Peter Schrager is back from two action-packed trips to Los Angeles, where he hung with Tom Brady at the FOX NFL seminar, visited Rams camp, and took in the sights and sounds of the Soho House in Malibu. Peter's got stories, observations, and plenty to share from what's been a very busy two weeks on the road.
The Season with Peter Schreeger is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio. What's off, everybody, Welcome to the Season with Peter Schreger. I'm Peter Schreger, your host. It is a hot and steamy Thursday. As we record this. It is August first, and I have no idea where I am. I have no idea what time it is. I am freaking exhausted, and I want to give you a recap of what's been going down the last few weeks, which includes football, includes a lot of travel, it includes getting up to speed with the NFL. I welcome in my beautiful producer slash co host on this sucker, mister Aaron Wong Kaufman, who is beaming in from what looks to be a cabin in the woods Ted Kazinski style. What's going on, dude.
I don't know about take Azinsky style, but yes, I am with you from the woods of Maine. I'm in a barn.
Barn it's badass. Take your time in Maine. I'm hitting the ground running. I was away for quite a bit. We didn't do two weeks of these podcasts, and we were like, let's just hold off until we're back on Good Morning Football, and then we'll get going. Let me explain what my last twenty four hours had been, and then we're gonna go backwards and I'll give you some nuggets, some stories, and we can talk a little NFL. But Aaron I was up at two forty five in the morning in a hotel room in Manhattan Beach yesterday. Manhattan Beach, not being the beaches of Manhattan, New York, Manhattan Beach, California. Woke up at two forty five in the morning, which is the alarm clock time for what I'll be getting up when I do Good Morning Football out in LA.
If you've not read the news or seen Good Morning Football is back and I am in a bi coastal slash hybrid New York LA schedule. I did not I want to move my family out there. I still wanted to do the show, so we came to an agreement where many episodes I'll be doing from LA, living in a hotel, waking up at two forty five in the morning, doing four hours of television that starts at five am Pacific, but also eight am Eastern Time, and doing that from the awesome LA Sofi Stadium NFL Network Studios, which is maybe the coolest studio I've ever been in, but is also on the West Coast when it's dark out, so I've got to get used to that body clock. Then I got done with the show, race to the airport, flew home, got in and around ten ten point fifteen Eastern, and then was up at five point thirty in the morning New York time to prepare for a show, which we are doing from a studio in downtown Manhattan. I would say more Spring Street, so I guess like the village, but all the way on the west side, which is if you watched Thursday's Good Morning Football, you saw I was in a box. That's how I'm gonna be doing the episodes from New York. So getting used to the schedule. But as we were doing this podcast, which is midday Thursday, before the Hall of Fame game, before we get what's going on in the Olympics on Thursday, with Simone Biles about to take the beam this this is a man who is on fumes and it is August first, and we're gonna have to figure out the balance of traveling, sleeping, resting because Aaron I do the weekly LA and it's like I stay on East Coast time. But I'm telling you, dude, it was so nice out there. The weather was insane that like at six o'clock on the West Coast, which would be nine o'clock in the East coaches, what a prudent Peter Schugger should be getting in bed under the covers, like it wasn't happening. I wanted to be outside. I was staying in Manhattan Beach. I wanted to see the water, and like I didn't go to bed until you know, ten o'clock Pacific, which is like one o'clock am. So I've got to get that down. But Aaron, as I tell you this right now, we're on day four of Good Morning Football from the cross country flights. I'm having a blast. The show has been awesome. I'm gonna have to get adjusted on these travel days because as I'm spitting fire right now, I feel like I have been talking for four days straight and there's been very little sleeping going on. Have you done cross country cross international travel? Like, because I might need a little guidance, And Taylor Swift says like power through the jet lag, like I'm figuring it out, dude, But like, I've got to get a hold of this thing.
I mean, I think the more you do it, you know, then your your evenings will start to feel more like a regular evening hopefully, and at some point. You know. The great thing about California, I think, is there not much going on, So you know, after a couple of weeks, you'll have nothing to do out there, You'll go to bed early. It'll be easy.
We go back a couple of weeks. Can I kick you through some of my travel journeys and we only do this. This is not self centered. I do this because my Travis Kelcey Kansas City Weekend cast got more listens than anything that we did in interviewing Coordinator X or Special Teams Coach B over the last few weeks. Although those are some of my favorites. But let's start July seventeenth and eighteenth, So let's go back two weeks. I get on a plane on a Wednesday, and I travel out to La to the glorious Terranea Resort which is in Palace ver Days, California, and it's on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean and it's one of my favorite hotels and I get the honor to be there for two days every year. And that's with Fox Sports, my weekend employers and my longtime employers who I've written for Fox Sports dot com and appeared on Fox Sports one since two thousand and seven, So you go back all those years. I am now entering I think year seventeen with Fox and every year they invite anybody on air who works on their NFL coverage to this terran Air resort, which is beautiful and it's an off site get away, and we're told no social media, which I respect, no selpies, and nothing recorded from what goes on inside the room. But now that we're a couple of weeks removed, I think I can give the highlights of that weekend and I can share that I arrived and you get settled in your hotel room, and I immediately I'm like, I'm going to walk these grounds a little bit, and I'm like, you know what, I'm on East Coast time. I've been working out a little bit. I'm going to go to the gym. I go to the gym and the first person I see is Michael Strahan in a full lather, and I pulled stray aside, and it's like the last thing he wants to do is with me. But guess what you see, Schrager and Straighthan. You're seeing two morning show hosts. We're going to talk about life, but we're also going to talk about the incredible recovery that is his daughter is making from what was a very grave diagnosis earlier in the year. And I just gave stray a hugg the first time I seen him since the news came out that she's in recovery mode right now. So it was cool to see him and we talked a little bit, and I