Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. Roland Martin delivers breaking news, commentary, debates, and interviews on issues important to the African American community. Throughout his journalistic career, he has interviewed multiple U.S. presidents and Hollywood's top athletes and entertainers. Roland S. Martin is a journalist who has always maintained a clear sense of his calling. Many have bestowed upon him the moniker “The Voice Of Black America.”
My guest is the host of the popular show Rolling Martin Unfiltered. Always loved talking to him about all things politics, and boy do we have a lot to talk about today. Please welcome to one and only Rolling Mark to the show. What's up, Big Time?
How are you men? How's everything?
I'm all good?
All right, before we even get started, let's flash the shirt just to stick out that type with the big chest of your big showers.
Stick it out right there.
So I got this from the group Georgia's Stand Up a couple of years ago. And so he says, elect black women, fun black women, Believe black women, invest in black women, follow black women, defend black women, hire black women, promote black women, and so you see they say, stand up and vote for black women.
So I thought it was a perfect time to pull this shirt out.
Well, it can't get much more perfect than this.
I mean, Kamala Harris now as as the favorite, to say the least, because President Joe Biden has decided to step aside for the twenty twenty four you know, obviously for the presidency of the United.
States to be re elected.
It's a decision I clearly supported and have supported for weeks now.
Roland. When you heard the news, just give me your take and what you've.
Been feeling over the last twenty four hours since the news came down.
It was no shock.
Look for twenty four days after the June twenty seventh debate, Democrats had been attacking President Joe Biden. In fact, they hit Biden more than they hit Donald Trump. And a week after the debate the polls were still tied, but every day the constant barrage media and Democrats.
Even after Donald.
Trump's horrible speech on Thursday, the Democrats were still targeting Biden.
So it was no shock. The polls had shifted, The polls had changed, if you will, and.
So that's where they were. And so he really had no choice because of the drum met was never going to stop. So he endorses Vice President Kamala Harris. I thought it was it was an obviously smart move, and you've seen how the party is coalescing around her. Eighty million dollars raised in the first twenty four hours. Last night, forty five thousand black women were on a zoom call, but they raised one pointy five million dollars.
The Democratic different delegation supporting her.
All of the candidates that everybody said it was going to viofle the nomination.
Guess what, They've all endorsed Kamala Harris. Nancy Pelosi, who wanted an open convention, she won support of Kamala Harris. She had the endorser. Now, I don't know what Barack Obama.
That's where I was going. That's where I was going.
I mean Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, both of them. We haven't heard anything from them as of yet.
No, no, I'm released the statement. Okay, Biden.
He praised Joe Biden, and he talked about this open convention process.
That's like, that's what I'm talking now. I didn't mean that we haven't heard from him. I was saying, right, Michelle and Barack Obama neither have come out and publicly endorsed Kamala Harris for the presidency of the United States Democratic nomination.
What do you make of that?
Rollingd on again, I don't know what the hell is going on? But guess what.
Ain't nobody waiting on them? And so you know they're late to the party. And so President President hill Bill Clinton endorsed count of Harris. Hillary Clinton endorsed, As I said, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchy Whitner, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Pirou, Roy Cooper, No kind of Governor, Andy Bashier, Kentucky Governor Jay Prisker, Illinois Governor. All of these folks, so they said were going to be candidates for the nomination, are all back in her.
I don't know what President Obama's doing, but Obamba line is the base saint waiting.
And he related to the party.
I don't understand the motivation, and some people like, oh, he's operating as an elder.
The state's been no nonsense.
He should have came out yesterday hard and strong for collar hairs.
But it don't matter. We focused on moving forward.
Well, I thought it was a four gone conclusion.
The second that the Clintons came out along with Biden's endorsement, and then the Clinton's followed up by endorsing her for the candidacy, I thought it was a foegone conclusion. I still think it's a foegone conclusion obviously. But let's get back to the president for the moment, because I really really wanted to talk to you about that, and I feel you know, you know me, I got love for you, my brother.
You know when you get on me.
When I deserve to be yotta on you under sad and vice versa.
And is all right, man, it's all love. Here's my thing.
