Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
Stephen A. discusses the uproar surrounding Donald Trump speaking at the National Association of Black Journalists convention. In Paris Olympics news, he comments on Team USA Men’s Basketball’s Jayson Tatum being added to the lineup against South Sudan and the low attendance for Team USA Women’s Basketball. He talks about Project 2025 director, Paul Dans, of the Heritage Foundation, stepping down.
On The Stephen A. Smith Show, Smith gives you his renowned point of view, breaking barriers beyond the world of sports, and tackling pertinent issues across entertainment, pop culture, society, business, and politics. Three times a week, you'll hear his LIVE unfiltered opinions on the day's biggest headlines as well as straight-shooting interviews with top celebrities, game-changers, and thought leaders across the societal arena. The Stephen A. Smith Show is sure to entertain, inform, and motivate anyone who tunes in.
Damn black people.
Black people, can we get it together?
Please? I'm talking about us. That's why I said we can we get us together pretty please? With Sugar on top, steven A Smith Show in the house.
What's up, everybody. Welcome to the latest edition of The stephen A. Smith Show, coming at you as I love to do it the very least three times a week over the digital airwaves of YouTube and iHeartRadio. As always, I like to pause to take a moment to show my appreciation and love all the support that I'm receiving. We continue to climb and have now exceeded over seven hundred and fifty two thousand subscribers, and of course we've exceeded over two million downloads on iHeartRadio over the last couple of months as well. Can't thank y'all for the love and support enough. Keep it coming, and I'm gonna keep on coming to keep love, keep the love coming, and to continue to show support for the show. Make sure you just click the bell and get notified for all of our new content, and then you should consider yourself the newest member of the stephen A.
Smith Show family.
And while you're doing that, make sure you take a moment to pick up a copy of my New York Times best selling book, Straight Shooter, A Memoir of Second Chances and First Takes, now in paperback. Just go to straight Shooter book dot com to get yourself a copy. Once again, that straight Shooter book dot com to get yourself a copy.
I started off with my code open talking about black folks. We got to get it together.
And here's the reason why I brought it up, because we got to get started with today's conversation surrounding the National Association of Black Journalists convention, which has taking place in Chicago, Illinois as we speak. The organization made headlines yesterday after Donald Trump, the GOP nominee for the presidency of the United States of America, was invited to speak at the conference today at noon Central Time. Typically extends speaking invitations to both the Republican and Democratic nominees in a presidential election year, so this is nothing new here, ladies and gentlemen. Nevertheless, Kamala Harris was invited, but at least in the initially, we were told she couldn't attend in person due to scheduling conflicts. In case of a lot of you don't know, she's expected to attend the funeral of the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Thursday in Houston. However, NABJ says they're working with the Harris campaign about providing a virtual option for the presumptive Democratic nominee.
To speak to the organization.
As for Donald Trump, the former president of the United States running for reelection now, he accepted the invitation, causing angst for many NABJ members. One of them is Roland Martin, a friend who has appeared on this show on many occasions. Here's what Roland had to say about Trump speaking at the conference today.
Donald Trump has been vicious in his attacks on journalist, on journalism and the Fourth Estate. He has pushed fake news. He has sat here and lied about the election results. He's going to lie about HBCUs, He's going to lie about black unemployment. What you're dealing with is a serial liar. Ladies, gentlemen, Before I get on today NABJ president and what he had to say, let me first address this whole rollandond situation.
Roland mart is a friend. He's somebody that I respect and admire.
He's highly knowledgeable, far more knowledgeable than I am, on subjects of this matter, and especially since he's been a member for the NABJ for the last thirty five years, he has qualified to speak his mind and to express his opinion and his thoughts.
And what have you.
Rolling Martin knows that we're not always inclined to agree with him, and this is one of those situations where, respectfully, I don't agree with Roland Martin at all.
I really really don't.
And the reason why I don't agree with it is because if that was the impetus or the provocation to deny somebody showing their face at the NABJ convention, as far as I'm concerned, nobody belongs there.
I don't give a damn who it is.
There's been exaggerations, there's been embellishments, there's been flat out lives that have been told to black folks, the black community and certainly the NABJ throughout the years.
And I'm not castigating anybody.
I'm simply saying, if you're a politician, let's just say you don't exactly fit expect one hundred per transparency and truth. Now, Donald Trump, without question, is on a different level. That man lies to himself. I mean, and you look at Donald Trump, He'll tell you his heir is black. If you ask him long enough, you understand, he'll tell you there's nothing about him that's orange. Okay, He'll tell you all of this stuff. He'll tell you the sky is black when it's blue. We know this, Okay. He does embellish, he does lie, he has lied, he has exaggerated.
