Interview: Jerry Jones, building and maintaining the success of America's Team.

Published Sep 6, 2024, 10:00 AM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. 

How are you feeling about your Cowboys this upcoming season, sir.

Well, I feel a lot better than some of the critiques that maybe I'm getting more than they are, but I'm sensitive to them, but frankly a little surprised. I'm surprised that it isn't more apparent to fans that we put an outstanding team together. I think the team is in better shape to roll than it was last year, really, and I do. And we got criticized in the off season about that we weren't out after the big names in free agency. We were criticized because we had some special or have had special contracts for some key players with Frankly, in my opinion, most of the thing to watch for on those key veteran players Lamb, of course, Dak Prescott and maybe even Parsons, the key things remember about them is except for Lamb, that's not this year.

That's about the future.

I'm talking about the discussion the contracts of those type of things.

And of course I'm wearing it on my.

Sleeve a little bit because I actually say I am a pleaser.

Okay, It bothers the hell out of me to.

Really get critiqued and criticize, especially if they're getting near the red meat and they're getting in there where I'm double sensitive about it. But there's not many things about the Cowboys that I'm not sensitive about it.

Right, Well, it's hard to see because I mean, you look, every time I turn around, you got to smile on your face. And you should, by the way, because a franchise that's worth over ten billion dollars, practically double of what the average salary of the average franchise in the NFL is worth. That's a lot to smile about. But I'll go back to you when you talked about getting to the red meat and being sensitive, specifically when you talk about the Dallas Cowboys. Here's way I've been critique. I've been critical. I thought you should have went and got Derek Henry. I thought that monster of a running back out of the backfield with somebody that could be a security blanket for somebody like Dak Preson. That's the only thing that I thought about when it came to you guys, and what I thought you were lacking answer me that question, why didn't you go after Derek Hunry.

First of all, we might have a little difference as to what we were lacking the most enough. It is very common, matter of fact, the rule that when you look at a coming season, you've got some soft spots in a football team, or in any team, I think, and so it's a question of where do your resources, where do they need the areas that need the most attention. And candidly I thought in Zeke that we really had an opportunity. I know that how badly he wanted to get back with the Cowboys. I personally thought that his work there in New England was better than maybe a lot of other people evaluated it. I thought he did carry the mail in some critical times for them. And by the way I saw those old boys getting up with that Jimmy Brown look, the way those players used to look when I was watching them on television and did look like they had just hit a brick wall an old Jimmy's I saw some of that still in the way that New England with Zeke got the job done in the running game. I have more belief that zekes of what we need in our short yardage than maybe a lot of fans did.

You clearly didn't have any doubts about Ceedee Lamb. He's clearly one of the best wide receivers in the world. Nevertheless, when everybody and their grandmother looked at it and said, this is his market value four years, about one hundred and thirty six million, about thirty four million per year, what have you? We sort of knew that ultimately the conclusion that was reached would be reached. Yet it took you practically all all summer and all off season to make the deal happen.

Why was that? Now, let me get this tray.

Yes, sir, we're not We're questioning whether or not I had the same evaluation of C. D. Lamb because I was a little slow in people's opinion about get him in on paper. Okay, when he got on paper, did you see how much went on paper?

Yea did.

Now the same guy that was slow is the one that wrote that number on that paper and signed it. There was never any question about.

How we felt C.

Dee Lamb it was as a football player or what he could do to basically help our team.

But Jervy, that's what feeds into my question. We know you didn't doubt it. We can see that. So somebody is looking at Jerry Jones and it's saying, this man knows what he's doing, he knows what a talent he has, he knows he's going to sign this guy. What takes him so long? So how do you answer the question about what took you so long when you knew exactly what he was worth and what you were going to do In the end.

I have it, and I'm not trying to be cute, But I don't see any rewards or I don't see any penalties on your timer on does he get on the field and is he on the field when he ought to be out there? And so I had no urgency at all about heading him to.

The field field.

Now, I'm sensitive about what fans and all of the ones that are against the Cowboys as well as all the ones that are for the Cowboys, and I want to look good as well as anyone else. But it was important for us to own every aspect, to really try to husband as much of the resources that would go in Lamb's direction.

It was critical for us to.

Husband one thousand dollars of fifty thousand dollars one hundred thousand dollars, because in our system, that's that much more that we've got to pay parsons or that's that much more for us to pay that young offensive lineman that we want to renew his contract three.

Years from now. It's a zero sum game.

