Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. My guest was named to the 2024 TIME Magazine inaugural list of “The Closers,” eighteen global leaders working to close the racial wealth gap. He is a CNBC Contributor, host of the iHeart Radio podcast, “Money and Wealth”, the founder and CEO of Operation HOPE, Inc., the nation’s largest nonprofit provider of financial literacy, and one of LinkedIn’s “Top 10 Voice”. With over three million followers across social media platforms, he is on a mission to create one million Black-owned businesses by 2030. I’m always happy to learn how to make money from people doing it. Please welcome Mr. John Hope Bryant.
John, how are you, sir?
1. Operation HOPE has worked to level the opportunity playing field for underserved America by connecting communities to the private sector through inclusive capitalism since 1992. How has it evolved? [OE has hundreds of offices across the country.]
2. In October 2020, during the pandemic, you and Shopify Founder/CEO Tobi Lütke launched the 1 Million Black Businesses Initiative (1MBB). Did I read right, today, you’ve helped 400,000 Black-owned businesses, representing 12% of all Black businesses in America? How did you do it?
3. You are one of the only Black authors with best-selling books on economics and business. Six to be exact. Tell me about your latest, Financial Literacy For All.
4. You founded the Financial Literacy for All Initiative with Walmart CEO Doug McMillion. Explain its mission.
5. You’ve said financial literacy is the civil rights issue of this generation. Explain why?
6. Your iHeart podcast series, “Straight Talk with John Hope Bryant,” has received over 100 million views, which led to a Facebook-sponsored episodic streaming series entitled, ‘Delivering the Memo,’ tell me about both.
7. You are Executive Chairman of The Promise Homes Company, the largest for-profit minority-controlled owner of institutional-quality, single-family residential rental homes in the U.S. In 2021, you recapitalized and sold Promise Homes into a new joint venture, successfully closing a $200M credit facility to grow the new housing joint venture. According to Black Enterprise, it was one of the largest capital raises by a Black-owned company in more than a decade.
8. Your work in financial empowerment has been recognized by five U.S. presidents and you’ve served as an advisor to three presidents from both parties. Your thoughts on the presidential election. Which candidate will be better for business?
9. You say that many people confuse making money with building wealth and that 70% of professional athletes are broke five years after retirement.
10. You spoke about how Boston Celtics’ Jaylen Brown should be the standard, why?
11. One episode of your show was called How to Become a Millionaire in Five Years. Give me 5 things everyone should be doing right now to reach that goal.
Welcome back to the Seven Nationmanship right here over the digital airways of YouTube and of course, iHeartRadio. My guest was named to the twenty twenty four Time Magazine and Oral list of the Closers, eighteen global leaders working to close.
The racial wealth gap. He's a c NBC contributor.
Host of iHeartRadio podcast Money and Wealth, the founder.
And CEO of Operation Hope, Inc.
The nation's largest nonprofit provider of financial literacy.
Please welcome to the show to one and only John Hope. Brian, John.
It's an honor and the privilege to finally meet you, my man. How's everything going.
To be here? God is good. I'm perfect.
You know you hear those things.
You know, I just just echoed all of those things that you've accomplished. As you sit here of the day looking at all the things that you have done for the impoverish communities throughout this country, So much stuff that you've done, as it pertains to financial literacy, runs through your mind at this moment in time when you hear that about yourself.
Not enough, because because the problem is out running my capacity to get my hands around it. You know, we wanted relevancy. We also needed momentum and scale. We have momentum, we have relevancy. Now we need more scale. The latter of aspiration is broken in this country. We're confused about our business plan as a nation. We don't have ten years to figure it out. There's not enough successful, college educated white men that drive GDP for the next twenty years. That's not a racial comment, it's just math. We're not preparing the next generation of people who look more like me than your producer to engage in the economy. Everybody needs the bottom to get to the top, which is what's happened every one hundred years. By the way, it just used to be Italians or Jews or whoever it was at the bottom, Polish and so on and so forth.
The immigrants look different now, are the people at the bottom look different now? But we still need them to get to the top. We're all in this thing call America together, and everybody wants to be an American, but Americans. So it started out as a simple thing of how do you empower people to do better? Give them financial literacy, give them tools to the game. I think, as you know, the financial literacy is a civil rights issue of this generation I think if doctor King was alive today, this is what he'd be focused on.
You call it the civil rights issue of this generation, and you say that specifically just to crystallize.
And illumina for illuminated for the audience.
Why do you call it that, because if you don't know better, you can't do better in a blind town or when I'm Man's King. If you hang around nine bro people, you'll be the tenth. I mean, money is nothing but freedom, but economic freedom is probably the only one knowing to take it back from you.
Clearly you look at it. Now.
You can take political freedom, you can take religious freedom, you can take a woman's freedom.
I mean a lot of.
Things that we just thought were you know, norms are now either at the ballot box or at the judge's table or judge's bench, and somebody else is deciding that for you. But unless you screw it up, economic freedom is yours. And there's a lot can be done when you have economic freedom. But you've got to understand how the economy works, Stevid we have. We're the largest economy on the planet twenty six twenty seven trillion dollars. There's eight billion people in the world, We're only three hundred and fifty million. We're a bad moment moment. This is an amazing experiment with all our problems in America, like capitalism and democracy are horrible systems except for every other system, and we practice bad capitalism slavery. Now we have an opportunity to practice good capitalism involving all of God's children. An economy that's seventy percent consumer spending or slow that down. With the biggest economy in the world. You can't be a superpower unless you're the economic power. It's never happened in history. But seventy percent of the economy is driven by your producer. You're making people. Everybody going to lunch, going to dinner, going on vacation, going on plane flights. And if that happens, financial literacy strength. If that doesn't happen, we're all done. And for people watching this or listening to this and they thinking, well, he's talking about poor people, hold out. Slow down. You make five you make one hundred thousand dollars a year. Half of those are living from patriock to paycheck. Somebody just said, amen, you're making two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. I was just stuck with them in the tunnel coming from Manhattan. A third of those of living from patriock to paycheck. You're living in Manhattan, you make a hundre undred thousand dollars a year. It feels like thirty nine thousand dollars a year.
So everybody says, but is that because of your spending habits? Is it because the government's taking half your money? Or in terms of federal and state income tax, what would be the reason why people living off a half of that or less?
In your estimation the money.
I mean, life in the leading developed economy in the world is just expensive, and you've got too many people who have not figured out how Look, your money makes more money on money than you just making money on your time. But people confuse making money making a living, That's why I call it making a living a paycheck, and confused making money with building wealth. Okay, so let's be practical, okay. Number one way to build wealth in America home ownership. What percentage of black people who built this country are free own a home forty one to forty four forty five percent. That's a problem right there. Seventy five percent of our mainstream counterparts own a home.
Number One way you build wealth.
What percentage of black people are in the stock market eighteen to twenty percent. The market has been on an absolute tear. You can be done blind and stupid and still irrational, completely irrational, and still make a fortune in the stock market.
My friend would not mind me saying this.
My brother Stevie Wonder can see this, and he's made a fortune in the stock market and owning radio stations and owning and owning and owning. He can see better than most of us. He's brilliant. So we have not been taught financial literacy is what we don't know. That we don't know that's killing us. But we think we know. And in a blind town on one eyed man's king, if you don't know better, you can't do better. And as an old Southern saying, no matter how much I love you, my son and my daughter, if I don't have wisdom, I can only give you my own ignorance. So out of love, we're passing down bad habits from generations generation and now it's not just black people or brown people. And by the way, after American's are the lowest average credit scored in America six to twenty, which means racism, bias aside, we can't get approved for a loan, and we think it's racism.
But it's a credit score. It's a credit average of six twenty. Actually I thought the number was lower. I'm not gonna lie tot.
I thought that was low.
So you're a smart man. What happens is is averages. So you and me are bringing the average up world eight hundred.
Speak for yourself.
I mean, I'm not gonna pretend I've been I'm highing you.
I'm approaching seven.