I'm annoyed at this notion, rolling Martin that the president has been disrespected. Here's my thinking. You're eighty one. I'm not going to be at eighty one. What I am in my fifties. I'm not in my fifties what I was in my twenties. It's not a crime. How come you can't look at the president and say, you know something rescue plan, the infrastructure bill, you know, student loan relief, and abundance.
Of other things. A black Supreme Court justice female at.
That of Katanzi Brown Jackson, what have you? How come you can't look at him and say, sir, we appreciate your years of service.
Thank you so much.
But it's time for somebody else without being deemed somebody that's beating up on a man.
Why is that?
I think?
Well, I think it was.
I think it's several factors. First of all, a very successful administration. That's number one, extremely successful administration.
Two, he beat him, He beat Trump. Three.
The fact of the matter is that he's still being effective in the office.
And so you give leadway to the incumbent what happened here? And look, and I fuirly believe this, stephen A. I firmly believe.
And if Democrats had complained of three or four days after the debate, a lot of as well dissipated the fact that they kept going and kept going and kept going, and so this thing became just a train rushing downhill.
So it was the point of no return. Uh.
And so so he made the decision, and he will go down as one of the most consequential presidents in history.
This decision he did not want to make, he was make, he was being forced to make. So so we understand that. But I mean, you know, it is what it is.
I think the focus right now if you are Democrats, beat Trump, beat project twive, hit the ground, mobilize the reason I disagreed the President Obama and others about an open convention.
I'm with you, by the way, I'm a month away. I'm with you, by the way, I completely agree with you about an open convention. Well, go ahead the month.
Away, So you need the next month to be building momentum on the ground, and so the eighty million rays in the first twenty four hours hugely important. And so then also, I mean people hit me. Don Lemon tweeted this, Oh it'd be great. Ive Biden stepped down as president and made Kamala president.
I was like, ridiculous, nog.
That's dumb, because we didn't understand is she would have to pick a vice president who who confirms that that Republican House. She don't have time to be dealing rankling over a VP a short term presidency. Guy said no, Biden state, she focuses on campaigning, picks her running mate, you move forward. So a lot of people aren't thinking this stuff through. They're just throwing stuff out.
It made no sense.
I coally agree with you. I'm totally with you on that. The bottom line is this is too late in the game for all that. And here's the thing.
Listen, from what I've been told, you know, from an administrative perspective, in terms of signing those checks and everything for everybody associated with the Democratic National Committee and stuff like that, she oversees.
A lot out of that.
So the point is the infrastructure that is in place, the personnel that works for the Obama, for the Biden administration. I'm sorry, obviously that's just a Biden and Kamala Harris campaign.
So campaign for the campaign right when you gave money, you gave money to Biden and Kamala. So she was the only person who cannot only tap the money. They've got a thousand campaign workers when one hundred field offices.
So anybody else was chosen, they would.
Have had to completely build right a national infrastructure from scratch.
That's why it never made sense.
That's why when all these people would mention her name, Oh we need a young, fresh democratic voice, I'm like, why y'all scared of mintion her name? Yeah, she was the only logical choice to assume the campaign manager.
Well, they're gonna sit up there and say when she was running for the presidency and she was in the primaries, Roland mar and uh, she couldn't even.
Get, you know, to the debates that you know, she was at the debate stage, but she couldn't five years ago and it couldn't make any end rolls to that.
You say, what five years ago?
Let me also remind people, in nineteen eighty eight, an Arkansas governor named Bill Clinton.
Gave one of the worst convention speeches ever.
Four years later he was accepting the nominations for president and was elected to two terms. Let me also remind people Joe Biden ran for president several times. Lost, lost, He lost the first three primaries. In twenty twenty, what happened. He won the nomination, He won the presidency. And so folk need to stop freezing Vice President Kamala Harris in time. She has been on the national stage now for four years. She has been traveling. She's met with more than one hundred world leaders. She's been sitting down as a part of negotiations for a variety of major bills.
She's gotten the experience. That's what's the most important.
And see all these other people who are governors, you don't know how they act on the national stage. I give you a perfect example. It's a guy named Fred Thompson. He was a television actor. That's right, Lad lawd Order Center the Center, Tennessee.
That's right.
When he announced it, like, oh my god, this is the coming of Ronald Reagan two point zero. He's tall, he's voyage, he could campaign. He was a dull day.
