Interview: Jerry Jones reflects on football decisions and being the Owner of the richest franchise in NFL history.

Published Sep 5, 2024, 8:00 PM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. 

This is entering your thirty sixth season as owner for the Dallas Cowboys.

How much time do you walk around.

Feeling like you have left you elluded earlier to Dak Prescott, Ceedee Lamb and looking ahead and thinking ahead, Michael Pauses and others. But that's somebody speaking about the luxury of time. I've seen you in the past quoted, You've quoted yourself.

I don't have much time. What's your mentality like right now?

Well, I had a great friend and his motto, I'm on a bar, and that said, I don't have time to have a bad time. It ain't on my schedule.

Right schedule.

And so having said that, I sounds like Michael Irvin, but I'm not gonna say that.

Was it, but it sounds like, let's give it. But still I can count. And I will say this. I was involved in a medical issue about ten years ago and the radiologist came in and I was in under assumed name in this hospital, not my name, and he said, mister Chambers. He said, I just wanted to meet you, and he said you have the brain of a thirty year old. And I said, my wife was sitting in there. I said, you get that, honey, I said, I want you to listen that good and you are the doctor. And I haven't let him up about it since that particular time. Now I don't know about that. I'm busier than busier than I have ever been. I get to do more exciting things than I ever have. There's no question, Steven that this team I could have never ever guessed it. When I bought the Cowboys, I lived was living a dream. I got to do something that I thought about a better part of my adult life. And there was nothing that hurt me at the time. I got sued. I had three one billion dollar lawsuits hit me at the same time. I bought the Dallas Cowboys nineteen eighty nine, ninety and ninety one. And it was like it was like I was Jimmy Brown running and they're bouncing off of me. Yeah. I was worried, worried about getting the Cowboys solving and getting them to where they'd work. I was new easily some of the pitfalls that were out there. But it caused me to really try things, and it caused me to do some things and they worked. And I said, man, I'll do that again, and I'll do that again and The bottom line is, and it's an inspiration for me. On folly your passion. I could have never been anything that I've been involved in over the last thirty years had it not been for the Cowboys. It made me something that I was not and caused me to have some confidence, caused me to try things, caused me to really be around inspirational people. I love this stuff and it has inspired me. And consequently, here I am eighty two and the business have ever been in.

My life, the busiest You've ever been. Obviously the most noted owner in the sport, most popular owner in the sport, if not the world of sports.

Nobody debates that, but they do look at.

The fact that it's entering twenty nine years since you guys have played in an NFC Championship, guna or got into a Super Bowl.

Now here's what I've said.

I've looked at numerous rosters you've put together, and I said, the talent, he did his job. There The critique, however, I would throw in seven head coaches since you last won the Super Bowl and only five playoff wins in that span.

You hear that number, you hear those stats. What comes through your mind?

How do you feel The big thing that I'm disappointed in is that I got a chance to have a player on the Cowboys at the same time Tony Romo, and we didn't get a super Bowl. Now that's a shortcoming of what did I not do that contributed to that.

Two and four in the playoffs his record.

And my point is, yes, disappointing, but you really can't do for me what I do if you don't go over and dwell on at the same time you're evaluated your shortcomings. Got to reach over and grab you a little of the good things that have happened to you. And I truly have had it so good in my lifetime. I've had great parents, I've been around some of the greatest friends in the world. People have enabled me. My best thing is that I've had ten different people in my lives give me grace, forgive me, give me grace, help me. When you got all of that fussing about not winning a Super Bowl last year, I want to clear you out of the way. Lightning is going to strike me. I've had it too good now, That's how I do it. That doesn't suffice for the responsibility I feel to our fans and to the people that are great sports folks and great fans. But I will say this, it gives me a lot of resolve. No one that knows me would think that you take any of these evaluations about sports teams, and I say that almost sounding condon sending, and I'm not take anything tangible valuable. No one would understand more than the people around me that I'd give all that for a first down at the right time. I'd give it all for a touchdown at the right time, or certainly a win, much less in a championship game or a Super Bowl. Nothing has changed. I was stupid. I gave took a bigger risk than anybody I've ever heard about to get to be involved in the NFL and football. So I didn't get here for money. I didn't come for money. I came here to win.

This is what has had people just a bit, you know, perplexed. I don't know what the right word for a bit befuddled. You come into the National Football League, you take the chances, you took. What's one of the first things you did. You got rid of Tom Landry, You took a big risk. You brought in Jimmy Johnson. The world was against you, and you won. But some people thought you held on to Jason Garrett too long. Other people look at you with Mike McCarthy. Now they're wondering if you're holding on to him too long. Bill Belichick was out there in the open market this past season, six time super Bowl champion. They look at you, did Tony Romo? You loved him to death or right you wanted to hold on himTo it. I mean Dak basically got that by default because if Tony Romo was healthy enough it could play, Dak Prescott wouldn't have been starting this rookie year.

