Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
Stephen A. recaps the Kamala Harris and Donald Trump presidential debate with GOP Pollster, Frank Luntz. He also interviews UFC Bantamweight Champion, “Suga” Sean O’Malley, discusses the backlash of rapper Kendrick Lamar as the NFL Super Bowl Halftime Show headliner, and the debate of The Best NBA Team ever. He also pays tribute to award-winning actor James Earl Jones and R&B singer, Frankie Beverly.
On The Stephen A. Smith Show, Smith gives you his renowned point of view, breaking barriers beyond the world of sports, and tackling pertinent issues across entertainment, pop culture, society, business, and politics. Three times a week, you'll hear his LIVE unfiltered opinions on the day's biggest headlines as well as straight-shooting interviews with top celebrities, game-changers, and thought leaders across the societal arena. The Stephen A. Smith Show is sure to entertain, inform, and motivate anyone who tunes in.
I don't know about the rest of y'all. I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I'm gonna use a sports analogy when I'm talking about politics on this particular day, for this particular show, what we're witnessing as we speak may be the biggest choke job in the history of politics. I think you have an idea what the hell I'm talking about. But in case you don't tune in, it's The Stephen A. Smith Show coming your way right now. What's up, everybody? Welcome to the latest edition of The Steph Nate Smith Show, coming at you as I love to do at the very least at least three days a week over the digital airways of YouTube and of course iHeartRadio. As always, I like to take a moment to thank my subscribers, my followers, my supporters, my listeners, because we've now eclipsed over seven hundred and eighty four thousand subscribers and we continue to climb, climb, climb, rapidly, approaching eight hundred thousand subscribers on the YouTube channel, not to mention over two point five million downloads over iHeartRadio over the last couple of months. Can't thank y'all for the love and support. Enough keep it coming, and I'm going to keep on coming. Before I get into today's show, I just want to take an opportunity to let everybody know we know what this day is. It's September eleventh, it's nine to eleven, and we remember that faithful day many years ago when thousands upon thousands of American lives were lost because not one but two planes crashed intentionally into the World Trade Center and it was the greatest attack on American soil in history. And we know the devastating losses that have taken place because of that event, We know the lives that have been irreparably and permanently altered, And just wanted to take a moment to extend my heartfelt condolences to all those who've lost loved ones in nine to eleven and to let you know that myself, my staff, my colleagues, contemporaries, the people that I employ, and everybody in between, our hearts are always with you. He will never forget, We will never forget. Let me move on to the subject at hand, because he's got a lot of stuff to get into. I'm gonna get into jay Z and how folks have been going after him big time because of the selection that has taken place with Super Bowl fifty nine in New Orleans, Louisiana. The halftime selection and halftime performer is not going to be what some people or who some people think it should be. And jay Z has been eviscerated by a lot of people verbally with the things that they've been saying. So we're definitely going to touch on that. Gil's Arena, led by Gilbert Arena's former NBA star, had a debate about the best team in NBA history. He has some interesting comments. I've got some interesting pushback on that that I'd love for you all to hear. But before I do any of that, I felt it was necessary to touch on the biggest story going on in America, and that is the debate that took place to presidential debate that took place last night in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with Vice President Kamala Harris versus former President Donald Trump. It was not a good night for Donald Trump. Let's get that out the way first. It was not a good night for him because the reality is that you got a lot of people pointing the fingers they're pointing the fingers at the moderators Lindsey Davis and of course David Muir for ABC, who are moderating the debate, and a lot of people have been very very critical of them, particularly critical folks that are on the right. Some folks looked at Trump and they felt that he wasn't his sharpest. They brought those things up. I was amused by the debate because, in my estimation, I got to give credit where credit is due. I have to be consistent. Now we all know that I've been on the record lamenting the state of affairs going on with Vice President Kamala Harris. I've been pointing out the fact that Joe Biden, before he stepped down, there was no primary and the skids had been greased for him to cake walk to the Democratic National Convention as the Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United States, and he wasn't doing interviews, he wasn't available, he wasn't available to take an abundance of questions from reporters, and then on June twenty seventh, he was exposed for being somewhat cognitively declined and as a result, a few weeks later forced to step away and hand the reins to Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee, and therefore she had no resistance. And I took into account the fact that he didn't have resistance for the primaries, she didn't have any resistance. And so as a result, she doesn't need to be avoiding interviews. She needs to stand up, take tough questions and deal with the onslaught of cynicism that might come in her direction. That's how I felt about it. That's how I still feel about it. Having said all of that, she went into that debate last night, and let me be very clear, she won. She won because we're not going to get into the substance or lack thereof, as it pertains the Pacific topics that would present it. Has she flip flopped on fracking, It appears to be so. Has she flip flopped on healthcare, Yes, it appears so. Has she flip flopped on the border? It appears so. But that ain't what this segment is about today. This segment is about the debate and who did their job in resonating with and ingratiating themselves with the constituency out there for the purposes of defining who was Sharper, who was more prepared, who was more presentable, who had a more favorable outing for the debate, and it was clearly hard. It was clearly hard. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna mince words. She whipped his ass. I'm gonna say that because whether it was him not being prepared or him taking her for granted because he assumed it was going to be a cake walk. She played the role of agitator. She did what Trump did. She reversed it. She reversed it. She flipped the script on him. She can't, as my boy Mark would say, she can't. He came with the cross. She came with the criss cross. That's what happened. She pulled the Trump. Think I'm lying, Griff, play tape one please.
I'm gonna actually do something really unusual. And I'm gonna invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies because it's a really interesting thing to watch.
You will see.
During the course of his rallies he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal elector. He will talk about wind mills cause cancer. And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. And I will tell you the one thing you will not hear him talk about is you. You will not hear him talk about your needs, your dreams, and your need and your desires. And I'll tell you I believe you deserve a president who actually puts you first. And I pledge to you that I will Oh.
Oh see, got them. See you gotta understand, ladies and gentlemen. You can talk all of that stuff about everything. You can bring up all the issues that I brought up. You can bring up Trump, you know, lamenting the twenty twenty election and talking about the borders and all of this other stuff. Who you're listening to right now is not a mid Who you're listening to right now is not somebody even though I was a reporter for years, that's not reporting. Who you're listening to right now? Dare I say, I'm sorry if I'm a little cocky when I throw this out, ra Sean, I'm sorry if I'm a little cocky when I throw this out, Griff, You're listening to somebody. Dare I say, who's considered the master debater? This is my lane. It's my lane right here and I'm telling you something right now. She got him good. There, she got him good. You know why, because she clearly agitated them from that point forward. He was talking about, look at my rallies. Look at the number of people who show up. They're not exhausted, they're very interested. They flock to my rallies. Blah blah blah. He got himself preoccupied with offsetting or off putting her accusations that she lobbed against them, instead of really focusing in on what the hell her record is. He didn't do that. That's exactly what she wanted, and he played right into her hands when she brought up Hannibal lecter manner. He was being clowned for bringing that up at one of his speeches because we know he deviates from the script, goes off prompt to off kilter, and then when he add libs as when he's at his worst. That's what transpired. So you had to hannibal elect the comment. Okay, you understand, and that she said, people notice that people start leaving his rallies out early out of exhaustion and boredom. Look at his face. Look at his face when she threw out the word boredom. That was problematic for him, and from that point forward, he got preoccupied with defending himself instead of being on the attack when it's usually him that's on the attack. And she didn't stop there. She didn't stop that at all. Play cutting number two, Griff, give.
