Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
Stephen A. highlights the first three days of the Democratic National Convention. He also comments on the dramatic weight loss of Pelicans player, Zion Williamson, Sheryl Swoopes’s recent Indiana Fever remarks, and the record-breaking success of Cristiano Ronaldo’s new YouTube channel.
On The Stephen A. Smith Show, Smith gives you his renowned point of view, breaking barriers beyond the world of sports, and tackling pertinent issues across entertainment, pop culture, society, business, and politics. Three times a week, you'll hear his LIVE unfiltered opinions on the day's biggest headlines as well as straight-shooting interviews with top celebrities, game-changers, and thought leaders across the societal arena. The Stephen A. Smith Show is sure to entertain, inform, and motivate anyone who tunes in.
Oh yeah, there's a whole bunch of stuff to get into. You know, your boy couldn't miss out on this one. Excuse me. I got Steve Kerr saying he ain't gonna be the coach of Team USA in twenty twenty eight. I got Zion Williamson looking in shape. I mean, you're seeing muscards. You're not seeing fat or blubber or anything like that. Okay, you ain't hearing about him hiding food under the bed, so security don't find it out. That's just a couple of things to get into. Not to mention the Democratic National Convention. They went in on Trump. They went all in on Trump, and just like the Republican National Convention, the first three days have been spent with that particular party showing out, showing off, and handling their business. But Trump missed everything up when he showed up to speak on a Thursday night to close out the convention. The last thing on Earth Vice President Harris needs to do is remind everybody of Trump, especially if she's like him. What the hell am I talking about? We know we're about to find out too. The Steven A. Smith show in the house right now? What's up? Everybody? Welcome to the special edition of The steven A. Smith Show, coming at you as I love to do. Usually it's three days a week over the digital airways of YouTube, But on this particular day, this Thursday, where the Democratic National Convention is getting ready to close out, I felt it was apropos to make sure I did a show today, because that's why I'm calling the special edition. Before I go any further, let me take a moment to thank all of my subscribers and followers and listeners for supporting this show on YouTube. Over the digital airways of YouTube, we have now eclipsed seven hundred and sixty four thousand subscribers. Okay, that can't happen without your love and support. We've eclipsed more than two point five million downloads on iHeartRadio as well. That level of love and support coming in my direction and the direction of this show does not happen without y'all love and support. From the bottom of my heart, I can't thank y'all enough. Keep it coming, and I'm gonna keep on coming. To continue to like and follow the show, just click the bell in the right hand corner and YouTube will be the latest member of the steven A. Smith's Show family and obviously continue to follow us on iHeartRadio because we love you and your cars and everywhere else listening to us for that through their venue and what have you. So thank you again. By the way, don't forget to pick up a copy of my New York Times best selling book, Straight Shooter, a Memoir of Second Chances and First Takes. It is now in paperback. Just go to straight shoot a Book dot Com once again, that Straight Shooter book dot Com to get yourself a copy. You don't need Christmas time, get it. You can go and get it right now. Just check it out. I think you'll like it. Let me get started, and I you know, I'm gonna get into some sports because that's my wheelhouse and I'm gonna do that. Ain't gonna let you down on that. But I ain't gonna lie to you every way I turn. You've got networks looking for me to come on, interview me and talk to me about, you know, some of the positions that I've taken on politics. Hannity had me on a few weeks ago, and CNN had me on a few weeks ago. Cuomo has had me on the last few weeks. Chris Cuomo and his show on News Nation. I did the Bill O'Reilly show, okay, o'reiley, you know you know no sp no spend joint he's got going on. I did his show this past Tuesday as well, and thoroughly enjoyed that He's promised to come on his podcast. By the way, and the man does have a strong, strong following even though he's aged seventy four. That is a successful career. There is no way to slice it. So you got a lot of people wanting to talk to me about politics, and who am I to run from it? In terms of what I give to you right over the digital areas a YouTube and iHeart radio right here on the Steph A. Smith Show. Let's get started with that, okay, because with the Democratic National Convention taking place in Chicago, Illinois, this is the spot. There's the thing to talk about right now. So far, it's been an incredible week for the Democratic Party, highlighted by speeches from former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Female speakers including Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic nominee in twenty sixteen. Former First Lady Michelle Obama. The one and only Oprah Winfee also showed up in the House to address the crowds this week. All of this sets the stage for presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, the Vice President, now has the opportunity to address the nation and lay out her vision for America. Let me say this, you'd better you'd better show up. We're gonna be fair minded here. You are the Vice president of the United States. You are Kamala Harris. You better show up. You better show up, and you better show out. And it ain't just because you got an important message to get. It ain't because you've got to be succinct and specific and clear about what that message is. It ain't because you got to address things like the border, like reproductive rights okay, like the economy, like inflation, like crime in the streets of America, including Los Angeles okay. Former attorney general, I'm sorry, former district attorney in San Francisco, former state attorney general in the state of California, former Senator of the United States, now the vice president and the nominee for the Democratic Party, which would be official tonight. It's not just because of that that you got to show up. It's for two other reasons. Two other reasons that are incredibly important that our vice president shows up tonight and shows out and gives a hell of five speech and shows that there's a distinct, clear, oceans of part difference between her and former President Donald Trump. Two reasons. Number One, people who preceded her and showed out. Michelle Obama showed out. Yeah, all shined former President Barack Obama in a lot of people's eyes. Oprah Winfrey. She didn't do too shabbily. Nancy Pelosi, and guess what, she tore the house down in her own way. What does she say? I'm reading from a quote right here in the Washington Post. Never before had a president of the United States so brazenly assaulted the veterrock of democracy, so gleefully embraced political violence, so wilfully betrayed his oath of office. Pelosi said, let us not forget who assaulted democracy on January sixth. He did, but let us not forget who saved democracy that day. We did. This is what she said. And this is after the Democratic Party was showing footages footage of the attack on the nation's capital, on the US Capitol, scenes of chaos and mayhem in violence, along with clips of Trump exhorting his followers to stand strong and much on the symbol of democracy. I'm reading right here from the Washington Posts. This is what they're saying. So they showed the imagery of Trump. They showed the imagery of the insurrection. They sold the violent, they showed the chaos, they showed the mayhem. They showed all of that. But then they also showed out with this speeches. They showed out with the speeches. Perhaps the funniest of them was President Obama. You don't believe me, take a look and listen and watch for yourself. Look at this.