love Strahan, and I think this is a key thing for any of us in my side of the camera or any of us behind the cameras. Like, I don't think Strayhan is a single person in this world who has a negative thing to say about him, and that might be the goal for everybody. And I can tell you this, the reason that Strahan is such a stud is, Yes, he's great on air, and he's awesome on Good Morning America, and he's fantastic on the Fox Sundays, But like, Strahan's also great to everybody in the hair and makeup department. Straight Han's also great to everybody that he deals with who like books the travel straight Han's also great to everyone at the top of the ORG chart to the bottom of the ORG chart, and I think that's just how he is. And I had a really cool opportunity to be with Strahan in June. The Giants were celebrating celebrating their one hundredth years a franchise, and I was really honored and blessed to be asked to be a part of the group that was going to mc the event. So it was Bob Poppa, who's the voice of the Giants, it was Sean O'Hara, who does a lot of the in house stuff for the Giants and is a Giants legend, and it was me and a lot of that was on stage, and I got to interview day Bowl and Joe Shane, which is it's in my wheelhouse. And I got to speak to Pete Gogolak, who is the eighty year old former kicker of the Giants. He spent nine years at New York in the sixties and seventies. And then I got a lot of time on set on the stage there at the massive Square Garden Theater, interviewing Keavon Thibodeau and Bobby Ocareki, who are two of their defensive leaders. That's all cool. That's what you probably saw if you ever saw it on YouTube or you're watched any of the stuff online. The best part that was backstage, and I got to witness some of the coolest interactions between Lawrence Taylor and Michael Strahan, Strahan and Keevon Thibodeau, Tiki Barber talking with you know, the current guys, and then you of course you go back to the Legends and it's Harry Carson and it's Carl Banks and everybody's backstage. But I also liked watching how these guys interacted with the fans because there was a lot of fan interaction and of course Strahan, who doesn't need to do any of this stuff, doesn't need the money and certainly doesn't need the fame. It's taking selfies with every single person out there. So Strahan and I were recap and all that. But the big attraction at this Fox event was going to be the unveiling of Tom Brady and how that was going to go down straight. Hen and Brady obviously have a great relationship going back to years and years in the NFL, but also production projects that they've done together. And I've seen straight Han interview Brady on Fox but also for Good Morning America. I remember there was an Eagles Patriots joint practice going on back when like Mark Sanchez and Tim Tebow were on the Eagle. So you do the math. And straight Hen came down and I was down there for Fox Sports one long before Good Morning Football. Straight Han came down all the way to Philly and he did like a seven minute sit down with Brady and I was like, I was like, all right, these guys, these guys are boys. I think they do a lot of work together with a Chopro's production company, the two of them. I think it's called Revolution of Sport. They have done a lot of stuff together. So I'm like, these guys know each other. So I asked straight Han that Saturday. That Wednesday, when I first got there, I'm like, do you think he's going to be good? And he looked at me and he's like, has Brady ever not been good? Of Like, you're right, you're right, you're right. But I didn't know if he was going to be good at broadcasting. So Wednesday night there's this open cocktails type deal. And again no social media, no posting, no tweeting. I respect the hell out of it. That's the Fox way. It's like, we don't need everyone else. This is what we do. So I get in the little table and I talk to Edelman and I talked to Gronk, and then I'm off on the corner and I'm talking to a guy named Jeff Miller. If you don't know Jeff Miller, I think he's the man. He's also like the voice of like health and safety for the NFL. He works at the league office. He's been there for about eight nine years, maybe longer than that. And Jeff comes on Good Morning Football the time when there's a new rule and he wants to talk about it or there's a new helmet being introduced or something around the league's help and safety. And a lot of times you would think a segment like that is like ough, here's a league employee coming on to the league network to talk about new helmets, and it's like, you know, can you can you write the message? And then Jeff comes on and he's like normal and he's rational, and he's cool and it's comfortable and the conversation's always really good. So I'm just talking to Jeff because I'm fascinated about this new you know, kickoff rule. And I was like, I spoke to Bubba Ventrone on my podcast, who's a defensive coach, you know, he's a special teams coordinator or the Browns, and he said it's gonna and Jeff and I were talking about it, and what Jeff was saying was like, you know, beyond the health and safety of the kickoff rule, like only twenty two percent of the kickoffs last year were even returned, and in the Super Bowl there were thirteen kickoffs, all of them went for touchback. So he's like, based on like the XFL we saw forty five percent of kicks returned, or the UFL, whatever the league was where they saw this thing. And he's like, at that, at the very least, if you don't want to think it's a help and safety thing, you think it's ruining the game. We're gonna get kickoffs again, and in a year where Devin Hester is being honored to go to the Hall of Fame, like, it's cool that was a new kickoff rule that maybe we'll get kickoffs. So we're knee deep in this thing, and then I feel this presence like coming over. I'm like, holy, that's Tom Brady. And Tom Brady isn't coming over because he's walking back. Tom Brady's coming over to say hello to me. I'm like, all right, So I get up shake Brady's hand, like I give him his rest bag or whatever. And then Jeff is there and I'm like, this is Jeff Miller from the league, and Brady just like starts and he's like, can you explain the hip hop the hip drop tackle, and like how you're going to enforce that and why we're enforcing that, And all of a sudden we were in a twenty five minute conversation myself, the league's office representative who discusses health and safety and who is going to speak the next day at the Fox seminar to explain some of the new rules and some of the statistics behind it, and why we're changing the hip drop tackle and how the hip drop tackle has led to a twenty or twenty times increase over the last couple of years of injury because of it, and Tom Brady, who's the goat, who had thoughts and I said it on Good Morning football, and I'll say it anywhere, like based on this conversation that we were having, just three of us, Like Brady's speaking his mind, and whereas the league, you know, is often accused of like