Stephen A. Smith is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Executive Producer, host of ESPN's First Take, and co-host of NBA Countdown.
Stephen A interviews Saturday Night Live funnyman Kenan Thompson.
My guest does an Emmy Award winning actor, comedian, producer, author, and the longest running cast member of the iconic Saturday Night Live. My band the one and only Keenan Thompson. Welcome to the Steven Asmith Show. What's up, Big Time? How are you man?
I'm good, my brother. How are you doing? Man?
Saturday Night Live is absolutely phenomenal. This is your twenty second season on the CNL. Did you think you would still be there after all of these years?
I mean I didn't think I would ever be there in the first place, you know, So to like get the job number one was a dream come true. To do the job semi well and make it out of the first season was another milestone. And then all of a sudden, twenty one years is gone buy and I'm starting my twenty second season.
It's just it's insane, man Like.
As an actor, you know, you lucky to get one season out let alone decades worth.
So yeah, I'm very blessed.
Educate me about what it's like to be in your industry at this day and age, because I ask comedians and actors about this all the time. The world is so sensitive now compared to what it used to be. I can't imagine that it's been more difficult to make people laugh than it is today because you never know what everybody's sensibilities are. What is that like for you?
It's tough, you know.
I mean we're usually up to the challenge, but it can be deflating when you get it right and somebody's still mad, you know what I'm saying. So like, you try not to get deterred or too down on it or too unforgiving and just start stepping on people's toes again, you know what I'm saying.
Like, some people get frustrated and be like, all I forget it.
I'm gonna just go back to just doing me and not really caring about being politically correct or sensitive to things. But that doesn't necessarily do society any favors. So we try to just stay on our toes. But yeah, it's tough, because, yeah, somebody's always not as happy with it as the majority already of everybody else, and that can be confusing or frustrating or whatever. But you know, I know in my heart you know what I'm saying. I'm just trying to do good for the world. So that's how I approach it.
I remember I once saw you or it was it was on social media and they showed a clipper you talking to Mike Tyson. And I only bring that up because it typified during that interview what you just described yourself as being your heart being in the right place. You know, you're trying to do good for the world, and that's how you were explaining that you looked at things a little bit differently, and you was telling him how you'd always look at him, et cetera, et cetera. And I'm thinking about the world that we live in right now. If you specifically I'm talking about you had to give the world advice or in terms especially your guys in your industry and girls in your industry, about what they need to do to be half as successful as you have been. What would that advice be?
Knowledge, my brother?
Knowledge, You know what I'm saying, because when you know about what you're talking about out, you know, I think where the infractions will be.
You know what I'm saying.
The more you know about other cultures and other struggles and stuff like that, the more accurate you can be with poking fun at it.
You know what I mean?
Because poking fun should only be a thing to tighten you up, you know what I'm saying. Like we're only pointing out kind of you know, just it's not necessarily a shortcomings a bad term for it, but it's it's you know, it's a whole of your defense, you know what I'm saying. So people kind of poking at you like that and like trying to get you maybe to tighten up or you know, relax or whatever it is about whatever situation is kind of being you know, talked about in a joking kind of manner, you know what I'm saying, Like most jokes come from a soft point basically, you know what I mean. So I think you just have to like be aware otherwise, you know, they're gonna teach you.
You know, Twitter is gonna teach you, like get after you, yea.
Said Twitter, You ain't even get specific for our purposes like black twinter Lord have mercy. The stuff that they'll.
Forget about it you get about that is that's what is understood to be the one.
You know, you gotta be able to take it. You gotta have thick skin, no doubt about it, you know es And now I'm talking of getting back to SNL. The show kicked off it's fiftieth season on sept twenty September twenty eighth with five point three million viewers, the most watched SNL ever. I'm thinking about I'm thinking about its relevancy, all the great actors and actresses throughout the years. How do you believe it's maintained its relevancy for half a century. How would you answer that question?
It has a revolving door of talent happening there, you know, so it will always stay current, it will always feel fresh, and the fact that it's live, you know, there's no chance for it to get stale. It's always something exciting to look forward to. Its unpredictable. In their their calibers of host and musical guest talent is top notch. And then in every other department, you know what I mean, they try to make sure it's that kind of level of professionalism. So that being the corner foundation, and built on top of that is a family feeling.
You know, there's generations of.
One family on our crew kind of thing, maybe a couple few, you know, it's very like unified effort man and yeah, keeping it fresh naturally because it's live and naturally because it's sketch comedy, you know what I mean, Like sketch just goes in so many different directions. And yeah, there's a lot of talented people in the world, and you know a lot of people have had a chance to come through there and you know, show the world what they can do. And I think that's how they keep it fresh. They keep finding young, fresh, new voices to kind of mirror what's going on in society.
