It's time. Peter reveals his official Super Bowl prediction.
The Season with Peter Scheger is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio. What's Up, everybody, Welcome to the Season with Peter Scheger. As we record this, it's a beautiful Thursday afternoon in sunny Los Angeles. When you listen to this, we might already be through the opening game Ravens versus Chiefs. You might listen to this over the weekend and getting ready for Week one of NFL football. But I did want to put out a special episode for my Super Bowl pick.
I'm joined here by the great Aaron wan Kaufman. Aaron, I'm in Los Angeles, you are in New York. Today is Super Bowl Pick Day and kickoff for the first game of the season is about seven hours away. As we record this, I'm gonna quickly get into what I did yesterday, which was one of the craziest worked I've had, and I've been working for a long time in this industry. We did four hours Good Morning Football in the morning, two hours on NFL Network and then two hours for the syndicated markets. If you haven't followed that Good Morning Football, they got all tossed upside down. They moved the show to La. I'm here for the week. I won't be here every week. I'll be in New York most weeks. But the first two hours are what you see on NFL Network. The second two hours, which you don't see on NFL Network, airs on Roku, but also in one hundred and nineteen different syndicated markets. Meaning it's like Judge, Judy, The Sherry Shepherd Show, Family Feud, Good Morning Football, and then like Divorce Court, like that's how it goes. We're in that thing. So I grew up in an era where I loved Richard Bay and Jenny Jones and Ricky Lake and Sally Jesse, Raphael and Donahue. Now I'm suddenly a syndicated personality myself. We'll see how it goes. I have no idea. They're saying that the syndicated markets are thrilled. But in addition to the four hours of television, NFL Network has had us staying later into our number five of our programming to do these local hits in like local markets. So I went on Fox thirteen in Seattle and I talked to you know, John, their local sports anchor, and then Bianca Peters in New York City, who does Good Day New York after Menafee and Rosanna Scato. She's on in the middays. It did like fifteen minutes with her, and at the end of it, I'm like, so talk about congestion pricing, Like, where's the latest there? We had a standstill hack.
What is hack have.
Us doing here? I need to know the latest? I'm not in New York. She's like, what are you serious. I'm like, yes, Like, let's talk jets. I'm like, no, let's talk Mayor Adams. So I see out at zero bomb every night. Yeah, So we did all these stuff, so like my brain is at a at a simmering point. And then I agreed to something last week and I was going to do it, but I don't know any of the geography of it. So I've grown quite friendly and I really like this guy with Nick Vial. Do you know who Nick vil is?
I do not.
Only I saw him that you posted that you were just on a show, so I saw that. That's the only thing I know about him.
Nick Fayel was on The Bachelorette, then he was on the Bachelor. He's on Bachelor in Paradise, and then he did another thing on The Bachelor. I think it was like a judge of Bachelor in Paradise. There's some other version of the Bachelor, so he's been on four different versions of the Bachelor. He also has his own podcast called the Vile Files with Vile Files Vile Files, I don't know how to pronounce it. I love the guy, but it's with him and his wife Natalie, and it has become and I'm not kidding, it has become the go to podcast for reality TV. They get like Jacks from vander Pump Rules, like the day after he does something like vile they get Sanderval like in the Chair. It's become like die He's a Diane Sawyer or like the Barbara Walters of reality TV. And he and his wife and there and their crew there they like grill these people. So like you know, before she was doing the rounds, like the Hawktua girl was on their show, like the next minute after that video went viral, So like in that world, he has got this great niche and he's also a reality superstar of his own. Now, why the hell would the two of us have anything in common? We had Nick on two years ago, back when like Kay and Nate were on this show. We had Nick on as a guest, and i rolled my eyes a little bit because I'm like, guys, we're the NFL network. Okay, I guess we're bringing in a new audience. He's a heart thrub. Women love this guy. We're bringing Nick from The