It to me what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and looking for what's happening to the towns all over the United States, and a lot of towns don't want to talk. It's not going to be Aurora or Springfield. A lot of towns don't want to talk about it because so embarrassed by it. In Springfield, they're eating the dogs the people that came in, they're eating the cats, they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what's happening in our country.
I just want to clarify here. You bring up Springfield, Ohio, and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured, or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.
All I've seen people intelligen Let me just say this is the people on television, So my dog was taken and used for food. So maybe he said that, and maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager.
I'm not taking this from people on television to say, man, dog was eaten by the people that went there.
I don't understand why David mull would even interrupt at that point. Just let him speak and let's hear what Kamala Harris's response was. But neither here nor there. It's not me. This man's a pro. He knows what he's doing. I'll leave it at that. I just didn't see the purpose of that. But my point is, you have any idea how ridiculous that sounded. Now, I remember seeing somebody actually say that, But just because they said it didn't make it true. So for a former president who's now a presidential candidate to be uttering such stuff during a debate didn't appear to be the wisest, most cogent, most smartest thing to tell. Okay, especially when you got Kamala Harris being just brilliant in terms of showing her level of preparation and how it worked for her with her facial expressions in the way she was coming back at him. She was basically looking at him like he was silly, and it was serving to agitate him and rile him up even more and get him off message. Remember, we got inflation to deal with. We've got an economy that the left has been bragging about and the right has been excoriating. We've got that going on. We've got border issues, which, by the way, whether they want to say she was the ZAR or not, whether people like Roland Martin and others who's been on this show saying she was not theizarre, there were people labeling her the borders are and over ten and a half million immigrants migrants came across the border illegally, and he couldn't zero in on that no matter how much he tried to bring it up, because he just appeared to be rambling, and so that didn't work to his advantage either. But that wasn't all. Look at what Kamala Harris did here. Play cut number seven. Griff, take it away.
Why do you believe it's appropriate to weigh in on the racial identity of your opponent?
I don't and I don't care. I don't care what she is. I don't care.
You make a big deal out of something. I couldn't care less. Whatever she wants to be is okay with me.
But those were your words.
So I don't know. I don't know.
I mean, all I can say is I read where she was not black that she put out and I'll say that, and then I read that she was black, and that's okay either one who was okay with me, that's up to her.
That's up to her, Good Lord of mercy, how embarrassing. All you have to say in the situation like that is that one minute she's trying to cater to one constituency, another minute she's trying to cater to the next. But he isn't the most articulate person in the world at times. And it came across that way last night. Did you see how skillfully she would slide in and give remarks and that she slide out and just let him talk? What are the things that they talked about during the campaign in twenty twenty when Biden was going to go up against them, They said the right was saying, let Biden talk, he'll slip up. Biden said, nah, we were employing the strength same strategy, let him talk, he'll slip up, And that is what Kamala Harris executed last night. There is no way around this, Okay, So we watching here and I'm just reading for the Wall Street Journal, by the way, who's prone to lean right, But certainly I love their paper. They have a lot of objective material up in there. They called it like they saw it. Mister Trump went on to say that the FBI crime statistics are fraud, and the Bureau of Labor statistic job numbers are a fraud. And the twenty twenty election was, yes, still a fraud, and they should have sent it back to the legislatures. About the January twenty sixth, twenty twenty one ride at the US Capitol, he regretted nothing. Then world War three again? What if this is supposed to reassure suburban nights to worry that mister Trump is too erratic to put back in the Oval office. That is the strategy that Kamala Harris exercised. She took him to school. And I'm gonna tell you something right now. I'm gonna say it right now, what we are witnessing before our very eyes may be the biggest choke job in political history. Somebody needs to say it. So I'm gonna say it, the biggest choke job in political history. And here's why. When Donald Trump, when there was an attempted assassination on the life of Donald Trump, remember what happened. Something hits his ear, he touches his ear, he goes down. Secret Service piles on top of him to secure him. Once that happens, he gets up. He's got blood streaming down the right side of his face and his ear, at which time he then gets up, surrounded by Secret Service, raises his fist in the ear and pumps it. Fight. Fight, Fight, with the American flag draped behind him. You couldn't buy a more perfect moment, a more perfect scene for a politician in the history of this country. And that when that happened, all he had to do was shut up, let his surrogate speak for him. And instead, all he has continued to do is show that he's the same old Donald Trump, that he's learned nothing, that he's not bending or breaking one bit. And he has literally talked Kamala Harris into running neck and neck with him in the polls just like that, Just like that, I believe that this man at that time had the election locked and oh and since that time. He has absolutely positively blown it. I believe if he loses this election, because he still could win. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying he can't win. It's a tight race. It's gonna come down to the wire. But I believe if this man loses the race, it will go down as the greatest choke job in the history of politics. That's my perspective on this, But I don't know as much as my next guest. He is an upholster, extraordinary somebody that everybody knows because when it comes to looking at the polls, whether it's Republican or Democrat, but for the most part Republican. I if I'm mistaken, I apologize, sir, but that is his reputation. He is on top of these elections day in, day out, night in, night out. This is what he does. He is arguably the most renowned in the business when it comes to this. I'm talking about the one and only Frank Luntz, who is on the show with yours truly right now, what's up, my man? How are you? How's everything?
I can't believe I'm doing this with you. I can't. So we know each other a little bit.
You and I probably spent three or four times together in the last fifteen twenty years.
The fact that I'm on your show is remarkable to me.
I want you to know that you and Chris Cuomo have the most amazing chemistry and you're at the top of your game. And I want all your listeners and your viewers to know this. We worked for ESPN several years ago, and no sports journalist ever tested as well as you did in your commentaries. Whether people agree and disagree, they love your attitude, they love your approach, and they think you are awesome what you do. So thanks for including me. And hopefully the signal I'm at west Point doesn't have the best signal of the world. Hopefully it's good enough that I can communicate with you and your listeners.
Thank you so much. I'm honored to get those words from you. I really really appreciated it. For the benefit of my listeners, I have agreed to come up to West Point on October twenty ninth to speak at west Point. You have invited me, and I'm going to speak. If I remember correctly, I believe it is to over seven hundred cadets. Is that correct?
We never know.
