Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. Miami Hip Hop legend Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell also joins the show to talk about the Diddy indictment, the upcoming New Orleans Super Bowl halftime show, and more.
I couldn't wait to get to my next guest of Miami Hip Hop Legend from the rap group two Live Crew. He's been on the show before and I wanted him back to sort of recap the week of hot topics that have been percolating all over the damn world. Right now, please welcome the one the Only Uncle Luke himself, Luther Campbell aka Uncle Luke.
What's up, Big Time? How were you?
How's everything?
Hey man? Everything's great, man.
I can't complain, man, it's football season, and you know it's context.
Fuck, baby, I ain't mad at you. I know you know your football. I know you love your football. But I'll be damned. That's why I asked you to come on today.
I mean, you know what the hell's been going on all week and all of this other stuff.
I mean, just to recap everything.
When you heard about Diddy and obviously him getting arrested, them taking into jail, denying him bail not once, but twice, what went through your mind?
Uncle Luke?
Let me tell you some The first thing went to my mind was the liquor when you when you, I mean when you were you staying at a liquor company that's paying you all this money, you know, fifteen million or whatever. It was right that they're going after you and you call you make racial claims against them.
What those big type of corporations down Yeah, yeahha. They come after you.
You know, they come after you if you're going to go into a court of law and think you're gonna win a fight without them deframing you or making you look like the worst person in the world, you know, start out.
The first thing that came.
To my mind, you know, just thinking that these people are so powerful and they're so politically motivated where they actually own senators who actually get on the phone and call up presidents and tell presidents to appoint certain people in certain department heads.
You know, it's just.
Real easy for them to get on the phone, call and say, hey, look at man, put pressure on that brother there.
And I think that's I think that's what he got caught in.
But so so basically what you're saying is you ain't even attaching any guilt or innoc it's to him.
What you're basically saying is he made the wrong damn enemies and now they came for him.
He made the wrong enemies. I mean he went and essentially did what our parents always say, never bite the hand that fees you. And so now he's in the world of trouble. You know what I'm saying. I mean, let's think about it, Steve. We all have been to a back of the party, right, that was a back of the party.
I mean, you go to jails for a batch of party if you go to I mean, let's keep it one hundred.
So back to the parties technically illegal. Now, the thing that he did.
With Cassie, I thought I originally thought California was gonna take up that as a as a kidnapping.
That is where the problem comes in at.
But everything else, you know, baby, y'all back to the party, freak offs or whatever you want to name it. I mean, guys are setting up freak alls right now because they getting ready to get married all over the world. So and they're transporting girls in from different places. Who are gonna be about that life. That's just the fact of it all.
What about the notion that number one, let's take the let's take the video. Cassie Ventura is her name, that's his ex. Now you know we saw on video what he did to her. What they're trying to say, is that that ain't the only person.
He's done it too.
You're talking about violence against women, physical violence, et cetera.
You're talking about that.
They're basically call them bad boy entertainment, implying anyway, it's a damn prostitution ring that you got people coming up in there and whatever. Now, last time I checked in certain states. Hell, we don't even know if prostitution is illegal, but what is illegal is drugging them without them knowing, et cetera, et cetera.
It's similar stuff that.
They said about Bill Cosby, similar stuff that you said about Jeffrey Epstein. It's similar stuff that they said about Harvey Weinstein. What about the notion of comparing that in some small way, if not more, to all of those names, I just throughout the Uncle Luke.
Yeah, I mean that's that. I mean, it's just like a me too, moving you know where you have with movement in the.
World, and people are moving certain type of ways, and I mean all the people that you named off, all these historic people who got taken down, you know, that is the the that is the new thing. You know, Hey, Look, you know automatically, they they're attached you to child phornography, child you know, underage individuals coming into parties and things like that. But in this case, I don't think I remember them saying anything about young underage kids. This whole thing of trafficking, bringing people sex workers.