Bachelor. Nick comes on and he's like, I'm a Packers fan, and my eyes glaze over because we have a million celebrities and they're like, oh, I love the Jets, and it's like, well, who's your favorite player? He's like, I like the quarterback and like doesn't know the name, you know, like that's that's awesome. And there are those rare ones you get, like your Eric stone Street or your Paul Road or you're Joel McHale and these guys and Josh Charles, who's like the Ravens fan who like Dan Soder we had on our show, who's a comedian. He loves the Niners like who actually study the depth charts and carve their sundays around this and are like deep into the Reddit pages and the message boards. Like but I'd say ninety percent of the quote unquote celebrities that say they love football like they like football, they have a team and they'll definitely watch when it's on, but like they're not hardcore. So we have Nick on and Kay asks him like a generic question. Fine, he answers it. He's cool and Nate maybe asked you something. I come on and I'm like, all right, so you love the Packers, Like, uh, what you would be looking out for this season? This is two years ago when Rogers was still on the team. Nick Viel, who is a Wisconsin native, comes out and says, you know, you guys are all focused on DeVante Adams and you guys are all focused on Aaron Jones, but I gotta tell you, I think Alan Lazard is vastly underrated. Now my ears perked up. I'm like, okay, I haven't heard an Alan Lazard take on the show. And he goes, Alan Lazard, pound for pound is the best blocking wide receiver in the NFL. He's like, if you watch the All twenty two, anytime we run the ball right and we go on the right side, Alan Lazard is used almost as a tight end. He gets his hands on the body of the defender and he's a blocking place. He's like, He's like, it is if we have a six offensive Lineman out there and he plays the size and the grin of a tight end. And because he was an andre or a six round pick, and because he's a practice squad guy, he has this extra bite to him. And I'm like, who the hell is this guy? Like I want to be friends with this guy. I like this guy. So that was like two three years ago. I direct message and him like, dude, great job, you killed it. Like there was a great response, and I'm like, I don't know much about this guy, but I dig it. We go to LA for the Super Bowl and my wife and I very rare night out. It's Friday night of Super Bowl week in La. So I remember the Rams are playing the Bangles at so far. My wife Erica is in town. Very rarely comes on the road, but like we like to do the Super Bowls. So we have one night out because Saturday night I was working Sunday Saturday night, it was like we're in bed by six. We get out and we go to we get invited. First of all, I want to thank Tony Lapenna and the guys who are work with the Nhwood Group. Again just name dropping everywhere here. That's really deep count but they own Delilah and nice guy in bird Streets and they're like, and I got to know Tony, who is one of the owners. Tony's like, we got you justin Bieber Concert, small venue, you guys can go. Erica is thrilled. We get there. The first person I see is Josh Allen and his then girlfriend, and Josh Allen could not be cool or he's like, let's take a photo and we're like great. Next person it's Kittle and his wife Claire. They're amazing. Then we see Robert Griffin and his wife and RG three is cool as well. Little Dickey is there. I'm a huge Little Dickey fan from FX. He's there with Santino the Redheaded comic, like they're hanging. Tony Gonzalez is there, Jeff Bezos and his wife Lauren Sanchez are there, like it is a scene. My wife is like, Peter, there's a guy. There's a guy like staring at you right now. I'm like who, And no one wants to talk to me. There's every celebrity in NFL, but and it's Nick Vail and we go off into a corner like two love birds and me and Nick just cut it up for like thirty minutes, because this is the off season where like the Packers need to decide on Rogers. And Nick's take was like, it's time to move on. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, you don't move on from Aaron Rodgers. You move on when he's ready. Like, He's like, no, it is time to rip the band aid off. It's time to move on. We've been grooming. Jordan love like, if not now when like, let's get rid of them, let's trade them, let's save the salary cap money, let's invest in the future. Nick was like, and I'm like again, two for two.
Great take, great take.