And by the way, this is in the world's smallest fiddle here. Boy, I'm so lucky to get to do this. But also know that just because you have one thousand dollars in your bank account, have you ever thought that you may owe three thousand dollars back over here in bills? And so when you see that and you say, well, I've got the money, I'm going to go do it. Unless you look around the corner a little bit, you may not be able to do it.

I'm looking at.

All time, certainly the short term part of any contract with any player, but I'm also looking a longer term.

I have to.

I have to look three years down the road, if you will, sometimes maybe five years.

Down the road.

I have a very good feel, as good as anybody about what the future is going to be for the teams in the NFL. Regarding revenue, I understand it very well. I've spent thirty five forty years doing almost nothing but thinking about NFL the revenues.

This is your thirty six year coming up. This is your thirty six years thirty six.

Year and by the way, I coveted being in the NFL. I was looking at it four or five years before that.

One of the piece of the charges at the time, if I remember.

Correct exactly exactly.

My point, without being long winded, is this is a long range life that you have to deal with in intermittent, short term decisions. In many cases, CD's contract had everything to do with how important he was to the future of the Dallas Cowboys. It had everything to do with rewarding him for how he had evolved as a key player for the Dallas Cowboys, but it also had everything to do with how he was going to fit in our picture.

Years down the road.

We know this doesn't have to be the year that Michael Paulsus has taken care of. I'm one of those dudes that have been on the record saying I believe he's the he's the franchise. I think he's a monster. I say that in the most complimentary way imaginable. I think the brother is special, and I think he personifies what you should want the Cowboys to be. That's how I feel. But that's just little old me. Well, how does Jerry Jones feel about Michael Parson's.

Well, Steven, as usual, you've got a hint of your own clue. But seriously, I saw where Mike Zimmer, our new defensive coach, former coach at Minnesota, said he's brilliant, called him brilliant in Dedicated Michael Parsons. Michael Parsons is probably the best athlete that I've ever been around that says a player as well as being involved with Dallas Cowboys, He's so unique. He's multifaceted and what does that mean. He's got a lot of angles that he looks at, just like he's got a lot of angles that he used to put pressure on that quarterback. So he is very special, and he is. He's one of my picks now, Steven and the rest of them are Will Clay. They pick some guys, but MICA's the guy that I pick. I'm joking when I say that, because that's how proud I am of him. I believe that he's just started. And yes, I don't want to save face of a franchise because it takes a lot of faces to make it roll.

He's special.

You're going from a three four to four to three on defense with Zimmer as the coach. Now, obviously you think he's going to flourish even more on the Zimmer than he did under Quinn.

I think he can because this probably will give him unfair a little bit and critiquing those defenses, but it probably gives them a better chance to put somebody else in play to put some pressure thereby making it a problem to just double team Michael all the time, or triple team or just scheme against him.

How did you feel when DeMarcus Lawrence, who I like, I'm very fond of, but he showed up on national television on first Take super Bowl week and he said, we were.

A bit tired.

You know, it's a heavy load, essentially alluding to playing for the Cowboys is a lot that comes with it. It ain't the typical franchise. Michael Parsons I spoke to him that night on the air. He didn't take kindly to that at all. He said, well, he didn't want to hit that at all. He didn't want to hit that at all. How shocked were you when you heard that DeMarcus Lawrence has said that, And how'd you feel about it?

Well, frankly, I didn't pay give it the kind of serious consideration. Maybe it deserved. This thing is different, the Cowboys are different. There is a lot of visibility the but taking a toll on your competitive juices is not characteristic of DeMarcus Lawrence. He will go after him until they've gotten in the dressing room, got the street clothes on now. So you got to pay attention when he basically makes a comment. But in general, I have always thought that attention is inspirational. I played for a team in college that when we would practice, there would be days when two thousand people would sit on a grassnoll fifteen feet from our drill. And for me, I was a little down the line early, but it would make me play like I was in a bowl game out there on a Tuesday afternoon or a Wednesday afternoon. So that that kind of interest, that kind of cheering you on was inspirational, and I always thought that did that when we had our big crowds at camp. A lot of people early didn't want to have crowds at training camp. I thought it was great and inspirational. You just want to in that drill, You want to try to excel in that drill in front of all those people.

I think that it's inspirational.

Some of the players that you've outwardly just shown such an incredible level of love and affection for mirrored that kind of thinking. When we mentioned a playmaker who would doubt that he thought attention was an inspiration, we know he think. The playmaker, Michael Levin thought attention was inspirational. Emmitt Smith, attention was inspirational. Troy Aikman a quiet storm still, the three times Super Bowl champion, Attention was inspirational to Charles Airleys of the world. The list goes on and on. No one says that about Dak Prescott, your quarterback that's in line to get fifty five to sixty million dollars a year. Jerry Jones, how do you feel about that?