muzzling people or like, I don't know if this is going to be unfiltered and completely, like Brady has thoughts on the rules. Brady has thoughts on some of the ways that the quarterbacks are protected in this era and doesn't think they were protecting maybe in his early years. And Brady has thoughts, So I was blown away twenty five minutes like this guy has takes. The next night, Brady's up there on a panel and he's talking with straight hand, and Brady's like amazing talking and straight Hand's asking, and Brady's like unfiltered talking about some of the ways that like his team played in the toughness and how Belichick prepared them and toughness was the key, and how in this day and age, like he's not sure necessarily toughness his first and foremost for these days one of these teams, maybe it's finesse, and like I want to go back to those days. So long story short, Aaron Brady, first of all, dedicated to this, like has been put in the hours. What's the Malcolm Gladwell thing, ten thousand hours? He ain't there yet, it might take a while, but he is committed. This is not Tom Brady flying in doing games, flying out. Like Brady has been putting in the work. And I've spoken to Kevin Burkhart, spoken to Aaron Andrews, I spoke to Tom Rinaldi, I spoke to rich russo Ch Richie Science. He's the guys who are going to work with them every week. Brady's putting the work in. So what's that mean? I and Burkhart have done a ton of games together, practice games, and they've come into the studio to do it together. They've done it from a room where the two of them are doing it, and like they're watching games. And what I love, what I've been told is that it's not like they had a chance to prep these games beforehand, so they're watching games blindly. Yes, they've been games that have already been played, and they might have been broadcasted already, but like, all right, pretend like it's fresh go and it's Brady and Burkhart. So we're about a month away from the regular season opener, which is gonna be Brown's versus Cowboys. But I believe we're gonna see Brady on the CA with Burkehart in a preseason game in a couple of weeks. And I think, and I'm not trying to set the bar too high, and this isn't like you know, he needs to hear this or that Fox needs to hear this. I think he's gonna be really good. And I think that when he talks, people want to listen. And for all the praise and awards and love that we have for Greg Olsen, greg Olsen's still in the Fox family. He's gonna be doing games with Joe Davis, and if you're watching the NFC the second best game of the week, it's gonna be Greg Olsen on it. Like you're still make get your Greg Olsen, who we love hearing this podcast, and it's gonna be awesome at whatever he does. But I think Brady's gonna be different. And I think Brady's gonna be good too. As we're less than you know, six weeks away. When I tell you all that, like, what's your thoughts on Brady the broadcast? They're going in as just a fan who has no insight going into this thing.
I guess like kind of like straight hand said, would I expect any less from Brady? I I do love the idea that he took this opportunity of like here's this opening cocktail hour, no one's taking photos, be yourself, you can get as sloppy as you want. And Brady walks in is like, sit down, give me twenty five minutes for going through this role, Like I don't know enough about this. I want to hear your thoughts and like tell me so that I can talk about this tomorrow night, or I can talk about this three months down the line. I love that. I mean, I you know, I also love Olsen. He's been great on this show. It's been great watching him on games, and it'll be great that now there are two games with great announcers going like you know, the more the merrier. I think it's awesome. And I also, you know, it'll be so cool to have Brady talking about teams he's played, players he's played against, Like I can't wait for him to call, you know, Mike Evans touchdown, like.
Yeah, yeah, they're getting that number one game, but week seven, it's nine ers cheap on Fox and Brady's on the call. I mean, that's pretty badass, you know, that's really cool. So that was the Brady part of it. At this thing, I had a long conversation with Alex Rodriguez. He was invited because he's boxed great also in attendance where of course all the different NFL guys and Gronk and I have a really interesting relationship going on right now. It is expanding beyond our football work, where we text all day about life, about New York. And Gronk embarrassed me Aaron, and he did so in a way that I'm gonna hear about this for a bit and I want to put my foot down and correct it on my podcast. So I texted Gronk after the White Party, I said, give me all the gossip, give me all the juice. I see you in all these pictures, like what do you got harmless? He thought that was the thirstiest, most pathetic thing in the world. And then he wrote back to me, He's like, really, question Mark. I'm like, yes, He goes, what type of quote unquote gossip are you looking for? And I'm like, I don't know, give me anything, Like who is there? What celebrities. He goes, really what celebrities. So then we get to this thing and the table is as decorated a table with football accolades as you could imagine we're talking about, just like imagine a round table. And it's Tom Brady, Michael Strahan, Howie Long, Julian Edelman, Michael Vick, Arles Woodson was at the table. Yes, Mark Sanchez is at the table, and Greg Olsen is at the table. And there was one more luminary that I'm like, oh, oh, Jonathan Vilma, who's like badass of all badasses. They're all at this table and we're all just like off the buffet line, hanging out on a giant like resort, you know, table well, and Gronk comes over and in front of all of them is like trigger, has anyone wanted anything more than you want that invite to Michael Rubens White Party? And I'm like, stop it, stop it right now now. Three members at that table straight hand, Brady Gronk, We're at the party. Edelman chimes in and says, I've been invited three times. I've never had the opportunity to go. Vic says he's been invited. Whinson says he's been invited, and now Gronk is like, oh, it would be Sregger would retire, and like it would be his dream. All he wants to talk about is the White Party. And I'm like, this obsession with the White Party, it is not true. I don't want to be at the White Party. I've said it on my podcast. I've said I promise you I am not begging to go. The question is would I go if I was invited? So I'm denial on it, and then you know, Straighthand just pops in and is like if I got you an invite, would you go? And I was like no, and then they're all like yeah, and I was like, I probably would go. I think I would go, Aaron, would you go?
I think if you if someone invites you to a party, uh, you know, like if the host invites you and it's a normal thing, you can say no. But if a legend invites you to come with them, I kind of thank you, got it?
Like if Straighthn's like Sreggar, you're my plus one?
