Interview: Hall of Famer Cris Carter applauds Dak Prescott getting paid, but Deshaun Watson's play can ruin it all.

Published Sep 10, 2024, 10:00 AM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. Stephen A. talks NFL opening weekend with Pro Football Hall of Famer Cris Carter.

He is a Hall of Famer class of twenty and thirteen, over eleven hundred receptions one hundred and thirty touchdowns in his career. All a man did was catch touchdowns. That's what they always said about him. But he's my boy. We've gone back many many years. I loved this brother. Happy to make him a part of this show every single Monday for the NFL season, the one and only Chris Carter. What's going on? Big time? Hi are you man? How's everything?

You should have told me about the wardrobe? Now?

You know, I happen to have a purple jacket or something up in the glaug group, which you're looking so clean today. But I'm looking forward to it, looking forward to the contribution, looking forward to you and I discussing football. We both love the game, and any of the other subjects that might come up. So no basketball or anything else.

Here's the reason I didn't give you a heads up about the wardrobe. See, you know what I'm gonna tell you. You know, that's the one thing in the world I got your beat on all the time, always beat you with the wardrobe. So I didn't feel the need to really prep you for this because I knew I was gonna be a little bit dapper as always. But listen, man, before we get into some football talk, let's get to the serious matter at hand. To get that out of the way as it pertains to Tyreek Hill. You saw the news yesterday, You saw what transpired just short of you saw the video. What were your thoughts when you were seeing all of that?

CC Well, definitely a very troubling situation. One thing that we have to realize is professional athletes entertainments that on the way doing to get to our job, there's a lot of people that are doing their job. Now I'm gonna say that again, on the way to doing our job. There's a lot of people that are doing their job. And I've been a resident of South Florida. You know, you got a career down here in South Florida. So seeing people with money and fancy cars, that's not a big deal. But these are life threatening situation and you don't expect to ever see an NFL player the team let Loan being handcuffed, being faced down, Steve it was the heat index was one.

Hundred degrees yesterday.

Now, the asphalt when they put him down there and put his face down there and the guy put his knee in his back and everything. I mean, just given all the things that we have seen video recordings the last five years, now is Tyrek Hill getting ready to be another accident like that?


I got a great deal of respect for law enforcement here in South Florida. But obviously there was a miscommunication that we end up getting an NFL star face down outside of this stadium, outside of his work complex, several of his teammates watching, and another one of his teammates was handcuffed. Kalais Campbell, who would never played the game with Tyrek Hill, but had seen that and was disturbed enough that I'm not going to leave him right here.

Very disturbing situation.

And you know that he couldn't have done too much wrong with the NFL on best gate because they wouldn't have had him on the field. So now to see him get his composer to have the contribution in the game the way he did later in the game, man, that's very very difficult. Not a lot of humans can able to do that these face down, handcuffed and then be the star of a football game a couple hours later.

No question about one hundred and thirty receiving yards an eighty yard touchdown catch that pulled the game within seventeen to fourteen after they were trailing seventeen to seven. Major props to the cheating himself, Tyreek Hill. The thing that really resonated with me was a couple of things. Number One, you had him on the ground. And I remember when Scotty Scheffler got arrested. We saw him being pulled away, he was detained, ultimately arrested. He was in handcuffs. We didn't see him face down on the ground. You've been living in Florida for over thirty years, if I remember correctly, so you know a thing of two about how they do business down there, law enforcement and beyond. And I'm of the mindset that, okay, who knows what was said, who knows what would happen. You didn't have him in handcuffs. You wanted to get him in handcuffs, and he stood up, and then you saw him surrounded by three officers, and still another officer comes around the back and forcibly gets him to sit down again. And I'm like, he's already in handcuffs, He's no threat. Why are you doing something like that? And to me, That made me so angry because once again it contributes to thoughts of dehumanization of the black man, and particularly the black athlete when it comes to stuff like that. That was my impression. What do you say to that.

