Get@Me viewer questions, including whether men should be happy, the five liquids he would dispense from his fingers if he had the ability, and what he would do if a stranger in Times Square tickled him and ran.
Let's go to the tweets for the day. Please let me see what we got here at s Strickland MMA, as in Sean Strickland, the MMA fighter like him, he said, he says some arbitrary tweet my team wanted me to see. He said. When men say I'm not happy, you're a man. You're not supposed to be happy. Being happy is for women and children. You're meant to endure hardship. Instead of saying I'm not happy, say what can I do to make the people I care about happy? That's being a man? Sean Strickland, my brother, I'm not gonna throw complete shade on that tweet. In principle, what you're saying is that being a man is prioritizing the happiness of your loved ones around you. I respect that, bro, I truly do, but I still would modify your statement ask you to consider the same. If you're not happy, how could you possibly make the loved ones around you happy? Because see, doing for them is one thing and one source of happiness. But remember, if they're your loved ones, that means they have love for you too, which means seeing you unhappy won't do it for them. So how does that work? So I would say to you modify that thinking. It's beautiful that you prioritize the happiness of your family and loved ones around you. But remember your man Stephen A. Smith said this, my brother, in some instances, not all, not most, but in some instances not at the price of you. Is no y'all without you. Remember that next tweet. Let me get it at not Brendan Hogan, Right, Steven A. Smith. If you could dispense a different liquid out of each finger on one hand, what would your five liquids be? Good Lord, good lord, Man, good lord, write five liquids. I'd want gas so I don't have to buy any for my car. I want water so I don't have to buy any I'd want something like a Gatorade or something like that. For energy. I'd love some milk because I like my cereal to cheek from time to time. But I also like milk and my tea milk and my hot chocolate all that other stuff. So that's four. So I said gasoline, water, energy, drink that kind of stuff, milk, and I'm not gonna say tea because I included that with the milk. H I'm gonna say protein drink. How about that? But you know what, no, let me take that back, damn it. Let me get a little alcohol in me some head and seeing coke from time to time Hennessey and coke. Got'll do it, or Cavarsier and coke or Remy and coke. At least one alcoholic drink. I can do that. Let's do that next to week. What's up? What we got at? Tranquilized end Zoe write Stephen A. Smith says my brother last night at around eleven pm, I was walking through tom Square along with two air pods in A brother snuck up behind me and tickled me, then ran away. What would you do in that situation? Not a damn thing. People crazy out here in these streets. If all he did was tickle you and kept it moving, I would have been ready to punch him in the face, no doubt. But in the same breath, I ain't gonna chase after him, because if he's sick enough and crazy enough to do some shit like that, what else might he do if I approached him? So be happy that he didn't do more than that. And next time they don't have your damn AirPods in while you walk in the streets because when you walk in the streets, you need to hear everything. Could you got you have your head on the swivel and pay attention, especially with the craziness is going on in the streets of New York. What the hell are you doing walking around where you're compromising your own hearing and alertness. That is not smart. So the tickling dude, we'll call him the tickler, Okay, He's really not the problem that end at this moment. The problem is you keep the damn AirPods out of your ear until you're getting a car and you're in a safe place, or you're in private. Not in public, bro, not in public. Last tweet, what we got steven A. Smith? This is at Teddy fresh Filo. Steven A. Smith, three point on the line for five hundred million. Who do you have taking the shot? I don't know any of these characters really by name. I mean, I've seen some of them, I just don't remember the names. But I know that SpongeBob, who's the bottom left again. Jimmy Neutron. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna roll with Jimmy Neutron. I have no freaking idea why I'm picked in him, I'm just guessing, but we gonna go with that. H m hm