Yeah, yeah that you don't want to disappoint straight hand, you know, yeah.
Or like Gronk like leaves his his sports illustrated swimsuit girlfriend Camille Costeck behind and says, shregar, you're my plus one? Then I and and then do I get to pose in the photos with Drake and and with a little with and with who else? Kevin Hart and all the NFL like look as a post with c J. Stroud and Joe Burrow.
You can hang out with Hard and he gets so you know, and then you can text Gronk all the gossip afterwards, although he'll be there too, but he'll be there.
The rest of the evening was great. Roger Goodell was there, had a really good conversation with him. But my MVP of the weekend, my MVP of the weekend, the guy who I had the most fun with and who I see myself being lifelong friends with and I think we'll have him on the podcast soon once the college football season starts is Cooper Manning. Cooper Manning was hilarious, awesome to talk ball with. And it is one of these guys that's like in a way Forrest Gump, like you could take a conversation anywhere and he has a touch point for it. A he's the oldest Manning brother. He's older than Peyton any Lie and has all of that insight be his son Arch is the number one high school recruit in the country and is going into another year at Texas where he'll be a quarterback and hopefully we'll see the field, or hopefully not if that's not what they're looking for and they want quinn Ewers to go the whole way, and next year it'll be the guy. But also a very very very funny human being, like accomplishing his own right from the business sense, was in insurance for years, might still be, but also is one of the key members of people who puts together the graduate hotels which are now popping up on campuses everywhere, basically an upscale hotel at like major college campus. So for years you would travel to Ole Miss and it's either get have to rent a house or you stay in a courtyard by Marriott or like a holiday inn. And Cooper and his investor's thoughts was like, why don't we put up a nice hotel that families who want to put stay in a nicer hotel, Like it's nothing crazy, but it's a different version than the hotels that have always been available. So there's a least an option to do, so they've thirty seven of them right now. Hilton is buying in on it like a massive find it Anyway, I say all this because Cooper and I got put together and we were just cracking each other up. I think he's amazing, and I have so much insight on a his son and the Texas stuff, but also what's going on in the overall Manning world old from Cooper Manning. One thing I did not realize is that like Eli still lives in Jersey, Peyton lives in Denver, Cooper lives in New Orleans, and these three guys are still in like a text chain and talk every single day. I feel like they need a reality show. If we haven't had enough Manning brothers yet, I feel like Cooper needs to be thrown in it because he is the eldest brother, the funniest of the three, and in my eye, it's like maybe the most interesting because we haven't gotten the most out of Cooper Manning and he has this incredible decorated life as always being like the other Manning brother, but like in his own right is absolutely incredible. Do you have a feel for Cooper Manning yet? I feel like.
Only there's I forget what commercials they were, but the Mannings were doing a set of commercials for a casino or a betting app or something, and Cooper was in them and was the funniest part of it as far like, he played it up very very well. And despite like having these two star studded brothers, Cooper was like he was he was the best joke in the and that that sounds like he's a joke. He was providing the most hilarious moment in the pot in the in the commercial, for sure.
It's tremendous. And he's great. And I'll tell you he does these weekly things for Fox NFL Kickoff, So you'll see Cooper Manning on Fox NFL Kickoff. And they're little bits, but I'll put them up against any of the stuff that like we used to do with uh Calliendo or Wriggle or what you see with Marshall, and I'm like, they're good. So Cooper Manning and I we're having a great time. We also we're part of a crazy travel situation because that Friday, what's it called cyber World or cyber strike or whatever.
Oh yeah, yeah, what what was that thing?
Yeah? Strike World? I don't know. So the we get on a plane, Cooper Manning and eyes. We're both flying back to New York. He's got business to take care of. I'm going back to New York to my family. And we get on the plane and we get all messled in and we're taking a red Eye and it's Thursday night or whatever it is, and the pilot comes on and is like, folks, we're gonna be delayed a little bit here, we're actually going to dplane. I'm like, oh, that's not good. That's not good. You get off of red Eye and you look and you didn't even get off the runway, and you look at the Lax gate and you see people starting to lay out their sweatshirts as pillows because you might get rescheduled, you might not. Cooper and I, fortunately enough, we're like, let's let's just get out of here. We went back to the hotel. We got on a different flight the next day, not on the airline that was affected, and we escaped. And I feel like he and I it was like escape from La Cooper Manning and I always in coordination, taking ubers at like two in the morning from Lax back to Palas Verdes and another uber at like five am from talis So Cooper Manning and I are forever length. One of the key things that came out of that whole Fox you know we call it a seminar, is that the rules are changing and I you're gonna this is gonna be dated because I think Thursday night at the Hall of Fame game, you're gonna see the dynamic kickoff rule. And I tried getting ahead of this with having Bubba Vitron a couple of weeks ago, and if you're listening to this podcast, go find that he explains it all like it is going to be wild. The response is and I think teams are gonna handle differently. Some times are just gonna boot it out of the end zone and say, you know what, touchback. I know it's the thirty, but like we're gonna do a touchback because I don't know how to defend this thing. Other teams are gonna get super creative with it. I'm fascinating to see the reaction. I think it will. It'll be nuts tonight as they do the Hall of Fame game because it's really different and I can go through all the rules, but you'll fall asleep. But like just when you visualize it in your head, know that there's not a ton of footage of this thing. So teams have been trying everything in practice, and special teams coaches have been going, you know, hog wild. I talk to one this week who's like, I've been up all night and I've got about eight hundred ways to attack this kickoff. Mike Tomlin said in a feature that we ran on Good Morning Football that he contacted the guys at Madden Electronic Arts and asked them to simulate a few different schematics that he might have with the dynamic kicking rule, and they came back with all this footage of like Madden simulations of it. So I say all that, I just think the kickoff rolls be crazy. And Walda Anderson, who's kind of like the old Mike Pereira, Dean Blendino, Al river On now doing that for the NFL. He sit up there and answered a million questions at the Fox thing from all the announcers, because the announcers with an open Q and A are like, all right, can this happen? Like are we gonna see this happen? It's just possible, And he had all the answers. But like if guys who call the games had a million questions, just wait for the fans.
