The Season with Peter Schrager: Robert Saleh Fired Emergency Pod

Published Oct 8, 2024, 6:29 PM

Peter jumps on for an emergency podcast to discuss the Jets' head coaching change. Peter shares some of what he's heard from Saleh and the Jets.

The Season with Peter Schrager is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio. What's Up, Everybody, This is Peter Schrager. This is the Season with Peter Scheger. Weren't planning on doing a podcast today, but it is the season, and the season twists and turns and there's surprises, and we had to do an emergency podcast here based on the firing of Robert Sala by the New York Jets. Sala forty five years old and this was his fourth season as the Jets head coach, twenty and thirty six record overall. And I start with that because I think the end of the day, there is a scoreboard with coaches and whether or not we can get into the with it too soon? Was it not too soon? Twenty and thirty six as a head coach? That was at the end of the day, I think the biggest deal. Now, let me empty the bag a little bit. To Sala this morning overtext, he said he was not aware that this was going down when he walked into work today. He was told to have a meeting with the owners. He did and said it was rather cut and dry. They're going in a different direction. And they're elevating Jeff Olbrick. I've spoken to sources in New York who said this was not some long orchestrated deal that was weeks and months in the making. It's a decision after the London game, but I think that the Denver game had somebody to do with it as well, in the pouring rain with that ten to nine loss. Now Jeff Olbrick is going to be elevated to head coach. Jeff Olbrick is the defensive coordinator. I was the first to break that news, did it so on the NFL network. I will tell you that Olbrick is one of the more respected defensive coaches in the league. Doesn't get a lot of credit. But when San Francisco was looking to replace Steve Wilkes, they did inquire with Olbrick and they could figure out a title that would work, and he was like, no, I'm staying with the Jets. I'm sticking it out here with Sala. So there were inquiries and he decided to, you know, be ten toes down in New York. Players respecting coach, respect him, all right, all the salatious stuff, Let's let's get to it. Did Rogers was Rogers really the judge, jury and executioner here, I don't think so. I don't think anything to do with Rogers going to management and saying he needs to go. Is Hackett losing his job? No, Hackett is keeping his job. Is Joe Douglas leaving losing his job? No, not that I know of as of right now. We're recording this literally an hour after the news came out and I started getting texts from folks all over again. Spoke to s Alo over text this morning. I don't think he thinks I'm betraying him by telling the podcast listeners this. He's upset, he's devastated. He wanted to continue coaching the New York Jets obviously, and Wash. You know the term that Jay Glazer was blind sided. I guess anytime you walk into work thinking you're gonna be preparing for the Buffalo Bills and you're told you're out of work instead, that that could be described as blindsided. Buffalo is key. Though in this thing they're playing Monday night, the Boo Birds were going to be out. I don't know if the Boo Birds are still going to be out if things don't go well. But the Jets offense right now is thirty second in the league in rushing. That's nothing that Sala had to do with. But if you look at the Jets offense since twenty twenty one, there last in points per game, second to lasting yards per play, last and first down per game, last in red zone touchdown percentage, and they've got the most giveaways. That's Salo's time there and forever it was well, it's because they don't have a quarterback. They don't have a quarterback. They get the quarterback and sure enough, it's still no better. I will say this, the Jets defense under Sala has been incredible, and they've been incredible this year. They've just got two wins, but the offense just hasn't turned it around, and it feels like the mojo might be gone. Rogers right now is having the worst season of his career as far as percentage of touchdowns to interceptions, the passer ratings, yards, all that stuff. The Jets haven't been to the playoffs in thirteen years, is the longest streak in all football. Rex Ryan was the last coach to take them there, and since then, they've had bulls, they've had gays, and now they've had Sala and they've had some interim you know guys obviously along the way who have you know, stepped in when necessary. I look not a fun day for Robert Salah, But for Jets fans, I would say this, this is a sign from ownership that they don't think that they're done this year and they can still salvage the season. You don't fire a coach this early into the season if you don't think it's going anywhere. This is the opposite of a white flag. If anything. This has then doubled down, doubling down and saying we've got to change up the mojo. This guy's not gonna be the one to lead us. But my big takeaways an hour removed from the news coming out and I wanted to get a pot out quickly. Salas fired. Salah was surprised to be fired. This was not one like if you don't win in London, you're out Rogers. I don't believe anything to do with this, and the rest of the guys do keep their job. I will say this, Joe Douglas six year contract when he was signed Klock is likely ticking on him as well, I would imagine. But As he keeps his job. That Hassan Reddick thing looms. That's a head scratcher right now. And then the draft pick of Olu, the offensive tackle one Brock Bowers is on the board, and obviously the Jets had an interest in Bowers. As offensive struggles go in the passing game. That one is is eye opening. So I think everyone is now under the microscope and no one is necessarily safe. The meeting that was with the owners was with the owners, and I don't think he got a chance to address the team or anything of the sort. And I think he's on his way, so sala gone, Jets move on. If he has spoken to players, I'm sure he's done so in an individual basis. I don't think it was Hey, everybody gather around here, Robert's going to do a whole farewell thing. This is rather quickly, pretty cut and dry, and sometimes that's how it goes. So we're going to have another guest on this week for the season. But I thought it was worth getting this out there, just the fact that this is as a surprise to solid, to me, to everyone covering the game, as to you at home, maybe, but the Jets doubling down on this season and the all in stuff, and now it's going to be even more eyes on that offense and whether Hackett and Rogers can figure it out all right. New episode coming up later this week, but we just want to get something out there for your earwaves. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday. I'm sure there will be plenty of news as we go. The Season with Peter Schrager is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio. 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