Geared towards Deadheads, Phishheads and the jam band community, The Sound Podcast is a music discovery interview style podcast, hosted by Ira Haberma…
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Featured Songs:
moe. - 10-20-23 - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO
Spafford - 10-27-23 - Cantaloupe Island - Bruno’s Cavern - Cave Junction. OR
Greensky Bluegrass - 11-01-23 - Thats What Love Will Make You Do - Harrah’s Lake Tahoe - South Lake Tahoe, NV
Infamous Stringdusters - 11-01-23 - Ramble On Rose - Miners Foundry Cultural Centre - Nevada City, CA
Goose - 11-03-23 - Me And My Uncle - Le Trabendo - Paris, FR