Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
It started out as a simple thing of how do you empower people to do better? Give them financial literacy, give them tools to the game. I think, as you know, the financial literacy is a civil rights issue of this generation. I think if doctor King was alive today, this is what he'd be focused on.
You call it the civil rights issue of this generation, and you say that specifically just to crystallize and illuminate for the illuminated, for the audience.
Why do you call it that, because if you don't know better, you can't do better in a blind town, a one eye, one eyed man's king. If you hang around nine broke people, you'll be the tenth. Uh. I mean, money is nothing but freedom. And but but economic freedom is probably the only one knowing to take it back from you. Clearly look at it. Now. You can take political freedom, you can take religious freedom, you can take a woman's freedom. I mean a lot of things that we just thought were you know norms are now either at the ballot box or at the judge's table or judge's bench, and somebody else's deciding that for you. But unless you screw it up, economic freedom is yours. And there's a lot can be done when you have economic freedom, but you've got to understand how the economy works. Stevid we have. We're the largest economy on the planet, twenty six twenty seven trillion dollars. There's eight billion people in the world. We're only three hundred and fifty million. We're a bad moment moment. This is an amazing experiment with all our problems in America, like capitalism and democracy are horrible systems except for every other system. And we practiced bad capitalism slavery. Now we have an opportunity to practice good capitalism involving all the God's children. An economy that's seventy percent consumer spending, want to slow that down, the biggest economy in the world. You can't be a superpower unless you're the economic power. It's never happened in history, but seventy percent of the economy is driven by your producer. You're making people. Everybody going to lunch, going to dinner, going on vacation, going on plane flights. And if that happens, financial literacy strength. If that doesn't happen, we're all done. And for people watching this or listening to this and they thinking, well, he's talking about poor people hold on, slow down. You make five you make one hundred thousand dollars a year. Half of those are living from patriock to paycheck. Somebody just said, amen, you're making two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. I was just stuck with him in the tunnel coming from Manhattan. A third of those are living from patriock to paycheck. You're living in Manhattan. You make one hundred thousand dollars a year. It feels like thirty nine thousand dollars a year.
Is that because of your spending habits? Is it because the government's taking half your money? Or in terms of federal and state income tax? What would be the reason why people living off a half of that or less? In your estimation, the.
Money, I mean, life in the leading developed economy in the world is just expensive and you've got too many people who have not figured out how Look, your money makes more money on money than you just making money on your time. But people confuse making money making a living. That's why I call it making a living a paycheck. It confused making money with building wealth. Okay, so let's be practical, okay. Number one way to build wealth in America home ownership. What percentage of black people who built this country are free own a home forty one to forty four, forty five percent. That's a problem right there. Seventy five percent of our mainstream counterparts own a home. Number one way you build wealth? Or what percentage of black people are in the stock market eighteen to twenty percent? The market has been on an absolute tear. You can be dune blind and stupid and still irrational, completely irrational, and still make a fortune in the stock market. My friend would not meet my saying this. My brother Stevie Wonder can see this, and he's made a fortune in the stock market and owning radio stations and owning and owning and owning. He can see better than most of us. He's brilliant. So we have not been taught financial literacy is what we don't know. That we don't know that's killing us. But we think we know. And in a blind town on one eyed man's king, if you don't know better, you can't do better. And as an old Southern saying, no matter how much I love you, my son and my daughter, if I don't have wisdom, I can only give you my own ignorance. So out of love. We're passing down bad habits from generational generation. And now it's not just black people or brown people. And by the way, after American's are the lowest average credit score in America six to twenty, which means racism bias aside, we can't get approved for a loan, and we think it's racism.
But it's a credit score. It's a credit average of six twenty. Actually I thought the number was lower. I'm not gonna lie to yet. I thought it was long.
So you're a smart man. What happens is is averages. So you and me are bringing the average up world eight hundred.
Speak for yourself. I mean, I'm not gonna pretend I've been I'm highing you. I'm approaching seven.
It was a buff seventh, the seven on it is sexy, brother man seven under credit score. Neighborhoods don't don't riot, they go shopping, right, And so the problem is that our cousins, our and all our friends got a credit score of five point fifty five eighty and the average of that are seven's and their fives is six twenty. Right, So but whatever it is, that's not a good enough to get a mortgage loan at a good interest rate is not good enough to get. So forget a small business loan. Okay, how smart you are, that's risky credit. That's a seven country credit score. So we assume that it's racism, and it might be, but in all likelihood, the computer, because even a part about the dasteve, the computer will just say yes at midnight. It's nobody looking at you and looking at you cross eyed. If you have a seven hundred credit score, you got black, you're green the color. The computer will just say yes at midnight. So we don't have enough of us who have a have understanding. You got to get your your your credit score up, your debt ratio is down, your savings up. So the computer can say, yes, we know how to do that. In operation Hope, that's not uh, that's not financial wealth is knowledge wealth. That's financial literacy. So you can access good credit. H