We get all of that.
But bottom line is that has nothing to do with him showing up at the National Association for Black Journalism convention.
Nothing nothing at all.
And so I get where Roland Martin is coming from, but that's not cause to pause his arrival.
At the NABJ.
Roland Martin went on to say this, no black male journalists, four thousand members. I'm down for the sisters, and if there were three black men and no sisters, I would be joining the sisters asking where's the representation.
Okay, he's right about that, because there should be.
A male up there, not just three females interviewing the former president of the United States, who's the GOP nominee right now.
So Roland Martin makes that case.
There's nothing to argue about there. But that's not about Donald Trump. That's about the NABJ. Why are three women interviewing him instead of two women.
And a guy.
I mean, that is a legitimate question that Roland Martin presents, and I have no problem with it. But he also goes on to say this, I'm also angry at the NABJ for turning down Vice President Kamala Harris's request to appear virtually and take questions. Why couldn't NABJ accommodate her. That's a valid point, which is why NABJ, in all likelihood corrected themselves by making sure to let everybody know they're trying to work something out with her to come on virtually. They probably reacted to what Roland Martin said because they know he's right about that. Okay, But in the end, getting back to Roland Martin, I want to say this, no matter how truthful or lack thereof a presidential candidate is, he's.
A presidential candidate. There's only two of them. Really.
I know y'all want me to bring up Kennedy, It it doesn't count. It's coming down to Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. What you want to do not hear from him, not let him speak, push him aside, don't let him talk to black journalists. We don't want that the man is the GOP nominee for the presidency of the United States. There's a fifty to fifty shot, if not better, that he's gonna be the forty seventh president of the United States. He's number forty five, night's gonna be forty seven. Potentially, what you're gonna do, She's gonna ignore him and not speak to him. If he wants to lie, let him lie. It's our job as journalists to ask the tough questions. It's our job to make sure that the facts are articulated.
But were Roland Martin has to understand.
And I know he knows this because the brother is smart, he is gifted, he is knowledgeable, and he's experienced in this business. You don't always get to check somebody about every single thing that they say in the moment when you have a limited amount of time with them. See Rowland gives the impression that I you wanted you got to check them on the.
Spot with everything. Well, what if every word.
Out of their mouth is embellishment or lies, You're gonna stop the conversation to correct them on every single point. Where there are multitude of points that you want to get to but only a limited amount of time that you have to get to those points.
We gotta be.
Smarter than that. We gotta be smarter than that. And to talk, listen, I'm an I'm no defender of Donald Trump. I know about the impeachments. I know about the civil suits, I know about the criminal trials. I know about the thirty four felony convictions. We know all of this, and everybody's been talking, talking, talking, They're gonna get him, They're gonna get it. He wasn't supposed to be here. Just so you know, he wasn't supposed to be here. He was supposed to be in jail. Right, he was supposed to be denied the opportunity to be the GOP nominee. Right, How that workout? How that workout? The left has been talking for years, how you're.
Gonna get him.
You've been talking since twenty sixteen when Hillary Rodham Clinton was calling him a fraud.
Did you get him there?
No, you won the popular vote, you lost the electoral college vote. Twenty twenty rolls around, he denies, he's an election results denial, and.
We all know what happened.
That's why Biden's in the White House instead of him. Okay, so he doesn't want to admit that he lost. He's denying, denying, tonine to nine to nine. Fine, we know that's why he's not in the White House. That's why he's trying to get back to the White House. Why are we always tripping? He lies, he embellishes, et cetera, et cetera. He's not going to stop.
But he's got a.
Better than fifty percent chance of being back in the White House if Donald Trump wins reelection and ends up back into the White House. What if as president of the United States, he was willing to say, I'll show up.
At the NABJ.
You're gonna sit up the say no to the President of the United States if that happens, because he's gonna lie. Last time I checked, I thought we anticipated lies. I thought we recognized the fact that he wasn't gonna tell the truth about half the stuff coming out of his mouth, if not more.
I thought we were gonna hear it.
I thought I thought that was a given. Rachel Scott is moderating it. Do you have any idea what an outstanding journalist she is? She's outstanding. I think she's a potential suit. I think she's a superstar in the making. I'm telling you that right now. I've seen Barbara Walters, I've seen Diane Sawyer on the sports side, you're saying, I've seen Pam Oliver on the sports and New side. I've seen Robin Roberts for years. I think Rachel Scott is a superstar in the making. Nancy Pelosi just snapped it a few weeks ago for asking poignant questions.