You never know how somebody is going to operate when they got that national spotlight. Just like in our business, you can be a great local uh sportscaster or a journalist. When you get to them national, that's a different ball game. That's the major leagues.
Roland Martin, Let's get real here, because it's rolling Martin unfiltered talking to stephen A.
So it don't get much realer than that. My brother, we're black men, and we have we can't. We know that most of us ain't trying to vote for No Dad on Donald Trump.
That that that that's we were. We make sure we're clear about that.
But other than not voting for the other guy, if you're Kamala Harris, what do you say to black men and why they should vote for you outside of.
Not voting for the other guy?
When you take into account her record as an attorney general in the city of San Francisco, an attorney general in the state of California, a senator on Capitol Hilly, United States Senator, there have been even Democratic candidates that have roiled against her because of her record with incarcerating black men for nonviolent crimes and what have you these years ago? Like you said, long time ago, but you know that kind of stuff is going to come up, and you know Republicans are going to throw it in our face every chance they get.
How do you answer that question.
Here's the first thing. Most of that stuff alies. Okay, So what happened was and I'll take you back to twenty nineteen. I had said to them Senator Harris as well as her sister was her campaign manager in March, y'all have got to confront your criminal justice record. You got to you gotta talk about it, and you can now allow the narrative be established. They waited until July to roll out her criminal justice plan.
It was way too late. And so you know all of these stories, oh Colin has locked up thousands of black men, put it in jail for prison lies. So there's a video. There's a video out and I'm gonna send it to you that that is.
Detailed her actual record. It addresses the lies. A man Drew Bullock goes by. Drew comments on Twitter he has done more work talking about her record. Recie Cobert has done more work studying her record. So those are lives. So the first thing they gotta do is immediately go to the heart to dispel the lies because the Republicans are gonna sit here and yeah, tried to wield that bat against her against black men. Let me also remind people of something. When the First Step Act was signing to law, they got to go backwards. Where did the First Step Act originate? Was actually in the Democratic and Control House congressrom Hak King, Jeffries, the late congress Woman Sheila Jackson Lee, then Congress and Centria Richmond.
They were working on that.
It passed the House, then it went to the Senate. Guess what these are the senators who said this bill ain't good enough. Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Corey Booker, Senator Dick Durbin, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley. They improved the bill, so Vice President So then Senator Kamala Harris made sure that the bill, the Criminal Justice Bill, was strengthened. And so they're going to have to be aggressive in setting the record straight and dispelling the lives and stopping.
Any misinformation that's been driven on social media. That's going to be paramount.
Well, let's make.
Sure we educate the audience when you talking about the First Step that you're talking about Criminal Justice Reform Bill.
That was passed.
That's what you're talking about, because the House of that, you know, the Congress was divided on that issue. In somehow some way, they you know, they got things done in that regard. Let me go to the other thing that they're gonna throw in the face of anybody who's thinking about supporting Kamala Harris.
They're gonna remember that.
She was supposed to be the borders are, and yet ten and a half million of legal immigrants across the borders in this country during the administration.
How do you respond to that, Roland Martin, what do you say?
First thing? First thing, what she was at the border saw, but.
That's what they call it.
Even some of the Democrats call it out.
Even some of the Democrats call it that right, but she was okay, the White House never call her the borders are. Reminded me, first of all, So remember she went to Central America. She said, folks do not come. They were dealing with a lot of the policy issues, but the reality is you've a Department of Homeland Security. You have that was that was that was a mistake for them to allow that borders are, boarders are, borders are, because really, what could she actually have done.
But for campaign, they got address it. And if I'm her campaign, this is what I say.
Republicans. There was a bipartisan border bill. Senator James Langford, Republican Oklahoma was leading it. Donald Trump said, don't pass it because I need to campaign on this.
I will hit his ass with it.
Every single time. I will say, you stopped the border bill. You told Republicans don't vote for it, and they listen, and you got him on tape. You got Republicans on tape saying yes, Donald Trump told us not to sign it. That's how you respond, and yet hit them every single time.
Do you consider yourself?
Getting a little personal here, Roland, do you consider yourself? I don't want to say just the liberal, because I know you're more than that, but on it, I'm talking about somebody.
You know.