I'm more concerned not with the athletes, because we have visible platform, we have ways to be able to come back this. But I'm concerned about my aunt, my uncle, my niece, my nephew, my brother, my sister, I mean people I know, brother in California, brother in New York. I mean, this is just how we have been treated for years, and now even our.

Most prominent people are still you know, they're fame.

Is it doesn't make you I'm absent of not facing this type of brutality. And I know a lot of police departments have cleaned up their act and they still need to continue doing work on that. As you can see, one of the officers, the aggressive officer, he was already suspended immediately, so they saw something wrong with this conduct. And I'm glad that it was able to be resolved in a non harmful way, and I'm glad that the players were.

Savan got you talking to one and only Chris Carter right here on the Steven A. Smith Show. Let's get to some stuff that took place. I wouldn't say on the field, but indirectly it is. Because when you're getting paid, you know, to for sixty million a year, you sign a tourge in a forty million dollar contract, you become the highest paid player in the history of the National Football League. That's got something to do, obviously with what takes place on the field. Dak Prescott, star quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, he's got that contract. How'd you feel about it?

I felt great about it.

I just wish Jerry Jones would have dropped your little dime last week when you was talking to him, because the deal was already done. Then there's no way that they don't have these parameters already in place. When you know you're going to Cleveland, you know that Shaun Watson is part of the conversation because they're trying to get one more dollar than his two hundred and thirty million that he had guaranteed. So Jerry wanted to control the news cycle. He believes he's got a good team and they will eventually get Michael Parkson signed. But this is about Jerry rewarding one of his great players, and this is what he's always done. He rewarded, he rewarded Troy. He was a little slow on Emmin. But if you look at Jerry, Jerry loves his players and he will pay it.

Well. See, you and I have we butted heads on this particular issue for years. So we're gonna put it out on Front Street in front of everybody. First of all, Jerry Jones did tell me. He just asked me not to say anything because it wasn't finalized and he don't want anything to get in the way. But I knew that they were closer. I knew they were gonna have Dak Prescott signed before Opening Day on that Sunday. But you say he just deserves it, Listen, he does. I'm not fretting the fact that he got his money. He deserves it based on his regular season work. But Cec the man has not produced in the postseason. And you never bring that up to win the way I do anyway. You never do that. And I'm like, he got two playoff victories in eight years, man, sixty million dollars, sixty million dollars CC.

Come on, man, if you look at the top ten quarterbacks, only a handful of them have had playoff success.

We know Patrick Mahomes.

Patrick Mahons has only got beaten by a couple people, one being Joe Burrows. Joe Burrow's been the one super Bowl. We know my man in Buffalo. People call him this offseason the most overrated player in the NFL. Now I don't think so. But what makes all these other players outside Patrick Mahons deserve their fifty million? With Trevor Lawnce, what has he done since Clemson? Has he been so clutched? Yeah, he won an eight playoff game, but that is not the pure measure of a quarterback playing today too?

What does he done? So now you're gonna move the.

Marker because it's Dak Prescott in the Dallas Cowboys. No, Dak Prescott is a better quarterback and it's proven himself more than those other guys have.

And it was his tongue. He waited, He played it right. He had the ultimate leverage.

Couldn't be franchised, couldn't be traded, so you had to pay, and Jerry knew that he had to keep the quarterback. So you had the perfect storm for this record breaking contract.

See I get where you're coming. From I'm looking at a one to three career record on home playoff games, two and five in playoff games. I think only Kirk Cousins is worse. But I'm gonna let it go. I'm gonna let it go because damn it, I'm I guess what I'm saying is the sixty million. Had he gotten the fifty five that Joe Burrow Jordan loved Trevor Lawrence and gotten, I wouldn't have said a word. It's the sixty million highest paid in NFL history, and I'm like, damn, ain't no, he can't even get to an NFC championship game. But I digress. I want to get into Deshaun Watson and the Cleveland Browns because I didn't expect them to get their ass kicked the way that they did yesterday. Matter of fact, I expected them to win, but they lost, and they lost convincingly. Sold. Was that a product of the Cowboys and how good the Cowboys are or is it indications of how bad we should expect the Cleveland Browns to be because their quarterback ain't what he used to be from his days in Houston.