Sex workers. Those are the girls at the strip club.
Taking them across county line or state line.
That's illegal.
I mean, you know, I'm having a little problem with that one there, because you know, again people are doing that every day. Guys are going to Toulon, guys are going to Mexico Cosmic, and then I mean going all over the world right now to celebrate their basket party, and they're taking the girl, the so called now new name sex workers across a county line, state wine and they're taking them around the country. So I mean, when you getting to the drug part of it, that is the problem. You can't drug girls. You can't do that. I mean, and take advantage of him the thing that he did with Cassidy that's on video, that's a problem.
You can't do that. I mean, certain things you just can't do.
I want to make sure because I've known you for years and i want to make sure I'm looking out for you here. I'm certainly not not trying to apply nothing. I want to be straight up and down with this. You're basically speaking against the violence because there's no excuse for that. You can't condone that. And the drugs, there's no excuse for that. But be meaning unknown drug is somebody, they don't know it. But what you're saying is shove that aside. And if there's not any truth to that. Sex workers you talking about you comparing that to poke to the strip club you're talking about it. You're basically saying this stuff and going all on time. You called it a bachelor party. If anybody would know, Uncle Luke would no. So I'm asking you, is that what you're saying. You're saying you don't want to hear that nonsense about sex workers and stuff or you know they coming across state lines or whatever, because you're saying this stuff is.
Happening all the time for decades.
Bright, this has been happening for a hundred years. I mean, that's facy. But at the end of the day, man, I just I don't believe in, you know, drugging women, you I mean, that's out of the question.
Beating women, holding people against that will doing all that wild stuff. I mean, you know, look, see I can write a book on what to do and what I have to do, you feel me. But at the end of the day, things are you can't do certain things and if you did, if did he did do that, then he gotta pay for it.
Did did he ever come to you for advice?
I mean, considering all these damn parties he was throwing, he did have a.
Crib in Miami, not just La. Did he come to you? Did he come to Uncle Luke and say, yo, man? I mean, how do I I mean, did he come do you for advice?
He didn't come to me for advice? I think what ended up happening is which happened to.
A lot of guys. They moved down to Miami.
With the understanding of this big perception of what Uncle Luke has been doing for so many years.
Down here, and they get caught up in Miami.
They get caught up at Tussis, they get caught up at movie track, they get caught up at the office, and they think that, you know, that's acceptable, And they get to the point where they say, Okay, I don't want to go to these places and party with the dances so called now sex workers. I want to have a party at my house, so I'm gonna do a bigger and better than what they do at the club.
Are bigger and better than what Uncle Luca probably did.
And then they go too far, and he probably should have consulted me with me about the dudes and the dose because again, at the end of the day, you get caught up with the wrong thing that you're doing at these parties. And hopefully the young fellow have his day in court, and at the end of the day, you.
Know justice will prevail one way out.
Of Uncle Luke. What's the don'ts give me? You don't have to give me the dudes. We don't have to give me the dudes. We don't need to go too far. We don't gonna get X ready here. But what are the dolts? I like for everybody out there, what are the dolts that everybody should know.
You just don't do if you get ready to move to Miami.
Maybe maybe maybe man, I ain't throwing no parties though, it ain't throwing no parties, But go ahead, go ahead, but.
Are one you do not drug girls?
We should be number one, which is the number one too.
You do not bring underage girls into anything.
Whatever you want to call it, freak off or basket party or whatever you get ready to do.
You don't hit them three. You don't hit number three.
You do you don't, You don't take advantage of no binding. I mean, guys, get creative. You gotta have a wholesome party.
You let the thing happen. Let it happen how it's gonna happen. Let it flow, how it's gonna flow. You don't push the envelope and then start taking age of the beautiful women in there because they're there to do a job. Let them flow how they're gonna flow in.
And that's how you know. That's the pt version of it. I can tell you I'm gonna have to get it.