You wasn't having that because it's a much you loved.

As much love as you have for Tony Romo, there's evidence that the same Jerry Jones, who was a shrewd businessman and did whatever it took to win, hasn't necessarily been the same guy in that regard when it comes to certain members of his personnel that he has an affection for.

What do you say to that, Well, two things. I'm glad you didn't mention lu Sille or Juanita because you've done your homework on me. Okay, I'm in prevant. We think you know very much. But having along those points, uh, the same same person, same guy that was sitting here that bought the Cowboys, same guy that uh you know. Paul Taglibu asked me one time after we'd won our Super Bowls. He said, would you head a committee to coach up owners on how to hire coaches. You've done so well that I'd like for you to head the committee. And I said, Commissioner, I need to be out in the audience. I've run out of teammates. I don't know how to hire a coach, and so I was cutting and shooting. And you're absolutely right. Ignorance can be blessed at times. And certain coach Landry I made certainly a pr mistake, but probably he had many years that he could have been a great coach in the future for the NFL, And far be it for me to even judge that. But here is the point. The same thing, the very same thing that made those decisions there make them now. The only thing is that I would say that I haven't taken the risks of the magnitude of the risks that I took early. I've slowed down on that risk part of it a little bit because I like what we're doing with our philosophy of developing young players. Now that wasn't been here, That hasn't been here for the last thirty years, but it's certainly been here for the last five or ten years. The salary cap has altered the that I look and rationale putting a team together. That's salarycap sometimes some of the same thing. You know, different people have input when you move a general manager in and out, and frankly we've had owners move in and out of the NFL as well. Different people look at this lay of the land different than I do. And so the idea that I'm going to be living with whatever I do twelve years now, ten years from now, that idea may have impacted the decisions that I make today. I'm sure they are. And so I can look and say, the same guy's doing it, the same guy willing to change that guy in the mirror. Steve and I have made so many mistakes a period in my day. I've made them, and I know but most people do make mistakes. But I've made some that took me years to recover from. And so there's no sure thing in those decisions. I do feel, and this may be where the rub Comes. I don't feel at that level of decision making for this team, for this situation, is there's someone better than me. I don't to think though, that I don't change philosophy regarding our football team is wrong.

Well, I agree with that, and I totally believe you when you say that, But I will say in terms of I know that you will modify, you will try to change. But you're the owner, you're the president, you're the GM, you run the show, you make the decisions.

If somebody was.

In the position that you're in, but they answer to you, and they went twenty eight seasons without making it to a conference championship game, let alone the Super Bowl, what would you do?

Well, say, the one most responsible for it is the guy they're answering to me. And that's what I've said from the very beginning. There's no slipping away from it. The buck stops, it does stop. It stops right here, And that doesn't mean much if it's just for show, or that doesn't mean much. If there's not some tears and some sweat and blood, it goes with it.

What about those who argue?

Is not a consequence, because at the end of the day, you're not going to remove yourself, so you don't really have to pay the price for whatever mistakes you make, because you're not getting rid of you as most of us wouldn't get rid of ourselves.

Well, of course, but that is absent a little deal call paying that price. You think for one minute that the way our season ended last year, are there anybody on this earth that bothered any more than me? No one. There's been no one that looks back that really can live with how long it's been since we've been with the Super Bowl? Do you think that I literally do go in here and say, well, but how many people have won three Super Bowls? Okay? Do you think I say? Of course, I do not. I do not say that I look at it as that was then, this is now. But I do look at it that way, in that sense that ten years ago we obviously didn't win a Super Bowl. We had a different coach, that was then, this is now, let's go do it now. Now. I've done this and things away from football all my life, and I have discarded. I have gone in different directions, and I've gone in different businesses. The guy in the mirror is the man that I change out.

It's interesting because even though I bring up the lack of success in terms of a championship, when you bring up the name Jevy Jones to anybody in the NFL, do you know I haven't found one single person associated with the NFL that has denied that you're worthy of the Hall of Fame. Everybody acknowledges that you're worthy of the Hall of Fame. Everybody acknowledges what you've done for the NFL broadcast, right TV, right sales, you know, the marketing, the merchandising, all the things that you've done to elevate the profile of the National Football League, the committees that you've been on that you've spearheaded the NFL. And I know several officials within the NFL, for teams, league office, players, associating, etc. All say, we are Jerry Jones an incredible debt of gratitude for what he has done for the National Football League. In your eyes, what have you done for the National Football League?