We look at people like you look at the MAGA right, you look at the progressives on the left. There's two extremes on the ridges, and then everybody else moves some, a little, some a lot towards the center. I'm a centrist, vote left, I'm a fiscal conservative, and I'm a social liberal. I always say that about myself, Roland. I vote I vote Democrat. That's black folks, Okay, no question about it. But Kamala Harris has been labeled by the right as somebody who is a bit, dare I say, more radical than a Joe Biden who is about making deals.
And this is what they say.
I mean, I'm just listening because I knew I was interviewing you today, So I'm listening to these people all morning long. And this is the kind of this is the kind of narrative they're going to try to create about her.
What do you say to that, Roland Or Remember she was a district attorney in San Francisco, right, she was Attorney.
General in California. Right. So their whole deal is old California liberal liberal liberal liberal, liberal liberal liberal. But the reality is it's a lot of red in California too. You can go to Orange County and some other places. So the reality is.
When you look at her position on reproductive rights, they call the same thing because of her position on same sex marriage.
That's what they do. I don't care who you are, remember it.
But Joe Biden is a moderate Democrat and they call him a radical leftist. So you know that's gonna always come see for me, I'm a voter.
It's what I tell everybody.
I'm a man, I'm a black man. I look at issues what matters to me. And so when I'm looking at have I voted Republicans before, Yes, I voted for Democrats before, yes, Independence, yes, But when I look at right now the Republican Party, the mac of Republican Party, and I look at Trump's Project tween twenty five, there is no way in hell I will support anybody that stands with that thug. That was a great it was a great tweet that went out. That was a guy who's one of the co foinals of Open AI for don something.
So Elon Musk.
Elon Musk set this guy a tweet like, you know, you know, you need to get on board, you need to you know, get on board. And this guy wrote an amazing response and he said, I'm sorry. I believe in climate change, I believe in the rule of law, and he listed the narcissistic line cheating and here, so he said, I made want to continue tax cuts, but I cannot support that.
And so that's that's when you reach your point.
Step to day, when I called our Chris Christian abenc this week September twenty twenty one, and they ain't have me back on sense when I said, you chose party and power over principles, morals, values.
And ethics. And for me, when I listened to what that man says, let me remind people.
On the night that man accepted his nomination on Thursday, he had an admitted racist on tape in Hulk Hogan introduced him in that night, and he had Kid Rock, who loves to use the N word and drape himself in a competitive flag performed.
If those are the kind of people you will allow.
To introduce you, except a a nomination, there's no way in hell me if a conscientious black man could ever support that.
Donald Trump gave his speech Thursday night, and I thought up to that point that if you're a Republican, if you're a conservative, it was incredibly organized.
It was a good production. There were some decent speeches, et cetera.
I thought they looked as organized and this together and as united as ever.
And I thought Donald Trump showed up and messed it all up.
His speech was everything that they did for four days, for three for three days, and practically for three days.
And ninety nine hours out of one hundred, this man messed it up with that one speech. I thought, that's how awful it was.
And prior to that, Roland I was actually looked when he got shot and the blood was trickling down his face and he got up surrounded by Secret Service and was waving his fist and the American flag was behind him. I was like, Yo, it don't get much better than this for a politician. You can't get a better photo than that. I thought, Yo, he secured the election because if body's going to stay in and you got that photo, he's in a world of trouble. And that one speech made me go, well, damn, I got that wrong because I couldn't believe it.
Even after the assassination. I didn't believe it because the reality is, he still is who he is.
Remember they were like, oh, we're gonna have a message of unity, and remember Biden campaign announced that Saturday evening they were taking their campaign ads down.
Not even twenty four hours.
Later, he was tweeting some nonsense and the campaign said, we're putting the mass back up tomorrow night.
He is who he is.
Donald Trump has no bottle. Alberto Gonzalez, who was president George H. W. Bush, excuse me, President George W. Bush's attorney general said, I am scared of that man getting elected because he has shown us he's going to abuse power.
He is who he is.
Donald Trump can't fake unity, he can't fake being humble.
He can't. He's not.
He is a deranged individual. And you worked that speech. Hannibal Lecter and all the man talked for ninety two minutes.
But here's the other deal.
