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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawn Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, glad, you're with us. Seven days from today Election Day. That means one week from today you'll be turning in maybe six o'clock or so, and you begin your long night, settle in and fo thirty five seats in the Senate of for grabs. Key Senate races, governors races that we are watching, one of the governor's races we're paying attention to. And the Senate races down in the great state of Florida, very very very tight races. Vote for Rick Scott, who has done a great job as governor for the people of Florida, who is taking on Ben Nelson, basically a Schumer liberal. I mean, there's the voting. It's indistinguishable him and Schumer and Rhonda Santas taken on the radical leftist who wants to raise business taxes. Clearly under FBI investigation, you know, the only guy that I know that could actually from an FBI agent a thousand dollars and tickets to go see Hamilton's in New York. Give the guy the contract and not be arrested. I mean that coupled with his running mate making what appeared to be anti Semitic comments. We'll get into that with Rhonda Santis in the course of the program today. You know, I don't know why I have a greater piece about where things are today because I feel like it's out of my hands. I feel like you you either know or you don't know at this point, and if you don't see the urgency in this mid term election, I can't help you. And I would just say that, you know, look at what the president is going to be doing, and that's gonna be eleven stops between now an election day, doing everything he could possibly do so that his agenda can stay on course, the successful agenda that we've had for the last two years. That he can increase the number of senators in the U. S. Senate. We have opportunities for sure, and that maybe even pull out fight back against historical trends and hang onto the House. And they're basically gonna be three results that you're gonna get one week from tonight now. Results Number one would be the best, and that is that the Republicans pick up three to four Senate seats, which would be very powerful, maybe more I mean anything could happen, and that Republicans, even if it's by one vote, hang onto the House. That would be a win win win win scenario. That would be a knockout blow. So you can shock the world. But it all depends on you. You know, this is a democratic republic. It counts on we, the people we've identified on Hannity dot Com, especially in the House, the most important races there that I'm gonna tip the balance of power in the House. We've been putting on some some key uh congressional candidates in very important district It's interesting. Oh look there are four and thirty five, so they're all important. Every every one of you listening to my vote, I don't care if you think your congressman is safe or not. You better get out and vote because otherwise, if you don't vote, that's pretty much a vote for Nancy Pelosi, And if you have a Senate race going on in your state, that's a vote for Chuck Schumer. The second potential outcome is a split decision. Split decision would be Republicans hang onto the Senate, gain a couple of seats, and Nancy Pelosi then becomes Speaker and Maxie Waters is a chairwoman, Adam Schiff is a chairwoman, and let's say Gerald Nadler is a chairman, and Elijah Cummings a chairman, and it's endless investigations. You know. One of the most unbelievable things that we're watching unfold here is, well, we got this desperation factor of the Democrats. I mean even when I think, even when I warn you of what they do two and four years, racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, homophobic, you know, dirty air, dirty water, killed children, throw Granny over the cliff. Just when you think it can't get worse, it gets worse. And the echo chamber. If you've ever doubted, ever doubted who the media in this country is pulling for, just just watch any so called cable news channel besides Fox for thirty seconds, because it's every second, every minute of everyday, hate Trump, destroy Trump, helped the Democrats. And if it means falsely accusing the President of being responsible for the synagogue shooting over the weekend and not even tell the people their viewers that well, the shooter, there's got Madman Bauer hated Trump because of Trump being so allied and good partners with our closest ally Israel, and the same people you know saying Trump caused this, Trump's responsible for this. You know it's it's it's a sense of madness. But it also does show a desperation that is now kicked in for the Democratic Party. They are desperate. You know one thing, I think I'm gonna talk about polls a little bit in the course of the program today, but I'm also on the other hand, it seems like I'm talking out of both sides of my face. I'm really not um. I'm gonna tell you to just ignore the polls at this point, doesn't matter. You still have a job to do, and if you want to to keep the progress that we've had, you want to prevent hearing the night of one week from tonight and one day after, one week from tomorrow when we talk about the results. If you don't want to hear the words Speaker elect Pelosi, Senate Majority elect Schumer, than you're gonna have to do something about it. The worst case scenario is that they can win it all, and the only way that's gonna happen is if you stay home. Now. The reason I'll tell you not to pay attention to the polls is because they get it wrong so often. Just two years ago, the eggs of polls showed that Trump lost Florida, he wont it, lost North Carolina, he won it, that he had lost Ohio, he won Ohio, that he lost Pennsylvania, he won Pennsylvania, that he lost Michigan and Wisconsin, and he won both of them. And the media, nobody, they were kiddy because they read these results. As I was on the air at five fifteen, I had it before everybody else. I remember my first break at at the about twenty after the hour, I called then candidate Donald Trump and I said, somebody's gonna come in in about a minute with bad news and tell you that you lost everything. Don't believe it. I said, I don't believe these polls. I said, there's no way these polls are accurate. And he goes, why do you believe that? And I told him the story. About two thousand and four, with the media again, the polls came back and George Bush and Dick Cheney had lost Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and it was over. And Dick Cheney called the radio program this radio program at you know on election Day two thousand and four at five thirty five and reminded people they still had time to vote because he read the same information that I had just read that John Kerry was going to be the next president. You know, if you go back in you know other polls where they've been wrong. You know, let's go back with the election one week away. It's coming down to the wire. Conventional wisdom is Republicans will pick up a few seats in the House in the Senate, but lose the House by a painfully slim margin. One of the reasons is, look, if you look at Real Clear Politics that's based on polling, polling is not totally inaccurate information. There's some things you can glean from polling that are anecdotal. Maybe the way to put it helpful in other ways. Right now, Real Clear Politics has the Democrats a two five seats locked solid or leaning Democrat. It has leaning Republican lock solid Republican two hundred. That's a five seat difference. But because Republicans have the majority of right now, that means that they have more seats they have to defend, like thirty seats that they called toss ups that could swing one way or the other. We've identified these. We put them up on Hannity dot com. You can check it out for yourself. And the only thing that can make a difference is if you want the progress of the last two years to continue, you get to decide how you're gonna feel a week from tonight. I mean when the if you watch go back the media in this five fifteen, they were giddy. Well, it's pretty clear Hillary, I think it's gonna be the next president. Frank Lantz was reporting from Times Square at six fifteen, and I'm watching him. It's over. Trump lost, It ain't happening. Turned out not to be true, turned out the polls were wrong. And I'm not criticizing Frank. He was reading the polling data. I had read the same data. So if you don't have the sense of urgency, I don't know what I can say or do to give it to you. But the media is all in on helping the Democrats get back the House and the Senate, and they're doing everything within their power to make that happen because they've hated Trump since the day walked down the escalator with Milania. I think it's worth noting now that conventional wisdom does not exactly have a stellar track record. This is where I urge you to be cautious about the polls and don't let the polls influence your motivation here, because not only were they wrong in twenty six they're also were wrong in two thousand and four. They it will way off in the last mid term election. Remember, Republicans are even saying, oh, because Ted Cruise is felibuster, oh, we're gonna get cleaned out in the Senate. That didn't happen. One year before the mid terms, the media insisted the GOP hopes to recapture the Senate. We're dead on arrival because in October Ted Cruz had filibustered Obamacare and shut the government down for sixteen days. Good for him, makes me like Ted Cruise more. The experts assured us a hundred percent certainty, and ten Republicans are gonna pay huge price. When the mid terms rolled around thirteen months later, the GOP not only one back the Senate, they did it with a nine seat Senate landslide. Now, remember, as the night went on in two sixteen, media was kind of giddy. But then that giddiness began to give away to a little bit of a little bit of nervousness. I think we got it still, but yeah, to get a little tighter than we thought, isn't it? And then that turned into it all out meltdown depression collectively by the media, and they couldn't believe it because you we the people shocked the world. What happened in old four It's happened in fourteen, and it happened in sixteen. No reason it can't happen in eighteen. You should do it for no other reason, because you want to keep America on the great growth growth trajectory we're on, and maybe for another reason, to watch these idiots in the mainstream media, these sanctimonious, uh self righteous, they're not newspeople advocates that they are the extension of the Democratic Party. They're gonna lose it. If the House remains a Republican hands and Republicans pick up a number of Senate seats, they will lose it, just like they did in six This is a this is a white lash. CNN was reporting that night. Anyway, the so called experts saw the Republican landslide coming that none of them saw it. In feen, no very few of us saw that. We could win. I'll give you the let's go to final Wall Street Journal NBC News survey before balloting, inten had forty six percent of likely voters favor of Congress, led by Republicans forty preferred Democratic control. Kind of similar where they are now. The GOP claimed a similar one point advantage lead in ten states where Senate races were the most competitive, with the balance of power in the chamber would be decided. Those results suggest a narrower