You've done various impressions throughout the years, Reverend Al Shopton, Charles Barkley, Steve Harvey, Dionce saying this LaVar Bell. One of my favorites is when you did Michael Irvin. Okay, and let me tell you some Was that you that did Kentrick Perkins? Was that you that did Kenchrick Perkins?
Come on, you know I got.
I needed you. You have no idea I needed you for that because that damn listen, he had that meme mug on the space. I was like this, if you're not scaring nobody, big perk, and then I turn it on Saturday Night loud, but you imitating them? I said, he got you, and then he starts cracking up laughing, Big Perk loved you imitating them.
Who's your favorite?
Who's your favorite to imitate?
I mean, you know, favorites are tough, but people like him that are jolly, that definitely have a tone. You can recognize it, like as soon as I start doing it, Like, I just love how he says your name.
See wait a minute, hold up, give me, don't forget.
He said that, keep a cool booty, keep a cool buddy.
That's what he tells me.
So him, Charles Barkley, you know David or he's Steve. I mean, I just try to, you know, bring the jolly out of the impression that I see in people, and those are the most fun to do.
Have you ever given an impression like this, I might be in trouble. If this person running to me, I might be in a little bit of trouble. Has it been anybody like that? Who's that person?
It started with Sean Jones because I used to do a lot of ladies in the beginning, right, And I remember I was making fun of a very you know, pivotal sensitive moment and I was talking about her.
Wedding, you know what I'm saying.
So she was she had typed a few messages, I think into social media in that time. This was two thousand and three, so I feel like it went straight to the news. There wasn't even no social media back then. But yeah, she didn't love it, and Steve didn't love it either in the beginning, you know what I'm saying.
But he grew to notice that it wasn't out of malice.
So you know, yeah, the only time I've ever been met at an impression about me is if they ain't funny, if they funny, it don't want.
To waste the time.
How about that? How about that? Listen before I let you get on out of here, you already know that's the name of your podcast. I want you to tell me about that. What you've been doing with that?
Bro? Thank you sir.
Yeah, me and my buddy started it, you know during COVID probably like ninety nine percent of the other podcast and uh, yeah, we just enjoyed talking about movies and you know, being young black men in America. And yes, it's been uh it's been a fun kind of you know, it's almost like therapy for me because it's the one platform where I can, you know, pretty much just be my total right normal kind of thing, you know what I mean.
So it's been a lot of fun for that. Thanks for shouting that out.
No question, I'm wait for an invit, dammit, I'm wait for an invite.
I mean feel free. I'm a coming, I'm a come on.
It ain't no problem at all. Before I'll let you get last question, Atlanta, Georgia your native correct?
Yes, sir?
Does that mean you're in Atlanta?
Falcons van? You gotta know it.
You ain't seen my story or I posted the other day Falcons Friday? Baby, it was Falcons Friday.
Now, how'd you feel about my man Harry Douglas that works with me in ESPN doing the damn video skit from the bathroom of an airplane. That's what he did, Keaton. He went in, He went in and started making some bird noises in the bathroom of an airplane. Never mind the smell and the stitch from strangers. That's living up and there.
He went up in there.
Anyway, that's how excited he wasn't about the dead falcons, Keenan. I don't know what's wrong with him, but that's what he did.
That's what he did.
He's swallowing up a whole lot of other people's stenchs shouting in the bathroom.
You're absolutely right about it. But that's how exciting Falcons fans it is feeling right now.
Man, it's we having a real moment, and it feels good because our fandom is loyal.
Man, We loyal to the soil. So it's good to see you feel like worry about the Hawks two.
All of them, man, Hawks Braves. I was a Thrashress fan for a little quick minute.
You know all of it.
I got you, I got you. Listen, Man, keep up the great work, keep keep doing what you've been doing on SNL your podcast. You already know. Yes, I will come on if invited, no doubt about it. I'm a fan of your work. Keep up the great work, keep doing what you're doing on Man. We're all proud of you, my man. Keep making it happen.
Thank you, sir.
Invite coming soon, and I'm proud of you on a new revenue stream.
Man, this is nice. Got a little set in there, that's what's.
Up, trying to make it happen. Trying to make it happen.
I appreciate you better.
Thanks a lot, man.
You take it easy, man, Thank you, brother, good to see you, no doubt.
The one and only Keenan Thompson who you can catch every week on Saturday Night Live. I know I don't miss him.