Here's a seventy eight year old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago.
It has been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that's actually been.
Getting worse now that he's afraid of losing the commals. There's the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowdsizes.
Oh, it just goes on and on and on.
The other day, I heard someone compare Trump to the neighbor who keeps running his leaf blower outside your window every minute of every day crowdsize.
That seemed to be implying that there was some insecurity on a part of Trump when it came to things involving size, but not involving crowds. And we know this to be true, ladies, gentlemen, because if you remember in twenty sixteen, when Trump was running for the presidency, if you don't recall, he went after Marco Rubio, Senator out of Florida, Marco Rubio when Marco Rubio said something about him and Trump said, he was talking about my hands and implying that I might have been I must be small in other places. He said, I can assure you that's not the case. Believe me. Believe me, go back and watch the tape. Trump brought that up in twenty sixteen, so it's only fan that proposed that. Barack Obama brought it up in twenty and twenty four. Nevertheless, that was just one thing that was said about Trump. Michelle Obama ate him up talking about successful, accomplished individuals who just so happened to be black, and then talked about him being careful because the job he's pursuing just maye very well be one of those black jobs this is what she said and makes no mistake about it. It resonated. So when you take into account what she brought to the table, what Hillary Rodham Clinton brought to the table, what Barack Obama brought to the table, what Bill Clinton brought to the table, what Tim Waltz, the vice president or the vice presidential nominee, what he brought to the table. And Nancy Pelosi and then Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey showed up in the house. Think about that for a second. Here. You can't sit up there and minimize. You don't want to sit up there and attach an elevated level of importance to individuals just because they're public figures. But remember, Oprah Winfrey was somebody that America invited into their living room for two decades. She's still a very very significant figure. I would make the argument she was the one who first discovered Barack Obama and if it wasn't for her, Barack Obama would have never been a president of the United States back in two thousand and eight. Let's remember that. So when I think about Oprah Winfrey and hers showing up in Chicago to give her support to Kamala Harris, you can't say enough about it. So to me, everybody did the doc, what did your Oprah Whiffy say? We know all the old tricks and tropes that are designed to distract us from what actually happens. Boy, but she said, but we are beyond ridiculous tweets and lies and foolery. These are complicated timespeople, and they require adult conversations, not children in the room. I'm adding that last part. So the stage has been set. And that's just one reason why Vice President Kamala Harris has to show up today and tonight rather and show out. She's got to answer the call. She can't do what she's been doing. She's got to do better than that. And by the way, after that, she's got to follow up. I'm not apologizing for what I said about her just days ago, because she's getting my vote and I support her. But all of this running and hiding and having you know, a rallies and thinking that's a press conference and avoiding one on one interviews. Nah, nah, you don't get to do that. But Barack Obama didn't get to do that. Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't get to do that. Joe Biden in twenty twenty didn't get to do that. Trump doesn't think about doing it. He talks to everybody. Might lied everybody too, but he damn sure talks to everybody. You you, Kamala Harris, you gotta show up, and you gotta show up, and tonight has to be the start of a new message that you're sending. We heard, we heard the themes so on Freedom by the Great Beyonce. That's a damn good campaign theme song. I love it. Listen to it every morning. Got me fired up, especially the with Kendrick Lamar, not even to mention the one with historically Black College is the band play in the background. I love it. And then Beyonce modified it a little bit for this Monday for the Democratic National Convention. Oh, they on their game with that. You see flavor. I mean, the Republicans improved their flavor with their national convention in Milwaukee last month. But it wasn't this. Lou John was out there doing his thing. John Legend was out there doing his thing. I'm just saying to you, when you look at all of these things, they did that thing. They've shown up. But you, Kamala Harris, it's a new message that needs to be sent and that is, I'm not running you Trump. You don't want to need to run like run away because I'm not. That's what the message needs to be sent. I'm gonna put my foot on the pedal and I'm gonna march forward. It ain't nobody backing up but you. That's how she needs to come at them now. It starts tonight because the stage has been set by all of those speakers that I brought up. Let me not forget Wes Moore, Governor of Maryland. Let me not forget Hakeem Jeffries already whipping the house. Let me not forget these people. They gave speeches too. Let me not forget any of that. But that's one of the reasons. Because the stage has been set. Here's the other reason their vice president Harris has to show up tonight. She can't replicate Trump from last month. Her speech has to be on point. She can't do that. She can't do otherwise. You can't have folks set in the stage, youth, old and on, black and white, male and female. You can't have these people set in the stage for you, and you the