Interview: Fox News Will Cain - Defends Trump, but knows VP Kamala is not Biden.

Published Jul 27, 2024, 8:00 PM

Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown. 

Let's talk to somebody who I must admit is more of an expert at this stuff than I am, because it's what he does for a living every single day. He's been on ESPN before doing radio, been a frequent contributor on my show, First Take My Day Job. We've been friends for years, even though we almost never agree and we always argue, so it just seemed apropos to have him on. Right now, I'm talking about my buddy who works at Fox News, Fox and Friends on the weekends, also got his own podcast, Will Kine Podcast and all of that stuff. The one and only Will Kine right here with you boy, right now. What's up, big time? How you doing?

What's up? Stephen A? Aloha? You know?

When I launched the Will Kine Show on Foxnews dot Com, I believe my very first guest was Steven A. Smith, and I asked you to do me that favor. I asked you, hey, man, I would love revisiting some of our old conversations.

Would you do this for me? And you said yes.

So when you text me, am I vacation in Hawaii? My answer is yes, absolutely, I can't wait to be on the Steven A.

Smith Shield.

You know it, and I appreciate it, man, But I had to get this started, will because you know what I'm looking at former President Donald Trump and the man that called out Joe Biden was saying, hey, get debate anytime. We can debate five times and all this stuff, and now all of a sudden, he looks like he's running from the Vice President Kamala Harris. Now you talk politics all the time, you talk about this stuff. Obviously we know where you stand, we know where the news network that you work for stance. I want to know what you think about your man, Donald Trump looking as at least looking like he is running from Kamala Harris. Could you explain that, please?

Yeah, I didn't even think you believed that. Come on, man, I don't think you believe he was.

I do.

I do the same man, Stephen A the same man. And let's be real, and one of the most consequential events in probably at least thirty years, perhaps a half a century, took a bullet to his ear millimeters from death. Stephen A whose.

First reaction and I wouldn't judge anyone for the reaction in that moment.

I wouldn't judge you, stephen A.

I wouldn't judge my best friend if they got up and ran panicked and scared, I wouldn't judge them because there but for the grace of God go I. I don't know how I'd react to an attempted assassination, but I can look at someone whose first reaction was hold on, hold on, let me get my shoes, and then raise his fist in the air, and you know, fight, fight, fight with blood trickling down his cheek. I don't think that man is afraid of debating tom La Harris. I do think this, stephen A. And I don't know if you've ever had the privilege of meeting Donald Trump or being around Donald Trump, but he has the the I have. He has the quality. Then you've probably experienced this, you've seen this. I think Trump is that little He's that that id He's that voice inside your head that tells you the truth, but sometimes says to you, hey, don't say it that way, say it a different way.

You know.

He he says whatever is on his mind, and there's an element of truth to his bluntness. He doesn't live in a world of should or shouldn't, or idealism or ideology. He lives in the world of IDs, and so when he chose not to participate, for example, the Republican primary, he looked at what is and he said, I don't need to I'm way ahead of all of these individuals. What does it benefit me to debate Ron DeSantis, to debate Nikki Haley? And I think he's probably making a similar calculation when it comes to Kamala Harris. I'm ahead, I'm winning this election. What does it benefit mean? I don't think he's scared. I think he's just saying what is?

I don't know if I can agree with you on that? Will K no surprise there, because I mean, obviously there's been some strong momentum that she's picked up on since President Biden announced that he was stepping the side and paving a way for her to be the presumptive and ultimately the Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United States. And Trump has been on the record stating that he believed the two candidates for president should debate versus one another. And then he's trying to sit up there and then throw out this song and dance about how you know what the no need to think about that until we're sure, she's going to be the nominee. Everybody and their mother has endorsed her. She's going to be the Democratic nominee. It is as obvious as the sky is blue. So there is no excuse. And to me, if he's backtracking right now, because he sounds like he's backtracking, it, I detect a little bit of nervousness on the part. Now, obviously that's not the same as what he went through. I'm not one of these conspiracy theorists and acting like he didn't get shot, or you got the FBI talking about we didn't discovered you know, if it was a bullet that damaged this a and all of this other nonsense. There was a an attempted assassination on a former president and that's nothing to joke about. That's something to be very serious about it. And thank god he survived and he didn't get killed. Having said that, a different subject matter is that you got a VP who obviously is strong on women's rights to choose. She clearly is in favor of that. He was somebody that bragged about being a proponent of overturning Roe v. Wade, And you got a lot of women out there that may side with her, and maybe that's what has him nervous. Will K, what do you say to that?