One can never promise exactly how many people are going to be there, because we don't know what situation we're going to be in. But you're going to actually have lunch with all four thousand of them, and you, mister Smith, have to bring them their food and clear their table.
No, I will happily do so. I will happily do so. Let's get into the debate that took place last night, because it's inescapable. We have to do that. You heard what I said. I think that Kamala Harris won the debate last night. I think she came across as a bit more polished, more prepared, certainly avoided some of the issues, but it ain't her job to make sure the issues are brought up. It's the opponent's jobs to make sure that they get after her, and Trump seemed ill prepared to do so. Your overall thoughts on the performance of both well.
I actually think it's the responsibility of the candidates to tell us the truth, to let us know what we need to know, and it's our right to demand it from the candidates. And I have to explain to people that I'm less concerned about this election and more concerned about the next generation about how ugly min become, how partisan, how divided, polarized, and toxic. Second is I don't believe that's as much as she won last night, as Trump lost. Number one, he did not focus on the issue that mattered most, inflation, And I cannot explain why, because he was given to him several times, and every time he got a question on inflation, he answered on something else.
Third, he lost his composure. He looked mean, he looked angry. He never looked at her.
Do you realize how many women looked at him and said, you know what, that's my ex husband, that's the son that really bothers me.
It makes them mad.
That you show that kind of contempt for your opponents, that you can't even look them straight in the eye. You're showing the video behind you. Watch how often here she goes, she turns.
And looks at him.
Because it's a sign of respect, it's a sign of human interaction.
He didn't have it.
Number four, I don't know what the hell this is about eating dogs and cats. I don't understand any of that. It's what he talked about everyone's talking about today. And number five, he had a great conclusion, a great closing if you understand that these problems exist, why you've done nothing about the It's what he asked to Harris, but the other one hundred minutes it was a disaster for him.
Now she okay.
You can say that she should have been more candid. You can say that it's up to Trump to force it from her, but she should want to provide it. We need more truth in this country. We need more candor in this country. We need less politics. It's not who wins and who loses, but it actually is, to some degree, how we play the game that matters. This isn't entertainment, this isn't sports.
Right, you can do that, but Frank, allow me to interject. I get that, and I totally agree with you for I benefit. But if you're trying to win the election and inflation is a huge problem and you don't necessarily have a potent enough argument to offset what he might throw at you, I'm not gonna knock her for not inviting the subject or trying to be evasive with it. If you've got a border issue and it's ten and a half million immigrants crossing the borders illegally, and you know that can cost you votes with independent I'm not going to get on her for trying to evade the subject. If he is not adroit enough to bring it up and to address her and attack her cogingly on the subject, that's his problem. One could easily argue, wouldn't you.
Say, I, yes, this is problem, but it's our problem because in the end, she's gonna win, and in the end we have to deal with whatever she says. Whatever she does is going to affect us. So I'd rather have people up there who tell the truth. And I'm going to relate this to you. You've never held back in your career, even in times when if I were advising, I would have said, don't deal with that issue.
Say it that way, your truth teller.
Your attitude is exactly what I wish we had in politics, which is people said what they meant, meant what they said, and then did what they said. And that has not been happening in American politics. She's an example of this. I thought last night she beat him, but in the end it was not good for anybody, and the real loser last night was America.
You know, I'm not gonna visit that subject too much in terms of what you said about me. Because you've asked me, have I thought about running for office, and along with a whole bunch of other people over the last year, it ain't happening. I'm not running for office. I'm not gonna do that. But you did. Let me go back to you because something you was quoted to say, and I think you tweeted this that Trump was about Trump blowing the election. You've never seen anyone that has done so much to blow in selection. It falls in line what I've indicated that I think is gonna be good. It's gonna go down as the biggest choke job in political history. What do you say to that? Explain?
It's very easy.
And there are two tweets I said, I was tweeting all through the debate last night, and there are two tweets that I'll raise with you on this show. One when I was critical of him and his people went crazy on me, and one when I was critical of Harris and her people went crazy on me. In his case, if you want to have that comparison, that side by side comparison, which he did on inflation and immigration, then you have to draw. You have to give the numbers, and you have to explain why it happened, and what your solutions are. And he couldn't wait to get off of inflation to talk about anything but inflation.
And it's so easy, Stephen.
It's food and fuel, housing and healthcare F squared, H squared, and it affects people in their day to day lives and affects their long term quality of life. As far as immigration, it's not just about what's happening at the border. It's safety and security and doing those things to make the country strong. He can show easily that the decisions of the Biden Harris campaign made things worse for Americans at the.
Border and across the country.
I also want to address the tweet that I said about her, to know that it's blown up. Why I criticize the facial questions, don't do it there, you go, don't do it. People saw it as acting, they saw it as fake. She's raising legitimate points, but it's hurting her credibility and it did fit into female sterois. People went nuts on me for saying this.
This is the.
Truth that she undercut her message, But for some reason I'm not allowed to bring it up because I can criticize him for his behavior, and that's Okay, I can't criticize her for doing the same thing. I'm a debate coach, I am an expert of body language. These are things that I've been studying for.
Forty years now. And she under look at that.
Look who sits that way, who puts their hand like that underneath I don't know if you edited this just for this program, but it was constant and the publics because I'm watching him with over two hundred people, and they're booing her for this.
They thought she had a better communication.
They thought she gave better messaging, but they thought that the facial expressions undermine her credibility.
But frank, real quickly, when you say you were sitting with two hundred people, how many of them were conservatives lash Republicans, how many of them were liberals lash progressives, How many of them were independents?
It was everyone. It was everyone left, center right, It was the entire gambit of politics. And I went emphasize these people thought she won the debate, but they thought that she undercut her messaging with that with facial acting is what they said.
Now, But what if she's able to make the argument that I was sitting like this and I was laughing and what have you. Because by mocking him seemingly, I knew it would agitate him, which ultimately lit itself towards me winning the debate because I got him off key, I got him off message, and that was the objective of it. One could easily argue that point.
Frank, Yes they could.
But they're agitating Trump and at the same time they're agitating the millions and tens of millions of people watching the debate. So you agitated the candidate who you're running against, what you're agitating the people who support you. Look, we all do it. You do it with your voice, I do it with my hands. We all do it, or we're not all running for president. And in the end, often nicity, genuineness, candor is what the public is looking for, not an actor.
Two more questions before I'll let you get on out of here. Number One, A lot of people out there are saying that it was three against one, that they were that the moderators were all over him, but they let her off the hook. I just felt it was her agitating him, and they were flowing with that. But nevertheless, I know that the right is going to have a different opinion than the left, and I get that. What was your take on that.
I wondered how many times they fact checked him, which is very legitimate, But they should have done the same thing with her.
I thought it would have been the outcome would have been the perception of.