Your thoughts, well, your last statement, the quarterback is not the quarterback that we saw in Houston.

That's one hundred percent clear and actor. Now I'm glad we weren't.

Doing the show yesterday because yesterday I probably would have come in. I was distraught, like I have not seen a player that has dominated in college and had four dominant seasons in the NFL at the quarterback position.

This is not Clarkson wins.

You know, North Dakota State have a good you know, twelve games in Philadelphia. No, this dude that hosteny called him the next Michael Jordan.

This dude had arrithma. This dude had confidence.

This dude had elite leadership skills man five or sixteen.

Remember Miami was tampering with him. A couple other teams were tampering to try to trade for him. I just have not seen a guy that has.

That type of ability lose his confidence, lose his mojo, and this affected his throwing ability. There was several easy he throwers I'm talking about college throwers that he struggled.

With in yesterday's game.

So not only have the injuries taken its toll on him mentally, I believe it's throwing most of.

It is a little bit different.

I heard your boy dan Orlowski talking about him, but they just wouldn't say that he is not a good quarterback right now now, I would not go to Jameis Winston was the backup there in Cleveland. But if I'm the head coach, if I'm the general manager in Cleveland, if I'm the owner, I'm getting ready to have a real, real conversation because the more you keep coming out there, the more you have to answer to a playoff caliber defense and special team that they might not be able to get there because of one play. And you can't let one player hold back an organization.

I'm looking at the fact that they were missing to a starting offensive lineman. They certainly don't have Nick Chubb, who's out for the first four games due to his knee injury. But I'm also looking at this CEC Deshaun Watson NFL ranks among forty five quarterbacks with three hundred plus pass attempts over the last two seasons. He ranks forty first in completion percentage. They're only thirty two teams in the NFL thirty two starters, he ranks forty first and completion percentage thirty sixteen yards per attempt. Thirty seventh in passer ratings. It's one of those situations, man, where he stepped away from the game self inflicted wounds in terms of his behavior off the field that we don't need to get into. But I cannot believe how much he has slid. I've got people looking at his offensive coordinator saying, Ken Dorsey new system. You know, he got to adapt to that. Maybe you know, you know Stefanski should take over the play. That's not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing a brother that don't have the swag, the confidence, the moxie that he once had. And if I'm seeing that seat, what are the players, what are his teammates seeing.

It's a terrifying thing because with all that guaranteed money, if I'm in the locker room, if I'm Amari Cooper or from the tight End or from.

They don't have long term guaranteed money like that.

So I'm more likely to keep my mouth shut because this dude got guaranteed money no matter if he play or not. So I don't think you're gonna ever get the truth out of out of Cleveland unless you talk to Moles Garrett or something like that. And he decides that he gets frustrated and he lets the cut out the bag. But that's the way NFL locker rooms are. They will hide this information. But this is a playoff caliber team. We saw Joe Flacco. He wasn't bagging groceries, but he was sitting at the crib. He came off the sofa and was slinging it and got this team into the play and the sign is just a shell of himself. When Joe Flacco is better than you off the couch, you need to start looking at things a little bit different.

CEC, I want to transition because I was thinking about that and obviously that game in Cleveland and you know you're in the AFC North. We saw Pittsburgh win last night yesterday afternoon. Rather we saw Baltimore lose but still play a thrilling game against the Raindy defending two time Super Bowl champion Kisas City Chiefs. We saw Cincinnati lose a game to New England yesterday, which I was happy about, by the way, because if you're gonna hesitate to pay Jamar Chase and think they ain't gonna have an effect on the team, then you got your come up. And that's how I look at Cincinnati. But getting into Pittsburgh, Justin Fields and the Steelers one but eighteen to ten six field goals, I'm not thoroughly impressed. My attitude is I don't know if I should be happy about what I saw from the Pittsburgh Steelers. I don't even know if they got a quarterback right now, because you know what they say, if you got two quarterbacks, you got zero. What are your thoughts about what you saw on the Steelers.