Well, I say, I'm gonna it's not a matter of me giving you a point. You and I've been around each other a lot of times. I think, and you know this, I think you make a lot of great points. So let me acknowledge something that you're saying right now. Even though you and I have disagreement, I think you make a lot of interesting and my favorite thing about you, beyond being my friend, is your unpredictability.

So let me return this favor.

I think Kamala Okay is a moonshot for democrat. I think she has a higher ceiling and a lower floor than Joe Biden. Joe Biden was a known quantity, and it was a negative quantity. It was increasingly and coalescing into a problem, a negative, a negative element for democrats.

He was going to lose.

Kamala could generate, as you point out, more enthusiasm, Steve, and I also think she could create her I don't know what's gonna happen. I think when the spotlight shines on you, you never know who's going to be exposed or what's going to be how someone will react. I think Ron DeSantis is an example of that. Once the spotlight was on him, it was clear he wasn't going to win a Republican primary, and he's not built for.

The national spotlight.

We'll have to see when it comes to Kamala, but I'll acknowledge some enthusiasm that her ceiling could be higher than Joe Biden's. I want to ask you this, steven A, and this is a return to some of the great conversations that we had. So you know, what's interesting to me is the current idea that she being a DEI beneficiary is somehow racist. If I come to you and I say, look, Kamala Harris is a DEI benefit fficiary politician. I don't know what your response to that is, stephen A, but I know that many on the left are going, well, that's racist.

But here's what I can't reconcile.

You know, DEI was supposed to be was described as a good So why now are.

You assuming that it's a negative.

And Joe Biden himself has said that she by the way, she's a great feather in his cap on DEI. That's what Biden has said. So how is it that you can simultaneously say the proverbial you, because I don't know yet what is said by Stephen A.


How can you say, oh, she's a great example of the benefits of DEI and say it's racist also for opponents to point out she's a beneficiary of DEI.

Well, I don't think you can. I don't have a problem with that question. First of all, because you and I talk all the time, and we go back and forth, and we are friends with former colleagues working in ESPN together. You're my buddy, so you know, we talk about this stuff and butt heads and argue back and forth, and then we go out and have a drink and something. That's what we do. So let's make where we put that out to the audience right there. Having said that, when I'm saying that, I don't have a problem with what you're asking, because you bring up the part about those who say she's a product of DEI. So why was it a complimentary thing before, but now it's a racist thing now? That's a legitimate question. Okay. What I would say to you is most people don't view her as a product of DEI. When we talk about DEI, talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion. Of course, we talk about equity, we talk about inclusion, we talk about diversity, and some of the things that you're doing, the reason why they're in existence is because of the iniquities of this system and people who run it for decades upon decades upon decades. That's why so many things like affirmative action and other things had to come into existence because of the iniquitous actions of those who played a different game and they engaged in prejudice, and they engaged in bigotry, and they engaged in marginalization and pigeonholing and denying folks the opportunities even though they deserved it. In the case of a Harris, who came from an ageb who was a city a district attorney in the city of San Francisco, a state attorney general in the state of California, the Vice President of the United States of America, what we're saying is the qualifications on that resume are so expansive at this point in time that DEI shouldn't even be mentioned. And for folks to bring that up, you're doing it because not you will, not you, not you will. But folks who are bringing it up now because they're trying to find something to swing at to sort of assist in alienating potential voters that may go in her direction. That would be my answer to your question, and.

Our disagreement will lie in the following a. She has been proclaimed to be the beneficiary of DEI, So they're not creating this out of thin air that people have said, hey, look, this is a great thing. She is a product of DEI in the same way they've said that about Kontanji Brown Jackson. Joe Biden brags I appointed the first black female to the Supreme Court of the United States. In insinuating anyway, blatantly saying I prioritize skin color. And when you prioritize something like that, you are saying you've prioritized.

It over what.

And the implication is clearly some merit. Now, that doesn't mean you go absolutely to zero merit. That doesn't mean the person is selected, whether not a Supreme Court justice or Kamala Harris has zero merits. But you place something else above merit, in this case their skin color. And I think the second place of disagreement, so B is you gave her resume my argument back to you would be.

I don't know, we disagree on that part, okay.

And then but on her resume, I'm.