She's gonna ask questions. She can't help it.
If the man is addicted to lion or to embellishing and pushing forth his own record and his own agenda.
Rolland Ma wants to talk about fake news, fake news, fake news. Here's my problem. I know what he did with April Ryan.
I know how egregious that was, along with other African American journalists when he will call them out in a very disrespectful manner. I get that part. I also saw him do it to an Asian woman. I also saw him do it to Don Lemon. I also saw him do it. I forgot the other CNN reporter. I saw him call out Fox News Donald Trump complains about anything that's anti.
Trump in any way. It wasn't just black people.
He was doing that too. He's an equal opportunity insult her. He complains all the time, what are we talking about?
When we sit up.
There and we compartmentalize, like there's something that he is doing to us, don't we understand that that gives the other communities a license to look at us and say they just blowing smoke into the wind, acting like it's them. Here we go again, or they're gonna bring up racism. He's done that to the Asian American community. He's done it to the Mexican community. He's done it to immigrants. He's done it to the gay community, the Don Lemons of the world, and others. He's done it here. They're gonna point out all of these things to highlight that it's not race, it's him. I saw the man complain one time about Sean Hannity, and I don't know of a bigger supporter of Donald Trump on the airwaves that Sean Hannity. When Brett Bair was interviewing them and highlighted an epic moment where he highlighted all of these hires because Donald Trump saysn't gonna hire the best. I'm going to hire the best, and you called somebody dumb as a bag of bricks, or ignorant or weak or all of this, you know, generals administration officials. The list goes on and on and on and highlighted an abundance of people that Donald Trump was insulting who worked for him.
Did you know.
That ninety percent, if not more, of those people he were insulting and disrespecting and diminishing were white. I'm not saying that race doesn't play a role. I'm not saying that some of the things that he has done certainly hasn't given you cause to pause and to look at him and say, yo, that some racially insensitive shit right there.
I'm not saying that.
What I'm saying is when we pointed out as an organization, as the National Association of Black Journalist, if we were to sit there and not give him the platform to speak his mind and his thoughts, and to not take the opportunity to challenge.
Him, how would we look.
April Ryan has been in our standing reporter for years and I saw how Donald Trump went after her, and it was egregious, very unpresidential. And she wasn't the only reporter he did it too. We get all of that, we understand it. But he's the GOP.
Nominee, whether you like it or not.
Over seventy four million people voted for him.
When he lost the last election. He smoked through all.
The Conservatives that were competing against them in the primaries DeSantis, Nikki Haley, for erect Ramaswamy, Chris Christy.
He took them all out. The people on the conservative side have spoken.
They want him, and there are tens of millions of them across America.
When are we gonna grow the hell up? They're not going away.
They're not.
They work with you, They work in different networks.
Some of them are your bosses. They're advertising and sponsors you want to do business with. They're everywhere.
Just like you have liberals progress everywhere, you also have Conservatives Republicans everywhere.
Some are willing to admit it, some are not. They're everywhere.
They're not going away, and they don't care about his embellishments.
They care about how he governs.
I was on with Megan Kelly's show, I was on Making Kelly Show yesterday and she's bringing up how he has governed. You remember how he talked about her in twenty sixteen. How insulting and denigrating and one would say misogynistic he was towards her.
And what does she say, Hey, I didn't like it.
I didn't like him, but I saw how he governed, and I'm good with a lot of his policies.
That's what she said. Why am I quoting her?
Because she mimics what seventy four million people did. And oh, by the way, he was ahead in six of the seven poles against Biden. Why is Biden going to Kamala Harris's here because him twice impeached four hundred and fifty four million civil dude against them thirty four felony convictions, didn't do one second of jail time, and cake walked to the GOP nomination and patted his campaign coffers along the way.
He's not going away.
I understand somebody is passionate, as knowledgeable and who I consider to be a very good dude in Rolling Mart. I got a lot of left for Rolling Mart. He's on the show a lot for a reason. I respect the hell out of him, but I genuinely like him, and I'm not saying that he's wrong specifically about anything. He's that about Donald Trump. But at the end of the day, if you are the National Association for Black Journalist, you have to give him that stage. You have to give him that stage, and in doing so, you have to make sure that there are people up there that's gonna grilla. Now, I agree with Roland Martin, missus Faulkner for Fox News. She has no business up there, and I'm not trying to detegrate her in any way. I'm simply saying because of Fox News and a role that they play with Trump, she's not the person that should be up there. Rachel Scott, I have no problem with along with the other political analyst and reporter for Semophore, if I remember correctly, I have no problem right in terms of her not needing to be up there, and also for a male to be up there as.
