said earlier, we're still staying he's a top eight player. I don't think we could put him in that top three. And just as you know, Stephen and the way that the ratings work is it's measured against all time historic So Lebron James, since he's in year twenty one, is in ninety five, the only ninety nine in the game. We're probably gonna have Lebron one of the Lebron's seasons of the ninety nine at some point steps unanimous v season this is ninety nine, probably as well in the future, but uh, the only one is ninety five ninety six.

Michael Jordan's well, you know where I'm going, You know where I'm going, you know where I'm going, so so so so so so. First of all, has anybody ever gotten a hundred?

Number one? Anybody ever got a hundred?

Nobody, right, So the ratings used to be different where you could get a hundred. So Shaquille O'Neill is the only person that's ever got one hundred in NBA two K two oh three.

Because yeah, if Mike, if if Michael Jordan was in his prime, we would he have ever gotten a hundred.

I mean, he is the greatest of all time. I'm saying it right now.

Okay, So so you want so wait a minute, wait a minute, So you're on to airtre on the air right now, saying that Michael Jordan's is to go, Yeah, you're you're, you're, You're on the air, You're on it right now on the Steph Nates Minister confirming, confirming that my Michael Jordan is the goat, not.

Lebron James, without questions. Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time. Lebron James might be the best player of all time. Michael Jordan is the greatest player. What's the differ? Great what's the best? You know it?

What's the difference? What did they explain? Explain yourself? What's the difference?

The best player is the most athletically gifted and extending his career. The greatest is you watch the guy play and there's no question in any era he would have been the greatest on the court. Thank thank killer taking over at the end of the game. Michael Jordan. Right.

I know that you're talking about Lebron James and there's a letticism and all this stuff, but I'm just saying, did you see the last dance? Did you see when John Sally sat up there and said the golden rule you understand for the Jordan rules, was the attacker before he got airborne, because you know he wasn't human, right, That's what John South did.

So we're just gonna ignore it.

That doesn't happen in this era. They're all buddies, they all hang out, they're all like, you know, they're not gonna they're not gonna hurt each other, They're not gonna pack each other in the air. It's just it's a differently but definitely.

The last last couple of questions, last couple of questions wore. I'll let you go. Let's switch to the w n B A. We got Caitlyn Clark.

By the way, Kevin Durant deserved to be right up there with Steph Covey and and Leron James as well.

But I digress.

Yeah, when you look at the w n B A, you had Caitlyn Clark and Andrew Rees tied at the beginning. Now you elevated Kitlyn Clark to a ninety one from a ninety put above arew Rees?

What took you so long? It took you so long?

Those ratings, especially in the off season, don't uh get bumped up as much, right, so they play in the window that we're launching. Absolutely, Caitlyn Clark, Uh, I mean crazy, she's a walking triple double all of a sudden. Ever, soon that Paris Frank she has been totally unstoppable. So I mean that rating is only going to go up from there. But the only ninety nine of the game is right here. That's the MVP Asian Wilson. I agree with you, by the way, stephen A, I saw you were saying that Kate Lou should be in the MVP conversation. Forget rookie year.

She's in the MVP conversation, no question, She's in a MVP conversation. She's clearly the rookie of the year. But we all know there's only one Agea Wilson. She's the monster in WNBA and women's basketball period. I think she's the best in the business. My last question to you is something that a lot of folks in the audience was asking. It was like, how did hell of the guy who's supposed to be a lawyer be come to face a two K basketball Oh?

To be honest, I'm not sure, stephen A. It's been seventeen years. I've loved working and talking about basketball for a career, and getting to work for this video game that I used to be a competitive player at Our team is tremendous. Like you know, we went from a million sales of being the lifestyle basketball brand of the world. And it's been such a fun ride. And we're only scratching the surface because basketball gives us so many opportunities, right, and I'm really excited about the future of the franchise.

Ronnie, I lied to you. I got two more quick questions for you because I just remember.

Russell saying that with you all day, whatever you want.

Russell, Russell Westbrook is not in your top one hundred.


I was surprised to hit me with that one earlier. I mean it's tough like that top level of players. Now that top hundred is, would you agree better than it's ever been? Like we have so many Maybe I just don't. It's crazy. What's that?


But I can't put Russell Westbrook out of a top one hundred.

I mean he.

Plays too hard, he's too feisty, he's too powerful, he's too athletic.

I can't ignore him from the top one hundred. I can't do that.

There was a tough decision. But you look at that top hundred and you're like, man, I don't know who who we'd replace with them. We're gonna have to look at it again and assess.

Last, but not least, Man, I thought we were boys. Man, I thought we were cool. I mean, I just I mean, I see I see Jalen Bronston here at number thirteen, But I mean I don't see Julius randing it anywhere. Ogn and no be anywhere.

I mean, I don't see anybody else from the.

New York Knicks. Where's the New York Knicks love? Where's the New York Knicks love?

Man? I think the Knicks are I mean, obviously had a bnster season last year, probably underrepresentative of the top hundred, But it's gonna be a fun season and they're gonna make some noise. They got a lot of chip on their shoulder because of those two k ratings not representing them as much as they should have. So I'm with you Stee today. You're gonna get out, get on that campaign. I'm sorry.

If I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna have to.

I'm still worried about them because I still think the two best teams in the East is bought Stan in Philadelphia. Now that Philadelphia's got Paul George of him and b and Maxie are all healthy. Lookout because I thought Maxie should.

Have been hiding. I think Philadelphia is gonna win the championship.

To be honest, oh wow, if they're healthy. I don't disagree with you if they're healthy. But we all know that's asking for a lot from Paul George and Joel Andbi.


Appreciate you, my brother, Thank you so much. Man, appreciate you.

Being on the show.

I really appreciate the time.

Buddy, no doubt, Buddy. Same here, same here,