nominee, and you wet the bed with a with a with a with a weak speech. You can't do that tonight. That can't happen because then they will be comparing her to Trump. They will be comparing her to Trump, and that won't be pleasant. She cannot do that. She cannot. And you also have to understand why too, because we got to put this stuff on front street. They keep talking about stuff like Trump a threat to democracy. Trump a threat to the democracy. Okay, the way he acts, his petulance, his belligerence, his immaturity, his childishness. Okay, I'm down for that. That's why I don't want them. That's why I don't want them. But they better start being careful about the threat to democracy because you see, in a democracy, you get to compete when you're buying for election wins. The skids were greased for Joe Biden. I told y'all last year we needed a new president. Then I say that West. Then I said, speak up, let that Aldien. Tell you did I say that? West? I said it, Griff, You not smile at me when I'm talking to you smiling information? Dammit? I said it. I said it, Yo, we need a new president. I was villified. I was excoriated. They talked to me. They called me everything but the child of God. There was no primaries, so we didn't see the Dean Phillips of the world or anybody else. What is it, Maryann Williamson or whomever. We didn't see. We didn't even see RK. Junior because he was running as an independent. We didn't see anybody go up against Biden because because the skids were greased for him, and if it hadn't been for what now appears to be one of the most flagrantly unwise decisions in the history of politics, him electing to debate Donald Trump on June twenty seven, when usually debates for the presidency occur after the national conventions take place, but in this case, he did it beforehand to prove that there was no slippage. They knew Biden was slipping. Did tell nobody, you still set them out there, You still had him doing what he was doing, and you didn't put any primary foes against them. Well is that democratic? You got people now looking at our vice president and they're saying, wait a minute, when we last saw her in a primary battle, she couldn't even make it to Iowa. Now here she is as a member of the Biden administration of Biden and Harris administration as the vice president once he sat up there and elected to step aside on July twenty first, and followed that up by immediately endorsing her within three hours. Everybody rallied behind her, as they should have, by the way, and now she's the presumptive nominee, scheduled to be the official nominee to night, no primaries, no debates, no battles, nobody to refute or attack her record on the Democratic side claiming they're a better candidate than her. No, or she's got to worry about going against the Trump mister, thirty four fellony convictions against them, the civil suit for four hundred and fifty four million dollars, mister impeached twice as president, that dude. So after all the stuff that you didn't have to go through to be in this position to directly be able to go up against him, you gotta take him down on your own, on your own. I got people like Bill O'Reilly, Megan Kelly, and others saying we've seen him governing, We've seen him governing, we seen him govern. You know what I'm seeing. I'm seeing a Trump that doesn't appear to be that interested in this anymore. I saw charlamagnea God on CNN from the Breakfast Club Charlamagne Gods on CNN talking about, Hey, look at him. He's saying, I ain't got to deal with all of this mess. He really just wanted to stay out of jail. He really, that's what he is, and he want to be in a position where you know, you can't mess with him. But so much because he's the president legally, that is, but he doesn't seem really interested in doing this anymore because he's been beat down, beat down, beat down. I dismissed that for a second, and then I remember Bill O'Reilly, who's known Trump for over thirty years and considers him a friend. I remember Bill O'Riley saying to me the other day, they put Trump through hell. He's not a racist. They put him through hell, and it's just warn on them. That's the first time I heard somebody acknowledge it's worn on him. All of this might be a bit too much. All of this may have left former President Donald Trump a bit vulnerable. All of this may have zapped his strength and his zest to be the commander in chief again, because he don't want to deal with all of his noise anymore. After all, he is a billionaire, right, I mean he gets He shows up to the National Association of a Black Journalists conference and Rachel Scott asked him a question, and the first words out of his mouth. I think that was the most horrible, most nasty question I've ever been as. You didn't even say hello, how are you? None of that. That's what he was concerned about. Think about that. If you are Kamala Harris, could he be more vulnerable than he is right now? It's your time. It's your time. What you're gonna do about it? What's gonna tell us? You ain't just a vice president of the United States. You was sister. You got flavor, you got swagged, you got intellect, you got a resume. One of the biggest attributes they say about you, however, is how tough you are and how you willing to fight rallies. Don't tell us that interviews, do press conference taking questions? Do that debate you're gonna have against Donald Trump on ABC September tenth, That'll tell us something. Personally speaking, I'd like to see Kamala Harris show up on Fox News too, because after all, it ain't just about what you offering, it's about what you're offering. Canpare to him what you're gonna do, what you're gonna do. See, I ain't in all that raw ro stuff where Okay, I support her, I don't support Donald Trump, So I'm not gonna say anything favorable about him, but I'm gonna say everything favorable