Is a resume that everyone in public life and most corporate CEOs can match. Like you pointed out, her college degree, her law degree. The truth is, Pamala Harris has not been a very successful politician. She doesn't have a lot on paper to speak for herself. I mean, she came from San Francisco, one of the far left districts in the United States. That doesn't make you well suited for a national political office.

It just does it.

San Francisco is not very representative of the broader United States of America. She'm any policies, jemmy policies anybody's super proud of or that she can brag about. So her primary thing, her primary feather in her cap, her primary qualification for Joe Biden was, in fact the color of her skin. That she was, in his estimation, a great leap forward to the United States of America in appointing the first black vice president, female black vice president. And therefore it's not an insult to go, oh, you prioritize DEI now don't call me, and I'm not talking about me individually, but don't call someone racist for pointing out she's a beneficiary of de Ei.

Well, listen, what I would say to you is this, If you want to sit up there and say, don't call somebody racist, that's fine, because I'm down for that, because that word is thrown out too loosely at times, and I definitely would side with you on that. But I'm certainly not going to look at her and say, excuse me, what her resume is really not that impressive. At the end of the day, titles do matter, and that comes associated with resumes, Like you're Will Kine. Sure, but you were a political analyst, you were a sports analyst, you were a sports radio host, et cetera, et cetera. You've done a lot of things to diversify your portfolio. Ultimately, what we read, we're looking at your titles and we're deducing you had to have some level of ability to be in a position to accomplish all of these things. Now you can sit up there as a center of one of one hundred senators, okay, Or you're a district attorney in the city of San Francisco, or you're an attorney general in the state of California, the second largest state in the Union. You're talking those are major accomplishments. Being a vice president of the United States, that's a major accomplishment. And so when you look at it from that standpoint, and there are those who are inclined to lean on race before they're bringing up her qualifications, it ain't just about race. It's also about gender in some people's eyes. There are a lot of women out there that might have an issue with it because of the gender factor just as much as the race factor, which brings me to my next question. Will see Ann interview. Former presidential candidate Nikki Hally condemned the personal attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris's race and gender, calling them quote not helpful. So that's a Republican, a former presidential candidate that is calling out the Republican Party saying it ain't helpful at all. Folks going in that direction, do you agree or disagree with that?

You know, that's a complicated calculation.

Like the reason I say it's complicated, Here's what I'm askingbody watching right now. Do you think the conversation that Steve and a are having, And I'd ask you this, Steve Ny, do you think the conversation that we're having right now is disrespectful to Kamala Harrison, because I do not. I think this is a valid and discussion and I are having right now now. That doesn't mean that everyone who brings up race and gender does it in a way that I think is respectful and important. So there are some that will attack and it will seem like cheap shots. But the problem is the subject itself is not a cheap shot. It is that's an important question about the qualification for someone to be the leader of the free world. You're right that Kamala Harris has accumulated titles throughout her career. The question is how has she accumulated those titles? Was it by selection or by election? You know, she didn't even get one percent in a Democratic primary.

She didn't make it to Iowa.

She has fewer votes for national public office than Dean Phillips than Robert F.

Kennedy Junior. The party that tells you they are all about.

Saving democracy just selected again for Kamala Harris selected her to be their representative, interestingly in the most undemocratic fashion. Now, if you and I explore why gender, race, or just the elites of the Democratic Party.

You know, the.

Donors, the media elites, and the political elites like the Clintons and the Obamas selected Kamala Harris, and I think that's a very, very not just legitimate, but important discussion to have, especially.

When her party is the one flying the banner of we're here to save democracy.

You surely act like you have no interest in the actualities of democracy while singing the songs of democracy.