Put you up on games, and never and never ever, ever hit a woman. Let's make sure we see never.
No, no, no, absolutely not. You don't put your hand on a woman. Because at the end of the day, man, at the end of the day, it's about having a good time.
You don't have a party.
But then now when people get to out of hand, whether it's the host or individuals who are in the party, and you gotta then shut it down or you got to tell them to leave.
You know, sometime the.
Host get a little out of hand, you know, and if somebody has to be responsible the host, homeboy looking man, we need to shut this thing down because you're getting a little out of hand with this, you know, and you gotta do it like that.
What kind of reputation did p did he have in Miami?
If anybody would know, you would know him, what kind of what kind of reputation did he have as it pertained to the parties, but also his reputation within the industry and within the culture, because.
You would know the answer to that question.
In Miami. He virtually had no reputation in Miami.
To be honest with you, asked why you know when you heard Drake do the record, Hey tell uncle, who come out in Miami too? Is because I called all of them out. I was like, you guys are living down here, you're moving down here. You know, you're a part of the coaching, You're bringing the girls in, you're dating our women, you're eating the food, you're rolling around.
You need to be a part of the community. You know what I'm saying.
You need to you know, go read a book to some of the kids in the community, you know, feel a little more involved instead of just sitting on the court side at the heat and you know and sucking up all the air. And so at the end of the day, you know, me and him had that conversation.
And that was pretty much the only time that I did.
Go to a Dinny party, which was which was a New Year's Eve. I went in and went out, okay, because one thing I know, Steve, I know when to go, I know what to know, I know where to leave.
So, you know, we had that conversation and he started to get more involved in the community, along with Little Wayne them eventually they left. But uh, you know.
That's just it, you know, you know, as far as the industry itself, he would have his parties at his house, you know, mostly people from around the country and not necessarily Miami folks, you know, because Miami folks just did not feel that he was a part of the culture of Miami and he had embraced Miami like that.
So it was more like a transplant.
With that being said, how are they feeling about him now? How's everybody feeling about him now?
In the culture.
Look, the culture I mean as far as the music business man, I hate to see that, you know, the things that are going on, especially with the young lady Cassidy. I mean seeing her get beat, you know. I mean that lady was a part of the music industry to itself, you know, for whatever it was.
I mean, you know, you just don't do that. You know a lot of people. I mean when they give you a name, and the kids that I coached saying no didd he you know, when you get a label like that and you'll get you become insane, no diddy. You know what I'm saying, Like my my end or whatever that that's for od Court.
So as far as him and his reputation, you know, it's pretty much tarnished because he got to live with that for the rest of his life. The things that he's done, I don't see a comeback for him.
You know.
I hated for the brother because again I knew this brother when he you know, when he first you know, linked up with Andrea Rel and Big and all them, and you know, me and Big we rolled together like a lot. And so at the end of the day, you know, I saw the things that he was doing.
It. I mean, you you know his story, I mean his story.
He promoted parties and people die, you know, and all the different things that happened around him.
But then to see him become successful.
You you cheer for a guy like that, You cheer for a guy like that, But to see him now here taking down. You know, at the end of the day, he did it to hisself. And a lot of people say that it had kind a lot to do with drugs. And you know, when your head get.
A little too big, you got to be able to humble yourself.
By the way you said, don't know, don't do nothing with no underage girls. Let's add gods to don't do anything with no underage guys. Because we had a whole bunch of wild stuff. We got to throw all of that out. We got we gotta make sure we come outside. Makes all of that, All of that get mentioned, Uncle Luke, All of it gets mentioned.
All of them under no circumstances.
Now let me ask you this. The man is worth.
Over half a billion dollars. What resonated with me, Uncle Luke, was damn they wouldn't even let it. I mean, in a time where the economy is suspecting some people's eyes. You got inflation to deal with stuff like that. The government seemed to be inventing ways to take some of your money.
You said, taxes and everything else.