A more balanced the debate. Now, he did get six extra minutes in her, So if you're saying that this whole thing was set up to make him look bad and make her look good, they gave him six extra minutes. Here's the problem. The more he spoke, the worse he got. He should speak less and Harris should speak more. The only time that we've ever had in modern politics where candidate actually did damage by talking more with Sarah Palin running for vice president under John McCain in twenty twelve, Yeah, sorry, in twenty eight the more she spoke, the worse he got for her.
Last question to you, does Trump need another debate or should he avoid it and just march to the election, have his rallies, let her have her rallies, and let the American people decide that way. What is your suggestion? Who needs what?
Did you utile decisions based on side by side comparisons, and you notice the split screen during the entire debate side by side is his only opportunity to take her on. But frankly, if I'm her campaign and he's already said that he won't accept the Fox News hosts, I'm going to say, you know what, we offered it to them. He didn't want to do it. Fine, you'll go his way, we'll go our way, and we'll go right through election day and then she wins. He needs to get on his knees and beg for another debate, and guess what, he ain't gonna do it because Donald Trump doesn't beg, he doesn't admit mistakes, he has no humility, and all of these are gonna hurt him come election day.
So you think that Kamala Harris is gonna win the election, if you had to guess today, you'd say she's gonna win today.
And you emphasize the point today, As of today, Harris is the next president. She will need a slip up. Trump cannot do it alone. Harris will have to say something, something very upsetting to a large number of people for her to lose at this point. Is it possible? Absolutely? Is it likely?
No polls to EXTRAORDINAYD one and only Frank once right here, right on the steven A Smithchell for the very first time. I appreciate you, my man. Thank you so much. You know I'll be calling you as this election draws. Appreciate you so much. Thank you, my man. Take care of yourself.
You got event.
The one and only Frank Launch right here with stephen A. You heard what he had to say. If the election were today, Kamala Harris would be the next president of the United States, and that Donald Trump needs to beg for a second debate, which we all know he will never do. There you have it, there, you have it. Coming up, jay Z is catching heat for picking Kendrick Lamar to perform at the Super Bowl halftime in New or Leeds this coming February. I'll get into that, make no mistake. But first, Sean O'Malley, the headliner of Saturday's UFC event at the Spear in Las Vegas, Nevada, joins me. Find out why he says you should watch his fight over Canilo Alvarez versus this Caprolanga and what's his beef with the one and only Connor McGregor. All that and more up next right here, when the steven A Smith show over the digital It was a YouTube and of course iHeart radio back with more in a minute pay. I want to take a second to make sure everybody knows the NFL season is officially started and I can be more excited and with the games happening Thursday night, Sunday night and Monday night, Prize Picks wants to help you cash in on all that big time action you see. Prospects is a daily fantasy act where you can pick two or more of your favorite players and then you simply select more or less on the projected stats for the game. Pick up player's rushing yards, passing yards, total touchdowns. The list is endless, and the best part is Prizpects has something for every sports fan. Choose from the WNBA, MLB, MMA, even golf for Crime out Loud, all in the same entry. I make my picks and submit early, all in less than sixty seconds. That's less time than the text for Travis Kelsey to take a pass from a homes all the way to the house and get this sign up with code. I say yes, and Prospects will give you fifty dollars instantly when you play your first five dollars. Lineup You don't need to win your lineup to receive a fifty dollar bonus. It's guaranteed. All you have to do is play a five dollars lineup of prospects and you'll get fifty dollars instantly. Pickball, pick less, y'all, it's that easy. Welcome back to stephen A. Smithshow right here with the digital It was a YouTube and of course iHeart radio. Earlier this week, I interviewed current UFC bantamweight champion sugar Sean O'Malley, who will fight Morob Devalashville Saturday night at the Sphere in Las Vegas. For those of you who may have missed it because I haven't showed it to you yet, here it is. Take a look. My guest is the current UFC bantamweight champion of the world in number six in the UFC pound for pound rankings. He's got a historic match coming up Saturday night at the Sphere in Las Vegas on ESPN Plus. Please welcome the one, the only, sugar Sean O'Malley. What's going on, big time? How you doing man? How's everything?
And he's going really good?
When you're this close to a fight, you're this healthy it's just it's hard to believe it's true, but it is true.
It's happening. Feel good. I'm excited, ready to go.
Now tell me this. How the hell are you feeling so good and so healthy when you're training? You're putting yourself through the riggers and all of this other stuff just from a physical perspective, Because you got a lot of folks out there. They getting the gym, they feel a little bit of pain, ain't in any kind of shape whatsoever, And the next thing you know, they're feeling worse than they did before. How do you feel better when you put your body through the riggers that you put yourself through to prepare yourself for championship matchups?
Our bodies adapt very well.
And it's been twelve weeks of eating perfect, sleeping perfect, training very hard, but most importantly, training very smart. So you know, I'm a vet in this sport. I've been doing it for a long time and I've learned a lot. Each fight camp I learned something new and I implement it into this fight camp. And I'm chasing greatness right now, so I have to mark all the boxes.
Got you you know what you're gonna make history is the first person to fight at the Sphere taking on Morob. Give us develised Villi. I believe that develis Villi is. I think that's how you pronounce his name. All right, how did that happen? How did this fight happen?
Well, Marob's gonna can fight win stream. He's ranked number one, He's been ranked number one for a very long time. Al Jamine Sterling was his training partner and best friend. So al Jamie was Sterling with the champ and uh, I had I had to mix that up. I had to get in there knock al Jamine Sterling out cold, drop hammer fist on his head.
And then Rob wasn't next to going and uh take care of some business. Had to go whoop Cheeto's ass in Miami for a little bit, and now here we are. It's the fight that makes the most sense, the Sugar Show versus Brob at the Sphere.
It's gonna be epic.
I want to know what your mentality. See, this is what I like about you as well. Yeah, you talk, but you back it up. That's all I give it damn about you back it up, you handle your business. But what I really like about you is that you never get the oppression, and maybe sometimes we attribute it to Dana White and how he runs the UFC, and but I give you fighters credit. I love when I see champions not running from anybody, not procrastinate, not hesitating, or anything like that. They've been talking about Marab for the longest time and now over the last two years, to be specific about how he's that dude outside of you. How bad did you want this fight? How hard was it to happen?
The fight was very easy to happen. Morob's next. In UFC's eyes and everyone's eyes, Morob is the number one guy.
I love this fight.
I actually was calling out Eliot Taporia, who in my mind's the one forty five pound champ. Is the most one of the most scary fights for me right now, I was calling out a guy that I thought was even more scary than Morob. So people are giving me shit saying, no, we want you to fight Morob. I was like, hell, yeah, I will. If you guys want me to fight some of what I think is less of a scary fight, I'll take that all day. So the fight was very easy to come together, and Rob's getting whooped in a few days.
When they talk about Morob they talk about two things. Number one is wrestling ability. Number two, how his conditioning is just as an at an elite level. The motor never stops turning, never stops moving. This guy's got energy all day, every day, et cetera, et cetera. And with you, they just say, you know, he's spectacular, he's a knockout artist, he's box office. But going up against a wrestler, any concern for you in that regard? Somebody that would prefer to grapple as opposed to stay there and try to engage in a striking contest against you.