Well gender inclusion.
I agree with him there, but Trump should be there no matter what.
He says, because whatever it is that he does say.
There's tens of millions of people that are flowing with it, whether we like it or not. By the way, getting back to the NABJ, President Ken Lemon spoke up about out the outrage yesterday. I want you to hear what he had to say about the concerns of the NABJ members over the Trump invitation. In his own words, listen to this absolutely not an endorsement.
The first thing that you read when we put out that release says it's not an endorsement.
Every year, every presidential election cycle, we invite the presidential candidates to come. We extend that to anyone who is a nominee, and in this case we have two presumptive nominees.
Both of them we got a yes from one of them. We'd love to get a yes from Comma as well. But in this case, this is an important hour. We have people whose lives are.
Depending on what happens in November.
For us as journalists, people who go into and have very uncomfortable conversations.
For the sake of our members, this is an important time.
This is a great opportunity for us to vet the candidate right here on our.
Ground, and that's what we did.
We were careful about making sure that certain people involved, just because we know they have a reputation of getting answers to questions. In addition to that, we are now working and part of the reason why I'm getting there to breakfast and trying to rush to get in is because we're working on trying to make sure that as he speaks, we fact check.
Well. I respect mister Lemon's explanation there and I thank him for it, but can we get something out of the way. And this is something that again Roland Martin and I touched on this a couple of weeks ago when he was again on this show.
And I'll touch on it again, fact checking in the moment. Stop there's not enough. There's not enough time to fact check everything that Donald Trump says. It's just not ladies and gentlemen.
I'm a sports God's true. I love watching Meet the Press. I love watching This Week supposedly hosted by George Stephanopolis, but there's usually a different host on there some Sundays. I love watching Face the Nation. I love watching State of the Union CNN. I love watching Fox News and MSMC. I watch all of this. You know how many times I see people other stuff out of their mouths that isn't fact checked on the spot, and we learned later that what they said wasn't entirely accurate or entirely true.
Can we grow up? That's that you're not going to do that.
If you want to have a conversation, the goal is not always Certainly, on some facts you can do that, but not everything they utter out of their mouth, It's impossible. The goal is to have them in a public platform, on camera, on the record, stating what they state.
So when you do fact check if there are lies, you.
Can put up their comments and put the facts up to show where they were telling the truth and where they weren't. And it doesn't always happen in real time. You can't do television that way. You can't do radio that way. You can't even do a town hall conversation that way.
You just can't. You just can't.
So let's just stop that, please, I mean, come on, we just gotta grow up, we really really do. I'matching the Steven A. Smith Show right here over the digital airwaves of YouTube. That's just what I wanted to say about that. I'll get back to that a little bit more later coming up, though, I'll get into team USA's.
Men's and women's basketball. Will Jason Tatum play today?
And do I still feel strongly that Caitlyn Clark should be in ire Ease find out next right here on the stephen A Smith Show over the digital It was a YouTube and the course.
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Okay, Clayton Kershaw more or less than three and a half strikeouts, He's Clayton Curshaw, y'all. I understand he may not be what he used to be, and I get all of that, and I'm saying fall the time is undefeated.
We get all of that, but.
He's still Clinton Kurshel three and a half strikeouts. I don't think that's asking too much. I think he could give us more than that, and I'm going with more when it comes to Clayton Kershaw. On that note, let's go to the next one. Manny Machatda more or less than one and a half hits runs RBI's hell, if you get a hit, it'll probably be your home run or at least a double or something like that. Gonna get an RBI maybe two. I'm gonna go with more on this right. It's a man Nay Mchatto.
I believe in the brother Cody Bellinger. He's up next.
More or less than one and a half hits runs RBIs hmm on this one, just for the day, Just for the day. I'm gonna say less for some distinct reason.
I don't know. I just think Bella is gonna do less today. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. My picks are usually on point.
In case you haven't noticed, Welcome back to the stephen A. Smith still right here with the digital airways of YouTube, and of course iHeartRadio.
Let's switch to some pro some basketball. Rather.
The USA men's basketball team will be back in action today versus South Sudan, and all odds will be on how Steve Kurr uses Jason Tatum after Tatum was benched for the entire game in the opener versus Serbia. After the game, Kerr said he told Tatum things could play out that way with the return of Kevin Durant to the line up.
Before the game. He added that he quote felt like an.
Idiot end quote for not playing Tatum, but that he can't play more than ten players in a forty minute game. He did say that Tatum will play the day in a team's second game in pool play.