advantage for Republicans than in the latest mid term And you know, still they claimed, Oh, Republicans pick up nine seats. That's a hell of a field goal. They were saying they might they might well was kind of a two touchdown, embarrassing laws for Democrats. This is more Republicans went on a field goal. Well, they were wrong. Pew research was wrong. I know. Meanwhile, over it five thirty eight, Nates Silver was saying the polls showing Republicans retaken the Senate by a slim margin, Oh they were wrong too. It's like it was wrong. I think rasp Musin was the only one that got it right. So the bottom line is, you have the power, you have it. They can't stop you. You're a citizen, Go register, go vote, and go shot the world again. It'd be fun. I'll tell you that. Well, I can deal with whatever. It's either gonna be a split decision Republicans win it all, or a really bad night, and you get to decide. Attention, all patriots, are you in the market for a new gun? While the U s c c A Is on a mission to get more guns into the hands of more responsibly armed Americans, So they want to give you seven free chances to win the ultimate concealed carry package. Were that's a brand new gun, Holster, magazines, and all the ammo you need to break it all in. Entering is easy, quick and free, but you're running out of time. Your has to win vanishes Halloween at midnight. And remember you'll get seven free chances to win. Simply text carry to the number eight seven to two two. Were the official rules, and to instantly lock in your seven free chances to win, It's that easy. Just get your phone out right now and text carry that c A r R Y to the number eight seven to two two. This is your absolute last chance and this is too easy and way too valuable to pass up. Text carry c A r r y to eight seven to two two. Right now, that's it. Just imagine getting fifteen hundred bucks for doing something so easy. Get your seven free chances for the ultimate concealed carry package right now, Text carry to the number eight seven to two two. Text carry to eight seven to two two. All right, one week from today the results come in. But I'm just going back nineteen days before the Republican Senate landslide in. There's what Nate Silver's five thirty eight said. This year's Senate election is closed. Republicans have the clearer path to a majority, but it is a treacherous one. Republicans of favorite in Iowa, Colorado, for example, but not by much. If Democrats eked out victories in those states and picked up the seat in Kansas, they can control fifty seats and keep their majority. Democrats can also pick up seats from the GOP and Georgia Kentucky. Republican gains in Arkansas Louisiana are probable, but far from certain. Relatively modest errors in the right states would do tricks for the Democrats anyway. The Republicans picked up nine Donald Trump didn't win a single state according to the polls, John Kerry was going to be president because of the polls. Now, I don't have a crystal ball, and I just know when we're in the fight, and I just you know, I have a natural gut instinct to always want to play like on behind play hard. And the way you play hard in this case is you make a decision now that you're gonna vote for the Republican congressman in your district. Check out my webs I'd see if you're in one of those key pivotal you know, tip the balance of power districts. They're the most important, but every seat is important. And when you vote, know that if you vote for a Democrat, you're voting for Pelosi. If you vote for a Republican, maybe, if you're you're voting to keep the status quo of economic growth and prosperity, in a strong national defense and build a border wall. You know, if you vote for any Democratic senator, you're just voting for Schumer. If you vote for Pretticon mccaskell, Nelson, Joe Donnelly, Cinema, you vote for any of the tester, you're voting for Schumer. Alright now until the top of the hour eight nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program US consumer confidence. According to Bloomberg dot com now, doesn't mayor Bloomberg still own Bloomberg? I'm assuming, right, Linda, I'm it's called Bloomberg. Does he still own Bloomberg and Bloomberg TV and Bloomberg you know all that? I assume he does, right? You don't have an answer? Okay, anyway, I'm sorry, I was talking to our callers. I apologize. I will find out for you in circle back. Well, it's at an eighteen year high. If it's in an eighteen year high, why is Bloomberg spending all this money throwing him at at Democratic candidates so the Democrats can take back the House. Because we haven't had this kind of economic prosperity growth for all these years. Now we've got four million new jobs, eight million fewer Americans on food stamps and in poverty. We've got more opportunity than we've had in over a decade. For crying out loud, things are growing by leaps and bounds. Why would we want to stop? That's what the midterm election should be about. Bloomberg owns of Bloomberg. That was a pretty quick thing. Um, here's an interesting article. So the President and Milania go to Pittsburgh today after the terrible shooting in the synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday, and no one in the media, all the people in the media that are actually blaming Donald Trump for this. It's outrageous. It is ugly, it is twisted, it is sick, it is defamatory. Frankly, there there's there's got to be some legal standard at some point that you ought to be able to sue for such slander and libel as comments like this. Anyway, Jeffrey Meyers, the Pitts Pittsburgh rabbi, you know, who watched eleven of his congregants gunned down during their Saturday services, saying he's now become the political target and he's receiving hate mail for saying he would welcome the president to his place of prayer. It's unbelievable. Anyway, you had all these wonderful people, They're going to praise God in a temple and they're gunned down. Anyway, the organization told reporters they now have received three phone calls today alone from an unidentified man swearing and angry at them. They wouldn't elaborate exactly what the caller said. They did tell reporters that it was anti Semitic and pro Trump. Well, the guy Bowers that was responsible for this murder and terror in the synagogue was anti Trump, and as Ron Derber has said, the ambassador to Israel, as bb netin Yahoo has said, you know, they've never heard any one president ever say stand up that if you destroy our friends are allies and Israel, we will destroy you, which, by the way, is the way it should be. You don't get to kill innocent men, women and children in a synagogue. It's unbelievable. The race, the rush to politicize pretty much anything and everything that is Donald Trump. You know, rabbi set on seeing and Trump is my president. He's always welcome to visit. You know. Ever since yesterday morning, the fake news fraud media has been circulating what is just a pernacious lie that somehow Pittsburgh's rabbis didn't want the president to visit and pay his respects after the massacre. Rose Tenant, friend of this program, she was on with us yesterday. You know, she exposed this as the hateful garbage and fraud that it is and saying those comments come from you know, some fringe group, but not from it not representative of anybody the mainstream of the Pittsburgh Jewish community. The Jerusalem Post Today points out, you know that this radical group out there, whatever they're not, it's not mainstream. It's a political group. I don't even want to give them any attention. And then anyway, anyway, so they invited I guess an interviewed Rabbi Jeffrey Myers. He gave a prayer yesterday that was beyond beautiful. I mean, how pastors and priests and you know, people of the cloth are able to lift people up when I'm sure they themselves are just dying inside. I don't know. It takes a very special anointed person to be that kind of person. Donald Trump's my president. The President of the United States is always welcome to visit. You know, our friend David shown on this program has been to the Trio life says Rabbi Myers is an amazing man, And um, why wouldn't you want the president to come and comfort your congregation. There's never been a more pro Israel president in my lifetime than this one. It's just it's just a fact. All these presidents promised that Jerusalem, which is the rightful capital of Israel, oh gonna move it from Tel Aviv to Israel. Then they never do it because they never have the courage to do it. What if Donald Trump, he was getting all these calls from other countries in the region, he said, no, I'm doing it. I made a promise. I'm keeping my word. Well, why don't we have a little bit more of that? That is one thing that Donald Trump, if he gives you his word, he's gonna he's fighting for it. We see it now happening on the immigration fight. Now, the President and Lindsey Graham have teamed up to end birthright citizenship. In other words, if you enter the country illegally and you happen to give birth to a child, that child's instantly even though you're in the country illegally interest in initially, it's just automatically US citizen. Doesn't matter that your parents are here illegally. Well, that is only to me encouraging other illegal behavior. We're asking people we support immigration, legal immigration. We now see caravan organizers loading illegal migrants onto buses heading for the US, although some of the people now have been turning back um the Pentagon now is deployed over troops. They're putting up barriers of barbed wire and other things because we can't have what happened on the southern border with Guatemala Mexico, Mexico southern border where people does rush across and rush over the police. You know, we had apparently a confrontation yesterday, one dead, dozens injured as a caravan was clashing with Mexican authorities. We don't want that here. We are saying, if you want to come, then come legally, don't come illegally. Respect America. The first thing to getting into America has to be respect America's sovereignty, respect our borders, respect to America. Is um. This is getting interesting about Robert Mullo. I don't really know what to think about it. I'm a little torn about even talking about it. But apparently Mike Allen, you see if I can pull this story up here is tweeting out that Special Council former FBI Director Mueller is accused of some type of sexual impropriety against women, and the FBI now is looking into it that it's a false story. So I want to give you both sides of it. Daily News has a very different take on it, and their headline is FBI asked to investigate allegations that women were offered cash to accuse Robert Mueller of sexual assault. I know for a fact at a tape exists where there is a very prominent person on the tape, not about Mueller, very prominent person on the tape offering money to somebody to make allegations against Donald Trump. Why this tape has never been made public, I don't know, but it does exist, and I'm not gonna go any further than that at this point. So this type of thing does happen, and I think, like in every other case, I mean, I'm not a fan of the team that Robert Muller put together. I you know, I'm always torn because i never want to criticize. I'm I'm very fond of law enforcement. I just hate the people that he hired in this witch hunt. How we ever got off into things like you know, bank loan