I came along at the time I got a chance to be a part of this thing called the NFL. I didn't waste any time. I mean I didn't let in grass go under my feet. I grabbed it and then I had a lot of running with the ball to do after I grabbed hold of it. I think that we all are at a special place in time. Let's run it up the flagpole. Let's run it up the flagpoole. The game itself is hard work. It takes little boys, big boys, fat boys, slim boys, it takes all kinds. Now when they get in that huddle, everybody gets together and they kind of bleed alike, and they're they're on.

A team, they're a part of it. But all of that goes on.

We're sitting here in Texas, and I'm telling you right now, football is a part of the.

The trees around here. It's here, that's all. It is different.

And girls have gone to heard about two days all their lives. In many cases, football is a life around here. And most of it is hard work. Most of it is mundane. Dare I say that? But it's hard work and mundane. But guess what we do. We take a block and we take two big boys bumping into each other, and we make it into the Colosseum of Rome, and we make it like the Roman gladiators, and we put my town against your town. Here in Texas, they do that, put my school against your school. In our case, it's the Browns against the cowboys out there. With that right there, we embellish it and make it bigger than life. Everybody benefits from that and you help it.

And that's right.

Well, I don't apologize for it because you all deserve it, even though these fan base get on my nerves. But that's a different story for another day. I will say this, I think Dak Prescott is a star. I think he's a big time player in the regular season. I think in the postseason he's got some proven to do. And I think he has to have the kind of attitude you just articulated in order for him to get over the hump. One of my last couple of questions is this. We saw Jordan Love come out of nowhere and play lights out in the last half of the season last year, and then the playoffs against you guys. We sort of Eagles acquired sa Kwon Barkley in the offseason to add to a formidable offensive team. We sort of Detroit Lions elevate themselves to relevancy basically winning their first playoff games. Is nineteen fifty seven for crying out loud. We see the San Francisco forty nine as making a statement keeping ayyuk, keeping their team intact. They don't intend on going anywhere. What's the path to success for the Dallas Cowboys in twenty twenty four. Considering what I just outlined.

So we have drafted some very very outstanding football players that should have gotten on the field more last year than they did. We bring in some free agents and they still may be struggling to get on the field. They need to get.

On the field. We also drafted some pretty good ones this year. When you.

Are fighting the salary cap bulch and you want to have the supporting cast around deck and have it around CD and possibly even Micah, those young players are the ticket. They've got to come in and take up some of that slack for lack of sury cap. That's where we are. Last year we had some that should have been on the field.

They'll be out there.

Plus some of our young ones get on the field. Oh I know, that says, boy, there they are counting on some rookies, counting on some young players. Okay, some's got to get. Something's got to get. We do want to keep these guys and at the same token, we've spunked the money.

How do we do all of that?

You do it by keeping it in your pocket during the high price for agency. You do it by hopefully developing young players, and you know by keeping the premium guys that you can possibly keep.

I pointed out, I think the mistake that you've made the biggest mistake is holding off for coaches too long. Bill Belichick was out there last year, you elected not to go that routing. You kept Mike McCarthy in place. Is he on the line let me say twenty twenty four.

Yeah, let me say this.

Nobody's out there say and I agree with you and Bill my gunness, what an outstanding coach at all. But nobody's necessarily out there that I could have made this decision or not that decision. Mike McCarthy is an outstanding coach. We've had twelve win seasons for the last three years. Now.

I agree with.

You, Becky most I agree with you.

That we have not had the playoff success that you would have wanted to have with a Super Bowl winning coach and Mike McCarthy. But I'll tell you firsthand, he's got outstanding ways with players. He's an outstanding coach. As hard a working coach as I've ever been around. He's an outstanding coach. What you're seeing though from me, is just the way that I'm doing it right now. Certainly I did not renew a lot of contracts. There's nothing keep me from renewing a contract out here this afternoon. This is just the way that I wanted to do it, so that we could basically speak to fans, team, everybody involved. We're putting things on the line, and by the way I do feel it, Steven, I'm not in any way trying to be smug here. Uh. I should really be in your swit shoes with me. Get over and be the general man.

You know what.

I listen, I try to pull it off, but I probably feel I probably feel like I didn't.

You would, you would, but I'm you would win something I'd win, so that