Nobody's trying to hear that Steve Kerr should be ashamed of himself. He really really should.
I don't give a damn what anybody says, and his excuse was weak and it was pathetic. This is a four time champion. I consider Steve Kurr to be one of the top five, top six coaches in the history of basketball. That's how I feel about Steve Kerr. I think he's changed to some degree. I think that he's become a bit more self rightious over the years, and you know, since he's won, and it's changed his personality to some degree.
But that's me. I will tell you. I still respect him.
I still think that he's nothing short of great, but to be great, to know basketball the way that he does, to be the ultimate champion that he is, and the.
Bench a champion is egregious.
Now, I saw my man Kendrick Perkins on ESPN the other day going off, and I didn't have that sound available for you.
I apologize for that, but I'll.
Echo Kendrick perkins sentiments because he was absolutely on point. You want to bench somebody, you could have bench Derek White. Derek White's the Division two player who's made good. He's the one that's become a really good player in the National Basketball Association. He's also a champion with the Boston Celtics. You know what he's not he's not Jason Tatum. And I really am struggling for Steve Kurr to make sense of how you can have three Boston Celtics on team and the one person who saw a donut, who got zero time, zero playing time and was riding the bench is the.
Superstar of the Boston Celtics, just paid over three hundred million dollars.
Just fresh off of averaging twenty seven a game as their number one option. Has it been an All NBA first team player the last three years and he's a reigning defending champion and the two players playing ahead of him are guys who defer to him for eighty two games a year plus during the playoffs playing for the Boston Celtics. That don't make no damn sense, respectfully, Steve Currs full of it. That's some straight bs. And it wasn't Celtic and it wasn't barrassing. And no, you can't walk off a team USA and go home.
But I would not have blamed Jason Tatum for onety two. You can't do that.
It was embarrassing. What possible excuse could you have Jason Tatum? Let me get this straight. Jason Tatum can't.
Play the point. Jaseon Tatum can't play the two.
Jason Tatum can't play the three. Jason Tatum can't give you some time at the four. You got four different players on the court that Jason Tatum could sub for. And by the way, you're a champion as a coach, four time champion. What do you mean you can't play more than ten gods in a forty minute game?
Yes you can. Did Lebron James need to play?
Did Lebron James need to play twenty seven minutes in a twenty six point win?
Do you really need to play that many minutes? He couldn't have played.
Twenty You played Devin Booker, who's a stud.
I get it.
Play Devin Booker ahead of Jason Tatum, Drew Holliday and Derek White ahead of Jason Tatum.
You couldn't have.
Put Steph Curry at the one and told Drew Holliday to sit out a little bit. Jason Tatum can't defend. He's six ' nine.
The brother can play.
I really don't like what Steve Kurr did, and I think his excuses were bullshit. What do you mean you can't play more than ten players? Yes you can, Yes you can when your talent is that deep. When the guy you're leaving on the bench, Jason Tatum. You can't find minutes for Jason Tatum. Ladies and gentlemen. There's no team in the NBA, no team that couldn't find minutes for Jason Tatum. No team, not one. So ain't nobody trying to hear that? What you have as a coach that's addicted to what his game plan was, and I'm gonna play these starters and then after that it's gonna be these five reserves. No, it doesn't have to work that way. It doesn't have to. I know it's Feebe rules instead of NBA rules.
But you were blowing them out.
And by the way, Kevin Durant was the best team, was the best player on the team that went to Tokyo.
Who's the second blessed player? It was Jason Tatum. What are you talking about? This is one of the elite players in the game of basketball the world over.
And it's Dan Barrisson and Steve Kurr telling us you could five minutes for him over the course of forty minutes. But then, what the hell you're saying he's gonna play today for at three o'clock Eastern Standard time.
What you're saying that for?
Then, if you could find time for him today, you could have found time for him in game one and to walk into the equation, to walk into it saying, yo, he's probably gonna be difficult for us to find time. You have any idea how insulting it is. Jason Tatum is a superstar in the NBA. He doesn't have a superstar personality like Carmelo Anthony and others alluded to in terms of that sizzle. But he's got a game. He's a twenty seven point per game scorer, and he's the leader of the reigning defending champions, leading scorer, number one option. It's just what Steve Kerr did was so egregious, so insulting. You know, It's like to me, I wouldn't blame Jason Tatum if he want to fly home. He got better things to do with his time to ride the bench. And it's embarrassing and oh, by the way, damaging the Ones brand.
Not that we want to bring that up, but it's apropos here. It's damaging.