about her. Damn that this is the presidency of the United States of America. You affecting my taxes, you affecting healthcare, You're affecting safety with crime in the streets, you affecting the borders, You affecting young ladies everywhere because of what rights they may or may not have. At the Democratic National Convention, y'all plastered Project twenty twenty five created by the Heritage Foundation. A bunch of conservatives that's trying to alter the landscape in such a way that people are accusing them of trying to take us back to the fifties and the forties. That's what you're getting accused of. You can't go against that and speak up, Kamala Harris. You can't eviscerate that argument in a speech and beyond you damn well should be able to We gonna find out tonight. We're gonna find out tonight. I can't wait for the speech. Personally, I want to see because right now, my last word on this point is this. Right now, although she has my support, because I can't support him, I gotta tell you something. So far, after these first three days of this Democratic National Convention, even though she's the nominee, it had me wishing Michelle Obama was the nominee. A speech, a terrific speech from Kamala Harris tonight can change all that. What you gonna do, what you're gonna do. I'm gonna transition sports next. I've said all I had to say about politics for this edition of the Steven E. Smith Show. I got some sports stuff to get into, Steve Current, Zion Wimson, and a bit more. Don't touch that doll. You're listening to the Steven Aspis Show over over the airwaves? Are iHeartRadio? And of course you're watching over the digital airwaves or YouTube? Back for more and then I want to take a second to let everyone know that the NFL season is fast approaching, but you don't have to worry because prize picks. It's got you covered. That's right. With America's favorite sport around the corner, Prospects is gonna help you cash in. In case you didn't know, Prospects is a daily fantasy app where you can select two or more of your favorite players and then pick more or less on their projected in game stats. What's even better, propect to something for every sports fan. Choose from the WNBA, Major League Baseball, boxing, and everything in between. You can pick Josh Allen, Asia Wilson, and Aaron Judge all in the same entry. I make my picks and submit early, all in less than sixty seconds. Then I sit back and I watch and get this sign up with cod sas and Prospects will give you fifty dollars instantly when you play your first five dollar lineup. Your lineup doesn't need to win to receive the fifty dollars bonus. It's guaranteed. All you have to do is play a five dollar lineup on Prospects and you'll get fifty dollars instantly. So pick more, pick less. It's that easy. Welcome back to the Steven Nate Smith Show right here over the digital airways of YouTube and of course iHeartRadio. Let me get to some sports items. That's my wheelhouse. I got a couple of things, a few things on my mind. Actually I didn't mention it in my Code open, but I'm gonna mention it now. And that's Caitlyn Clark herself WNBA. Let's get to the WNBA and this sensational rookie from the Indiana Fever who continues to be box office. Clark and the Fever currently lead to WNBA in average game attendance and per game TV viewership, but despite the attendance and viewership records, there seems to be some hater raid in the league in regards to Clark. Starting with WNBA legend Cheryl Swoops herself. She recently spoke on her podcast Queens of the Court and didn't mention the rookie when speaking of Indiana's rise and the standings. Here's what Cheryl Swoops had to say. Look at this quote here. I think the Olympic break really helped Indiana. I'm going to shout out to Lexi Hull. I'm a big Lexi Hull fan. Lexi Hull shot the leather off the ball in their game against Seattle. Kelsey Mitchell is just stroking. She's just shooting the basketball Aliah Boston almost a triple double. If Indiana continues to play the way they're playing like this, they too are going to move up in the standings. End quote. So no, no, no, Caitlyn Clark, Cheryl Swoops, no, no, no, no, no, no, Caitland Clade. Respectfully, Cheryl Swoops, you have any idea how that makes you look? You have any idea how that serves to stain any kind of critique of Caitlyn Clark because it gives father to those who believe she's being hated on and ostracized to some degree. Do you realize that, Cheryl Swoops, you're insane to do that. Let me tell you why you're insane to do that, Because Cheryl Swoops are one of the greatest players ever in the history of basketball. That's why. See, you won a championship in College of Texas Tech, You won three Olympic gold medals, You won four WNBA championships. You know basketball. You know basketball better than me, You know basketball than any indepundits. You know basketball better than most of the men that played basketball. There is no way in hell you just accidentally left Caitlyn Clark's name out of that's solliloquy that you dropped about the Indiana fever. Stop it, you know that, stop it? And then y'all wonder what happened. See remember when I was on the air on ESPN and I got into it with Monica McNutt, steven A. If you I'm talking to you, steven A. You if you had promoted the WNBA more, if you had talked about it more, they would have played more games. Like I had the power to go up to ESPN to say, you know, directors and producers and camera menzing and everybody else flocked to the WNBA at the time when it wasn't nearly as popular as it was today. That's what Monica mcgah accused me of. But it's okay, it's just a disagreement. See y'all act like there's some buzz and it's a problem. No, it's a debate show. She has her opinion, I have mine. I happen to believe she was wrong. I happen to believe I was right, and I happen to