We go on, we see the Bieber concert. The next night, I'm at dinner. It's Nick and his wife again, and both of like my wife and his wife. It's his girlfriend. At the time, We're like, really, we're gonna do this again. The two of us geek out. So now I'm like, all right, Nick, my guy. So since then he and his wife have a kid, they get married, and Nick's podcast, The Vile Files goes absolutely bonkers. I tell you all this because I am been tired after five hours of television, but I committed to doing this podcast and I'm like, it's really bad form to bail. I would be furious if I had a podcast and like a guest was agreed to come on and then an hour out it was like, I'm too tired. So I get in the uber and I'm like, I'll type in the address and it says Ventura Boulevard. I only know that from like movies and the I Love La song by Gary Newman, not Gary Newman from Randy Newman. Anyway, I'm exhausted. I type it into my Uber. It says eighty four minutes away and it says one hundred and something dollars. I'm like, ah, but I commit it, and I'm like, I'm gonna do it. And I go there. The most professional setup, the most like like a whole crew, like i'd say a staff of ten for this thing, full studio, and I'm like, oh wow, what is it? Like does Netflix run this? And he's like, nope, I self fund this, like this is my own thing, entrepreneurial. We get in that chair, We do ninety minutes of podcasting, me, him and his wife and two of their goes. I had a blast. They posted it this morning. I'm getting more responses from being on the viol Files, vil Files and from like who knows where, like thousands of comments from like people, I love this episode. I think I've officially like hit a new sector in the grid. There's like football fans and I've been on Barstool, They're great. I've been on Simmons, They're great. I am now hitting like the reality talk show circuit and like the feedback's been amazing now. In that interview, Aaron I I was asked about whether I'm a fan of Taylor Swift and Travis or not, and I'm like, you know what, if you're against Taylor Swift being on TV because you think it takes away from your football, you're a neanderthal, like I call it. You are a neanderthal who cares if it adds one more eyeball boy, girl, man, woman, whatever you identify as, if it adds one more eyeball to football, Why is that? Why is that a threat? And Taylor doesn't want the cameras they find her, it's not like it's on her. It's fine. And then I went into my story of how great Travis Kelsey is and what a good guy is and how I thought he might have changed to Taylor, but then we hung out this summer and he was great. I'd say sixty seconds, Aaron, I'm not kidding. I don't think Google alerts set for myself. I don't know anything. I follow US Weekly on Twitter. My heart skips a beat this morning, I'm scrolling and it says sportscaster Peter Schrager takes aim at Neanderthal's who are upset with Taylor Swift on the broadcast. Now I get the algorithm. If you put Taylor Swift's name in a headline, someone's probably clicking and the Swift. I don't think if you put sportscaster Peter Schrager's name, it's actually clickbait at all. In fact, people might be repelled by even seeing that name in that world, and they might not care, like, who the hell is that? But I was on US Weekly, on the homepage of US Weekly all morning for a comment I had, and thank god, Aaron, thank god I didn't take aim at Taylor Swift because I know that army's out there, and I wasn't looking for the ire of that army. But I will tell you, it has been about two hours since that podcast posted, and I'm getting more of a response from that than anything I've done on the NFL network in like six years.
I don't know a ton about reality TV show, So I mean I looked him up as you're talking, very attractive guy, totally makes sense he's on the Bachelor, And I will admit it is a blind spot of mine reality TV. But I also know that market is enormous, so many people watch all those shows and are into the Bachelor of Nation and is blind and uh, the vander Pumps and kardash I mean, I clearly I don't know these. I can't even think of like ones besides Kardashians, Like, but yeah, good for you for having the wherewithal without even knowing it's going to be clipped and made into a social clip or a headline. Taylor, Yeah, good tailor take. And I mean, you know, we've talked about Taylor and Travis multiple times on the show. I think it's it's like the fact that it's still a conversation is is kind of funny at this point, like that people are even.
Upset about themselves.
There was some document that lead Yeah, they're going to be done on September twenty seven. Let's circle it. Let's see it's more content. But Aaron, my day wasn't done because right from there I had to go to Sofi Stadium because the Good Morning Football Career did a prime time special on NBC which was some collaboration with the NFL. I wasn't sure how that happened, but from nine to ten we did a live hour from Sofi which was really cool, in which we talked to NFL and previewed the games for this weekend. So I'm fried. And then Thursday morning, I went on Good Morning Football and I had to make my Super Bowl pick with no further ado. I'm going to toss to the clip because I give all the build up. But I think if you're listening to this podcast, you know how much I take these predictions seriously and how the Super Bowl prediction in particular means a lot to me. Let's go to Good Morning Football Thursday morning. Peter Schrager in his official Super Bowl selection.
It's an annual tradition on Good Morning Football, and for me, it has actually taken a bit of a life of its own. If you'll indulge me, I would like to show you something. Enjoy the following look back in time, Miss folks. That says six years worth of soothsaying On NF Kickoff Thursday, take a watch.
I think the Chiefs finally get over the hump, finally get into the Super Bowl, and I think Andy finally gets a chance to go and go face to face with another coach other than Bill Belichick at the biggest game of his.
Career, Super Bowl fifty four. Fifty years the Chiefs have waited to get to this point. Guess who I have representing the National Football Conference in the Super Bowl. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers. All the Super Bowl Championship about him Bucks. This year's Super Bowl champion feature a quarterback who has yet to win an NFL playoff.
I'm taking Los Angeles Rams to take this thing home and this.
Guy to cement his place in NFL history.
The Los Angeles Rams, our world champion.
The winner a Super Bowl fifty seven in Glendale, Arizona this February will be.