This man offered fifty million dollars bond and they said, hell, no, we don't want it. That resonated with me. I'm saying, oh damn, this is bad. They ain't playing. My belief though, is they want him and a whole bunch of others. While some people will say they just want him.
That bad. The culture, what's the culture saying, man?
The culture.
The culture is saying something in the milk ain't clean. Something definitely in the milk and't clean. And at the end of the day, it goes back to just like you say, Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein was in jail. Everybody know he had, he had cases on everybody, and for him to mysteriously.
Die in jail, they're looking at it and saying, we can't make the same mistake that we made with Jeffrey Epstein.
And if Diddy goes out again, they alleged that he did. Some witness Tamperini started calling up people saying, don't you know, you know, don't talk to prosecuted and things like that. So that's one of the reasons why they don't want him out. But you know, that thing is suicide. That thing is suicide when your back is getting the wall, you don't They're really seriously looking at that. And then I mean, you know, if you got fifty million dollars and you just told the house for eighteen million, you become a real serious flight risk at it as well. So you know, I wasn't surprised when they didn't let him out, you know, but it's hard to fluck, I mean, to not let this man out, you know.
Put an ankle braces on.
I guess they feel like he's he's so superhero that that we can't that they can't let him out, which is a hardcore.
Staying on the culture, last question on this particular subject, what do you think this is going to do to the hip hop industry, the whole music industry.
As a whole.
You see Cats resigning the day he was arrested. You're hearing news that others are gonna resign and they gonna step away. You hear that Hollywood is on lock. Everybody's fearful. They get it. Just showed up to a party and still they might get implicated.
What do you believe.
This has done to the music industry and to the Hollywood industry as a whole.
Let me tell you for the exact part of it. And for those people who were in the end crowd, I.
Never was in the end crowd, you know what I'm saying. So, I mean, these parties went everywhere. These parties went on that Marcus Vinion, These parties went on in La these parties went on in Paris.
And I mean you've had major executives that went to.
The party and then if god stayed for the after party and they could be implicated into this whole, this whole bad movie.
I mean, I can see guys, a lot of these executives, you.
Know, stepping down because again, at the end of the day, you know, on that level, on that level, people know things and are able to say things and say, look, you might need to step down. You know, us regular people, you know, FBI director ain't gonna call us up and say hey, look, yah, were coming for you, you know.
But for those people on that level, you know who again will very politically involved.
Somebody made a call to somebody in the words the trick that somebody knows somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody that at the end of the day told somebody that you might need to step down, man, because this thing getting ready to get real bad.
Shug Knight was on News Nation with Chris Cuomo the other night from prison.
He got a podcast. He got a podcast for prison. It's called Collect Call with Suged. I'm trying to lie. It's not exagerate.
You got a podcast, he got a podcast.
My question to you is this, you.
Know, how much should his words be taken seriously? I take it seriously. He says something about that world. I'm like, he got credits to speak on that he would know. But others are saying, he's been in jail for ten years. How would he know? Which line of thinking do you take when it comes so listening to what Shug Knight says about didn't.
Let me tell you like this, you're still connected to the outside world.
You know, some shape form of fashion.
You know, guys don't supposed to have telephones in jail, but they do have telephones in jail. But then they get they one or two you know, calls, and they get it done. So those guys are still connected. But I listen to the interview just like you did, and I listen to certain things. When he talked about drugs and the industry drugging, did he again, A lot of my friends who know him real closely, you know, they said, yeah, you got consumed with the drugs. And so when you hear certain things like that from a guy that's incosrated, that means he's really really in touch to the situation, right, you feel me, and so at the end of the day, you know, and a lot of other things that should said. I mean, the industry don't change if you don't If you don't control the industry, the industry real control you. If you don't humble yourself, if you don't let it go to your.
Head, it will get you. It will eat you up, it will consume you. When you think you're too big, where you can go.