We've had updates every day from Donald Trump's excuse me, President Joe Biden's doctors about COVID. How is it at the shameful mainstream media seeingn MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, NBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post. How have they not demanded that Trump's doctors come out and explain his injuries. It's as if everybody else and that Ronnie Jackson letter, Hell, he ain't even got his license.
He's an idiot. So this is the double standard here, And I'm gonna go ahead and say this, and I don't care. Steven A. I fundamently believe a bunch.
Of these folks in mainstream media desperately want Donald Trump back in the White House. They want the chaos. They want the ratings, they want the daily reality show. I absolutely believe it. And when you look at this coverage, how they won't cover certain things, how they won't fact check, and then they go, well, that's just down now unaccepted.
Well, I'm not gonna say they don't fact check Roland. I think they do.
I think here's the thing. The dude listen, he don't he doesn't mind and bellishit. He doesn't mind lying. He'll do it to your face. With the sky that the sky is blue right in front of you, and he'll tell you differently.
He don't care.
Wait a minute, he'll tell you the sky's green. And then you say, donald sky's green. He'll go, I ain't say it was.
Green, and guess, but listen, and we move on because we've grown accustomed to it.
But but the flip side to it is that if it works, it works.
Because all he's trying to do is get back in office, and that's what it really really comes down to.
I think they fact checked him.
I just think it's a situation where, damn you, you don't even have enough television real estate to highlight all the things that he isn't a lot of well, they say, well, they won't, but they also both sides, both sides, well, you know, no, no, no, no.
I've always had a very basic role in my career. If you do good, I'll talk about you. If you do bad, I'll talk about you. At the end of day, I'll talk about you if one person, If one person lies fifty times and one person tells five lies, I'm not gonna give the same time to the five lies as the fifty lives. And I think what happens is is this, well, man, you know, you know, we can't go too hard. No, he's lying, and you have to be honest with the people. It's like God rest his soul. Chris Messler was a black and servant Black Republican. Chris died a couple months ago, and Black Republicans say, Chris, I don't understand you go roll and show and he don't yell at you, He don't.
Call you out.
Chris said, because y'all asked his lie and I don't. He said, if I lie, ronand go chew my ass out. The media has got to stop the both sides ism and all the same. They gotta simply say, if you lie, we're gonna call you out if we're gonna challenge you and not move on.
But they don't.
But let me interrupt you. Let me interrupt you.
I'm gonna get I'm gonna get personal with you here, and I'm gonna say to you.
I'm gonna use the word.
I don't know whether it's understanding or it's compassion, but here's reality.
I'm gonna talk to you. Is my brother right here. You know more than most and.
A lot of times I think you hold people accountable that just don't know like there are Like, for example, I might I know sports, I might talk a little politics because demmit, you ask me my opinion.
I read the papers, I read the news.
But you see, I defer to others when it comes to knowing like yourself, because Devin, I don't know because I'm not following it like that.
So if I'm interviewing.
Somebody and you got a politician talking about the chip acting, you got another politician talking about the boy, and you got another politician talking about the immigration crisis or the economy, you know, I'm going like this, Yeah, I'm listening. But my hope is you listening to experts like you, and they say yo, this is what he said. This is not true, as opposed to blaming the person that gave them the platform to say it.
Okay, well here it is.
You got them on the record, they said it. Take it and do what you will with it, because you.
Might know something that the person asking them the question may not know at that particular moment in time.
That happens.
Yeah, I think first of all, like when I was at seeing it, it happened all the time. Somebody will say something and they'd be lying, and I'll.
Be sitting there going, you ain't gonn correct? That lie wasna a lot just look like runaway.
And I'm being honest, I ain't got a problem saying it, steven A. A bunch of these people who are TV anchors, they ain't smart. They got producers who are talking in their ear.
I'm sorry. You need to be well read.
You need to be able to fact check people in real time because the audience expects it.
The reason I don't allow.
People to lie when I'm on my show because I don't want the audience to go for man, they said that rolling then say nothing, so must be true. So our job is to make sure that we are arbiters of truth. Now what jumps out Also again what we have to do is that's why go to the fact checking. And again for Democrats and Republicans, you don't let anybody lie. I'm gonna get this here, you're gonna crack up.
So I got caught up in the.
Airplane vortex Friday, okay, with the breakdown. So flight attendant maybe in Frontier or Spirit, I don't know. Older sister she comes over and she said, hey, I'm concerned Product twenty twenty five.