Ch City Chiefs, led by linebacker Nick.
He kicks the ball, check up my judge.
The city for the second time in four seasons, a long boarding trophy as a red and gold reflections in the city. Chiefs well, yet again, be your Super Bowl champion Jack Park, Kansas City.
Wow, all right, it's over the last six years I've been money on my Super Bowl picks. I've had either the exact sable matchup that's been multiple times one of the two participants, or I've gone three for three, which is matchup and winner. I have successfully picked the last three Super Bowl champions with pinpoint precision and just enough arrogance where there are a lot of people who just root against me. But it has also crept into my personal life. You see, my wife shall post a photo of our beautiful baby daughter and Instagram. In the first come, I will be Who's Peter taking to win the Super Bowl? I'll bee had school pickup for my seven year old son mel and a teacher will pull me aside. I'm like, going, no, what do you do here? Who you got this year? I take this all very seriously. I dedicate my entire summer to getting these picks to a place where I feel comfortable enough to go on national TV, share them, and then pin them to my social media platforms right there on top, showing you cards on the table whether it's worth hanging my hat on or not. My super Bowl matchup and my picks. We'll move markets today. I mean this. It is a burden, it is a responsibility, and if I'm being honest, it's an absolute freaking pleasure.
So who's going this year? Come with me, Come with me here, We're going on the big board. All right, let's start in the NFC. See, the NFC, in my eyes, has just only six to seven teams that can legitimately make a run this year. The team I'm selecting to represent the conference has all the pieces that I love in a Super Bowl contender. They have an ascending quarterback, they have emerging stars on both sides of the ball, and they have just enough playoff experience that they could say they have been there and done that. They also have a coach with something that his peers have that he does not on their resumes. The NFC will be represented by.
Wow, Jordan Love, Matt Lafleur, and the Green Bay Packers.
I'm going to go one step further here on this prediction. Put this in print. They're going as a wild card team, just like the Rogers team did so many years, and to make this run, the Packers head coach Matt Lafleur is going to take his team, and they're going to go on the road and beat his old buddy Sean McVay in La It's going to go on the road and beat the rival Lions in Detroit. And then he's going to go on the road and beat his former colleague and his nemesis, Kyle Shanahan in San Francisco. The Packers are going back to New Orleans where they won a Super Bowl twenty eight years ago. And who will they face? Well, day here we go. They're gonna face the same team the Fackers franchise faced in Super Bowl One. They're the most dominant team of this era and they are a squad that has helped define a generation of football fans. They're facing the Kansas City Chiefs. You know. Since the merging of the AFL and the NFL, no team has won three Super Bowls in a row. Ever, eight different teams have tried. The sixties Packers won the first two Super Bowls, but after Lombardi stepped away, they couldn't win one more. The Steelers had the opportunity two different times in the seventies, but they came up short both times. The forty nine Ers nearly did it in the late eighties, but they ran into a red hot Giants team and lost in Candlestick. The nineties Cowboys they won three of four, but they didn't win three straight. The Broncos got two but not three, and then the Patriots came up short twenty years ago. That's eight legendary teams, eight teams that the NFL Films archives have built theirselves on, and all eight of those teams are zero four eight. So I ask you at home, is this Chiefs team special? Can this Chiefs team make history? Rather recently, in other sports, the Bulls have completed a three peat twice. The Yankees did it in New York and baseball, and the Lakers did it here in LA with Shaq and Kobe. But in football, three Super Bowls in a row, it's unprecedented. It's unchartered territory. The Packers are going to be a mighty opponent. They're gonna come in red hot, and I don't see a three peat happening. No, I don't, because three p that term has been used time and time again, and if I'm being honest, it is not fitting for a team as historic and as unique and as incredible as this one. It's simply not dignified or special enough a term. Three peak. Get that out the window, ladies and gentlemen. The winner of Super Bowl fifty nine, and doing so against the winners of the first two Super Bowls ever, will be the team that completes the Chiefs.
The chief speak, three in a row, chief feet, three in a row.
The Chiefs peak, and the City does it again.
Another ring, Another super Bowl MVP for this guy, and the Chief's pete is completed in glorious fashion. February ninth and New Orleans and the greatest team to ever take the field in any era, in any generation wins three in a row on Fox with Tom Brady on the call.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Chiefs are doing it again. It is the Chief's peat. Take that three peat term and throw it in the garbage. We've got our NFL version of the greatest single team of all time. Three in a row. Kansas City Chiefs. Mahomes read Kelsey, They get the job done. What are you say? I don't like that three pet everyone else has three peat.