That is going to be something to keep an eye on. All right, So we fast forward. It's you know, a couple days I have off say, all right, Football's coming back. Good Morning Football's returning. Now I've never formally announced this. I don't like doing formal announcements, but I am back with Good Morning Football. And that was up in the air for a bit whether or how we're going to make this work. I said from the very beginning, I don't plan on moving my family, but I want to be a part of Good Morning Football. So we came to an agreement the NFL Network and I that I am going to do a bunch of shows in LA, many of them being Mondays because I'm out there already for Fox, and then I'm gonna do a bunch of shows in New York. And the New York ones are going to be from a studio, not from my house, not from my basement, not from my garage, not from a bed. And we're going to see how this works. But Good Morning Football is a little different now, so it starts instead of at seven am, It starts at eight am Eastern. It's two hours on NFL Network. Then it's going to reair on NFL Network. But then we have this whole other thing going on, which I'm trying to get used to, no break in between a fresh two hours air and of a whole other show called GMFB Overtime, which airs on Roku, not the NFL network, Roku, which I'm getting the hang of because I don't. I didn't know Roku before this deal happened, And now I'm realizing I'm gonna be on the faces of Broku, which is neat. But then starting with Week one of the NFL season, it's gonna be on syndication in Fox local markets across the country. This second two hours called GMFB Overtime. All right, so we do two hours for NFL Network. That's your usual meat and potatoes football show in house, everyone knows it. Then the next two hours are going to be a little looser, a little more I don't know, what can I say, slice of life pop culture more, let's say, less talking about the backup tight ends on the Saints, and more talking about Joe Burrow's haircut, if that makes sense, and our reactions to that, and that's gonna air on like one hundred and nineteen different local markets. Apparently that are any Fox marks like Fox Topeka, Fox Albuquerque, all throughout the day in those local markets, and that either airs for one hour or two hours, spending what they want and you're saying, well, who's gonna watch that? Apparently everyone bought this thing, and also apparently.
Football wins like football sales, like people would rather watch highlights of football, people talking about football and have the NFL in the middle of the day than maybe a daytime talk show or a court drama or.
One of those judge shows. So I don't know, we'll see, but that was what it was. So my deal is I'm gonna be back and forth. It's gonna be interesting to see how I hold up with it, but I think I'm gonna be all right. And it's four hours, not three, but you'll probably only see it for two unless you're gonna watch two hours NFL Network and then jump over to the ROKU or the syndication. So that's my public service announcement. Oh and McCarty's no longer with us. McCarty his contract was up and he was like, I'm not moving my family out to LA for a show that is at those hours. It just doesn't gel with what we have. He's got everything out in New Jersey and he's set and he's got other opportunities. So I love Jason mccordy. I'm gonna him on the podcast because that's my dog. He was incredible filling in for Nate. But just as Jason filled in for Nate, we have a new host, and it's Akbar who comes from American Ninja Warrior and was with the NFL Network beforehand. And then Jamie Erdall did make the move, so she's out there. She's with her three kids and her husband. They're living out in Manhattan Beach, so seems like it's kind of stable. We're four episodes in. It's going really well. I'm really pretty happy with how it all worked out. We'll see where it goes all right, But now we had to actually launch the show, so I, like Walter Jones, who used to play for the Seattle Seahawks, said you'll see me day one, Like, I don't need to be out there for a week of rehearsals. Kyle went out there for rehearsals. I didn't. I'm a cantankeris. I'm like, no, I'll be in New York rehearsals and I'll get there day one, which I did. But Sunday I arrived and I'm like, do I go to sleep at five o'clock? Do I go to sleep at six o'clock? Let's try seven o'clock Sunday night. Well, I'm sitting there in my hotel room and I'm staring at the ceiling, and I've got all the nerves for the first day of school, and I just stared at the ceiling till ten o'clock, went to bed at one am Eastern, and woke up at two forty five am for the show. We go, We do the show. The show is tremendous, it's awesome. I'm absolutely exhausted. Afterwards, we do a commercial shoot afterwards Aaron where I don't even remember it. I don't even remember it. It was like it felt like it was just a blur, like we're all like posing and smiling and fake laughing and doing all that stuff and that's going to air on a commercial. And it was great. But like, I'm so fried, So I go back to the hotel room like I'm gonna work out I put on my shorts, my T shirt, my gym sneakers, and I fall asleep in my sneakers on the hotel bed with like my legs dangling off. I crash for like a forty five minute nap. But I wake up. I'm like, where am I? What time is it? It's right out, but I'm now like getting a second wind. And that's when Andrew Whitworth texts me and says, you're in town. You want to grab dinner? That's all I ever need? Yes, I do. Where do you want to go? Whitworth says, I'll pick you up. I'm like, what a gentleman. He's like, where are you? I'm like Manhattan Beach. He says, that's nowhere near where I am. I'm like, so, Whitworth, to his credit, says, all right, I'm gonna change my day around. He had two kids at camp, so he's like solo wall. So he's like, I'm gonna go drop by rams camp and then I'll come scoop you up afterwards and I'll take you to one of my favorite spots. Like great car pulls up. Andrew Whitworth in the car, opens up the door. He is wearing shorts and a T shirt. I'm wearing like a nice shirt, like a button down and jeans because I don't know where we're going. And he's like, have you been to the Soho House in Malibu? I'm like, no, I put it into my phone out of curiosity. Hour away. Great, just what I need to know that I'm gonna have to be coming back an hour from somewhere as I have to be up tomorrow at two forty five am. We start driving out there no traffic. He and I are chat and it's great. I love this guy. We go to the Soho House in Malibu. We meet up with his friend Tony, who I've become friendly with over the years through Andrew. And Tony knows McVeigh and mcveay his friends with him, and Tony was at the McVeigh wedding, so we haven't Aaron. This sounds really like social media, like elitists and all this thing. Apparently this Hope, this no Noo Soho House Malibu is like the most exclusive club in the world. So you heard of the sow Whole House, which is like an exclusive members only club which you have to interview for and you can't even walk foot step foot in unless you're a member. And they have