We got educated young people. So I'm trying to listen to my gospel music.
So I take the ear buzz out and I was like, okay, sister, here's some graphics and go ahead and go there. So then she goes to sit down. So then this other sister comes up with another fight attendant. She goes, did my colleague come over here and ask you about Product twenty twenty five? Said yes, and she said, do you really that's our Trump's playing?
I'm like, yes it is.
So then she she's taught John and Steven, ain't you get this all the time like that? Yeah, I'm talking to the sister and I'm like, well, no, that's not true.
She keep going, keep going, and she keep going, and then you gotta check them, and she keep going.
See nine Stephen Nady.
Now I'm trying to be the nice uncle roll bro well her ass yelp present.
And then I wouldn't let Joe Biden walk my dog.
That's when I had to see it. I was laid back like this here missing the music, and then I set my ass up. Then I start namely one policy.
I started hitting. I asked me questions and what I sell up? You can't name one start moving the gold post. For the next twenty minutes, I was on her ass. The other people around were like, you know how you like when you listen, you're like and she I was killing him, and she started it. She started it.
So now so now you got to watch.
Her because you gotta watch the language while you're talking to her.
Now, but take this.
Then then I call her.
Don't you call a woman alive? I said, well, don't lie. I I'm using a woman called on me. You lying?
So I tell people, look, if you're gonna sit here, and if you want to sit here and debate professionals and you want to keep pressing, we gonna hand you your ass like we do on TV. Now, I was trying to be nice, but it was a perfect example of this woman who and she by it just horrible.
He's this and Trump she starts just lying. Now. I was like, baby, you're not gonna see it. And to get what kicked in was, I can't let you lie in my presence. I can't. I don't let a fact man. Listen. My mama might say something in a group chet Mama that ain't true.
You might you, you might, you might say it, but you're gonna be nice about it because that's mama. You know you ain't stupid. You ain't stupid. Don't don't take off mama.
Now, no, ma, Mama posted something I said, Mama, don't you post nothing again unless you run it by.
I mean, do you go what you post it on Facebook is wrong.
Let me throw this at you. Let me throw this at you.
Is this how Kamala Harris is gonna need to be in a debate against Trump?
Hell yeah, I'm telling Here's what I would do. Here's what I would do. I would be pressing. I would say, you gonna lie again.
Don For eight years, Donald Trump has claimed that he signed the Veteran's Choice Act. I will sit here and say, Don, can you stop lying that bill was pushed by Biden and Obama and Obama signed into law. Can you stop taking credit for something that President Barack Obama did. I put even wait on the moderators when he lies. I would seeing there going, Don, that's a lie. More oil production as a domestic aill production has happened on the Biden, Harris and any O administration in history. Donald, you lying we gave sixteen billion HBCUs. You submitted three years of budget cuts for HBCUs. Donald, you lying about the child poverty rate, You lion about black unemployment?
You lying about That's how you gotta sit here and press them. You can't let him breathe. It's like she gotta be Gary Peyton playing defense on his asss. Just smother him. That's how you gotta be.
Because if you, if you, if you let the liar have an inch, right, they gonna take a foot in a yard in ten yards.
Is she capable? Is she capable of doing what you just said? Because the old listen.
The one criticism that I've had about her since she's been in office. I remember one time I came right on this show, Roland I said, stop giggling, said, when somebody asked you a question, stop giggling. It's an evasive tactic that comes across as you being uncertain or insecure about the answer you need to give. You got to go out there. You can't play with this dude. You can because say what you will about him. He knows television, He knows the camera. He knows how to drop on one line up and win the argument just by that alone, because people are fixated on the one line of that he dropped as opposed to the substance behind his argument.
So she's got to be ready for all of that role, right.
Well, remember if you go back to those Senate hearings when she was all over Jeff Sessions and over Brett Kavanaugh. That's the Kamla has has to be there. But also her team has to prepare her what I call the split screen. I remember when Van Jones joined CNN and I called Van and I.
Was like, Band, they killing you, bro. So I would literally and Band will tell you.
We would have constant sessions after every one of his appearances, and I was essentially teaching him television.
Now, I remember telling him something.
I said, Van when they having a conversation that's going on, don't sit still.