It was a buff seventh, the seven on it is sexy, brother man seven of the credit score. Neighborhoods don't don't riot, they go shopping, right, And so the problem is that our cousins and our and all our friends got a credit score of five fifty five eighty and the average of that are sevens and their fives is six twenty. Right, So but whatever it is, that's not a good enough to get a mortgage loan at a good interest rate. Is not good enough to get so forget a small business loan. Okay, how smart you are, that's risky credit. That's a seven country credit course. So we assume that it's racism, and it might be, but in all likelihood, the computer, because even a part about the taste, the computer would just say yes at midnight. There's nobody looking at you and looking at you cross eyed. If you have a seven hundred credit score, you got black, you're green the color. The computer will just say yes at midnight. So we don't have enough of us who have order staying. You got to get your credit score up, your debt ratios down, your savings up, so the computer can say yes, we know how to do that. In Operation Hope, that's not financial wealth is knowledge wealth. That's financial literacy, so you can access good credit.
I'm gonna get into the operation and hopeful just a couple of minutes. But I wanted to go back to something you said earlier, just a few minutes ago, when you talked about this nation.
This country, it's confused. You talked about it being confused.
Speak to that for a second, and be specific about who you're talking about, what you're talking about, because again you would have some people that would sit up like yourself.
You just articulated folks who are a bit confused.
In my estimation, sometimes I look at it, John, And I gotta tell you, I don't see confusion as much as I see a dog, a dogged fierce commitment to getting what you want, no matter who it's at the expense of.
Well, that's what I think.
That's what I think is wrong with the country.
Well, but that's confusion. That's confusion. Okay.
Anybody watching this who's married, they know you got a decision to make. Do you want to be married or you want to be right?
Do you want to be right?
Yeah, those are two different decisions. If you want to be married or do you want to be right. You can be right and be alone or married and get along right. So we are You have to figure out in this country something that from the up until now we have all we better together and only in a relationship. I love math because it doesn't have an opinion. Some melody hops in quote you'd like to give her your credit. But the only place I don't agree with that is in a relationship. The math should not work in a relationship. Two plus two has to equal six, eight or ten.
What are you doing right? I can do that all by myself. I don't need help.
As Quincy Jones would say, the only Worse than being alone is wishing.
That you were.
So I don't need somebody else to drag me down. I need somebody to help lift me up. So relationships, you should be better together. So where America is in a relationship with other Americans, and together we rise up and contribute and to build this light on the heel, a place for democracy and freedom, an open door for everybody who's reasonable and who can come through and follow the rules and play by the rules and all that kind of stuff, and who can help us to drive once again freedom and economic prosperity for all, which means you have a shot to go from the bottom of that ladder to the top. And people don't believe they can go from the bottom to the top. That's why my poor white friends are riding at the ballot box right now. People can figure out what I mean by that. We left them alone in an industrial revolution, didn't give them a business plan for their life. They were making a nice salary on a high school education. You can't do that anymore. We're about to change again with AI by the way, and now middle class people are gonna be asking that same question of what does the future hold for me?
Because they're not gonna have jobs because it's going to be replaced by AI. And obviously there's less human beings, And basically that leads to what you were talking about. It there's lesson human beings out there making money than the consumers. Let then not spending as much money as they once were able to because they're not as employed, as financially as financially stable as they once were.
Am I correct to saying that?
And you so now you say within If you don't have that, then what holds us together?
It used to be religion.
We took We took prey out of schools and all that kind of stuff, and that was America. The world's about culture. Your block has a culture, your house has a culture, This studio has a culture. Culture is not the most important thing in the business. It's the only thing in business. What's our culture? Used to be held together with religion that fell away. Now I think spirituality is falling away. So now it's not about we anymore.
It's me.
It's not about this. It's about this. It's about I'm gonna take it. Now We're moved away from relationships to transactions. That's a slippery slope. On the way down. You're playing a short game. In America is a long game vision. So in my opinion, where we're looking for love and all the wrong places, they're rearranging the deck chairs and the Titanic the chip is sinking and we're picking drapes. Let's look at diversity. Equity and inclusion that's been politicized.
Is and now practically eradicated.
And it's dead as a as A, as a three initial symbol. It's in my opinion, it's too risky for anybody to touch.
But here's the problem.
All D, E and I is, let's just say diversity, keep it simple. It's R and D for GDP. It's research and development for a future economy. Because in nineteen fifty America's ninety percent white, but today America's forty percent black and brown, and in ten years will be a majority of minorities. Even the racist needs a poor black person to succeed, if only because when they do. When the black person succeeds, the racist does better economically.
All boats ride. And I'm kidding, but I'm serious.
My rich friends need my poor friends do better, if only to stay rich.
Because I told what I told.
You before the economy is driven by consumers spending. Who's a new consumer is soon a majority of minorities who have not been trained of how to earn, learn, build the economy, and grow wealth. We're not dumb and we're not stupid. Is what we don't know that we don't know that's killing us, but we think we know. That's why I wrote the book Financial Literacy for All, Why I do the podcast Money and Wealth, Why I go around the country and this American Aspiration Tour, why I am going to I'm going to suggest.
We replace D. E and I with inclusive.
Economics, inclusive economic inclusive economics, which I think is non sort of controversial.
It's hard to get upset with it. By the way, relate to everybody.
I would have said, I would say to you, what world are you living in? Respectfully? Because they'll fret.
Over the world inclusive and I mean today's culture, I mean today's political climate.
It's so ridiculous.
They'll find they'll pause a syllable to complain about. So the word inclusive alone will cause problems.
But the data will not. And here's why I love about this. I don't need for somebody to like me. It's Okay, if you don't like me, I like me. I don't need for you to love black people and brown people. I want you to be actually what you said, selfish, self centered, and short term oriented. Because the data is unimpeachable. America today, today, this generation, first time ever, will be a majority of those over sixty five for the first time in history. Read white baby boomers, wealthy, trying to retire. They want to go play golf or whatever they want to do, and God bless them, they made their money.
They're trying to exit.
But the folks coming on the field to replace them, as I've said earlier, are not prepared to grow and lead the biggest economy on the planet.
And what are we doing to help them out.
We're shutting off the on ramp to a corporate job, from the streets to the c suites. Were shutting off ability to get an internship, their ability to join as capitalists. We're shutting off all those valves under a short term vision that doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever anybody who looks at the data. The data is unimpeachable. And here's something else. Diversity is not a goodie two shoes issue. Diversity is absolute hardcore capitalism. The biggest economy in the traditional South where I came from, Atlanta, tenth Lar's economy in the whole country fourty and fifty billion dollars a year. And that's a two year old number. That's bigger than every state around it, Steven. In fact, you take three states around it, put him together, put him inside of the city of Atlanta, and you still have room. So in New York, where we are, it's a country that's a that's a city as far as an economy.
California that's so.
The New York, California West Coast, East Coast, and the South coast in Atlanta are the three so of the three bus biggest economies, and they're diverse and inclusives. These diverse companies in this country, the ones that are diverse, are forty percent more profitable than ones that are not. The places that say I'm gonna argue over silly stuff like I don't want these people involved, their economies are gonna die. You have less customers, less employees, less vibrancy. There's not a your welcome sign on the front door of your city. We have to be inclusive as a business strategy. We're the only country in the world with every race of people within our borders. Who do who do the people think built this country? What do they think Goldman's sacks is?
I mean, what do you think Sam Walton was right? A poor white farmer, you know, a businessman who built what's now called as Walmart, And you go, every big company was once a small one. And so this sort of bottom to the top strategy is America. We just have to embrace that once again. And I'll give you one last reason to Mike. Let's assume if somebody watching this rejects everything that I've said up until now, they're sitting there and their wife is Caucasian, blue hair, blue eyes, and.
Blond hair, wealthy, well educated.
In nineteen seventy two, she couldn't get get a credit card in nineteen seventy two. She could not have a bank account. Nineteen seventy two, not eighteen seventy two.
Nineteen seventy, nineteen seventy eight, years after civil rights legislation was passed.