applications when it was supposed to be about Trump Russia collusion. You know, we're at a point in history where this is how phony Democrats are. They only care about Russia collusion and interference if it's Donald Trump. But when you have real evidence, because there's no evidence of Trump Russia collusion, but when there's real evidence of Hillary paying for a phony Russian dossier disseminated by top intelligence officials and FBI officials to lie to the American people before an election, is used to commit fraud on FISA court judges four times to get into the Trump campaign visa v. A Trump campaign associate, and then is part of a media leak strategy that we've now learned about. It's taken eighteen months that dossier is used and leaked all over the media to create the impression, oh, this smoke here about Trump Russia collusion, but the leaks were about the phony dossier, Russian dossier that Hillary paid for. On top of of course Hillary committing multiple felonies and having a rigged investigation, and this leak strategy leading to the appointment of Mueller, which we now know to be the insurance policy just in case Trump wins, because Trump should lose a hundred million to one according to Peter Struck. Even Peter Struck said there's no there there. Lisa Paide said that just prior to the appointment of Mueller, they had no evidence of any type of collusion. None. It's outrageous. You know, you watch this, this vile anti Semitic, racist, Trump hater murder during eleven innocent people injuring six others. I mean, you see, it's basically the face of evil. Evil exists, it exists in society, exists all around the world. That's why we need to spend the money we spend on a strong national defense. That's why we need to be tough with oh Kim Jong un and the Mullahs in Iran. You know, it's we had the deadliest attack against the Jewish community on American soil in our history. President said, no will destroy you if you attack them, which was the right answer. There's no place in this country for evil, racist, anti Semits. None. And I don't think there's been a president in modern history that has demonstrated his support for our number one ally in the Middle East and frankly between Great Britain and Israel. That this is the closest alliance we have as America founded on Judeo Christian principles. It's a personal connection in his own family with his daughter and his son in law, his grandchildren, you know, as um you know, he's the one that deported the Nazi death camp guard. Obama didn't do it. Could have, but he didn't. He's been the most pro Israeli president, rightly so since seven moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Has presidents never had the courage to do it. Israeli Prime Minister I've often said it was the only adult on the world stage finally has a partner that understands the evils and the threats of radical Islam and especially Iran. In the mainstream media, democrats speaking with one voice, blame Trump, but this horrific attack, Dina Millbank writing Trump's America is not a safe place for Jews. What a lie, What a slanderous, disgusting, despicable lie. Also in the Washington Post, an editor writing, you know Trump is the fears of those like Bauer, one columnist of the New York Times. Trump has flirted with the deepest racist and Nazis, and it has not gone unnoticed, the least of all by them blaming the president now. Not only is Trump historically since the most supportive president of Israel and the Jewish community the monster that committed this evil atrocity in the synagogue. Uh happens to hate Trump. Why because Trump is so close with our friends and allies of Israel, and Bowers posting online is hatred and contempt for Trump because of his support for Israel. But yet the mainstream media's coverage that doesn't matter. He had one you know CNN and you know g Q correspondent saying that the president is worse than nicest. I think, you know, this president, one of the things that he really launched his presidential run on is talking about Islamic radical radicalization. And this president has radicalized so many more people than ISAs ever did so I think the president has far more supporters who espoused an equally hateful ideology and see it in and it's unbelievable. She says, well, my comments are exactly That's all we've heard all weekend. And then you get fake news President Jeff Zucker lecturing the president on rhetoric and civility. This is his network, every second, minute, hour of every day. It's anti Trump, and that idiot Humpty Dumpty, you know who is basically the you know, spokesman for Zucker, stenographer for Zucker. Over the weekend, as a guest, we played some of those yesterday saying, oh, Hannity is responsible for the violent actions of a deranged individual, when in fact, we have on this program, we have for the last month and warning people that rhetorics too hot and they need to calm down, because you could see this coming with you know, we can't be civil. Kick them running women at a restaurant, Sarah Sanders, Pam Bandi, Kristin Nielsen, and Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz and his wife, you know, in a boulder thrown through Kevin McCarthy's door. You know, you could see the hostility about all things conservative and Republican. You know, I called for security and peace and people to take out their differences at the ballot box. But that doesn't stop them. They're so desperate to get noticed, so desperate to help their Democratic allies and friends win one week from today. It's pathetic. Frankly, it's slander in and of itself. Now, we've got to get to the point in this country, if you get slandered, you ought to be able to sue and have a chance to win. Right, you have to prouce absence of malice. Well, how about absence of research, because if they ever listened to watch, they'd see a very different Sean Hannity than the caricature that they paint. By the way, Linda, you noticed who was fairest to us in the news meeting. I could not believe. I was on the front cover of the National Enquirer. It's on stands all over the country, and they were fair to me. They actually quoted me a hundred percent accurately, which never happens. Did you notice that? I did notice that. It's pretty remarkable. Could you put that up on Hannity dot com and hopefully if you go to the local grocers to the National Enquirer was fair to me, totally fair, quoted me ad accurately, said okay, and then at different points that I want to make sure I got your comment right. It was unbelievable. I wouldn't get that on any other network. How Plant Cancelordians trust your judgment when someone under FBI investigation was part of your inner circle. Yeah, well, you know we all have friends that sometimes let us down. Uh, Andrew and me is that when I dealt with the FBI as a prosecutor, I was working hand in hand in with them to bring people to justice. When Andrew deals with them. He's dealing with an undercover agent posing as a contractor who he was on a junket with in New York City. You went to a Broadway show with an undercover FBI agent. You went to Costa Rica with the same lobbyists, and guess what happened. The lobbyists that wind and dine Andrew, they got a two million dollar grant from the city government. So to me, corruption is when you're in a position of power, you're getting something you shouldn't have had. He shouldn't have gotten the Broadway tickets, he shouldn't have gotten the trip to Costa Rica, and then you give something to someone in return. He gave two million dollars to the same lobbyists over the weekend. You called Andrew Gillim, you referenced him being a thief. What did you mean, Well, the FBI offered him tickets at eighteen hundred dollars apiece, and he took him. He took a trip with the same FBI agent. I guess he was posing as a developer or something. The man Stone call took this stuff. I don't even think he should be allowed to continue on with you responded today, by calling you week you're howling because you're weak. That's I haven't heard that one lately. That's okay, good, that's at a pace. Look, here's a guy that, in my opinion, is a stone called thief and his a city, Tallahassee, is known as the most corrupt in Florida and one of the most corrupt in the nation. He's a disaster. And how he's even close to being tied it's hard to believe, but Florida can't have If Florida has a governor like that. And I know Florida better than I know practically anywhere Florida will become Venezuela. It will be a disaster. And you have Rhn de Santis, who is a Harvard Dale guy. He said, a really terrific You know, he's a very good person. He's gonna be a very He's going to be a very good to a great governor. This other guy is a stone colt in my opinion, he's a thief. How can you have a guy like this and you just look at his record, also look at the job he's done as the mayor of Tallahassee. He's a total disaster. Wow, that was the President talking about Andrew Gilham, the mayor of Tallahassee. He was running a governor against Rhonda Santis the republic and like everything in Florida, it's a very close tight race at this moment. Rhonda Santis joins US now UH congressman, hopefully soon to be governor. How are you, sir. We're doing good, Sean, and we've got uh really good news in terms of the voters that are coming out to vote. Even though we've had a lot of early voting, we're actually leading as Republicans the mail and absentee mail and the early vote so far. We're usually behind by now and we come back on election Day. So I think we're turning out a lot of those Trump voters who didn't always vote in mid term elections because I think they realized that this is an important race for the future of Florida. That's good news for us. Well, you got you running for Rick Scott's seat. Rick Scott would love to see him. We did a great job as governor of Florida, and I love to see him go to the US Center. That too, is a tight race. Let's talk about the FBI investigator buying what thousand dollar Hamilton's tickets for Andrew Gillum. And you're saying that there was a quid pro quo involved, Well, this guy was posing as a developer. Uh, he went and he paid for Andrew at least a thousand dollars for that ticket. That's an illegal gift in and of itself. Andrew never reported it. This developer wanted a zoning change in Sallahassee, and sure enough later he got that. There were text messages released where that FBI agent is texting the main lobbyist buddy of Andrew saying, really appreciate Mayor coming through. Why wasn't arrested? Isn't that buying influence and corruption? Well, there's an ongoing investigation. I mean, that's the thing. I think that we don't know what's going to happen because this has been going on for quite some time. They've been gathering a lot of evidence. Andrew also, the same lobbyist that arranged in New York junk Get paid for a four nights stay in a luxury Costa Rica villa for Andrew Gillum. Andrew didn't pay a dime of that. And then Andrew turned around and gave that lobbyist a two million dollar contract to do a restaurant in the city of Tallahassee. Now we know in addition to the thousand dollar ticket that the agent gave to Gill him, the FBI agent also underwrote a forty three hundred dollar dinner for Andrew's campaign that was never reported, which it needs to be. And so the question is, and you can't report it after the fact, that's just basically covering your tracks a C. Y