It would be different if we were winning a late divisional game November and December and the Pittsburgh Steelers beat Baltimore, they beat Cleveland, they beat Cincinnati by the same way. The quarterback seventeen completions only one hundred and fifty yards gives us another fifty yards record. Guess what, I'm clapping my hand say, you know, Pittsburgh, they can win ugly, they can do that, But to try to do this over the course of seventeen games. Now, I'm a Justin Fields fan.

I'm a Buckey.

He was not a good passer at Ohio State. He has an unorthodox delivery. From the time he decides to throw the football, that motion right there, when he takes that left hand off the football. He has won the longest lines of in the NFL. So from the time he recognizes the throw it, that ball is on the arc and it takes forever for him to get it there. We saw yesterday a couple of throws into the dirty. You're always going to have a few throws like that. So if the Pittsburgh Steelers want to have a margin of aair of then yet you can play with Justin Fields. But he is not an accomplished passer of the football. He doesn't have elite anticipation. He's never had it. He's a young player. He might get some of that. Yes, he's got a strong arm. But Russell Wilson, what has he done last year in Denver? What has he done that he doesn't deserve to start? He's been banged up through training him. But to me with him out point without, he outplayed Justin to get the starting job.

He hasn't done anything negative. Pe will make him lose the job.

So we have more margin if we put rust into the lineup because our passing game enemy and short passing will be better. Now, Justin Field does have a nice deep ball, so I'm not gonna say that Russ is that much better. They're both very effective throwing the deep ball, but more margin air for the Pittsburgh feels with Russ at your quarterback than with Fields at your quarterback.

What about the notion that put a Russell Wilson in there? If for some reason he struggles, how do you go back to justin Fields after stripping of him of his confidence by taking him out in favor of Russell Wilson, What do you say to that?

Well, bru, let me tell you something about confidence. If you get benched and you lose your confidence, guess what you have some thought confidence? You ain't have no confidence anyway.

All right.

So all these guys, all these studio gangsters, they think they tough and everything coach say one thing to them, they crying, like, you got yourself in this situation.

The Chicago Bears gave you their franchise, you didn't do anything with it.

So now you have a one year deal after a sixth round trade with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Man, this is pro football. You have a Hall of Famer in front of you. Man, he better not complain too loud, all right. That's why there wasn't a lot of takers. For him in the off season. He could be the answer in the future, but I'm talking about today. There are more variables. There are more ways to win a football game with Russ as my guy than Justin Fields.

Let me transition to the Los Angeles Rams and the Detroit Lions playing last night. That was a thriller. Pooka Nicoa got hurt. I hope he's all right. Don't know his status at this particular moment. In time, we'll find out more. But I looked at the Los Angeles Ram with Stafford, with Cooper Cup, with some of the weapons that they have, even without Aaron Donald who's now retired, the Rams can make some noise. But the Detroit Lions are not a team to be ignored. What did you see from them? What are your thoughts about them moving ahead in this season?

Well, first of all, these two teams are two of the better coach teams than the end of it. I mean, this was a hard hitting game and I'm a huge fan of the Detroit Lions. Jared Goff, what he did coming from LA reimagining his career. There the confidence they had bestowed him, the weapons they have. I'm concerned because if they don't get great outside play like they got last night. You know they can have a little hard count. The defenses much improved. I love the physicality of it. Man Saan mcvad man. He's one of the best coaches in the league. Matthew Stafford, I don't know why he would try to retire. That was a masterpiece. Thrunk over three hundred yards last night without one of his top targets. Truly truly a quality football game, especially with being the first game of the season, seeing little action in the preseason. That's a high quality the way that game was played at and a lot of that's because of the way those coaches run the organization.