believe the facts have shown that I was right. How was the attendance for Team USA in the Olympics. What would it have been like if Caitlyn Clark was playing on that team? Remember the first game? Look at this right here, national broadcast viewership. What are we talking about here? One thousand? What is that? One point two point nine? Is that the number? Because and the game afterwards got four hundred and eighty five thousand years. So the fever and that game against the Minnesota Link was one point two one nine million on ion on ion. The follow game didn't even get half the ratings. Go ahead and look everywhere you turn Indiana Fever's breaking records. All Cheryl Swoops did was validate all the speculation that there's folks hating on Caitlin Clark. That's all she did because to no basketball like Cheryl Swoops does to be as accomplished as she is, to be the Hall of Famer that she is, all alcolades that are well deserved. And I'm certainly not attacking Show the person, because I think she's a wonderful person. She's certainly always been nothing but class and nice to me. I'm only addressing up point. How do you talk about the Indiana Fever and mention the multitude of players and them is Kaitlyn Clark, who, by the way, as a rookies leading the league, insist, how do you do that? How do you do that? I told you all that I've argued with the great Andrea Carter, outstanding analysts for ESPN, right here on this podcast. I've argued with Janey ogooma Ka, who's an outstanding basketball analyst. The two of them together, Oh my god, that's an a team, no doubt about it. Nothing but love for both of them. And Monica McNutt that one of the voice of preeminent voices of the New York Knicks, and what she's doing with her career. They know they got my support. All love, but I wait for you to say I was right, Caitlyn Clark can ball. She should have been on Team USA because you needed them. Marketing buzz I didn't say she was better than all twelve players that were on the team instead of her. Even though when they almost lost to France, I was getting nervous Dana Tarassi wasn't on the court. I said, you need somebody that could shoot, and then Copper showed up and was doing her thing, and Asiah Wilson did her thing, and I was good for what I'm saying is, if you remember their first game, they had about thirteen thousand fans, somebody else had fifteen, everybody else had over twenty thousand plus. You think that would happen if Kaitlyn Clark was on the team. You think that would have happened if Adel Reis was on that team, but especially Kaitlyn Clark. Caitlyn Clark is coming. Some people think she's already arrived. I don't. I think she's gonna be even better, and I think that what she has done for women's basketball, especially in this country, has been phenomenal. There is no woman, no matter how great you were as a player, Sheryl Swoops, there is no woman who should in the gate mentioning Kitlyn Clark and what Kaitlyn Clark is doing for the game. I know that Monica mcnutts and others were getting very, very frustrated at all of the buzz that was going in her direction. Not to hate on Caitlyn Clark in any way, because I'm sure Monica mcneh does not feel that way. She just knows that there were people on the ground pounding the pavement that were doing so much for women's basketball everywhere that deserved their praise. She was absolutely right in saying that we don't disagree, but that's utopia. Reality is, it didn't happen to this level until Caitlyn Clark showed up. Call it the great white hope, call it white being right, call it whatever you want. See. I'm a person that doesn't. I recognize that reality, but I don't resent it. I figure out ways to do it to my bench. I apologize for that West, I apologize for that grip. I apologize for that gala. I ant apologize for nothing. There are people in our industry who happened to be white that got paid. I ain't mad at them. I'm grateful to them. Thank you for setting the stage. Hell yeah, ain't hay rising tide lifts all boats. Whatever it takes for everybody to get fed, I'm all for it. You a WNBA player, Caitlyn Clark, gonna get you paid. I figured a way to be her friend or her friend of me. That's what Angel Reese has done. Angel Reese could play. She was doing good things at LSU. Do y'all notice when she became relevant when she was waving her hands over her face, mimicking what Caitlyn Clark was doing to the competition before she ran into LSU and got buck rushed in the final four. That's what made angrew Reaes popular in route to LSU winning the national championship a couple of years ago in women's college basketball. And then we watched Angel Reese and our popularity elevate along with her nil money and beyond, and we paid attention to her. And then Kaitlyn Clark took her out, but we still remembered. And then Dawn Staley in South Carolina came along and said, Kaitlyn Clark, we love you, we appreciate you. We're gonna send you home with the ZL And in the postgame celebration on the podium except in the national championship trophy, what did Dawn Stealey do? Celebrated Kaitlin Clark because she's smart. What did angew Rees do this year? With all the talk about Kaitlyn Clark, what does she do? She goes out on the court, she competes against her, and then suddenly their teammates in the All Star Game and they get long and slapping high fives when Kaitlyn Clark delivers in the sister or something along that line, and everything's cold because Caitlyn, because angel Reice figured it out. She said, there's a way for me to be the meal ticket too, if I have to use her to help me do it. Okay, because Angelice's game clearly is good enough, her personality clearly is sensational enough. The issue is she wasn't running from it. She embraced it. Cheryl Swoops, take notes, you ain't playing no more. It's you a Hall of Famer and a champion and