Can't have a suitor riding a bench for Team USA. Now you talking about Kevin Durant, missed all five exhibition games. He comes out there, he plays lights out. We understand it. You know, score drops twenty in the first half, hit his first five shots, first five three pointers, We all eight shots first up.
We get it. You understand Kevin Durant. It's one on one. I got that.
Jason Tatum slowept him out of the playoffs three years ago, first round. Kevin Durant just finished getting swept in the first round in Phoenix. Jason Tatum the champion. Now that may not have anything to do with USA basketball, and I understand it, But you know what, it has something to do with somebody deserving playing time.
Who the hell are you talking about? What an egregious era on Steve curR.
He better play him, He better play him today against South Sudan, who you beat by one point and relied on the greatness of Lebron James to score a point in the last you know, eleven seconds or so, hit the game winning shot. You better play Jason Tatum today. There is no excuse for Jason Tatum to be riding anybody's bench. You can find a few minutes for a star caliber player anywhere. And if you can't, you know what, Steve Kerr, wy, don't you go home? Let tylu coach, Let Eric Sposter coach. I bet you they'll find some time for Jason Tatum. And obviously I'm being facetious because I know what a great coach Steve Kerr is, but his actions were that egregious that it warrants him being insulted the way that I just insulted him.
Why don't you go home?
I promise you, Ty Lou and Eric Spostra will find a few minutes for Jason Tatum. I promise you that there's no way in hell that would not happen. That's you right there, that's you right there. I mean, that's just straight up bs seriously. Moving on to women's basketball, Team USA, led by Asia Wilson and Brianna Stewart, got off to a dominant start in the twenty twenty four Olympics by beating Japan one O two to seventy six, but according to the Olympics official website, Team USA's win over Japan only drew thirteen thousand and forty fans, which was the lowest attended game among the opening six matchups. In group play, the Serbia versus Puerto Rico game was the second worst attended game, with fifteen, three hundred and twenty four fans in attendance, while Spain and China had the largest crowd with twenty seven and twenty one fans in the building. Four of the six opening games drew over twenty thousand fans. This had some observers wondering if the presence of Caitlyn Clark and Adurice would have the stands packed the team USA. Speaking to NBC's Mike Turrico, South Carolina coach During Staley said Clark's chances of making the team would have been a lot higher if she and her fellow committee members were selecting the roster today rather than several weeks ago. Listen to look at this quote here. Caitlin Clark is just a rookie in the WNBA. Wasn't playing bad, but wasn't playing like she's playing now. If we had to do it all over again the way that she's playing, she would be in really high consideration of making the team because she's playing head and shoulders above a lot of people. It's hard to argue the impact Clark has had on both ratings and attendance for the WNBA. This is something that I've said, y'all, and the buffer my point.
Take a look at this full screen please.
Not only did this year's WNBA All Star Game set a record with three point four million viewers, an increase of over three hundred percent from the twenty twenty three game, but the top twelve WNBA broadcast this season have all been FEVER games Top twelve. On top of that, the Fever lead to WNBA in attendance at over sixteen thousand fans per game, over four thousand more than the next closest team. So the next closest team Ladies and Gentlemen, aren't even average twelve thousand fans, but the Indiana feed are averaging sixteen thousand. The WNBA game, Although it's growing in popularity, Olympic competition is Olympic competition. Nevertheless, for a Team USA's game rife with stars expected to blow out their competition, they drew the worst crowd, lowest attendance of the Olympics. Far be it for me to say it, but I'm gonna say it anyway, Didn't I tell y'all, where's everybody at now? It's about competition. It's about competition. It's about competition, right, right, right? How does it feel Team USA to have six games? Four of them drew over twenty thousand.
And the one that.
Did it still drew two thousand more than you. That means that outside of the two thousand more than you for the Puerto Rico game, I think it's Serbia.
Outside of that, the other games drew more than six thousand fans compared to you. How does it feel? See, we want to act like marketing and business don't play a role in all of this.
Have you ever been to the Olympics?
Do you know they'll remove you from events if they have a sponsorship deal with Coca Cola and you drinking a PEPSI I would know. I've been to two of them. I covered the Olympics in Sydney, Australia in two thousands. I covered it in Athens, Greece and Chowing in two thousand and four.
I would know.
I ain't been back since. Don't want to go back. I can't stand in the Olympics. I'm not talking about the games. I'm not talking about the competition. I'm talking about the way the Olympics treats people, particularly the media. I can't stand it. You have no rights. Everything's so restrictive because you're doing business with everybody and you're milking every penny for all its worth, every chance you get.