that in cities across the world, and it's like in Barcelona, and it's in Miami, and there's multiple ones in New York, and it's like it's this private members club, Like what goes on? You have no idea. You're not allowed to have cell phones in there either. Well you can get into that, but that doesn't grant you access to this Malible one. This Malibu one is like you have to be a member of the Solo House, but then you need to interview separately to be a part of the Malibu One. So I don't know any of this. We show up and I don't think I'm allowed to say the celebrity, but every single table had a famous actor or actress at it. And it just overlooks the Pacific Ocean. And to like five hundred yards to your left is the Nobu in Malibu, which is apparently like the hottest restaurant in the world. And I was looking my nose, like my nose was like looking down on the Nobu because anyone off the street can walk in there, but only we can walk in this thing. I say, all this Whitworth is in there with like a T shirt and shorts and is the most comfortable guy in the building. He's six foot eighty, walks in. He's the man. He knows everybody, And I'm like, what the hell is going on right here? A minute ago, I was in my shoes, asleep on a courtyard Marriott bed, looking at the stars in the ceiling. Not only what time it was. I didn't drink alcohol, just drank iced tea, but like an hour into this amazing meal, I'm fading. So it's one of those aeron where it's like, do you raise your hand and leave or do you wait to see who's next? Because Matt Damon or Clooney or Sidney Sweeney is gonna walk into this restaurant next. And though I can't talk to them, take a photo of them, or interact with them, or even share that they were there, I'd like to get my eyes on them and at least say I saw them. I did the responsible thing exactly at seven fifty nine pm, which was ten fifty nine pm on the E. I've been up NonStop wire to wire. I just called an uber and I said, if I get an uber, it's gonna show up, and I'm gonna go get the uber. I get in this uber, I say goodbye to like the party of the century at this Soho house, which again I don't even know if I'll ever be able to set foot in again, because me to not only know a member, but this member has to also pass the test to be in the Malibu one. I get in the uber, Aaron, I'm not kidding. The uber said forty five minutes. I slept for forty four minutes of those just was fast asleep. Get to the hotel, go to the room. Alarm starts, boom two forty five up to another show of Good Morning Football. And that's when McVeigh texts me and is like, I see you're in town. Why don't you come to rams practice again? It's what do they say when you walk in a restaurant, you order everything, your stomach is, your eyes are bigger than your Yeah, this is me in La Dude. I'm like, yeah, no doubt. When he's like, we don't start till four forty so you have all day, I'm like, yeah, no, great, sure enough. Midway through the day, I'm fading. I meet a friend for lunch, okay, and I go to a place called the Strand House in Manhattan Beach, which again sick on the water, insane views great, but I'm fading early. I haven't worked out once in these three days. I plan on working out all three days. I haven't slept at all. I planned on staying on these coast hours. I didn't do that at all. Through that out the window and then I planned. I'm like, if I'm going to eat, I want to eat good. Well. We had pizza and nachos and savice at this thing, and then the night before I had some Maybe it is terrible, just just just just just crushing my body, terrible stuff. No Podell, I wanted to play Podell. No putdel. We finished lunch. I get back. I'm like fading hard. I go to Starbucks. I get a giant iced coffee, the Trent, the size. I suck it down. I call an uber and we're off to Loyola Marrymount University, home of Bo Kimball and Hank Gathers many years ago. Rams have camp. I get out the door of the Uber. I have no idea where I'm walking. This guy with a RAMS lanyard is there, and I'm like, dude, you know where to go for practice? And he's like, sregger, good morning football. I'm like, yes, celebrity famous, show me the way and he's like, yeah, it's over there, So like just you take a right, like whatever you gotta walk about to me, I'm like, okay, no, that's not the guy. Find another guy, another guy whose name I'm gonna shout out, Patrick Esposito, who works in the marketing group, and he's like, I got you. Patrick takes me on this long walk all the way to the field, get to the field, and Aaron I was like a kid in a candy store. The coolest day. The Rams treated me amazing. But the fact of the matter is, even if you're a fan going to Rams camp, it's at this like smaller, quainter like setup where you have to like get there. But once you get to Loyola Marymount, they built this field off the soccer field from what the what the soccer teams is. They made a football field out of it, and like the fans are right up there, right up on it, and it's like it's not an eighty thousand fan extravaganza. It's like I don't even want to give a number, but I would say it's closer to like five thousand to ten thousand fans there, and it's every seat's a good one. The players are right there. I'm watching Stafford sign of autographs. I'm watching Nakua sign autographs. I get there, the first person I see is my guy, Les Sneid, the GM who we had in the podcast. He and I are talking for thirty minutes. We go down the entire roster. We talk about everything we get. I get my info from the rams and Less is honest and brutally honest about all of it. I get his thoughts on hard knocks about you know how it went with Joe Shane, what his thoughts are. He didn't watch it, he said, but he's like, if I were to do it, and this is interesting, like I would go all in also, and I think Joe was the same way. Like if we're going to have the camera, it's like, I'm not going to hide away and try to not be myself. I'm gonna be my authentic self. But this is when it gets cool. McVeigh comes up and I'm like, all right, he's got practice to go. They start. Mcvay's talking to me and practice is about to start, and I'm like, no, you go do your job. But he's asking me about how how Melon Betty you're doing. I'm asking him now he's doing he was in the French riviera for ten days. He's telling me about that. But Sean, I got it. I gotta tell you, Like, I think people are gonna like this sounds. So he's jacked, like he spent the off season just like getting any ridiculous shape and not losing weight. I'm talking putting on muscle where he's absolutely like he looks like he's Dan Campbell now, like he's completely jacked. So I think that's gonna be something. Jimmy Garoppolo's on the team. I forgot that. Jimmy Garoppolo comes running over, talk to him. Cooper Cup is like the man. He comes over and talks to me. Nakua and I speak. I spoke to Jared Verst, a rookie who I'm really excited about. But then after practice, after they had a really good practice, Stafford comes over and like Stafford had time for me, Like I'm not with a camera, I'm not with a recording device, like he could have been like, oh what's up, dude.
We talked for like fifteen minutes and he looks like he's in really good shape. But here's the thing. He looks like slim and trim and like mobile. I'm excited for Stafford because what they did this offseason the Rams, and this was by design. They signed Jonah Jackson, who's gonna be out for a little bit. They signed Dots in the Big Boy, and then they also drafted guys on the offensive line, so like they're really big upfront to protect Matthew Stafford, and I think they're really excited about the run game. And now you get a healthy Cooper Cup, a healthy Houka Nakua, and then like that third wide receiver spot could be anyone from to two at well to DeMarcus Robinson to this rookie Jordan Whittington, who they're super excited about. Like this sounds me being hyperbolic, and it's one of those where like you go to one camp, you come out and you have a million takes, like and I'll the Rams offense it's gonna be awesome this year. Can the defense stop anym That's going to be the key. But like my early pick for a team that might score the most points in the league, like mcvay's got to dialed in Stafford and Nicola really clicked. Cup is healthy. They've got the run game. I love this, kyn Williams, like, I think the Rams might have the number one offense in the entire league this year. And it's not just because I was a participant at practice and got to meet the guys and talk to the coach. I watched it. It's humming and it's August first, so I'm super excited about the Rams. We went back to the hotel afterwards. I had like I think, I got like, you know, what's the right there. There's a little I wish I knew the fast food place. I got like fast food. I got like a grilled chicken sandwich. It was delicious. I went to bed, woke up the next day, and that brings us to here where I did the show at two forty five am, wake up, took a flight, came back, did the show this morning, and then we're here Thursday, and I just was rambling on for forty five minutes. But like those are like the whereabouts of Peter Schreger. Why this podcast is what it is and it's the season with Peter Schregar. But my Rams takeaways, Nakula Cup healthy, Stafford looking in great shape. The offense is going to be fire this year. If the defense can stop anyone, they're going to be fine. And like no one's talking about the Rams. Was about the Niners and the Lions. But like the Rams, I don't know. They were a surprise team last year. They bring everybody basically back except for Aaron Donald, and I think the offense is going to be haunted. I had a couple other thoughts if I can give them, just to wrap up the podcast. If you want three rapid fire thoughts, you want to hear them.
Boom, let's go.
First off, Giants Hard Knocks. I did the podcast with them, with those guys the NFL asked if I wanted to do a podcast just like recap, like I thought it was awesome. Did you watch the Giants five episodes of Giants Hard Knocks off season? Yeah?
Loved it, loved it. Probably my favorite off season content maybe ever, Like.
Honestly, I do my favorite Hard Knocks season. Yes, hunperbolic because NFL Films takes such pride, and HUA takes such pride and then we're like going in. I thought for sure this was gonna be just roses and rainbows and there'll be no conflict and we're not gonna learn anything. It's just gonna be Look how great the Giants are, and look how smart this draft pick was right out of the gates. We have contentious stuff with Sakuan, which I loved, and I think that's gonna be film that we go back on for the entire season if he blows up and is awesome. In Philly, they go through their free agent process and it's like Robert Hunt is one of our top free agents, and like we're really targeting Robert Hunt and Christian Wilkins is one of our top free agents, and like they didn't get those guys. They went for him and did not get them. I love that they actually showed it. And then they had the three wide receivers in at the same time, and it's like, we're gonna say on camera that like might grow them wide receivers carded like Neighbors above Harrison, which I don't know anybody else who had that, and then you know, Shannon Dable pretty much back them up like Neighbors before Harrison. That didn't end up being a Neighbor's pick over Harrison. But if Harrison was still on the board and Neighbors still the board, it looks like they still were taking Neighbors. And the last part about it, for all the talk we had of JJ mccarr going to the Giants, and I had them there going in my mock draft, the first mock draft I had changed and I had mended in relative for all that talk, he was never really a part of the equation. It was they would trade up for Jaden Daniels, they would trade up for Drake May. No one wanted to trade down, or they would take Neighbors or Harrison and or brock Bowers, which seemed to be a possibility if it came that way, or a doone's day.
So but that was close. That was my favorite part where they were like, if one, two three goes this day, we will go these choices, and if Neighbors is gone, we will consider trading down to take Rome or Bowers. But like I loved hearing them break down those first ten picks because we all in the audience and the media had gone through that ourselves of what's going to happen one through ten, nobody goes and so it was so enlightening to watch that. That was one of my one of the highlights of the show for sure.