a basketball savant. You know good and damn well. You had no business talking about the Indiana Fever without mentioning Caitlyn Clark. Come on, Cheryl Swoops, come on, you are so much better than that. Come on, still got more to get into. I told you about Steve Kurrnzion Williamson. Right, I promise you I'll get into that, and I will after you hear from my sponsors that for more thing minute. Welcome back right here to Steven A. Smithshaw over the digital it was a YouTuber of course, iHeartRadio. Let's get to the NBA, where social media is buzzing over the apparent weight loss transformation that's happened with Pelicans. Superstar Zion Williamson. Yo, y'all, check out this photo. Look at this man. This is Zion from this past weekend as he was hosting a basketball camp in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The Pelicans forward looks noticeably thinner heading into this season compared to when he first entered the league. Okay, so we got to get that out the way first. Williamson has been historically injury prone, but last season he played a career high seventy games and led the Pelicans to the playoffs. Let me say this, I'm proud of Zion. I'm proud of Zion. They say here it was. It was only the second time in five seasons designed didn't miss at least half of his regular season games. All true. The brother's of career twenty four point the game scorer you average twenty two last year. He's a man child on the basketball court, extremely powerful, Okay. And his problem was food. I mean, that's just the way it was. I'm not exaggerating when I tell y'all, you got people in the NBA that says he was hiding food under his bed, because the Pelicans obviously had people checking up on him to make sure he tried to engage in some level of containment when he came to his diet, and that brother wasn't trying to hear it. He wasn't trying to hear it. If you notice, we say very little about Zion's game because we know when this man wants it, he can go get it. Now they say he's at about two eighty one, that his aspiration is to get to about two seventy one. He was at a minimum of two eighty five when he played at Duke. He was bigger than that when he was in high school. I mean, I'm just looking at Zion right now and I think about the Pelicans, and if this brother is on the basketball court, it's a different animal. What I was most excited about watching Zion Williamson was his last, his last game against the Lakers when he got hurt in the Playing tournament. Now, if you remember just a couple of days earlier, the Lakers she lacked them, and it was big news because in the Playing Tournament in Vegas last December, I was in attendance for that. The Lakers beat New Orleans about forty four points. Lebron had thirty bust Zion and the Pelicans living you know what, and Zion had thirteen points. He was relatively anemic and basically a no show, and everybody was lamenting, where's your pride, Where's your dignity? The whole bit. And then they showed up against the Lakers in the play in tournament or the last game of the regular season, and they got beat up by the Lakers again. But then as a result of that, they got the Lakers in the play in for the playoffs, and Zion was bawling until he got hurt. So when he's on the basketball court, ladies and gentlemen, this is a superstar in the making. When he's on the basketball court, he's box office. And he's a man child in incredibly powerful with incredible hops and incredible with and girth, and can finish at the basket and can attactify anybody trying to get in his way and take an offensive foul from Zion Wimson. I'm telling you that right now, anybody trying to do that. So when you think about what he brings to the table and what he could do, just imagine what the New Orleans Pelicans could do if Zion shows up. Were talking about la about Dallas, about Denver, so about Oklahoma City, so about Minnesota. You can look at Phoenix, you can look at at Sacramento, you look at look at the Clippers. Of course, you can look at all of these teams. Somebody going home. If Zion Wimson is one hundred percent and he playing in the playoffs, somebody going home. I'm telling that right now. I don't know which team one of them going home. Zion a healthy Zion Wimson with the New Orleans Pelicans. They ain't losing no first round. So it's really good to see him in shape, taking it seriously. This is his career. You know, he's got his bag. He's gonna get more of a bag if he dedicates itself. And I'm hoping, you know, he feels what I feel. I'm in the best shape I've been into maybe thirty years. I feel better than I felt in practically my entire adult life. Let me tell you when I was in Lady, I was in l I'm out here in LA and I was talking to somebody, talking a couple of people, and you know, they were looking at me, and and I was very very honest. It was like it was so bad for me. I never wanted to take off my shirt. Only time I took off my shirt is when I got in the shower. That's how bad it was. Yeah, it was that bad. I didn't even take off my shirt when I was getting damned. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. I ain't even take up my shirt. Then, Okay, that's how bad it was. Now I can walk away around with my shirt off if I want to. The reason why I want to get personal is because I want to say this to Zion, But I also want to say this to all of you out there. Commit yourself to forty five minutes, whether it be cardio, lifting, whatever, get in the gym. All of this little zepic stuff and all this yo y'all, let me tell you something. If you taking that and that's all you're doing and you ain't in the gym, you might lose your weight, but you're gonna look nasty, you gonna look gone, You're gonna look drawn. You're gonna take care of yourself. I'm tell you that an work. Get some supplements and vitamins, and get your behind in the gym forty five minutes a day, five days a week, lifting peloton treadmill, but you know, elliptical machine, weightlifting, push up, do something forty five minutes a day, five days a week. I promise you in a month's time, you're gonna be mad when you do less than five days a week. You'll be mad because you know you ain't doing what you're supposed to be doing and it's gonna affect you. Trust me on this. Trust me on this. I'm not lying to you. I'm serious. And that's just for us that's working every day. What if you Zion and you're getting two hundred million and the prospects are out there for you to get an additional five hundred million, world is your oyster. All you gotta do is cut back on eating whole wings and whole turkeys and a bunch of burgers and steaks and everything like that. And you discipline yourself not to be gluttonous, but also to put in the work. Imagine what you will do. It's all I'm saying. I'm at a point now if I miss a day, that's all I give myself. As Kobe Bryant, the late Great Kobe BROANNT will say, I don't negotiate with myself. It's a minimum of six days a week in in jail minimum. If I ain't doing that, I'm pissed off because I ain't taking care of myself. That's what you gotta do. Drink your water, make sure you have your electro lights, eat a banana, eat some fruit, cut back on a white bread, the white pasta, the sugar, and get your ass in the gym for forty five minutes to day, five days a week. And I promise you do that consistently for a month. And if you miss more than a day a week after that, watch how pitched you are at yourself. Remember I said that. Let me transition to Steve Kirk, head coach for the Golden State Warriors, obviously just won an Olympic gold medal for Team USA and basketball, but he apparently will not return as head coach for Team USA basketball in twenty twenty eight. Bravo, bravo. I'm not just saying that because Steve curR is one of the top six coaches in the history of basketball. I'm not just saying that because of his years of service, the greatness that he's exhibited as a coach for the Golden State Warriors and winning four championships and going to the finals eight times, obviously being a gold medal winner. Now for Team USA doing what he did, he deserves our respect fair enough. But I'm happy he's gone. I said it before and I'm gonna say it again. Not that no one should be in a position where they don't get to enjoy their gold medal. I understand that part, But let me put it to you this way. If there's somebody who deserves to celebrate the gold medal, the least he would be Steve Cirt. What he did to Jason Tatum was unconscionable. And I understand that Jason Tatum went the gold medal game and he started and he didn't look great. And I get that part, but we also know why because we know that Steve Kurr was messing with him from the standpoint of not playing him. Couldn't catch your rhythm, et cetera, et cetera. And I understand Olympic competition is different rules instead of NBA rules, forty minutes instead of forty eight minutes. I get all of that. I understand it. But to go to the reigning defending NBA champion, a man who has been First Team All NBA, the last three years, a flat out superstar, twenty seven point per game scorer in the NBA this past season, to go to him before a game, as in the game against Serbia and to tell him you're probably not gonna find minutes for him? Are you kidding me? Did you tell Derek White that? Did you tell Drew Holliday that they play on the Boston Celtics. They spent the whole year deferring the Jason Tatum. How the hell you gonna come up with? We a mogel plin, We are mooplin. We got Lebron out there, we got kd out there, got all these people. Last time I checked, Jason Tatum could play four different positions. He could have played to guard and Steph Curry play point. He could have played the three, he could have played the four. I'm not saying to make monster minutes. I'm not saying that you don't see how the game is going and you don't make adjustments. But to not play him in two games, that's egregious and I'm gonna I'm not gonna lie to you. It has me wishing that Jason Tatum, as a Boston Celtics goes against the Golden State Warriors while Steve curR is still coaching him and bust their living ass, because I don't see how you could justify that. Steve curR a hell of a coach. He knows what he's doing. It's for gotten more basketball than me and most other people know. I get all of that, but that don't mean he's right all the damn time, and he clearly was wrong in this case. I wouldn't let it go. I'm Jason Tatum. I wouldn't even think about playing in the twenty twenty eight Olympics if Steve Kerr was the head coach. Wouldn't even think about it. By the way, it's hard to know who I'm rooting for between Eric Spolster of Miami and Tylude for the Clippers, but both of them are on line to be the next head coach of the Team USA. After all, Steve curR, it was an assistant of the Papavich in twenty sixteen, you know, and I obviously lost last year when they were doing the World feb Cup all of this other stuff. I want to go medal with Popovich in twenty twenty twenty one rather as an assistant, and it was his turn to coach Fine. I hope he doesn't do it anymore. I'm glad he's not doing it anymore. I'm Jason Tatum. It would be mandatory that he's not a part of it. If I'm gonna be there. That's just me. Before I get to your tweets, let me get into the world of professional soccer. Yesterday, international soccer star Christiano Ronaldo launched his own YouTube channel called You Are Cristianados Cristianado, and within ninety minutes, ninety minutes, ladies and gentlemen, it broke the YouTube record for the fastest channel to a million subscribers. So I've been doing this for sixteen months. I'm at nearly sixty seven hundred and sixty five thousand subscribers. This brother does it, and