And file a lawsuit against Yazio, the largest liquor brand.
They've been around, sayce pro Big on Hi Rock exactly. You feel like.
You can go after these type of conglomerates. Something got to your head, feed, something really got to your hair gird, if something or the.
Liquor something really got to your head. When you think you that big where you can take on that giant.
Well, listen, you damn mean you. You you battled people before, you battled.
The government before. What what was you? Was you or something? I mean, you did it?
Why? Why? Why? Why?
I mean, I can understand, doesn't have to be drugs.
No, listen, Goverment one, give me fifteen million dollars, give it. If the government will give me fiftv docs would have been okay, we'd have had.
A little conversation. But at the end of the day, I had to do it because of hip Hop. I had to do it.
I mean I looked at it from the standpoint of saying, look at man, Yeah, I got all this beautiful stuff, and at the end of the day, you know they're trying to take our rights away.
I had three cases.
Whether it was uh what my record was deemed I've seen by federal court judge. And then at the end of the day, I got parody whether it was protected by the First Amendment. If I don't win that case, so I took I took it at the shot and hip Hop because people were doing it before me.
You had Millie Jackson, ye had we'd after this.
You had you know, artists, I mean you had comedians saying works of things and that, and I said, and so I took it as a as a shot to hip hop.
They're trying to stop it. You know.
Tiple Goal and how Go White had this long list, uh where we all on the list go after us and those things, and so it was going on doing those times. I was like, look, I got to put my body on the line for hip hop. So you know, I'll take quite a bit of my money and I'll fight, uh so that these girls and everybody could do what they're doing right now today on the record.
Uncle Luke right here with Steve and they right down to steveh Y Smith show you. It was a YouTube and iHeart radio. Let me transition. You and I have a disagreement, Uncle Luke. I read something. Are you ready for this? I mean, we usually don't beats. We usually we get along fine. You've always been good to me, Uncle Luke, but we gotta.
We got a disagreement right here. We got a disagreement right here.
What was the problem with Jay Z picking Kendrick Lamar instead a little way? Well, what was the prop of the Super Bowl what's the problem with that, Uncle Luke.
I just knew he was getting ready to talk about my cowboys.
But I saved that for the last I stayed that for the last. No, it's coming up. It's coming up.
Let me say this, Steve.
Yeah, you got thirty two teams in the NFL. Okay, thirty two cities in the nfield. You got the super Bowl moving from city to city. Okay, super Bowl is going to New Orleans. Super Bowl went to LA, super Bowl went to Miami. You know it's going to other different cities. Okay, I mean Patrick Lamar. I love it the death I think I love it. I love the dis song, I love all his music outside of the disc song. But at the end of the day, to have him perform at the halftime of the super Bowl in New Orleans, home of No Limit, home of Cash Money, home of Lil Wayne, home of that whole movement, I mean, they did it right after they did it wrong in Miami, they did it right in LA.
Why not do it right?
Okay, Okay, let me come back at you with that. But first I want to read the quote. Put that quote from Uncle Luke right back up on.
That full screen. Please, he said quote.
It brought up fed up memories of when the super Bowl happened to Miami because I said something then and I called jay Z out for it. I don't look at it like a distant little Wayne. I look at it as a snub of all New Orleans music. I look at it as snub and cash money and no limit and everything that New Orleans.
Music is all about. End quote.
Let me come back at you with that. I get where you're coming from. I understand. Here's my issue.
Yeah, you had Shakira.
And Jay Low in Miami, which, by the way, is not a bad visual thing for any of us to look at.
Okay, so let's get that out the way. Okay, that's not even stop. That stopped. That stopped. Here's the deal. Here's the deal, Uncle Luke. Here's the deal.
In reality, man, most performers for the halftime for super Bowl, they weren't from those respective cities that the super.
Bowl was in.