I would prefer to fight someone whose skull and the only way to beat me is to take me down. That is going to be his downfall. That is how he's going to get knocked out. It doesn't matter how good is Cardio is when he's sleeping.
Just that simple, right, Just that simple. So let me ask you this, when you look at him as a fighter, what do you think of him? Break it down for those of us who don't know much about it, haven't seen much from him. Break down his skill set and what you think he brings to the table, and why we should be excited about this fight, considering the fact that he's going up against the magnificent sugar Sean O'Malley.
I'll break down of the peards. First, short, five to four, ugly, huge nose, just a weird head, very big head, very big nose, just a very ugly guy.
Skill set wise, very dangerous. Like you.
I mean we mentioned before it is Cardio is well, it's crazy.
You called him the machine for a reason. He's got very very good wrestling.
He's good at wrestling in the punches back into wrestling, and that is what makes him dangerous.
He's very durable.
There's been fights he got cliffs that comes back and just wins the round.
He's a very dangerous opponent.
And you know, the more dangerous the guy standing across from me, the better I perform.
I'm here for it.
You've avenged the lone loss in your career. He has four losses on his resume. When you've seen I'm imagining that you've seen his fights, particularly the fights that he's lost. What's his weaknesses? What are the kind of weaknesses that he has that you believe is going to be relatively easy for you to exploit?
I mean, yeah, like I said, it's on ten fight win streaks, so those losses were quite a while ago.
Years and years and years ago.
But I believe if I am faster than the opponent, I will knock them out Eventually.
I didn't. I didn't get a knockout on my last fight against Cito.
I hit him with some serious shots that did a lot of damage. I wasn't able to get him out of there. But I do believe I will get Morob out of there. I don't think he has the durability of Cheeto, and I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure I get him out of there.
You know, I'm gonna do what I do and get it done too. I think I'm gonna get him out of there.
This isn't the.
First time I've interviewed you, but every time I've interviewed you, you remind me of your love for boxing and how you watch the sport. You know a little thing, You're doing thing or two about the sport. Canilo Alvarez is gonna be fighting Edgar Berlanga at the T Mobile Arena on the same night. Why should fans tune in or come to see you fight in Vegas instead of the great Canilo Alvaretz.
Edward Bolaga, who I have never heard of that guy.
To be honest, I don't I'd like it.
It's a friendly competition. It's across the street.
Canelo Alvarez, pound for pound, probably the best boxer in the world right now. I'm actually a massive fan. I've been throwing a little shade, but it's not you know, it's not personal. I'm a huge fan of Cadelo, but I mean, I just feel like it's a very I see on the boxers on Twitter saying that the UFC is fucked because the boxing is going on the same day. I don't think that's the case. I think UFC is going to get more views. And I promise you Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, the rest of that week they will be talking about the Sugar show. They will not be talking about the thirty six minute boxing match that went on at T Mobile. That'll be talking about how crazy the spear was, how mind blown it was. You weren't there, I cannot believe you missed it.
If you weren't.
Actually at the event, what Sugar did the morob was mind blowing. That's what they're gonna be talking about.
So when they call it. Now they call you sugar. Why do you love that name so much? Because I never asked you that question. If you have to answer, you've told somebody else to answer. I apologize. I've never seen the ANCU gave to being called sugar, and why you loved that so much? Tell me why?
Johnny Aho one of my first coaches back in Helena, Montana, where I was born and raised. He gave it to me because I was so wheat to watch fight. He started calling me sugar, Sugar.
Got you shoot you back it up, that's for sure. Sugar. Shane Mosley Sugar, Ray Lennon Sugar, Ray Robinson, now sugar showing O'Malley. I love it. I love the comparisons as well. You beat Morob What does that mean for you moving forward? Who would be next on your list?
I mean I got options. The Eliots Porria fight.
He's got to fight Max Holloway in October and Ala Jabti, which is one of the most exciting fights in my opinion. I'm looking forward to that fight a lot. That's a possibility. I get met off Ni Brad Lumar, He's a possibility. Davis and Figuto, he moved up from Flyway to Bantaway. He is a three fight win streak. That's a possibility. I like to have options.
I might.
You know, people hate when I bring up boxing. I don't know if we're there yet, And I'm okay with that. If I need to go and knock out two three more guys to get a boxing fight, I'm okay with that.
I'll keep doing what I do. But boxing's never out of the picture.
What boxing match do you want?
I wouldn't mind Davonta Davis just so little, you know. I like my matchup with the same weight class.
I like that matchup. That'd be one I could pick. If I had to pick Prairie in and you.
Think you'd beat Javonte Davis.
I believe I could beat Gravonta Davis.
They do call him take you know. I mean the brother puts people to sleep. You know that, right? He does what you do. He does what you do, se Sean.
That's what makes it interesting.
I am.
You know, I'm a fan of his skill set. He's very, very dangerous. I'm not denying that. I'm again, I'm chasing greatness.
I want.
I believe I could transfer over to boxing. Very well, give me six months, give me a real legitimate boxing camp, and uh, I'm very dangerous with both both hands left right south, But orthodox I believe I can get that job done too.
When you think about the UFC and the state of affairs that exists, one could easily argue that you're want of, if not the most popular UFC fighter in the business at this particular moment in time. Your goal is to win, keep winning, the be a champion, But it doesn't stop there. When we think about somebody that's box office obviously, the name Connor McGregor has come up over the years, even though he hasn't forty years and he certainly hasn't won, and even in the longer the period of time now we see him acting in Hollywood movies and things of that nature. You look at that and what transpired with Connor McGregor, What do you learn, What do you peel from the experiences you saw him witness in terms of your elevation within the UFC, and what you continue what you need to continue to do outside of winning.
Of course, yeah, Connor's I've learned so much from Connor inside and outside the octagon. Inside the octagon, his presence is, Calmness is you know, I've learned a lot from Connor inside the ARCDN outside the octagon.
I've learned a lot too.
He's got to be careful with how much drugs you do and uh, you know, keep try to keep your head on straight.
I've learned a lot from h from watching his downfall.
He's been throwing shot shots at me from pure jealousy from my perspective. So yeah, I think Connor will scanning right now and hope he gets help.
What kind of shots has he been throwing at you? And why would he feel the need to throw shots at you? What's that about?
I mean, that would be a good question for him. I don't know.
There's you know, I've been a little tweets here and there, just you know, pecking and stabbing have me. But I do see it from a jealousy perspective. I really don't know where else it would come from. And people are like, well, I coughterr with jealous of you because I'm the champ. I defended the belt, something he's never done. I'm fighting. This will be the biggest box off, This will be the biggest gate of all time UFC history. I am coming for Connor's records. I'm I'm fighting continue like I'm active. I'm what he used to be and what he wants to be still, so you know, I don't.