And she could not get a loan without our husband co signing it. And don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself. Now, she got those rights. Because Nixon, a Republican president, created affirmative action for black people. Nobody really wanted black people to benefit from it. So who benefited from it, By the way, kudos white women are white women, so they rode that train through the Empowerment for women cycle. And today women all women are twenty five percent of American.
GDP just fifty two years later.
And if we had.
Said no to that, if we had said, that's too much progress, if we had said women need to know their place, whatever silly thing. And that means if we had said that, we'd be an also ran country today, we'd be a third tier economy. We would not be the superpower in the world. Women saved America fifty years ago, and we are at this inflection point.
Again women overall or white women, no.
No, white women led the way accidentally because of what we just said. They were the ones who were allowed to benefit from a firm interve action. And then black women, Latino women, Asian women.
Were allowed to follow.
We're smart and followed through.
And now, of course black women are the Black women led small business creation coming out of the pandemic. In fact, the biggest group coming out of the pandemic. Starting businesses since two thousand and four were black businesses. We created four dure and fifty thousand black businesses at Opera Jope since then partnership with Shopify on one MBB. But the biggest group of months o's were black women. And now it's latinos that are biggest engine of business creation.
So it was all women. I'm giving credit again led by white women.
But my point there is, even if you want to criticize this, it's hard to do it because it's all of us. And here we are again the data and this is my business plan for America. People can go on to the just search while they're listening or watching this and type in business plan for America and look at the data. It's unimpeachable. And my most conservative friends, my most hardcore friends, read that and go, unless you're an idiot, you have to agree with it. I've debated Bill black men privately at the Milk and conference. I can't say what we discussed because of the rules. Okay, I can tell you that he didn't disagree with me. When it was over, there was no fight.
Wow, I had receipts, he didn't.
We're sitting here today, just hours after the Republican National Convention just took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When you speak about all the things that you just articulated, and you hear both parties speaking about what their agenda is, what their objective is, having the concerns that you have about America, not even asking you to speak on our political affiliations or anything like that. I'm just talking finances, I'm just talking economics the country that we can have starting January of twenty twenty five.
Can you speak to what your level.
Of concern is as it pertains to that at this moment in time.
Oh, this is one in one hundred year important sitting in a moment in history right now. This is the third reconstruction. And whenever you've had a reconstruction that's been pushed back by the way first reconstruction, Freedom Abraham Lincoln January forty acres, Secretary of War, Stanton, General Sherman, Savannah, Georgia, twenty black Pinistris What do you want after slavery? No welfare, no apology, that'd be nice. We want, we want land. We're want to do for our selves. That's eighteen sixty five. Next month they worked that land so hard. It wasn't good land. It was on the coast, very hard to farm on sand wakeom in the morning of your crops in Jamaica. But we worked it so long hard it said, my god, there's so industrious. Give them a mule. Next month, comes to bank, the Freedman's Bank charge chartered to teach free slaves about money financial literacy. But Frederick Douglas ran the bank. But Lincoln was assassinated in April four months and then a reversal came because some people after Lincoln said too much, too soon. Black people are the majority that's gonna threaten my way of life. And I believe we went backwards. And so now you fast forward one hundred years and basically doctor King and my mentor and basilor Young who was on that balcony, and.
Youngmbassador Mayor, the guy who built by the way, Atlanta in the only international city in the South.
He's using doctor King's philosophy. Right, Doctor King basically gave his life to take down a white's only sign. And every civil rights bill was an enforcement action of laws on the books one hundred years before. Once again this pushback, What did I say after that, after doctor King, Johnson walks away. Here comes Nixon. In a response to Johnson and doctor King, conservative Nixon then creates a furtive action to prove I guess he's not racist, right, but also became an all credit to him, became a woman's rights president and environmental president. I'm gon give him litleredit, credits due. And then you know, came this experience I said, with women, which was the sort of allowable inclusion, but with blacks were it was like too much civil rights movement, too much, too soon. Here we are again. It happened faster. George Floyd's murder twenty happened really fast. Now Corporate America deserves incredible credit between fifty and two hundred billion dollars committed after George floyd murder, not from the government, from the private sector. Some thought that was too much, too soon, and with no data, no receipts. Roll back, pushback politics twenty twenty four. This is a we're having a This year is one huge colonic like it's one huge flushing of what we stand for as a country. It's going to be messy. But here's what I know. God still sits on the throne. Darkness defines light, not the other way. I mean lightned. This defines darkness, not the way around. Badness is failed goodness that hope and love are the self renewing, neewing energy, energy that's always led this world and this country cannot succeed economically divided. So I'm answering your question. A divider doesn't work.
One would argue both sides of dividers at this particular moment, because both sides are saying, hey, the other side ain't for you.
No matter what.
Last election, you had a guy in Donald Trump that got seventy four plus million votes. He lost the election, regardless of what he wants to admit, but you had eighty one million plus people vote for President Biden, now President Biden. Then at that particular moment in time, Candidate Biden, they voted, some would say, lots would say not for him, but against that incumbent at the time, which was Donald Trump. And so when you look at it from that standpoint, the bottom line is, no matter what way you slice it, the one thing that we can be assured of is being divided. I don't see any evidence whatsoever that there's going to be togetherness.
At any point in terms of both sides of the hour coming.
Together, knowing what it takes to compromise, and doing what they can to make sure that America is a better, more thriving place.
We're having a different conversation. Okay, you're talking about humans. Uh, and I respect that. In other words, you can't grow without constructive friction. That's biblical. Rainbows only follow storms. It's a scientific fact. You cannot have a rainbow without a storm first. There's always been drama in friction. The civil rights leaders didn't get along, the framers of the Constitution didn't get along. One of them shot the Secretary of the Treasury. For God's sake, this has not been you know, we are the world and we are the future for you know, for the history of the country. It's been rambunctious. But you need somebody at the front, at the top, who says, in spite of all of our differences, we're one family.
That's what you need.
You need a father figure or a mother figure, you need, you need somebody who says this is spiritual, this is this is this is not about me, this is about we. And in my opinion, in that regard, there's only one person running for office. There is an individ who's absolutely, undeniably made it clear this is only about him, and he will do whatever it takes, under any circumstances to protect himself at all costs. I've served Republican and Democratic presidents back Obama and Clinton and President Clinton. I've been honored by five years presidents Republican and Democrat, including both Bushes. I've known nine US presidents. This is not a new rodeo for me, right, I've never seen this before. The thing that we're looking at right now is bad for business, it's bad for our country.
It's toxic.
It's a horrible role model for our children, where we have adults acting like kids on national TV every day selling hate and division. And it's just not something that works long term. Even the devil Lucifer, for all his power, he's a pump. He's a fallen angel. God gives him permission to exist. This stuff will have a moment, but it will crest and it will be gone. The only model that works is the light on the heel. It happens to be morals and money at the same time. So I will take somebody on a respirator to hate, inter fear, the America is eighty eight percent of our jobs.
Stephen a private sector jobs. It's not the government.
Wall Street clocks, Washington d C on economic power any day of the week. So we overestimate the economic drivers. I mean, it's very important. Seventy billion dollars a year spending in federal government. It's a big deal. It has to be done smartly. But we need a vibrant private sector.
And my deal.
Politician has a Republican head in the Democratic heart. Now I don't see that model right now from anybody.
Have you ever seen it? Yeah?
Bill Clinton as an example.
Buckhead a democratic call.
Yeah, he was a conservative Democrat was he was this country is center slightly right, Yes, center slightly right.
As you know, to right.
All they want to do is give new Gingridge. They're all the credit in the world.
It was Ader, it it was it was Clinton.
You know, he tried to redeem himself later Gingridge and he got together with you know, I figured who the Democrat was in sun Kumbaya. But he was a divider. His contract that was divisions, by the way, that was subtle. Based on what we're seeing now with this twenty twenty five plan, all this other.
Stuff I mean some of this. I mean, look, unless we understand what.