Great job, Peter, I like that one. Unbelievable cheats Peter. There it is like I just saw like this great films you know how you feel. I know you really are.
That was it. Chiefs over Packers wrote that over the course of like three or four days, Aaron, you must you must have a thought or two. What do you got? What are your thoughts?
I mean, I love the branding of Chiefs Peat. I think that's awesome. I also like as as you're doing it, and and I think it's Kyle is saying, I feel like I just watched this great film and and you're like, I'm in a tour. Yeah, it feels like you know, this is uh, this is Ridley Scott. He's got a couple of films under his belt. Uh, he just puts together this idea for a movie with this alien on a spaceship and we're gonna we're gonna like redefine the horror genre. And it was Yeah, that was that was theater. You know, we talk about Broadway a lot on here. But you had a little misterrect you like made us think, oh, it's not gonna be a three piece. So it's like, oh, is he is he gonna take the Packers and pick them to beat Mahomes? But no, it's just the rebrand. It's the Chief's Peak. I loved it. I yeah, I think at this point, I know you had talked on the on the show the other day and you were like, do I go with the thing that is, you know, kind of the the the chalk pick, or do I go with something that maybe makes a little bit more headlines. I think this still makes headlines, Like even if you're thinking of it this way with Mahomes winning a third one, it's what many people maybe are expecting and putting in. I still think it's it's done in a good way, and I still like Packers going all the way as a wildcard team, or not all the way, but to the Super Bowl.
I gotta say I lost a lot of sleep because I part of me wanted to put the Jets and Lions in the Super Bowl and this clip might go viral whatever because everyone's listening to Jets and Lions were right there to my tongue. And then then I wanted to put the Rams in because I'm like, you know what, Stafford's healthy, everyone's off that team because Donald's I think the Rams are gonna be really good. So instead I have the Jets is the one seed in the AFC, the Rams is the two seed in the NFC, the Lions is the one seed. All in all, that was it. I went with the Packers. I don't see many people picking the Packers, but they were so good at the end of last season, and as long as they don't read their headlines, I think they're gonna be really good again. Aaron, I'm gonna end the podcast here, but before I do so you have an equal voice on this thing. For the sake of putting it on paper, We've done all the predictions in the last episode. Who do you have in your super Bowl and who do you have winning?
So you know, we talked about this on the awards and the playoff storylines. I like a narrative and a storyline, and in my head, it would be really amazing if we could get a Lion's Kansas a Detroit Kansas City super Bowl because you have you have the team that everyone like that wants it more than anything because they're trying to reach this unattainable high of three Super Bowls in a row, and you have on the other side this team who's who's you know, this is still the DNA of biton kneecaps, Dan Campbell and they want to win it with the hard work, and like, you know, I think people would really want to root for Detroit in that case, and I still think Kansas City would win, Okay, I yeah, yeah. At this point, I don't know how I can ever doubt Kansas City until they give me serious reason to doubt them. There have been too many times when everyone wants to count them out and you can't. It feels a lot like you know, during those prime Heatles years. Yeah, I am not a Lebron fan, but watching Lebron and just being like, oh my god, I can't believe this guy is able to do this, Like how is he so good? How is his team so good? And I got to watch everyone go up against him and lose, and it has it has the air of that, like Mahomes is the the Lebron, the Jordan character who you know, you you have to measure everything against them, no doubt. So yeah, Detroit Kansas City, and I think Kansas City takes it.
I like both of our picks. I'm putting it down now. I'm putting yours in my notes at and big Dog. Let's end on that. We got football tonight. We'll be back next week. I'm not going through all the Week one games. We'll discuss all the storylines. Next week. I think I'll be back in New York City, will probably record this on Tuesday. We'll see we have a guest or if you and I is chomp it up having a blast everyone at home. One tweet and again you know I can't gamble on this stuff. I'm going to employ the NFL a guy named John Ewing. He's one of these leading stats analytics but also gambling guys. Tweeted out. Peter Schrager has the Chiefs beating the Packers in the Super Bowl since making his pick Chiefs over Packers in the Super Bowl is the most bet outcome at bet MG in sum moving markets. Right there, That's what I said, Wowing God, bless everybody. Enjoy the football.
Let's go.
The Season with Peter Schrager is a production of the NFL and partnership with iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app app, couple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.