A. So you don't get reported at all. The only reason we know about it is because there's an Ethics Commission investigation of Gilham and in response to those subpoenas, one of the lobbyist attorneys released it to the public. So dollars and then at least a thousand dollars for Hamilton's Andrew says he's not under investigation. But Sean, you tell me what other reason what an undercover agent have to do those things if he wasn't investigating Mayor Andrew gill him. Well, let me ask you to two days ago. It was the Politico that reported that apparently his running mate, you know, claimed that quote Jews nailed him to the cross and read the text message to you know, apparently it's now out there many you know, people in South Florida apparently are pretty angry at this remark, and which seems pretty anti Semitic to me. Is he standing by this? Look? I think it's reprehensible. Andrew Gillham picked this guy knowing that he had done that. But here's the thing about Andrew Gillim. He has aligned himself with some of the most anti Israel and anti submitted groups in Florida, including this radical group called the Dream Defenders, which is a leader in the boycott, divest and sanctioned movement targeting Israel. They actually say Israel's a genocidal, apartheid state. And so that's one of Andrew's strongest supporters. Andrew to this day opposes having our embassy in Jerusalem. He opposed he is recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. And when Uh Israel fought back against the HAMAF attacks in May h Gillum blamed Israel. He said, oh, they just use those attacks as a pretext to be able to do a disproportion in response. And what is this Dream Defenders organization that he won't disavow. They're one of the most radical organizations in Florida. They believe that the police and prisons have no place in justice and that the police needs to be defunded, they say. They say the US is the biggest bully in the history of the world, and our military needs to be cut. They if they favor replacing what they consider disaster capitalism is their words with socialist principles that are so radical and make Nicholas Maduro flush. So he signed their candidate pledge saying that he would support this radical manifesto. So that's just who he is. He believes in what they're doing. He has endorsed them personally, and uh, it would be there's a there's a tape of him, I guess that was discovered in June saying that he's pleased and proud to a sneak food to Dream Defender activists during a thirty days sleep in protest at the Florida State Capital, referring to the month long anti gun pro tests after the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman case. And I hope he keep at it and he supported them. But you're saying that they're a radical group, without question. I mean, they they are anti law enforcement, they're anti free enterprise, they're anti military. Um, they're anti Israel. I don't know. I mean like that may be a group you would want to be aligned with if you were running for the mayor of the Gaza Strip, but not for governor of Florida. Wow. Well, let's go over a little bit of his his background and the proposals that he's making, because I think it's fairly extreme. Number one, he was endorsed by Bernie Sanders. That speaks volumes to me. There's a lot of outside money reports that he's getting money from left wing billionaires like George Soros. To George Soros really spend one point two million in this race in Florida to help him? Oh yeah, I'm probably much more than that at this point. Yeah. He says that he supports Medicare for all. I am a champion of treating healthcare and as a right, not a privilege. So he wants what nationalized healthcare his The bill he supports would abolished Medicare and Medicare advantage for seniors and forced them on a single payer government plan. It would eliminate everybody's employer based coverage and force them on a government single plan. So it would really up end the arrangements of millions and millions of Floridians. And he thinks it's appropriate for government to take away health benefits that people have earned and to force them to be on this single payer plan. I think that'd be a disaster. He wants to raise the corporate tax rate of increase. Well, what's that gonna what's the impact that's gonna have on Florida businesses and Florida workers. If the businesses pack up and leaf, we will lose jobs, We will lose businesses. And we're also I mean, you know, Sean, because everyone who works in high tech states, they're always thinking about relocating to Florida. And we have a historic opportunity to really capitalize on that when I'm governor. But if Andrew has his way, he'll stop the flow of investment coming in Florida because people are going to invest if you have the highest tax rate in the southeast. And actually he would raise it to be higher than New York. And he also was the first Democratic candidate nation nation wide. I read to call for the abolishment of ice. Is that true? He supports abolishing ice and impeaching President Trump, and he wants to eliminate Florida's standard ground law. Yes, he wants to impose on law abiding Floridians a duty to retreat, so somebody, if a criminal is attacking you, you have to run and try to hide rather than fight back. He also supports legalizing drugs in Florida, like marijuana and others. Yes, he does. Well, I mean, it looks like he is Bernie Sanders on steroids down there. I mean, I've got to believe with this controversial background, it looks like almost the phenomenon that the media is just pushing for him and pushing for him, and you know, his record. I only spent about a half hour and I was able to dig it up. It wasn't that hard to find. And it seems like most of the media is ignoring who he really is well, without question, I mean, the day he won the primary, particularly the national media, you know, they've tried to elevate him and try to make him into this great candidate. Um. They do not like to scrutinize his record. The fact that those documents got released after he lied in the debate last Sunday, the media has kind of had to cover that. But at the end of the day. He has been given very kid glove treatment, So it really false to me and other folks to go out and make the case and let people know. And the good news is is when Floridians figure that out, they definitely don't want him as their governor. And so we're going to keep making the case for the next week. I'm worried about our friends. Not only the recovery thoughts and prayers go to all our friends in the Panhandle, um, but the panhandles so many people whose lives have been upended and disrupted, and some people losing pretty much everything they own and they've now moved out. The Panhandle happens to be one of the most conservative areas of Florida. Are you concerned the people from the Panhandle are going to be able to get their hands on a ballot absentee or otherwise or maybe be part of early voting. Is Florida doing anything to assist and help those people that have been displaced that would want to vote in this election because Florida is their home. They're doing a lot everything from mobile voting sites to accommodations for apps and tee ballots. You know, the bad news is as you said it with a terrific storm. The good news is, I think all but about fifteen thousand homes are going to have power by the weekend, which we weren't sure it could happen that quickly. Um. And I know the rest of the folks, there's accommodations being made, so uh, they are resilient people in the Panama City area. Um. And I know a lot of them do want to vote and so they'll have the opportunity to do it. Yeah. Um. And the devastation once again to the people there. How long do you look at rebuilding that part of Florida and some people look like a tornado had wiped it out. Yeah. Look, I mean it's it's gonna take time. Obviously with me coming in as governor, I'm gonna have to to deal with it and take off where Rick left off. I will say though, Um, had that gone forty ailes west, the population would have been much bigger. Um. So there is damage, and it's extensive damage, but I think as damage in a relatively limited areas. There's a couple of areas that got hit pretty good. So we know what we gotta do, and I think we'll be able to go in um and do what we are The President has committed to doing any repairs necessary for Tindall Air Force Base, which is an important active duty site for US. So I'm really pleased that that is going to be fixed. I gotta take a quick break. We'll come back more with Florida gubernatorial candidate, Congressman Rhonda Santis on the other side. Right as we continue with former Congressman now gubernatorial candidate the all important state of Florida, Rhonda Santis going up against radical leftist Bernie supporter Andrew Killhum. Just as way of background, you did go to Harvard. How many years did you serve your country? I was active duty for five years in the U. S. Navy, you know, um, you know. I look at Florida now, they had a little bit of a red tide problem. Is that something that happens cyclically over long periods of time occasionally, so yeah, it's natural. I think the issue we've had is with Lake Okachobee. The Army Corps of Engineers discharges some of this polluted water into the rivers, and so like the Loosa Hatchie River goes into the area where you where you live in southwest Florida, and I think what happened was some of those nutrients mixed with the red tide and exacerbated, so we we got it bad. Doth Less, Florida got it really, really bad. So I'm committed to making sure that we're combating that stopping the discharges. But in order to do that, you've got to work constructively with the Trump administration because a lot of that is state federal partnerships. I'll be able to do that. Gilham wants to impeache Trump, so I don't know how the hell he's going to be able to work with them on any of this. So I think any of those problems we have understand. But I understand it's gotten a lot better since it's I guess the early part of the spring and summer this year. A lot of it's gone away, right, so some I mean quite frankly, Michael washed some of it um you know, out, and so it's not as as it wise, for sure, but it really there was a two months stretch there in southwest Florida where people were just getting hammered. It was a nasty stench of fish kill that hurt our economy and tourism. So we need to do whatever we can, but a lot of it is the fault, you know, the federal governments are discharging you know, all this polluted water into the river. Rhonda Santis is running for governor the great State of Florida. Rick Scott running for Senator down there. Uh it is one of the most important states of Florida, always is um. Business tax by Andrew Gillum would be a disaster economically for Florida. I hope people awaken up to that fact. Um. And you are you have. You're in the middle of early voting now and absentee voting obviously goes on, and one week from today we'll find out, hopefully that you're the next governor of Florida. Otherwise I think I'm unpacking, uh my bags and I'm gonna pull out of Florida and I'll gope looking at Texas. No offense to my friends in Florida. And I look, I mean, we're gonna be square. You're gonna if you're gonna increase business to forget it. I'm out. I know, I know now that's exactly right. So we're gonna get it done. I think the folks