Well? I know this. I've got to say, it's what the National Football League and frankly football has done me. And I go to those meetings with as much zipping my step and as much excitement as I was going to them thirty years ago. When we have a meeting right now. This thing inspires me. Early. That inspiration caused me to if you will be very aggressive, be very aggressive. Well, I was motivated to be aggressive. It was called the hounds were after me. The dead hounds were after you. On the other hand, I had by getting to participate in sport in formative years, I learned that this day, too shall pass. I had to really call on myself to be a football player. It hurt me. My trainer one time, is from Virginia, said Jones, You've got to have the lowest tolerance for pain of any kid we've ever had to school. I said, well, Grindie, it hurts me morning. It does the rest of them. Damn it. I deserve a medal to be out here. It shakes me up when I get hit. Well, my point is it called on me. I lived in daydreams. I would walk around before the practices and I would dream about being something else, and for that matter, I would dream about owning a football team. I saw Art Modell on the cover I think it was look Er Life magazine, and there he had moved from the advertising over to be the owner of the Cleveland Browns, and they said, here comes an advertising TV man into the league. What is he going to do? And he was sitting there with two beautiful children and a Hollywood wife who was a movie star. And I told my buddy I was riding with on the team, Butts, that's me. That's me, That's who I want to be right there.

Art Modell, Art Modell, the same person, the same Art Modell, Okay, if I remember correctly, that was pushing for the league to once take a pay cut with the broadcast rights deal, and you afford them and ultimately one that same Art Modell.

That same Art Modell, who I of course admired and still admire. Uh. And it was rough. He was very critical. And he told me when I was trying to get the votes to vote against accepting a pay cut from the rights phase, the networks had come to us wanted a pay cut, And he shook his finger in my face and he said, do you realize we've got to make payroll and plan two and three years out? And you're saying, maybe don't have a contract. Do you know what? You don't know what it's like to have to do that. Jerry, of all, I did know was that if I was going to get my nose blooded, that I might as well put it off off because I might get hit by a car and not have gotten that nose blooded while I was on earth, so to speak. So put it I was putting it off. I didn't have an answer, is my point. And so I would tell you that was an impressive thing. A made you want to get in and do the very best that you could. But my point is that I love the National Football League. No church, no family of uh, no school, no business. No person can be what God be. The athlete be the talent they are if their ass is hanging out and they don't have no money. And so that's the way that the NFL was and it needed. The model was not working, and the model does work. And consequently, one of the things that makes it work is it's financial foundation. And that's why we're always looking at that. And if you so, I'm not ashamed of that. I'm not ashamed of that at all. What's missing here is the fact that maybe someone thinks that because I don't want to win a ball game, I don't want to win a Super Bowl as much as I don't want to make a Buck. That's bull stuff. That really is That's not the way it works. Anybody really knows me, is that I'd trade two thirds a third of whatever percent you want to call of what the Cowboys are supposed to be worth to get us to get one of those Super Bowls.

Because I'm not going to lie to you. I wanted to ask you that question.

I know the answer because you and I have gotten to know each other over the years, and I'm honored.

To say that, but I have to I had to ask.

I'm glad you just answered that for me because I'm thinking ten billion dollar valuation. Average salary in the NFL is worth the five point seven billion. A couple of franchise that have been so for over six billion, but you're worth over ten billion dollars. But I was asking myself, he's making so much money, he's enjoying so much success. Is this the definition of winning? To Jeviy Jones And you just answered that question.

Well, I'll say one other time. I told my team, but we just opened we just finished training camp, but we open training camp, and I told my team and the coaches, Yeah, I could be anywhere in the world I want to be. I could be. I don't want to be anywhere else. I want to be right here with y'all. I want to be out here, and I want to be agonizing with us vicariously. Not in your shoes, guys, I don't want any of that. But I want to agonize with you on your pursuit to become an NFL player and be a part of the Cowboys, because I want to be a part of that feeling when we walk out there together and win it. Now, money, money is not that. That's different, Stephen, much different than that. And so but I'll tell you this money helps ease the pain. It do, It really does. I had this guy called me and he said, we're supposed to cut the questions off on a radio show. It had been a few years back. He said, you know, he said, how does it feel a guy your statue, your pocketbook? How's it feel to have gotten it stuck up your you know what like that? And I said, well, I've had it stuck up there when I didn't have money, and I've had it stuck up there when I have some. Feels better when you got a little money