With that being said, though, I'm looking at tonight's Monday night football game coming up between the seven SCO forty nine is in the New York Jets, and all I think about when I think about San Francisco, I think about a team that's been in the conference championship game four times in the last five years, including two Super Bowl appearances, haven't kicked in the door and brought home a chip. We get all of that. They don't have the ring. Some would argue this is their last stance. They retain Brandon Ayuk. I think he deserved the thirty million. You still got Debo, you still got kittled. You certainly got to see Matt Christian, McCaffrey, brock Party, Kyle Shanahan call him plays. I'm of the mindset that no matter what I seen, whether it's from Philadelphia, Green Bay, whether it's from Detroit to whomever, who's gonna beat San Francisco When it comes to that NFC with the with them returning all eleven starters on the off the side of the ball, That's where I'm at with it. Where are you well?

I think that they are.

They are proving Kyle Sanahan, John Winz that head coaching general manager combination. There is a special They have one of the best rosters from one to fifty three in the National Football League.

They have the luxury of still.

Having their quarterback Purdy on his first contract, so they can spend all this other money because they don't have a fifty million dollar quarterback yet.

So they deserve that.

But let's not forget about the team that last year Detroit, Detroit outplayed them. Detroit could have been in the Super Bowl. So we have to give Detroit with third changes on defense with Aaron Glenn. You got to give Detroit a threat. Man, Let's go back to the city of brotherly love. My Philadelphia Eagles team to drafted with Barkley Dogs.

They are a problem, no question, they are a problem.

Now. I'm concerned about the leadership of the head coach because the first.

You know, six months, he was doing a lot of quirky things. People thought it was cute.

And then last year when they lost the whole locker room with all that leadership that they have, I had a great concern. And now no Kelsey, no Fletcher Cox in that locker room.

He's gonna have to do his best coaching job.

But Philadelphia is the real deal and those three teams are the clap of the NNCY.

I totally agree with you, and this is the Philadelphia Eagles. I'm still wried about Philadelphia Eagles defense. Without Hassan Red and bringing up his name, things have still not been resolved between him and the New York Jets. Getting back to them, who played San Francisco tonight. How much of an effect do you think that'll have on the New York Jets and their aspirations moving forward?

Well, the defensive staff is very smart, but it just gives them one other too. They have a game finisher when he's in the lineup.

I mean, he's guaranteed to get you Ken sack.

That was one thing that they were missing on a great defense. But let's not you know, mince words here.

This is a.

Huge game for Aaron Rodgers. We know what happened last year, the anticipation not playing. Aaron Rodgers grew up in California and gets who he grew up being a fan of the San Francisco forty nine. There is no better team, decided Green Bay that he would rather come back and play.

They end up drafting Alex Smith.

He goes on the Green Bay has that career, ends up with the Jets, And how look at this on Monday night in a comeback. Look what's getting ready to happen? Like you can't make this kind of stuff up. So this is a bigger game than one of our greatest players playing at this stage of his career, than just another Monday night game.

Last couple of questions to you biggest, biggest pleasant surprise of the weekend. Week one went to who I.

Would have to say Gerard Mayo in the physicality of New England and what they did to Cincinnati. I mean they came off the bus dropping Haymakers, very very limited offense, but the way their defense played and their attitude, they felt like they were going to win the whole game.

Just watching it.

It wasn't an upset in their minds to seeing a coach get his first win after that regime with championship DNA.

Then he comes takes it over. That was great. That's probably the biggest surprise for me of the weekend.

Biggest disappointment, biggest disappointment man DeShawn.

Wasson bro We got to do something about that.


Were talking about a career.

We're talking about man two hundred and thirty million dollars guaranteed. And it's not that I wanted him to succeed just for that, but I don't want these owners because we're getting close to the NBA, stephen A.

This guaranteed money is getting nice. Yeah.

The people always talking, oh y'all ain't the NBA. Oh no, no, we're not the NBA. But they said a great president. We got a fifty three man roster. Now we got people making sixty milligan. We got receivers making thirty five millia. We almost liked the NBA stephen as so I'm cheering for that concept too. He was the first brother to get his whole contract guaranteed, and now general managers might be a little gun shide because of the overall failure, the lack of return on that huge investment.

Chris Carter, preciate you, my brother. Looking forward to many more, many more Mondays to come on, man, you go back to doing what you're doing and I'll see you next week. Man, Thanks a lot.

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