understand that. And uh, you know when I'm governor will be able to build up I got a role track record here. Rhonda Santas for governor in Florida, thank you for being with us. Seven days to go until election day. Best election coverage continues. They say Maxine, please don't say impeachment anymore. And when they say that, I say impeachment. Impeachment in terms of the bonus that Corporate America received versus the crumbs that they are giving workers to kind of put the shoves on is so pathetic. They should once and for all work with us to improve the Affordable Care Act and renounce repeal once and for all. As well. We've got to critically re examine ICE and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing, and need to probably think about starting from scratch. We should protect families that need our help, and that is not what ICE is doing today. And that's why I believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it, Belie. That's what a local newspaper called Katie Hills campaign. It reported on her campaigns, lies, misrepresentations and relentless attacks. It's time for civility. Enough is enough, Like you. I'm sick and tired of the political rhetoric from my opponent. It's meant to scare voters. So I want to tell you exactly what I believe. I'm Steve Knight, and I believe So Security and Medicare must be protected. I believe our seniors have earned and deserved these benefits, and I believe that our veterans should get the best care available. That's why I fight for our seniors and our veterans every day. Steve Knight served our country in the United States Army, spent eighteen years as an officer with the Los Angeles Police Department, and still lives in Palmdale, where he and his wife, Lily raised their two sons. Named one of the most bipartisan members of Congress, Steve Knight works across party lines to get resol for our community. From protecting Social Security and Medicare to standing up for veterans, Steve Knight fights for us. I'm Steve Knight, and I approved this message alright now. Until the top of the hour, that was the ad for Congressman Steve Knight California's twenty five district, and there's been an influx by the way. Uh, he's been in office, by the way since running against a Democratic challenger, Katie Hill, and a ton of money. Now we see millions of millions of dollars coming from former New York City Mayor Bloomberg, who is supporting all of the Democratic candidates in California. And why not, I mean Governor Brown is doing such a bang up job for the people of that state. Anyway, he joins us. Now, Congressman, how are you showing? I'm doing well? Thanks for having me on. I have identified myself about six seven races, especially in southern California, Daryl Issa's old seat, Dana Rohrbacher's seat, uh, Duncan Hunter's seat, that really are seeing a fortune in your seat thrown at them in terms of these are really being targeted as tipping point races in terms of the balance of power in Washington one week from today, how much money is being thrown at against you and towards your opponent. Well, I think I go back to that old old commercial for hot Sauce and say New York City, because that's what's happening in my district. New York is throwing a ton of money out here. I think We're now number one in California for most money being spent in a congressional district. That's not something I I wanted, but that's what I got. And uh, but we're running, well, we're we're doing what we do. You know, what do you what do you think the Culls are Well, listen, the bottom line is that's throwing money and they're running negative ads because negative ads work and money helps get out the vote. You know, they'll use that for you know, people knocking on doors, they'll use it to text people, they use it to reach out a hundred different ways. And I put you out and decided disadvantage. Now, I kind of believe in freedom of speech and spending one's money. The way they want is freedom of speech. But why Michael Bloomberg, former New York City mayor, is so obsessed with California's congressional races. Obviously he doesn't like Donald Trump. Well, I think that's probably the reason, but he's also looking at districts that he thinks he can he can do something there. Uh, this is this has been held by a Republican for a very long time, and uh, we're gonna win this seat. But yeah, there's Uh, it's an unbelievable amount of money that's coming in here. It's it's gotten to assassuration point now and people are just so upset. I think people get set up with it and they tune it out like I do. I mean, they're not gonna listen to it anymore. They go from their mailbox to the trash can and then they bring there at their bills and their other mail home. Um, and it's it's just so much out here right now. You can't turn on your TV, you can't go to your mailbox, don't do anything now. Do you have enough money You're elf to fight back on who you are? You know, we're putting out our message. We're putting out our message on what I've done and how we've accomplished things for this district and people like that. So that's that's what we're going to continue to do. How do you feel about these other races, Duncan Hunter, Roar Backer, ICE's old seat, the other you know, Southern California districts that targeting, How do you feel about those six because that could be the tipping point one week from today. Well, I tell people all the time, you know, Southern California is uh is the hot spot right now, and it's it's because, uh, you know, the two people that are looking to be Speaker in the next session are from California, and uh, so they're looking at these seats. But I actually think we're going to do well. I really do. I think Mimi's doing well. I think Dana is doing well. Um, it's it's going to come down to the candidate though, that's gonna have to pull it through for themselves. UM. A lot of money is coming in. There's been a lot of help, and I appreciate all the help, but the candidates really gotta pull it through. Alright, Well, we wish all the best in your race. Uh, Congressman Steve Knight. Again, if you're in southern California, if you're in the uh you know, seem Valley area, if you're in the Fresno area, the Bakersfield area, you know, we've been out there a number of times. Those are all important seats and uh that could tip the balance of power in d C. And that's why all that money is being flooded into there. Anyway, We'll watch your race very closely, Uh, Steve Knight, California's twenty five district. Thanks for being with us. Thank you, Sean, appreciate it. All right, let's get to our busy phones. One Seawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. All right. Andrew is in Albany, New York, w g Y Andrew High. How are you? And by the way, Albany is like a sewer until its own in terms of every single high powered Albany politician or every friend of theirs ends up getting indicted. I've never seen anything like it in my life. It's so corrupt. It's so corrupt. The polls and I'm looking at the New York Times webside, they're live polling. I don't think that it's biased. I think that it's skewed based on who's you know, answering the phone. No one, And I'm looking at Pennsylvania one on a computer right now. No one is answering in the Northern district, first congressional district for Pennsylvania. There's no one answering. There's no one else, and it's all skewed towards down close to Philadelphia. I think the pathric wins that race. I'm not just sure exactly what you say explain that again. Do you think the polls are inaccurate? I agree, yeah, And I think it's just scws based on who's answering, because a lot of the district for Pennsylvania first is most of the Republican vote there is in the northern section, northeast section, right on the border with New York, right and there's no one answering the phone up there. Yet it's almost skewed towards the bottom, towards Philadelphia. Oh, that's a big mistake I think on the Pennsylvania Republican Party's part um. We had a congressman on earlier this week from Lehigh Valley, and you know, look everywhere. Here's the bottom line. It doesn't matter where you live. We are putting some importance on some of these New York races, Minnesota races, California races, but the bottom line is all four d and thirty five members of Congress are upper reelection. Well, we need a majority. It doesn't have to be a big majority, but if you can win the majority and pick up the Senate seats, I think we can pick up hold the Senate seats that need to be held, then it could be a very good night one week from now. But I am telling everybody, if, in my opinion right now, Republicans of plus three for the Senate, they'd add three senators. But I also would say that in the House, I'd say it's probably on paper looking at poll paper, and I'm hesitant to say this, but just analyzing the races, analyzing all of the new candidates, you know, in forty five retirements in this time, um, I would say it's it's it's probably plus five, maybe ten Democrat with the toss ups, because right now the Democrats have two and five locked in races for the House, the Republicans two. Now, the problem is the toss ups are almost all Republicans, so you're gonna have to run the table on those. We put all that information, the most important, the top thirty that we picked and identified. It's easily you know, you can find it easily at Hannity dot com. Yeah. Absolutely, And I don't know. I'm looking at it. I made like a toss up right now on my compute. I'm looking at a toss up that I made. I have it with the toss up down, but a lot more seats. Yeah, Look, let me give you one anecdotal piece of evidence. We know in t Steen that the eggs of poles showed and all the polls leading up to the election show Donald Trump wasn't gonna win, and the eggs of poles came out of five fifteen and it said he lost everything. Florida gone, North Carolina gone, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin gone. And the same thing happened to two thousand and four. Five. The media was ready to declare John Kerry the next president. Thank god, that didn't happen. Uh in a mid term if we go back, remember it was forecast as a close Senate race, but the GOP won nine Senate seats. I mean, they were wrong. So um, I say this with caution, caution. You know, probably the best thing people could do is realize that if you don't want Nancy Pelosi speaker, if you don't want Chuck Schumer to be the Senate majority leader, then just go vote and do all you can do in your power. At the end of the day, we'll deal with whatever mess if we get one that we're gonna have to deal with. You know, there are three outcomes on Tuesday Night, one week from today. One is Republicans gain seats in the Senate hold the House. That's the best case scenario. One is a split decision. They gain seats in the Senate, they lose the House, Nancy Pelosi speaker. The worst case scenario, it's Speaker Pelosi Senate Majority Leader Schumer. So you know, we have the power to make that not happen. Right now, it all matters whether or not you're gonna motivate your friends, whether you're gonna get to the polls, whether you like the progress, do you think you're better off than your were two years ago, all the important issues we talk about, you know what, it matters, or we're gonna have two years of endless investigations, possible impeachment. We're gonna have the rescinding of our tax