I said earlier, Plus the fact that the city of l a has ten thousand police officers in a city of six or seven million people. So a person with a side gun and one pair of cuff links trying to saying that that ten thousand is going to protect the city. No, that's not a protection. That's a security guard. Which you need is hope is your protection If people wake up in the morning, believe if I work hard, play by the rules, do the right thing, keep my nose clean, follow the law, and hustle and respect my elders, you know, pay off in a reasonable shot of success or failure on my own merit. The latter, I can go from the bottom of the top. See when people say in our community, I hate rich people, you don't know they don't they hate rich people. To you become rich what you hate, this is what we're really saying.
The understand fair opportunities. You hate the system, the game system.
Yes, you believe the system's rigged, and no matter how hard you work, your non never succeeds.
Is it the system break?
I think they are taught the system or going back to financial literacy for all You're going back to this conversation of why I believe this is the civil rights issue of our generation. And I'm not talking academically, as you well know you do your homework.
I grew up in the hood.
I grew up in South Central My mom and dad, you know, so called broken home. They were wonderful parents, JONNYA. Smith, Johnny Wilsmith, but they had a high school education. They broke up over money. Domestic abuse was tied to money. We own a bunch of stuff, we lost it because my dad was financially illiterate. Could make it, but couldn't keep it. Made a dollar spend a dollar fifty? Wouldn't that's my mother for help? Grow up from you know? Then I had the two people who tried to save my life. One person murdered in front of me, my best friend murdered in front of me all over money.
And a banker came to my.
Classroom who happened to be Caucasian and taught me financial literacy. When I was nine years old. I said to him, sir, what do you do for a living and how'd you get rich legally? And I was dead serious. He said, I'm a banker and our financial entrepreneurs. I said, sir, I don't know what an entrepreneur is, but it is legal and you're financing it. I'm going to be one and that's who I am today.
For those watching you right now, define four.
Point seven billion dollars of financial activity. By the way, that's my portfolio. That two point seven.
That's right, operational and along other things. Define financial literacy for those out just watch you. Financial literacy.
Those are two words.
We understand what literacy means. We understand what financial means. Financial literacy, your definition of it.
Knowing that you make money during the day, you build wealth in your sleep, that if your outflow exceeds your inflow, then your overhead is going to be your downfall. That is what you don't know. That you don't know that's killing you, but you think you know. Financial literacy is having control over your self determination because you understand how this system works. And let me say this in the clearest English, I can we live in a free enterprise democracy. I didn't say democracy.
We live in a free enterprise democracy from the time you wake up in the morning to the time you go to bed at night. And in reality, is twenty four hours. Because the government didn't buy your sheets. You're engaging in a financial transaction. The comb that you goes to your hair, it's capitalism. Somebody designed it and they so that you were willing to pay for it in order to get your hair in a way you want it. The radio that somebody's listening to, the phone, that's not government g you watch, that's not government issue. People say I hate capitalism, You are a capitalist. You're a human capital trading your talents for a paycheck on the lowest level of risk, and for a business owner and an entrepreneur like me, and I think you as well, at the highest level of risk. You just got to decide where you want to play. But we don't know that we're even playing the games or the game is playing us. Neighborhoods where grow up in Hollis Queens, New York, South Central LA and Compton, here's what you see. A check casher next to a payday loan lender, next to a rental owned store, next to a title lender, next to a liquor store, next to a pawn shop, and a church down the street trying to make you feel a little bit better.
Once a week.
That's your neighborhood therapist, because we don't admit we crazy. If you black in America, don't think you're crazy, you probably crazy. So that system is a five one hundred, low six hundred credit score neighborhood. And you lived at sixty one years old, by the way, and they're targeting that community.
But didn't you say that somebody would have had a score of above seven hundred, like their life expectancies like eighty eight.
I got that right, twenty one years longer.
And we've mapped every zip code in America by credit score with data from experience.
And what's the reason for the twenty the twenty one year discrepancy? I understand the credit score is what you're alluding to, but that higher credit score breeds what confidence and that's why you live in addition to twenty one years because of confidence self esteem.
Because we're not human beings having a spiritual experience. We're spiritual beings having a human experience, and energy matters. There's a cup here is a cup half full or half empty, depends who's looking at the cup.
Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't.
You're absolutely right I've walked in here and you had your hands in your pants.
You were looking at me straight in my eyes.
You were chilled and really life because you're an owner, because you're independent, because you've charged your own course, you have your own brand. But most importantly, you know who you are. Somebody in your life told you they loved you. I don't even need to know your.
Story to know your story, greatest mom in the world.
There you go.
See it ain't complicated. So yes, confidence and competence comes from achieving and mastery. And if you understand how this system works, and you can get access to credit cheap cheap money right under good terms, which allows you to become a homeowner versus renting, allows you to become a small business owner. It allows you to pursue your dreams, protect your family.
You're chill even today in the year twenty and twenty four, twenty.
And twenty five approaching. You're a proponent of home ash.
Come on, man, all these people on TV talking about you shouldn't own a home. Poor people shouldn't own These fools own a home.
And I know these people.
They're that work from a contributor on CNBC and I said, you should be ashamed of yourself. You just told somebody to not do what you've done. They're on one, two, three, four homes. Every millionaire has real estate in their portfolio. Let me tell you there's three things are not gone down in American history Stephen GDP, gross domestic product in this country, stock market value. And now you're about to stop me because wait, the great depressions on the ball and in real estate value. Now you should stop me again and say, well, hold on, John, you're selling woof tickets because you have the two thousand and eight crisis. Okay, hold on, it goes up. There's a recession, which means it receives right and Rick, see that's why you're so smart, corrects above the line. So buy it, hold it, don't sell. Real estate has always on balance gone up.
But you know, when it comes to us, I'm talking black people now, you know, when it comes to us, for the most part.
Right or wrong.
Some people say economics and then they talk about inflations. A lot of black folks we ain't thinking along those lines. We think about the money in our pocket, how much it courts for us to get gas, how much it course it.
Us by groceries, et cetera. That's our definition of what the payment is, not what the interest is, what the payment is. So that's how we approach it.
And I guess what I'm asking is taking into consideration what you just explain.
Folks ain't gonna look at it that way.
If they're not looking at the way you're a homeowner, you're thinking about it. Your damn I got this roof over of my head, refrigerator, electricities on, and stuff like that, but damn, that electric build was high last month.
And yes, I mean the.
Price the fill is, refrigerator is hot. Oh, by the way, my landscaping because my property value. I don't want to just not take care of my property. I gotta take care of it. But that costs money too, and the money it takes for upkeep ultimately bleed your pockets. And that's why people might sit there and question whether or not you should own a home.
I'm not one of those people own a home, but.
I do understand where they're coming from when they complain about that kind of.
So you you just open two doors. Let me do the easiest one first. Okay, this is again the power of financial literacy. You come to Operation Hope, and you got too much month at the India of Money. We're gonna help you raise your credit score fifty four points two one hundred points in six months. We're gonna get your debt down thirty eight hundred dollars. You're making forty eight thousand dollars in this example, we're gonna get your savings up two thousand dollars. And then you say, well, I don't have the down payment.
No problem.
Bank A well as far Igo, Bank of America, set are there are all our partners u As Bank, true As Bank, so on and so forth. Bank A has a program for you. It's called a down payment assistance program. If you qualify is only what time we're being black. Is a good thing in the financial markets. You qualify and will be qualified. They're gonna give you a ten thousand dollars grant to help you become a homeowner. Use it for debt, fruit closing costs, down payment, or a nest egg in case the plumbing goes out or the line needs to be done.
Usual as your life.
As a grant, now you make in this example thirty I'm gonna make this easy thirty eight thousand dollars. You have three chiller ildren. Federal government owes you a check for working. It's not handout. It's called the earned Income tax credit. Now steven thirty eight thousand dollars, three children, government owes you about sixty five hundred dollars cash, and if you've never filed, it's retroactive for three years.
Just in this example, that just took me forty seconds. I just created almost fifty thousand dollars, well forty thirty five, forty five thousand dollars of free cash for you in this example, almost as much money as you make in a year.
And that's just one example.
Because there's city programs, there's state programs, there's federal programs. You're going to get a better loan from the financial institutions because they need to prove to the federal regulators that they're not that they're good institutions because they have the banks are the only federally backed institution of.