Well, guess what, ladies and.
Gentlemen, that's why you should have had Kaitlyn Clark and Angel Reese because they are a draw. I never once said that Caitlyn Clark should have been on the team ahead of the twelve people selected ahead of her because of basketball. I said, Marketing matters in everything, Promotion matters in everything. And you're not going to get around that. That is what I said. And you go over to Paris and Team USA, not Japan, not China, not Serbia, not Puerto Rico. No, no, oh no no, Team USA draws the lowest attendance.
Do you care? Merits? Merits? Merits?
Last time I checked marketing and promotion as merits because people want to get paid. You think they're over there just to compete for Team USA and just to engage in patriotism. People are over there also to build their brands, to elevate their profile so they can turn that into a marketable tool that could generate dollars for their coffers. We ain't fooling anybody here. That's what goes on. And it was a perfect opportunity for Team USA to do just that, but you.
Didn't do it.
Oh, Caitlyn Clark, Dawn Steey, the great Dawn Steey, who I revere by the way. But God, she was playing then the way she's playing now, well, wait a minute. You know she had the potential, you know, playing amongst other stars. With her marksmanship, she should have made big things happen. With her passing ability, she could have made things happen. Then she would have drawn excitement and eyeballs and people the world over would have been watching her, which with an assistant.
In the elevation of the WNBA.
Brand, which would have benefited everybody.
But you didn't care. Far be it for you to pay attention to all of that.
And now t USA is on the docket drawing the lowest attendance of anybody in the Olympics. Ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna say it. That's embarrassing. That's embarrassing.
Team USA drawing the least amount of attendance.
China and Serbia and Puerto Rico and them getting better ready, thank you getting better attendance numbers than you really, really, y'all.
Suddennounce Man told y'all.
Kaylyn Clark with a damn sure bet on that team, and the more I saw injuries playing the way that she was playing, and the.
Way her and Katelyn feed off of one another. From a standpoint, she'd have been on.
The team too, because I would have saw the forest from the trees and I would have said, they're marketable more so, unfortunately than everybody else. Right now, I'm gonna milk that. How do you think the NBA became popular, ladies and gentlemen. You think at the time that Magic Johnson and Larry Bird first came in the league that they were the two best players.
They wanted the two best players instantly.
But the NBA, from Larry O'Brien and commissioner David Stern and others saw what was happening right before their very eyes and marketed the hell out of them to the point where they were competing against one another commercials for Converse and McDonald's. And look at what the NBA became. Even when Jordan was ascending and the league clearly saw that that was the dude, and Nike was marketing in the lit and hell out of Michael Jordan. I want to be I want to be like Mike. It was still Bird and Magic. Even with Kareem as a teammate and James Worthy as a teammate, and Barron Scott as a teammate, and Kevin McHale and Robert Parrish and Danny ag and Dennis Johnson and Gerald Henderson and Cedric Maxwell, Cornbred Maxwell and mL Connell.
That it was still bird and Magic.
Why because that's how you built the profile of the damn sport. The NBA had that foresight, the sneaker companies and everybody else had that foresight. And now the NBA just finished doing a deal for eleven years and seventy seven billion. Marketing matters, promotion matters, But y'all wanted to ignore your boy stephen A.
And now look, lowest attendance amongst the teams. Everybody had better.
Numbers attendance wise, the team USA. That's just embarrassing. That's just the ambass Ain't the girls faul, Ain't the player's fault. The committee who selected that roster and left Caitlyn.
Clark off and yes, Angel Reese too, Shaw Fall.
No matter how you benefit, no matter how to cash, heare the WNBA elevates.
Remember it could have been even better. You messed it up. You messed it.
Up, and I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers remain low. Caitlin Clark and Aingerlie should have been on that team. Especially Caitlyn Clark. She's a box office. She's box office. It matters, ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not, your tweets and more coming up next right here on the stephen A. Smith Show, over the digital airways of YouTube, and of course iHeart radio backward more.
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Welcome back to Steve Nate smithchil right here over the digital airways or YouTube, and of course iHeartRadio. Back to politics for equipment before I close out the show with your tweets. According to CNN, Paul Danz, the director of Project twenty twenty five, the conservative blueprint for a potential second Donald Trump term, has stepped down amid intense criticism, including from the former president himself. Dan's was once a top advisor in Trump's administration and steered Project twenty twenty fives. It spelled out what conservatives creamed could be accomplished if Republicans won back the White House. Project twenty twenty fives planned to radically reshape the federal government and American life. Was spelled out in a detailed, nine hundred page playbook that gave Democrats much to warn the American people about if Trump ultimately returned to power. In recent months, Trump has lashed out against Project twenty twenty five, calling some of its ideas absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. He's tried to distance himself from the work, claiming he had quote no idea who is behind it?