cuts by the Democrats. Uh, We're gonna have open borders, sanctuary cities, eliminate ice, uh, and keep Obamacare. Every everybody's I mentioned earlier is running against running on healthcare on the Democratic side. I'm like, you're the same people that ruin the health care system with three big lies. Keep your doctor, keep your plan, and pay less. So my advice is, you know, let's go out there and everybody fight hard, if everybody does their part, if everybody listening to my voice goes out and vote, and if you understand a vote for any House Democrats of vote for Pelosi, any Democratic Senate vote is a vote for Sumer, then we should have a pretty good night a week from now. But the best part is that we live in a country where you get to decide that where every American now has the power to decide anyway. Um, I hope that's hopeful. One Shawn told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We're gonna get a little into the whole issue of what held how big an issue health care is uh for this campaign. Rhonda Santa scubernatorial candidate was on with us earlier. He was really good today and we have a great Hannity tonight at nine on the Fox News Channel. I hope you'll join us for that quick break right back will continue as we head back to our phones. Barry is in the Great State of Tennessee, where Philip Pretticon's team was caught on tape saying he thinks the people of Tennessee are ignorant and he thinks he can light to the people of Tennessee. Anyway, what's going on? How are you, sir? I'm doing well. Uh. I did want to tell you the word mob isn't the word that comes into mind when I was at the Marsha Blackburn events Sunday. The word orchestrated is what comes to mind. One person popped up and started yell and placed out, whether than a person on the other side of the room popped up, started yell and they got down. It's almost like they took turns and just being escorted out and doing while they're yelling. And I was in the venue, so I didn't see everything in the parking lot. I just saw that later the night that night and the next day on TV like everybody else, even a lady in a wheelchair started yelling and got escorted out. And this is something that Tennessee, the local paper didn't reflect or tail. When I left the event that day and turned left going out of the parking lot, there she was standing in the parking lot with a lot of the other people that were in the venue that were on their side. There she was standing by a minivan. It's completely orchestrated. They're causing the mob mentality and the mob rolls stuff, but they are extremely orchestrated that well, look we know that because we see that, and those are the marching orders from Corey Spartacus Booker and Maxine Waters and others, and um, they want to disrupt. You notice nobody on the left criticize as the mob, but boy, they'll race to blame it, Blame Trump when a Trump hater goes in and kills innocent people at this synagogue. And it's very sick, ugly twisted and abusively biased. But you have a say in seven days. That's the best part. Marsha is a great candidate. Thank you, Barry. Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the prom coming up next, our final news round up and information overload, our al right news round up, Information overload, our Shawn Hannity Show eight nine four one shot, and if you want to be a part of the program. Uh project Veritas dot com has struck again. They've done an amazing job exposing well the hypocrisy, the lies, the misinformation and propaganda campaigns being run by top Senate candidates all around the country. Now we go to the great state of Arizona. I don't even know why this race at this particular point in time is even close. I really don't. Now you've got a war hero by the name of Martha McSally twenty eight years. She has served this country twenty eight years, six tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. And as she says, while her opponent was, you know, wearing a pink tutu and and organizing anti war protesters. Now she's also christen cinema. The Democrat called her own state the meth lab of democracy. We found tape of that. She called Arizona voters crazy. She said that Arizona is only famous in a Lindsay Lohan kind of way. And right after nine eleven she said it's okay. She has no problem with Americans joining our enemy, the Taliban, to fight. She literally said it, while Martha McSally's risking her life, you know, think about that tonight. And she even promoted an event at Arizona State University featuring a radical lawyer who was representing the Blind Shake. Anyway, now they have been caught on tape once again, Project Veritas. This is their fourth strike this election cycle, and I'm gonna play it for your cinema joking that banning guns in Arizona, people will shoot you, and then saying, believe it or not, that she can't talk about gun control or immigration. Notice how every one of the Democrats can't tell you what they really think or how they really feel. Then a cinema staff are saying, well, she can't be too progressive so she can get moderate votes. So, in other words, they're all faking who they are so you vote for them. And a cinema staff are saying that cinema will be liberal if elected. They're saying it. And then of course Cinema now saying you, oh, you can't trust Project Veritas. Uh Veritas is convicted criminals. Uh, there's no trusting what your own eyes show you. Anyway, let's play these tapes. You might say, bear guns and California all like, yeah, guns out here, you'll actually shoot here. You cann't be talking about in No, we can't right, can't do it, so we can't talk about right. So what dot com like the conversation that she can lead is how do we get to a place where we can pron checks right when we fix that system. Unfortunately, right now, what's happening is everyone is so into their corner. No one is actually is anything on immigrations. She is pro choice, she's very liberal, she's progressive, but she doesn't in this election. I want to draw to much attention to being progressive because she's trying to be more so, why I think she took so much democratic help to otherwise she went on one also, Yeah, like she can't be too progressive or something because she has to capture all the moderate voters. Arizona is a red state. Technically, Yeah, we're trying to a very important state for this election. So I guess that's that she doesn't really go hold on on the lot all of them. That's why she goes like we're good for I'm good for Arizona. That's usually what she's like all about Arizona. When I was at your house, and then when I brought up the gun control, she said, out here, they would suit you for bringing that up. But I thought, so is she gonna do anything about it? It couldn't be a couldn't be a platform. You would never you know, I don't want to be a platform, but just want to I have to assume that you'll be over Toma, so voting, like if rolls are those guys are voting for the Sault Weapons band, she's gonna be on their side with the Do you think she would she loves, she won't care support. So the district is competitive. It's not a slam Dunck Democrat district down so she's got she's gotta be. Yeah, So if you don't be in down here, you won't win that, right. I think that's it. Sometimes I just can't be concerned. It's just not left enough because she's still on our side or what. Yeah, I think she's okay. I think she is. I mean, you know, she was a pretty liberal. Uh that's not a way to win it to speed. I don't think she could work out. So on this day, you just gotta say what you gotta say. Yes, do you think she's everyone off? Not as liberal as we but she probably is in her heart, but she still survived and get elected to gotta so with everything that I want, she's gonna vote everything but my assault Wepton band have the thing. I think that's I think that's pretty usonable. And there's something that just came out yesterday, uh Project Veritas, which is known for using hidden cameras you know, and those guys are convicted criminals well to capture, but they do go and they capture people saying things that sometimes they're they probably wouldn't say in public, they say in private instead. And the video that they put out yesterday this is not great. Uh. It's Lauren from which Project Veritas says is a field organizer for your campaign. First off, is Lauren from part of your team? In second? Is she telling the truth? Are you a progressive? And are you just acting moderate to get elected? I don't know who Lauren is, so I can't answer that question. Um. But when they say she's a field organizer for your campaign, well, let's take everything they say with a grain salt. Conducted criminals. Oh really? Well, joining us now to answer that question is Project Veritas dot com CEO and founder of Project Veritas James O'Keefe, Mr o'caife. How are you, sir? I mean good? But that's that's outrageous, um, sean that that she doesn't know who this person is and that and that you should take her with a grain of salt. There's a picture of her this Jim Sharp, who's a local radio host in Arizona Post that tweeted today Lauren from standing with her boss uh saying that she can't be who she really is, and Cinema's responses to attack me called me a criminal, called me a criminal, and say that I should take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm reporting she's a field organizer. That's who she is. She's paid to work for Christian Cinema. And the Senate candidate is attacking me on the heels of Senator mccaskell, calling me fraud. Say it's fraud for me to report what these folks are saying. And if it was a fraud, then you wouldn't You would be a criminal and you would be in jail. But you go into states, you know what the laws are. It's one party consent. You get these people on tape and they don't like what you report because what you've ex supposed with Philipretticon in Tennessee and his staff, and Clamor Caskell and her staff in Missouri, and Heidei Camp and her staff in North Dakota, and now Kristen Cinema who thinks it's okay to join the Taliban in Arizona, is the same thing. Is that they're lying to their constituents. They're running a propaganda campaign and they're acting like they are purposely misleading the people of their states to make them think they're moderates when they're anything but. And they're all all the people working for them are in on the quote secret, which is don't tell the voters and those crazy voters in the meth capital of the world, uh meth lab A Democrats see Arizona, the state known in a famous way that in a Lindsay Lohan kind of way, don't let him know the truth. Just you know, say what you need to say, lie and then be a liberal as soon as you're elected. Yeah. And this video Sean shows a number of her staff as it also shows Cinema herself. This is inside of a posh fundraiser for Cinema and she says that that that the people of Arizona would shoot you if you talked about assault weapons band. Her own campaign manager, her own This is not a low level person. The person who runs her campaign says, quote, we can't be talking about an assault weapons band. That we need this incremental approach for gun control. We have two different staffers, both one of whom uh Cinema is saying that you should take with a grain of salt. What that I'm reporting that she works for her when in fact it is a fact that she does. The staff wishes she can't be who she really is. Another