It was kind of random.
I never said anything negative about Connor until you start throwing shots.
So right now it's fut Connor.
Are you? Are you of the mindset that as your popularity grows, the UFC would need him less and less and less, and that might be the pro the provocation behind him coming at you like that.
That'd be a good guess. I do think.
I mean, Connors can come back and fight Michael Chandler and do massive numbers, massive pay per view.
He's still that guy, but for how long?
And then there's you?
There's you.
Before I let you get on out of here, man, I'm gonna ask you another boxing questions somewhat anyway, because I get on Jake Paul. I like Jake Paul a lot, but I want him to fight fighters, like boxers as opposed to just UFC guys because he's in the boxing profession. Yeah he's fighting a boxer this time, but somebody twice his age of Mike Tyson. What do you think about that? Fight coming up down the road.
Yeah, I've been a huge fan of what Jake's done from watching him fight Nate Robinson ben Askin. I enjoyed that crossover from YouTuber influencer into the boxing world. I've listened to his story. I've heard him talk about boxing really truly changed his life, and I agree.
I fit that. I don't know what I would be.
Doing without fighting, So I get that on that kind of a level, and I enjoy what he's doing. I enjoy massive fights. Him versus Mike Tyson is it's hard. It's like a kind of hard for your heart because you just don't want to see Mike Tyson get hurt. And That's where I'm at right now. You know, I love the big fights. I watch every single Jake Paul fight. Good entertainment. Him versus Adaz was electric. I you know, it gives me that Connor McGregor vibes, the feeling.
Of like a big fight. Those fights give me like that. So but the Mike Tyson wasn't you know, same thing. I'm gonna be. I'm gonna I'll probably be there.
I'll watch it like the rest of the world, but I you know, it's it's a thing where it's like, I like watching Jake Paul knock people out, but it's also it's Mike Tyson. You know, he's a little bit older, and uh so it's like, uh, you know, it's it's a triggy one.
Well, the last question for I let you get on out of here. You're part of the New Prospects Run Your Game campaign with Juiceki and Joe Budden that dropped the head of the NFL season. Is it true you're obsessed with football? And if so, who's your team?
Growing up, I was the most of my first dream, My first loved was the NFL. I thought I was gonna be in the NFL until I realized I'm, you know, not big enough to be in the NF So that's when I kind of switched over to fighting. But I'm getting back into the NFL and it it feels good. I went and played catch with Kyler Murray, you know, honey, with Marvin Harrison Jr. Caught some passes. That was incredible experience. But I'm back and uh yeah, and I'm loving on Price picks.
By the way, let me transition to this. You co host the Tim Bow Sugar show on YouTube with your head coach, Tim Welch. For those who are familiar with it, tell us about that. What do y'all talk about?
Yeah, Tim and I have been running this podcast for six years. Brught Up. Every Sunday. We shoot a podcast, very very consistent.
A lot of podcasts start hit about seven or eight and it starts to fall off. We've been doing it six coming on seven years, over three hundred episodes. We talk mostly fights, but we also talk about, you know, a lot of healthy stuff, you know, sleeping good, eating good, hydrating, moving your body, staying consistent with working out. Just kind of an overall healthy lifestyle podcast. We're also a little bit of dark humor. It's it's definitely not for everyone. We can make people comfortable for sure, but yeah, a little bit of everything.
I'm scared to ask you this last question, but I have to. I just have to because I'm too damn curious. You have an adult beverage company called Happy Day.
Is that true?
What? What is that about? What is that about? Sean Happy?
That is absolutely crushing it? Yeah, heart Seltzer. If you haven't heard of it, you gotta go.
Try it, all right, man? Well, listen, handle your business. Prediction for Saturday night's fight. What are you predicting?
Rob will go down in two? Is what I'm predicting in two and two? Indeed, yeah, I think I'm gonna find his chin early.
I'm going to find his chin often, and he is not going to be able to handle it, and if he does, it's gonna be an ass whooping.
Sugar Sean O'Malley, the Vans and Way champion of the World in UFC, thanks a lot for being on the step and A Smith show. My man, good luck, all right, good luck this week and you take it easier.
Right Hell yeah?
Good talking peace, Thanks again, my man.
Sugar showing coming up, it was announced that West Coast rapper Kendrick Lamar will be He's the performer at the NFL Super Bowl halftime show in New Orleans super Bowl fifty nine to be exact. Well, some prominent artists aren't happy about that at all. I'll get into all of that and more in a minute. Stephen A Smith Show in the house, don't go away, Welcome back to Stephen. They special right here over the digital airways with YouTube and of course iHeartRadio. On Sunday the National Football League announced that West Coast rapper Kendrick Lamar will headline the Super Bowl fifty nine halftime show in New Orleans. Well, the news didn't go over very well with New Orleans native Master p, who wrote an open letter to the one and only Jay Z, who produces the Super Bowl halftime shows for the NFL. The letter said, in part quote, as ambassador of entertainment in the city of New Orleans, I have to agree with the fans that Lil Wayne should be a part of the celebration as well. He's one of the greatest hip hop artists alive, still relevant, and he's a New Orleans native. Let's not miss this cultural moment in the South. Life is too short. We have to give our legends their flowers while they are here. End quote. Other artists also charmed in on social media voicing their displeasure as well, including Juvenile and of course Nicki Minaj. Here's what Nicki Minaj had to say. Quote then, denying a young black man what he rightfully put into this game for no other reason but your ego, your hatred for Birdman Drake and Nicki got you punishing Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne the goat Nola. What's good eminem stood firm on having fifty cent come out a white man, shit sad house. You know what, but it's good for them. No loyalty question mark welp then and word We'll keep sunning you end quote. Who I can wait to touch that statement right there, But before I do that. In the statement of his own, jay Z had this to say about the choice quote. Kendrick Lamar is truly a once in a generation artist and performer. His deep love for hip hop and coach informs his artistic vision. He has an unparalleled ability to define and influence culture globally. Kendrick's work transcends music and his impact will be felt for years to come. And quote. The super Bowl halftime show is one of the biggest music events of the year in kse y'all and no which I know y'all do. Past performers have included Michael Jackson, Prince, Beyonce, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Maroon five, and most recently Usher. First, let me say this about my own individual emotion. I'm pretty pissed off. Jay Z is my boy, make no mistake about it. That's my dog right there. If he were wrong, I wouldn't say much. If he's right, I'd have more to say. But under those circumstances, am I gonna be quiet? When you're talking about him like that? Nicki Minaj? What the hell was that? What's that about? Respectfully? That's some bullshit, it really really is. That's just beyond the pale, masterpiece, open letter, no harm, no foul. Lil Wayne's your man. You're a New Orleans native. He's in the New Orleans native. I get that part. You think he should have been there. I happen to know he was on the list. I happen to know he was given consideration. But Kendrick Lamar is arguably the hottest thing out right now, not like us, that single man. I mean, everybody going, everybody going off about that. She was off the chain. We gotta call it what it is now. It wasn't It wasn't great for Drake. But Drake is still big time. He still got his followers, he's still got people that love the hell out of him because he's phenomenal. He's fantastic. Ain't nobody here trying to throw no shade on Drake. But Kendrick Lamar right now is that dude right now, he's that dude. And why is that relevant? Because I want to put up this full screen for past performers at the Super Bowls dating back all of these years, date back to like twenty ten. Y'all need to see this stuff before you open your damn mouth saying the kind of stuff that Nicki Minaj said. I ain't talking about master P all right. I'm not talking about that, but you know Berdman not really talking about him. I understand there might be some history there. Listen. I listen to hip hop music. I grew up as a product of the hip hop generation. But I'm just listening to music. I ain't in the reading what's going on social media and then the tabloids and on all of these magazines and all of this stuff with all of these beats going on. I don't know about all of that. Don't care. I got better things to do with my life than that. But I know this much. If you're gonna tell me that somebody is in a position they could make this argument against jay Z's pick, I'm gonna challenge you on that. I really really am, because I don't understand how you could do that with a straight face. We're gonna have this up on a full screen for you right here. You know, in twenty and ten, the who performed they ain't hip hop artists. But the who performed twenty and ten in Miami, they were from London. Okay, I think in twenty ten it was Miami. Two thousand and eleven, Let's look at some of this stuff right here, because when we think about Snoop Dog, Doctor Dre, Eminem, Mary J. Blige, Kendrick Lamar, they all from you know, most of them from LA. And you got a situation where the super Bowl was at so Far Stadium in LA. So that was Doctor Dre's day. Okay, So we get that part right, We understand that. But when I'm looking at these cats. Twenty eleven, Dallas Black Eyed Peas from Los Angeles. Twenty twelve, it was in Indianapolis. It was a Madonna. It's from Michigan. Twenty and thirteen, the super Bowl was in New Orleans. Beyonce performed from Houston, Texas. Twenty fourteen in New Jersey, Bruno Mars he's from Hawaii. Twenty fifteen, Katie Perry it was in Phoenix. She's from Santa Barbara twenty sixteen Santa Clara, Coldplay performed. They from London. Twenty seventeen Lady g Go, She from New York. Twenty eighteen Minneapolis, justin Temperlay performed. He from Memphis, Tennessee. Twenty nineteen Atlanta, That's what the super Bowl was? Who performed? Maroon five from La twenty twenty. Jennifer Lopez and Shakira It was in Miami. Jennifer Lopez from New York. Shakira's from Columbia. Twenty twenty one. The Weekend performed in Tampa. They from Toronto twenty twenty two. I already told you about them. Twenty twenty three Rihanna it was in Phoenix, She's from Barbados. And twenty four in Vegas. It was Usher, He's from Dallas. Since when is the whole city? Does that require you to be on stage for the halftime of the Super Bowl just because an artists from the city that ain't been the mo O for the Super Bowl? What y'all talking about? That has not been the mo The only time it happened was with Dre a couple of years ago with Mary J. Blige and them. Kendrick Lamar was on that stage. Yeah, that's true. Mary J. Blige ain't from La. Fitty ain't from La. Mnem ain't from La. What's that about? What y'all talking about? So again, respectfully, Lil Wayne is phenomenal. He's had a phenomenal career. There are other Super Bowls for him to perform at. It don't have to be because it's in New Orleans. He gotta be on stage because he's from New Orleans. What's that? That has never been the case. Really, that hasn't happened. And in terms of Nicki Minaj, you gotta talk about the brother like that? Come on, Nicki, I respect you, I respect your work, I respect what you've accomplished. Who else you gonna get in the beef with Little Kim, Mariah Carrey, Cardi b Gucci Mane. I'm just looking at all of this stuff. Taylor Swift, every time we turn around, Demi Levado, every time we turn around and something, Nicki, you disagree with the decision. You disagree with the decision. You got to talk about the brother like that? And why are we talking about jay Z like he's some damn cell out of something. Need I remind y'all all the hip hop artists, all the R and B people that have been performing at the Super Bowl halftime over the last few years, since he's been involved since twenty nineteen. Did I not read some of these names to you? The whole cold Play and people like that. You know how hard it is for a black man to pull off what jay Z has pulled off. Instead of in terms of making sure that black folks get that kind of center stage to promote their brand and build their profile. How unappreciative can you be? It ain't about you as an individual, It's about us, all of us as black people, and that brother right there, jay Z has been front and center and pushing an envelope. You don't call him a sellout. You're gonna use the N word to describe him like that or sell out? You know what? What's up with that? Tell us that he don't deserve that? What listen, BS, you disagree with the decision. I understand you think Lil Wayne's supposed to be up there. I understand. I got that part. I'm talking about how you talking about jay Z, how you talking about Jacobs? How you talking about whole? Really knowing all the people that he's helped, he ain't perfect, none of us all. But he don't deserve that. That's messed up. Come on, Nikki, come on to go at him like that. Nothing but respect for you and all that you've accomplished. But damn, I mean, you going at him like that just because Lil Wayne ain't gonna perform you ain't yet. Will you beefing with him like you beefing with making a stallion or something. I don't know, maybe I missed it. I don't know that game. I don't know that lane. I'm just saying talking about him like that, I mean, damn, that's messed up. He don't deserve that. I cover sports, and I know what he has done for artists in terms of giving them that stage for the Super Bowl. I know what I'm talking about on that level. He deserved better than that, he really really does. That's just cruel. Disagree with the decision. I understand had the pleasure to meet bird Man years ago. Number love for him, master P. You know me and you Dogg. Please come on. Ain't nothing but love, Nikki. I never met you. Number of respect for you. I'm just saying to talk about him like that. You can't just disagree with his decision. It's almost like we trying to convince our own community to turn against specific individuals because they don't make the decisions that he made. Last time, I checked Kendrick Lamar as a black man who's a superstar. He like he chopped liver. He's a black man. It ain't like jay Z told him, told Lil Wayne to stay home. We gonna bring the Hue or Cold Play up in here, but catch up Lamar there. Y'all need to stop looking for excuses to try to turn individuals in our community against one of his own just because they didn't make the decision you thought they should make. Every decision you make is right, Niki, every decision Master. P sure Lil Wayne deserves his flowers. That ain't the only way for him to get his flowers. And there's plenty of other Super Bowls coming down the pipe, bro, it would be nice to see Little Wayne performing in New Orleans. How we know Kendrick Lamar ain't gonna bring him. Come on, y'all, come on, Let's get to some quick hitters before I get on out of here for today. I'll start with podcasts Gills Arena, where they recently debated the greatest team in NBA history, and the argument got heated as Nick Young insists that title belonged to the twenty eighteen Golden State Warriors. Take a listen, but do.