If somebody says something you disagree with, do this here, shake your head.
I said.
It's a non verbal action, and the host.
Is gonna see it and then go ban you just if I'm going And that's what Joe Biden didn't do in the first debate that he did four years ago. If I'm Kamala Harris when he talked, first of all, I'm listening to him, but I ain't even looking at him. I'm looking at the host. And when he started lying, I'm gonna do this here, I'm gonna smile and shake my head or you.
Just gotta set up in your chair or you just gotta sit up in the chair like look like.
What what right? No? No, no, you know what I'm saying. Is what I'm saying is they gonna have you on a split screen.
So what you do is while he's talking, you going, you're shaking your head because you're telling the audience he lying, he lying, and then he gonna come back to you gn you pounds. So that's the mode that she has to be in, and so I hope her team doesn't overprepare her.
What I would do is take.
One one, take other question, take one point and expand I thought the criticism I had abide in the first debate. He would go number one, number two, number three, that's over prepared, that's not natural. Take that one point in pounds and pounds, and then un Because and Donald Trump said this the other day to rally, and I gazed somebody this tip. When they went on Tucker Calls, I said, ooh, I said, argant. White men don't like being laughed at, especially by black people. I did this to Glenn Beck, and boy, he was so hot with me. I started laughing at him on the air. Donald Trump said the rally of the day.
They laughed at me. I don't like people laughing at me. If he started lying, I would do this here. Man, you just keep lying.
I disagree with you because I think I think the laugh of Kamala Harrison gets held against Tom more than it gets me.
Her laugh laugh. I'm talking about that, you full of ship lass, right, that's the laugh I mean. Because again he's gonna come unhinged. He hates being mocked. His sister said it in the book. He doesn't like.
Being mocked, and then you got to remind him we beat you last time, and you come lying about the election loss. We're gonna beat you again. That's gonna eat at him. It's gonna make him mad. That's how you throw somebody.
If I'm Vice president, Kamala Harrias, just go study some tastes of Muhammad.
I leave no doubt, no doubt, rolle for dope, no doubt about it.
What's the demo that Kamala Harris has to secure for this to win the election?
The most important thing, and this is the piece that This is one of the reasons why I was different from people about Biden dropping out. Biden got a larger percentage of the white vote than Hillary Clinton did or Barack Obama.
So Biden had a white coalition.
White seniors, white independents, white suburban voters, white college voters.
They have to hold that coalition. They have to hold that number to at least forty percent. If it goes to thirty nine, thirty eight, they then have to over index on black and Latino.
They gotta hold their white coalition. That's going to be critical because seventy percent of the entire electric white. So if they're seeing any slippage, let's say, from white seniors. And remember sixty five plus most more than anybody else. And this is why I keep trying to tell gen X excuse me, Leno's and gen Z stop complaining about man we sink of.
All these old politicians. Guess what old people vote. If y'all vote like old people vote, y'all will outvote everybody. Everybody. The numbers are the numbers.
So what she's gonna do is go hard female vote. Remember Donald Trump got fifty two percent of the white female vote in twenty sixteen.
It increased in twenty twenty.
So I think with the Dobbs decision, I think that you're gonna see a different view of white women. So if she's able to knock him down anywhere from three to five points with white women going from fifty two down to forty seven forty eight.
That's gonna be huge.
I think she's going to be aggressive and really trying to speak to the eighteen to thirty five demo.
That's important.
But she also is going to have to really get aggressive and striftening her black and Latino numbers, because for African Americans, her numbers are not Obama numbers and not that not there. So she's gonna be speaking to the issues, addressing what the agenda is going to be. I'm actually participating in a black male call tonight for brothers who supporting Kamala Harris. Gonna be an eight pm Eastern following my show. We would have got about forty plus speakers the goals. They have ten thousand brothers on that call.
And so, by the way, before you can tell you how can people know to get on that call to night? What do you need?
If they go to my social media, they will actually see the sign up there. We're also going to be streaming it on my YouTube channel and the black Star Network app. So you can't get into the call, you can still see it the.
Give your social media channel.
Give you social media, Instagram, Twitter, rolling ass Martin, same as TikTok, Snapchat, fan base.
It's all the same. Uh. And so just go to YouTube dot com for slash rolling thisss Martin. You can watch it.