Private enterprise in America.
So in order to get FDIC insurance, you've got to help the least of these God's children.
Now to giveaway from Max had.
A two hundred and fifty thousand dollars insurance right FDIC Is that about that?
There's there are ways to increase your your insurance level, but yes, the simple example of two fifty. But so because of that, you'll put your money in any bank. Well, the trade off is they have to do a little bit more to help underserve neighborhoods. So you're going to get a better rate, better terms. Maybe this grant that I just mentioned, the Community Reinvestment Acts called that's five hundred billion dollars a year. By the way, and whether you're white rural or black and brown urban, you qualify for it. So it's for everybody. It's why I think inclusive economics works. But so when I tell people that, they're like, oh, well, okay, well I didn't know I qualified for that. Now they started leaning in because nobody washes a rental car. Like if you're renting, you're literally opening up a window. And by the way, I was a huge landlord. I owned seven hundred homes.
That's I and I got. I had a liquidy event, I got.
Family rental homes career.
Yeah, I owned.
I was the largest minority armed of single family rental.
Homes in America at which fan from which it wa from.
Twenty fifteen to sorry, yeah, from twenty fifteen. I started it and I sold it in twenty twenty one. So over five years, I grew from zero to one hundred and sixty million dollars of market value. That sold it for one hundred and twenty million dollars. I'm a shareholder in the new company. That's one of the things I'm involved with. People know me from Opera show, but that's one of my private sector activities. So I do that to build wealth one of the strategies. I have other things that make income for me, right, But that's because I understand now none of this is government handouts. None of this is some hooked me up, give me program. Now, I did have good relationship capital, but I also was smart enough to understand how the system works and the work it not let it work me even got a non recourse credit facility. You knew about two hundred million dollars tied to this transaction, so you got to understand how this system works. It gives you to go back to your life expectancy, confidence, confidence, hope, well being. By the way, seven of the credit scores, I know you sounds crazy. You start dieting better in the hood. You look, go into a fast food restaurant, You're eating horrible food. It's gonna kill you. You're smoking two cigarettes, three cigarettes a day. You got all you do all kind of stuff that's bad for your health. You're stressed out. So now the real issue in Black America is low self esteem, different from our African agribas, different from our African Africans because of slavery, low self esteem.
So when you talk about slavery, the way I look at it, you talk about slavery, it's people that came confiscated, you stole you from your own land, you know, and did the most horrific things imaginable in the history of humankind. But there's something inside of you in the testinenty resolve where you knew you were victimized and as a result, it forced you to want to fight in the battle.
And part of it was believing in yourself.
Whereas when you think about today's generation in terms of the things that have happened to us, when you a lot of times people.
Have you leaned on other things. We've leaned on racism and other things like that.
But the flip side, too, it is that you're talking about self inflicted wounds in terms of your behavior, depression that is kicked in, how you're not taking care of your health and things of that nature. Am I saying, m Am I characterizing it away?
Well, first of all, racism is real, it's not so crazy. But yes, we have PTSD UH and postraumatic stress disorder. And you now, if something happens long enough, it becomes a routine, becomes part of your flow. We drive through these neighborhoods that I just mentioned, and we don't even notice the check cashers, the payday loan lenders, the rental owned stores, the title lenders, the liquor stores, the preying on us. We don't even notice it because it's become normalized. And Andrewland has this quote, to live in a system of free enterprise and not to understand the rules of free enterprise must be the very definition of slavery.
So what did Malcolm X say?
We've been bamboozo, we've been tricked, we've been hood weed, we've been fooled. So now is what we don't know that we don't know this, but now we can't succeed. We've been leedustraight, and now we're angry because we know something's game, something's wrong, we don't know what it is, and so now we resent those who have success, and we do. And what I'm trying to do is unlock the door so you can actually walk through with dignity.
So that the change the gauge.
So that's the inspiration when you talk about Operation Hope, that's the inspiration obviously one of them.
When did you start When did you start it?
Operation Hope after the Rodney King Riotes in nineteen ninety two. And I want to prove the colors not white or black, or red or blue, but green, and everybody can have some of that. And when you do that, you get more control of your life. You feel better about yourself, your self esteem goes up, your confidence goes up. You can take care of your family. I think one of the reasons that black men are not showing up in our households is because they don't believe they can take care of their family. And by the way, the structure going to the government now, the government structure has not been such that rewards black men coming back home.
You're actually penalized.
Well with my attitude, was correct me if I'm wrong? Because your brilliance obviously is undeniable. I've always been to the mindset looking at my mom is as great as she was, God rest her soul being raised by five women for older sisters in her. One of the things we talked about in the home was how you saw and you brought this up Nixon nineteen seventy two, and obviously what advantages women ultimately were able to garner because of laws that were implemented and instituted. As a result, some people would sit up there and say, men, particularly the black men, were marginalized. And if you marginalized and minimize and you come home and your woman is like, hey, you know, I'm doing what you're supposed to be doing, that leads to the fragmentation and ultimately to disintegration of the black family.
Do you believe that at all?
I don't think you told no lies. I mean it made sense to me. I think clearly if we talked about we don't have time in this podcast to go through four hundred years of history, but clearly this was set up for black men to fail. And what I'm trying to do is to say, now we have a chance to have a software upgrade in America, to flip a negative into a positive. To see young black men, even if you're a drug dealer, one thing you're not.
It's done.
You understand import, export, finance, marketing, wholesale, retail, customer service, security, territory logistics, etc. This is a brilliant person in the wrong soil. No different than my poor white brothers and sisters who were running moonshine in the Appalachian Mountains. They realized, you can't keep running from the police, but we're good drivers. That became NASCAR. That's a multi, multi, multi billion dollar industry. Those same families, Stephen are now have one hundred million dollar net worth and dignity and respect. I'm saying that these young people, if you're a game leader, you're a frustrated union organizer. I mean, this is brilliant that has not been properly tapped. You can turn these people into small business owners. They can't get a job, but they can create a job. We got to start seeing.
Everybody but those moonshiners as potential.
But those moonshiners, did it, quote unquote have the system rigged against them? You don't know too many many black folks that don't believe the system is it rigged against us?
Yes? What do you say to that?
I say that today the system is different. Van Jones and I were talking about AI recently.
Props to Van Jones doing a great job on CNN by the.
Way, good brother.
But so we were talking about AI artificial intelligence, and I'm co chairing the AI Ethics Council with Sam Altman, and he said, look, black people don't know a thing about AI, and white people don't know a thing about AI.
We know it's important, we know it's coming. Everybody's clueless.
Equally, it's the first time ever, Stephen, that we're all starting at the same place and it's going to change everything in five to ten years. So God has a sense of humor. You cannot succeed in America with a majority of minorities unless we support hello, minorities coming from the bottom to the top. The color clearly is economics today, and you need all of us contributing to the economy in order to be the leader of the free world. We just talked about artificial intelligence. No matter which way you come at this, we now need each other. And we've reached this point in politics. To go back to your point where clearly neither one of these candidates are attractive to the majority of Americans.
I will take one over the other all day and all night because of the ethics and the values. At least all means well. But neither one of them are the ideal. Right, so that's not working anymore.
Nothing because people who've got who can really do this job are afraid they put their head out social media or somebody lying on them is going to smear their name and hurt their family. Like, look at what I'm good. I'm just gonna sit here and chill and count count my coupons. We have got to reassert ourselves as a nation with a vision and a business plan that includes all of us and growth that allows you to go once again repairing the ladder from the bottom to the top. I want to give corporations a tax break for hiring internships from the hood and from the rural areas, black and white. I want to give them a tax break for apprenticeships. I want us to create a farm club. You got a farm club. You're the icon of sports analysis in the nation. By the way, kudos to you on what you build as a brand. But right now a farm club only exists if you're going through trying to be a baseball player, football player, basketball player, I'm making the big sport.
It should be in anything there you go.
So I tell you before you got here, I talked about how I want folks to come on this show. I said, I'm trying to find the next met somebody better than me, a whole bunch of folks on the come up, who want.
To be in sports, who want to engage.