And Aaron, what was cruel about it is we know the result, Like we know they end up with neighbors, but I would think going in like I don't really care that much about like you know how they got there, Yes they were, but along the way, you're like still in your head, like whoo they might trade up for Drake May Like you still are like in your head like this might happen. So I thought it was great. And they're going flipping the script and they're going right to the Bears. And from what I'm told, there's someone with Jonathan Owens right now as he's watching someone Biles in Paris, and we've got the Hall of Fame game and we got Caleb like I'm excited for hard knocks. All right, move that to the side. That's one thing. Second thing, all right, the second part of it. In New York Giants are obviously a topic Jets, Jets Mania, Jets. I will be at Jets camp on Monday, and I will be at Giants camp on Tuesday, So we'll record a pod maybe Wednesday or Tuesday afternoon, and I think we'll recap my two days with those guys. My last thing that I wanted to bring up, my last point before we wrap for this week as we can all of my personal travels out of the way. Is this ongoing thing about the Cowboys and their fans not showing up to ox nerd California. Now this is a small sports media thing, but I saw McAfee talking about it with Lombardi, I saw Jane Slater way and so the Cowboys have always practiced out in Oxnard, California for training camp, and this year attendance numbers have been sparse, and a lot of the initial reaction is that it's, you know, people are over the Cowboys. They lost to Green Bay. They don't have Dak resign, they don't have CD Lamb resigned, they don't have Micah Parsons resign, and like people are over it, and Cowboys fans are like, unless you sign those guys, We're not going to go and spend all this money to go travel out to training camp. That's been the media take, and I respect it, and a lot of that might be true. I'm just gonna give you an alternative take on this, and it might be a little bit more Pro League or pro you know the other teams, and maybe I'm just drinking that California swee sweet California water. The Rams had a really, really good season last year. They have a really good team. They have gone to the playoffs in five the last six years. Their fan experience at training camp was freaking awesome when I went, and it's in Manhattan Beach, not Oxnard. If you're in Los Angeles and you need a football fix and you're not one of these Cowboys crazies, like I think you might want to just support the home team, like yes back in the day, going to Oxtar to the thing because there wasn't football in LA, and there wasn't a good team in LA, and it was like, here's our one glimpse of NFL football. It's the Cowboys out in Oxnar, which has been an hour away from LA, and it's like, I'm gonna go and sit in one hundred degree heat because I want to see Terrell Owens or I want to see Tony Romo and it's like my one opportunity to see football this year. Not only are the Rams a relevant team, You've got Harbaugh and the Chargers now who are having practices right there in like Manhattan Beach at the Bolt, which their new facility, which is supposed to be insane. My colleige Kyle Brandt went. And then the Saints are also in La there at you see Irvine, I believe, and they're practicing at where the Rams used to do their training camp. So you have three other options than the Cowboys. And yeah, maybe the lusters off the Cowboys a little bit, but they're still going to be a favorite in the NFC East. They're still gonna be a Super Bowl pick for a lot of teams, a lot of people in the media. But like it used to be the only show in town out in LA. My argument is that maybe the numbers are down because A it's not as convenient as these other places. B. The Rams and Chargers are like really relevant teams. And see the Saints are there too, so I can't get as worked up about the Cowboys not having the attendance numbers they used to. Is the luster off the Star, I don't know. We'll see in the regular season. I'm pretty sure they're gonna be the hottest team and the team that we're talking about the most.
All right, So later the season, We're gonna do an episode live from Soho House mal with Cooper Manning and uh, we'll debate whether or not cowboys are are still in it or not.
Quick note, as I'm at that Soho House Malibu, which I don't know geography of LA. It's far from everything, but it's up the Pacific Coast Highway also known as the p H. There was a giant cowboys bus parked in front of Nobu in Malibu, and that's where Stephen and Jerry Jones are having dinner. And that's where the cowboys brass. That's how they travel. They drive in a huge bus and they just parked it in front of Nobu, which is like the hottest restaurant. So the cowboys were there. Don't worry.
How did you get in? So as long as someone you're.
With is.
Yeah, we we just got to get you a membership and then I can come in with you. That's absolutely That's something LA like. I'm going to be there a lot. Do I go for it all? Do I try to be a member of a golf club? Do I try to be a member of Soho House?
I start hanging around at all these fancy restaurants, So I have to have lunch. Do you want to do lunch at the Ivy? Do I say, that's still the place, the Ivy, that was the place forever. But like I don't know, do I go all in and lean in on the la or do I roll with like you know, the collect the marryout points and be smart and be frugal and just get in and get out. What would you say? What's more entertaining for the podcast?
Does Soho House have a padel court?
No, but they should, Like the lack of padel in La is actually criminal. There's one in Silver Lake, which is probably where you would live because it's the hipster part of of California and it's more like Mark Marin Roles, But there's no padel in like La Proper, which is like just ridiculous. One atrocity.
Maybe you get in like you're the business partner to start padel at Soho House. You start bringing it up there. I know places in San Diego, like I said with my friend Chris, but yeah, I haven't played it in La at all. You might be this might be the side gig. You know, you have plenty of time for us.
We're gonna play in Brooklyn. I wonder if we can do pod from Padel House in Brooklyn. We bring the equipment and just have like the snacking of the ball against the wall in the background, and I was.
Just like, I played tennis with my mom this morning. How do you do that?
I got my ass kicks?
Yeah? Is good? So good?
Yeah yeah yeah.
When you say you're your ass kick, we're talking like six two, six to one. Like what are we talking?
She just ram me all over the court.
She was like yeah. She's like, uh, you got to be a little more consistent and you'll get better.
And I was like, thank thanks for the tip. I don't get to play every day at work. All right, that's the pod tonight. There's gonna be a Hall of Fame game. You're going to react. I think there's football over the weekend. There might not be. There's practices for sure, and then next week we'll have recaps from Jets and Giants. If you're not in New York, you could just skip that podcast. That's probably what the topic is going to be for Aaron wand Kaufman, for all the folks in LA, for all the folks in New York, for the ioheart team, for for everybody involved. Thank you for listening, and I'll have more fun, fabulous stories from my travels and the months that come. The Season with Peter Schrager is a production of the NFL and partnership with iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.