The last question go ahead, I don't you finish your thought? Don I got one last question?
Go so I just think that again? Ask you deliping her agenda.
You're gonna actually see that but I really believe if they're gonna use Project tween twenty five to nail Trump, which is why Trump keeps saying I don't know anything about that, that's not my plan, because they know it's it's so potent because it is the most shameful political document since Jim Crow.
Real Quick Project twenty twenty five. I brought it up last week. What stands out about it in your mind? Just a couple of nuggets.
Just first out Wood jumps out. They have a serious part of that to target what they call anti white racism. They're going to go after any program that has been helpful to minorities, especial black folks. They are going to reclassify the fight against white domestic terrorism.
That's gonna happen.
The NBI director said, the greatest national security threat to America is white domestic terrorism. They don't want that because that's their voters. So you got that and black people over index as federal workers. They are going to demand a maga loyalty oath from federal workers or they're going to fire up with the fifty thousand federal workers.
This thing is real. This thing is real. It is dangerous.
They've got stuff in their steaming a that reclassifies overtime pay all sorts of stuff. So it is, it is an unbelievable it's a thousand pages. And trust me, what of Donald Trump saying his speech, I'm rehiring Tom Holman?
Who's Tom Holman, the author of Probaly twenty twenty five?
Rolling before I let you get on out of a very last question, there is a vice presidential candidate that has to be picked in the event that obvious happens in Kamala Harris is our Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United States come this November. They say, there are folks that are saying, analyzing this, you can't pick another black because you can't have two blacks on a ticket. You can't pick another woman because you can't have two women on the ticket. You've even got some folks out there talking about because of the Israeli Palestinian conflict that's going on, particularly since October seventh, you know, it might be troubling for her to pick a Jewish candidate because it could affect the amount.
Of votes that she receives. They're saying all of this, what's right, what's wrong?
What direction should she go in to pick her next vice presidential candidate, Rolamard.
So let me say this here.
I always love the people who were like, oh, identity politics. She was a DEI pick, so was Joe Biden, and Obama picked him. What if they say Obama needed a white man with foreign policy experience from the Midwest to talk to those.
Voters and was picked. So I love it how they never use identity of politics when it comes to white.
Well, Della the West, Dela got you.
No, no, no, no, no, he's remember he.
Was a Pennsylvania's so and so they so they they, they always talk about that, here's the most important thing you need a VP pick who the nominee is comfortable with. I know we talk about battleground states and all sort of stuff like that. The most important thing who is that person comfortable with? And I think looking at the list and looking at Shapiro's only been governed for a couple of years, you got Whitmer. You're not gonna have two women, You're just not. You're not gonna have West more than two blacks. I think the person who can be the most helpful, who she is most comfortable with. North Carolina Governor or Cooper. Why because they were attorney generals together. They already have a relationship. He's a sixty seven year old white man, he's term limited. North Carolina is a battleground state, and so I think those those factors coming all together, I think it's gonna be no comment Governor Rock Cooper more than but Sheer, more than Shapiro, Yeah, because she You want somebody who you're comfortable with.
Look, stephen A, you've had, You've had co host you've had executive producers. There's nothing worse than having that. You having somebody. Y'all got to be on the same page. Y'all got to be sympatical. Y'all got to be together. And that's really the most important thing for a vice president. You want somebody you're comfortable with. Because Schirty knows him, and it's a battleground state, and it's sixtific six, sixty seven year old white man, so he can go out there and talk country, do all this sort of stuff.
I mean, all those factors. I think those all the elements that it points to, Rock.
Cooper, Roland Martin unfiltered. I know you're gonna have a show today, right.
Well, I was supposed to do a one hour tribute UH to the Lake Congress from Sheila Jackson lead UH because I'm from Houston. I've known her more than longer than any of the house member. God rest her soul. She died Friday, so I'm gonna push my tribute to her on Wednesday. But were going two hours and all of this. Then we're doing a blackmail call. So yeah, I'm gonna be live for five hours. It's about to be off the chain, and I'm gonna be rocking this shirt on the show as.
Well, no doubt. Keep doing your thing, man, proud of you, keep helping me.
I appreciate it. Brother.
I appreciate you, my brother. Thank you so much.
We'll talk so yes, sir,