In commentary, he wants to get in journalism, who wants to do a lot of things that I'm doing. I want to go out there and find somebody, because if you're just sitting here by yourself and milking it off of yourself.
What are you really really accomplish it?
So I want a tax break for people like you who says I want to create the Stephen A. Smith Academy for Journalism, whatever it is, uplift right and elementary school, middle school, high school. I don't want you to do it just because out of the goodness of your heart. We're the most philanthropic nation in the world because of the tax code. We have a high home ownership rate because of the tax code, not just because people are well intentioned, right, so I want a farm club system from the bottom to the top that rewards those at the top for helping those at the bottom. I want to see micro venture capital, fifty dollars loans, investments in small businesses. Maybe those folks, as I said, the drug dealers, and they come on a business plan and redeem themselves. Because we're all at angels with dirty faces. We're a saint as a center that got up. Let's help people from the bottom legitimize themselves and redeem themselves, pay their debt to society, and re insert themselves into the economy.
I want to throw some stuff out here. You found it to return home, by the way, they probably without question, yes, please do that.
All right, you founded the Financial Literacy for All initiative with All Wall CEO Doug McMillan.
Which you talked about, Yester.
Absolutely, you're one of only you are one of the only black authors with best selling books on economics and business.
I believe six or five books.
This right, this is my six, this is your six.
One that's been on the bestseller for business economics, business finance economics for four months now.
Number one, you're already talked about your relationship with Shopify founding and CEO of Toby Lucky and of course Operation I hope we're talking about right now and getting to that has worked to level the opportunity playing field for underserved America by connecting communities to the private sector through inclusive capitalism. Since nineteen seventy two, Clearly it's been successful. I would ask you, what are your chances? Do you believe it has to continue to be successful? And how much does the next administration? How much dependency is it gonna have on who's in office come January of twenty twenty five.
I think that the only thing that's gonna survive all this drama and division.
On a moral basis is social justice through an economic lens. That's why I talked about inclusive capitalism, inclusive economics, Yes, doing well by doing good State UH. I came here on Delta and UH Delta CEOs and my Boydead Bashion. He has a stakeholder capitalism model, and all a hundred thousand of his employees are my coaching clients MM and for and for everybody who goes through financial literacy coaching counseling, they get a thousand dollars emergency savings account because sixty four percent of Americans don't have four hundred dollars for an unplanned event.
All people, not black people.
Wow, sixty four p Basically seventy percent of this country doesn't have four hundred dollars for an unplanned event. So I told that to Delta, and the pandemic hit. They didn't get it immediately. But when they called me one day, the their HR officer, they said, John, how fast can you be nationwide?
I said, excuse me, what happened?
We had a billion dollars taken out of our four wing k plan overnight from people who are just freaked out by the pandemic.
This is twenty twenty. We need to.
We understand what you're saying is true. We need to undergird our employees, give them confidence at the bottom.
So we did that.
Half of all the employees now have gone through this program gotten a thousand dollars. Check the lady else with on the plane yesterday who happened to be an immigrant from Iran, young sister told me that she got this thousand dollars with ambass young coming to New York and she got the thousand dollars and she uped her limit to five thousand dollars, so she got one thousand dollars from Delta. She updated her limit to five thousand dollars to match it. She told me she didn updated a ten thousand match that she now met a go to fifteen thousand. Now she's on her road to become a homeowner. She's only been in the country for five years. She's been working there for a year and a half. It's transformed to her her life and Delta then provides profit sharing at the top, so when they do better, the employees do better. Today Delta is the wealthiest airline in the world, the biggest airline in the world, the most profitable airline in the world. So what I say to my capitalist friends, what I say to Republicans and Democrats, what I say to everybody, is you can do well and do good at the same time.
You can be a good capitalist.
You can prosper and kill it at the stock market in the year stock price and make sure that your employees are prospering. Make sure your communities are prospering, because they're your greatest assets. We have got a short term plan and we need a long term vision. This thing we're at right now is not sustainable. You know, I'm going to give the former president one piece of credit.
The former president, the former president, which one, Donald Trump him?
Okay, he got everybody voting. Voting was anemic ten years ago, nobody voted. He's got everybody exercised. And it's not just that whether women are exercised about the right to choose, and people are exercised about the environment and immigration, immigration, whatever topic is, and it's got that's a beautiful thing that everybody's now. You can't have a conversation with anybody, your taxi driver, whoever, unless they're talking about So tell me, let's talk about politics for a minute.
I get tired of the conversation. But I love the engagement.
We have got to be engaged in our lives because you cannot, you cannot subcontract your democracy.
You've got to be involved in this conversation.
As Barack Obama said, you got to get into arena. You got to get into the arena.
You know, you can't be a spected It's not a spectator sport.
I get that straight talk.
So the work will continue no matter who's the president. I like answering questions. No matter who is president, the work will continue. In fact, some people actually need the kind of work we're doing, other than more than other president and needed we don't.
I mean it's another conversation, maybe for another time.
But you can go through history and you see some people need to show that they're actually not evil.
Maybe we'll stay well.
Stay right where you are.
You worked under Clinton, you worked under George w. You worked under Barack Obama. I mean what Trump didn't want you?
Oh, they asked me to show up for a bunch of photo ops, which I was just not available for. I did, though, work with Secretary of the Treasury Alusian and Joseph Auding of the Contra of the Currency to create to help you create the PPP program for small business. I would work with them on designing that. I did work with Treasury extensively during the pandemic. They did a good job. I just stayed out of the political phrase because I'm not going to be if you're going to be used fair like fair exchange is no robbery, right, but it's got to be a fixed change. It has to be fair exchange. And again, I just don't do utter selfishness. What about Biden, he's a decent guy. No, No, I'm talking about in terms of you working with his administration. Oh, I'm talking to them all the time. I'm trying to help them wherever I can. I think they're fair and decent. And by the way, we're the only girl on economy in the world today. You mean America, America and steven people forget we were in a pandemic. The whole economy was shut down two years ago, and we came out of that, and yes, seven eight trillion dollars went into the economy. There's never been a recovery with a T in front of it in the history.
So these folks talking about America, our economy is ridiculous as awful.
Inflation is a problem. America. We're a laughing stock throughout the world. They just line the line.
No, but the rationalize is a tell rational lies. Look President Clinton. President Clinton told me one day, it's hard to get somebody agree to the truth when the liar is paying their paycheck. So here's my here's I was on CNBC and I was talking on one of the shows, Think it was the Last Call, and a guy come on, a billionaire. They were saying, all this this economy, but this president is horrible them finish. My mother gave me good manners and I said, excuse me, sir, I know your net worth. It was two in two thousand nineteen, it's four now billion. Your net worth is doubled. What are you complaining about? He dropped the line. He just was unavailable for a discent conversation. He just skipped out on you. They have no idea what people are saying. People interest rates. Do you know the interest rates were when my mother and father were coming I know where my.
Mother I know, I know it was at around fifteen percent when my mother tried to refinance a couple of decades ago. And I put a stock to it, for crying out loud, what is it at around six seven seven now six seven seveneven?
Yeah, And by the way, you know, the money was zero basically, Stephen, for since the two thousand and eight crisis.
It was free money. You know, it was free money.
The only way we got off of that was they had to find a crisis legitimate enough for the FED to look to justify raising interest rates. By the way, that was the pandemic, and you had all the stimulus that came in from the government, and inflation would have gone through the roof. It probably been a double digit inflation. And if the Fed hadn't tapped on the brakes and rate. I thought the Fed did the right thing.
Is it painful, yes, but it's better than the whole thing imploding.
Everything was overrated. Stocks were overrated, a real estate was overpriced. Art was overpriced. I mean my tennis shoes were overpriced. Everything was overpriced and they had to tap it down. They've done so much in two years and it get no credit for it. And it's the biggest economy and the healthy saying you know where Russian's putting that money here? Yes, you know where Chinese are putting that money here? Like it's you know, Iran talking all this mess. They trying to buy real estate right down the street.
We don't realize our own.
Brilliance. Everybody wants to be an American, but Americans.