Now, it happened with Snoop Dogg and Doctor Dre and them in La. My point is, that's not a normal circumstance. That was That was an anomaly. It happened then, and who's to say, all right, next, year Super Bowl, Lil Wayne can't do it, then, you know, Master p and all of them cast that wanted. I'm like, who told you that just because it's in New Orleans that there needs to be New Orleans artists. That's why it bothered me when I saw Lil Wayne all emotional.
I'm like, for what you know?
I mean, there's plenty of people people that perform at the super Bowl and they wanted from those cities.
A matter of fact, that's ninety nine percent of the time.
But Steve, Steve, you gotta understand, you know, you know this better than anybody.
You know this better than anywhere.
How the world moves, how the world changes, how things change.
In this world.
What they did, what they did and in LA with the LA super Bowl and all of these LA artists was absolutely beautiful. Everybody loved it. My point is this, you can have anybody. If you want to do the super Bowl in Tampa, you can have anybody. If you want to do the super Bowl in Jacksonville, you can have anybody. If you want to do the super.
Bowl in Lansville, you can have anybody you want to do it. In Arizona, you got all these places where you can have all these different artists at but when you go to a city like Atlanta. When they went to Atlanta one time, there was a.
Big problem Mari Atlanta, but then they didn't end up making a frame.
When you go to a city like New Orleans after you sent new president in LA and you bring in another rap artist Kendrick mar who just by the way, gets Lil.
Wayne artists right into his hometown. Drake is Lil Wayne's artists last time I checked?
Okay, I don't know, but you bring.
Them into New Orleans, which it didn't. I love Kendrick Lamar to death. If you if you're gonna do country Western Steve, okay, fine, if you're gonna have garth books through the halftime in New Orleans.
Fine, but your bringing in hip hop artists into a hip hop city.
Y, yes, you can't do. And then are you ready for this?
Let me tell you why, Ken, Let me tell why kN First of all, Kendrick.
Lamar, right now, the hottest ship is how the ship out.
Let's let's call that what it is. That's number one, number two Lil Wayne big time. I know what he's done. Mad love and respect to him always always all right?
But in the same breath.
Sometimes your music, I remember, it ain't about New Orleans. That's where it's gonna be. But that's not the audience. The audience is worldwide. The audience is worldwide. So to me, no, no, I'm not saying that. I'm saying, at this moment in time, he ain't the hottest thing out. That's Kendrick Lamar. That's what I'm saying.
Hold on, hold on, hold on time.
Was was Michael Jackson the hottest thing out?
Was at the time?
Did you give me a heart attack?
You give me?
You give me a heart attack right now? Did you just ask me the question? Did you just ask me the question? Was Michael Jackson the hardest thing out? Michael Jackson?
No, I'm not, I'm not, you know, I'm We're talking about the King, all right, same thing, same thing, listen.
And that's my point. Since I'm pushing back, here's my point.
When they brought up the Prince to Miami to perform, that's a whole.
Nothing left, whole, nother level, whole Let.
Hold nothing left left? You bringing Kendrick O'Mara, who's equal because Lil Wayne in.
Little Wayne City got you got.
That's my point. If you probably Whitney Houston at Tampa to sing the national anthem, that's global, all right, that's global.
That the argument there, right, if you brought in, if you brought in to Miami, if you.
Brought in Beyonce, Oh, Secura and j.
Lo, girls gotta going Okay, Okay, So let me ask you this question.
I got you, I got you.
Guys on the same I got you, I got you, I got you, I got you.
Fair enough, let me ask you this.
What if jay Z had picked himself, that's global. Okay, Okay, I'm okay with that, all right, would have picked hisself.
This would have been the smartest thing he ever could have been with him. He could have brought in Kendrick.
Lamar, he could have brought in Little Wayne, and then he could have did some real dawn ship, some real gangster ship and say, come on, Drake, you coming too, I'm bringing and I'm gonna put all's around y'all because yeah we can.
We can have these these Beefston records.