I get where you're coming from, but first of all, we live in a binary system. A binary system. You got a two party system, and like I've said on many many occasions, if you're a liberal, if you're a progressive, all right, If you're a leftist, if you're a Democrat, you believe that the Biden presidency has been phenomenal. If you are conservative, if you are a Republican, you think it's been a disaster and you're wondering what the hell is wrong with people. That's the kind of system that we live in, where people want what they want and their definition of success may be different than the other. But what we can agree on, Will is that when you look at somebody like a Kamala Harris, based on her resume, based on her titles, right, knowing that she you know, as a district attorney or as an attorney general or as a senator. All right, you got to take into consideration who you have to work with and how you can't do things alone. Then we look at a president. You look at a president here that had never been an elected office. When he ran in twenty sixteen, he was beating people with one liners. Jared Bush, low energy, little Marco. You know, Lord knows what he was saying about, Chris Christie and others. He ultimately wins the electoral college vote, even though he lost the popular vote, right because Hillary and James Comy at the last minute a couple of weeks before the election. All of this stuff comes out. Right. Now we sit here and you're talking about can you understand how a public can look at you, or a public can look at anybody that thinks And I'm not talking about Will. I'm not comparing you to pundit who go out there and are throwing out snod remarks and insults and stuff that ain't your bag. I know you, that's not your bag. I'm not accusing you of that, but those who do that, can you understand how folks on the left would find that utterly appalling when the person you're speaking up for in the process has been impeached twice, had thirty four felony counts labeled against the found guilty of it, lost the civil suit for about four hundred and fifty four million dollars. I mean, the list goes on. It's hard for people on the left to sit up there and listen to some folks on the right talking what they're talking in an effort to big up an individual like that while pointing out whatever you can about the vice president. What do you say to that?

So it's interesting in listening to you talk like I don't know that you were being dismissive because I think I know you. And what I mean is when you talk about Trump, you say he came from the outside, he mastered the one liner. You know as much as well as I know you. Despite all of the success that you've achieved, and you've climbed to the top of the mountain obviously, steven A when it comes to sports, and now you're in the process of climbing other mountains. We'll just wait and see when you get that late night television show on ABC but as you climb these mountains, there's something I know about you. You do feel like an outsider. You do have a chip on your shoulder of not being selected, of not being someone that the machine has taken and wrapped their arm around. And you've had to earn that from the outside. And so when you see something like Donald Trump coming from the outside, I would think, and I'm just guessing here, and you don't even have to respond.

Part of that has to appeal now our response. It has to appeal to.

You as someone who came in from the outside and forced themselves to the top of the mountain.

In politics.

Oh no, no, I'm not denying that, and I'm not denying that there's validity to what you're saying, particularly when you describe me. I've never thought about it, but I can't summarily dismiss that. Will You might be right, I gotta think about that at right. But what I'm saying is I'm not saying I'm not saying it in a negative kind of way about the former president. I'm simply juxtaposing it to the questions that that side would have about the vice president that's now going to be the Democratic nominee. That's all I'm doing. I'm not sitting there looking at anything else. I'm saying compared the two right now, this is the fight that we have to anticipate, and I just think that you got to come up with a better argument from the right than that base. Well, I your candidate.

Is to tie this together, I guess. I just so.

On one hand, you've got a candidate that literally forced their way into the national conversation, not just despite the Democratic Party's opposition, not just despite his own party's opposition and publican party did not want Donald Trump in twenty sixteen, probably didn't want him in twenty twenty, and might have looked to replace him in twenty twenty four. But he also forced himself despite the deep entrenched administrative state, that is, every arm of the American government that has come against him. Versus a candidate who, as we just put out, was literally selected outside the democratic process by the elites and media and billionaires and politics that is Kamala Harris's rise. She was not voted in by the Democratic voter, and I don't think Democratic voters care for some reason that much. They're not upset about this. But she did not win a single Democratic primary, not a single vote, and she was selected.

So I think that doesn't matter.

I know it doesn't matter. Sadly, it doesn't matter. I know that. But what I was going to say is, you.

Know, you talk about how the less to me, or how the right, here's the left, it doesn't This also doesn't matter, stephen A. One thing I like about you, and I'd like to think about myself is when people talk from opposite sides, one of the things they try to do is play to the peep teets of their own side. So I could come on and be like, get high fives from the right and grow my own audience. And you can try to get high fives from the left and grow your own audience. But the truth is, when it comes to real persuasion, real ability to win debates, and real debility to win elections, you're talking about the swing individual in the middle. And I think that's what you are guiding me towards in this conversation. And I do think that litany of stuff you talked about, right, the lawsuits, the criminal charges, how does that affect the independent person?

By the way, I think all of that, by the way, is law fair. I don't think much of it is legit.

I'm not saying he's an angel, but I also don't think all of that is legit. But that doesn't matter what I think. It's what is the individual independent in the middle thing, And what is that independent individual in the middle think about Kamala Harris's competency.

In the end, it's gonna come down to that.