That's Americans speak specifically about the black community. If America as a whole don't realize our own brilliance, what would you say about the black community.
Basically, we control sports and entertainment, which are fairly small level parts of the GDP is about fifty billion dollars each out of twenty seven billion, twenty seven trillion.
Sorry, so these are rounding errors.
What should we be involved in because the sports and entertainment, What should we be involved.
We should be engineers. We should own all own a home. We should all have an insurance policy, so we're not doing go fund me campaigns when somebody dies, and by the way, you when you die, you can pass down generational wealth through your insurance plan of one hundred to a million dollars so that your family can buy a house and build a business. We should own stock, We should own rental real estate. Everybody should buy one home to live in and two homes to rent, not in some fancy neighborhood in the hood. Go to your under underve neighborhood. So but by the way, the inner city in France it's called Paris. An inner city in the UK is called London. We run away from our own communities, and everybody else, by the way, is running to them. You see a little white kid running and riding a bicycle in the hood. He lives there because it's centrally located. Real estate Anacostia reclaimed, Harlem reclaim. Every inner city in America is a gold mine. So we are untapped, we're under served. We need we need to double down on simple things. We need to We need to go into professions that are growing, artificial intelligence, technology. Everybody needs a financial literacy degree and a technology class, right, I'm sorry, financial literacy class and a technology class.
We need to.
I mean, six percent of black people are engineers. You want to not go broke, be an engineer, get your credit score to seven hundred.
Nothing of what I'm saying is rocket science.
Go in the law, Go into medical fields, healthcare, whole health care space taken off like nobody's business. Be a a home care provider, show your compassion and your expertise at the same time. But you've got to have that technology understanding with some practical skill because AI, as I said, going to change everything. So I think that one of the secret weapons. I mean, black people built this country for free under bad capitalism. Now we are the secret weapon for economic growth under good capitalism. I had breakfast this morning with Ray Maguire, who is vice chairman of City Group.
They usued a report in twenty twenty.
It showed that black Americans racism against blacks from two thy to twenty twenty just twenty years costs the American economy sixteen trillion dollars.
Even sixteen trillion dollars.
And when you say racism against blacks costing our country sixteen trillion dollars, how did it cost to sixteen?
Because they could back access to capital and they were discriminated against at the loan application process because they could. If they had gotten that business and hire two people, X would have happened. If they had called that old that that home, they would have paid property taxes. And what if they if if they were not discriminated discriminated against in then in the employment process, then they would have had a job making eighty thousand versus a job making twenty thousand with the same credentials as their white count.
And if you got money're gonna spend money.
And seventy percent economies consumers spending. Again, we're getting out of a rational movement of common sense.
So again, it's all in the report. It's all data, it's all neutral data. Sixteen trade And if we just knocked it off, you pick up a trillion dollars a year, Just knock it off, just stop it. So that's just blacks. We're not dealing with his Panics, women, poor whites. I mean again, my white brothers and sisters, My poor white brothers and sisters are angry because the industrial revolution walked away from them and nobody gave them.
A business everything.
You sit here and you explained something like this to me, I am I'm quite sure you have articulated this message to white individuals in position of power who have the ability to facilitate such change.
What do they say to you?
What kind of resistance do you receive when you throw that level of logic in their face?
Well, every meeting that I have the time to have tends to come out with you some level of let's do something. So that's why I've got four point seven billion dollars invested in one hundred million dollars of annual turnover, four hundred employees offices in forty two states. I mean, we're the largest of our kind in the country. So it's not like I'm getting rejection. Okay, But again, I'm not growing to your first question of how do you feel about this? I didn't do this for a paddle of the back. I mean, I'm fine. I did this because God gave me more gifts than I can handle myself. And he didn't do it for me. He did it because he wanted me to share them with others. I think you gain power to give it away. And what I'm trying to do is to inspire the book The Tipping Point, Malcolm glad Well prove that at five percent of role models, every community stabilizes, not eighty percent, not fifty, not twenty.
He made it.
God made this so achievable. Five percent, and then you can make smart sexy again. The tail wags the dog. Doctor king on Lee at twenty percent of the black community support twenty percent of the white's community support at his height, and we're still talking about them. But when you start dealing with the political realms where people are getting let's be honest. Now people are getting paid, Yes, what does spend is the quote no no paid in their contracts lobbying, So what a Bill Clinton's say. It's hard to get somebody to gree to the truth when the lie is paying their paycheck.
So my logic.
Is overwhelmed by somebody else's bank account. If you're having a purely political conversation and the winds of change are.
Not at my back but are in my face, So Why do you have so much hope?
Because Rainbow's only follow storms, because God sits on the throne. Because there's never been a period in the history of the world more than twenty years when bad people will continue to succeed. Caesar controlled the game until they cut his throat. Stalin out, Hitler out, salom Bin Laden out, and go down the line. These bad people come. This fear based plan works for a minute and then it hits the trash bin where it belongs. We are made to love, man, We're made to love. We're made for hope. We're made for That's why people fall in love and not in hate. They get married even though you know there's a fifty percent chance they gonna.
Get a divorce. I mean, we're in love with love. We are loving human beings.
People are watching this and listening to this right now, and I guarantee you they're inspired by what they're hearing. They just want any reason to hope. I mean, look, let me say, let me say something I don't normally say this. Look that that debate.
It's horrible, cure, you know, Biden and Trump on June twenty seven.
Horrible, And if I was the president, I would have just simply said look, before I went in, I said, look, I'm older, my body is not doesn't work the way it used to. You know, I don't talk as well as I used to. I never talk really all that well forty years. I'veen chipping over my words and spend and splitting. I would just admit to it all. I make it a joke, so everybody understand I'm in my right mind. But that's a whole other thing. But that debate was absolutely horrible, which means the next day the former president should have been at seventy five and Biden should have been at twenty five, but it wasn't. It moved barely to percentage points. Because people don't want hate, they don't want division. They're looking for any reason to believe that there's a rational approach.
Well, that's why I've been unapologetic about the fact that Donald Trump is not getting my vote because of those reasons. But I will say this, I am upset and I have been upset at the Democratic Party because you have a bullpen.
Where have they been so.
We're out of marketing. It's the worst marketing.
One years old, going to eighty two years of age, and you have any idea how.
Ridiculous it looked to me.
I'm just speaking for myself to watch people standing up and clapping and chanting four more years to a man that's going to.
Be eighty two years of age.
You've got a vice president, you've got a government by she's very smart.
She's very smart.
I'm just I'm saying, you have people who can step in and would pretty much do a damn good job leading. Because if you've already set the groundwork with what you've done during your during your presidency, what's the problem with saying, look, we appreciate you, and all you've done is somebody else's time.
Now, you know, the celebrity is a very intoxicating thing. Yes it is.
And I think Biden's a very good man, and I think Vice President Harris doesn't give the credit she deserves. I've been talking to her and her team a lot about this economic tour that she's on, and I support it, and I support her. I just think that if you're gone in that first term and said, look, i'm gonna do this for four years, I'm gonna set the country right.
And I'm out by I'm cool.
I'm basically what he indicated in twenty twenty.
But you know, look, you and I know celebrities. You're a celebrity.
Wherever you go, people kissing your ring and oh my god, you're coming after me.
I got it.
I tell people I can't go through an airport without people stopping me. And I'm honored by it. Right, imagine us time ten that that's some you know, whatever superstar that is. Imagine what Beyonce gets. And you keep going up and now you're the president of one of the two hundred and twenty countries in the world. Imagine what they get. Now you're the president of the United States of America. When you go, a whole world moves with you. It's a passport office in your plane. I mean, there's a hospital in your plane. I think it's just so hard and everybody's telling you what you want to hear all the time. I think it's really hard to break out of that. I don't care who you are and just say I'm out. I'm not excusing it. I'm just saying and you feel that that you can change the world, so that maybe only you can do it.
I do.
Think that if he had just embraced as I just said, in a moment ago and just said to people, Yeah, I'm getting older, but my intelligence is crystallized and my wisdom is unmistakable. And look at what we built over four years. It's actually a marvel for the world. And by the way, you want vitality, here's my vice president.