End quote. Top Trump advisor.
Chris Lasibda recently referred to Project twenty twenty five as quote a pain in the ass end quote for the Trump campaign. Nobody's believing that we understand what goes on, particularly during an election year. We understand that when something potentially compromises the administration's objective and could ultimately interfere with them winning reelection and getting into the White House again, there's a whole bunch of sacrificial lambs.
You didn't know what it was about.
You had no idea that the Heritage Foundation was involved, that this is something that they've been.
Doing for years. That's a lie.
They're unapologetic about it, and they make sure to stay claim.
To what the objective is and what they really really want.
They don't want federal agencies being able to operate with impunity. They want the presidency to be able to invoke change that could ultimately cost a federal officials their jobs, along with a host of other things that liberals would obviously be diametrically opposed to. Too much to get into here, but nobody's believing that that Trump didn't know the guy that it wasn't aware of what their objective is.
Or what have you.
He needs their support, the support of the conservatives and the concern and if the Conservatives support this agenda that the Heritage Foundation has been behind, hey, that's the way it's going to be. And Trump is going to capitulate to some degree until it's not politically expedient for him to do so. So there is no surprise here. It happens in politics all the time.
I have nothing to do with it. I don't know what the hell y'all are talking.
About I find it appalling and ridiculous some of the things that I've read and heard about or whatever.
But it has nothing to do with me. Blah blah blah blah blah. Okay, so be it.
So Dan's going to somebody else will be in there, and who knows what the.
Hell they'll be doing. We'll see.
But Project twenty twenty five, without question, is something that black folks and conservatives in particular should be opposed to, make no mistake about that. Let's be very very clear about that. Let's get to your tweets before I get on out of here for today, because it's got a lot of things to do, and I'm heading to the National Association for Black Journalist Convention, where First Take My Day Job for ESPN will be airing live this Friday at nine am Central ten am easton live from the Hilton Hotel in Chicago, Illinois.
I will be there, so that's why I'm coming. I'm coming off vacation to do that show.
So I look forward to doing it and looking forward to seeing a whole bunch of people who will be there in attendance.
But again, let's get to the tweets before I get on out of here. Show me what you got, guys. This is at.
Horns up Chris right, stephen A. Which joker from The Impractical Jokers are you taking on in a fight?
It would either be Joe or Murr. That's the way it looks. I don't know.
I mean, looks can be deceiving, and sometimes the people that look like they can't fight would be the first ones to kick your ass, make no mistake about that. But Sal and Q look a bit more formidable. Sally looks like an MMA fighter. Q looks like just one of them big country boys that are just he hits you and it'll feel like you know, you got hit by a brick wall. But Murr and Joe No, probably be Joe, Probably be Joe. No disrespect Joe. I'm just going by the comparisons, no disrespect whatsoever.
All of y'all can probably kick my butt. Let's go to the next tweet.
Please show it to me at heavy Underscore one right, Steven A Smith. Would you rather fight off a pack of hungry rabbit wolves, let's say, four with a long sword, or one black beard running at you full speed with only a pistol and a bullet. I'm gonna say, to one bloe beer with a pistol and a bullet, you can run at me full speed. But the bottom line is I got a chance to stop them with the bullet, and I got a chance. I got a better chance at evading one bear than four wolves. That's an easy one for me, and definitely to one black bear. I'm sorry, you know I'm told no matter what, but I got a better chance against the one black bear.
Next tweet, please, what you got at your sleeve? Right, Steven Smith?
Would you rather to never be able to sit down and never be able to stand up? I would rather never be able to sit down. I could do a lot of things standing up other than sitting, But if I couldn't stand up and I was restricted to sitting, there's very little I could do from the sitting position.
Physically, athletically, etc.
So I'm gonna say I would rather to never be able to sit down rather than to never be able to stand up.
Let's go to the other tweet. Please, this is the last tweet right here. I think that was it. That's all we've got for today. I'll be back with y'all in a couple of days.
Like I said, I'm getting ready to head to the National Association for Black Journalism conference. You will see me, you will hear from me, you will hear what's going on whatever.
I hope you enjoyed today's show.
Drama that's always around, and wherever this is, drama is steven. They talking about it at least to some degree. Okay, I hope y'all can appreciate that. Until next time, Take care everybody, Peace of love, God bless