he's at a million in one day. That's an international start. It's a rock star. I ain't at at him. The channel features content of the legendary Portuguese superstar and his family, and has grown to twenty five million subscribers and counting as of this afternoon, surpassing line on Messi's channel, which has just two point thirty one million subscribers. In comparison, Rinaldo is the most followed person on social media, with nearly a billion followers between Facebook X and Instagram, the latter platform of which he boasts an incredible six hundred and thirty six million followers. He's a monster. He's a monster, make no mistake about it. He's the Kardashians of soccer, if not sports. That amount of followers, what can you say? What can you say? I can't say anything about it. I got to give love and respect. He deserves it. Great great player. And here's what I love too. I saw him playing in the World Cup, you know, and he had a shot on goal. It was one on one penalty kick and it got stopped. And this brother was he felt awful and his mother was in the sweet crying, And all I could think about is That's what I'm talking about. He really cares. They really care, it matters. That's what you want to see from your athletes. You don't see all this nonchalant stuff. Ah, the son of Sean Tomorrow, we getting nads and were still get in the check. Nah. That's not how they roll. That is important And I love that about Christiano Ronaldo. He's a big time make no mistake about it. I got love for him, I know I do. Congratulationship. I wish I was him when he came to those followers. I ain't gonna lie. We're being honest about it. Let's be honest anyway. Before I get on out of here, let's check out a few of your tweets you've sent to me on X. I want to do these tweets sometimes. You know I'm in a move to do them today. Okay, Stephen A. Smith, what would you have to do to defeat a prime Mike Tyson? Huh me? Me, Well, here's what I would do. First of all, i would last more than the ninety one seconds Michael Spinx lasted because I'd run from him the whole time. I'd run from him the whole time. I'd circle around her the ring. You know what I'm saying. I'd stick my head between the rope so he couldn't hit me. I come in, I'd fall down. Remember what the way Parnell Whitaker fell down when Felix Trinidad had him in the corner and he just sat on his backside. I'd do something like that. I'd be running, So let's get that out the way. Secondly, I'd probably poison his food or something before the fight. I mean, Mike Tyson would kill me and have no chance other than that. Had to poison him and then he's knocked out. But people don't know that until I hit him, so I can fake it and act like it was me. That's about the only chance I'd have to beat Mike Tyson. I can't think of anything else. You understand, see see, I mean, you know he had but he had but me he look, he looked. Look. I can't tolerate that. I got kids to raise. Remember when he did that with have a Vand the holy Field bit is there, and he's being interviewed at the postfighter conference or hit he bit holy Field. My bad when he bit holy Field. And then after that, you know, he did the post fight conference. I got kids to raise, you know, Please, that man's monster, make no mistake about it. I'm still not excited about him fighting Jake Paulo. The man's fifty eight years old. I'm not excited about that at all. I need Jake paul to fight real fighters now, real And I'm not saying Mike Tyson wasn't one, of course, I'm just saying he's fifty eight years old. I need to see Jake Paul fight somebody around his own age and see what that manufactures into next tweet, please give it to me, Steph Nate Smith. If you were the Lakers coach, how would you fix the team. I'd get a couple of shooters. They drafted that kid connect at Tennessee, so that's great, that's a step in the right direction. I'd go out and I'd get another one. That's how I would do it. In my perfect world, the Lakers would have had Klay Thompson. In my perfect world, the Lakers would have had Lay Thompson with Anthony Davis and Lebron James and Klay Thompson. I believe that would have exponentially made the Lakers more formidable. I don't like Clay tom I know he will help because he's that kind of a player. I personally don't like him that much on Dallas because Luca dribbles to hold the ball and dribbles it too damn much. I don't like him that much on Dallas, but I would have loved to have seen him in La because even though Lebron James holds onto the ball, I think Lebron James would have done a better job setting him up than Luka Doncik will do. But I could be wrong. We shall see last tweet. Let's go, let's go to it. Please one more tweet? Stephen A. Smith? What is the proper chugger that you ratio when making trained noises? Want have the slightest idea? What the hell you're talking about too? You could chew choo? How about seven? You could?
I'll go with seven? All right? Why I have no damn idea because that is a ridiculous question. But I answered it anyway because I'm a man of the people. That's it for this edition of The Steven Nate Smith Show. Hope y'all enjoyed it. The special edition of The Steven Ate Smith Show reminded to make sure you watch the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, because the night the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, will be officially recognized as the nominee for the Democratic Party for the President of the United States of America. She will be speaking tonight. She's got a lot of shoes to fill with those people who spoke before her. Can she hold up? Can she hold her own or will she sound like a rambling Trump did the night, the last night of the Republican National Direction. I sincerely doubt that will happen, But I'm also praying it won't either. Until tomorrow, everybody, Stephen Eate signing off decent life