That's your take. My take would be.
I've been a senator for thirty six years, I've been a vice president for eight I've been to president of the United States for four years. Forty eight years. Yep, you know, I did my best. I loved this country. I hope you all appreciate the job that I've done.
It's time for me to go on home and relax.
And I got a great vice president here that I think is going to do a wonderful job. I'm gonna hand the paton off to me. That's the right thing to do at this stage as a poles to having us watch a clear slow slowness in the step per se, the loss of a fastball per se when you're supposed to have others in a bullpen who are capable of doing the job that you've already set the stage to do.
So this would have been a much more elegant conversation November, October, September, August, July. I was saying last year, so now you know, this is a very messy conversation because this is right around the corner.
And uh, there's no good answer.
In my opinion, there's no there's no easy answer because the infrastructure, this machine can't just turn it off and hand it to somebody and and and expect there's gonna be fluidy pictlary if they're trying to do a complete reset with somebody fresh and new.
I just think that we got to be thoughtful here. We've got to figure out what's best for the nation, for our children, our grandchildren. How do you build a country that's that's gonna last one hundred years, And that's the light on the heel, the leader of the free world, a place for freedom and democracy and opportunity. You know where Africans are coming more than any other country in the world here here, you know, people from Latin America.
And everybody's coming here.
The folks, the folks coming over the border, they're not Mexicans, those are Chinese. They got no I'm serious, I'm serious, going he got all people. The people are trying to get into America. I'm serious. They're Chinese trying to get in this country because we are the sole single light on the heel. And yes, we've got to manage that. You can't let everybody in under all circumstances, all that kind of stuff. But I'm saying it's something to be admired. Man, what we what we have here in spite of the fact that it was slavery and all the rest of that stuff. My second great grandfather was in the Civil War, George Young. He fought during the Mscipation Proclamation for Lincoln. He was a slave. My grandfather was RB Smith, was a shit. You can go back and look at your history and you know that. So I'm not talking from an unfeigned place. My parents paid the price. My grandparents paid the price. My great grandparents were slaves. I'm free because of them, and I am now. This service is the debt I pay for the freedom that I have. And I want everybody watching this and listening to this to figure out what they need to do and what debt they have to pay. We all owe something. You didn't get this for free. You didn't get this for free. If you're living in America, you're doing it because people who came before you, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred and forty years before you paid a price and got nothing for it. The least we can do is hire some interns. The least we can do is to have some philanthropy. The least we can do is to be gracious and give people a meeting when they call for. The least we can do is to open the door from the streets to the c suites.
That very last quarest question, and thank you so much for your time, John O'Brien, I got to ask you this.
You just brought up the Chinese. You just brought up You.
Said they're coming into this country. Other folks are coming into this country. One of the arguments that have been made, the more folks that come into this country, the more obstacles there are for the undeserved amongst us, and in this country a lot of times, more often than not, that's black folks call it what it is. The more challenging it'll be for us to get a step up, a step ahead to that.
You say, what, no, I mean, there was a time where we wanted those agricultural jobs that those who come in from places like Mexico are taking. We wanted those handyman jobs, those handy women jobs, and we took those jobs in the twentieth century, early twentieth century, but we got educated. We need to, by the way, double down and triple down on education. There's an ultimate popular radication tool. We need to now move up the economic You know, you don't work at McDonald's your whole life. You shouldn't. You can, I guess, but you shouldn't. You do that job for two three years and you bounce, You go to Walmart for you know, your bounce, you know, and you go up the ladder. And what we need to do is not work at a convenience store for twenty five years. That job is going away again. Artificial intelligence again. We've got to be obsessed with aspiration, with growth, with education. We should take our place in a higher echelon of income and wealth creation as a group of people, as other people of color have done. And by the way, we can and we will. I believe we've done it. We did it in the twentieth century. We really are the moral pulse for this country and I believe arguably for the world. What's black culture All around the world, Black music all around the world, the inspiration through sports all around the world, people of color, and we can expand that to other levels of capitalism and free enterprise and be again a light in a sample, an example for people all across the world. Black Africans are coming here and killing it. Black Caribbeans are coming here and killing it. I mean, Colin Powell was Black Caribbean as but one example, and you go on and on and on. African Americans, because of what we talked about, I think, suffer a unique depression because of how we were treated, and we need to heal so we can deal and go from surviving to thriving to winning and building. That's the mindset shift that I am trying to trigger, to help us trigger.
And by the way, it's working. I got a million and a half views on my videos in a week.
What about straight Talking with John O'Brien.
That's a lot of that is just these short videos.
And these are young black people, young black men eighteen to thirty five, looking for a mentor. They're not looking for handouts. Man, No one wants to get Nobody gets from the morning and said, Ooh, let me.
Be a thug.
Let me be a problem for society. They don't know any better. And if all you see in your neighborhood as symboli as of success or rap stars, athletes and drug dealers, then why is anybody say prize that the kid grows up wanting to be a rap star and an athlete or drug dealer. I can't scale my brother Ti, I can't scale my brother Killer Mike. They're unique. I can't scale Oprah who I just saw last week of Gail King. But I can scale an engineering group or a technology group or an ai AI cybersecurity firm.
I just I'm going to invest in as black owned.
These things are scalable with jobs and economic opportunity across the economy, in real estate and all the other things that are traditional in our economy. And it's not like we tried it and didn't work, Stephen, We've never tried. This is what gives me hope. It's not like we tried all this stuff and it didn't work. We tried free enterprise and capitalism and it didn't work. We never tried it because we were told money was evil, and I say, no, no, no, not, Money's not evil. The love of money is evil.
So I tell people to pay attention, pay attention to data, pay attention to the information, pay less attention to emotion.
That part I said on Charlottage's show about this inclusion. Black people are too emotional, and some of my white friends are too narrow minded on this topic. They're they're, they're, you know, we're winning the battle and losing the war again. We got to open up the aperture. There be more passionate, be more visionary, be more inclusive, and ask yourself, how did we make it one hundred years ago? And are we Basically, we need to reset that business plan, which again bottom to the top. Those who come in as immigrants, give them a shot, work hard, play about the rules, do the right thing, and build something great. And I think that to your question, that those coming in legally under the rules at the bottom will find their place, their foothold in the economy, and those who used to be at the bottom a generation later will get educated and find new opportunities in new and stable economies. And so I'm not insecure about people coming in. I think we're about expanning the table Stephanie rule quote and add a chair, expand the table and added chair.
The one and only John O'Brien financial Literacy for all your sixth book. Congratulations on that. It's such an honor to talk to you, my man. I couldn't wait to talk to you, couldn't wait to meet m much.
Love and respect, and you know this has been this has been an important conversation. And you've got the ear of a generation of people who can literally change the world. And we've got to believe. We've got to believe as a shot and a place for us. And I think my personal story being homeless and all the stuff is testimony, Yeah, of what I what each of us can do if we apply ourselves. And my job is the it's the James Brown version of affirmative action.
Open the door.
I'll get it myself. Remember, that's what you've done. That's what I've done, is with everybody else.
And you were homeless from like age eighteen to like age twenty twenty two.
Right, No, I was only homeless for six months. But I but I struggled. Once your homeless, you lose your credit and all that stuff. I mean, my credit was tore up from the flow up.
I was some poor. I couldn't afford the r Pope.
The one and only John Hope Brian, appreciate you a man. Welcome back anytime, anytime, Absolutely Stephen A. Smith Show right here or the one and only John hop'brien. Wonderful, wonderful conversation. Y'all heard it, y'all saw it. Make sure to give me your thoughts because I'll be very very interested in hearing what you had to say. You should have been listening and you should have been learning. I'm gonna take that class. I'm gonna take that financial literacy class.
Yes, I need it to I have a coach. How about that. I need it. I need it bad. I'm coming forward. That's it for this edition of the Steven A. Smith Show.
Really appreciate y'all watching and listening right here over the the digital airways, YouTube and iHeartRadio.
I'll talk to you about this later on. Until then, take care, everybody,