staffer, SNAr is her name, Madison SNAr says, quote Cinema is gonna stand up and protect Arizona values, whatever the f that means, unquote. So they're mocking the idea, they're mocking the idea of the staffers that Cinema ought to represent the state that she's supposed to be the senator for that they're they're mocking the idea that she should be appealing to moderate people and representing the people of Arizona. And they're doing so in this video, and Cinema has now responded attacking me and and obvious skating the fact that these folks work for her. It's pretty pretty extraordinary, Sean. And it's blowing up locally here as I speak, Well, it's bigger than they've It's blown up locally in Tennessee, Missouri, North Dakota and now Arizona. Um. I guess you know, Jim Sharp, who was the head of the program, didn't know a whole lot about the project. And and but he's followed up on the story and apparently found that she liked to him directly, which doesn't surprise me at all that you make any comment about that. You know, it's interesting Sharp is tweeting about it. It is what he said. Of course, even if she does work for her that done, it doesn't mean that Cinema knows her personally. But hmm. And then Sharp tweet the picture of Lauren from this this worker for Cinema standing with Cinema in this picture. We've got to tweet out the picture now because you know we've got a copy of it. I mean, they're standing like they're best friends. But but you know, there's a greater issue here, Sean, and that's people are attacking me and my methods here. And I just want to just for fifteen seconds about this, that that it's wrong to record people in their own words. This is a Senate election, and these people are saying some pretty extraordinary things. They're saying they have to lie, they're saying they have to mislead, they can't be who they are. And and mccaskell, who came out and said that that I committed fraud, let me be clear, okay, uh. If what we do reporting what people say when we're next to them is fraud, then you know we'd have to be one to allow restaurants to sue restaurant critics who frequently dined out undercover for trespass. We have to landlords who have to sue fair housing testers umho, and stores who you sup rousers. I'm a little older than you, James, but that's how sixty minutes made their mark in television. Mike Wallace was known for this. Sixty minutes was known for this, to quote, ambush interview and this isn't even an ambush undercover, but they did. They did undercover, and they did ambush interviews where they run in and they weren't expecting cameras. It's all legal. They just don't like being caught. That's what they're angry at. It's about power, about power, it's about stay right there, instigate and who allowed to expose. Yeah, well that's true. Quick break right back more with James O'Keefe. Project Veritas dot com is the website. It's up on Hannity dot com. And if this doesn't impact the people of Arizona, I don't know what will All right as we continue. James O'Keefe he's with He's the founder of Project Veritas dot com. This is now his fourth in a series. First it was Phil Brettison Tennessee. Then it was Claire McCaskill Missouri, than Heidi hi Camp North Dakota. And I actually think this is one of the most powerful and catching Kristen Cinema and her staff on tape saying that she is a liberal progressive, but she's not going to tell the people of Arizona such I'm having a hard time understanding after your tapes. Well, they're just really getting into the bloodstream now in Arizona. But calling Arizona's crazy, calling Arizona the meth lab of democracy, saying Arizona is famous in a Lindsay Lohan sort of way, that it's okay for Americans to go fight for the Taliban after nine eleven and Martha McSally served her country, who's running against her for twenty eight years, six tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. She's running anti war protests while she's risking her life. I don't even know why this election is close, especially with these new videos. This should be it for Kristen Cinema. Well, Sean, these quotes are pretty outrageous. And and this this this whole meth lab of democracy quote in the video, the staffers agree with that comment. Again, this is the stafford. Madison SNAr is her name. She's a field organizer with Cinema, and she says that she's gonna stand up and protect Arizona value is whatever the f that means, implying that the yeah Arizonas are crazy and uh. And Cinema has come out saying that she wants you to take with a grain of salt my reporting. These people work for her, So they either work for her or they don't. Now I've actually talked us. I went to Arizona and I talked to SNAr. I I knocked on the door and had a microphone out in the open and and and Snark talked to me for thirty seconds and said that what she said was glib, but she stands by her comments. So these senators are now lying about not only are they lying about what they have to do to collected, but they're lying after they're caught denying these people even work for them. It's it's just crazy. The reactions of these people that are going to govern us? It really is. It's absolutely nuts, all right. The next big question I always ask is there more to come? Yes, there is in tomorrow. Actually, um so always always Sean, we're going from state to state here, it's it's it's pretty easy pickings actually when there's such a huge difference between who you project yourself and who you actually are and how you intend to govern. So we're going to release another one tomorrow. Does it have to do with the U. S. Senate again? What this one has to do with the Senate and the governor's race in Uh? Does that mean we're going to Florida? You have to you have to find out tomorrow. You are you laughing because I'm right? Or you're laughing because I'm intuitive and smart? You're you're, you're you're maybe all maybe all of the above, maybe maybe all of the above. Uh. Well, listen, I think these are having a big impact. Clearly, the local markets now picking up in all these cases. Um, And would you think of suing when there's a libel made against you? That's such a decision that my lawyers are talking about, because this is getting out of control fraud. I'm a criminal, Uh, when if you look at history, people have done this everywhere all of the time, and one Pulitzers and and it's done by every one over the last hundred years. I have to figure out what I'm going to do here. I think at some point there's gonna be a change. People are getting used to these techniques and we're going to live in a society where tomorrow Project Veritas dot com, Hannity dot com. All right, we'll be looking forward to tomorrow's tape as well, and we'll continue our our airing of these thanks to James O'Keefe. We appreciate it. Seven days to go to election day. Said this once or twice, but it bears repeating. And you can keep your plan if you're satisfied with it. If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like your plan and you like your doctor, you won't have to do a thing. You keep your plan. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. If you've got health insurance, you can keep it. If you like your health care plan, you will keep your plan. If you've got health insurance, do you like your doctor, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance. If you like your doctor or health care plan, you can keep it. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan if you like so. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your plan, keep your plan. If you like your current insurance, you will keep your current insurance. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you're happy with what you got, nobody's changing it. And if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. And if you like, if you want to pay less, you can pay less. The truth and the reality is tens of millions of Americans lost their doctors, lost their plans, and everybody paid more in spite of the lie the big promise of Obamacare. What is fascinating as we now head into the final week of this mid term election campaign is what Democrats won't talk about now. We had earlier in the program where he had Project Veritas dot Com and James o'keefon, and he's now been able to expose In Tennessee, Philiprettis in the Democrat Clama Castle, the Democrat in Missouri, Heidi high Camp, the Democrat in North Dakota, Kristen Cinema, the Democrat in Arizona. That none of these people are being honest with the people in their respective states. They don't want to border wall, they want sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, and in California they even want to take it a step further. Free healthcare for anybody, resident, nonresident, legal, illegal, doesn't matter. Gavin Newson wims out in California on top of thirteen and a half percent state income tax. Now Californians are gonna put up a sign welcome to California, the home of free healthcare. And I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen. People are gonna go to California just to get free healthcare. Great job, Gavin Newsom. Watch this implode on Californians. It's gonna be ugly, and the mass exodus out of California will even continue at a greater clip and a greater pace. You know. So, now what's happened is somehow we forgot that what eight years of Obamacare, Americans slowly beginning to forget that their premiums have gone up three in some cases. Forgetting that they only have one choice of a healthcare provider, forgetting that they lost their doctor from long ago that they really liked and wanted, and they forget that people with pre existing conditions, well, with Obamacare, you pay more higher premiums than any other plan, rate hikes that nobody ever expected. And they lied to you about people losing their doctors. That was a lie. If you like your doctor, keep your doctor. People losing their plans with no choice anymore. And this is now becoming the final week of the election. This is their talking point all across the country. They're saying, well, we're gonna we're we support healthcare, pre existing conditions. Well, the Republicans repeal place plans supported pre existing conditions. And they're trying to basically go with the narrow lie that Republicans want you to die. Republicans want dirty water, dirty air, they want to kill children, they want to throw granny over the cliff. Of course, their racist, sexist, misogynistic, and xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic. Oh and by the way, Donald Trump's responsible for the horrible shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh and Donald Trump's even though the guy that shot up the synagogue has hated Donald Trump for being so supportive of Israel. Let's not let facts get in the way of a good propaganda lie in an election year. Anyway, Republicans now are beginning to listen. And not only are they listening to the fact that repeal has to happen, but also direct primary care or what I call concierge care for every American that that this is now gaining momentum. And I've had conversations with numerous members of Congress and the Senate as we move forward, and there are a couple of plans that are percolating. One would be block granting money to state so that they can become, you know, the fifty outlets of of new innovative medicine, and they'll turn over every penny because their political futures