You really believe the twenty eighteen Warriors are the best team ever assembled?
Yeah? I think so, just because you know nobody being Steph finne kt together. I got one question the two thousand and one two three version of Shaquille O'Neill, Who gonna guard? Who the fuck is gonna guard him? From y'all team? Who gonna guard Steph and Kad on that team? Who gonna guard?
Who will start Stephan Katy's three?
Jary Fisher? Jarry Fisher was a damn damn good defense off that many screens chase damn good defense. Yes he was, That's all he had to be, like said the.
One yo man who who went in half Tyron raised he Hashhi.
On around Quarry. That's my question the y'all roster, who's guarding him?
Who's guard because Kobe gonna have to guard Klay.
Y'all gonna be in the pill ri k having a rix Fox, y'all in is gonna be swinging. We're gonna have to guard. Y'all, right, who going Kobe? Think about it? Who gone Kobe? A dollar? Not a chance?
Mad? Respect to all of those brothers, they got a great podcast. Good to see Kenny Martin and Swaggy Pee talking basketball and all of that stuff. But respectfully, I got a question for both of y'all. Y'all help me out, please kill you can joint help me out. Brother. We just gonna forget the nineteen ninety five ninety six Chicago Bulls that went seventy two and ten and ran through Cats and winning the championship. We gonna forget Michael Jordan with Scottie Pippen and Dennis Robins. We're gonna forget how volatile a game of basketball was then and how you could get away with stuff then that you couldn't get away with now. Kmart because you know better than me, Bro, Swaggery p you know better than me. Y'all played should I ain't in y'all class? Y'all know? Come on now, and when you look at yeah, you know you ain't got nobody to guard shack or anything like that, But you got eighteen fouls to give. If you look back at that team from the big man spot, we'll look longely in those brothers. You got those eighteen foules to give. You could send Shack to the faith the free throw line. He gonna hit fifty percent of them. You got Jordan, you got Pippin, you got Robman, you got Cats coming off the bench. You got Ron Harper, who was a big time defender. I'm not saying you chasing Steph around, but you know KD is phenomenal as he is Steph is phenomenal as he is Clay. It's a physicality. You gotta take that into consideration. All I'm saying these were elite defenders. I'm saying ninety five ninety six Chicago bulls. I got to put them right there. I got to put them right there. Holler at me. If y'all want to, we could have that discussion. I mean, dam we could have that one. Let me move on to the next subject, where Cynthia Cooper is called on a WNBA legends like Cheryl's swoops to support the next generation of players like Caitlyn Clark. Rightfully, so, Cynthia Cooper, way to go, because we all know that Cheryl's swoops has really hurt herself. She's made herself look very bad. It's one of the great great champions and Olympic gold medalists, a national champion in college, a multiple multiple championship, three championships in the w NBA. Look at this court right here. From Cynthia Cooper, It's so incredibly important that we bridge the gap between what's going on today and what we experienced. It will help the younger generation and know our experiences so that they don't make the same mistakes and we continue to soar and grow as a league. Here's the reality. Cheryl Swoops revealed herself to be somebody who's resentful. Now we don't know the specific the specificity of her resentment. We don't know whether it's towards k Caitlyn Clark directly, which she has categorically and emphatically note. We don't know whether it's against the system itself that hovers.
Over the NBA where we see this this this this star who is destined to be a superstar, who happens to be white, getting shine that nearly any w n B A player has never received.
Now one can easily argue, Cheryl Swoop, you did have your on You are the first to have your own signature sneaker. You are a champion on every level. You will not just admire the respect that you've been revered. The only blemish on Cheryl Swoop's career is what she's been doing in reporting on Kaitlyn Clark this season. So hopefully she will listen to her former teammate Cnthia Cooper and she will embrace it all and just embrace the fact that listen, a rising tide lifts all boats. Because right now I'm at a point right now. One of the reasons I made it purpose I was I did it on purpose. I stopped talking about Cheryl Swoops last week is because I don't want her to lose her job, and I think at the rate that she was going she was gonna lose her job covering the Dallas Wings. I'm telling you that right now, wamb ain't gonna let you mess with the golden Goose, and Kitlyn Clark is the golden Goose. Whether y'all like or not, Angel Wilson is the best player in the world, but Kaitlyn Clark is the golden Goose. She's the ratings grabber, she's box office, she's the one bringing eyeballs to the sport. I promise you the WNBA ain't gonna let her get messed with. And if you are Cheryl Swoops and you want to continue to call games and report on games and do that for the w NBA, I suggest you change your attitude and listen to Cynthia Cooper because if you don't, it's gonna be a problem. Let's go to the next side. I'm on a list before I get on out of here, because I want to thank everyone who voted.
For me.
As the most annoying person in football media. I won a bracket of sixty four and defeated my old buddy Skip Bayless and the finals about secure fifty three percent of the vote. First of all, y'all are all lions. You know you love me. You know you love me. I love y'all too. Stop what can't we just admit the love? Can't we just stop acting like the love ain't there? Y'all know y'all got love for me? You know you do.
I know I annoy you sometimes, or damn I'm supposed to. When you're debating, you take it aside and if you disagree with me, it's gonna annoy you. Sometimes. People are there that agree with me. People are there that disagree with me. That's the way it goes. Personally speaking. I don't know how I beat over Skip Bayless or Christopher mad Doug Russo for that batter. I don't know how to hell that happened. I really really don't. But nevertheless, I'll take it because ladies and gentlemen in this business, annoying or otherwise, it's not a bad thing to be hated. It's not a bad thing to be considered annoying. It's not a bad thing to be loved. The only bad thing is indifference when people are not paying attention to you at all. And needless to say, that is not a problem. I have love. Y'all appreciate the love, no doubt about that. Okay, thank you so much. Speaking of love, before I get on out of here, I wanted to take an opportunity to pay homage to two legends I love. I wanted to honor two legends that we lost this week. R and B singer soul singer one and only, Frankie Beverly and the legend that Reacted, James Earl Jones, Beverly, founding voice of the R and B band, Maze passed away earlier today. He was seventy seven years old. Mays is arguably one of the greatest tour bands of all time, meaning Frankie Beverly and MAYE remember that. One of the greatest tour bands of all time. Multi platinum hits like Joy and Pain, Sunshine and Ray, Happy Feelings, that was another beautiful one, Southern Girl and Before I Let Go, Before I Let Go. An old tamer obviously, James Earl Jones was an Egot winner, one of the few artists to win an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony Award. His unmistakable baritone voice became as famous as his usually smiling face. He was the voice that invited TV viewers in with the line this is CNN for the Cable News Network. He played the brave Lion Mufassa in Disney's animated film The Lion King, and was most famous, of course, as the voice of Darth Vader in the Star Wars films franchise. James Earl Jones was ninety three. May he and the incomparable Frankie Beverly rest in peace, God bless