But I'm the dog all y'all gonna sit up here, we tilling together at the table.
At the end of the day. This would have been some sh.
I'm telling you right, especially if he would have opened up, Hey mister.
Carter and him, Oh no, hold on, I got you, I got you. I feel y'all feel where you're coming from. I feel where you're coming from. But let me say this to you. With all of that being said, right, what about the credit jay Z is not being given like Nicki Minaj got at me. I ain't want to go out of I respect you. You know what I'm saying, trying to disrespect I was just talking about Joe.
You don't have to be in the respective city.
I ain't trying to get no argument with Nicki minaj a cash Money and those brothers.
I know him. I ain't trying to get nothing with that now.
But love for the master p I've known for years, certainly, not that's my brother. Ain't trying to get none with them. I'm just saying, what about y'all saying it's a disappointment whatever, but going at him the way some of them with Adham knowing what he's done for hip hop when it comes to getting them.
Involved in the super Bowl.
Because you didn't see hip hop artists or performing at halftime of the Super Bowl until jay Z took over. What about the respect and the consideration that the brother has brought to the industry.
Now, you gotta you gotta have you gotta have respect for Jay Jay. Jay is on the level of Jay's on the I mean any type of disrespect.
You could disagree with iconic figures like Jay, you can disagree, but when you start disrespecting him, that's.
That's dead as wrong.
You know, you don't do that because one thing about that dude, that man, you get on the phone and talk him, you could call him.
He's approachable, he's reachable.
You know, he'll he'll have a conversation and he'll tell you his old rats and heal behind what he's doing and how he's doing it. But at the end of the day, when you look at him, he's like the Michael Jordan of the hip hop business. I mean he he kind of alluded to that in a couple of interviews when he talked about me, you know, doing what I when I help help the industry to do.
But at the end of the day that it's really him. He's taking the industry to a whole nother level.
He's taking street guys like hisself and all the rest of the street guys of the world who got into this business to clean their life up. And he showed a way that you can, you know, do the right thing. And for him to get any kind of backlash behind something like this, you know you nahn No.
He's dead wrong.
You can disagree like I disagree, but then at the end of the day, you can't hate. You can't get on social media talking about.
He is and he that and all that. No, that man is there so much for this busines, you know, and I love him to death.
I got you for I let you get on out of here, man, because everybody got love for you too. What you got going on with yourself?
You always look out for me. You always coming on this show dropping signs. Always appreciate you, man, You know you always welcome on the show.
What you got going on with yourself?
Hey man? Look you and football season? So you know how I coach football during this.
Time and year, you know.
And at the end of the day, you know, me and Will Packer, you know, we got together. Give you an exclusive. Okay, Will, it's gonna do my movie. Wow, it's gonna be done with Paramount. Okay, So it's gonna be major and I can't wait for that to come out. But at the end of the day, you know, uh, you know, just just piling the pavement, man, just piling the pavement.
Keep doing that. That's gonna be a big time film. I know that much.
You got your uncle, Luke. I'm scared. I'm scared about what's gonna be in that content. That's gonna be crazy. That's gonna be crazy. You know that, right, I mean, I know you don't. You're doing that on purpose?
You do that?
What in the hell is it coming out? When the hell is it coming out?
What is it coming out? Man?
You are right?
Hey, we don't have to take you use. We gotta start shooting there. And I have another project that I'm working with Lebron on. Uh. I can't really talk too much about it, but we're getting ready to go into production on that project as well. So you know, I work with spring Hill on one project, Warriors the Liberty City, and be partnering up on another one which is gonna be an incredible project.
I'm gonna holler at you soon, man. I always appreciate you, my brother. Thanks a lot, man, thanks for coming on the show. I talked you soon, no doubt appreciation, no doubt Uncle Luke in the house poor.
That man is.
Special, he crazy, but special, Special Lord that verse I got. I need a few minutes to recover from that end of view, all right,