Most people you've met your life, stephen A, over the last decade, you know this, and you and I can name some people. It all comes down to this. Do you like Donald Trump or you dis like Donald Trump. It's as simple as that. They don't think much deeper in it, and it's guttural. I just don't like them.

I just don't like the man, or I love the man.

And in the end, that's kind of the depth of most people's analysis of Donald Trump.

That's fair. That's fair because I like of them. Listen, I listened before the pandemic, the economy was doing quite well. We can't deny that. We can't take that away from him. But in the same breath, he doesn't hesitate to take credit for things that preceded him or things that followed that. It were done after him, and that's that's what politicians do, particularly those who become one. Having said all of that, I'll say this to you, Harris is closing in on key demos for the GOP. That the GOP hoped to capture the youth vote with the swifties rising up, white women breaking zoom raising two million in just under two hours, black men and black women raising record dollars via zoom as well. That there's a level of momentum that she has clearly gained. And I think here's the part that you didn't bring up with that I'm kind of surprised by. But it's not a big deal. All of this stuff, the lawfare that you alluded to. Yeah, even though she's talking about the prosecutor prosecuting the criminal per se, we ain't talking about him going back to court, particularly after the assassination attempt. Talking about you got the vice president of the United States, who you pointed out didn't do well in the primaries in twenty twenty, all right, doesn't have that didn't have that much support up until now. She is calling this man out. She wants them, and he's the one that seems reluctant to go ahead to with her and the debate. How do you think about that?

I think it's gonna happen. Is this the race has just changed for him?

And you have to give him a little bit of time because to your point, it's like she just this week got the majority of the delegates pledged to her that she's gonna be the nominee. Just today she got Barack Obama's endorsement. So she's not been officially his opponent for very long. Actually she's not even officially his opponent yet, but it hasn't been obvious that she'd be his opponent. And I think it's he's probably making a calculation. How do I how do I do this? In the end, he'll do what he always does. He'll go on offense, and he will go after her, and he'll try to expose her as lacking competency or experience or qualifications or successes. And he will And my suspicion is there will be a debate stephen A, because I think it's his nature he'll go head on. One more thing I wanted to go back to with you on you talked about the demographics Trump's gain with black men. Pretty interesting, right now, don't force yourself into a false s Bate. It's not does Trump get ninety percent, it's actually that in the past, Democrats got ninety percent.

Of the of the black vote.

If a Republican gets thirty percent of the black vote, that's election swinging. That's that's that changes the course. Right, you don't have to win fifty one percent of the black vote, but if you shift it from ninety to seventy, that's huge. And I am curious like what black men will do. If black men were moving to Trump, will they move back away from him for Kamala And I'm not convinced that will happen. I know about the money raising thing, I know what you're talking about. I know all that, but I'll be curious. She may do better than Biden, but it still may be historical for Trump with black men.

Well, you're absolutely right about that because res first, there's no way in hell he's getting a majority of the black vote. That's not gonna happen. But he doesn't need it, as you accurately pointed out, if that percentage shifts even ten percent, she's in trouble, no question, or at least that's what people thought was the case with him and against Biden. Here's the issue, the overturning of Roe v. Wade and how he couldn't keep his mouth shut and stood friends. And I'm the one to provoke this. I'm the one that pushed for this, et cetera, et cetera. When you bring up the border issue, she was no borders are but they called her a bordersar. She was in charge of it. Over ten and a half million immigrants crossed the border illegally. That's on her watch. But yes, there are facts supporting that Trump stopped the bipartisan bill because he wanted it to be something they could campaign on when it came to the border. So it's about debate skills. It's about who's gonna have the facts on this side and who's going to be able to articulate and elocute it to that advantage. I gotta admit to you when I saw Trump in that speech, I thought he ruined the Republican National Convention. I thought it was absolutely to rent a perfection until his speech, and I think that he could find himself in the world trouble will.

Oh a world of trouble. By the way the speech, I think the first thirty minutes were perfect. First thirty minutes were something that that swingable independent voter would have appreciated. I'll give you to the last hour of it sounded like a Donald Trump rally and isn't gonna appeal to people outside of his already converted base.

Real quick.

You brought up three things. So the borders are thing, let's not. This is a crazy time. This is the propaganda that really gets under my skin. She was in charge. She was the point person.

Okay, now you know something in Washington.

She didn't want the job and it was kind of an insult for Joe Biden to give it to her because it was an unwinnable job under their policies.

But like, you know, do you watch Veep?

You should watch Veep because sometimes like I feel like it's a documentary about Kamala Harris, but.

Like it's a joke.

Zara make them azar right, It's like an insult proposal.

Oh you made me the czar of drugs or the tzar of border.

She was the point person and in essence, Biden threw hto the bus on that really hard issue, on the bipartisan thing. That argument is not gonna fly. I don't think it's like It's like, hey, man, we need to put an alarm. You and I have you and I our roommates in a house. We need an alarm system because people keep breaking in. And you say to me, well, I'm not putting an alarm system in will until you figure out how to fix the sinks. I'm like, no, man, we don't have to do this all at the same time. We have to fix the border. We got to put an alarm in. Democrats always try to couple it with well, what are we gonna do about providing a pathway to citizenship for the existing illegal immigrants?

Why don't you do that separately?

Can't we all agree that you got to secure the border, so this whole thing Trump stopped it.

I mean, you can. It should be an.

American priority to secure our border. So, I mean, just finally, on abortion, he did, he did appoint the Supreme Court justice that overturned Roe v.


But he has made very very clear he's not interested in a national abortion ban, like he's made very clear, and that's a huge shift for Republicans. Jadi Vance's echoed it. They are not pushing an abortion ban.

Okay, well, you brought up jd Vance because I was going to ask him next up. I got just a couple of more questions on this subject matter. First of all, is it true that jd Vance, once once once considered Trump's harshest critic, once called him hitler? Is that true that.

I don't don't. I'm not dodging.

I literally have seen what you've seen on that, but I've never seen the direct quote.

I know he was a very harsh don't.

I don't want to, but my researcher just gave me that, and I didn't. I didn't want to say definitively.

Of saying someone said something unless I see it myself, And so I'm.

Not saying And that's exactly why I asked you.

Yeah, And by the way, on jd Vance, I liked it. He's changed. That's exactly what I like that, Steven, And you.

Know me, for a while, I was open back on It's on first take we talked about Donald Trump.

I did not. I was not a supporter, and I've changed.

My opinion of Donald Trump over time, and I think human beings should.

Be Did you really did you? Did you really or is it just that you ain't gonna vote liberal? Did you really change it is it just that you're not gonna vote liberal, that's all. You've only got two choices.

Fair question. No, No, I'm i tell you why. Okay, I'm gonna tell you. I want to be one honest. I'm gonna tell you what happened. First of all, I'm gonna be real with you. Sitting with you and Max on that day to day basis on first A was probably the beginning, I thought, and I'm not coming after you individually, and I said it to Max on air.

I do not like the way you keep vilifying supporters of Donald Trump.

I don't like the way you turn everything into not just an attack on Trump, but the people that support.

I never, I never did that.

I know.

I know, yeah, I never did that. I never. I never I never get it to supporters of it. I never did that. You did that was now was an argument between you and Max.

I didn't like the reaction to Donald Trump at the time, and I had to be careful, like, don't react to the reaction will And then I started to see a lot of the stuff they said about Trump. This wasn't true, like the very fine people think Steven A. It's just not true. He never called Nazis very fine people.

He just didn't do it.

All you have to do is play that clip sixty seconds longer and you'll hear him say I'm not talking about white supremacists. So all that started to break down. And then I saw the effect of the policies. Second Steven, and I'm like, go him pretty good. And I liked the way he changed Republicanism. I liked that he focused more on middle class, that he focused on blue collar workers, that he focused on the forgotten middle American.

I liked that.

And then finally third, I'm not saying I know him, but I have been around him on several occasions. And here's the truth, if you just want to know the truth, he's really really likable. He's a likable guy. And between those three things, I had moved from someone who said when I with you to desk in twenty sixteen, Donald Trump's all about himself to where I sit for you today. And I support him as a unique and individual candidate, not just as a reaction to the left.

Well, let me let me say this before I move on. I consider him the ultimate narcissist. But I've never I've never castigated Trump supporters. I don't buy into that game. You're an American citizen. You got the right to vote for whoever you want to. And I can't stand the second different you think differently than somebody wants you to think. All of a sudden, you're everything negative outside but the child of God for crying now. It's ridiculous and I don't subscribe to that. That's number one. Number two, I don't support I don't support Donald Trump because I think that he's outside of the narcissism. I think he would be on a vengeance tour, and I don't think he would be about governing. I think he would be about having power and dominion, and I think it would be pretty close to a damn autocracy. That's what I feel. That's what I feel. Having said that, one of the biggest reasons I wanted you on the Day, Will is because over the last week or so, I've had Democrats on the show, and I'm not about that, you know me. I listen to all sides, and I wanted conservatives and Republicans out there to know just like if I'm gonna have liberals on this show, I'm gonna have conservatives on this show. And I'm gonna treat him with the same respect that I'm gonna ask the same kind of questions, and I'm gonna play Devil's advocate as best as I possibly can, because fairness is a very, very big thing to me. That's what I feel. He scares me, Will, He scares me, and I know that we should say, Hey, you can look at some of the things happening outside. I'm not down with woe culture. I think it's gonna I'm not about the fringes. I don't like extremes on the right or the left. I'm a centrist. That's me who's gonna come closer to the center. That's really what it comes down to for me. And I don't trust him, Will. I don't trust them.

Okay, let me just we're having a conversation here, and I'm just having a conversations with my friend. I'm not worried about the time of your show and all that, so meaning how much our time pressure is.

So first of all, I know this about you.

I know you want to have conversations with people of different stripes, so do I. You know that about me, and that's what I try to do on the Will Kine Show as well. It makes for It's not only more enlightening, it's more interesting fun.

Thank you, thank you, Bud.

Second, okay, steven a two things you're a You're as interest Under Donald Trump, I would argue, despite people saying, oh, far right, all right, what's further right for real? Like name the thing, like, okay, there's more trade protectionism, specifically against China that used to be on the left.

That was a left thing. I mean, a greater embrace of free speech.

The left's taken up censorship that like in the nineties when you and I were like growing up in the nineties, it's like, oh, free speech, that was a lefty thing, and the right through is you worry about rap lyrics like I just kind of go through all the policies.

I'm like, he's even even on.

LGBTQ issues, gay marriage. He supported gay marriage before Barack Obama. It's like he pivoted the Republican Party closer to the center than Joe George W.

Bush. And then lastly on this yours fraid you said.

I'm afraid, you know, I think he would come on man like the authoritarian thing I think is one of the biggest fear tactics being employed today that we have to save democracy.

Donald Trump, I have I mean, I have.

To think you're under any threat that he's gonna decline to leave office, he's gonna stick around after four years, that he won't that he wants to be an authoritarian, a dictator on day one.

Because the people that are telling me that.

Want to reform slash pack, overturn the Supreme Court, want a censored speech on the internet, want to select their candidate, not elect their candidate in commerce. The manner of sins that left is committing under the banner of saving democracy at.

This point is just It's like it's the most.

Obvious piece of propaganda that I've seen in years, and it's only designed to make you exactly what you said.

You are afraid.

Okay, Okay, listen, that's a fair point of your part. I mean, I don't totally agree with it, but I can't sit up there and look at you and say that's an argument out of the sky. You are absolutely right because a lot of times, a lot of us don't know every issue looking cranny because we're not covering it the way that you do. So you got sound bites, so you might read articles and you read something in the Wall Street Journal, you read something in the New York Times, and you read something in the Washington Post, and you read something in the La Times. You go to Political Political, you go to the Drudge Report. It's different sides. Everybody's is coming at you with a different angle, and you're wondering about what the truth is. So I get where you're coming from, and you're more connected than most. I'll defer to you on that for the moment, but we're gonna revisit this conversation. I'm not gonna take up too much more of your time because you on vacation in Hawaii making time for your boy, and I really appreciate it. I'll see you when you get back from Hawaii, my man. We'll connect right.


You take it easier, right, Thanks a lot? You all right, my man. The one and only Will Kine from Fox News, Fox and Friends on the weekends. He's doing some big things and continuing to grow and grow in this business. And we don't agree on much, as y'all could tell, We really really don't. But he's always been a smart brother lawyer of our profession, I mean really smart as a whip and doing a damn good job on Fox News. And he's been a friend of mine for years because of our years working at ESPN together and what have you. He's honest about where he stands. He doesn't have a phony bone in his body. He's gonna let you know how he feel, it feels, and why, and that's all I ask you. Know, that's how you feel, that's why, and you're respectful about it. But this is where you're coming from. Cool, you know, that's what it is. Try to convince you otherwise, but I'm unsuccessful and successful that's what it is. But I wish him nothing but the best. And uh, I think that he's got a bright future at Fox. To be honest with you, I really really do