will be dependent on it, which would be a good thing. Gavin Newsom wants universal free care for everyone, he gets X number of dollars, Good luck with that. But in states read states with smart governors, well, it can be a lot different and a lot better. You know. We we often go to the case of health care savings accounts and that would would be have your own account you manage every year, incentivize a yearly check up. In your younger years, you're building up money. It's your money. But when you get older, if you really get sick, that money, that account has built up a fortune, and you couple it with catastrophic care fairly inexpensive depending on what you're deductible is. You know you can pay as low as a hundred bucks a year and get a great catastrophic plan if you have a heart attack, at cancer, or have a bad accident in anyway. The healthcare cooperatives of Dr Josh umber has been a pet project on this program of ours now for years and he joins US Atlas m D, Wichita, Kansas. He joins US with Dr Les Gross and he's the president for Doctors for Patient Care Foundation. Thank you both for being with us, Dr Rumba. Just to remind people, if I lived in Wichita, I could walk into your office, pay you fifty bucks a month, I get unlimited care, seven, I get reduction in all of my prescription medicine costs, and my kids get unlimited care for ten bucks a month. Is that true? That's right? Every American could have concerts level of direct care just like you know, important people like Sean Hannity. Um, you know, I don't think people understand just how important this election is. Um. We see how divisive DC is, we see how much infighting there is, and we don't want those people managing our health care. Every American deserves affordable care, and the direct care model does that. Mes for opinion of pill labs for two or three dollars, a limited visits, no co pays, three procedures. We can fix this. We can work with employers and redesign insurance plans to DECREA say these previews by thirty to six. We can do that, but we need Republicans in office allowing the free market to function, because if we go back towards uh an Affordable Care Act style of Medicare for all, it would decrease our ability to really, you know, innovate in a way that is meaningful for our patients. And more importantly, Sean, you know, we're looking at a vision right now. We have two completely different visions on healthcare future. One is a completely government controlled socialized medicine where you're going to in search the government between patients and their doctors. Um, you know, I think of the Kabinaugh hearing. You know, that's how that's the same government that's going to control your healthcare. Or you have another position that is health care freedom. These are the freedom of choice between you and your physician. Uh, where your decisions are not being made by the government, by by the government. And so you know, while direct primary care is not a partisan solution, it is a solution that has been embraced by most Republicans that are running, including DeSantis who running for governor in the state of Florida. He has embraced this, you'd Gingrich has put this in his direct parmate care in his platform. So this is definitely a platform that Republicans are supporting. So if you want freedom, this is definitely the vision for him. I Mean, the thing is is it's almost mind numbing to me. And you know what, you're right, doctor Josh. I have friends of mine that are doctors. And because it's not because I pay them, to be honest, but I could pay them. I mean I do pay them in other ways and thank them when they do favors for me. But um, I will tell you that I can make a call at three o'clock in the morning any day and get a doctor's care, and get a doctor's recommendation, and and and you know what, if every American, why do why only a few Americans deserve that? Or they end up going to these dock in the box places. And I'm not downplaying them. I'm sure they play a vital role in certain towns and communities, but I don't think it's ideal because I think most people pick a doctor because they like and trust that individual and know that that person knows who they are and knows their medical background. That's important too, and everybody should be able to is that. And I think that goes back to what Dr Gross is saying about. This is a referendum on freedom. And we want freedom in our schools, in our homes and all the kind of important decisions we make. But then we've we've been missing that level of freedom when it comes to the most important decisions in healthcare. So this really is a crucial step in history where we can say, look, the free market can do this better than the government's been doing it. People aren't happy with health care system now, and meds are ten dollars Until we want freedom and healthcare, we want choice the direct care model allows every man, woman, and child pre existing conditions or not to get incredibly high quality care in an affordable way. Um. And the person it shouldn't be a parson. You know, in our practice, we have not raised our prices in eight years. We've heard sixty dollars a month for eight years for unlimited primary care services, our x rays as our m R s A two dollars. These are all affordable. So you pre existing, no pre existing condition, The question is can you actually afford to get the care you need by the doctor you need when you need it. Uh. And these direct care solutions, getting the government out of the middle of this relationship, can actually do that. So you need to embrace, you know, the people that are running for office that support the freedom and healthcare. You know, it seems that you know, it's so simple and so basic and so fundamental. And this is where I got frustrated with Republicans because they had promised repeal over placed, and they weren't ready for the moment. There's no doubt about it. Now, to the President's credit, he got rid of the individual mandate, but that's only a first step. And if every Democrat is going to go out there and say, well, we're gonna have we're gonna have better healthcare options for the American people. But in many cases they're the very same people that gave us the failure of Obamacare. When you're offering a healthcare cooperative model, you've duplicated. Now on how many practices across the country. Dr Rumber, We've helped over five fifty practices get launched, but there's over a thousands and growing every day. Um, you know, we had twenty practices start last month alone. That's a new practice every business day. Uh. Yeah. And you're having direct access every individual seven direct access to a doctor. There's no pre existing condition prejudice at all in these practices. Exactly, if you can afford a cell phone, you can afford direct patient care or primary care. There's no insurance except you probably would want to couple the direct care with like a catastrophic plan, which is fairly inexpensive. Um, you have car insurance for the big stuff. But I think you know a point that goes unmentioned is the fact that these insurance premiums are going up every year and Dr Lee and I have never raised our prices. Is killing the economy it's killing jobs, it's taking good I'm not trying to be naughty, but are you making at fifty bucks of patient you make a month that you're making any money that hasn't been acquired Yeah? Yeah. In other words, this has not been acquired by the big boxes. You know, we're able to keep the practices afloat. We're able to drive interest in primary care. We're able to treat people in the rural communities. These practices are in inner cities, there are in critical access hospitals, are critical access communities, and suburban and urban settings. Uh. And it's working. This basically the same poor people in America or people we define as poor or lower income, they can pay fifty bucks a month and they can get ahold of you two seven And if they need a Z pack, they're gonna walk out with a Z pack and pay a buck for the Z pack. Well, you know, yeah, they should be able to get that. If you think about it, the poor and sicker you are, the more you need a model like this. Might t did a study on Oregon's Medicaid system and only twenty cents on the dollar gut to the recipient. Don't believe you need to have a functioning car and consurance and gas money to get to the doctor. If you're poor, you can text your doctor, you can email them, you can call them. You don't have to leave the house necessarily because the doctors are And how many patients do you have? We have about six sevenductory pub But by the way, and I'm assuming it's like most practice there is probably most of your patients are like me, I really don't want to see you unless I really need you, unless I'm saying hello or you know, saying let's go fishing together. UM, because most people, but there's probably at least ten patients of every practice, whether they call on you every day. I'm assuming we have our high utilizers, and we have our high we have our high utilizers. We have a few pains in the ask that never stopped that you know, we factor that in UM. But part of the program, we have doctors coming from doctors from forty one states descending on our Lando this weekend to attend the conference to learn how to set up their practices after this. So you know, with over a thousand practices nationwide already practicing the direct fare model, we're looking to increase that just by thirty with one conference alone. Uh. The interest is massive and keeps on growing in as long as we put policies in place at the state and federal level that continue to allow these practice to grow and block someome Uh, you'll see this movement moving all across the country getting better access, better care for a better cost. Listen, I gotta tell you any Democrat that is telling you anything about healthcare that's not now is they're talking point, we're offering healthcare. Uh. And and Republicans won't take take care of pre existing conditions. They're lying. It's as bolded lie as keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save money. And why would you trust the people that burns you the first time? So that's their talking point in the final week of the election. And these alternatives, assuming Republicans get the Senate and hopefully the House, which is a lot tighter um, it would be an opportunity for them to adopt this model and every American could have concierge care at lower rates and we'd all be better off. All right, Dr Number And one day you're gonna charge me for coming on the program. We appreciate you joining us once again. Dr Gross, Thank you as well, if you want to go. It's Atlas m D. Every time I do that, he gets another hundred patients and I'm not sure if you can handle them all. But if I was in Wichita, you'd be my doctor. I'll tell you right now. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. One week from tonight, Election Day. We've got the best election coverage. We've got our posters tonight, John McLaughlin, Doug shown. Also, we'll be checking in with Rona McDaniel. Which races are the closest. We'll bring you up to speed in the Senate, the House, everywhere in between. Lindsey Graham and Mike DeWine will check in with us. All right, that's all happening tonight. Best election coverage on TV. Hannity, Fox News. Hope you'll join us. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow